Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
949 | Sketch of Rochester, | |
964 | The Lilac City: Live, Work & Play in Rochester, New York. | |
911 | Five O'Clock. 'Old Times Number.' | |
927 | Maplewood Community History ... | |
840 | History of Rochester Portrayed in Stamps. | |
912 | "Folklore in Rochester." | |
871 | "Two Interesting Letters." | |
797 | "Documents of Early Rochester." | |
830 | Official Programme and Souvenir of the Rochester Semi-Centennial, June 9th and 10th, 1884. | |
815 | In Honor of Nathaniel Rochester. Exercises Held at Rochester, New York, Saturday Afternoon, June Twenty-eight, Nineteen Twenty Four ... | |
951 | Horner's Rochester City Guide, and Encyclopedia of Useful Knowledge, Carefully Compiled. | |
734 | Rochester in 1827, with a Map of the village. | |
737 | Proceedings at the Annual Festivals of the Pioneers of Rochester, Held at Blossom. Hall, September 30, 1847, and October 13, 1848. | |
802 | "Map of Rochester in 1814." | |
806 | The Pioneers Days of Rochester Illustrated. | |
834 | The Book of the Rochester Centennial. | |
780 | "The City that Reaches Outward Touches Every Corner of the World: Rochester." | |
784 | "Growth of Cities in the United States." | |
831 | Celebration of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the City of Rochester. Exercises Held in Convention Fall, October Nineteen, Nineteen Hundred Nine. 1834-1909. | |
866 | "Scrantom Letters on the Beginnings of Rochester," | |
952 | Rochester City Index and Guide Book. | |
953 | Pocket Directory Containing General Information of the City of Rochester, 1891. | |
956 | Rochester Guidebook; Maps and Illustrations ... | |
957 | Eighteenth Convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers, Rochester, N.Y. Souvenir, September 4th to 9th, 1911. | |
958 | The City of Rochester and Vicinity. Where to Go, How to Go, and What to See in and About the Flower City ... | |
963 | Introducing Rochester to You. | |
960 | Introducing Rochester to You. | |
961 | Rochester, City with a Purpose. | |
878 | ABBOTT, GEORGE. | 'Mister Abbott.' |
876 | ADAMS, SAMUEL HOPKINS. | Grandfather Stories. |
833 | ADAMS. MORRIS. | "The Last Quarter of Rochester's Century on Parade; The Golden Era: 1910-1934." |
792 | ALLEN, JOHN G. | History of Rochester in Verse with Illustrations. |
877 | ANGEVINE, R. ELBERT. | Short Skyride: A Story of Golden Days in Rochester. |
778 | ARNOT, RAYMOND H. | "The City of Rochester, Illustrated." |
779 | ARNOT, RAYMOND H. | Rochester; Backgrounds of Its History." |
907 | ASH, MARTHA MONTAGUE. | "The Social and Domestic Scene in Rochester, 1840-1860." |
841 | ATWATER, MOSES. | Moses Atwater of Canandaigua, N.Y. to Samuel J. Andrews of Derby, Conn. A Packet of Letters Relating to the Early History of Rochester, 1812-14. |
772 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | "The Annexation of Brighton Village." |
773 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | "The City's Golden Age." |
775 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | "The annexation of Charlotte." |
776 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | "Canaltown:' A Focus of Historical Traditions." |
842 | BISSELL, JOSIAH W. | "Reminiscences of Early Rochester." |
843 | BLANCHARD, HIRAM LAVIRA. | "Reminiscences of McCrackenville as Related by Mrs. Hiram Lavira Blanchard." |
810 | BOOTHBY, WILLIAM B. | "Nathaniel Rochester in the Revolution." |
844 | BRADSTREET, HOBART. | The Real Diary of A Rochester Boy, 1864, ed. James H. Thompson. |
879 | BRAGDON, CLAUDE. | "Reminiscences of Rochester of the Eighties." |
880 | BROWNYARD, MARY JANE. | The Diary of Mary Jane Brownyard, ed. Theodore L. Brownyard.. |
829 | BUTLER, WILLIAM M., and GEORGE S. CRITTENDEN. | The Semi-Centennial Souvenir. An Account of the Great Celebration, June 9th and 10th, 1884. Together with a Chronological. History of Rochester, N.Y. |
908 | CASE, WHEELER G. | "In the Looking-Glass of 1834." |
845 | CHAPIN, EDWARD D. | "Recollections of Fitzhugh Street South of the Canal." |
846 | CHAPPELL, JANE M. | "Livingston Park People and Traditions." |
881 | CLUNE, HENRY W. | Main Street Beat. |
882 | CLUNE, HENRY W. | The Rochester I know. . |
781 | CLUNE, HENRY W. | "Why I Live in Rochester." |
941 | COAPMAN, DAVID. | "The Grave of Sam Patch." |
847 | COATES, HILDA A. | "Purple Passages from a Mauve Decade." |
883 | COATES, ROBERT M. | The View from Here. |
744 | CROSS, WHITNEY R. | "Creating a City: The History of Rochester from 1827 to 1834." |
884 | DANFORTH, Mrs. Henry G. | "Rochester's Gay Nineties." |
962 | DARCY, MARTHA HARBRECHT. | Living in Rochester. |
782 | DAVIS, JOHN E. | "Here's Rochester, New York." |
909 | DENGLER, DOROTHY. | "Tales of Buried Treasure in Rochester." |
741 | DEVOY, JOHN, comp. | Rochester and the Post Express. A History of the City of Rochester from the Earliest Times; The Pioneers and Their Predecessors--Frontier Life in the Genesee Country--Biographical Sketches; with a Record of the Post Express. |
811 | DEWEY, CHARLES A. | "Nathaniel Rochester: Patriot-Pioneer-Founder." |
885 | DIENSTAG, ELEANOR. | Whither Thou Goest: The Story of an Uprooted Wife. |
942 | DORSON, RICHARD M. | "Sam Patch, Jumping Hero." |
943 | DORSON, RICHARD M. | "The Story of Sam Patch." |
944 | DORSON, RICHARD M. | "The Wonderful Leaps of Sam Patch." |
910 | DOW, HARRIET BROWN. | "Rochester, the City of Beginnings." |
848 | FARLEY, PORTER. | "Rochester in the Forties." |
745 | FENNEMORE, GEORGE. | "The Growth of a City: The History of Rochester from 1839 to 1843." |
839 | FLORACK, BERNARD H. | "Rochester/Monroe County Almanac, 1776-1976." |
886 | FLORENCE, LOUISE. | "Sunday at the Glen House: A Letter of 1880 Describing the Simple Pleasure of Early Rochester Life," ed. Landis Smith. |
743 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. | Centennial History of Rochester, New York. 4 vols. |
812 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. | Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series, 3 (1924), 368-85. |
836 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | Annals of Rochester. |
813 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. | "Discovery of an Audubon Portrait of Col Nathaniel Rochester." |
916 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "One of the Famous Falls of Rochester." |
814 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. | "Rochester; Its Name and Its Founder." |
913 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | The First White Child Born in Rochester. |
914 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "The East Avenue Swamp." |
915 | FOREMAN, EDWARD R. | "Judge Lynn and Venus." |
849 | FREEMAN, ASHER. | The Autobiography of Asher Freeman, ed. Blake McKelvey. |
887 | GERLING, CURT. | Smugtown, U.S.A. |
888 | GERLING, CURT. | Good Enough for Grandpa ... |
889 | GERMANOW, HARRY. | Harry Germanow, My Own Story. |
890 | GOLER, FRANK H | Random Recollections of the Eighties. |
891 | GOLER, FRANK H | "Rochester of the Seventies." |
892 | GOLER, FRANK H | "Rochester Street Scenes in the Eighties." |
893 | GOLER, FRANK H | "Main Street: In Retrospect." |
850 | GRANGER, ELI. | "Diaries of 1796-1797," ed. Margaret Toth. |
783 | GREELEY, HORACE. | "Editorial Correspondence." |
917 | GREER, EMMA POLLARD. | "Saved from the Lake." |
798 | GREER, EMMA POLLARD. | "Home Builders of Old Charlotte." |
799 | HAMIL, FRED C. | "Ebenezer Allan in Canada." |
918 | HANFORD, FRANKLIN. | "On the Origins of the Names of Places in Monroe County, New York." |
919 | HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. | "Panorama of Social Rochester." |
920 | HANNAN, S.F. | Old Times and Old Timers of Now and Fifty Years Ago in Rough and Ready Rhyme ... |
921 | HARRIS, JULIA HUGHES. | "Early Births in Rochester." |
851 | HATCH, JESSE W. | "Memories of Village Days: Rochester, 1822 to 1830." |
852 | HAUSHALTER, Mrs. Michael. | "Some Side Squints on Old Rochester." |
894 | HITCHCOCK, S. EDWARD. | 'My First Visit to Rochester." |
922 | HOLTON, GLADYS REID. | "Notes on Social History of Early Rochester." |
800 | HOOKER, ELON H. | "Memories of Carthage." |
801 | HOOKER, SUSAN H. | "The Rise and Fall of Carthage." |
895 | HOSMER, HOWARD C. | No Pure Delight: A Newspaper Columnists' Scrapbook. |
853 | HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. | "Old East Avenue Days." |
785 | HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. | "Tale of Three Cities: Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo." |
786 | HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. | The Personality of American Cities. |
923 | JANTON, VICTOR. | "Rennes: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future." |
855 | JOHNSON, ROSSITER. | The Grandest Playground in. the World. Delivered before the Rochester historical Society, April 15, 1918. |
856 | JOHNSON, ROSSITER. | "Excerpts from the Diary of Rossiter Johnson." |
945 | KAVANAGH, KATHLEEN M. | "The Limited Fame of Sam Patch." |
896 | KENDRICK, RYLAND M. | "One Impression of Rochester in the Nineties." |
857 | LANGWORTHY, LYMAN B. | Desultory Notes and Reminiscences of the City of Rochester; Its Early History, Remarkable Men and Events, Strange Revelations, of the Murders, Mysteries, and Miseries, Casualties, Curiosities and Progress of the Young and Growing City, for the Last Fifty Years. By an Octogenarian. |
787 | LEVEY, STANLEY. | "The Cities of America: Rochester, N.Y." |
926 | MAINE, HENRY C., ed. | Rochester in History, with Portraits and Our Part in the World War. |
788 | MASON, GRACE SARTWELL. | Rochester: The Flower City. A City, Likewise, of Clean Milk, Social Centers and Progress in Many Directions." |
899 | McKAIG, THOMAS H. | "Boyhood Memories of the 'Ditch.'" |
897 | McKAIG, THOMAS H. | "Jerry." |
753 | McKELVEY , BLAKE. | "Touring Backwards: A 'Visit to Rochester in 1818, and Again in 1838." |
754 | McKELVEY , BLAKE. | 'Rochester's Mid-Years: Center of Genesee Country Life: 1854-1884. |
756 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Economic Stages in the Growth of Rochester. |
757 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Water Power City Overflow, or Leaves from an Historian's Notebook." |
758 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "A Panoramic View of Rochester's History." |
759 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Rochester at the Turn of the Century." |
760 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Rochester's Historic Markers." |
803 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Rochester's Historic Markers. |
816 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Colonel Nathaniel Rochester. |
924 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Christmas Traditions in Rochester. |
925 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Some Rochester 'Firsts.'" |
767 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "A Sesquicentennial Review of Rochester's History." |
748 | McKELVEY, BLAKE FAUS. | Rochester: The Flower City, 1855-1890. |
749 | McKELVEY, BLAKE FAUS. | Rochester: The Quest for Quality, 1890-1925. |
750 | McKELVEY, BLAKE FAUS. | Rochester: An Emerging Metropolis, 1925-1961, |
751 | McKELVEY, BLAKE FAUS. | Rochester on the Genesee. |
774 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | A, City Historian's Report. |
768 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "The Changing Face of Rochester." |
769 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Rochester at the World's Fairs." |
770 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | The Metropolis and the Historian. |
771 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Sesquicentennial of Rochesterville." |
858 | McKELVEY, BLAKE, ed. | Letters postmarked Rochester, 1817-1879. |
761 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | Rochester's Metropolitan Prospects in Historical Perspective. |
762 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Our City Today: Some Facts and Figures of Economic and Civic Import on Rochester, New York." |
835 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | The Anniversary of Rochester's Permanent Settlement in 1812. |
793 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | A Story of Rochester. |
747 | McKELVEY, BLAKE FAUS. | Rochester: The Water-Power City, 1812-1854. |
763 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "The Rochester Area in American History." |
764 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Rochester's 125th Birthday." |
765 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Rochester in Retrospect." |
766 | McKELVEY, BLAKE. | "Rochester in Retrospect and Prospect." |
777 | McKELVEY, BLAKE, and JOSEPH W. BARNES. | 'Blake McKelvey's Rochester': Script from a One-Hour Film Documentary.. |
946 | MERRILL, ARCH. | "Sam's Last Leap." |
928 | MONTAGUE, MARTHA E. | "Rochester's Gold Diggers." |
794 | MOORE, EVELYN L. | Rochester's Story. |
929 | NAYLOR, HARIETT J. | "The Ancient Little City of Rochester in Kent." |
746 | NORTON, HERBERT A. | "Prosperity and Adversity: The History of Rochester from 1834 to 1839." |
832 | OGDEN, CHARLES E., And THOMAS T. SWINBURNE, comps. | Centennial Day Celebration, Rochester, N.Y. |
805 | OLDS, NATHANIEL S. | "From La Salle to Indian Allan: The Appraisal of a Cataract's Utility." |
735 | O'REILLY, HENRY. | Settlement in the West. Sketches of Rochester; with Incidental. Notices of Western New-York. A Collection of Matters Designed to Illustrate the Progress of Rochester during the First Quarter-Century of Its Existence. Including a Map of the City and Some Representations of Scenery, Edifices, etc. |
736 | O'REILLY, HENRY. | Rochester in 1835. Brief Sketchs of the Present Condition of the City of Rochester. ... |
817 | OSGOOD, HOWARD L. | Rochester: Its Founders and Its Founding. Read before the Rochester Historical Society, April 13th, 1894. |
818 | OSGOOD, HOWARD L. | "Sesquicentennial of Nathaniel Rochester's First Visit to the Falls of the Genesee." |
819 | OSGOOD, KATHARINE ROCHESTER MONTGOMERY. | Backward Glances at Old Rochester. |
837 | PARKER, ARTHUR C., comp. | Centennial Almanac Commemorating the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Charter of Rochester, New York, 1834-1934. |
930 | PARKER, ARTHUR C. | "The Natural Forces that Molded the Genesee Country." |
931 | PARKER, ARTHUR C. | "The Funny-Bone of Early Rochester." |
739 | PARKER, JANE MARSH. | Rochester, A Story Historical. |
820 | PARKER, JANE MARSH. | "The Opening of the Genesee Country." |
789 | PARKER, JANE MARSH. | "The City of Rochester and the Genesee Valley." |
947 | PARSONS, GERALD. | "Second Thoughts on a 'Folk Hero': or, Sam Patch Falls Again." |
896 | PAVIOUR, ERNEST A. | "The Days of the Waltz and Two-Step." |
740 | PECK, WILLIAM F. | Semi-Centennial History of the City of Rochester, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers. |
742 | PECK, WILLIAM FARLEY. | History of Rochester and Monroe County, New York, from the Earliest Historic Times to the Beginning of 1907. |
821 | PEET, ANNE OLMSTEAD. | "Nathaniel Thrift Rochester Goes to Paris in 1832." |
932 | PEET, ANNIE OLMSTEAD. | "A Rochesterian with Perry in Japan." |
752 | PERKINS, DEXTER. | "Rochester One Hundred Years Ago." |
755 | PERKINS, DEXTER. | "Rochester Fifty Years Ago." |
807 | PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN NEW YORK. | Names of Members of the Pioneer Association of Western New York up to 1866. Organized 1847. |
859 | POND, CHARLES F. | "History of the Third Ward." |
900 | REMINTON, HARVEY F. | "Recollections of Rochester at the Close of the Nineteenth Century." |
901 | RHEES, HARRIET SEELYE. | "Rochester at the Turn of the Century." |
790 | RICHARDSON, ANNA STEESE. | "'Do It For Rochester.' That It Means to Live in a City of Optimism." |
861 | ROBINSON, CHARLES MULFORD. | Third Ward Traits. |
860 | ROBINSON, CHARLES MULFORD. | Rochester Ways. |
862 | ROBINSON, CHARLES MULFORD. | The Third Ward Catechism, to Which is Appended an Order of Service Designed for Use in the School and the Home. A Text Book for the Unversed. |
863 | ROBY, ALICE ROGERS. | "A Pioneer Rochester Family: Vignette." |
838 | ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. | Golden Jubilee Almanac... |
795 | ROCHESTER MUSEUM OF ARTS & SCIENCES. | Notes on Early Rochester History, Intended for Use in Conjunction with Museum Exhibits. |
933 | ROCHESTER, Charlotte High School, Class of 1932. | Keep the Beacon Burning! Sketches--Charlotte and Vicinity. |
864 | ROCHESTER, HENRY E. | "Early Conditions of the Genesee River in the One Hundred Acre Tract." |
823 | ROCHESTER, NATHANIEL, JR. | "Early History of the Rochester Family in America ..." |
822 | ROCHESTER, NATHANIEL. | "A Brief Sketch of the Life of Nathaniel Rochester Written by Himself for the Information of His Children." |
824 | ROCHESTER, SOPHIA E. | " A Letter of 1817 from Sophia Elizabeth Rochester, to Her Father, Col. Nathaniel Rochester, at the Mansion House, Albany, N.Y." |
825 | ROGERS, FANNIE ROCHESTER. | "Colonel. Nathaniel Rochester." |
955 | Royal Arcanum. | Twentieth Annual Session, Grand Council of the State of New York, at Rochester, April 26 & 27, 1898. |
865 | SCRANTOM, EDWIN. | "And This Was Rochester: Excerpts from the Old Citizen Letters of Edwin Scrantom," ed. Harriett J. Naylor. |
826 | SCRANTOM, EDWIN. | "Reminiscences of Colonel Nathaniel Rochester." |
934 | SCRANTOM, EDWIN. | "The First Wedding in Rochester." |
935 | SELDEN, GEORGE. | "The 'Devil Plate' of Irondequoit Bay." |
827 | SHEPARD, CHARLES. | Centennial and Bicentennial: Nathaniel Rochester, 1752; Thomas Rochester Shepard, 1852. |
902 | SILVER, HENRY D. | "Diary of a One-Horse Enterpriser: Fifty Years Ago in Upstate New York," ed. James W. Silver. |
903 | SILVER, HENRY D. | 'Making a Living in Rochester: The Diary of Henry D. Silver, 1906-1914," ed. James W. Silver. |
904 | SLATER, JOHN R. | "Rochester Forty Years Ago." |
905 | SLOAN, WILLIAM E. | Recollections of Sixty Years, 1870-1930. |
808 | SLOCUM, HELEN EDSON. | King's Landing: A History of the First White Settlement West of the Genesee River in the State of New York, 1797. |
867 | SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. | "Reminiscences of the Third Ward." |
868 | SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. | "Reminiscences of the Ruffled-Shirt Ward." |
936 | SPEARE, JOHN W | In Rochester: 100 Years Ago and Now. Centennial Year of the Rochester Savings Bank, 1831-1931. |
869 | STANTON, HENRY B. | Random Recollections. 3d rev. ed. |
870 | STRONG, AUGUSTUS H. | Reminiscences of Early Rochester: A Paper Read before the Rochester Historical Society, December 27, 1915. |
950 | SUTHERLAND, D. Rochester | City Guide, Indicating the Chief Objects and Places of Interest in and about the City, with a Glance at Its Public Buildings, Some of Its Leading Manufactories, Most Popular Business Houses and Great Commercial Enterprises. |
937 | TAYLOR, MARJORIE A. | "Rochester Breaks into Print in England." |
938 | THOMAS, W. STEPHEN. | "Folklore Figures of Rochester." |
906 | TRIMBLE, JEANNETTE HOOKER. | "St. Paul St. in the Old Days." |
940 | TRUEDALE, DOROTHY S. | "The Marriages and Bereavements of Captain Samuel Currier." |
939 | TRUEDALE, DOROTHY S. | "The Younger Generation: Their Opinions, Pastimes, and Enterprises, 1830-1850." |
796 | TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S., and BLAKE McKELVEY. | The Rochester Area in American History: Materials Compiled in the Office of the City Historian for Supplementary Use in Eight Grade Social Studies. |
809 | TURPIN, MORLEY B. | "Ebenezer Allan in the Genesee Country." |
959 | U.S. Federal Writers' Project. | American Guide Series. Rochester and Monroe County. |
954 | United Typothetae of America. | Tenth Annual Convention, Rochester, New York, September 7-10, 1896. |
872 | VARNEY, ELIZABETH J. | "Panorama of Rochester in Its Early Days." |
738 | WARP, FERDINAND DeW. | "An Address." |
873 | WARD, HARRIET KEMP. | A Sketch. |
828 | WHITEHOUSE, HENRY J. | "Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Colonel Nathaniel Rochester (Held in St. Luke's Church, May 19, 1831)." |
874 | WHITTLESEY, FREDERICK A. | "Remembrance and Prophecy: Tales of a Grandfather." |
791 | WILLIAMS EDWIN. | "Sketch of Rochester, Monroe County, New-York." |
875 | WILSON, JOHN S. | "Rochester's Centenarian of 1915: The Reminiscences of John S. Wilson." ed. Frederick M. Whitney. |
965 | WILSON, PAT and BRUCE. | Surprising Rochester. |
948 | WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR. | "Reply to Gerald Parsons' 'Sam Patch.'" |
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