Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
6252 AEBERLI, WILLIAM I. and MARGARET BECKET. Joseph Harris - Captain of the Rochester Seed Industry.
3759 ANDREWS, MARGARET B. Records of the Pundit Club.
3770 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Aesculapius Meets Everard Peck; 150 Years of Medical Books and Learning in Rochester.
3689 BENJAMIN, JOHN A., and JOHN R. RUSSELL. "The Edward G. Miner Library."
3024 BOWMAN, PATRICIA G. "Frederick Douglass: Fourth of July Oration, 1852."
5087 BROKE, FREDERICA SOPHIA. Diary of an American Tour, 1834.
1365 BROWN, BABETTE. "The Ellwanger and Barry Library."
3114 BUTTERFIELD, MARGARET. "The University and the Civil War."
2476 BUTTERFIELD, MARGARET. "Fire Fighters of the Past."
3115 CLARK, EDWARD W. "The Yazoo Pass Expedition."
6828 COLLINS, ROWLAND L. The Lillian Fairchild Award, 1924-74.
6272 CREEK, ALMA BURNER. Bombyx Mori and Americans: Or, Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.
6253 CREEK, ALMA BURNER. A Business Library for Ellwanger and Barry.
6254 CREEK, ALMA BURNER. A Family Story: The Ellwangers and the Barrys.
3697 DAGHLIAN, PHILIP B. "'The Farmers' Library."
3858 DODGE, CHARLES W. “Making Diphtheria Antitoxin Serum: An Episode in the Medical History of Rochester.”
6818 DOELL, M. CHRISTINE KLIM. Verdant Frames: Plant Portraits from the Ellwanger and Barry Collection.
3690 DUNCAN, BARBARA. "The Sibley Music Library."
6504 FOLTS, JAMES D., Jr. The Sullivan Campaign: A Bibliography.
6601 FORD, GEORGE H. The Koller-Collins Graduate English Center - A History.
850 GRANGER, ELI. "Diaries of 1796-1797," ed. Margaret Toth.
6255 GROSSO, DIANE HOLAHAN. From the Genesee to the World.
3864 HAYES, CATHERINE D. “Edward Mott Moore: Nineteenth Century Medical Student.”
3692 HAYES, CATHERINE D. "The History of the University of Rochester Libraries: 120 Years."
6131 HOY, CYRUS. Mrs. Gilman H. Perkins and Her World.
5911 HOY, CYRUS, ed. Mary P. Hamlin: Memoirs and Letters.
6527 HUTH, MARY M. Records of Women's Organizations in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.
6273 KABELAC, KARL SANFORD. Advice for Gardeners: Vick's Monthly Magazine (the first series, 1878-1891)
5289 KABELAC, KARL S. Valentine Gill's 1832 Map of Rochester.
1758 KABELAC, KARL S. "George Eastman: A Bibliographical Essay of Selected References."
6306 KABELAC, KARL SANFORD. Nineteenth-Century Rochester Fruit and Flower Plates.
4540 KARP, ABRAHAM J. “Simon Tuska's The Stranger in the Synagogue.”
4883 KLINZING, ERNESTINE M. “The Making of an Orchestra.”
6318 KOHLSTEDT, SALLY GREGORY. "Henry Augustus Ward and American Museum Development."
3528 MATTERN, MARGARET M. “Early Rochester Textbooks, 1821-1850.”
3761 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Pundit Club and the City of Rochester.
3652 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Professors Make Good Citizens.
4842 MERRITT, HOWARD S. "Prints of the Genesee Falls."
4522 MINER, EDWARD G. “The Book of Mormon.”
3057 NELSON, GLADYS G., ed. “Report of the Woman's Rights Convention, Rochester, 1848.”
2944 OLNEY, MABEL GLEASON. "William Lyon Mackenzie: Rochester Newspaper Man."
3029 PALMER, ERWIN. "A Partnership in the Abolition Movement."
3372 PEASE, JANE HANNA. “James Wadsworth: Educational Reformer.”
4421 PEASE, WILLIAM H. “William Channing Gannett: Two Episodes.”
6606 PECK, RUSSELL. The Robbins Library.
1806 PERRY, MARGARET. "Chester F. Carlson: Physicist, Lawyer, Inventor, and Humanitarian."
3796 RICHMOND, PHYLLIS A. "Asiatic Cholera in Rochester."
6134 RIEGER, JAMES. Dear Hearts: Clara Louise Werner Ward (1889-1973) and Charlotte Whitney Allen (1891-1978).
863 ROBY, ALICE ROGERS. "A Pioneer Rochester Family: Vignette."
3764 SCHILLING, BERNARD N. The University and the Club.
6808 SMITH, SUSAN SUTTON. The American Dream on Mt. Hope: Nineteenth-Century Building by Ellwanger and Barry.
3084 TOWLE, EDWARD L. "The Militia Myth: Letters from Lt. William B. Rochester on the Niagara Frontier, 1813."
5287 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Libraries. The Department of Special Collections: A Survey.
984 VAIL, ROBERT W.G. “The Lure of the Land Promoter: A Bibliographical Study of Certain New York Real Estate Rarities.”
6136 VAN DEUSEN, RUTH. Memories of Childhood at Warner Castle.
3085 WADSWORTH, JAMES. "James Wadsworth's Call to Arms," ed. Jack Guildroy.
3693 WATANABE, RUTH T. "Historical Introduction to the Sibley Music Library."
6608 WATANABE, RUTH T. The Sibley Music Library: A World Collection.
6876 WATSON, JAMES SIBLEY, Jr. and HERBERT STERN, ALEC WILDER, and LEWIS WHITBECK, Jr. The Films of J.S. Watson, Jr., and Melville Webber: Some Retrospective Views.

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