Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
3540 “'The Clinton Street Universe'“: Schoolboy Newspaper of 1852.”
3409 "Pike English and Classical School..'"
3410 "Proposed Restoration of Middlebury Academy."
3407 "Judge Alden S. Stevens--Free Schools and Education of the Masses, His Life's Labor.'"
3763 The Pundit Club. 1500th Meeting, January 5, 1970.
3530 “Rochester Schools in 1848.”
3397 "Bennington School District One--1813-1857."
3541 Columbia School, Rochester, New York, Fiftieth Anniversary, 1891-1941.
3722 "Attica Historical Society Museum."
3746 (Rochester Museum 50th anniversary issue.)
3749 The Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum. First Stages: A Brief Report on the Founder and the Collections.
3516 "Warsaw School Celebration."
3616 Rochester Theological Seminary Bulletin, 69th year, no. 3 (Nov. 1918). "Rauschenbusch Number."
3413 "Seminary Days at Gainesville."
3384 "Town School Histories."
3385 View of the Livingston County High-School: On Temple-Hill, Geneseo To Which are Subjoined, Brief Remarks on Some of the Leading Topics of Popular Education.
3386 "A History of the Canandaigua Academy."
3701d Special Libraries In and Around Rochester.
3647 Rise, Progress and Condition of the Rochester Athenaeum--Young Men's Association, 1840.
3649 "Industry Moves to the College Campus; Students Erect Their Own Building."
3705 U.S. Bureau of Education. Public Libraries in the United State of American: Their History, Condition, and Management.
3706 "Warsaw Library, 1823."
3703 SOUTHERN TIER LIBRARY SYSTEM. A History of the Public Libraries Served of the Southern Tier Library System.
3602 An Offering to the Memory of Abigail Ann Allen by the Ladies' Literary Societies of Alfred University.
3765 The Fortnightly, Rochester, New York, 1882-1907.
3612a FORBES, GRACE MOEHLMAN. Conrad Henry Moehlman: The Man and the Message.
3414 "Short History of School District 16, French Road, Bennington."
3415 "Sunday School on Sucker Brook, 1822-1922."
3550 "The Rochester School for the Deaf."
6568 Dear Old Golden Rule Days.
6563 The Kirklands' School in Geneva.
3545 Memorial Exercises of the Alumnae Association Held at Livingston Park Seminary, Rochester, N.Y., on Thursday, June Ninth, 1892.
3657 An Outline History of the University of Rochester.
5602 The Development of the Public Schools in Geneva,
5603 Happy Moments at High Street School.
5608 "West Bloomfield, Ontario County, N.Y."
6561 Old York Times IV: School Days, Featuring York District Schools and Hamlets of Wadsworth and Greigsville.
3552 Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes, Rochester, N.Y. Historical Sketch, 1876-1893.
6594 The Expanding University.
6590 Visions.
6600 Educational Buildings.
5600 History of the Batavia Union Free School, Number Two of the Village of Batavia, N.Y., from the Formation of the School Dist. in 1813.
5622 An Historical Sketch: The Mechanics Institute, 1885- 1891; The
5623 Mechanics Institute. A Thirty-One Year Record, 1885- 1916.
5624 Rochester: Institute of Technology. Still Pioneering After 125 Years of Educational Service. Rochester:
5635 The Genesee Country Museum, Mumford, N.Y.
3378 Reminiscences of the Life and Character of Col. Phineas Staunton, A.M., November, 1867.
3381 "Survey of Livingston County Schools."
3382 Souvenir of the Reunion, after Fifty Years, of the Excursion Party from Temple Hill High School to Niagara.
3383 Survey of Area Vocational and Technical Education Services and Needs in Steuben, Schuyler, and Livingston Counties and Part of Allegany County.
3533 ABELL, AARON. “Elementary and Secondary Catholic Education in Rochester.”
3553 ACKLEY, WILLIAM J. A History of the Growth and Progress of the Edison Technical and Industrial High School, Rochester, New York.
3711 ADLER, ELMER. "The Rochester Historical Society."
3637 AFRICA, PHILIP A. Keuka College: A History.
3534 AKIN, WILLIAM E. “The War of the Bishops: Catholic Controversy on the School Question in New York State in 1894.”
3601 ALLEN, JONATHAN. Allen of Alfred; Some of His Words to Students Which Are as Steady Candles Set in Homeward Windows, ed. E.H. Lewis.
3709 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR STATE & LOCAL HISTORY. Directory, Historical Societies and Agencies in the United State and Canada.
3759 ANDREWS, MARGARET B. Records of the Pundit Club.
6566 APPLEBY, LARRY. Memories of Warsaw High.
3395 ARNOLD, EDNA L., ed. History of Macedon Academy. 1841-1891..
3610 BAKER, OREN H., ed. Albert William Beaven: Pastor,Educator, World Christian.
3679 BARNES, JOSEPH W., and ROBERT W. BARNES. "From Books to Multimedia: A History of the Reynolds Library and the Reynolds Audio-Visual Department of the Rochester Public Library."
3356 BARRACO, ANTHONY M. The Wadsworth Family of Geneseo, New York; A Study of Their Activities Which Relate to Public Education in New York State and to the State University College of New York at Geneseo.
3631a BARTLETT, MURRAY. "The Story of Geneva College."
3517 BASSLER, WELLINGTON E. The Story of Palmer Institute--Starkey Seminary.
3611 BEAVEN, ALBERT W. "The Colgate-Rochester Divinity School."
3519 BENEDICT, LAURA H. History of Allen's Creek School, ed. Henry H. Kings ton, Jr.
3689 BENJAMIN, JOHN A., and JOHN R. RUSSELL. "The Edward G. Miner Library."
5613 BIELOWICZ, NORMAN. The Allen Steinheim Museum.
3398 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Madame Broughton: Warsaw Educator Extraordinary."
3694 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "The Libraries of Warsaw."
3399 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "South Warsaw School."
3400 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Warsaw's Cobblestone Masonic Temple."
6567 BISHOP, LEWIS H. Warsaw's Cobblestone School.
6591 BLAIR, HENRY ALEXANDER A Brief History of the University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project from 1943-1968.
6593 BLOCK, IRA, photographer University of Rochester.
6612 BOLGER, STUART Genesee Country Museum: Scenes of Town & Country in the Nineteenth Century.
3520 BOWEN, M. LUCILE. “The Rochester Free Academy.”
6592 BRADFORD, WILLIAM LESLIE As I Remember It; A History of the Pediatric Department.
5634 BRAYER, BETSY. Margaret Woodbury Strong and the Origin of the Strong Museum.
5601 BUMPUS, LOUISE BATES. "Hannah Upham. a Pioneer Educator."
3723 BUNNELL, ALONZO O. Reminiscences of the Historical Society.
3605 BUTLER, M. ALENE. A History of the Brockport Collegiate Institute, 1832-1867.
3357 CALHOUN, DANIEL. The Intelligence of a People.
3733 CARPENTER, EDMUND S. "The Strange Case of Dr. Came and the Sleeping Man."
3638 CAUDILL ROWLETT SCOTT, architects. Monroe Community College Campus Plan.
3521 CIVIC COMMITTEE ON UNEMPLOYMENT. The Scope of the Adult Education Program in Rochester.
3539 CLARK, GRACE LIGHT. “History of Clover Street Seminary.”
3695 COLE, GEORGE W. "Early Library Development in New York State (1800 1900."
3612 COLGATE-ROCHESTER DIVINITY SCHOOL. The Exercises of Dedication, October 20 and 21, 1932 ...
3680 COLLINS, ANNE R. "The Reynolds Library."
3623 CONGDON, LAFAYETTE. "The History and Influence of Genesee Weleyan Seminary."
6582 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., compiler. Vassar College and the Rochester Region.
3696 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D. Acorn to Oak: The Story of the Dansville Library.
5614 CONNOLLY, BRUCE E. A History of the Library of the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University.
3401 COOK, HELEN M. "The Sponsor Keeps a Diary."
5630 COONS, W.R. “Books and People Behind Bars at Attica.”
3387 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. School of Education. An Audit of the Educational Program of the Geneva Public Schools. Prepared for the Board of Education ...
3673 CORNER, GEORGE W. George Hoyt Whipple and His Friends: The Life-Story of a Nobel Prize Pathologist.
5615 COTTRELL, HELEN C. "The Technical Institute, Village of Alfred, 1909."
5616 COTTRELL, HELEN C. "Marriage by Microscope (Dr. Watson's Bee Study).
3554 COULSON, CUTLER J. The Development of the Public Secondary School Curriculum in Rochester, New York, from 1903 to 1935.
5631 CUSHING, HENRIETTA S A History of the Avon Free Library, 1914-1978.
3697 DAGHLIAN, PHILIP B. "'The Farmers' Library."
3755 DAKIN, RALPH K. The Rochester Academy of Science.
3607 DEDMAN, W. WAYNE. Cherishing This Heritage: The Centennial History of the State University College at Brockport, New York.
3555 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. The Public School Program: Reprints of a Series of Articles Describing the Program of Instruction Pursued in the Public Schools of Rochester, New York, Published in 1926 in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
3724 DOTY, LOCKWOOD R. What the Society Has Done in Collecting and Preserving County History.
3725 DOTY, LOCKWOOD R. "The Western Door of the Long House."
3402 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "Sesquicentennial of Middlebury Academy, 1817-3967."
3726 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. Wyoming Historical Pioneer Association, 1872-1952."
3698 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "Attica's Stevens Memorial Library."
6569 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. Early Rural Schools.
3690 DUNCAN, BARBARA. "The Sibley Music Library."
5620 DURFEE, WALTER H., and OTTO E. SCHOEN-RENE. William Smith College, 1908-1958: A History.
3643 EDUCATIONAL SURVEY COMMISSION. Report of the Educational Survey Commission.
3766 EICHORN, FRANK. The Rochester Numismatic Association.
3556 ELLIS, MABEL BROWN. The Visiting Teacher in Rochester: Report of a Study.
3522 ELLIS, S.A. “A Brief History of the Public Schools of the City of Rochester.”
3375 ENGELMAN, ROSE C. The History of Ingham "University, 1837-1892.
3557 EWING, FREDERICK E. The Pay-as-you-Go Theory Viewed from the Experiences of Financing School Buildings in Rochester, New York.
3756 FAIRCHILD, HERMAN L. History and Work of the Rochester Academy of Science.
3558 FINCH, CHARLES E. “The Foreign Child in the Rochester Schools.”
3358 FINEGAN, THOMAS F. Teacher Training Agencies: A Historical Review of the Various Agencies of the State of New York Employed in Training and Preparing Teachers for the Public Schools of the State. (11th Annual Report of the State Education Department, Vol. 2)
3359 FINEGAN, THOMAS F. The Township System: A Documentary History of the Endeavor to Establish a Township School System in the State of New York from the Early Periods through the Repeal of the Township Law in 1918. (14th Annual. Report of the State Education Department, Vol. 1)
3360 FINEGAN, THOMAS F. Free Schools: A Documentary History of the Free School Movement in New York State. (15th Annual Report of the State Education Department, Vol. 1) 682 pp.
3628 FISHER, ROSALIND R. The Stone Strength of the Past: Centennial History of the State University College of Arts and Science at Geneseo, New York.
3361 FITCH, CHARLES E. The Public School: History of Common School Education in New York from 1633 to 1904.
3768 FITCH, CHARLES E. The History of the Browning Club, 1884-1910.
3559b FORBES, GEORGE M. A Survey of School-Related Community Organizations in the City of Rochester, New York.
6601 FORD, GEORGE H. The Koller-Collins Graduate English Center - A History.
3712 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. The Origin and Mission of the Rochester Historical Society.
3713 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Pioneer Associations of Rochester."
3714 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "The Community Value of Our Local History."
3715 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "'Between Two Centuries."
3380 FOSTER, J. MURRAY. A Study: The Dansville High School.
3769 FRASER, MARY M. Historical Sketch of the Scottsville Literary Society.
3742 FREEMAN, HARRY H. The Bureau of Municipal Research Investigates the Municipal Museum.
3404 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Seminary Days in Pike."
3403 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Common and Private Schools in Pike."
3598 FRENCH, WILLIAM M. “How We Began to Train Teachers in New York.”
6595 FRIEDLY, JOHN C. 75 Years of Chemical Engineering at the University of Rochester, 1915-1990.
5609 FROST, GRACE M. Shock'n Alive: Sterling School District No. 6 and Wolcott School District No. 3.
5597 GARDINER, SARA L., comp. Educational Corporations of New York State.
6613 GEHRET, JEANNE. The Strasenburgh Touch.
3624 GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. Report of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Held at Lima, N.Y., June, 1880.
3625 GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. A Memorial Volume of the Seventy Fifth Anniversary of the Opening for Academic Instruction of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary.
3739 GEORGE EASTMAN HOUSE. Illustrated Guide to the George Eastman House of Photography.
3362 GIFFORD, WALTER J. Historical Development of the New York State High School System.
3599 GILBERT, AMY M. ACUNY. The Associated Colleges of Upper New York.
3691 GILCHRIST, DONALD. "The University of Rochester Libraries."
3559f GOODWIN, MABEL C. A History of Public Evening School Instruction in the City of Rochester, 1853-1933.
5621 GORDON, DANE R. GORDON, DANE R. Rochester Institute of Technology: Industrial Development and Educational Innovation in an American City. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1982.
3559e GRACE, ALONZO G. School Organizations in Monroe County.
6583 GRAFFAM, ALAN EDWARD. On the Persistence of Denominational Evangelical Higher Education: Case Studies in the History of Geneva College, Roberts Wesleyan College, Nyack College and Houghton College.
3523 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Dept. of N.Y. George H. Thomas Post No. 4. Presentation of National Flags to the Public Schools of the City of Rochester, on Washington's Birthday, 1889 ...
3681 GREENSPAN, STEPHEN H. Central Library Services in Monroe County: The Problem of Fiscal Equity.
3743 GREENSPAN, STEPHEN H. Rochester Museum-Science Center: A Proposed Metropolitan Approach.
3559a GREENSPAN, STEPHEN H., and FRIEDRICH J. GRASBERGER. Target: The Three E's: Efficiency of Organization, Equity of Financing, Equality of Financing; A Study of the Organizational and Financial Structure of Public Education in Monroe County.
3699 GRIDLEY, SAMUEL H. "Historical Sketch of the Waterloo Library and Historical Society," pp. 7-29 in the Centennial Celebration of General Sullivan's Campaign against the Iroquois, in 1779 ...
6602 GRINOLS, MARJORIE. Photographic Memories.
3682 HACKER, HAROLD S. Ten Years of Progress: The Monroe County Library System, 1960-1969.
3650 HAFFNEY, HUGH J. The Beginnings of St. John Fisher College ...
3744 HALL, DONALD S. The Strasenburgh Planetarium.
3548 HALPEN, ROSA H. History of the Rochester School for the Deaf, 1876 1936 ...
3559d HAMBURG, MORRIS. A Study of the Efficiency of the Fairport Schools.
3670 HANSON, HOWARD. The Eastman School of Music of the University of Roch ester, Two Decades of Progress; A Tribute to the Alumni.
3559c HARDY, H. CLAUDE. “A New Kind of School Exhibit.”
6562 HARFORD, LUCILE M. School Days, School Days, a Chronicle of Ansley School District 3, Town of Geneva, State of New York.
3734 HAWLIE, NATALIE F. Literature in Rochester, 1865-1905.
3692 HAYES, CATHERINE D. "The History of the University of Rochester Libraries: 120 Years."
3700 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. "What Farmers Read in Western New York, 1800-1850."
3405 HEILBRONNER, LESLIE L. "Perry Graduates 75th Class."
3391 HENION, ANNA. E. "Early Schools of Seneca Falls."
3750 HEYDWEILLER, AMELIA M. The Burroughs-Audubon Nature Club.
3631b HOBART COLLEGE. General Catalogue of Officers, Graduates and Students, 1825-1897.
3632 HOBART COLLEGE. The Centennial of Hobart College, 1822-1922. Exercises in Connection with the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary, Tuesday, June 13, 1922.
3644 HOKE, GEORGIE C., and MARK ELLINGSON. "History of the Rochester Athen aeum and Mechanics Institute."
3645 HOKE, GEORGIE C., and MARK ELLINGSON. Blazing New Trails: The Biography of a Pioneer in Education.
3363 HOMIER, HARLAN H., ed. Education in New York State, 1784-1954 ...
3406 HOOLE, WILLIAM H. "A History of Pike Seminary."
3751 HOOT, WILLIAM B. History of the Burroughs-Audubon Nature Club of Rochester, N.Y.
3543 HOPKINS, ALICE.L. A Reminiscence of Miss A.D. Doolittle and the Rochester Female Academy.
6565 HOSENFELD, ALICE DILLON. History of Macedon High School (1853-1951) with Commentaries from Oral Histories.
3364 HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York during the Century from 1784 to 1884.
5617 HRITZ, ELAINE B. The First Sixty Years: A History of the State University Agricultural and Technical College at Alfred, 1909-1969.
3626 HUMPHREY, INGRAHAM. The History of Lima Seminary.
3651 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Rochester: A Good Town to Live In.
3376 INGHAM UNIVERSITY. Alumnae Catalogue, Ingham University, Fifty Years.
3716 JENNINGS, J. ARTHUR. An Appreciation of Edward R. Foreman.
3365 JOINT COMMITTEE ON RURAL SCHOOLS. Rural School Survey of New York State: A Report to the Rural School Patrons.
3613 KAISER, LAURIE ALLAN. Response to a Secular Society: A Liberal Seminary Looks at Its Role.
6614 KARP, WALTER. A Fascination with the Commonplace.
5626 KELLY, MARIO A. A Study of Race Relations at University of Rochester.
3666 KENDRICK, ASAHEL C. Martin B. Anderson, L.L.D.: A Biography.
6559 KERNS, KATHRYN M. Farmers' Daughters: The Education of Women at Alfred Academy and University Before the Civil War.
5636 KETCHUM, WILLIAM C., JR. The Collections of the Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum.
5627 KINGSLAKE, HILDA G. The Institute of Optics: The First Fifty Years, 1929-1979.
6596 KINGSLAKE, HILDA G. The Institute of Optics, 1929-1987.
3559 KITCHELT, FLORENCE CROSS. “'Buttressing the Foundations of Democracy.'“
3560 KITCHELT, RICHARD. “Free Text Books for the Rochester Schools.”
6603 LANE, DAVID M. Warsaw Public Library.
3740 LARSON, CEDRIC. Photography's Hall of Fame.
6588 LAWSON, ALEXANDER S. The School of Printing, Rochester Institute of Technology: The First Half-Century, 1937-1987.
3377 LE ROY ACADEMIC INSTITUTE. The Lyceum Record of the LeRoy Academic Institute, Organized January, 1867.
5628 LENTI, VINCENT A. For the Enrichment of Community Life: The Opening of the Eastman Theatre in 1922.
5629 LENTI, VINCENT A. Historical Origins of the Eastman School of Music.
6615 LEON, WARREN. The Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum: A Review.
3561 LEVEY, STANLEY V. “The Last Twenty-Five Years in the Public Schools.”
3562 LOMBART, GEORGE A. The Administrations of Herbert S. Weet and James M. Spinning, Successive Superintendents of Schools in Rochester, New York, 1911-1954.
3396 LOOMIS, CHARLES E.B. The History of Macedon Academy.
5632 LOPEZ, MANUEL D. Bibliography of the History of Libraries in New York State.
5633 LOPEZ, MANUEL D. Bibliography of the History of Libraries in New York State. Supplement, 1968-72.
3392 LOTT, HELEN E. The School Ma'am. Lodi: 1958. 52 pp.
6576 LOVE, NELLIE M. An Analysis of the Junior High School Movement in the City of Rochester, New York.
3683 LOWE, JOHN A. "A Free Institution for Self-Education: Rochester Public Library, the First Twenty-Five Years."
3524 LUFFMAN, CECIL W. Evolution of the Curriculum of the Common Schools of Parma, New York, from 1825 to 1900 as Revealed by the Textbooks in Use during the Period.
5604 LUTHER, D. DANA. The History of Naples Academy--Union School--High School, 1861-1912, with Brief Mention of Some Antecedent Naples Schools.
3408 LYNCH, ROBERT, and MONA SMITH. In-Camp Education for Migrant Farmworkers.
6570 LYON, FLORENCE. Village School.
6589 LYONS, CHUCK. Playing with Feeling.
6616 LYONS, CHUCK. Go to Jail.
6617 LYONS, CHUCK. Handsome Homestead.
6618 LYONS, CHUCK. Shelves Stocked with Memories.
5598 MABEE, CARLETON. Black education in New York State from Colonial to Modern Times.
5599 MABEE, CARLETON. “A List of the First Black Schools in New York State, from Colonial Times to 1945.” Afro- Americans in New York Life and History, 2 (1978), 9-14.
3537 MADDEN, ELIZABETH C. A Century of Love: Academy of the Sacred Heart, 1855-1955.
3565 MADISON HIGH SCHOOL. The Madigraph: The Anniversary Number Commemorating Ten Years of Service and Achievement, 1922-1932.
6604 MANN, ALFRED, ed. Modern Music Librarianship; Essays in Honor of Ruth Watanabe.
3393 MARTI, DONALD B. "The Puposes of Agricultural Education: Ideas and Projects in New York State, 1819-1865."
6560 MATTERA, GLORIA. The BOCES-Geneseo Migrant Center: History and Development.
3528 MATTERN, MARGARET M. “Early Rochester Textbooks, 1821-1850.”
3653 MAY, ARTHUR. J. "Rochester Plans a College--1844."
3654 MAY, ARTHUR. J. "A University Dream that Failed."
3655 MAY, ARTHUR. J. "Oak Hill Becomes the River Campus."
3656 MAY, ARTHUR. J. A History of the University of Rochester, 1850-1962, ed. Lawrence E. Klein.
6598 MCCLURE, LUCRETIA. History of Medicine Museum, a Tribute to Dr. Whipple.
3525 McGREGOR, A. LAURA. “History of the Public Schools of Rochester, New York.”
3526 McGREGOR, A. LAURA. “The Early History of the Rochester Public Schools, 1513 1550.”
3527 McKELVEY, BLAKE. On the Educational Frontier.
3710 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Federation's History.
3652 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Professors Make Good Citizens.
3563 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Samuel Parker Moulthrop: Devoted Educator and Good Citizen.
3564 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “Rochester's Public Schools: A Testing Ground for Com munity Policies.”
3684 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Semi-Centennial of the Rochester Public Library.
3745 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Historic Origins of Rochester's Museums.
3542 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Private Educational Enterprise since the Mid-Century.
3701b McKELVEY, BLAKE. Charles Hastings Wiltsie Memorial Building, 1937; The New Home of the Pittsford Community Library.
3701 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Early Library Developments In and Around Rochester.
3701a McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Ambrose Swasey Library."
3761 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Pundit Club and the City of Rochester.
3735 McKELVEY, BLAKE. When Science Was on Trial in Rochester: 1850-1890.
6584 MCNAMARA, ROBERT F. Ecumenism and the Rochester Center for Theological Studies.
3535 McQUAID, BERNARD J. The Public School Question as Understood by a Catholic American Citizen.
3536 McQUAID, BERNARD J. Christian Free Schools: or, the Right of Parents to Provide Religious Education for Their Children, without Let or Hindrance.
3394 MEDDEN, Mrs. F.J. "The Schools of Seneca Falls."
3728 MENGES, FLORENCE BROWN. History of New York State Conference, Daughters of the American Revolution, Its Officers and Chapters…
3367 MILLER, GEORGE F. The Academy System of the State of New York.
3366 MILLER, JULIUS B. School and Community: A Study of the Demographic and Economic Background of Education in the State of New York.
3729 MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. In Way of Congratulation. Thanks and Reminder. An Address Delivered at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Ontario County Historical Society, at Canandaigua, Nov. 17, 1914.
3685 MILLIKEN, MARY C. A History of the Rochester Public Library from 1912 to 1936.
3633 MKUNI, FESTUS BANDA. "Some Letters of Festus Mkuni, an African Student at Hobart College, 1961-1964."
6609 MOAG, IMOGENE. Covington Historical Society's 25th Anniversary.
3701c MOEHLMAN, CONRAD H. "The Historical Society Library."
3368 MOHR, JAMES C. “Free School Law of 1867: A Chapter in the Reconstruction of the North.”
3567 MONROE COUNTY AREA VOCATIONAL STUDY. Vocational and Technical Education in the Monroe County Area: A Summary Report ...
3566 MONROE COUNTY. Educational Planning Committee. A Proposed Model for a County Federation of School Districts.
3368 MONTGOMERY, HELEN B. “The Last Ten Years of the Rochester Schools.”
5618 MOORE, LEROY, JR. "The Rise of American Religious Liberalism at the Rochester: Theological Seminary, 1872-1928."
3762 MOREY, WILLIAM C. Reminiscences of 'The Pundit Club.'
6605 MUELLER, DONNA. Inside a Musical Treasure Chest.
6610 MURPHY, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard. Attica Historical Society.
3369 N.Y. Division for Youth. The School Dropout Problem: Rochester.
3370 N.Y. State Commission on the Quality, Cost, and Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Fleischmann Report ...
3371 N.Y. State Education Department. Master Plan for School District Reorganization in New York State, Revised.
3608 N.Y. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. BROCKPORT. Semicentennial. Brockport: 1917. 123 pp. Supplement, 1917-1922.
3369 N.Y. University. Regents' Inquiry into the Character and Cost of Public Education. School District Atlas of the State of New York,
3686 NELSON, ASSOCIATES. A Reference and Research Library Resources Plan for the Rochester Area: An Analysis of the Proposals of the Commissioner's Committee on Reference and Research Library Resources as Applied to a Selected Region.
3741 NEWHALL, BEAUMONT. The Eastman House; the First Decade.
3570 NEWTON, MARION BROMLEY. “A Chapter in the Story of Rochester's School Playgrounds.”
3544 NICHOLS, JANE H. Rochester Female Academy: A Historical Sketch, 1837 1912.
3604 NORWOOD, JOHN N. Fiat Lux: The Story of Alfred University with Its Constituent and Affiliated Schools.
3603 NORWOOD, JOHN N. 50 Years of Ceramic Education: New York State College of Ceramics, A Unit of the State University of New York at Alfred University.
3538 OGNIBENE, RICHARD T. Protestant and Catholic Views of Education, 1865 1900: National and Local Views Compared.
3571 OLIVER, ANDREW D. School Buildings of Monroe County.
3388 ONTARIO FEMALE SEMINARY. Catalogue of Officers, Teachers and Pupils, of the Ontario Female Seminary, Canandaigua, April, 1833.
3646 O'REILLY, HENRY. A Brief Report on the Rise, Progress, and Condition of the Rochester Athenaeum-Young Men's Association.
3572 ORR, NANCY H. A Financial Plan in Support of the Federated Intermediate Educational District: A Report Prepared for the Monroe County Educational Plan-ning Committee.
3667 PARKMAN, AUBREY. "President Hill and the Sectarian Challenge at the U. of R."
3668 PARKMAN, AUBREY. David Jayne Hill and the Problem of World Peace.
6564 PARSHALL, MARGARET G. et al. Bloomfield Schools Revisited, a History of Education in East Bloomfield, 1789-1989.
5637 PATCHETT, ANNA E. The Livingston County Historical Society, 1876-1976: A Brief Historical Sketch.
3747 PEAKS, MARION R. 'Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow.'
3372 PEASE, JANE HANNA. “James Wadsworth: Educational Reformer.”
6606 PECK, RUSSELL. The Robbins Library.
3659 PERKINS, DEXTER. Yield of the Years: An Autobiography.
3658 PERKINS, DEXTER. "The University of Rochester: Its Place in the Civic Century."
3622 PETERS, DAVID E. The Founding of Genesee Community College.
3389 PETERS, ROSWELL B. Indebtedness in the School Districts of Ontario County, New York, for the School Years 1924-25 to 1932-33 ...
6619 PETERSON, SUSAN. The House that George Built.
6587 PFOUTS, NEIL EDWARD. A History of Roberts Wesleyan College.
3390 PHELPS UNION & CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Report of the Proceedings, Fiftieth Anniversary of the Opening of the Vienna Union School, Held in the Old School House, October 26th, 1896.
3701e PITTSFORD. Community Library. A Pioneer Library.
6597 POLKINGHORNE, J. C. Rochester Roundabout: The Story of High Energy Physics.
3411 PUTNAM, JULIA. "Early Schools of Warsaw."
3614 RAMAKER, ALBERT J. "The Story of the German Department."
3573 RAND, HAROLD S. A Study of the Economic and Social Status of Six Thou sand Former Students of Rochester High Schools.
6620 RAUB, DEBORAH FINEBLUM. Celebrating a Decade of Success.
3615 RAUSCHENBUSCH, AUGUST. Leben and Wirken von August Rauschenbusch, Pro-fessor am theologischen Seminar zu Rochester in Nordamerka .. ..., ed. Walter Rauschenbusch.
3547 REBASZ, EURITH PATTISON. The Story of the Seventy-Five Years of Livingston Park Seminary.
3546 REBASZ, EURITH PATTISON. The story of Sixty Years: Livingston Park Seminary, Rochester, N.Y., 1858-1918.
3574 REED, JOHN J. A Study of Administrative Aspects of the National Youth Administration in the High Schools of Monroe County, New York.
6577 REESE, WILLIAM J. Power and the Promise of School Reform: Grassroots Movements During the Progressive Era.
3627 REEVES, FLOYD W., and others. Report of a Survey of Gensee Wesleyan Seminary and Fifteen Other Secondary Schools Affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church.
3549 REMINGTON, CAROLYN LYON. Vibrant Silence.
3575 RENTSCH, GEORGE J. Open Enrollment: An Appraisal.
3412 REYNOLDS, CAROLINE. "Belles-Lettres from Middlebury-1844-1845."
3736 REZNECK, SAMUEL. A Traveling School of Science on the Erie Canal in 1826.
3576 RIDLEY, WILLIAM H., JR. A Survey of Cooperative Education Programs: A Research Study Conducted in Rochester, New York and Monroe County, New York, to Investigate the Operation of Cooperative Education Programs, Study Their Structure, Assess Their Performance and Evaluate Their Importance and Value in the Education of Youth in Public Schools.
3671 RIKER, CHARLES C. The Eastman School of Music: Its First Quarter Century, 1921-1946.
6572 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. The Schoolhouse at Harris.
6571 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Gone...But Not Forgotten.
3752 RIPTON, MICHAEL J. Museum Salutes 50th Anniversary of the New York State Archeological Association.
3753 RITCHIE, WILLIAM A. The New York State Archeological Association."
6611 ROBINSON, DELIA. To Preserve and Educate: The First Twenty-five Years of the Cobblestone Society and Museum.
6573 ROBINSON, RUTH. A Teacher Remembers....
3373 ROCHESTER AREA COLLEGES. Toward Developing a Coordinated System of Post-secondary Continuing Education in the Genesee Valley Region.
3648 ROCHESTER ATHENAEUM & MECHANICS INSTITUTE. Forty-One Years, 1885-1926: An Historical Resume of the Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute.
3588 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Work-Education Training Centers: The First Two Years. Evaluative Study Summary Report.
3640 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Community College for Monroe County: Review of Suggested Plans.
3639 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report Providing Background Information on the Question of a Community College for Monroe County.
3642 ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE. One Hundredth Anniversary, R.B.I.: The Proof of One Century, the Vision of Another, 1863-1963.
3641 ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE. A Catalog Commemorating the 70th Anni-versary of the Founding of Rochester Business Institute & School of Business Administration.
3748 ROCHESTER MUSEUM OF ARTS & SCIENCES. Guide to the Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences.
3617 ROCHESTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Das theologische Seminar der deutschen Baptisten (The German Department of Rochester Theological Seminary),
3577 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Cost of Public School Education, Rochester, New York.
3578 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Junior High Schools of Rochester, New York.
3579 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Functioning of the Public School Program; A Series of Articles Describing the Functioning of the Work in the Public Schools of Rochester, New York, Published in the Democrat & Chronicle, during the School Year, 1926-27.
3580 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Work of the Public Schools.
3581 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. Report of the Citizen's Committee to Study the Expenditures of the Board of Education.
3582 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. Our City, Our Schools: Rochester Public Schools.
3586 ROCHESTER. City School District. Report of the Rochester City School District Task Force on Budget and Management.
3583 ROCHESTER. City School District. Racial Imbalance in the Rochester Public Schools: Report to the Commissioner of Education.
3584 ROCHESTER. City School District. Desegregation of the Elementary Schools: Special Report to the Board of Education.
3585 ROCHESTER. City School District. Grade Reorganization and Desegregation of the Rochester Public Schools: A Report to the Board of Education.
3592 ROCHESTER. City School District. UNIQUE: Center for Cooperative Action in Urban Education; Proposal for a Grant ...
5610 ROCHESTER. City School District. Division of Pupil Personnel Services. Human Rights Activists: Role Models in the Rochester: Community Developed by Project Beacon.
3587 ROCHESTER. Manpower Development and Training Center. The Rochester Multi-Occupational Youth Project.
3687 ROCHESTER. Public Library. Seventeen Years of Service of the Rochester Public Library, 1912-1928.
3529 ROCHESTER. Public School No. 14. Re-Unions of Old 14.
3630 ROHRBACH, JOHN. "History of the Geneseo State Normal School."
3674 ROMANO, JOHN, ed. To Each His Farthest Star: A Book of Essays Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the University of Rochester Medical Center, 1925-1975.
3730 RORBACH, JOHN. The Log Cabin of This Society and Those of the Early Pioneers.
3702 ROSBROOK, FREDE. "The Law Library."
6621 ROSE, RICHARD. The Morgan Collection at the Rochester Museum and Science Center.
3660 ROSENBERGER, JESSE L. Rochester and Colgate: Historical Backgrounds of the Two Universities.
3661 ROSENBERGER, JESSE L. Rochester: The Making of a University.
6607 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. The Role of the Library - Public Service.
3531 RUCHKIN, JUDITH POLGAR. “The Abolition of 'Colored Schools' in Rochester, New York: 1832-1856.”
3589 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. “Are We Wrong in Using the School Buildings for Social Centers?”
5611 RUSSO, JOHN B. “Educational Revisionism and Recent School Reform: The Case of Rochester, 1960-1973.” "
3717 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. Studies in Local History.
3618 SAVAGE, DORIS M. "The Rochester Theological Seminary in, the Old United States Hotel."
3737 SCHILD, JOAN L. Dr. Came, the Lightning Man.
3764 SCHILLING, BERNARD N. The University and the Club.
5605 SCHULTZ, DIANE GRANVILLE. "A Study of the Establishment in Farming of Veterans Who Enrolled in the I.O.F. Training Program at Naples, N.Y."
3590 SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES. Attitudes and Opinions of Educators in the Rochester School Systems.
3551 SCOUTEN, EDWARD L. A revaluation of the Rochester Method.
3738 SCRANTON, EDWIN. Rochester's Pioneer Museum, as Described by 'An Old Citizen,' ed. Martha Montague Ash.
3591 SEYMOUR, HOWARD C. “The Teacher Shortage.”
3619 SHARPE, DORES ROBINSON. Walter Rauschenbusch.
3669 SLATER, JOHN R. Rhees of Rochester.
3662 SLATER, JOHN R. "The First Hundred Years of the University of Rochester."
3634 SMITH, F. WILSON. "Benjamin Hale--Educator of Geneva College."
3600 SMITH, HARRY P. The Emergency Collegiate Centers of Central New York.
3635 SMITH, WARREN H. Hobart and William Smith: The History of Two Colleges.
6558 SOHN, FREDERICK H. The Evolution of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rochester, New York, 1868 to 1970.
3374 SOPER, WAYNE W. “Development of State Support of Education in New York State.”
3620 SPIELMANN, RICHARD M. Bexley Hall: 150 Years, a Brief History,
6578 STEVENS, EDWARD WILLARD, Jr. The Political Education of Children in the Rochester Public Schools, 1899-1917: An Historical Perspective on Social Control in Public Education.
6579 STEVENS, EDWARD W., Jr. School Personnel and Political Socialization: Rochester, New York, 1900-1917.
6580 STEVENS, EDWARD W., Jr. Social Centers, Politics, and Social Efficiency in the Progressive Era.
3757 STEWART, MILROY N. Rochester Academy of Science.
3621 STRONG, ALVAH. Autobiography of Alvah Strong, July 18, 1809-April 20, 1885.
5619 STRONG, AUGUSTUS H. Historical Discourse Delivered as a Part of the Exercises in Connection with the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the
6607a STUHLMAN, RACHEL. It Isn't Sanity, but It Sure Is Fun.
3704 SUTTON, ALICE T. "Private Libraries in Rochester:"
5606 SWENSON, RALPH E. "Study of Former Vocational Agriculture Students in the Naples, New York Area ..."
5625 TAYLOR, GLADYS M., comp. A Bibliography of Institute History, Rochester: Institute of Technology.
6581 TEITELBAUM, KENNETH NEIL. Schooling for "Good Rebels": Socialist Education for Children in the United States, 1900-1920.
3760 The Club. "Si quid veri inveneris profer." 1854-1937.
3629 The Lamron, Geneseo State Normal School, 50th Anniversary. Geneseo: 1921. 116 pp. (School yearbook.) The Lamron, Geneseo State Normal School, 50th Anniversary.
3532 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. “The Three R's in Rochester, 1850-1900.”
3636 TURK, MILTON H. Hobart: The Story of a Hundred Years, 1822-1922.
3593 U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Hearing Held in Rochester, New York, September 16-17, 1966.
3672 UNIVERSITY CF ROCHESTER. Eastman School of Music. The Golden 20's Gala in Honor of George Eastman and the 50th Anniversary of the Eastman Theatre and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra.
3675 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. The First Decade: The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1926-1936.
3676 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. The Quarter Century: A Review of the First Twenty-Five Years, 1925-1950. School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester Municipal Hospital.
3677 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, Department of Psychiatry., 1946 1971.
3663 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. General Catalogue of the University of Rochester, 1850-1928.
3664 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. The University of Rochester: The First Hundred Years: Centennial Issue of the Alumni-Alumnae Review Commemorating the University's One Hundredth Anniversary.
3665 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Alumni Director, 125th Anniversary Edition, 1975.
3758 UTZ, JOHN. (History of Rochester Engineering Society.)
3379 VAN LENNEP. HENRY J. Ingham University: A University for Women, in LeRoy, N.Y. Historical Sketch and Description ...
6599 WAGNER MEMORIAL LUTHERAN COLLEGE. The Wagnerian, Published Under the Auspices of the Class of Nineteen Eighteen of Wagner Memorial Lutheran College, Rochester, New York.
5607 WAITE, D. BYRON. Notes on Jt. School District Number Five, Towns of Canadice & Springwater.
3631 WARD, FERDINAND DE W. Geneseo Academy: Historical Sketch ...
3693 WATANABE, RUTH T. "Historical Introduction to the Sibley Music Library."
6608 WATANABE, RUTH T. The Sibley Music Library: A World Collection.
3721 WATSON, HILDEGARDE WHITIN. A Retrospective.
3718 WATSON, HILDEGARDE WHITIN. Major Wheeler Chapin Case: A Tribute to the Society's Late Curator.
3719 WATSON, HILDEGARDE WHITIN. "Radio Script: 'Silas O. Smith: His House and His City.'"
3720 WATSON, HILDEGARDE WHITIN. "A Brief Account of 'Woodside' from 1838 to 1962 and Especially the Last Twenty Years."
6574 WEBSTER-CURLEY, JACQUES K. The Silver Lake Military and Naval School.
3595 WEET, HERBERT S. “The Development of Public Education in Rochester, 1900-1910.”
3594 WEET, HERBERT S. “Citizenship and the Evening Use of School Buildings.”
3767 WENNERMARK, A. JAMES. The Rochester Philatelic Association.
3678 WHIPPLE, GEORGE H. Planning and Construction Period of the School and Hospitals, 1921-1925; School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester Municipal. Hospital.
6585 WHITE, CHRISTOPHER. Our Classroom Is the Whole Outdoors.
3609 WILBUR, STEPHEN D. "Random Data on the Cost of Education in a New York Normal School in 1869; Selected from the Diary of Stephen D. Wilbur."
5612 WILLIAMS, LYNNE D. One Hundred Years: The Rochester: School for the Deaf, 1876-1976.
6575 WILSON, JOHN G. The Academy on the Knoll.
3596 WILSON, L.A. “An Example of Factory School Training: Report of L.A. Wilson, Principal of the Rochester Shop School.”
6586 WING, RICHARD LEWIS. Ingham University, 1857-1892; An Exploration of the Life and Death of an Early Institution of Higher Education for Women.
3518 WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR. "Notes from a Schoolmaster's Diary."
3754 WRIGHT, GORDON K. Morgan Chapter, New York State Archeological Association.
5638 WYND, ALICE WOOD. The Tuesday Reading Club, 1927-1977.
3597 YOUNG, WILLIAM C., and others. Project UNIQUE: United Now for Inte grated Quality Urban-Suburban Education.
3688 YUST, WILLIAM F. "The History of the Libraries of Rochester."
3707 ZACHERT, ADELINE B. "What Rochester Children Read and Why."
3708 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK,J. "St. Bernard's Seminary Library."

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