Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
4374 "Centennial Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church, Seneca Falls, New York."
3060 “60th Anniversary of the 1848 Woman's Rights Convention.”
2888 BAILEY, PRYCE W. "The Seneca Falls Fire Department."
357 BAILEY, PRICE W. "The Personal Narrative of Price W. Bailey."
358 BEACH, B.F. Seneca Falls Sixty or More Years Ago.
1953 BEACH, B.F. "Early Merchants of Seneca Falls."
2337 BEACH, B.F. "Early Transportation."
359 BEACH, W.H. "History of Bridgeport."
4895 BROWN, WILHELMINA. "The Choirs of Seneca Falls."
1986 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Water Transportation and Packet Lines."
1987 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Seneca Lock Navigation Company."
361 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Five Pivotal Years of Our History."
1959 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Banking Houses of Seneca Falls."
1960 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Barrel and Boat Manufacturing."
1956 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Taverns of Seneca Falls."
1957 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Flouring Mills."
1958 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Industries."
1961 COWING, JANET McKAY. "Early Milliners of Seneca Falls."
362 COWING, JANET. The Streets of Seneca Falls.
363 COWING, JANET. "Some Early Advertisements."
3975 COWING, Mrs. Philo, and S.F. FRAZIER. "Early Churches of Junius."
367 GAY, JOHN S. The Insurance Agents of Seneca Falls.
4252 GOLPER, A.W. "Record of the Methodist Episcopal Church."
4194 GUION, G.M. "History of Trinity Church."
2295 HENION, ANNA. "The Old Stage Coach."
4665 INSHAW, CHARLES C. “The Cayuga Bridge.”
369 JACOBY, SAMUEL. L. Reminiscences of Seneca Falls and Seneca County,
1963 KLINE, SAMUEL. "Saw Mills of Seneca Falls."
1085 LESTER, CAROLINE F. "Negro Residents of Seneca. Falls in Bygone Days."
370 LESTER, CAROLINE F. Quaint Sayings and Doings of Older Seneca Falls,
371 LESTER, CAROLINE F. "The Cycle of the Seneca Falls Dry-Goods Store."
973 LESTER, CAROLINE F. “The Finger Lakes Region at the Turn of the 18th Century.”
3048 LESTER, CAROLINE F. “Mrs. Bloomer and Mrs. Stanton in Seneca Falls.”
3903 LESTER, ELIAS. "The Medical Profession."
372 LESTER, FREDERICK W. The Junius Debating Society,
373 LESTER, FREDERICK W. "The Drugstores of Seneca Falls."
375 McKEON, MATTHEW. The Present Seneca. Falls Police Department,
4407 MEDDEN, EDWIN. "The First Congregational Church."
376 MEDDEN, FREDERICK J. Early Police System of Seneca Falls,
3394 MEDDEN, Mrs. F.J. "The Schools of Seneca Falls."
377 MONROE, STEPHEN. "Seneca Falls in Earlier Days."
383 MONROE, STEPHEN. School District No. 11, Town of Varick, from 1850,
4047 NEWLAND, S.M. "The First Baptist Church."
4900 PALMER, BELLE L. "The Musical Organizations of Seneca Falls."
2889 RICHARDSON, JOHN E. "Judiciary of the County of Seneca."
378 SANDERSON, JAMES S. Some Early Recollections of Seneca Falls,
1964 SANFORD, Mrs. L.R. "Early Industries."
3083 SMITH, P.E. "Seneca County in the War of 1812."
380 TELLER, FRED. "Samuel Harris and His Son John Harris."
4927 TELLER, FRED. "Union Hall, Daniels Hall, Daniels Opera House and Other Amusement Halls of Seneca Falls."
2304 TELLER,, FRED. "Early Roads and Ferries, the Genesee Highway and Seneca Turnpike Roads."
4417 VAN ARSDALE, E.B. "The Early Reformed Church."
1966 WETMORE, Mrs. S. A. "An Old-Time Lawsuit."
4671 WETMORE, Mrs. S. A. “The Bridges over Cayuga Lake.”
2890 WILCOXEN, GILBERT. "The Legal Profession."
345 WILLERS, DIEDRICH. “Seneca County: An Historical Address.”

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