Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1494 "Census of Agriculture, 1964, Allegany County."
1487 BOND, MAURICE C., comp. "1945 Census Data, New York, by Counties."
1488 BOND, MAURICE C., and others, comps. "Census Data--1875 to 1945—Shows Some Changes in Allegany County Agriculture and Land Use."
1489 BOND, MAURICE C., comp. (Census Data for New York Counties by towns, U.S. Census of Agriculture, 1950)
1490 BOND, MAURICE C., comp. "Vegetables: Location and Trends, New York State (with U.S. Comparisons), 1918-1953."
1492 BRATTON, C.A., comp. "1954 Census of Agriculture, Allegany County."
1493 BRATTON, C.A., comp. "Census of Agriculture, 1959, Allegany County."
1320 BRATTON, CHARLES A. "Value of Farm Privileges, Northern. Livingston County, 1908-1948."
1474 BRYANT, WILLIAM R. "The Effects of Urban Expansion on Farming in Wayne County, New York."
1469 CONKLIN, HOWARD E. "Seneca County Agriculture: A Statistical Summary by Economic Land Class, 551 Full-Time Commercial Farms, Seneca County, New York."
1321 CONKLIN, HOWARD E., and HERBERT K. SCOTT. "An Economic Classification of Farming Areas, Towns of Caledonia and York, Livingston County, New York."
1378 DAVEY, LANCE, and others. "Economic Performance of Mechanical Tree Fruit Harvesters."
1434 DOMINICK, BENNETT A., JR. "The Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry in New York State."
1371 GOODRICH, DANA. "Retailing Florist Crops through Mass Merchandising Outlets: Rochester, New York, and Hartford, Connecticut."
1443 HARDY, ERNEST E., CHARLES S. HUNT, and GERALD W. OLSON. "The Oswego River Basin: Climate, Soils and Intensity of Agriculture."
1348 JOHNSON, STEWART. Distribution in Six Large Cities of Upstate New York.”
1347 JOHNSON, STEWART. “The Rochester Milk. Marketing Area.”
1419 KEARL, CHASE D., and DARWIN SNYDER. "Costs and Returns in Producing Sweet Corn for Processing in New York State, 1966."
1498 PEARSON, FRANK A. "Forty Years of Farm Prices in New York State. Revised Index Numbers for New York State Farm Prices."
1424 PINCOCK, M. GLADE. "Costs and Returns in Producing Processing Cabbage (Sauerkraut) 1958."
1425 PINCOCK, M. GLADE. "Costs and Returns in Producing Red Kidney Beans, 1958."
1409 PINCOCK, M. GLADE. "Costs and Returns in Producing Muck Potatoes, 1958."
1426 STANTON, B.F., and I.R. STARBIRD. "Costs and Returns in Producing Sweet Corn for Processing, 37 Farms, Western New York, 1954."
1427 STANTON, B.F., I.R. STARBIRD, and D.M. STEVENS. "Costs and Returns in Producing Sweet Corn for Processing, 88 Farms, Western New York, 1955."
1437 STEVENS, V.J., and B.A. DOMINICK, JR. "The New York State Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry in Transition."
1491 WARREN, STANLEY W., and W. McD. HERR. "Locations of Agricultural Production in New York State."

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