Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1338 ABRAHAMS, PAUL. “Agricultural Adjustment during the New Deal Period: The New York Milk Industry: A Test Case.”
1339 BARKER, RANDOLPH. “Expanding the Dairy Enterprise on Central Plain Farms.”
1340 BELLUSH, JEWEL. “Milk Price Control: History of Its Adoption, 1933.”
1341 BRUNGER, ERIC. “A Chapter in the Growth of the New York State Dairy Industry, 1850-1900.”
5487 CORNELIUS, VICTOR, and THELMA PALMITER. Cheese and the Depot.
1342 CUNNINGHAM, L.C. “Costs and Returns in Producing Milk, Central Plain Region, New York, 1953-54.”
1343 CUNNINGHAM, L.C. “Commercial Dairy Farming, Plateau Region, New York, 1957-58.”
1344 CUNNINGHAM, L.C. “Costs and. Returns in Producing Milk, Plateau Region, New York, 1957-58.”
1345 CUNNINGHAM, L.C., and R.G. WELTS. “Changes in Commercial Dairy Farming, Central Plain Region, New York, 1954-1964.”
1346 HESS, CARROLL, V. “Profitable Adjustments for New York Dairymen.”
1347 JOHNSON, STEWART. “The Rochester Milk. Marketing Area.”
1348 JOHNSON, STEWART. Distribution in Six Large Cities of Upstate New York.”
1350 N.Y. STATE DEPARTMENT OF FARMS AND MARKETS (later AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS). Statistics Relative to the Dairy Industry in New York State, 1922-present.
1349 N.Y. STATE DEPARTMENT OF FARMS AND MARKETS. “Statistical Relative to the Dairy Industry in New York State--Census of Dairy Farms, Dairy Cows and Dairy Products.”
1351 NORTON, L.J., and LELAND SPENCER. “A Preliminary Survey of Milk Marketing in New York.”
5488 POTTER, CLIFFORD M. “Cheese Factories of Allegany County.”
1352 ROSS, H.A. “The Supply Side of the New York Milk Market.”
1355 SPENCER, LELAND, and CHARLES J. BLANDFORD. An Economic History of Milk Marketing and Pricing: A Classified Bibliography with Review of Listed Publications, 1840-1970.
1353 SPENCER, LELAND. “The Milk Situation in New York, January 1937.”
1354 SPENCER, LELAND. “Evolution of the Milk Pricing System of the New York New Jersey Market.”

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