Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
3553 | ACKLEY, WILLIAM J. | A History of the Growth and Progress of the Edison Technical and Industrial High School, Rochester, New York. |
4479 | ANDERSON, PHILIP J. | The Simple Builders: The Shakers, Their Villages and Architecture. |
2564 | ARONSON, JOAN SCHWEIGER. | Non-Residential Displacement by Urban Renewal: A Case Study of the Genesee Crossroads Project _in Rochester, New York. |
4455 | ARTHUR, DAVID.T. | Come Out of Babylon: A Study of Millerite Separatism and Denominationalism. |
1858 | ASAY, IVAN. | “An Appraisal of the Rochester Experiment in Work Relief, 1929-1930.” |
1319 | ASHTON, JOHN. | Open-Country Holdings in Northern Livingston County, New York. |
3956a | AVERILL, LLOYD J., JR. | Religion on the Air in Rochester: A Study of Religious Broadcasting over Rochester Radio Stations, with Special Reference to Protestant Religious Broadcasting. |
2413 | BARNES, JOSEPH W. | Rochester's Era of Annexations, 1901-1926. |
3356 | BARRACO, ANTHONY M. | The Wadsworth Family of Geneseo, New York; A Study of Their Activities Which Relate to Public Education in New York State and to the State University College of New York at Geneseo. |
6443 | BAYER, MARK HAROLD | Lower Falls Park. |
4060 | BEAUDRY, JAMES A. | Voluntary Association Membership and Religious Participation in a Sample of an Urban Catholic Parish. |
4060 | BEAUDRY, JAMES A. | Voluntary Association Membership and Religious Participation in a Sample of an Urban Catholic Parish. |
1317 | BECKER, CLARE A. | Farm Management Adjustments, Northern Livingston County, New York, 1908-1938. |
408 | BENJAMIN, ALICE EAGAN. | History of Palmyra, 1789-1865. |
4903 | BITZ, NELLIE E. | A Half-Century of Theater in Early Rochester: A Record of the Struggle to Establish a Permanent Theater. |
2976 | BRACKNEY, WILLIAM H. | Religious Antimasonry: The Genesis of a Political Party. |
3605 | BUTLER, M. ALENE. | A History of the Brockport Collegiate Institute, 1832-1867. |
4751 | CANTOR, DOROTHY M. | Claude Bragdon and His Relation to the Development of Modern Architectural Theory. |
4439 | CLARK, FRANKLIN W. | The Origins of Spiritualism in America … |
2914 | COFFEY, JOHN J. | A Political History of the Temperance Movement in New York State, 1808-1920. |
3554 | COULSON, CUTLER J. | The Development of the Public Secondary School Curriculum in Rochester, New York, from 1903 to 1935. |
744 | CROSS, WHITNEY R. | "Creating a City: The History of Rochester from 1827 to 1834." |
3092 | CROWELL, EARL. | The Economic Conditions in Rochester and Vicinty during the Civil War. |
2402 | CROWLEY, RICHARD F. | Radio Station WHAM, Rochester, New York: Its Origin, Development and Programming Practices, 1922-1941. |
2916 | DONALD, AIDA DI PACE. | Prelude to Civil War: The Decline of the Whig Party in New York, 1848-1852. |
3237 | DUANE, ROSALIND G. | "A Study of Attitudes in Church and School-Sponsored Girl Scout Troops toward Four Minority Groups." |
2956 | DUTKO, JOHN. | "Socialism in Rochester, 1900-1917. |
4244 | EANES, EDWARD W. | "Methodism in Rochester (A Survey, 1935). |
3375 | ENGELMAN, ROSE C. | The History of Ingham "University, 1837-1892. |
3557 | EWING, FREDERICK E. | The Pay-as-you-Go Theory Viewed from the Experiences of Financing School Buildings in Rochester, New York. |
745 | FENNEMORE, GEORGE. | "The Growth of a City: The History of Rochester from 1839 to 1843." |
288 | FISHER, JACK C. | Geneva, A Study in Urban Geography. |
113 | FLANAGAN, MARGARET T. | History and Folklore of Allegany County. |
6790 | FORBES, MARTHA KEPPLER. | The Victorian Gothic and Its Manifestations in Rochester, New York. |
3264 | FORM, WILLIAM H. | "A Comparative Study of the Membership of Rochester's Character Building Agencies, 1938, and the Population of Rochester, New York with Special Reference to Their Youth Groups." |
1128 | FOX, FLORENCE. M. | "Territorial and Occupational Mobility of the Ukrainians of Rochester, N.Y." |
3957 | GARDINER, DWIGHT H. | The Measurement of Religious Attitudes and Their Relation to Prejudice, |
2520 | GAYLORD, ANNE E.. | Water Supply Problems in the Rochester, New York Area. |
2406 | GELLES, RICHARD J. | "The Social Construction of Television News." |
2421 | GILBERT, DONALD W. | The Government and Finances of Rochester, New York ... |
1325 | GILLETT, ROY L. | A Study of Farm Labor in Seneca County, New York. |
1881 | GLEASON, ALAN H. | The History of Labor in Rochester, 1820-1880. |
3559f | GOODWIN, MABEL C. | A History of Public Evening School Instruction in the City of Rochester, 1853-1933. |
1067 | GRAHAM, TODD T. | Ethnic Concentrations and Socio-Political Patterns of Syracuse and Rochester, New York, 1946-1962. |
3226 | GRAY, RALPH L. | The Effectiveness of the Neighborhood Unit Service Organization in Rochester, New York. |
2990 | GRIFFEN, LELAND M. | The Antimasonic Persuasion: A Study of Public Address in the American Antimasonic Movement 1826-1838. |
3884 | HARDER, GAYLE LOCKHART. | An Ecological Study of Mental Disorders in Rochester, New York. |
1442 | HARDY, ERNEST E. | The Agricultural Regions of New York State: A Mid- Century Description. |
1882 | HAWLEY, NATALIE F. | The Labor Movement in Rochester: 1880-1898. |
1084 | HAWRYLUK, ALEXANDER. | Friends of Fight: A Study of a Militant Civil Rights Organization. |
5244 | HEALY, FRANCES. | "A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Years 1855-58, with a Historical Introduction.” |
5246 | HEALY, MARY A. | A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Yeats 1863-65, with a Historical Introduction. |
3190 | HECHT, PAMELA K. | Differential Perceptions of a Local Community Area. |
1116 | HENDRICKSON, CATHERINE HARDING. | Continuity and. Change in Two Rochester Neighborhoods, 1890-1958. |
3406 | HOOLE, WILLIAM H. | "A History of Pike Seminary." |
1326 | HUGHES, CAROLY NIVENS. | The Dynamics of Migratory Settlement in Wayne County, New York State. |
3626 | HUMPHREY, INGRAHAM. | The History of Lima Seminary. |
1467 | HYER , EDGAR A. | Readjustment in Type of Farming in the Finger Lakes Region of New York. |
4446 | ISAACS, ERNEST J. | A history of Nineteenth Century American Spiritualism as a Religious and Social Movement. |
3207 | JACOBSON, ISRAEL G. | A Historical Study of the Community Organization Pro-cesses Involved in the Organization and Early Growth of a Council of Social Agencies. |
1869 | JOBE, ELSA. | Employment Regularization in Manufacturing Industries in Rochester, New York. |
1333 | JOHN, MACKLIN E. | Attitudes of Dairy Farmers toward the Dairymen's League Cooperative Association (Otsego and Livingston Counties, New York, 1935). |
1870 | JOHNS, ALFRED A. | A Review of Recent Trends in Apprentice Training and Its Present Status in Rochester. |
3954 | JOHNSON, PAUL E. | A Shopkeeper's Millenium: Society and Revivals in Rochester, New York, 1815-1837. |
3613 | KAISER, LAURIE ALLAN. | Response to a Secular Society: A Liberal Seminary Looks at Its Role. |
1104 | KEENE, RUTH N. | Acculturation of the First and Second Generation Italians in Rochester, New York. |
4911 | KHEEL, PEARL L. | A Survey of the Rochester Theater from 1900 to 1910. |
1564 | KLING, CHRISTIAN G. | An Urban Economic Base Analysis of the Rochester, New York Metropolitan Area. |
2970 | KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. | The Social Composition of Political Leadership: Genesee County, New York, 1821-1860. |
4740 | KWIAT, ALICE B. | Frank Lloyd Wright in Buffalo and Rochester, New York. |
1316 | LABADIE, JUAN. | The Use of Farm Products in the Household, Northern Livingston County, New York, 1938. |
4756 | LIPSCOMB, MARY E. | "The Architecture of Harvey Ellis in Rochester, New York. |
3396 | LOOMIS, CHARLES E.B. | The History of Macedon Academy. |
3267 | LOWE, JOHN C. | The Boys: A Study of a Contemporary Juvenile Gang. |
3524 | LUFFMAN, CECIL W. | Evolution of the Curriculum of the Common Schools of Parma, New York, from 1825 to 1900 as Revealed by the Textbooks in Use during the Period. |
3142 | MANS, MARY A. | "Cuba as Reflected in the Rochester Press--1895 to 1898." |
2597 | McCANNE, LEE. | The Latent Demand for Middle Income and Luxury Apartments, Downtown in Rochester, New York; Including Survey Responses of Preferences as to Location, Size, Garage Space, Services. |
3950 | McELROY, JAMES L. | Social Reform in the Burned-Over District: Rochester, New York, as a Test Case, 1830-1854. |
3960 | McMURRAY, ELLA J. | A Study of a Homogeneous Protestant Group's Attitudes toward Jewish Practices and How These Relate to Goals of Intergroup Relations. |
2198 | MCNATT, EMMETT B. | Employee Representation in the Lehigh Valley Rail-road Shops; A Case Study in Company Unionism. |
1297 | MERENESS, ELMER H. | An Analysis of Costs and Returns of Farm Crops in Western New York, 1927-1929. |
1070 | MIKOLJI, BORRIS H. | Race Nationality, and Politics in an Urban Community. |
3962 | MIKOLON, THEODORE W. | Religious Participation and the Personal Adjustment of Old People in a Home for the Aged. |
2923 | MILES, EDWARD J. | Political Regionalism in New York, 1860-1954. |
3685 | MILLIKEN, MARY C. | A History of the Rochester Public Library from 1912 to 1936. |
6799 | MORGAN, LOUISE. | Architectural Eclecticism in Rochester from 1840-1880. |
3298 | MOWERY, ELIZABETH B. | The Community as a Context for the Development of Housing: A Study of Orleans County, New York. |
2409 | MURPHY, RAYMOND J. | A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Television on the Family. |
1445 | NOBE, KENNETH C. | An Agricultural Regions Concept for New York State. |
746 | NORTON, HERBERT A. | "Prosperity and Adversity: The History of Rochester from 1834 to 1839." |
3538 | OGNIBENE, RICHARD T. | Protestant and Catholic Views of Education, 1865 1900: National and Local Views Compared. |
3571 | OLIVER, ANDREW D. | School Buildings of Monroe County. |
2943 | OLNEY, MABEL GLEASON. | William Lyon Mackenzie: The Rochester Years, 1838-1842. |
3389 | PETERS, ROSWELL B. | Indebtedness in the School Districts of Ontario County, New York, for the School Years 1924-25 to 1932-33 ... |
6587 | PFOUTS, NEIL EDWARD. | A History of Roberts Wesleyan College. |
4543 | PHILLIPS, SAM. | The Jewish Population in Rochester, New York: A Study in Racial Concentration. |
1318 | PLATH, CLARENCE V. | "An Analysis of Economic Land Classification in Northern Livingston County, New York, and a Proposed Method for Future Classification." |
4527 | PORTER, LARRY C. | A Study of the Origins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the States of New York and Pennsylvania, 1816-1831. |
2926 | PRICE, HARRY S., JR. | The Regions of New York in the Election of 1828. |
1912 | REDDEN, ROBERT. | The Kind and Quantity of Manufacturing Industry in Communities under 10,000 population in Western New York. |
3574 | REED, JOHN J. | A Study of Administrative Aspects of the National Youth Administration in the High Schools of Monroe County, New York. |
3942 | RICHARDS, THOMAS B. | Drinking Patterns among Fifty Police Case Alcoholics. |
3257 | RICHARDSON, IDA KLEIN. | A Study in Institutional and Foster Home Care for Dependent Children; Based on a Sample Survey of the Former Residents and Later Foster home Placements of the Jewish Orphan Asylum Association of Western New York (Now Functioning Locally under the Name Jewish Children's Bureau--Rochester, N.Y.) |
1076 | ROOD, ELLIOT S. | The Genesee Country, 1788-1811; Perceptual Framework of Residents and Non-Residents. |
1172 | ROTH, NORMAN R. | Urban Town: A Study of the Social Organization of a Suburban Community. |
4458 | ROWE, DAVID L. | Thunder and Trumpets: The Millerite Movement and Apocalyptic Thought in Upstate New York, 1800-1845. |
1124 | RUIZ-TORRES, EDME V. | An Analysis of Social Disorganization among a Group of Puerto Rican Migrants to Rochester, New York. |
2949 | SAUNDERS, LUCILLE STILLMAN. | The Dissolution of the Whig Party in Monroe County (1848-1856). |
1125 | SAVAGE, VIRGINIA A. | Incidence of Lexical Change in a Language Community in Transition. |
1394 | SCHULTZ, PAUL E. | The Grape and Wine Industry of the Naples Valley, New York: A Geographic Interpretation. |
1315 | SELLERS, ROY. | "An Analysis of the Chicken Enterprise on Farms in Livingston County, New York." |
2004 | SHAW, RONALD. | A History of the Erie Canal, 1807-1850, with. Particular Ref erence to Western New York. |
6433 | SIBLEY, HARPER. | The Biography of Hiram Sibley. |
1002 | SILSBY, ROBERT W. | Credit and Creditors in the Phelps-Gorham Purchase. |
1448 | SILVERNAIL, RICHARD G. | The Agricultural Land Use of the Western Finger Lakes Region of New York: 1600-1959 |
271 | SIMPSON, ROBERT B. | Studies in Population Geography, Canandaigua Lake Region, New York. |
2251 | SMITH, H. BRADFORD. | The Rochester Street Railway, 1859-1906. |
5251 | SMITH, HENRY BRADFORD. | Rochester Printing, 1816-1834. |
80 | SMITH, HORACE J. | A Historical Study of Some Aspects of the Early Settlements in the Lower Genesee Valley in New York, 1790-1830. |
5245 | SMYTH, SHEILA A. | "A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Years 1859-1862, with a Historical Intoduction.” |
6440 | SOUTH, AMY ELIZABETH. | Neighborhood Control. |
6742 | SROLE, IRA. | Inner City Sanctuary, the History and Theology of Rochester's Black Jews. |
6810 | STEWART, NATALIE BYRD EPPS. | George Ellwanger and Patrick Barry, Romantic Builders. |
67 | STONAKER, JANICE HARNED. | Studies in Rochester Pronunciation. |
1126 | TRICE, FRANCIS L. | Anglicismos en el Espanol puertoriqueno de Rochester, New York. |
1025 | TRIPP, WENDELL. | Robert Troup: A Quest for Security in a Turbulent New Nation, 1775-1832. |
1385 | TSUI, RUH-TSUIN. | Farm Management Study of Two Hundred Fruit Farms near Sodus, Wayne County, New York, 1940. |
2433 | WELLER, W. EARL. | “The Development of the Charter of the City of Rochester, 1817 to 1938.” |
4266 | ZAHNISER, CLARENCE H. | The Life and Works of Benjamin Titus Roberts, |
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