Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
3553 ACKLEY, WILLIAM J. A History of the Growth and Progress of the Edison Technical and Industrial High School, Rochester, New York.
4479 ANDERSON, PHILIP J. The Simple Builders: The Shakers, Their Villages and Architecture.
2564 ARONSON, JOAN SCHWEIGER. Non-Residential Displacement by Urban Renewal: A Case Study of the Genesee Crossroads Project _in Rochester, New York.
4455 ARTHUR, DAVID.T. Come Out of Babylon: A Study of Millerite Separatism and Denominationalism.
1858 ASAY, IVAN. “An Appraisal of the Rochester Experiment in Work Relief, 1929-1930.”
1319 ASHTON, JOHN. Open-Country Holdings in Northern Livingston County, New York.
3956a AVERILL, LLOYD J., JR. Religion on the Air in Rochester: A Study of Religious Broadcasting over Rochester Radio Stations, with Special Reference to Protestant Religious Broadcasting.
2413 BARNES, JOSEPH W. Rochester's Era of Annexations, 1901-1926.
3356 BARRACO, ANTHONY M. The Wadsworth Family of Geneseo, New York; A Study of Their Activities Which Relate to Public Education in New York State and to the State University College of New York at Geneseo.
6443 BAYER, MARK HAROLD Lower Falls Park.
4060 BEAUDRY, JAMES A. Voluntary Association Membership and Religious Participation in a Sample of an Urban Catholic Parish.
4060 BEAUDRY, JAMES A. Voluntary Association Membership and Religious Participation in a Sample of an Urban Catholic Parish.
1317 BECKER, CLARE A. Farm Management Adjustments, Northern Livingston County, New York, 1908-1938.
408 BENJAMIN, ALICE EAGAN. History of Palmyra, 1789-1865.
4903 BITZ, NELLIE E. A Half-Century of Theater in Early Rochester: A Record of the Struggle to Establish a Permanent Theater.
2976 BRACKNEY, WILLIAM H. Religious Antimasonry: The Genesis of a Political Party.
3605 BUTLER, M. ALENE. A History of the Brockport Collegiate Institute, 1832-1867.
4751 CANTOR, DOROTHY M. Claude Bragdon and His Relation to the Development of Modern Architectural Theory.
4439 CLARK, FRANKLIN W. The Origins of Spiritualism in America …
2914 COFFEY, JOHN J. A Political History of the Temperance Movement in New York State, 1808-1920.
3554 COULSON, CUTLER J. The Development of the Public Secondary School Curriculum in Rochester, New York, from 1903 to 1935.
744 CROSS, WHITNEY R. "Creating a City: The History of Rochester from 1827 to 1834."
3092 CROWELL, EARL. The Economic Conditions in Rochester and Vicinty during the Civil War.
2402 CROWLEY, RICHARD F. Radio Station WHAM, Rochester, New York: Its Origin, Development and Programming Practices, 1922-1941.
2916 DONALD, AIDA DI PACE. Prelude to Civil War: The Decline of the Whig Party in New York, 1848-1852.
3237 DUANE, ROSALIND G. "A Study of Attitudes in Church and School-Sponsored Girl Scout Troops toward Four Minority Groups."
2956 DUTKO, JOHN. "Socialism in Rochester, 1900-1917.
4244 EANES, EDWARD W. "Methodism in Rochester (A Survey, 1935).
3375 ENGELMAN, ROSE C. The History of Ingham "University, 1837-1892.
3557 EWING, FREDERICK E. The Pay-as-you-Go Theory Viewed from the Experiences of Financing School Buildings in Rochester, New York.
745 FENNEMORE, GEORGE. "The Growth of a City: The History of Rochester from 1839 to 1843."
288 FISHER, JACK C. Geneva, A Study in Urban Geography.
113 FLANAGAN, MARGARET T. History and Folklore of Allegany County.
6790 FORBES, MARTHA KEPPLER. The Victorian Gothic and Its Manifestations in Rochester, New York.
3264 FORM, WILLIAM H. "A Comparative Study of the Membership of Rochester's Character Building Agencies, 1938, and the Population of Rochester, New York with Special Reference to Their Youth Groups."
1128 FOX, FLORENCE. M. "Territorial and Occupational Mobility of the Ukrainians of Rochester, N.Y."
3957 GARDINER, DWIGHT H. The Measurement of Religious Attitudes and Their Relation to Prejudice,
2520 GAYLORD, ANNE E.. Water Supply Problems in the Rochester, New York Area.
2406 GELLES, RICHARD J. "The Social Construction of Television News."
2421 GILBERT, DONALD W. The Government and Finances of Rochester, New York ...
1325 GILLETT, ROY L. A Study of Farm Labor in Seneca County, New York.
1881 GLEASON, ALAN H. The History of Labor in Rochester, 1820-1880.
3559f GOODWIN, MABEL C. A History of Public Evening School Instruction in the City of Rochester, 1853-1933.
1067 GRAHAM, TODD T. Ethnic Concentrations and Socio-Political Patterns of Syracuse and Rochester, New York, 1946-1962.
3226 GRAY, RALPH L. The Effectiveness of the Neighborhood Unit Service Organization in Rochester, New York.
2990 GRIFFEN, LELAND M. The Antimasonic Persuasion: A Study of Public Address in the American Antimasonic Movement 1826-1838.
3884 HARDER, GAYLE LOCKHART. An Ecological Study of Mental Disorders in Rochester, New York.
1442 HARDY, ERNEST E. The Agricultural Regions of New York State: A Mid- Century Description.
1882 HAWLEY, NATALIE F. The Labor Movement in Rochester: 1880-1898.
1084 HAWRYLUK, ALEXANDER. Friends of Fight: A Study of a Militant Civil Rights Organization.
5244 HEALY, FRANCES. "A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Years 1855-58, with a Historical Introduction.”
5246 HEALY, MARY A. A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Yeats 1863-65, with a Historical Introduction.
3190 HECHT, PAMELA K. Differential Perceptions of a Local Community Area.
1116 HENDRICKSON, CATHERINE HARDING. Continuity and. Change in Two Rochester Neighborhoods, 1890-1958.
3406 HOOLE, WILLIAM H. "A History of Pike Seminary."
1326 HUGHES, CAROLY NIVENS. The Dynamics of Migratory Settlement in Wayne County, New York State.
3626 HUMPHREY, INGRAHAM. The History of Lima Seminary.
1467 HYER , EDGAR A. Readjustment in Type of Farming in the Finger Lakes Region of New York.
4446 ISAACS, ERNEST J. A history of Nineteenth Century American Spiritualism as a Religious and Social Movement.
3207 JACOBSON, ISRAEL G. A Historical Study of the Community Organization Pro-cesses Involved in the Organization and Early Growth of a Council of Social Agencies.
1869 JOBE, ELSA. Employment Regularization in Manufacturing Industries in Rochester, New York.
1333 JOHN, MACKLIN E. Attitudes of Dairy Farmers toward the Dairymen's League Cooperative Association (Otsego and Livingston Counties, New York, 1935).
1870 JOHNS, ALFRED A. A Review of Recent Trends in Apprentice Training and Its Present Status in Rochester.
3954 JOHNSON, PAUL E. A Shopkeeper's Millenium: Society and Revivals in Rochester, New York, 1815-1837.
3613 KAISER, LAURIE ALLAN. Response to a Secular Society: A Liberal Seminary Looks at Its Role.
1104 KEENE, RUTH N. Acculturation of the First and Second Generation Italians in Rochester, New York.
4911 KHEEL, PEARL L. A Survey of the Rochester Theater from 1900 to 1910.
1564 KLING, CHRISTIAN G. An Urban Economic Base Analysis of the Rochester, New York Metropolitan Area.
2970 KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. The Social Composition of Political Leadership: Genesee County, New York, 1821-1860.
4740 KWIAT, ALICE B. Frank Lloyd Wright in Buffalo and Rochester, New York.
1316 LABADIE, JUAN. The Use of Farm Products in the Household, Northern Livingston County, New York, 1938.
4756 LIPSCOMB, MARY E. "The Architecture of Harvey Ellis in Rochester, New York.
3396 LOOMIS, CHARLES E.B. The History of Macedon Academy.
3267 LOWE, JOHN C. The Boys: A Study of a Contemporary Juvenile Gang.
3524 LUFFMAN, CECIL W. Evolution of the Curriculum of the Common Schools of Parma, New York, from 1825 to 1900 as Revealed by the Textbooks in Use during the Period.
3142 MANS, MARY A. "Cuba as Reflected in the Rochester Press--1895 to 1898."
2597 McCANNE, LEE. The Latent Demand for Middle Income and Luxury Apartments, Downtown in Rochester, New York; Including Survey Responses of Preferences as to Location, Size, Garage Space, Services.
3950 McELROY, JAMES L. Social Reform in the Burned-Over District: Rochester, New York, as a Test Case, 1830-1854.
3960 McMURRAY, ELLA J. A Study of a Homogeneous Protestant Group's Attitudes toward Jewish Practices and How These Relate to Goals of Intergroup Relations.
2198 MCNATT, EMMETT B. Employee Representation in the Lehigh Valley Rail-road Shops; A Case Study in Company Unionism.
1297 MERENESS, ELMER H. An Analysis of Costs and Returns of Farm Crops in Western New York, 1927-1929.
1070 MIKOLJI, BORRIS H. Race Nationality, and Politics in an Urban Community.
3962 MIKOLON, THEODORE W. Religious Participation and the Personal Adjustment of Old People in a Home for the Aged.
2923 MILES, EDWARD J. Political Regionalism in New York, 1860-1954.
3685 MILLIKEN, MARY C. A History of the Rochester Public Library from 1912 to 1936.
6799 MORGAN, LOUISE. Architectural Eclecticism in Rochester from 1840-1880.
3298 MOWERY, ELIZABETH B. The Community as a Context for the Development of Housing: A Study of Orleans County, New York.
2409 MURPHY, RAYMOND J. A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Television on the Family.
1445 NOBE, KENNETH C. An Agricultural Regions Concept for New York State.
746 NORTON, HERBERT A. "Prosperity and Adversity: The History of Rochester from 1834 to 1839."
3538 OGNIBENE, RICHARD T. Protestant and Catholic Views of Education, 1865 1900: National and Local Views Compared.
3571 OLIVER, ANDREW D. School Buildings of Monroe County.
2943 OLNEY, MABEL GLEASON. William Lyon Mackenzie: The Rochester Years, 1838-1842.
3389 PETERS, ROSWELL B. Indebtedness in the School Districts of Ontario County, New York, for the School Years 1924-25 to 1932-33 ...
6587 PFOUTS, NEIL EDWARD. A History of Roberts Wesleyan College.
4543 PHILLIPS, SAM. The Jewish Population in Rochester, New York: A Study in Racial Concentration.
1318 PLATH, CLARENCE V. "An Analysis of Economic Land Classification in Northern Livingston County, New York, and a Proposed Method for Future Classification."
4527 PORTER, LARRY C. A Study of the Origins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the States of New York and Pennsylvania, 1816-1831.
2926 PRICE, HARRY S., JR. The Regions of New York in the Election of 1828.
1912 REDDEN, ROBERT. The Kind and Quantity of Manufacturing Industry in Communities under 10,000 population in Western New York.
3574 REED, JOHN J. A Study of Administrative Aspects of the National Youth Administration in the High Schools of Monroe County, New York.
3942 RICHARDS, THOMAS B. Drinking Patterns among Fifty Police Case Alcoholics.
3257 RICHARDSON, IDA KLEIN. A Study in Institutional and Foster Home Care for Dependent Children; Based on a Sample Survey of the Former Residents and Later Foster home Placements of the Jewish Orphan Asylum Association of Western New York (Now Functioning Locally under the Name Jewish Children's Bureau--Rochester, N.Y.)
1076 ROOD, ELLIOT S. The Genesee Country, 1788-1811; Perceptual Framework of Residents and Non-Residents.
1172 ROTH, NORMAN R. Urban Town: A Study of the Social Organization of a Suburban Community.
4458 ROWE, DAVID L. Thunder and Trumpets: The Millerite Movement and Apocalyptic Thought in Upstate New York, 1800-1845.
1124 RUIZ-TORRES, EDME V. An Analysis of Social Disorganization among a Group of Puerto Rican Migrants to Rochester, New York.
2949 SAUNDERS, LUCILLE STILLMAN. The Dissolution of the Whig Party in Monroe County (1848-1856).
1125 SAVAGE, VIRGINIA A. Incidence of Lexical Change in a Language Community in Transition.
1394 SCHULTZ, PAUL E. The Grape and Wine Industry of the Naples Valley, New York: A Geographic Interpretation.
1315 SELLERS, ROY. "An Analysis of the Chicken Enterprise on Farms in Livingston County, New York."
2004 SHAW, RONALD. A History of the Erie Canal, 1807-1850, with. Particular Ref erence to Western New York.
6433 SIBLEY, HARPER. The Biography of Hiram Sibley.
1002 SILSBY, ROBERT W. Credit and Creditors in the Phelps-Gorham Purchase.
1448 SILVERNAIL, RICHARD G. The Agricultural Land Use of the Western Finger Lakes Region of New York: 1600-1959
271 SIMPSON, ROBERT B. Studies in Population Geography, Canandaigua Lake Region, New York.
2251 SMITH, H. BRADFORD. The Rochester Street Railway, 1859-1906.
5251 SMITH, HENRY BRADFORD. Rochester Printing, 1816-1834.
80 SMITH, HORACE J. A Historical Study of Some Aspects of the Early Settlements in the Lower Genesee Valley in New York, 1790-1830.
5245 SMYTH, SHEILA A. "A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Years 1859-1862, with a Historical Intoduction.”
6440 SOUTH, AMY ELIZABETH. Neighborhood Control.
6742 SROLE, IRA. Inner City Sanctuary, the History and Theology of Rochester's Black Jews.
6810 STEWART, NATALIE BYRD EPPS. George Ellwanger and Patrick Barry, Romantic Builders.
67 STONAKER, JANICE HARNED. Studies in Rochester Pronunciation.
1126 TRICE, FRANCIS L. Anglicismos en el Espanol puertoriqueno de Rochester, New York.
1025 TRIPP, WENDELL. Robert Troup: A Quest for Security in a Turbulent New Nation, 1775-1832.
1385 TSUI, RUH-TSUIN. Farm Management Study of Two Hundred Fruit Farms near Sodus, Wayne County, New York, 1940.
2433 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Development of the Charter of the City of Rochester, 1817 to 1938.”
4266 ZAHNISER, CLARENCE H. The Life and Works of Benjamin Titus Roberts,

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