Results | ||
Entry Number | Author | Title |
4063 | CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. | “The Most Reverend James E. Kearney, D.D., Bishop of Rochester.” |
4062 | CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. | Most Reverend Lawrence B. Casey, D.D. Titular Bishop of Cea, Auxiliary to Bishop of Rochester. |
4064 | CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. | “The Next Hundred Years: 100th Anniversary of the Diocese of Rochester.” |
4061 | CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. | The Official Directory of the Diocese of Rochester, 1938 (Directory of clergy, parishes, schools, etc. See also The Official. Catholic Directory ... |
1860 | CIVIC UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE. Rochester. | Rochester Civic Unemployment Committee. |
1861 | CIVIC UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE. Rochester. | What Rochester Industries Have Been Doing to Stabilize Sales, Production, and Employment. |
1862 | CIVIC UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE. Rochester. | Second Report of the Civic Committee on Unemployment. |
1863 | CIVIC UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE. Rochester. | Five Hundred Maladjusted Young People: A Special Study of Rochester Youth Who Are Admittedly Discontent with or Depressed by Their (resent Situation. |
4877 | COMMUNITY CHORUS OF ROCHESTER. | “The Messiah,” George Frederick Handel, by the Community Chorus for Rochester. |
4539 | JEWISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL OF ROCHESTER. | The Jewish Population of Rochester, New York ... 1961. |
5747 | JEWISH COMMUNITY FEDERATION OF ROCHESTER. | The Jews of Monroe County, N.Y., Based on a Survey of 402 Jewish Households. |
1526 | MEMORIAL ART GALLERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | Made in Rochester, 1830-1930 ... |
4868 | MEMORIAL ART GALLERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | The Genesee Country: Essay by Henry W. Clone, Introduction and Catalogue by Howard S. Merritt. Memorial Art, Gallery of the University of Rochester, January 17-February 22, 1976. |
3058 | POLITICAL EQUALITY CLUB OF ROCHESTER. | ...Twenty-Second Year, Program, 1905-1906. |
4809 | PRINT CLUB OF ROCHESTER. | 20th Anniversary of the Print Club of Rochester, 1931-1951. |
4852 | Rochester. | Rochester: Scrantom, Wetmore & Co., ca. 1915. unp. |
1571 | ROCHESTER. | Convention and Publicity Bureau. Rochester, N.Y. Industries. |
1123 | ROCHESTER. | City School District. The Puerto Rican in the Rochester Public Schools: A Report to the Superintendent. |
2525 | ROCHESTER. | ... In the Matter of the Application of the City of Rochester to Acquire the Permanent and Perpetual Right to Draw from Hemlock and Canadice Les and Amount of Water Sufficient for the Use of Said City and Its Inhabitants ... Record on Appeal from Order Confirming Report of Commissioner of Appraisal |
5833 | ROCHESTER. | Guide to Selected Archival Records: The City Clerk, Council, Mayor, and City Manager. |
2650 | ROCHESTER. | Recreation Advisory Committee. Plan for Public Recreation, Rochester, New York. |
2573 | ROCHESTER. City Planning Commission. | City Planning Commission. Comprehensive Master Plan, 1980 ... |
3577 | ROCHESTER. Board of Education. | The Cost of Public School Education, Rochester, New York. |
3578 | ROCHESTER. Board of Education. | The Junior High Schools of Rochester, New York. |
3579 | ROCHESTER. Board of Education. | The Functioning of the Public School Program; A Series of Articles Describing the Functioning of the Work in the Public Schools of Rochester, New York, Published in the Democrat & Chronicle, during the School Year, 1926-27. |
3580 | ROCHESTER. Board of Education. | The Work of the Public Schools. |
3581 | ROCHESTER. Board of Education. | Report of the Citizen's Committee to Study the Expenditures of the Board of Education. |
3582 | ROCHESTER. Board of Education. | Our City, Our Schools: Rochester Public Schools. |
3160 | ROCHESTER. Board of Education. | The Veteran and the Rochester Public Schools. |
3797 | ROCHESTER. Board of Health. | Report of the Board of Health, on Cholera, as It Appeared in Rochester, New York, in 1852; Published by Order of the Board. |
2647 | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | Recreation Plan. Phase I: Recreation Facilities Improvement Program. |
2585 | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | Model Cities Land Use Policies Plan. |
2574 | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | Maplewood Neighborhood Study. |
2574a | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | The Genesee River Plan: A Comprehensive Development Plan for the Genesee River in Rochester. |
2575 | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | Planning Study for Intown Area Development. |
2576 | ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. | Rochester Facts & Facets. |
3270 | ROCHESTER. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. | Youth Committee. Manual of Services to Rochester Youth. |
4742 | ROCHESTER. City Council. | Civic Center, Rochester, New York. A Group of City-County Buildings Planned and Centrally Located to Better Serve You. |
2486 | ROCHESTER. City Engineer. | Report of Edwin A. Fisher, City Engineer, on Recommendations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters Committee of Twenty. |
2508 | ROCHESTER. City Engineer. | Revised List Showing Street Names Changed Prior to January 1, 1900. |
2509 | ROCHESTER. City Planning Bureau. | Index to Names of Street and Roads Shown on City Planning Bureau Maps and Surrounding Area of Rochester, N.Y., Revised to March, 1921. |
2333 | ROCHESTER. City Planning Commission. | A Report of Rochester's Major Street System. Rochester: 1947. 64 pp. See also "A Major Street Plan for the City of Rochester." |
3592 | ROCHESTER. City School District. | UNIQUE: Center for Cooperative Action in Urban Education; Proposal for a Grant ... |
3583 | ROCHESTER. City School District. | Racial Imbalance in the Rochester Public Schools: Report to the Commissioner of Education. |
3584 | ROCHESTER. City School District. | Desegregation of the Elementary Schools: Special Report to the Board of Education. |
3585 | ROCHESTER. City School District. | Grade Reorganization and Desegregation of the Rochester Public Schools: A Report to the Board of Education. |
3586 | ROCHESTER. City School District. | Report of the Rochester City School District Task Force on Budget and Management. |
5610 | ROCHESTER. City School District. | Division of Pupil Personnel Services. Human Rights Activists: Role Models in the Rochester: Community Developed by Project Beacon. |
3869 | ROCHESTER. Committee on Public Safety. | Rochester Milk Survey. |
2526 | ROCHESTER. Committee on Water Supply. | Report of Water Committee on Additional Supply and Equalization of Water Rates to the City Council. |
2658 | ROCHESTER. Common Council. | Municipal Manual of Rochester and Register of Monroe County ... |
2648 | ROCHESTER. Department of Parks. | Report of the Board of Park Commission-ers of the City of Rochester, N.Y. 1888 to 1898. |
2649 | ROCHESTER. Department of Parks. | The Public Parks of the City of Rochester, New York, 1888-1904. |
2577 | ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. | Community Renewal Program. |
2578 | ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. | The Future of Downtown Rochester: Central Business Dis trict General Neighborhood Plan. |
2579 | ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. | The Untold Story: A Report on Activities of the City of Rochester in the Area of Economic and Industrial Development. |
2586 | ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. | Final Relocation Report: Baden-Ormond Urban Renewal Project ... |
2587 | ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. | Rochester, New York Northeast General Neighborhood Renewal Plan. |
2580 | ROCHESTER. Genesee Corridor Task Force. | Genesee Corridor Plan: City of Rochester. |
3870 | ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. | Vital Statistics of Rochester, N.Y., for March, 1883 ... |
3871 | ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. | Per Cent of Deaths at Ten Age Periods to Total Deaths, 1884 to 1917 Inclusive. |
3872 | ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. | Mortality Chart of Infancy and Old Age. |
3873 | ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. | Fifty Years of Health in Rochester, New York, 1900-1950. |
4844 | ROCHESTER. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. | Views of Old Rochester. |
3587 | ROCHESTER. Manpower Development and Training Center. | The Rochester Multi-Occupational Youth Project. |
1403 | ROCHESTER. Market Commissioners. | Report and Proceedings of the Market Commissioners Relative to Establishing and Operating a Public Market. |
2428 | ROCHESTER. Office of Federal Program Review. | City of Rochester, New York, Federal Programs Inventory, Fiscal Years 1973 -74. |
2470 | ROCHESTER. Police Bureau. | Blue Book, Police Department of Rochester, New York, with Complete Biographical Sketches of Each Member ... |
3687 | ROCHESTER. Public Library. | Seventeen Years of Service of the Rochester Public Library, 1912-1928. |
5223 | ROCHESTER. Public Library. | Rochester History: Index to Volumes I-XXIV. Supplement to Vol. 24 (1962), 54 PP. |
3529 | ROCHESTER. Public School No. 14. | Re-Unions of Old 14. |
3268 | ROCHESTER. School Census Board. | "Children Arranged According to Country of Birth, Occupation, Sex, and Certain Age Classifications." |
3269 | ROCHESTER. School Census Board. | "The Child in Industry: A Survey of the Employment of Five Thousand Children in Rochester." |
825 | ROGERS, FANNIE ROCHESTER. | "Colonel. Nathaniel Rochester." |
1108 | S----, A., of Rochester. | "My Experiences as an Immigrant," |
3672 | UNIVERSITY CF ROCHESTER. Eastman School of Music. | The Golden 20's Gala in Honor of George Eastman and the 50th Anniversary of the Eastman Theatre and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra. |
3675 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. | The First Decade: The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1926-1936. |
3676 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. | The Quarter Century: A Review of the First Twenty-Five Years, 1925-1950. School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester Municipal Hospital. |
3677 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. | Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, Department of Psychiatry., 1946 1971. |
3849 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Medical Center. | Fifty Years of Medicine at Rochester. |
2461 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | Rochester; A Study in Civic Values. |
4814 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Fine Arts Dept. | The Art Book, 1974-1975. |
5287 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Libraries. | The Department of Special Collections: A Survey. |
3663 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | General Catalogue of the University of Rochester, 1850-1928. |
2126 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Memorial Art Gallery. | "The Erie Canal: Thruway of Yesterday." An Exhibition Featuring the 130th Anniversary of the Opening of Rochester's First Aqueduct over the Genesee River. October, November, December, 1953. |
2675 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Management. | Clinics. Are We Heading toward a New Community Concept? Some Observations on Our Local Government Economy by the Report Group of the Local Government Committee. |
1177 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | Department of Sociology. Rochester at Mid- century: A Graphic Description of the Population Characteristics of Rochester, N.Y. |
3664 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | The University of Rochester: The First Hundred Years: Centennial Issue of the Alumni-Alumnae Review Commemorating the University's One Hundredth Anniversary. |
3665 | UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. | Alumni Director, 125th Anniversary Edition, 1975. |
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