Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1598 "Rochester Products Yesterday and Today."
1599 "General Motors: Twenty-Five Years in Rochester."
1600 "General Motors and Rochester,"
1601 Banking, a Dynamic Growth Business.
3352 "New Stadium Brings Top Scholastic Football."
3355 "Story of Rochester's Amerks."
1804 "Here's the Story of Xerography."
2475 "Biggest Fire that Rochester Has Ever Known."
3245 "35th Anniversary--Junior League of Rochester."
3232 "Social Change through Social Action: The Story of the Baden Street Settlement."
1572 “Rochester Industry: Rochester Made Means Quality.”
4875 “The Birth of Opera under the Stars.”
2935 “Monroe County Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971: Democracy in Action.”
2619 "The Story of Norton Village."
1570 “Rochester's Diversified Industry Means Quality--Around the World.”
1781 "Rochester Stationery Co., Inc., 35 Years of Progress."
1666 "Langie's 100 Years in Heating Service."
1701 "A Gauge of Quality: The Story of the Rochester Manufacturing Company and Its Products."
1662 "R.G.& E. Celebrates First Century."
1663 "Rochester Helping Develop Peacetime Uses of Atomic Energy."
1664 "Since Otto Bernz Company 'Went Public.'"
1665 "Davis-Howland Oil Co. Celebrates 40th Anniversary."
1679 "Whatever Your Favorite Flavor, RICHARDSON Has It."
1678 "Unique Business Has World Market."
1694 “Rochester Corporation Has Diversified Products.”
1700 "Gleason Works--Never a Stand-Still Company."
1968 "Garlock's Diversified Mechanical Facings: The Leak Stopping Business Employs Eighteen-Hundred People."
2481 "100 Years of Service: The Protectives, Rochester Fire Department."
1793 "Once Upon a Plan There Was a Midtown Plaza."
1794 "Song of Success Theme of Levis Music Stores 50th Anniversary."
1796 "A Friendly Business in a Friendly City."
1797 "Scrantom's 100th Anniversary."
1711 "Todd Company Starts Second Fifty Years."
1672 "Batholomay--A Rochester Institution for One Hundred Years."
1673 "The Dairy of the Future, Serving Today's Customers."
1675 "The Fanny Farmer Story: Answer to America's Sweet Tooth."
1638 “How Rochester Maintains Pre-Eminence in Men's Quality Clothing Field.”
1628 “Ontario Plastics, Another Job Well Done.”
1629 “City's Oldest Company Celebrates.”
1630 “Puritan--A Rochester Pioneer Goes Forward.”
1631 “100th Anniversary, Voplex Corporation.”
3896 "Safety Council Completing 40 Years of Service."
1823 "100 Years of the S.B. Roby Company,
1824 "Organization Grows from One Man, One Van."
1825 "The Need Was There-Rumrill Filled It."
1826 "Rochester Family Business Carries Out American Spirit of Free Enterprise."
3649 "Industry Moves to the College Campus; Students Erect Their Own Building."
4770 “Fifty Years of Stained Glass Artistry.”
1780 "Four Generations of the Lennox Family Span 100 Years in the Graphic Arts."
1817 "John Luther & Sons Co., 1865-1965."
1819 "Monroe Tree and Landscape--A Growing Concern."
1621 “Chamberlin Rubber, Winning Reputation with New Plastic Products.”
1622 “Chamberlin Rubber Company Centennial.”
1626 “'Little Kordite Getting Big: Two Young Men in a Hurry.”
1627 “Nalge--A Story of Growth.”
2410 "Rochester in Forefront of Development of Television."
1623 “One Hundred Years of Paste and Adhesives--Clark. Stek-O.”
1835 "Yawman & Erbe Mark 90 Years."
3928 "Blue Cross Celebrates 20th Anniversary."
2656 “Monroe County Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971: County Government.”
1617 "Rochester's Newest Bank Building."
1620 “Allerton Chemical Tenth Anniversary.”
1643 “Rochester's Clothing Industry: A Pattern for Progress.”
1435 "Monroe Cans More Food than Any Other County in State."
1305 "Agricultural Headquarters to Be Built."
1644 "The World's Largest Clothing Plant."
1646 "Youth Carries on at Hickock Company."
1647 "Max Lowenthal Sons, Inc.--100th Birthday."
1652 "John Taylor & Sons."
1773 "Cramer-Force Company, Inc.--100 Years Young."
1774 "Erdle Perforating Co., Inc.: 100 Years Young."
1776 "Kee Lox Celebrates 60th Year."
3932 "Reflections of a Generation of Service: Blue Shield of the Rochester Area."
3933 "Rochester One of Foremost Cities in Meeting Hospital and Surgical Care Needs."
1584 “Century Old Businesses--Rochester Pioneers.”
1587 “Rochester and the Automotive Industry.”
1610 "Community Savings Bank, 1869-1969."
1832 "The Will Corporation."
3351 "Major-League Citizens of Rochester."
1812 "General Railway Signal Marks 50th Anniversary."
1813 "The Gottry Story."
2562 "Rochester Research Bureau, Started by Eastman, Has Saved Millions."
1759 "Dynacolor's Rapid Growth."
1761 "Graflex, A Rochester Success Story."
1763 "Photo Firm Ends First Century."
1765 "Varden Studio: 40 Years of Friendship and Photography."
1766 “Graphic Arts Progress Here Makes City World Center.”
1767 “Lithography That Sells.”
1768 “Progressive Firms in Rochester Packaging Industry.”
1771 "Rochester Printers Expand."
1772 "Cramer-Force Company Has Colorful History."
1814 "Harper Method of Rochester Celebrates Diamond Anniversary."
1816 "Rochester Building Firm Observes Ninetieth Birthday."
2285 "Rochester's Flying Tradition--Added to by a Modern Airport."
2636 "Lilacs Grace Flower City for over Half a Century."
1807 "Twenty-Five Years in a Vacuum."
1808 "Crossman Celebrates 50th Year of Recreational Gun Leadership."
1809 "3 Generations of Service: Doyle Detective."
1810 "GM DuBois Celebrates 75th Anniversary."
1612 "Marine Midland of Rochester."
1702 "The Stromberg-Carlson Story."
1720 Balco News, no. 77 (May 1948), 15 pp. (Story of John J. Bausch.) 1721. "Bausch & Lomb Nears Century Mark."
1723 "A Century of Optical Progress."
1724 "Bausch & Lomb Celebrates Anniversary; Completes 40 Years in Optical Glass."
1400 "New Genesee Regional Market is Booming."
1707 "Taylor Instrument Companies 100 Years Old."
1703 Merged Rochester Concerns Foresee Bright Future."
1704 "Two Firms Become One: Sybron Corporation."
1708 "Wilmot Castle Company, 75 Years in Rochester."
2499 "Report Filed on Downtown Traffic."
2502 "Rochester Adept at Fighting Snowdrifts."
2375 "Towns Make Own Newspapers under Gannett Group Plan."
3333 ADAMS, JOSEPH T. "Red ,Wing Stadium Observing Twenty-Fifth Anniversary."
2449 AEX, ROBERT P. "Millions for Improvements Result of Fiscal Planning."
3164 BINKS, G.J. "Ships and Divisions of the Rochester Naval Reserve."
3929 BROWN, HERBERT R. "Rochester Regional Blood Program, American National Red Cross."
2592 DALE, JOHN. "The Rochester Plan Ten Years Later."
1556 DARCY, GEORGE R. “The Soaring Sixties No Myth for Rochester Area.”
2254 DENNIS, E. WILLARD. They Said It Couldn't Be Done, But, Port Future Looks Bright.
2403 FAY, WILLIAM. "The Significance of Rochester Radio City."
2404 FAY, WILLIAM. "Here's the Story of Local Video."
839 FLORACK, BERNARD H. "Rochester/Monroe County Almanac, 1776-1976."
1830 GRESHAM, HENRY L. "Ward's Natural Science Establishment: A Century of Service to Biology and Geology."
1606 HARRISON, EDWARD P. "The Central Trust Story ..."
1827 HARRISON, EDWARD P. "The Strasenburgh Laboratories."
1624 HARRISON, EDWARD P. “Donovan Paint and Lacquer Makers Uphold City Slogan 'Rochester-Made Means Quality.'“
4839 HARRISON, EDWARD P. "How Would You Date This Photograph?
1561 HARRISON, EDWARD P. “Rochester Has Had Its Taste of Mergers and Finds Them Not Frightening.”
1597 HAWKINS, HARRY. "Rochester Products 25th Year as a General Motors Division."
1162 HOLDER, WORTH D. "Change."
1163 HOLDER, WORTH D. "Change--Revisited."
1296 HOLDER, WORTH D. "Will We Keep 'Em Down on the Farm?"
1670 HOSMER, HOWARD C. “A Look at the Development of Local Food/Beverage Industries.”
1790 HOSMER, HOWARD C. "Midtown Plaza--15th Anniversary."
1836 HOSMER, HOWARD C. “85 Years Young and Very Vibrant.”
4746e HUGH STEBBINS & ASSOCIATES, architects. "What the War Memorial Means to Rochester."
647 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. “Monroe County Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971: Town and County Living.”
1828 JENNINGS, FREDERICK H. "The Pharmaceutical House that Vision Built."
1109 JOHNSON, HERBERT E. "50 Years of County Extension Service."
1822 KAIDY, MITCH. "John B. Pike & Son, Inc. Celebrates 100th Anniversary."
1811 KAIDY, MITCH. "100th Anniversary, A. Friederich & Son Co."
1676 KELLY, ARTHUR P. "French's ... The Rochester Food House that Good Taste Built."
1680 KELLY, ARTHUR P. "Profile of a Man Who Favors More Drinking."
1798 KELLY, ARTHUR P. "Personal Portrait of Joseph Shale."
1693 KELLY, ARTHUR P. “Millions of Meals: Manhattan Restaurant Observing 50th Birthday.”
1681 KELLY, ARTHUR P. "9,000 Miles of Sausage."
1677 KLOS, LLOYD E. "The Palmer Fish Co., 126 Years Young."
1566 McCANNE, LEE. “Rochester Enters New Era of Industrial Growth.”
1567 McCANNE, LEE. “An Historian Looks for Trends.”
3176 McCANNE, LEE. "Sampson Trainees Are Rochester's Good Neighbors."
1791 McCURDY, GILBERT J.C. "Midtown Plaza is Fulfilling Its Basic Purpose."
765 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Rochester in Retrospect."
1837 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “The First Four Decades of the Chamber of Commerce.”
1795 MERRILL, ARCH. "McFarlin's--100 Years of Quality."
1648 MICHAELS/STERN. 125th Anniversary.
2609 MYLER, JOSEPH J. "What the RHIAC Means to Rochester."
3741 NEWHALL, BEAUMONT. The Eastman House; the First Decade.
1805 O'TOOLE, WILLIAM. "A History of Haloid: A Half Century of Progress and Growth."
1840 PERKINS, KARL F. “The Chamber of Commerce Building: Home of Ideas and of Progress.”
2332 PERRY, BERNARD F. "Development of a Modern Highway System in Rochester and Monroe County."
2715 PERRY, BERNARD F. "Development of a Modern Highway System in Rochester and Monroe County."
1857 RICHARDS, JOHN J. "Rochester Builders' Exchange One of the Country's Pioneer Trade Associations."
2333 ROCHESTER. City Planning Commission. A Report of Rochester's Major Street System. Rochester: 1947. 64 pp. See also "A Major Street Plan for the City of Rochester."
1625 ROE, DONALD. “It Can Happen Here.”
3591 SEYMOUR, HOWARD C. “The Teacher Shortage.”
1779 SHEDD, H.D., JR. "How the Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Company Got Its Name."
1609 SULLIVAN, MADELYN H. "An Old Friend in a New Dress."
1301 TURNER, PAUL E. "Monroe County Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971: Agriculture 150 Years."
1582 VAN CAMEN, ALAN B. “Rochester: A City Built by Research.”
1311 WELLINGTON, JOHN L. "Just Reminiscing."
1834 WERNER, GEORGE H. "From Twenty Feet to Twenty Acres."
1583 WILSON, JOSEPH G. “Rochester's Declaration of Interdependence.”

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