Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
357 | BAILEY, PRICE W. | "The Personal Narrative of Price W. Bailey." |
358 | BEACH, B.F. | Seneca Falls Sixty or More Years Ago. |
359 | BEACH, W.H. | "History of Bridgeport." |
360 | CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. | The Kingdom. |
361 | CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. | "Five Pivotal Years of Our History." |
362 | COWING, JANET. | The Streets of Seneca Falls. |
363 | COWING, JANET. | "Some Early Advertisements." |
364 | DELAVAN, ELIZABETH. | Upstate Family. |
365 | DELAVAN, ELIZABETH. | Upstate Tillage. |
366 | EISENHART, EDWARD. | A Century of Seneca Falls History, Showing the Rise and Progress of a New York State Village. |
367 | GAY, JOHN S. | The Insurance Agents of Seneca Falls. |
368 | HOWLAND, ROBERT J. | "Seneca Falls Dentists, Past and Present. |
369 | JACOBY, SAMUEL. L. | Reminiscences of Seneca Falls and Seneca County, |
370 | LESTER, CAROLINE F. | Quaint Sayings and Doings of Older Seneca Falls, |
371 | LESTER, CAROLINE F. | "The Cycle of the Seneca Falls Dry-Goods Store." |
372 | LESTER, FREDERICK W. | The Junius Debating Society, |
373 | LESTER, FREDERICK W. | "The Drugstores of Seneca Falls." |
374 | LUM, DAVID B. | The Seneca Falls of David B. Lum, 1806-1875. |
375 | McKEON, MATTHEW. | The Present Seneca. Falls Police Department, |
376 | MEDDEN, FREDERICK J. | Early Police System of Seneca Falls, |
377 | MONROE, STEPHEN. | "Seneca Falls in Earlier Days." |
378 | SANDERSON, JAMES S. | Some Early Recollections of Seneca Falls, |
379 | STOWELL, HENRY. | A History of Seneca Falls, N.Y. (1799-1862). |
380 | TELLER, FRED. | "Samuel Harris and His Son John Harris." |
381 | WELCH, EDGAR L. | "Grip's Historical Souvenir of Seneca Fall, N.Y. |
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