Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
6436 ABRAHAMS, DEBORAH F. Taking Inventory of the Waterfront.
6441 ASTIFAN, PRISCILLA. Symphonies in Green: Olmsted's Rochester Parks.
6317 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "A Natural Education, Young Henry Ward."
6411 CARDER, BARBARA. A Piece of Maritime History Is for Sale.
6278 CARPER, STEVE. "A Cross-Section of History."
6444 CARPER, STEVE. `Shunned by All Timid Persons.'
6279 DAVIS, BILL. Rochester Manufacturing at 200.
6113 DAVIS, WILLIAM T. One Man and the River.
5918 EDLER, MARGE. Winter Journey.
6613 GEHRET, JEANNE. The Strasenburgh Touch.
6831 GEHRET, JEANNE. Sustaining a Heritage of Pride.
6293 GREBINGER, PAUL. Button Man; How One Rochester Executive Guided His Firm through the Great Depression.
5857 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. Spirits Still Haunting the Genesee.
5868 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. Forgotten Heroes.
6366 LYONS, CHUCK. They Called It the Great Erie Canal.
6747 MELVILLE, JEAN. Countryside Cathedrals.
6121 NORTHWOOD, BILL. A Young Lion's Tale.
6262 PETERSON, SUSAN. New York State's Big Apple.
6375 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. As Rochester Got into Training.
6170 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Winter Along the Genesee.
6209 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. The Heritage of `Afro-Rochester.'
6877 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Canvas Pavilions.
6878 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Meet Me in Dreamland.
6163 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Mount Hope's Early Days.
6882 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Will it Play in Rochester?
6154 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Remembering the Ward.
6155 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. this is the garden....
6802 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. An Address of Distinction.
6856 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. The Beat, Newspapering in `Stoney's' Day.
6620 RAUB, DEBORAH FINEBLUM. Celebrating a Decade of Success.
6837 RAUB, DEBORAH FINEBLUM. Rediscovering Patterns in Pigment.
6122 RAUB, DEBORAH FINEBLUM. Bill Davis's River Odyssey.
6880 SCHMITT, VICTORIA. Once Upon a Rochester.
6541 SEBRING, THOMAS A. A Fine Romance, Canoeing in Upstate New York.
6881 TRIEN, SUSAN. A Four-Generation Romance with Carousels.
6213 WILLIAMS, ANDREW J. Man With a Mission: Howard W. Coles.

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