Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
5894 Memoirs; Remembering Geneseo on the Occasion of Its 200th Year.
5896 Town of Livonia History...from the Pioneer Settlement by Solomon Woodruff and Other Early Settlers to the Present.
193 Genealogical Records of the Pioneer Families of Avon, N.Y. Pierson, Waterous, Hosmer, Martin, Etc., and Their Descendants ...
198 "In Honor of the Scottish Pioneers."
184 Livingston County, New York, Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971.
189 Proceedings of the Century Association in Honor of the Memory of Brig. Gen. James S. Wadsworth and Colonel Peter A. Porter; with the Eulogies Read by William J. Hoppin and Frederick I. Cozzens. December 3, 1864.
210 Geneseo's Centennial, September 11th, 1890. Report of the Celebration, Literary and Other Exercises, and Poem and Addresses as Delivered.
240 Nundarama: Sesquicentennial Souvenir.
179 “The Centennial Celebration of the Organization of Livingston County.” LCHS, 1918-22, pp. 15-43.
5899 The Way We Were.
5901 Town of York Historical Society's Old York Times III: Retsof Celebration Edition, Saturday, September 10, 1988.
199 The Caledonia-Mumford Bicentennial Book, 1976.
5353 A History of Dansville.
223 "Oak Ridge Cemetery at Lima, N.Y."
224 "Report of the Town Committee--Lima."
228 AMES, L. J. "Mt. Morris."
207 ANDERSON, HELEN TRAVER. The Diamonds Are Dancing; A History of Conesus Lake.
218 ATWELL, G.W. (Paper on early history of Lima.)
178 ATWELL, GEORGE W. “The Town Names of Livingston.”
190 AVON (town). Commission for Conservation of the Environment. Horse Shoe Pond. Avon: 1972. 12 pp.
5348 BEALE, IRENE A. Genesee Valley People, 1743-1962.
246 BENNETT, C.D. "Portage."
203 BOYD, WILLIAM P. History of the Town of Conesus, Livingston Co., N.Y. from Its First Settlement in 1793, to 1887, with a Brief Genealogical Record of the Conesus Families.
191 BROOKS, CLINTON E. The Story of Avon …
232 BROWN, Mrs. E. A. "Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shannon, Pioneer Residents."
219 BUNNELL, ALONZO D. "Early Years in Lima."
233 BUNNELL, ALONZO O., ed. Dansville: Historical, Biographical, Descriptive, 1789-1902.
229 CHICHESTER, DARWIN. A Discourse Embodying Facts Connected with the Early Settlement and Growth of Mount Morris, Delivered at the Dedication of the Presbyterian Church Edifice, February 1, 1855.
234 CLARK, JOEL W. Miniature of Dansville Village: Humbly Inscribed to the First Settlers, and Their Immediate Descendants.
204 COE, AMOS D. "Conesus."
192 DAVIS, E.H. Avon.
226 DAVIS, MINERVA. Reminiscences of Eighty Years Ago.
5352 DE LONG, HERMON W., SR. Boy Hood Reminiscences (Life in Dansville--1855-1872), with Other Sketches, comp. by William D. Conklin.
235 DeLONG, H.W. Boyhood Reminiscences: Dansville, N.Y., 1855-1865.
180 DOTY, LOCKWOOD L. A History of Livingston County, New York: From Its Earliest Traditions, to Its Part in the War for Our Union: With an Account of the Seneca Nation of Indiana, and Biographical Sketches of Earliest Settlers and Prominent Public Men, ed. A. Tiffany Norton.
181 DOTY, LOCKWOOD R., ed. History of Livingston County, New York, from Its Earliest Traditions to the Present together with Early Town Sketches.
208 DRESSER, FRED L. Our Ancestors, Including the Dress, Beach and Lawrence Families; with a Story of the First Settlement in Western New York.
209 FOLSOM, GEORGE P. Reminiscences of Geneseo and the Genesee Valley. Delivered at Concert Hall, Geneseo, Feb. 21, 1868.
220 GOODRICH, CHARLES D., comp. (List of settlers' names from Liber 'A', Lima Town records, 1797-1817.)
253 GRANT, DONALD. "Spencerport."
194 HALBIG, JOSEPH B., and others. Explanation and Description of the Overlay Maps that Illustrate Factors of Environmental Importance in the Town of Avon, Livingston County, New York.
243 HAMPTON, ISAAC. "Ossian."
244 HAMPTON, ISAAC. "Ossian."
239 HAND, H. WELLS, ed. Centennial History of the Town of Nunda, 1808-1908.
186 HATCH, ALDEN. The Wadsworths of the Genesee.
5892 HAYWARD, ESTHER M. Caledonia, Town & Village.
206 HITCHCOCK, S. EDWARD. The Story of Crockett's Corners.
205 HITCHCOCK, SOLOMON. "Conesus."
5354 HOY, FRANCIS, Complete Name Index to Centennial History of the Town of Nunda, 1808-1909.
248 HUNT, EUNICE, ed. "Several Early Culver Letters."
221 JENKS, MABEL FURNER. Lima, 1788-1964. Outline of the History of Lima Written fox the 175th Anniversary Celebration.
183 JOHNSON, LAURENCE B., ed. The Pines Letters.
222 KING, MARY B. ALLEN. Looking Backward; or, Memories of the Past.
230 LA BARBERA, MICHAEL. "An Ounce of Prevention, and Grandma Tried Them All."
200 LEATHERSICH, DAVID. Old Days in Caledonia.
182 LIVINGSTON COUNTY, County Historian. “State Markers in Livingston County.”
249 MACK, CLARA. Thoughts by a Country Woman: A Collection of Stories which Have Appeared during the Past Fifteen Years, Mainly in the Wayland Register.
245 McCURDY, ANDREW. "Ossian."
201 McLEAN, A.H. "Caledonia."
252 McNAIR, DAVID. West Sparta.
236 MILLER, RALPH H. Comic History of Dansville.
187 N.Y. Monuments Commission for the Battlefields of Gettysburg, Chattanooga and Antietam. In Memoriam James Samuel Wadsworth, 1807-1864 ...
254 NEWTON. A.D. "Streams of York."
202 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Scottish Pioneers of Caledonia."
231 PARSONS, LEVI, and SAMUEL L. ROCKFELLOW, comps. Centennial Celebration, Mt. Morris, N.Y., August 15, 1894. Address by Dr. M.H. Mills, Letters of Reminiscence, Biographical Sketches, Histories of Churches and Other Organizations.
5349 PATCHETT, ANNA A. Historically Speaking,
188 PEARSON, HENRY GREENLEAF. James S. Wadsworth of Geneseo, Brevet Major-General of United States Volunteers …
237 PERINE, F.M. "North Dansville."
5900 PRESTON, MARIE, Compiler. A Tour into York Township, 5th Annual Tour of the Big Springs Historical Society...September 7, 1963.
5351 PRESTON, MARIE CLEARY. Avon: Heart of the Genesee Country.
195 PRESTON, MARIE C. Avon: Heart of the Genesee Country.
5893 RAUBER, WILFRED J. Dansville's Heritage - Lest We Forget; a Slide-Tape Production of Local Historical Sites Produced by the Dansville Area Historical Society.
255 ROOT, MARY R. History of the Town of York, Livingston County, New York.
196 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. What to Think about and Do in Avon, N.Y.
241 SANDERS, C.K. "Nunda."
197 SAVAGE, ROBERT. "The White Horse Inn."
217 SEARS, E.W. (Paper on businesses in Leicester)
238 SEDGWICK, H.C., comp. Historical Sketches of Dansville.
185 SMITH, JAMES H., comp. History of Livingston County, New York, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers.
247 SMITH, JESSE. "Sparta."
5355 THOMPSON, ELIZABETH. Sesqui-Centennial, Town of Portage, Livingston County, New York State, 1827-1977.
5897 THOMPSON, MRS. BYRON. Sesqui-centennial Town of Portage, Livingston County, New York State, 1827-1977.
5895 THOMSON, JAMIE. Historical Geneseo: A Walking Tour of the Center of the Village; a Tribute to Geneseo Bicentennial, 1789-1989.
225 VAN GELDER, E. LUCILLE. Lima: Past & Present. A Visit to Lima in 1861; Early Residents of Lima; Veterans of the Civil War; Heroes of the World War; Lima's 1918 Honor Roll; Lima in 1919.
5350 WADSWORTH, JAMES JEREMIAH. The Silver Spoon: An Autobiography by James J. Wadsworth.
215 WAITE, D. BYRON. O-neh-da Te-car-ne-o-di; or, Up and Down the Hemlock. Including History, Commerce, Accidents, Incidents, Guide, etc.
251 WALBRIDGE, ORSON. Early History of the Town of Springwater, Livingston County, N.Y.
211 WARD, FERDINAND D. Historical Address. Village Memories of Twenty Years; or, Geneseo between 1848 and 1868.
212 WARD, FERDINAND D. "Excelsior." Geneseo, N.Y., 1848-1878.
213 WARD, FERDINAND D. Geneseo, Livingston County, N.Y., 1848-1888. An Historical Address.
216 WEMETT. J.J. "Hemlock Lake."
242 WHITCOMB, MERRICK. "Historic Nunda."
227 WILKINS, LOIS NICKERSON Portrait of a Church: A Story of the Long Family of Livonia, New York.
5898 YASSO, J. MARILYN HANNETT. History of Retsof, New York: A Compilation, 1884-1986.

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