Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2224 GORDON, WILLIAM R. The Story of the Rochester and Sodus Bay Railway, "The Royal Blue Line," 1901-1929.
2229 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Keuka Lake Memories: The Champagne Country.
2228 GORDON, WILLIAM R. The Story of the Buffalo, Lockport, and Rochester Railway 1908-1919. The Rochester, Lockport and Buffalo Railroad. Corp., ... 1919-1931 ...
2183 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Stories and History of the Erie Railroad--Rochester Division.
2230 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Ninety-four Years of Rochester Railways …
2225 GORDON, WILLIAM R. The Story of the Canandaigua Street Railway Company, the Canandaigua. Electric Light and Railway Company, Ontario Light and Traction Company, and the Rochester and Eastern Rapid Railway.
2226 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Manitou Beach Trolley Days, 1891-1925.
2227 GORDON, WILLIAM R. and JAMES R. MacFARLANE. The Rochester, Syracuse and Eastern "Travelectric," 1906-1931… Rochester: Pulibshed by the author, 1961. 176 pp.

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