Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
5264 U.S. Library of Congress. Newspapers on Microfilm, United States, 1948-1972,
5265 U.S. National Youth Administration, comp. Index to Newspapers Published in Rochester, New York, 1818-1897.
5260 BRIGHAM, CLARENCE S. History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820.
5261 FAIBISOFF, SYLVIA G., and others, comps. A Bibliography of Newspapers in Fourteen New York State Counties.
5827 FAIBISOFF, SYLVIA G., and WENDELL G. TRIPP, eds. A Bibliography of Newspapers in Fourteen New York Counties.
5262 GREGORY, WINIFRED, ed. American Newspapers, 1821-1936. A Union List of Files Available in the United States and Canada.
5263 LATHEM, EDWARD, comp. Chronological Tables of Amemi2an Newspapers, 1690-1820: Being a Tabular Guide to Holdings of Newspapers Published in America through the Year 1820.
5828 MERCER, PAUL M., comp. A Checklist of Newspapers in Microform in the New York State Library.
5829 MERCER, PAUL M., comp. Bibliographies and Lists of New York State Newspapers: An Annotated Guide.
5830 THOMPSON, GARY B., ed. Index to the Newspapers Published in Geneva, New York. Vol. l: 1806-1819.

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