Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
4617 No. 6 (1964).
4618 No. 7 (1965) "Tour into the Historic Hamlet of Mumford, Wheatland Township."
4619 No. 8 (1966). "Fowlerville Tour, Noting 150 Years of Settlement."
949 Sketch of Rochester,
2529 "Rochester and Its Water Works."
4092 Crowning a Century of Progress, 1855-1955. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish, Brockport, N.Y.
1228 A Landowners' Directory of Livingston County, New York.
3979 Churches of Genesee and Wyoming Counties.
4106 Saint Mary's, Holley, N.Y., One Hundredth Anniversary ... 1966.
3540 “'The Clinton Street Universe'“: Schoolboy Newspaper of 1852.”
1169 "The Population of the City of Rochester."
4464 Life and Work of the Rev. L.T. Nichols, Founder of Megiddo Mission …
1175 U.S. Bureau of the Census. Special Census of Monroe County, New York, April 1, 1964.
4100 A Book to Commemorate the Centennial of the Holy Name of Mary Parish, East Pembroke, New York, 1868 to 1968.
4101 Golden Jubilee, 1905-1955, St. Jerome's Church, East Rochester, New York.
4102 St. Theodore Church, Gates, New York. 1975
4103 St. Mary's Catholic Church, Geneseo, New York ... Centennial Anniversary 1854-1954.
4105 "St. Leo's Parish History" in Fall Festival Program, 1970.
4108 History of St. Thomas Aquinas Church ... 1973. leaflet.
4466 Assembly of God Church, Batavia, N.Y. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, 1931.
2475 "Biggest Fire that Rochester Has Ever Known."
4095 100th Anniversary, 1856-1965, Saint Mary's Church, Canaseraga, New York...
4096 Centennial 1869-1969 Saint Vincent de Paul Church, Churchville, New York.
1047 The Holland Land Company.
1054 “The Holland Land Office: The Genesee Story Yesterday and Today.”
6035 Assessment List Town of Perry 1827.
6074 The Sesquicentennial History of Penn Yan, New York, 1833-1983.
720 History of the Town of Sweden. Commemorative Booklet.
724 The Webster Centennial Presents "Fruits from the Forest," a Pageant of the Town of Webster, New York, Commemorating Its 100th Anniversary, 1940. Written by a Committee of Local Citizens.
608 125th Anniversary Celebration, Warsaw, New York.
2507 The Hand-Book of Rochester. A Complete Street Directory. Also Other Information.
511 "St. Helena Cemetery Moved."
512 "Portageville Old Catholic Cemetery."
513 "Portageville Pioneer Cemetery."
3155 "Life in the Armed Services, by Rochester GIs."
3407 "Judge Alden S. Stevens--Free Schools and Education of the Masses, His Life's Labor.'"
3409 "Pike English and Classical School..'"
3410 "Proposed Restoration of Middlebury Academy."
4122 The Golden Jubilee History of Corpus Christi Parish, 1888-1938.
1833 "Notes on the Early History of the Industries of Rochester: Filing Systems."
4424 Here Be No Man a Stranger.
2241 Interurban Lines of Central and Western New York.
1598 "Rochester Products Yesterday and Today."
1599 "General Motors: Twenty-Five Years in Rochester."
1600 "General Motors and Rochester,"
1601 Banking, a Dynamic Growth Business.
1991 HEPBURN, A. BARTON. Artificial Waterways and Commercial Development (with a History of the Erie Canal).
279 "From a Farmington, Ontario Co., N.Y., Account Book."
4163 St. Philip's Episcopal Church, Belmont, New York.
3354 68th U.S. Open Golf Championship, June 13-16, 1968, Oak Hill Country Club, Rochester, N.Y.
3355 "Story of Rochester's Amerks."
3352 "New Stadium Brings Top Scholastic Football."
5030 Our Travels, Statistical, Geographical, Minerological, Geological, Historical, Political and Quizzical Written by Myself XYZ, etc. A Knickerbocker Tour of New York State, 1822, ed. Louis L. Tucker.
1804 "Here's the Story of Xerography."
4391 Manual of the First Congregational Church in Canandaigua, N.Y., 1889.
4392 The One Hundredth Anniversary of the First Congregational Church, Canandaigua, N.Y., June 11, 12, and 13, 1899. The Sermon by the Pastor and the Historical Papers.
4415 Salem Church, Evangelical and Reformed, Rochester, New York. Diamond Jubilee, 1873-1948.
4416 Fiftieth Anniversary Program and History, Second Reformed. Church ...
6805 Richardson's Canal House.
3801 “An Early Rochester Physician.”
4289 A Narrative of the Late Revivals of Religion, within the Bounds of Geneva Presbytery. Published by Order of Presbytery.
4323 1969 Directory of Union Presbyterian Church, Founded 1817, Leicester, N.Y.
3245 "35th Anniversary--Junior League of Rochester."
426 Historical Highlights of the Village of Wolcott...
6452 Monroe County Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, 1975-1982.
6454 Brockport Fire Department, Our History, 1832-1977.
6859 Through Lake and Bay; Rochester's Pleasure Resorts, Illustrating Principal Points of Interest of Lake Ontario and Irondequoit Bay.
6860 Cultural Resource Directory/Arts for Greater Rochester. 1987 ed.
6862 Bands and Bandwagons of the 1890's.
428 "Old Livingston Cemetery ..."
5894 Memoirs; Remembering Geneseo on the Occasion of Its 200th Year.
5896 Town of Livonia History...from the Pioneer Settlement by Solomon Woodruff and Other Early Settlers to the Present.
3820 Report of the Addresses and Sermon at the Dedication of the Clifton Springs Water-Cure, Held July 25, 1856.
4292a "Attica Presbyterian Church:"
4292c The One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church of Albion, New York, 1949.
1201 New York Central Business Gazetteer of 'Cities and Towns on the N.Y.C. R.R. ...
429 "Van Vleet Cemetery, Township of Wolcott ..."
4830 Album of Rochester Views.
4831 Art Work of Rochester, "The Flower City." Published in Nine Parts.
4832 Art Work of Rochester, Published in Nine Parts.
4604 No. 9 (1969). "A Motor Tour in the Monroe County Towns of Henrietta, Rush & Wheatland."
4605 No. 10 (1970). "A Motor Tour in the Marion-Palmyra Area of Wayne County."
4606 No. 11 (1971). "A Motor Tour in Southwestern Monroe County ..."
4607 No. 12 (1972).
4608 No. 13 (1973).
4609 No. 14 (1974).
3959 The Joint Urban Ministry of the Rochester Area Council of Churches and the Rochester Roman Catholic Diocese; A Summary Report of Its Understandings and Its Activities.
407 "Furnaceville Cemetery in Wayne County, New York."
146 Phillips Creek Methodist Church: Items Copied from Belmont Dispatch 1902-1908, 1909-1912.
147 The Centennial Book, Wellsville, New York, Settled 1831 ...
156 The Sesqui-Centennial of Genesee County.
157 Official Bicentennial Map & Guide to Historic Batavia, New York.
1607 Eightieth Anniversary, 1869-1949. The Community Savings Bank, Rochester, New York.
406 "Lakeside Cemetery of Ontario Twp. ..."
3763 The Pundit Club. 1500th Meeting, January 5, 1970.
1393 "New York's Amazing Wines: The Astonishing New Fruit of New York's Enelogical Research."
546 "Old Cemetery at Wright's Corners..."
547 "West Middlebury Cemetery Inscriptions."
1370 The Garden of the Genesee.
4850 "Rochester: the City Beautiful." Views and a Historical Sketch of the City Since Its Founding.
4851 Rochester: The Flower City.
1372 "The Flower City: Center of Nurseries and Fruit Orchards."
1373 Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists, Twenty-Sixth Annual Convention, August Sixteenth to Nineteenth, Nineteen Hundred and Ten, Rochester, New York
1568 Modern Pioneer Awards: A Listing of the Recipients of the Modern Pioneer Awards in Central and Western New York together with the Address by Dr. Karl T. Compton, President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
1570 “Rochester's Diversified Industry Means Quality--Around the World.”
4253 "Seventy-five Years of Methodism at Silver Lake."
4256 "Centennial of Warsaw Church."
4282 Memorial Services. Half-Century Celebration of the Presbytery of Rochester, Held in that City April 6th and 7th, 1869.
585 "Frink's Corners Cemetery--Town of Sheldon."
586 "Pioneer Cemetery, Sheldon, Route, 20A."
587 "St. John's Dutch Hollow Cemetery,"
588 "Strykersville Cemetery."
964 The Lilac City: Live, Work & Play in Rochester, New York.
966 The Balloting Book, and Other Documents Relating to Military Bounty Lands, in the State of New York.
446 “Fourth U.S. Census (1820) for Town of Attica, Wyoming County, N.Y.”
545 "Miller Cemetery, Middlebury."
5947 Palmyra, New York, 175th Year, 1789-1964.
6768 Draft General Management Plan/Environmental Assessment. Women's Rights National Historical Park.
4366 History, Officers, Organizations, and Membership, of the Central Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N.Y.
4367 Dedication Services: The New Auditorium, Central Presbyterian Church, Rochester, N.Y., Sunday, Sept. 13, 1891.
4368 Our Bible School: About Its Management and a Bit of History ...
4369 "The Central Church Seventy-fifth Anniversary Number."
6772 Women's Rights Trail: Seneca Falls and Waterloo, New York/ Women's Rights National Historical Park.
6773 Historic Haven.
6775 Evolution of Hillside.
1781 "Rochester Stationery Co., Inc., 35 Years of Progress."
1784 “Historic Predecessors of the Central Business District.”
3530 “Rochester Schools in 1848.”
6237 Agriculture in Wyoming County Since World War II.
5888 Living Traditions in Genesee County; A presentation of Genesee County Folk Artists and Traditions at Genesee Arts Council's Annual Fourth of July "Picnic in the Park."
4878 Extracts from the Press upon the Musical Work of Cecilia S. P. Cary and Her Pupils.
4189 St. Paul's Church, Rochester. Forward Together.
4452 Rochester Knockings! Discovery and. Explanation of the Source of the Phenomena Generally Known as the Rochester Knockings …
193 Genealogical Records of the Pioneer Families of Avon, N.Y. Pierson, Waterous, Hosmer, Martin, Etc., and Their Descendants ...
198 "In Honor of the Scottish Pioneers."
4460 50th Anniversary, 1917-1967, Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation …
4125 Echoes from the Silver Jubilee; a Token of Esteem & Love to Our Worthy Pastor, Very Rev. F. Oberholzer, M.R., First Pastor of the Most Holy Redeemer Parish.
4126 Souvenir Book of the Golden Jubilee of the Most Holy Redeemer Church, Rochester, N.Y., 1867-1917.
4127 Golden Jubilee Observance, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, 1904-1954.
3230 The People's Rescue Mission, 1889-1939.
3232 "Social Change through Social Action: The Story of the Baden Street Settlement."
3228 Lewis Street Center, Fiftieth Anniversary, 1907-1957: Fifty Years of Service to Our Neighborhood.
1572 “Rochester Industry: Rochester Made Means Quality.”
4871 Cultural Resources Directory, 1975-1976: A Resource Directory of Artists and Cultural Organizations for Schools in the Greater Rochester Area.
4875 “The Birth of Opera under the Stars.”
2935 “Monroe County Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971: Democracy in Action.”
2619 "The Story of Norton Village."
129 Angelica, New York: History and Memorial, 1805-1955.
2028 "New York's Canal Memorial of 1816. Memorial of the Citizens of New York in Favour of a Canal Navigation between the Great Western Lakes and the Tide- Waters of the Hudson."
649 Pleasant Valley: An Early History of Monroe County and Region, 1650-1850.
1666 "Langie's 100 Years in Heating Service."
1701 "A Gauge of Quality: The Story of the Rochester Manufacturing Company and Its Products."
6437 Genesee River South Corridor Land Use & Development Plan, Prepared under the Joint Sponsorship of the City of Rochester, University of Rochester, County of Monroe; Lane, Frenchman and Associates in Association with Sear-Brown Associates,
4213 75th Anniversary, Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation, Rochester, N.Y., 1868-1943.
4214 Golden Anniversary, 1898-1948, St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Rochester, N.Y.
4210 Lutheran Concordia Church, 1877-1952.
4211 Evangelical Lutheran Church of Peace, Rochester, N.Y., 1890-1940.
1700 "Gleason Works--Never a Stand-Still Company."
4217 Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1868-1968.
6243 Steam Rigs of the Early 1900's.
4612 No. 1 (1959). "Tour of Caledonia Village."
4664 “Covered Bridge Days.”
6304 Journey: 75 Years of Kodak Research.
2862 Juvenile Delinquency: A Regional Perspective. (Report no. 5)
3833 The Gift That Grew: The History of the Genesee Hospital, 1889-1965.
4207 Fiftieth Anniversary, Christ Lutheran Church ...
4208 The Lutheran Concordia Church, Rochester, New York. Fiftieth Anniversary ... 1927.
503 “Folklore from Rock Glen.”
504 "Bush Cemetery--Gainesville."
505 "Gainesville Pioneer Cemetery."
506 "North Gainesville Cemetery."
3824 “Community Hospital Opened.”
443a “Attica's Old Town Clock.”
445 “The Captain Has a Housewarming.”
436a “Wyoming County Marriages Reported in Batavia Newspapers Prior to 1850.”
577 "Doty Hill or Hodges Cemetery."
617 "Warsaw Village Pioneer Cemetery."
615 "Town Line Cemetery, Warsaw."
2491 "Cows Break City Ordinance."
4002 One Hundredth Anniversary, Raymond Baptist Church, Fairport, N.Y. 1840-1940.
4003 History of the First Baptist Church and Society of Perinton ... 1842-1942.
4004 The First Baptist Church of Fairport, New York, 1842-1967.
4005 Centennial Anniversary of the First Baptist Church, Friendship, N.Y., 1822-1922.
4854 Souvenir of Rochester.
1662 "R.G.& E. Celebrates First Century."
1663 "Rochester Helping Develop Peacetime Uses of Atomic Energy."
1664 "Since Otto Bernz Company 'Went Public.'"
1665 "Davis-Howland Oil Co. Celebrates 40th Anniversary."
76 New York News Letter, Vol. 33, no. 5 (Sept. - Oct. 1900), 32 pp.
352 Morrison's history of Ovid, Seneca Co., New York. 1794-1876.
422 "Walworth Freewill Cemetery in Wayne County, New York."
1194 The Western Business Directory, Containing the Names of All Persons in Business in the Following Twenty-One Cities and Towns ...
1195 The New York Mercantile Union Business Directory, Carefully Collected and Arranged for 1850-51 ...
1196 The New York State Business Directory ...
1197 Central New York Business Directory ...
3397 "Bennington School District One--1813-1857."
2833 Regional Soils Inventory: Classification and Analysis. (Report no. 6)
2834 (Report no. 8 )
669 Forest Land to First Class Town: Chili, 150 Years Great! 1822-1972.
4620 No. 9 (1967).
3018 “Myron Holley, Abolitionist.”
2963 "Relative Strength of Parties in Monroe County since 1900."
4597 No. 2 (1962). "A Motor Tour East of Childs on the Ridge Road."
554 "Orangeville Center Cemetery Inscriptions."
555 "Quakertown Cemetery."
556 "Quaker Settlement Cemetery."
557 "Sickly's Corners (Lot 15) Cemetery in East Orangeville."
531 "Punkshire Cemetery Inscriptions."
532 "Union Corners, Town of Java."
4596 No. 1 (1961). "A Motor Tour between Childs and Oak Orchard on the Ridge Road ..."
1829 Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc.: Its History, Reorganization and Plans for the Future.
4302 "Covington U.P. Church, 1828-1953."
4303 Historical Sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Cuba, New York, 1827-1927.
4305 Centennial of the Presbyterian Church, Dansville, N.Y. 1925.
4306 150th Anniversary, 1825-1975, the Presbyterian Church, Dansville, N.Y.
4300 Souvenir History of the First Presbyterian Church, Clyde, New York, 1909.
4242d History of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Phelps, N.Y., 1793-1931 ...
340 Historical Sketches of the Village and Township of Gaines.
4242g Building Centennial, 1860-1960, Livonia, N.Y.
3282 Youth Services Guide: A Joint Effort of the National Council of Jewish Women--Rochester Section: Psychodiagnostic Laboratory, Department of Pediatrics, University of Rochester; Rochester-Monroe County Youth Board.
4393 Sesquicentennial, 1799-1949. First Congregational Church, Town of Canandaigua, N.Y.
4395 One Hundredth Anniversary, the First Congregational Church of Bloomfield, East Bloomfield, N.Y., 1796-1896 ...
4396 "Early Church Records."
4397 Our Sunday School, Being the Story of the First One Hundred Years of United Congregational Sunday School which Began in 1850 as Irondequoit Union Sabbath School ... 1850-1950. 20 pp.
1922 "Fifty Years of Lapp Insulator Company."
4242f The Life of Mrs. Fanny L. Bartlett, Consort of the Late Dr. Oliver C. Bartlett: Containing Copious Extracts from Her Journal, and Eminently Calculated to Lead to a Holy Life.
4246 Centennial Anniversary Yearbook, 1937. Beginning a Second Century of Christian Service. Asbury First Methodist Episcopal Church ...
3541 Columbia School, Rochester, New York, Fiftieth Anniversary, 1891-1941.
4292e History of Brighton Presbyterian Church of Rochester, New York.
4292f History of the First Presbyterian Church of Albion, New York, for One Hundred Years, 1824-1924.
4293 .. Commemorating One Hundred Twenty Five Years of the First Presbyterian Church in Brockport, March 13, 1953.
4294 One Hundred Fifty Years in Byron, New York: The First United Presbyterian Church, 1818-1968.
4295 Centennial Book of the First Presbyterian Church, Caledonia, New York. ...
4297 Sesquicentennial of the First Presbyterian Church, Caledonia, New York.
4298 ..A History and a Renewal of Discipleship on Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the First Presbyterian Church of Chili, New York. 1816-1966.
4363 A Catalogue of the Members of the Third Presbyterian Church in Rochester, from Its Organization, Feb. 28, 1827, to Jan. 2, 1832.
4657 "Historic Sites Survey."
4659 "'Oldest' Buildings."
135 Cuba, Incorporated as a Village for a Century, 1850-1950.
138 Friendship, N.Y. Sesqui-Centennial Times.
6800 Oliver Loud's Country Inn.
6801 The P.A.C.K. Neighborhood.
109 “Vanished St. Helena.”
106 “An Ornamental Farm.”
107 “Letchworth Park Presented to New York State.”
4239 One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Anniversary, 1825-1951, Garland Methodist Church, Garland, N.Y. 1951.
4242 The Methodist Church, Indian Falls, New York. Centennial Celebration, July 14-15, 1962.
4654 "Davidson Homestead, Genesee Falls."
1679 "Whatever Your Favorite Flavor, RICHARDSON Has It."
1678 "Unique Business Has World Market."
1694 “Rochester Corporation Has Diversified Products.”
497 "Beach Cemetery, Eagle."
2472 "Rochester's Police Pension Fund, Its Beginning and Development."
442a “Attica, New York; Indian Name, Gwe-te-ta-a-ne-te-car-do-oh, 'The Red Village.'“
4428 The Cobblestone Church at Childs, New York: A History.
4430 First Universalist Church, Rochester, N.Y. 1902? 23 pp.
1246 "Clock-System" Rural Index of Wayne County, New York.
1247 Rural Index "Compass System" Map and Localized Almanac, Wayne County, N.Y.
1243 "Clock System" Rural Index of Seneca County, New York.
1244 Rural Directory Using the "Compass Address" & Compass. System Map for the Location of All Farms in Seneca County, 1938.
1199 The New York State Business Directory ... 1867.
1198 The New York State Business Directory ... 1864.
1968 "Garlock's Diversified Mechanical Facings: The Leak Stopping Business Employs Eighteen-Hundred People."
4196 "Warsaw Episcopal Centennial."
2018 Facts and Observations in Relation to the Origin and Completion of the Erie Canal.
4193 The Sanctuary of St. Andrew's Church, Rochester, N.Y., 1902.
6807 Sketches in the 50th Anniversary Times-Union series; Landmark Society of Western New York.
4548 Temple B'rith Kodesh, 1848-1948, Rochester, New York.
6353 When It Rains It Pours.…
4610 No. 15 (1975).
4611 No. 16 (1976).
3184 Organization of the Local Visiting Committee, for the Public Institutions of Charity, the Department of Out-Door Relief, and the Jail, in Monroe County, State of New York, with the Constitution and By-Laws.
3221 Baden Street Settlement, 1901-1926.
3222 The Baden Street Settlement, 1901-1949.
498 "Eagle Village Cemetery."
499 "Eagle Village Cemetery."
500 "Lyonsburg Cemetery, Town of Eagle."
1120 Directorio hispano.
1122 Reaction to Federal Assistance Programs Informational Conference...
911 Five O'Clock. 'Old Times Number.'
4165 A Pictorial History of St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Brockport, New York, 1838-1968.
4172 St. Peter's Church, The Memorial Church of Bishop De Lancey.
3722 "Attica Historical Society Museum."
3732 "Attica Branch of the American Lyceum, 1832-1837."
4188 St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rochester, N.Y. A Brief History of the First One Hundred Years of Rochester's Second Episcopal Parish.
4400 Centennial Souvenir of the Congregational Church of Perry. Center, N.Y., 1814-1914.
4401 "The First Church of Christ in Perry Center."
4503 Brigham Young University Studies, 9, no. 3 (Spring 1969), pp. 235-404.
6873 A Pictorial Glimpse of the RKO Palace Theatre.
4043 History of the First Baptist Church of Romulus ... 1795-1895.
4044 75th Anniversary of the Baptist Church of Rushford, N.Y., November 7, 1890.
4045 "Baptist Church, Rushford, Allegany County, N.Y."
3746 (Rochester Museum 50th anniversary issue.)
3749 The Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum. First Stages: A Brief Report on the Founder and the Collections.
3812 "Castile Sanitarium Observes Centennial."
3813 "Dr. Mary T. Greene Sanitarium: 100 Year Celebration."
4028 Centennial Celebration, First Baptist Church, 1888-1918 ...
4029 Ceremonies at the Laying of the Corner-Stone of the New Auditorium of the Second Baptist Church at Rochester, N.Y., July 21, 1892.
4030 Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the Second Baptist Church, Rochester, New York. Historical Address ... by Charles M. Williams.
4032 Souvenir Historical Sketch. A Century of the Baptist Temple of Rochester, N.Y.
4046 Sesquicentennial of the First Baptist Church, Rushford, New York, 1815 1965.
4048 One Hundredth Anniversary of the South Livonia Baptist Church, 1816-1916.
4052 Historical Manual and Directory, First Baptist Church, Wellsville, N.Y. ... 1916.
4129 25 Anniversario della Chiesa di Sant'Antonio di Padova, 1906-1931.
4131 Golden Jubilee, Saint Augustine's Church, Rochester, New York, 1898-1948.
2481 "100 Years of Service: The Protectives, Rochester Fire Department."
2482 The Organization of the Fire Department.
2483 "Passing of City's Volunteers Tells End of a Glorious Era."
4015 The Marion Baptist Church, Marion, New York ... 1949. Marion: H.E. White, 1949. unp.
4016 One Hundredth Anniversary, 1829-1929, First Baptist Church, Medina, N.Y.
4017 Centennial Anniversary, First Baptist Church, Mumford, New York ... 1953.
4019 The Second Baptist Church of Parma, Centennial Celebration ... 1932.
4020 One Hundredth Anniversary, First Baptist Church, Pavilion, N.Y. ...
2485 Protectives, Incorporated, Rochester Fire Department, 1858-1958. 100th Anniversary Celebration.
453 "Maxon Cemetery--Attica."
454 "Schaub Cemetery, Town of Attica."
455 "South Attica Cemetery."
3516 "Warsaw School Celebration."
2861 Regional Housing: An Innovative Study. (Report no. 4) Rochester: 1971. 774 pp. Summary Report. (No. 4a)
2877 Directory of Services Available to Allegany County Residents.
2878 "History of LeRoy Fire Department."
450 "Brainard Cemetery, Town of Attica.
451 "Dunbar Cemetery, Attica."
452 "Eastman Cemeter, Attica."
4205 75th Anniversary, 1874-1949, St. John's Lutheran Church, Hamlin, N.Y.
4206 Ninetieth Anniversary, 1874-1964, St. John's Lutheran Church, Hamlin, New York,
1524 Minutes and Proceedings of the Mutual Association, of the Village of Rochester, together with Its Constitution; and A List of the Members of the Shylock Association.
927 Maplewood Community History ...
1792 Midtown Plaza: The New Business Center of Downtown Rochester, New York.
1796 "A Friendly Business in a Friendly City."
1797 "Scrantom's 100th Anniversary."
1793 "Once Upon a Plan There Was a Midtown Plaza."
1794 "Song of Success Theme of Levis Music Stores 50th Anniversary."
3616 Rochester Theological Seminary Bulletin, 69th year, no. 3 (Nov. 1918). "Rauschenbusch Number."
5885 Gentle Slopes and Homespun Folks: Town of Genesee Sesquicentennial, 1830-1980.
3877 “A Specimen of the Absurd Opposition to Doctor Goler.”
3878 “Why the Babies are at Rest: A Plea for Milk Dealers and Health Bureau to Bury the Hatchet instead of the Babies.”
49 Lenderman's Thousand Characters and Ten Thousand Practical Facts from Common Life. Introduced in an Amusing and Exciting Narrative of His Own Varied and Singular Life…
1886 "Labor Troubles--1851."
4137 Golden Jubilee of the Dedication of the St. Michael's Church, 1890-1940.
4138 Golden Jubilee, Saint Monica's Church, Rochester, New York, 1898-1948.
4139 Centennial Jubilee, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Rochester, N.Y., 1818-1919.
4140 History of the Church of the Assumption, Scottsville, N.Y.
4141 St. Mary's Catholic Church of the Assumption, Scottsville, N.Y., Centennial Anniversary, 1853-1953.
4142 "Sheldon's St. Cecilia's Celebrates First Century."
4143 St. John the Evangelist Church ... 31 pp.
4144 A Book to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of St. Michael's Parish, Warsaw, New York, 1858-1958.
4132 History of St. Bridget's Parish, Rochester, New York; Golden Jubilee, 1854-1904. 68 pp.
4146 The Church of the Holy Trinity.
4370 A Century with Central Church, 1836-1936.
4371 Tribute to the Memory of Rev. John Townsend. Coit, Late Pastor of St. Peter's Church, Rochester, N.Y.
4372 Westminster Presbyterian Church Seventy-fifth Anniversary. 1943.
4374 "Centennial Anniversary of the First Presbyterian Church, Seneca Falls, New York."
4375 A Manual of the Presbyterian Church in Ogden, Containing Notices of Its History, a List of Its Members, Its Important Resolutions and Its Articles of Faith and Covenant.
1711 "Todd Company Starts Second Fifty Years."
2973 “Notice of Meeting to Form New County from Tompkins and Seneca Counties, New York, 1835.”
2438 "Mayors of Rochester."
2439 "The Mayors of Rochester."
1883 Historical Souvenir of the Rochester Labor Temple Association.
6234 The Farm Journal Illustrated Rural Directory of Orleans County, New York.
6235 First Directory of the Village of Williamson, New York; Issued by the Town Improvement Committee of the Board of Trade.
1877 "Analysis of the Chamber of Commerce Investigation of Clothing Factories."
4622 "Belvidere."
4626 "Unique New Office with a Venerable Past ..."
3096 “Long Road to the White House ... Lincoln Traversed New York en Route.”
2308 "The Mail Comes to Warsaw."
1667 "The Story of Hirman B. Everest, Founder of the Vacuum Oil Company."
1669 A History of the Brewery and Liquor Industry of Rochester, N.Y.
1672 "Batholomay--A Rochester Institution for One Hundred Years."
1673 "The Dairy of the Future, Serving Today's Customers."
1675 "The Fanny Farmer Story: Answer to America's Sweet Tooth."
3249 The Children's Playground League, 1908.
3893 "The News Article That Aroused the Indignation of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Reporting Some of the Local Factory Conditions as Discovered by the State Factory Commission."
4377 Report of the Centennial Exercises of the First Presbyterian Church, ... Victor, N.Y., Edited by the Ladies of the Church.
4380 "Members of the Presbyterian Church, Wyoming, Wyoming County, New York."
4381 United Presbyterian Church, York, New York. Sesquicentennial, 1813-1963.
4378 "Records of the First Presbyterian Church at Warsaw, N.Y."
1213 American Agriculturist Farm Directory of Ontario and Wayne Counties, 1914; A Rural Directory and Reference Book ...
1214 American Agriculturist Farm Director of Yates, Schuyler, Tompkins, and Seneca Counties, 1914 ...
1215 Yates, Seneca & Schuyler Counties Rural Index with Local Almanac.
1212 Boyd's Directory of Seneca Falls, Waterloo, Canandaigua and Geneva, with Farmers' and Business Men's Names in Ontario and Seneca Counties ...
1204 The New York Central Gazetteer and Classified Business Directory ... of the Towns and Cities between New York and Buffalo, for 1873-4.
1205 Western New York Gazetteer and Business Directory. Nineteen Counties 1880-81.
1206 The New York State Business Directory, and Gazetteer, 1882 ...
1207 Directory of the Erie Railroad from Elmira to Rochester, 1892, Containing an Advertisers' Classified Business Directory ...
1208 Johnson's Business and Professional Directory of Buffalo, Rochester ...
1209 Boyd's Directory of Albion, Attica, Batavia, LeRoy and Warsaw, with Farmers' and Business Men's Names in Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming Counties ... 1893-94.
1210 American Agriculturist Farm Directory and Reference Book, Monroe and Livingston Counties, New York, 1917 ...
1211 Brigham's Geneva, Seneca Falls and Waterloo Directory and Business Advertiser for 1862 and 1863; Including the Towns of Phelps, Flint, Creek, Seneca Castle and Stanley Corners, with Histories of the Towns from Their Earliest Settlement.
1641 “Notes on the Early History of the Industries of Rochester. IV.--Buttons.”
1638 “How Rochester Maintains Pre-Eminence in Men's Quality Clothing Field.”
2999 A Narrative of the Facts and Circumstances Relating to the Kidnapping and Presumed Murder of William Morgan, and of the Attempt to Carry off David C. Miller, and to Burn or Destroy the Printing Office of the Latter, for the Purpose of Preventing the Printing and Publishing of the Book, Entitled “Illustrations of Masonry.” Prepared under the Direction of Several Committees Appointed at Meetings of the Citizens of the Counties of Genesee, Livingston, Ontario, Monroe, and Niagara, in the State of New York.
5958 County Home Deaths 1885-1896.
3413 "Seminary Days at Gainesville."
566 “West Perry Cemetery Inscriptions.”
145 The Rushford Centennial, August 16-21, 1908. With Other Data and Reminiscences.
560 “Excerpts from the Day Books of Two Pioneer Physicians at Perry Center, New York.”
558 "Wilcox Cemetery, Orangeville."
564 “A Rattlsnake Story.”
1628 “Ontario Plastics, Another Job Well Done.”
1629 “City's Oldest Company Celebrates.”
1630 “Puritan--A Rochester Pioneer Goes Forward.”
1631 “100th Anniversary, Voplex Corporation.”
3384 "Town School Histories."
3385 View of the Livingston County High-School: On Temple-Hill, Geneseo To Which are Subjoined, Brief Remarks on Some of the Leading Topics of Popular Education.
3386 "A History of the Canandaigua Academy."
3701d Special Libraries In and Around Rochester.
5954 Town of Wolcott Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1810-1960 (Comprising the Towns of Huron, Butler, Wolcott and Rose)....
5957 Cemetery Restoration.
5959 Early Marriages and Deaths in Wyoming County Taken from the Columns of the American Citizen Published in Warsaw.
5966 The Pioneer Cabin.
2547 "City Planning in Rochester--The Olmstead and Fisher Flans."
449 "Attica Centre Cemetery."
4996 "Original Letters from the Interior of the State of New-York,"
4339 "Early Church Records, First Presbyterian Church, Penn Yan, Yates County, New York."
4342 Centennial Celebration, First Presbyterian Church, Pittsford, New York. 1909.
6809 The South Union Neighborhood.
6811 10th Anniversary, City Hallmark.
6812 Urban Vistas '75; a Tour of Homes in the Park/East Area.
6813 Urban Vistas '80; a Tour of Homes in the East Avenue Area.
6814 The Wadsworth Square Neighborhood.
4328 Proceedings of the Centennial Celebration of the Organization of the First Presbyterian Church ...
4330 One Hundred and Fifty Years of the Presbyterian Church, Lyons, New York, 1809-1959.
4331 Mendon Presbyterian Church, Mendon, New York. 1816-1966.
4332 Levi Parsons, D.D. Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Mount Morris, N.Y., 1856-1901. A Sketch of His Life--Funeral Services—Tributes of Esteem--Extracts from His Sermons and Addresses.
4333 Year Book and Church Directory of the First Presbyterian Church, Mount Morris, N.Y. 1932.
4335 In Memoriam: A. Parke Burgess--Jennette P. Burgess.
3170 Souvenir History, 1863-1921, Company A., 108th Inf 27th Division, Field Day and Outing ... August 27th 1921.
3171 25th Annual Banquet, Commemorating the Silver Anniversary of the Rochester Cavalry, N.Y.N.G. ...
3168 Historical Souvenir, First Separate Co., 4th Brigade, N.G.N.Y.
184 Livingston County, New York, Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971.
4382 Testimony-Bearing Exemplified in the Earnest Endeavor of Members of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in North America, to Prevent and Recover from Schism and Defection, the Synod and Subordinate Courts of That Church, which Culminated in Adopting and Swearing a New and Defective Covenant, and other Erroneous Conduct, at Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1871 ...
4384 Book of Dedication Published in Connection with the Dedication of the Memorial Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
3892 "Extracts from the Minutes of the State Factory Investigation Commission."
3896 "Safety Council Completing 40 Years of Service."
1823 "100 Years of the S.B. Roby Company,
1824 "Organization Grows from One Man, One Van."
1825 "The Need Was There-Rumrill Filled It."
1826 "Rochester Family Business Carries Out American Spirit of Free Enterprise."
537 “Middlebury's 150 Years.”
6712 Eightieth Anniversary, 1899 to 1979.
6716 Being a Brief History from Its Organization to the Present of Spencer-Ripley Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church: Now Located at Culver Road and Parsells Avenue, Rochester, New York: Containing also the Program of the Golden Jubilee Anniversary....
6717 Memorial A.M.E. Zion Church.
6718 A History of the Memorial Presbyterian Church, Including a Biographical Sketch of Mary F. Johnson.
1222 Genesee County Rural Index & "Compass System" Map with Almanac.
1226 Directory of Dansville, Mt. Morris, Geneseo, Nunda, Lima, Avon and Livonia, and Towns of Livingston County, N.Y. ...
1227 Parsons' Directory of Livingston County, N.Y. ...
275 "Tombstone Inscriptions from East Bloomfield, N.Y."
4026 A General history of the Baptist Church of Pittsford ... 1809-1909.
4027 Book of the First Baptist Church, Rochester, N.Y., for 1838-39.
3647 Rise, Progress and Condition of the Rochester Athenaeum--Young Men's Association, 1840.
3649 "Industry Moves to the College Campus; Students Erect Their Own Building."
4209 The Lutheran Concordia Church, Rochester, N.Y., 1877-1937. The Sixtieth Anniversary and Rededication ...
4770 “Fifty Years of Stained Glass Artistry.”
6511 Company K Remembered.
189 Proceedings of the Century Association in Honor of the Memory of Brig. Gen. James S. Wadsworth and Colonel Peter A. Porter; with the Eulogies Read by William J. Hoppin and Frederick I. Cozzens. December 3, 1864.
1253 Commercial Register and Business Directory of Rochester, for 1859.
1254 Rochester, N.Y., Business Directory with Map of the City,
1255 A.N. Marquis & Co.'s Hand Business Directory of Rochester, 1889 .... Contains All Telephone Numbers.
1256 The Office Directory, of Rochester, N.Y. ...
1257 Anthony's Standard Business Directory, Guide and Reference Book of Rochester, New York ...
1259 Rochester City and Monroe County Business Directory, for 1875-76 ...
102 “Letchworth Park Museum.”
1780 "Four Generations of the Lennox Family Span 100 Years in the Graphic Arts."
1818 MONROE ABSTRACT & TITLE CORP. 40th Year with Monroe Abstract and Title Corporation ...
1821 "Pfaudler Permutit: 75 Years of Progress," GRC, Nov. 1959, pp. 6-7.
1817 "John Luther & Sons Co., 1865-1965."
1819 "Monroe Tree and Landscape--A Growing Concern."
535 “Folklore from Middlebury.”
5149 Wayside Sketches: Narrative of a Journey in 1843 …
6291 The State Bank of Commerce of Brockport, N.Y.: Its History and its Mission.
5567 Ontario County Open Space Index.
5568 Fiftieth Anniversary, Chas. J. Folger Hook & Ladder Co., Geneva, N.Y., 1886-1936.
5569 Fiftieth Anniversary of the Nester Hose Company, Geneva, New York, 1886-1936.
530 "North Java Pioneer Cemetery."
5565 Allegany County Planning Conference, Sponsored by Allegany County Board of Legislators,
456 "Vernal Cemetery Inscriptions."
3705 U.S. Bureau of Education. Public Libraries in the United State of American: Their History, Condition, and Management.
3706 "Warsaw Library, 1823."
1621 “Chamberlin Rubber, Winning Reputation with New Plastic Products.”
1622 “Chamberlin Rubber Company Centennial.”
1623 “One Hundred Years of Paste and Adhesives--Clark. Stek-O.”
1626 “'Little Kordite Getting Big: Two Young Men in a Hurry.”
1627 “Nalge--A Story of Growth.”
1980 "Linus Day, Pioneer Hatmaker of Bennington."
1981 "A Merchant's Ledger, 1840."
459 “A Wolf hunt.”
2837 Conservation and Open Space Preservation: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 11)
2838 The Lake Ontario Shoreline. A Regional Overview of Environmental Problems. (Report no. 12)
461 "East Bennington German Cemetery."
462 "Folsomdale Cemetery."
463 "Maple Lawn Cemetery. Bennington Center."
464 "Maxon Farm Cemetery--Bennington."
465 "Summit View Cemetery, East Bennington."
2410 "Rochester in Forefront of Development of Television."
1494 "Census of Agriculture, 1964, Allegany County."
4703 “A Landmark Vanishes.”
4999 "Extract from a Journal of a Tour to Niagara Falls, &c., in the Spring and Summer of 1812."
4028 Centennial Celebration, First Baptist Church, 1888-1918 ...
4670 “Covered Bridges of Yesteryear: A List of Sites Where Covered Bridges Once Stood in New York State.”
1544 Commerce, Manufactures and Resources of Rochester. A Descriptive Review.
507 "Silver Springs Pioneer Cemetery."
508 "Yates Settlement, Town of Gainesville."
510 "Davis Cemetery, Genesee Falls."
528 "Curriers Cemetery, Java."
529 "Java Village Cemetery."
3971 Proceedings of the Sabbath Convention, Held at the City of Rochester, July 20th and 21st, 1842.
3703 SOUTHERN TIER LIBRARY SYSTEM. A History of the Public Libraries Served of the Southern Tier Library System.
210 Geneseo's Centennial, September 11th, 1890. Report of the Celebration, Literary and Other Exercises, and Poem and Addresses as Delivered.
240 Nundarama: Sesquicentennial Souvenir.
1547 The Industries of the City of Rochester. A Resume of Her Past History and Progress, together with a Condensed Summary of Her Industrial Advantages and Development, and a Series of Comprehensive Sketches of Her Representative Business Enterprises ...
1548 Rochester Illustrated. A Review of the Origin, Growth and Progress of the Flower City ...
1549 Rochester, New York, the Flour City. Its Wonderful Growth and Business Prosperity. A Glance at Its History, a Review of Its Commerce and Manufactures, and a Description of Its Business Enterprises ...
1550 History and Commerce of Rochester, Illustrated.
1551 "Rochester, the Flower City of the Genesee Valley."
3602 An Offering to the Memory of Abigail Ann Allen by the Ladies' Literary Societies of Alfred University.
840 History of Rochester Portrayed in Stamps.
1506 “Lumber and Wood Processing in Rochester's History.”
1546 Historical and Descriptive Review of the Industries of Rochester, 1885 ...
4162 A Cycle of Praise: The History of St. James' Church, 1815-1965.
912 "Folklore in Rochester."
2182 Erie Railroad Magazine, 47, no. 3 (May 1951), 82 pp.
6474 Past Presidents.
4386 The Community Church of Lakeville, 1795-1970.
2035 A View of the Grand Canal, from Lake Erie to the Hudson River; Containing a Particular Description of Its Construction, and Historical Summary of the Different Towns, Villages, &c., on the Route of the Canal ....
578 "Inscriptions from Old Lamont Cemetery."
274 A Short History of the Town of East Bloomfield, County of Ontario, New York.
1950 History and Commerce of Central New York. With Illustrated Supplement of the Columbian World's Fair at Chicago.
1835 "Yawman & Erbe Mark 90 Years."
4057 "Minute Book, 1836-1881, of the Free Will Baptist Church of Eatt Pen field, Monroe County, New York."
4059 First Seventh Day Baptist Church, Alfred, N.Y. One Hundredth Anniversary
4068 Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.
272 A Bicentennial Sketchbook of Bloomfield, New York, 1789-1976.
4089 St. Agnes Church, Avon, N.Y. 1869-1969.
4090 Golden Jubilee: Sacred Heart Parish, Roman Catholic Church, Batavia, New York.
4091 A Book to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of St. Patrick's Parish, Belfast, N.Y. 1859-1959.
4087 Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester, by a Sister of Saint Joseph.
4114 A Hundred Years of Service, St. Patrick's Church, Mumford, New York, 1954.
4116 Holy Spirit Parish, Penfield, New York... South Hackensack, N.J.: Custombook, Inc., 1969.
4117 The History of St. Joseph’s Church, Perry, New York
4118 "Portageville Catholics Observe Their Centennial."
4121 "Forty Years Ago, April 13, 1902: Dedication and First Mass, Church of the Blessed Sacrament ..."
4123 Souvenir of the Golden Jubilee of the Immaculate Conception Church, Rochester, New York ... 1899.
4124 One Hundred Years, 1849-1949; the History of Immaculate Conception Church, Rochester, New York.
6126 Westward ho! - To Rochesterville: Sketches of Early Rochester, Presented for Your Enjoyment by Scrantom's Book & Stationery Co.
6128 Our Spirit Shows, Sesquicentennial Songbook.
6129 Rochester, New York Sesquicentennial, 1834-1984.
6763 Three Great New York Houses.
5714 Historical Sketches Read at the Centennial Celebration of the Presbyterian Church of Seneca, Ontario County, New York (The "No. 9" Church), August 25, 26 and 27, 1907.
5715 135th Anniversary, Seneca Presbyterian Church, "Old Number Nine," Stanley, N.Y., 1807-1942.
4006 "Baptist Church, Friendship, New York."
2045 Internal Improvement. Proceedings of Meetings of the Citizens of Rochester, Buffalo, Lockport and Palmyra, Expressive of the Views of the People of Western New-York, with Reference to the Improvement of the Erie Canal.
6394 Locomotives of Four New York State Roads.
2850 Regional Economic Development: An Analysis of Prospects. (Report no. 11)
2851 Housing: Regional Analysis and Program. (Report no. 12)
2852 Educational, Health and Social Service: Regional Analysis and Program. (Report no. 13)
299 "Greenhouse Cemetery."
871 "Two Interesting Letters."
6327 Entrepreneurship and Community: The Businessman on the Genesee Frontier, 1790-1850.
313 (Crittenden Cemetery, Phelps, N.Y.)
314 "Pioneer Cemetery in the Town of Phelps."
315 "Inscriptions from Pinewood Cemetery ..."
316 "Some Burials at the Old Cemetery ..."
317 “Cemetery in the North Part of Town of Phelps.” Same, 5 (1962), 184-85. 318. "Westfall Cemetery ..."
319 An Informal History of Richmond, New York; for the Settlements of Honeoye, Allen's Hill, Richmond Mills, Richmond Center and Dennison's Corners.
4099 Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, Darien Center, N.Y. 1911-1961.
3079 "Ontario Volunteers, Capt. Asa Stanley's Company, May 30, 1805."
3080 "The Patriot War."
3081 "Regimental Pay Roll, War of 1812."
6032 Richards Cemetery.
6034 Town of Orangeville - 1892."
2846 Economic Prospects of Manufacturing: A Regional Survey. (Report no. 7)
2847 Social Services Agencies. Regional Survey. (Report no. 8
2848 Land Use: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 9)
2849 Regional Population: Distribution and Projections. (Report no. 10)
4845 Rochester Illustrated.
4846 Rochester Illustrated, Published in Twelve Parts.
4271 Bulletin of Houghton's Tabernacle Church, Dec. 2, 1934.
4272 Report of the Trustees of the African Church in the Village of Rochester, with an Address to the Publick.
4273 Directory, A.M.E. Zion Memorial Church, Favor Street, Rochester, N.Y., 1907-1908. 47 pp.
2216 The Genesee and Wyoming Railroad Company.
1941 Livingston County Pocket Business Directory of Leading Firms ...
4109 "St. Peter's, LeRoy, 1849-1869-1969."
4110 Souvenir of Centenary of the First Mass, Saint Rose Church, Lima, New York, 1842-1942.
4111 50th Anniversary, St. Joseph's Church, Livonia, New York, 1911-1961.
4112 St. Joseph's Church, Lyndonville, N.Y., 1917-1967 ...
677 Hamlin Centennial Sketchbook, 1961.
678 Henrietta Sesquicentennial, 1818-1968 ...
683 Irondequoit Centennial Album, 1839-1939.
4405 In Loving Memory of Myron Adams ...
4406 25th Anniversary Manual and Membership Roll of South Congregational Church, Rochester, N.Y.
4418 "Marriage Records, 1823-1838, from First Reformed Dutch Church, Ovid, N.Y."
4204 St. Paul's United Lutheran Church, 1809-1959,
2424 “History of Civil Service in Rochester.”
2425 “How the City of Rochester Grew.”
2829 Drainage: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 2)
4409 Seventy-five Years, 1849-1924. First Evangelical Church ... Rochester, N.Y.
4410 "A Brief History, Reminiscences, Records and Illustrations of Interest, Published at the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of Trinity Evangelical Church, Rochester, New York, 1842-1917."
4411 Ninetieth Jubilee, 1842-1932 ... Trinity Evangelical Church, Rochester, N.Y.
4642 "A Heritage of Cobblestone."
6258 Rochester's Greatest National Industry.
3928 "Blue Cross Celebrates 20th Anniversary."
6708 St. Paul's in Action in its 150th Year.
2656 “Monroe County Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971: County Government.”
424 "Fish Cemetery ..."
4310 A Pilgrimage of Faith, 1817 to 1967. United Presbyterian Church, East Bethany, N.Y.
797 "Documents of Early Rochester."
300 "Sunnyside Cemetery, Located East of Manchester Village, …
3765 The Fortnightly, Rochester, New York, 1882-1907.
1611 Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Co. ... Our Fiftieth Anniversary, 1888-1938.
1617 "Rochester's Newest Bank Building."
1620 “Allerton Chemical Tenth Anniversary.”
1643 “Rochester's Clothing Industry: A Pattern for Progress.”
1435 "Monroe Cans More Food than Any Other County in State."
164 Byron Sesquicentennial, 1820-1970. Souvenir Program and History …
165 "The Story of Maple Hill Cemetery, North Darien, N.Y."
172 "Tombstone Inscriptions."
179 “The Centennial Celebration of the Organization of Livingston County.” LCHS, 1918-22, pp. 15-43.
176 "Tombstone Inscriptions."
1089 SPLIBS: Sources, People, Life in Black Society: A Guide to the Black Community of Rochester, New York.
327 The Program. Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Town of Victor, Ontario County … 1913 …
3150 Ontario in the World War.
3330 Oak Hill Country Club: Plans for Further Development.
4412 The History of One Hundred Years, 1842-1942. Trinity Evangelical and Reformed Church, Rochester, New York.
3612a FORBES, GRACE MOEHLMAN. Conrad Henry Moehlman: The Man and the Message.
5899 The Way We Were.
5901 Town of York Historical Society's Old York Times III: Retsof Celebration Edition, Saturday, September 10, 1988.
597 The Silver Lake Serpent: A Full Account of the Monster, as Seen in the Year 1855.
487 "Covington Center Pioneer Cemetery."
488 "La Grange Cemetery--Covington."
489 "Mountain Ash Cemetery."
490 "Pearl Creek Cemetery."
447 “The Melven Homestead.”
448 “Pioneers of Nebraska.”
470 Castile Historical House.
437a “Reflections from the American Citizen, 1830's.”
1220 The Farm Journal Illustrated Directory of Genesee County, New York ...
1221 Classified and Graded Directory of All Farms of Genesee Co., N.Y. for Merchants, Manufacturers and Professional Men.
5392 A History of the Town of Victor, Ontario County, New York, 1656-1898.
5393 History of Victor ...
5394 Clifton Springs Scrap Book.
5395 Naples Record, July 4, 1976.
5390 "A Thriving New York Village, a Review of the Social and Business Advantages of Geneva."
5398 90th Anniversary, 1859-1949, and Opening of New Banking Rooms, June 1949, Marine Midland Trust Company of Albion.
5400 As We Were--The Life and Times of the 19th Century in Seneca Falls, New York.
5401 As We Were--The Life and Times of the Early 20th Century in Seneca Falls, New York. Vol. 2.
1265 "Clock-System" Rural Index and Map of Monroe County, New York ...
1305 "Agricultural Headquarters to Be Built."
1309 Rochester Italian Directory.
1644 "The World's Largest Clothing Plant."
1646 "Youth Carries on at Hickock Company."
1647 "Max Lowenthal Sons, Inc.--100th Birthday."
1650 "Superba Celebrates 75th Anniversary This Year."
1652 "John Taylor & Sons."
4349 Centennial Observance of the First Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York 1815-1915.
4350 Historical Exhibit, 1815-1915, First Presbyterial Church, Rochester, N.Y., April 30, May 1 and 2, 1915.
4356 Fiftieth Anniversary of the Organization of the Brick Church, Rochester, N.Y. Thirty-fifth Anniversary of the Pastor ... 1875.
4357 In Memoriam. James Boylan Shaw, D.D. Published by the Elders and Trustees of the Brick (Presbyterian) Church, Rochester, N.Y.
4358 Communicants' Manual, Brick Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York.
402 Macedon Village Cemetery, Wayne County ..."
311 Phelps Sesqui-Centennial Celebration Presents the Historical Spectacle "Conquest of the Years" August 10th, 11th and 12th …
4353 First Presbyterian Church of Rochester, New York 1872-1972.
3867 “Our Reproachful Milk Situation.”
1773 "Cramer-Force Company, Inc.--100 Years Young."
1774 "Erdle Perforating Co., Inc.: 100 Years Young."
1776 "Kee Lox Celebrates 60th Year."
5904 Inventory to the Naturalization Records of the Ontario County Clerk, 1803-1932, by the Staff of the Ontario County Records Center and Archives.
4242b Indian Falls United Methodist Church, 1947-1972.
4242c "Sesquicentennial: The Methodist Church in LeRoy."
3932 "Reflections of a Generation of Service: Blue Shield of the Rochester Area."
3933 "Rochester One of Foremost Cities in Meeting Hospital and Surgical Care Needs."
3414 "Short History of School District 16, French Road, Bennington."
3415 "Sunday School on Sucker Brook, 1822-1922."
2233 “A Horse Car.”
2259 "Opening the Navigation of Canaseraga River,"
3322 "First Masonic Lodge."
3323 "Mt. Vernon Lodge Observes Centennial."
4427 “Universalist Church in Wyoming County.”
2250 “Rochester Subway.”
830 Official Programme and Souvenir of the Rochester Semi-Centennial, June 9th and 10th, 1884.
1832 "The Will Corporation."
3351 "Major-League Citizens of Rochester."
6140 A Brief History of Marketview Heights.
6144 Grove Place, 1827-1984: A Quiet Neighborhood of Renaissance.
6145 A History of the Chocolate City Neighborhood.
199 The Caledonia-Mumford Bicentennial Book, 1976.
1613 Our First Century of Service, 1850-1950. Monroe County Savings Bank.
1586 “The Early Automobile Industry of Rochester.”
1587 “Rochester and the Automotive Industry.”
1584 “Century Old Businesses--Rochester Pioneers.”
1610 "Community Savings Bank, 1869-1969."
543 "Carlton Cemetery, Town of Middlebury."
544 "Cemetery at Dale."
539 “The Phineas Stauntons.”
542 "Dale Pioneer Cemetery."
6651 Park Avenue Park Ridge.
6653 Strong Memorial, The University of Rochester Medical Center.
6654 Announcement of Brigham Hall, a Hospital for the Insane.
3550 "The Rochester School for the Deaf."
1812 "General Railway Signal Marks 50th Anniversary."
1813 "The Gottry Story."
4828 "L.E. Walker, Warsaw's Picture Man."
6036 Assessment List Town of Perry 1828.
6568 Dear Old Golden Rule Days.
6040 Perry Hope Cemetery.
6042 St. Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church (Polish).
6044 Early Glimpses of Pike Village.
6047 Johnsonburg Cemetery.
6048 Listing of the Old Portion of the Varysburg Community Cemetery and 1976 Listing of the Varysburg Cemetery.
6049 Name Index to Marriages Performed by Charles Wilder, Town of Sheldon Justice, 1838-45.
6563 The Kirklands' School in Geneva.
3860 “From Doctor Goler's Annual Report.”
4413 "Zum funfundzwanzigsten Jubilaumsfeste, 1873-1898,"
1945 Community Spotlight: Knowing Geneva.
3992 First Baptist Church, Albion, N.Y. 100th Anniversary ... 1959.
3993 1806-1906. Centennial Celebration, Aug. 22, 1907. First Baptist Church, Attica, N.Y.
3994 "Sesquicentennial of Attica Baptist Church."
4856 Souvenir of Rochester. Portland, Me.: L.H. Nelson Company, ca. 1903. unp.
4857 Views of "Rochester Beauty." By Home Photographers.
951 Horner's Rochester City Guide, and Encyclopedia of Useful Knowledge, Carefully Compiled.
3545 Memorial Exercises of the Alumnae Association Held at Livingston Park Seminary, Rochester, N.Y., on Thursday, June Ninth, 1892.
3997 Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church, Brockport, New York; with Names of Its Pastors, Officers and Members from the Date of Organization (September 1, 1841) to the Present Time ...
3998 "The Baptist Church, Castile, Wyoming County, N.Y."
3999 Semi-Centennial of the Second Baptist Church, Cuba, N.Y., 1834-1884.
3777 Eastman Dental Center, a Half Century of Progress, 1917-1967.
4613 No. 2 (1960). "A Motor Tour East of Caledonia."
4614 No. 3 (1961). "Wheatland Quaker Settlement."
4615 No. 4 (1962). "Tour ... Featuring Caledonia's Participation in the Wa of 1812 and Stone Building Town of Caledonia."
4616 No. 5 (1963). "Tour into York Township."
2562 "Rochester Research Bureau, Started by Eastman, Has Saved Millions."
1759 "Dynacolor's Rapid Growth."
1761 "Graflex, A Rochester Success Story."
1764 ("American Historical Catalog Collection")
1765 "Varden Studio: 40 Years of Friendship and Photography."
1766 “Graphic Arts Progress Here Makes City World Center.”
1767 “Lithography That Sells.”
815 In Honor of Nathaniel Rochester. Exercises Held at Rochester, New York, Saturday Afternoon, June Twenty-eight, Nineteen Twenty Four ...
1763 "Photo Firm Ends First Century."
1771 "Rochester Printers Expand."
1772 "Cramer-Force Company Has Colorful History."
1768 “Progressive Firms in Rochester Packaging Industry.”
1816 "Rochester Building Firm Observes Ninetieth Birthday."
1814 "Harper Method of Rochester Celebrates Diamond Anniversary."
3657 An Outline History of the University of Rochester.
4798 New York Silversmiths.
2873 Civil List and Constitutional History of the Colony and State of New York.
2875 The New York Red Book ...
4585 "Pardee House."
6687 Mt. Olivet Baptist Church.
6788 Early Irondequoit Homes.
1552 Rochester Business Directory, Map, and Buyers' Guide ...
6650 Highland, "Rebel on the Hill".
6162 Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, New York.
734 Rochester in 1827, with a Map of the village.
737 Proceedings at the Annual Festivals of the Pioneers of Rochester, Held at Blossom. Hall, September 30, 1847, and October 13, 1848.
6789 The Edgerton Neighborhood.
6792 Historic Houses; Opening the Doors to America's Past.
6703 St. Marys Celebrates 100 Years, 1880-1980.
1229 The Farm Journal Illustrated Rural Directory of Livingston County, New York ...
1230 Rural Index Map & "Compass System" Map with Almanac.
1232 Flynn's General Directory for the Towns of Geneva, Phelps, Clifton Springs and Canandaigua, for 1873-4. ...
1234 "Clock System" Rural Index Ontario County, New York.
1235 Ontario County, N.Y. Rural Index "Compass System" Map and Localized Almanac.
1237 Kirwin's Directory of the County of Orleans, for the Years 1879-80 ...
5264 U.S. Library of Congress. Newspapers on Microfilm, United States, 1948-1972,
5265 U.S. National Youth Administration, comp. Index to Newspapers Published in Rochester, New York, 1818-1897.
711 Pittsford Sesqui-Centennial, 1789-1939.
4767 Walking Tour Guide of the Village of Fairport, Monroe County, New York.
6545 Seth Green and the Caledonia Fish Hatchery: Centennial, 1864-1964.
802 "Map of Rochester in 1814."
806 The Pioneers Days of Rochester Illustrated.
5716 First Presbyterian Church, Seneca Castle, N.Y., Eighty-fifth Anniversary, March the seventh, 1913.
5421 Lake Keuka.
5423 "Bonnie" Dundee (Yates County)
5424 Dundee, 1847-1947: A Beautiful Village in the Heart of the Finger Lakes, New York State.
5425 Recollections of Early Days ... Printed to Commemorate the Dedication of the Dundee Area Historical Society Museum.
5426 Souvenir History Book, the 125th Anniversary Incorporation of the Village of Dundee, New York, 1848 ...
5434 Souvenir Book of Fairport: Being a Historical Review of Interesting Events Compiled from Early Records of the Town and Village and Other Sources: Down to the Present Time, Together with Illustrations from Early and Recent Photos and Quaint Old Prints, Issued by the Executive Committee of the Old Home Celebration Week of August 2-8, the year 1908.
5978 St. Mary's Cemetery.
5986 Cowlesville Village Cemetery.
5989 Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Cemetery.
6031 Pleasant View Cemetery.
2853 The Migrant: A Human Perspective. (Report no. 14)
2106 "At Home on the Canal."
6846 Face to Face; M.W. Hopkins and Noah North.
6848 The Prints of Norman Kent.
4236 One Hundred Years of Methodism in Brockport, New York. December 10, 1827-December 10, 1952.
4247 The Report of the Research Committee on the Relocation of the Asbury First Methodist Church.
4248 Christ in Art and Symbolism: Asbury First Methodist Church, Rochester, New York.
4249 A Hundred Years of Methodism in Charlotte; Official History, 1848-1948. Lake Avenue Methodist Church, Rochester, New York ...
6657 The Jackson Health Resort, an Institution Distinctive in Methods and Character.
6658 Rx: Tranquility for Health at Clifton Springs.
6659 The Sanatorium, Our Home on the Hillside.
4855 Souvenir of Rochester.
2897 "Early Days at the County Farm."
2898 "We Are Sixteen."
4313 Condensed History of the 1st Presbyterian Church of East Rochester, New York, 1909-59.
4315 The Centennial Celebration of the Geneseo Village Presbyterian Church, Geneseo, N.Y. 1910.
4318 Centennial Celebration ... First Presbyterian Church.
4320 "First Presbyterian Church, Geneva, Seneca Co. (!),
289 "Geneva: Queen City of the Finger Lakes."
4702 Illustrated Guide to Reynolds Arcade, with History of the Arcade from 1828, Plans of Each Floor, Number of Each Office, Names and Business of Each Occupant.
1482 "A Farm Census of New York State Taken by the Children in the Rural Schools."
2513 Bausch Memorial Bridge.
331 Record of the Orleans County Pioneer Association; Original Minutes, 1858 to 1905.
2285 "Rochester's Flying Tradition--Added to by a Modern Airport."
2289 Souvenir Program. Opening of the Donald Woodward Airport, LeRoy, New York ...
1562 Industrial Bulletin.
4741 Martin, McGraw & Wiard, Architects.
4746a "A College Arts Complex Shaped by a Strong Master Plan."
4746d "Two Rochester Banks: The Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Company--The Rochester German Insurance Building."
425 "Williamson Cemetery, Wayne County ..."
3123 An Account of the Unveiling of a Tablet to the Memory of Nine Soldiers Who Went Out from Cheshire, Ontario County, New York, to Serve in the Union Army during the Civil War, and Whose Burial Places are Unknown.
5914 The War Years in Bloomfield, 1941-1945.
5915 History of the Town of Farmington, New York, 1788-1988: Town of Farmington Bicentennial.
6784 The Portage Wooden Bridge.
5657 Ontario County Tuberculosis and Health Association, Inc. Ontario County Heart Chapter. Fifty-One Years of Service, 1908-1959.
5662 Proceedings of the Delegates of the General Missionary Society of Young People in the Western District; at their Annual Meeting, in Geneva, Feb. 9, 1820, together with the Fourth Annual Report of the Directors of the Society: Containing Extracts from the Journals of Missionaries.
5668 A Century of Christian Fellowship: The Central Baptist Church of Carlton, 1846-1946.
5673 Seventh Day Baptists in Europe and America ... 2 vols.
5674 25th Anniversary, 1949-1974. Saint Brendan's Parish, Almond, N.Y.
5676 Centennial Observance, November 5, 1950, St. Bridget's Church, East Bloomfield, New York.
5677 St. Stephen's Church, Geneva, N.Y.
4816 "Floral Painting: A Family Heritage."
2636 "Lilacs Grace Flower City for over Half a Century."
2643 Presentation of the Ellwanger & Barry Memorial Pavilion, Highland Park. Rochester, N.Y. ... September 29, 1890.
2637 Henry Lomb Memorial Park, May 30, 1932.
2641 The Origin & Development of Rochester's Park System, by a Veteran Reporter.
2642 The Playground: A Monthly Journal, no. 22 (Jan. 1909), 24 pp.
1062 "Sesqui-Centennial of Ellicott Survey."
5997 Atlantic Crossing in 1834 Revealed in Gordon Diary.
1807 "Twenty-Five Years in a Vacuum."
1808 "Crossman Celebrates 50th Year of Recreational Gun Leadership."
1809 "3 Generations of Service: Doyle Detective."
1810 "GM DuBois Celebrates 75th Anniversary."
5787 A Rochester Retrospective: Painting and Sculpture, 1880-1950; Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, August 1-September 21, 1980.
5791 Up & Down the River: Art & Geography of the Genesee River.
2137 Official Guide of the Railways and Steam Navigation Lines of the United States, Porto Rico, Canada, Mexico and Cuba ... 1873+
6322 Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce, a Century of Progress.
3133 "The County Soldiers' Monument."
5920 Naples Bicentennial Souvenir Program.
5923 Chronicles of Ash Grove, 1882-1982.
5872 An Interview with Miss Blanche Knapp, Secretary to Mr. Letchworth.
5510 Geneva Advertiser-Gazette Industrial Property Edition, Feb. 1907.
5511 A History of the Locke Insulator Corporation.
5512 The Story of Victor and Purified Porcelain.
5513 Workshops of the Silsby Manufacturing Company at Seneca Falls, N.Y. 1885-1886.
5514 A History of the Glass Works, Clyde, N.Y.
6026 Dale Cemetery.
1239 Orleans County Directory, 1926.
1240 Orleans County Rural Index & "Compass System" Map with Local Almanac.
1260 Boyd's Monroe County Directory,
6061 A List of Warsaw Residents.
1262 The Rochester Business Directory and Monroe County Directory, Containing a General Directory of the Inhabitants of Each Town in Monroe County, a Classified Business Directory of the City of Rochester and of Each Town ... No. I.
1263 The Rural Directory. Adams Basin, Barnard, Brockport, Chili Station, Chili, East Rochester, Fairport, Henrietta, West Henrietta, Hilton, Pittsford, Rochester, Spencerport, Webster and West Webster. Fall 1916.
1264 The Farm Journal Illustrated Rural Directory of Monroe County, New York ...
5334 Town of Amity Sesquicentennial, 1830-1980.
5335 Town of Bolivar, New York, Sesquicentennial, 1825-1975.
5336 Town of Burns, A History ...
5337 Town of Genesee, 1830-1980, Sesquicentennial: Gentle Slopes and Homespun Folks. Little Genesee: 3
5338 History of the Village of Scio.
5338 History of the Village of. Scio.
5339 Scio Sesqui-Centennial, Scio, N.Y. ... 1823-1973.
5340 The Early History of Whitesville, on the Occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Formation of the Township of Independence, 1821-1971.
5347 Town of Pembroke Bicentennial History.
5344 Souvenir of Batavia, Photogravures ...
5353 A History of Dansville.
223 "Oak Ridge Cemetery at Lima, N.Y."
224 "Report of the Town Committee--Lima."
609 “Reminiscences of Warsaw Village.”
613 “Warsaw, Queen of Wyoming Valley.”
614 "Hatch Cemetery, Town of Warsaw."
615 "Sharp District Cemetery, Warsaw."
611 “Warsaw's Pioneer Orchard.”
6052 St. Cecilias Catholic Church Cemetery, Sheldon, Wyoming County.
6520 A Brief History; Association for the Blind of Rochester.
6913 Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives.
6090 Penfield, Our Town: Handbook for Citizens.
1612 "Marine Midland of Rochester."
1702 "The Stromberg-Carlson Story."
1719 Bausch & Lomb Magazine, Vol. 20, no. 3 (1945?).
1720 Balco News, no. 77 (May 1948), 15 pp. (Story of John J. Bausch.) 1721. "Bausch & Lomb Nears Century Mark."
1722 "Fashions and Optics--A Century of Progress."
1723 "A Century of Optical Progress."
1724 "Bausch & Lomb Celebrates Anniversary; Completes 40 Years in Optical Glass."
2030 A Serious Appeal to the Wisdom and Patriotism of the Legislature of the State of New-York; on the Subject of a Canal Communication between the Great Western Lakes and the Waters of the Hudson. By a Friend to His Country.
2031 A Southern Route Proposed for the Canal in 1818.
3885 Health Care of Aged Study: A Study of the Physical and Mental Health Care Needs of Older People in Monroe County, New York.
6091 Fairport Business Directory (Illustrated) and Book of General Information. Containing Names of All Business Firms, Public and Professional Men, etc., with Special Mention of Prominent People.
6097 Pittsford: The Way It Was by Mrs. Mabel Siver's Fourth Grade Classes, 1983-1985.
6422 Route 20, Ribbon of Memories.
6423 Thruway Dedication Ceremonies, Fishers, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1946.
5493 Harris Seeds: A History of the Joseph Harris Company, Growing for a Century, 1879-1979.
5496 The Story of an American Small Business: 50th Anniversary, John D. Brush & Co., Inc.
3845 St. Mary's Hospital. Diamond Jubilee Souvenir History, 1857-1932.
658 "Settlements of Estates of Early Settlers in Monroe Co."
1888 "Organized Labor in Rochester before 1914."
834 The Book of the Rochester Centennial.
2840 Geologic Resources. (Report no.16)
2841 Regional Economic Demographic Analysis. (Report no. 1)
2842 Demographic Analysis: Regional Summary. (Report no. 3)
2843 Historical Perspective, Genesee/Finger Lakes Region. (Report no. 4)
2844 Planning Studies: Regional Inventory of Existing Reports. (Report no. 5)
2845 Human and Cultural Resources. Study Needs. (Report no. 6)
2108 Canal Directory: Rates of Toll and Distances on the Erie and Champlain Canals, as Established by the Canal Board, March 12, 1836, together with a List of Canal Officers, etc.
2839 Agricultural Land Resources: Regional Survey. (Report no. 14)
2186 The Local Press on the Erie Railway Management.
1930 Avon, New York, As It Is Today.
6743 The National Register of Historic Places.
6753 Why Cobblestone?
5419 Penn Yan Chronicle-Express, 150th Anniversary Issue, Dec. 26, 1974.
5420 Keuka. Lake-Side Life in Central New York.
5451 Rochester People's Yellow Pages: Vocations for Social Change Collective, 2nd ed.
780 "The City that Reaches Outward Touches Every Corner of the World: Rochester."
784 "Growth of Cities in the United States."
4598 No. 3 (1963). "A Motor Tour in Cayuga County ..."
4599 No. 4 (1964). "A Motor Tour in Wayne County ..."
4600 No. 5 (1965). "A Motor Tour in Ontario County..."
4601 No. 6 (1966). "A Motor Tour in Niagara County ..."
4602 No. 7 (1967). "A Motor Tour in Eastern Orleans and Western Monroe ..."
4603 No. 8 (1968). "A Motor Tour in Yates and Southern Ontario Counties."
4451 A Report of the Mysterious Noises, Heard in the House of Mr. John D. Fox, in Hydesville, Arcadia, Wayne County, Authenticated by the Certificates, and Confirmed by the Statements of the Citizens of That Place and Vicinity …
3019 “Origins of Abolitionist Movement.”
624 "Hermitage Cemetery."
625 "'Shepard Road' Cemetery, Wethersfield."
3140 The Dedication of the Sampson Memorial Gun on Decoration Day at Palmyra, N.Y., May 30, 1903.
3143 N.Y. Adjutant-General's Office. New York in the Spanish-American War, 1898. Part of the Report of the Adjutant-General of the State for 1900 ...
2957 "How Rochester and Monroe County Vote."
626 "Wethersfield Cemetery Inscriptions."
353 "1800 Federal Census, Heads of Families, Town of Ovid, Seneca. County."
5602 The Development of the Public Schools in Geneva,
5603 Happy Moments at High Street School.
5774 Susan B. Anthony Preservation District House & Garden Tour, 1982.
4847 Rochester Illustrated. A Review of the Origin, Growth and Progress of the Flower City. An Epitome of Human Interest, of Incident and Wonderful Achievement.
4848 Rochester: Photographs in Black.
4197 "St. Clement's Episcopal Cemetery--Wethersfield Springs."
2499 "Report Filed on Downtown Traffic."
2505 The Drew Allis Co. City Guide and Street Directory of Rochester ...
2502 "Rochester Adept at Fighting Snowdrifts."
700 Fairport, New York: Centennial, 1867-1967.
702 Perinton's Heritage: Perinton's Sesquicentennial, 1812-1962.
6731 A Brief History of the West Bloomfield Congregational Church.
2835 Regional Transit Plan Alternatives: Stage I. (Report no. 9)
2836 Suitability of Land for Development: Regional Survey. (Report no. 10)
707 Historical Facts Pertaining to Pittsford, N.Y.
708 Historical Map of Pittsford Portraying Many of Its Sights and Landmarks; A Walking Tour Map of the Four Corners Area, with a Brief History.
6692 St. Mary's Catholic Church, Geneseo, New York: Centennial Anniversary of Our Church Building, December 17, 1889-1989.
6694 So Great a Work: St. John the Evangelist Church, Greece, N.Y., 1865-1965.
6698 Golden Jubilee: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church.
6700 St. Josaphat Ukrainian Catholic Church 75th Anniversary, Rochester, New York, November 11 1984.
6723 Remnants 1976; the Downtown United Presbyterian Church.
6726 History of First Presbyterian Church, Wyoming, New York, 1817-1967.
2854 Economic and Housing Analysis: (Report no. 15)
2855 Migrant Shelter: A Housing Dilemma. (Report no. 17)
2856 (Report no. 18)
2857 Technical Coordination and Management Services to New Community Developments. (Reports no. 19)
2858 Cultural Resources: A Regional Survey. (Report no. 20)
2859 Transportation Feasibility Study, Ho-Jack Line. (Report no. 2)
2860 Analysis of Port Development Potentials at Great Sodus Bay. (Report no. 3)
525 “The Smith Farm at Java Village.”
527 "Blakely Cemetery, Torry Hill Road, Java."
2170 "The Rochester and State Line Road."
437 “Busy Little Arcade.”
439 “China that became Arcade, 1807-1957.”
440 “Heads of Families, Census of 1810.”
442 (Heads of Families, Census of 1830.)
444 “Wyoming County Marriages and Deaths Reported in Livingston County Newspapers Prior to 1850.”
438 “Progress with a Past.”
441 (Heads of Families, Census of 1820.)
443 “Marriages from the 'Western New Yorker,' ... Warsaw, New York.”
445 “Wyoming County Deaths Reported in Batavia Papers before 1850.”
474 “Taberlea Farm.”
475 "Clark Cemetery, Town of Castile."
476 "Reservation Cemetery, Castile."
619 “The Reuben Doolittle House.”
3059 Report of the Woman's Right Convention, Held at Seneca Falls, N.Y., July 19th & 20th, 1848.
3060 “60th Anniversary of the 1848 Woman's Rights Convention.”
831 Celebration of the Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the Incorporation of the City of Rochester. Exercises Held in Convention Fall, October Nineteen, Nineteen Hundred Nine. 1834-1909.
866 "Scrantom Letters on the Beginnings of Rochester,"
3086 "War of 1812 Memories."
3087 "York Volunteers in the War of 1812."
411 The First Settlement and Early History of Palmyra, Wayne County, N.Y. A Review of Rev. Mr. Eaton's Thanksgiving Sermon, with Notes and Additions, by the "Wayne Democratic Press;" Embracing Some Incidents and Anecdotes Hitherto Unpublished.
412 A Memorial of the Celebration at Palmyra, N.Y of the Centennial Fourth of July, 1876, Including the Oration by Theodore Bacon, and a Sketch of the Early History of Palmyra, by Rev. Horace Eaton, D.D.
413 Palmyra, Wayne County, New York.
416 Village of Savannah Centennial, 1867-1967.
5218 N.Y. Office of State History. Research and Publications in
5219 N.Y. State Museum. Division of Historical Services. Research and Publications in New York State History, 1976.
987 The earlier ed. of 1798 is reviewed in Monthly Magazine and American Review, 1 (1799), 119-24. Williamson probably wrote also “An Account of Captain Williamson's Establishment on Lake Ontario in North America.”
6008 Banister Settlement - Where Two Roads Crossed.
6009 Capsule History of Gainesville.
6010 Henry Bush, Jr. of E. Gainesville, Pioneer & Farmer.
6015 Portageville Village Cemetery.
6023 Scenes of Java Village.
6019 History of the Town of Java, compiled by Java Historical Society.
952 Rochester City Index and Guide Book.
5233 U.S. Library of Congress. United States Local Histories in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography, ed. Marion J. Kaminkow.
6533 Masonic Fair Souvenir: Held in Masonic Temple, Rochester, N.Y., December First to Thirteenth, Nineteen Hundred Two.
6534 One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration of Olive Branch Lodge No. 39, Free and Accepted Masons, LeRoy, New York: Saturday, May 13, 1961.
5608 "West Bloomfield, Ontario County, N.Y."
3265 Hand Book of the Rochester Child Welfare Exhibit ...
2825 The Issues That Impact the Region 8e, the Goals that Address Them. (Report no. 5 )
2826 Comprehensive Regional Development Plan: (Report no. 7)
2827 Comprehensive Regional Development Plan: A Summary.
2828 Physiographic Features: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 1)
5950 Arms' Crossroads - Wallington.
6776 Four Architectural Styles Commonly Found in Wyoming County.
548 "Wright's Corners Cemetery."
549 "Wyoming Village Cemetery."
1250 Rural Directory Using the "Compass-Address" & Compass System Map for the Locating of All Farms in Yates County, 1938.
1251 “The Rochester Directory.”
1252 A Directory for the Village of Rochester: Containing the Names, Residence, and Occupations of All Male Inhabitants over Fifteen Years of Age, in Said Village, on the First of January, 1827, to Which is Added a Sketch of the History of the Village from 1812 to 1827.
1400 "New Genesee Regional Market is Booming."
1404 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. The Wholesale Produce Market at Rochester, N.Y.
1405 "The Vegetable Industry in New York State."
2768 The Town of Greece, Monroe County, New York.
3089 “Civil War Bounties Confused Early Finances.”
2627 "Rochester's Experience in Public Welfare a Half Century Ago."
2629 The Garden Club of America, Annual Meeting, May 20, 21, 22.
3033 Souvenir and Program of the Unveiling and Dedication of the Douglass Monument.
5931 A Souvenir Book of the Village of Albion, Orleans County, New York.
3073 "Deacon Butler's Court Martial."
5935 The Sesquicentennial of the Town of Kendall, 1812-1962.
5936 Little Town on the Towpath; Knowlesville, New York, 1815-1990; Our 175th Anniversary, August 18-19, 1990.
6561 Old York Times IV: School Days, Featuring York District Schools and Hamlets of Wadsworth and Greigsville.
6299 French's Centennial.
6647 Baker-Cederberg Notebook.
6649 The Gift that Grew: The History of the Genesee Hospital, 1887-1987.
6171 Women of Rochester Who Made a Difference: A Sesquicentennial Tribute to Rochester Women (1834-1984).
6172 Woodside's First Family, Silas and Siba Smith: A Sesquicentennial Exhibition, June 1 - September 30, 1984.
6176 Twenty-second Annual Convention of the International Association of Master House Painters of the United States & Canada, Rochester, N. Y., U. S. A., 1912.
6902 Index to Democrat & Chronicle.
5709 Semi-Centennial Anniversary and Directory, First Presbyterian Church, Canandaigua, N.Y.
5710 First Presbyterian Church, Canandaigua, New York, Centennial Observance, 1871-1971.
5711 Manual of the First Presbyterian Church of Geneva, New York.
5712 Centennial Record, First Presbyterian Church, Penn Yan, N.Y. ... 1923.
6905 Rochester, New York: A Checklist of Official Publications, 1935-1985, Prepared by City of Rochester Archives and Records Center, Department of Finance.
6906 Guide to Local History Photograph Collections in the Rochester Region.
6757 A Town Called Angelica.
6758 The Architectural Heritage of Genesee County, New York.
6196 Directory Published by the Negro Business League of Rochester, N.Y. 1926.
5318 Illustrated and Descriptive Guide Book of the Syracuse, Geneva & Corning Railway Route, from Lyons, N.Y. to Antrim, Pa. ...
5321 Seneca Lake, Including Watkins Glen, Long Point and Geneva. A Handbook for Tourists through Central New York.
5321 Seneca Lake, Including Watkins Glen, Long Point and Geneva. A Handbook for Tourists through Central New York.
2398 "Early Phones in Perry."
4036 Sixtieth Anniversary, Genesee Baptist Church, Rochester, N.Y., 1871-1931.
4039 Fortieth Anniversary Book of Remembrance, 1910-1950, Mount Olivet Baptist Church, Rochester, New York.
4042 Tenth Anniversary, Immanuel Baptist Church, Rochester, N.Y. 1923-1933. unp.
4049 Ogden Baptist Church 150th Anniversary, 1819-1969 ...
4621 No. 10 (1969)."A Tour in the Genesee Valley: Historic Homes and Historic Sites in the Towns of Avon, Caledonia, Rush."
2830 Sewer and Water Systems: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 3)
2831 Parks, Recreation and Open Space: Regional Inventory and Analysis. (Report no. 4)
2832 Mass Transportation: Regional Background Survey. (Report no. 5)
4023 Centennial. Souvenir of the Second Milo Baptist Church, Penn Yan, N.Y.
4022 Centennial Celebration, First Baptist Church, Penn Yan, N.Y., 1830-1930.
2232 “History of New York State Railways.”
3552 Western New York Institution for Deaf-Mutes, Rochester, N.Y. Historical Sketch, 1876-1893.
4008 "History of the First Baptist Church of Hermitage."
4009 Hilton Baptist Church, 1809-1959. Forward through the Ages.
5089 Journal of an Excursion to the United States and Canada in the Year 1834; with Hints to Emigrants; and a Fair and Impartial Exposition of the Advantages and Disadvantages Attending Emigration. By a Citizen of Edinburgh.
5974 Arcade Rural Cemetery.
5881 Belfast, New York, a Brief Look into the Past.
5882 Cuba.
6462 The Volunteer Firemen's Association.
6102 Diamond Jubilee Celebration: 75th Anniversary of the Incorporation of the Village of Webster, N.Y., 1905-1980.
6104 Knowing Webster A - Z, Webster Discussion Unit, League of Women Voters of the Rochester Metropolitan Area, Webster, N.Y.
6158 The Third Ward and Its Corn Hill Historic Preservation District.
6159 Winton-Atlantic Neighborhood: Reliving the Past: A History of Our Neighborhood.
6178 Rochester, New York: The Beautiful, the Hospitable, the Flower City, the City of Homes, the City of Great Industry, the Quality City....
6179 A Guide to Parks, Beaches, Amusement Resorts, Hotels, Bus Lines, Trolley Lines, Subway, Theatres, Golf Courses, etc./The New York State Railways Rochester Lines.
6181 City Living: The Faces and Facades of Rochester, N.Y.
6182 The Whole City Catalogue; Greater Rochester's Guide to Personal Excellence.
6201 FIGHT in the Seventies.
6280 Productivity: The Rochester Edge, a Sesquicentennial Exhibit Produced by the Industrial Management Council and Rochester Institute of Technology.
6886 Journal of a Mission to the Holland Purchase, State of New York, 1814.
6409 150 Years of Transit Progress in Rochester.
6412 The Mary Bell.
6915 Hearye Hearye.
4785 "The Rochester Lamp."
4787 Blue-Decorated Stoneware of New York State; Catalog & Study Guide.
6793 Homes of the Scottsville Area; The Smith College Club of Rochester.
6464 G.O.P. Party Roots in Arcade.
6594 The Expanding University.
6590 Visions.
6600 Educational Buildings.
4414 A Brief History of the Salem Evangelical Church, Rochester, New York.
6825 Made in New York State: Handwoven Coverlets, 1820-1860.
5720 "First Presbyterian Church of Wyoming Enters into 150 Years."
5721 One Hundred and Thirtieth Anniversary of the First Congregational Church of Bristol Valley, June 2, 4, 6 and 9, 1929.
5722 First Congregational Church of Bristol Valley, 1799-1939.
5723 Manual of the First Congregational Church of East Bloomfield, New York, 1796-1877.
5724 One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary ... First Congregational Church, East Bloomfield, New York, 1946.
5728 Historical Papers Read at the Centennial Anniversary of the Congregational Church of West Bloomfield, N.Y., August 20, 1899.
5726 Centennial Celebration of the Congregational Church of Rushville, New York.
5732 Souvenir Booklet of the One Hundredth Annual Session, New York State Convention of Universalists ... 1925.
5736 Saint Michael's Orthodox Church, Geneva, New York ... 1961.
5752 Wayne County Cobblestone Architecture: Bounty of the Field and Shore; Self-Guided Tour Map and Information Brochure.
5753 Official Bicentennial Map & Guide to Historic Batavia, New York.
5756 Art Work of Ontario County, New York.
5758 Glancing Backward: A Walking Tour of Early Village Homes.
5759 Granger Homestead, Canandaigua, New York.
5763 19th Century Architecture in Geneva; Exhibit Catalogue Published by the Geneva Historical Society.
5781 Catalogue and Revised Standard List of Mechanics' Tools and Machine Knives, Manufactured by D.R. Barton & Co., 136 Mill Street, Rochester, N.Y.
5779 A Chronicle of Architects and Architecture in Rochester: Prepared for the Twentieth Anniversary Meeting of the
5356 The Daily Messenger (Canandaigua), April 28, 1972.
5358 Bristol Briefs. Town of Bristol, Ontario County? New York.
5360 Canandaigua, a Bicentennial Potpourri.
5361 (Canandaigua Bicentennial Calendar.)
5362 Canandaigua Daily Messenger, Sesquicentennial Edition, Dec. 9, 1947.
5363 Finger Lakes Festival, August 16, 17, 18, and 19--1951 Sesqui-Centennial Commemorating Canandaigua's 150th Birthday ... Canandaigua: 1951.
5364 Glimpses of Canandaigua and the Lake.
5367 The "Old Cemetery." An Historical Statement about the Condition of the Cemetery and the People Buried There and about Its Care.
5373 The Gem of the Inland Lakes ...
5374 A Lake of Ice. A Discovery which Greatly Mystifies the Scientists Threatens a Cold Summer: and Throws Canan-daigua into a Fever of Excitement. Reprinted from the Ontario County Times of April l, 1885.
5377 A Bicentennial Scrapbook of Bloomfield, New York, 1789-1976.
5383 Geneva Centennial Celebration, 1806-1906. Souvenir Program.
5384 Geneva Daily Times, May 16, 1906.
5385 Geneva Daily Times, July 15, 1983.
5386 Geneva on Seneca Lake.
5387 Geneva Sesqui-Centennial Celebration, Commemorating 150 years of Progress, August 18-24, 1957 ...
5381 An Easter Egg.
5413 Palmyra,
5417 Wayne County, Turning the Century.
5469 The American Advertising Directory for Manufacturers and Dealers in American Goods, for the year 1831.
5471 Edwards & Shaw's Allegany Oil Field Directory, 1882. Containing a Complete Directory of Bolivar, Richburg, and Allentown.
5473 Directory of the Town of Attica, for the year 1890.
5479 “Facts about the Geneva Station, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, N.Y.”
5538 The Buffalo,
3241 "My Work in Rochester, by a Factory Girl."
953 Pocket Directory Containing General Information of the City of Rochester, 1891.
1202 Boyd's New York State Directory. 1872. 1873. 1874. ...
1203 New York State Business Directory ... 1876.
2863 Alcohol Abuse and the Criminal Justice System. (Report no. 6)
2864 Solid Waste Management Plan. (Report no. 11) Rochester: 1974. 328 pp. Summary Report. (no. 11a)
1187 U.S. National Archives & Records Service. Federal Population Censuses, 1790-1890: A Catalog of Microfilm Copies of the Schedules.
1281 "1855 Farm Produce Prices."
1788 Greater Rochester Commerce, Apr. 1962, "Midtown Plaza Salute."
5585 Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Army National Guard in Geneva, New York, 1879-1979 ...
5592 The
5594 Geneva Rotary Club, 1919-1954. Thirty-fifth Anni-versary.
5600 History of the Batavia Union Free School, Number Two of the Village of Batavia, N.Y., from the Formation of the School Dist. in 1813.
5622 An Historical Sketch: The Mechanics Institute, 1885- 1891; The
5623 Mechanics Institute. A Thirty-One Year Record, 1885- 1916.
5624 Rochester: Institute of Technology. Still Pioneering After 125 Years of Educational Service. Rochester:
5635 The Genesee Country Museum, Mumford, N.Y.
5641 A Collection of the Published Analyses of Avon Mineral Springs, with Remarks on the Use of the Waters, Public Houses, Bathing Establishments, Natural Curiosities, &c.
5642 Dedication of the New Building of the Sanitarium at Clifton Springs, N.Y., 1896.
5643 Report of the Addresses and Sermon at the Dedication of Clifton Springs Water-Cure Held July 25, 1856.
5647 A History of the United States Army Base Hospital No. 19, American Expeditionary Forces, Vichy, France, A.P.O. 781.
5649 Plans and Elevations and a Historical Sketch of the Willard Asylum for the Insane at Willard on Seneca Lake, N.Y.
5651 30th Anniversary, 1933-1963, Veterans Administration Hospital, Canandaigua, New York.
5652 Semi-Centennial of the Clifton Springs Sanitarium, Clifton Springs, N.Y., 1900.
5653 The Diamond Jubilee, 1850-1925: the Clifton Springs Sanitarium and Clinic ...
5654 Clifton Springs Sanitarium and Clinic, 100th Anniversary, 1850-1950 ...
5679 History of St. Francis Church, Phelps, New York.
5680 History of St. Francis Church, Phelps, New York.
5684 "St. Mary's Celebrates 100 Years."
5685 The Story of Saint Patrick's Church of Victor, New York for One Hundred Years, 1856-1956.
5686 Sixtieth Anniversary, 1859-1915, the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canandaigua, N.Y.
5687 Souvenir of the Silver Jubilee of Our Seraphicate, Geneva, New York, October 4, 1950.
5688 An Address to the Clergy and Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Residing in the Western Part of the State of New York, Respecting the Proposed Change in the Episcopal Supervision, of That Diocese.
5689 Centennial, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Angelica, New York, Diocese of Western
5690 Souvenir History and Directory of St. John's Church, Canandaigua, New York.
5691 St. John's Church, Clifton Springs, New York.
5682 Ukrainska katolytska tserkva Sv. Yosafata..
5697 History and Golden Jubilee Services, Zion Lutheran Church ... Geneva, New York.
5698 The Sixtieth Anniversary of Zion Lutheran Church. Geneva, New York, 1899-1959.
5702 History of Cuba United Methodist Church, 1820-1976.
5703 Centennial, the First Methodist Episcopal Church of East Bloomfield, New York, 1830-1930.
5704 Church Chimes Centennial Edition. One Hundredth Anniversary, First Methodist Episcopal Church, Penn Yan, New York, March 23-30, 1924.
5705 History of the First Methodist Church ... Phelps, New York ... 1956.
5706 150th Anniversary, Starkey United Methodist Church, 1822-1972 ...
5707 Methodism in Victor, 1805-1935.
5700 History, Bishopville Church, 1974.
1707 "Taylor Instrument Companies 100 Years Old."
1703 Merged Rochester Concerns Foresee Bright Future."
1704 "Two Firms Become One: Sybron Corporation."
1708 "Wilmot Castle Company, 75 Years in Rochester."
1200 Boyd's Business Directory of Over One Hundred Cities and Villages in New York State ... 1869-70.
1633 The Boot and Shoe Recorder, Oct. 5, 1887 (Boston), pp. 29-47.
963 Introducing Rochester to You.
2423 “Historical Facts about the Council.”
3163 The Albany Zouave Cadets to the Rochester Union Blues.
5849 Women's History Sources: A Guide to Archives and Manuscript Collections in the United States.
4402 "Perry Center Congregational Church."
956 Rochester Guidebook; Maps and Illustrations ...
957 Eighteenth Convention of the National Association of Letter Carriers, Rochester, N.Y. Souvenir, September 4th to 9th, 1911.
958 The City of Rochester and Vicinity. Where to Go, How to Go, and What to See in and About the Flower City ...
4404 Manual of the Plymouth Church of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.
960 Introducing Rochester to You.
961 Rochester, City with a Purpose.
2375 "Towns Make Own Newspapers under Gannett Group Plan."
3848 “'To Work and to Serve': Wyoming County Hospital Women's Auxiliary.”
1537 Memorial of the Inhabitants of Rochester, Interested in the Use of the Waters of the Genesee, for Hydraulic Purposes, to the Legislature of the State of New York.
3978 Manual of the Churches of Seneca County with Sketches of Their Pastors, 1895-96.
3378 Reminiscences of the Life and Character of Col. Phineas Staunton, A.M., November, 1867.
4632 A Circle Tour of Ontario County.
3381 "Survey of Livingston County Schools."
3382 Souvenir of the Reunion, after Fifty Years, of the Excursion Party from Temple Hill High School to Niagara.
3383 Survey of Area Vocational and Technical Education Services and Needs in Steuben, Schuyler, and Livingston Counties and Part of Allegany County.
659 "Some New York State Marriages."
4862 Art Work of Ontario County, New York.
4080 ABBEY OF OUR LADY OF THE GENESEE. Our Lady of the Genesee: The Cowled Farmers of the Valley …
47 ABBOTT, ELOISE MILES. Personal Sketches and Recollections: In a Series of Familiar Letters to a Friend. And Miscellaneous Essays.
878 ABBOTT, GEORGE. 'Mister Abbott.'
3113 ABBOTT, HORN G. "Memorial Address."
163 ABDELLA, LIZ. Materials Available on Bethany Town. History at the Town Historian's and at the Town Clerk's Office.
5076 ABDY, EDWARD S. Journal of a Residence and Tour in the United States of North America, from April, 1833 to October, 1834.
3533 ABELL, AARON. “Elementary and Secondary Catholic Education in Rochester.”
5491 ABRAHAMS, DEBORAH F. “Robert Dalzell, Quiet Craftsman of the Flour City.” "
6288 ABRAHAMS, DEBORAH F. Partners for the Future: A Centennial History of Central Trust Company.
6436 ABRAHAMS, DEBORAH F. Taking Inventory of the Waterfront.
1338 ABRAHAMS, PAUL. “Agricultural Adjustment during the New Deal Period: The New York Milk Industry: A Test Case.”
1754 ACKERMAN, CARL W. George Eastman,
3553 ACKLEY, WILLIAM J. A History of the Growth and Progress of the Edison Technical and Industrial High School, Rochester, New York.
1080 ACTION FOR A BETTER COMMUNITY and URBAN LEAGUE. The Market Research Project, July-September, 1971.
2179 ADAMS, CHARLES F., JR., and HENRY ADAMS. Chapters of Erie.
1653 ADAMS, EDWARD D. Niagara Power: History of the Niagara Falls Power Company, A86-1918; Evolution of Its Central Power Station and Alternating Current System.
6759 ADAMS, JAMES H., et al. Upjohn Gothic Revival Architecture in Geneva, New York: Original Drawings and Historic Photographs.
2448 ADAMS, JEANNETTE L., and OTAKAR KUTVIRT. Assessed Valuations, Tax 190 Delinquencies, and Tax Yields for the City of Rochester by Census Tracts.
280 ADAMS, JOHN Q., and ROBERT S. BREED. Historic Geneva.
3333 ADAMS, JOSEPH T. "Red ,Wing Stadium Observing Twenty-Fifth Anniversary."
1388 ADAMS, LEON D. The Wines of America.
1432 ADAMS, M. SAMUEL. "Apple Evaporating in Wayne County."
3806 ADAMS, SAMUEL H. Life of Henry Foster, M.D.: Founder, Clifton Springs Sanitarium.
876 ADAMS, SAMUEL HOPKINS. Grandfather Stories.
2085 ADAMS, SAMUEL HOPKINS. The Erie Canal.
3789 ADAMS, SAMUEL HOPKINS. "Our Forefathers Tackle an Edipemic--The Cholera of 1832."
14 ADAMS, SPENCER L. The Long House of the Iroquois...
833 ADAMS. MORRIS. "The Last Quarter of Rochester's Century on Parade; The Golden Era: 1910-1934."
5034 ADDINGTON, HENRY UNWIN. Youthful America: Selections from Henry Unwin Addington's Resident in the United States of America, 1822, 23, 24, 25, ed. Bradford Perkins.
3306 ADELPHOI, CHRISTIANOI. Thirty-Five Years of Alphi Chi ... 1888-1923.
4829 ADLER, ELMER. "The First Published Sketch of Rochester."
3711 ADLER, ELMER. "The Rochester Historical Society."
1632 ADLER, ELMER. “Notes on the Early History of Rochester Industries. I.--Clothing.”
2441 ADLER, ISAAC. "The City Manager Movement in Rochester."
6292 ADLER, ROBERT M. The Rise and Decline of the Men's Clothing Industry of Rochester, New York.
6252 AEBERLI, WILLIAM I. and MARGARET BECKET. Joseph Harris - Captain of the Rochester Seed Industry.
6277 AEBERLI, WILLIAM. Once There Was a Mill Town, At the Falls of the Lower Genesee, a History of Genesee Waterpower.
6137 AEBERLI, WILLIAM. Random Highlights on Ole Charlotte.
6744 AEBERLI, WILLIAM. Barns Around Monroe County, an Introduction.
6378 AEBERLI, WILLIAM. The History of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway.
6358 AEBERLI, WILLIAM. 150 Years of the Erie-Barge Canal; an Essay.
2449 AEX, ROBERT P. "Millions for Improvements Result of Fiscal Planning."
3637 AFRICA, PHILIP A. Keuka College: A History.
1304 AGRICULTURAL ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT. Failing the People; a Special Report on the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and New York State Cooperative Extension.
3534 AKIN, WILLIAM E. “The War of the Bishops: Catholic Controversy on the School Question in New York State in 1894.”
1323 ALASA FARMS. A Day at Alasa Farms on the South Shore of Sodus Bay.
1984 ALBION, DAVID. The Rise of New York Port (1815-1860),
4431 ALDERMAN, OLIVER P. Autobiography of O.P. Alderman, from Early Life to the Fifty-fifth Year of His Age, up to January 1, 1874. Merchantville, N.Y.
256 ALDRICH, LEWIS C., comp. History of Ontario County, New York, with Illustrations and Family Sketches of some of the Prominent Men and Families, ed. George S. Conover.
627 ALDRICH, LEWIS C., ed. History of Yates County, N.Y.
598 ALEGRE, MITCHELL R. “The Woman in 19th Century Warsaw.”
6710 ALEGRE, MITCHELL R. Trinity Church, a Community of Faith.
4660 ALEGRE, MITCHELL R. “The Portage Bridge: Magnificence and Mystery.”
2909 ALEXANDER, DE ALVA S. A Political History of the State of New York.
2621 ALEXANDER, FRANK D. "Evaluation of Selected Aspects of the Homemaking Service Program in the City of Rochester, New York."
4250 ALEXANDER, NINA G. A Brief Resume of the History of the Grace Methodist Church, Rochester, New York.
5127 ALLARDICE, ROBERT B. Agricultural Tour in the United States and Upper Canada, with Miscellaneous Notices.
5572 ALLEGANY COUNTY REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE. Allegany County Republican Centennial, 1854-1954. Wednesday, August 18, 1954, Cuba Lake, N.Y.
5323 ALLEGANY COUNTY. Office of Economic Development, Allegany County Beckons.
4058 ALLEN, ABIGAIL MAXSON. Life and Sermons of Jonathan Allen, Ph.D., D.D., LL.D., President of Alfred University, by His Wife.
6343 ALLEN, C. F. H. Worcester Salt Specials.
2205 ALLEN, CHARLES F.H. "Narrow Gauge Locomotives in Western New York and Pennsylvania."
2213 ALLEN, CHARLES F.H. "The Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern, and All Associated and Predecessor Roads."
337 ALLEN, HELEN E. "The Jumping Bass of Oak Orchard Creek."
4496 ALLEN, JAMES B., and LEONARD J. ARRINGTON. “Mormon Origins in New York: An Introductory Analysis.”
792 ALLEN, JOHN G. History of Rochester in Verse with Illustrations.
3601 ALLEN, JONATHAN. Allen of Alfred; Some of His Words to Students Which Are as Steady Candles Set in Homeward Windows, ed. E.H. Lewis.
1332 ALLEN, LEONARD L. History of the New York State Grange.
2167 ALLEN, OLIVER. "Reminiscences of the Old Rochester & State Line R.R."
3790 ALLEN, PHYLLIS. "The Fever: Genesee Country Disease."
4219 ALLEN, RAY. A Century of the Genesee Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1810-1910.
4220 ALLEN, RAY. History of the East Genesee Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
119 ALLEN, RUSSELL, comp. Alfred Station Bicentennial Weekend Guidebook.
5328 ALLEN, RUSSELL, et al. The Depot at Baker's Bridge.
124 ALLEN, W. A. Almond, N.Y.
4179 ALLEN, WARREN W. A Short History of Christ Church of the Village of Pittsford, N.Y., 1846-1946.
6289 ALLIANCE BANK (Rochester, N.Y.) A Quarter Century, 1893-1918.
1769 ALLING & CORY CO. One Hundred Years in the Paper Business, 1819-1919 ...
1770 ALLING & CORY CO. One Hundred Twenty-Five Years in the Paper Business, 1819-1944 ...
3897 ALLISON, HENRY E., comp. An Historical Sketch of the Seneca County Medical Society with Some Account of Its Living and Its Pioneer Members.
125 ALMOND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Souvenir Program: 175th Anniversary of the Founding of Almond, 1796-1971.
5937 ALTSCHULER, GLENN C., and JAN M. SALTZGABER. Clearinghouse for Paupers: The Poorfarm of Seneca County, New York, 1830-1860.
5658 ALTSCHULER, GLENN C., and JAN M. SALTZGABER. Revivalism, Social Conscience, and Community in-the Burned- Over District: The Trial of Rhoda Bement.
133 ALVAREZ, GRACE D. The Cuba of New York State: A Study in Hispanic Toponymy of the Empire State.
1876 AMALGAMATED CLOTHING WORKERS OF AMERICA. Rochester Joint Board. The Amalgamated in Rochester: 1915-1939. The Story of Twenty-Five Years of Progressive Labor Unionism in the Men's Clothing Industry in Rochester, N.Y.
6403 AMBERGER, RON, and DICK BARRETT and GREG MARLING. Canal Boats, Interurbans & Trolleys: The Story of the Rochester Subway.
3709 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR STATE & LOCAL HISTORY. Directory, Historical Societies and Agencies in the United State and Canada.
3982 AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCH. Monroe Association Minutes or Annual Report, 1827-present.
4034 AMERICAN BAPTIST HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETIES. Strategy Study Report Sponsored by Monroe County Baptist Union in Cooperation with Thirty-Two Protestant Churches ...
3177 AMERICAN INDUSTRIAL UNION. Articles of Confederation, Entered into by the Several Associations Hereinafter Named: Jefferson Co. Industrial Associ-ation, Bloomfield Union Association, Sodus Bay Phalanx, and Rush Industrial Association,
6503 AMERICAN LEGION. SARGENT FORCE POST 1228. History of Sargent Force Post 1228.…
423 AMERICAN LEGION, Williamson Post No. 394. A Directory and Brief History of the Town of Williamson (with Map), as Compiled by Members of Williamson Post, No. 394, the American Legion.
3070 AMERICAN LEGION. James R. Hickey Post, No. 120. In Commemoration of Dedication of General John Swift, Memorial Cemetery, August 18, 1923.
3927 AMERICAN RED CROSS. 75 Years of Service: A History of the Rochester-Monroe County Chapter, American National Red Cross, 1881-1956.
6669 AMERICAN RED CROSS. CLARA BARTON CHAPTER NO. 1 Centennial Celebration, American Red Cross, Clara Barton Chapter No. 1.
3926 AMERICAN RED CROSS. Sixtieth Anniversary, Clara Barton Chapter No. 1 American Red Cross, Dansville, New York. ... Celebration--September 25, 1941 ...
89 AMERICAN SCENIC AND PRESERVATION SOCIETY. Letchworth Park in Danger: A Plea for Its Defense.
90 AMERICAN SCENIC AND PRESERVATION SOCIETY. The Proposed Dam and Storage Reservoir at Portage, N.Y. ...
2750 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Rochester-Monroe County Chapter. Guidelines to Effective Management in Town Government.
1031 AMERMAN, RICHARD H. The Holland Land Company in Western New York.
6380 AMES, GREGORY P. School for Steam.
5266 AMES) JOHN G. Comprehensive Index to the Publications of the United States Government, 1881-1893.
228 AMES, L. J. "Mt. Morris."
6068 AMSBURY, FRED G. Caught in Time: A View of the 1890's.
6138 ANDERSON, C. ANDY. Liberty Pole Square Area.
4929 ANDERSON, DAVID D. “English Travelers to Niagara, 1785-1830.”
161 ANDERSON, GALUSHA. When Neighbors Were Neighbors; A Story of Love and Life in Olden Days.
207 ANDERSON, HELEN TRAVER. The Diamonds Are Dancing; A History of Conesus Lake.
4661 ANDERSON, HOMER G. “The Four Wooden Covered Bridges which at One Time Spanned the Genesee River in Livingston County, New York.”
1782 ANDERSON, HUGH P. “Downtown Rochester: The Central Business District.”
1451 ANDERSON, MARTIN G. "A Pilot Study of Changing Land Use."
91 ANDERSON, MILDRED, and MARIAN PIPER WILLEY. St. Helena, Ghost Town of the Genesee, 1797-1954.
92 ANDERSON, MILDRED HILLS. Genesee Echoes: The Upper Gorge and Falls Area from the Days of the Pioneers.
93 ANDERSON, MILDRED HILLS. Genesee Memories and the Flood of '72: A Companion Story to Genesee Echoes.
94 ANDERSON, MILDRED HILLS. “The Valley People.”
95 ANDERSON, MILDRED HILLS. Gibsonville--The Vanished Village.
5871 ANDERSON, MILDRED. The Old Rafting Place.
5516 ANDERSON, MILDRED LEE HILLS. The Genesee Valley Canal, 1836-1878. 2d ed.
5322 ANDERSON, MILDRED L. St. Helena, Ghost Town of the Genesee, 1797-1954. 2nd ed.
6852 ANDERSON, PATRICIA. The Course of Empire: The Erie Canal and the New York Landscape, 1825-1875.
4479 ANDERSON, PHILIP J. The Simple Builders: The Shakers, Their Villages and Architecture.
4497 ANDERSON, RICHARD L. “Circumstantial Confirmation of the First Vision through Reminisicences.”
636 ANDERSON, ROBERT. Weather Lore of a Summer Boy.
1266 ANDERSON, RUSSELL H. "New York Agriculture Meets the West, 1830-1850."
4662 ANDERSON, STOTT. Guide to the Covered Bridges of New York State.
1132 ANDERSON, WALFRED A. “Population Trends in New York State, 1900 to 1940.”
1133 ANDERSON, WALFRED A. “Population Trends in New York State, 1900 to 1950.”
1130 ANDERSON, WALFRED A. “Population Trends in New York State, 1900 to 1930.”
1131 ANDERSON, WALFRED A. “Mobility of Rural Families. I: Changes in Residence and in Occupation of Rural Husbands and Wives in Genesee County., New York.” II: “Changes in Residence and in Occupation of Sons and Daughters in Rural Families in Genesee County, New York.”
3288 ANDERSON, WALFRED A. The Membership of Farmers in New York Organizations.”
3289 ANDERSON, WALFRED A. “The Composition of Rural Households.”
460 ANDREWS, ANTHONY, comp. “Civil War Roll of Honor, Town of Bennington, Wyoming County.”
491 ANDREWS, ANTHONY. “Wyoming County.”
4480 ANDREWS, EDWARD D. “The Community Industries of the Shakers.”
4481 ANDREWS, EDWARD D. The People Called Shakers: A Search for the Perfect Society.
4689 ANDREWS, JAMES S. (Description of old house on Andrews Street.)
3759 ANDREWS, MARGARET B. Records of the Pundit Club.
1775 ANDREWS, MELVIN D. "Fifty Years in a Rochester Industry."
2218 ANDREWS, MELVIN D. The Street Car Passes.
2086 ANDRIST, RALPH K. The Erie Canal.'
2087 ANDRIST, RALPH K. "The Erie Canal Passed this Way."
5740 ANDRUS, HYRUM L., and RICHARD E. BENNETT, comps. Mormon Manuscripts to 1846: A Guide to the Holdings of the Harold B. Lee Library.
3186 ANGELL, ROBERT C. “Gorge City.”
4690 ANGEVINE, EDWARD. A Guide or Hand-Book for Mount Hope Cemetery, with Photo-Engravings and Diagram.
877 ANGEVINE, R. ELBERT. Short Skyride: A Story of Golden Days in Rochester.
3348 ANGEVINE, ELBERT. Parade of the Grid Ghosts; the Story of Football in Rochester.
3349 ANGEVINE, ELBERT. Basketball in Rochester.
2510 ANGLE, JAMES M. "Early Genesee River Bridges in Rochester."
2412 ANGLE, JAMES M. “Early Rochester Records.”
2219 ANGLE, JAMES M. Early Street Cars in Rochester.
1529 ANGLE, WESLEY M. "The Mosely & Motley Milling Co."
4182 ANSTICE, HENRY. Annals of St. Luke's Church, Rochester, N.Y. 1817-1883. With Names of Officers, Parochial Statistics and Historical Sketches of the Other Parishes.
4183 ANSTICE, HENRY. Centennial Annals of St. Luke's Church, Rochester, N.Y., 1817-1917.
3034 ANTHONY, KATHARINE S. Susan B. Anthony: Her Personal History and Her Era. .
1389 ANTHONY, R.D. "Vinifera Grapes in New York."
3035 ANTHONY, SUSAN B., defendant. An Account of the Proceedings on the Trial of Susan B. Anthony, on the Charge of Illegal Voting, at the Presidential Election in Nov. 1872, and on the Trial of Beverly W. Jones, Edwin T. Marsh and William B. Hall, the Inspectors of Election by Whom Her Vote Was Received.
2622 APPLEBAUM, S.J. Chronic Relief: A Study of 147 Families Chronically in Receipt of Relief from the Department of Public Welfare, Rochester, New York.
6566 APPLEBY, LARRY. Memories of Warsaw High.
6861 APPLEBY, LARRY. Remembering...the Farman Theatre.
2193 ARCHER, ROBERT F. The History of the Lehigh Valley Railroad: The Route of the Black Diamond."
5086 ARFWEDSON, CARL DAVID. The United States and Canada, in 1832, 1833, and 1834.
5860 ARKSEY, LAURA, et al. American Diaries, an Annotated Bibliography of Published American Diaries and Journals.
2014 ARMROYD, GEORGE. A Connected View of the Whole Internal Navigation of the United States, Natural and Artificial, Present and Prospective ...
1501 ARMSTRONG, G.R., and JOHN C. BJORKBOM. The Timber Resources of New York.
2220 ARNOLD, BION J. Report on Car Operation and Routing, New York State Railways, Rochester Lines, to the Rochester Chamber of Commerce …
3395 ARNOLD, EDNA L., ed. History of Macedon Academy. 1841-1891..
4691 ARNOLD, JAMES B. Colonial Architecture in Rochester.
5196 ARNOLD, JENNIE WATERMAN. East Jordan to York State in 1913. ed. Lewis Beeson and Thomas Farrell.
6139 ARNOLD, WAYNE K. and MICHAEL R. HUFFMAN. Charlotte in the War of 1812: An Account Based on the Words of the Local Pioneers Who Were There.
1614 ARNOT, RAYMOND H., comp. The Rochester Savings Bank: Its Purpose and Its History, in Commemoration of Its Eighty Years of Service.
778 ARNOT, RAYMOND H. "The City of Rochester, Illustrated."
779 ARNOT, RAYMOND H. Rochester; Backgrounds of Its History."
2564 ARONSON, JOAN SCHWEIGER. Non-Residential Displacement by Urban Renewal: A Case Study of the Genesee Crossroads Project _in Rochester, New York.
5741 ARRINGTON, LEONARD J. “Mormonism: From Its New York Beginnings.”
4455 ARTHUR, DAVID.T. Come Out of Babylon: A Study of Millerite Separatism and Denominationalism.
1858 ASAY, IVAN. “An Appraisal of the Rochester Experiment in Work Relief, 1929-1930.”
4992 ASBURY, FRANCIS. Journal of Francis Asbury, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
3731 ASH, MARTHA MONTAGUE. Emerson Lectures in Rochester.
907 ASH, MARTHA MONTAGUE. "The Social and Domestic Scene in Rochester, 1840-1860."
1319 ASHTON, JOHN. Open-Country Holdings in Northern Livingston County, New York.
6441 ASTIFAN, PRISCILLA. Symphonies in Green: Olmsted's Rochester Parks.
6536 ASTIFAN, PRISCILLA. Baseball in the 19th Century.
3770 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Aesculapius Meets Everard Peck; 150 Years of Medical Books and Learning in Rochester.
6642 ATWATER, EDWARD C. History of Medicine - Lyons Hospital.
6643 ATWATER, EDWARD C. History of Medicine - Seneca Falls Hospital.
6660 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Samuel Beach Bradley, M.D. 1796-1880. A Rural Practitioner.
6662 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Women in Medicine.
3778 ATWATER, EDWARD C. The Medical Profession in a New Society, Rochester, New York (1811-60).
3779 ATWATER, EDWARD C. “The Heyday of Homeopathy in Rochester (1880-1920),”
3781 ATWATER, EDWARD C. “Medical Politics in Rochester, 1865-1925: Hospitals, Clubs and Specialists.”
6634 ATWATER, EDWARD C. The Profession Organizes: Monroe County Medical Society, 1821.
6644 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Of Grandes Dames, Surgeons, and Hospitals: Batavia, New York, 1900-1940.
6645 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Rochester's Early Hospitals.
6646 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Women, Surgeons, and a Worthy Enterprise: The General Hospital Comes to Upstate New York, pages 40-66 of The American General Hospital: Communities and Social Contexts, edited by Diana Elizabeth Long and Janet Golden.
3780 ATWATER, EDWARD C. “Hulbert Harrington Warner and the Perfect Pitch: Sold Hope; Made Millions.”
3898 ATWATER, EDWARD C. A Rural Practitioner: Dr. Samuel Beach Bradley (1796-1880),
6661 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Some Pioneer Practitioners of Rochester, 1811-1830.
5639 ATWATER, EDWARD C. “The Physicians of Rochester, N.Y., 1860-1910: A Study in Professional History, II.” "
3807 ATWATER, EDWARD C., and LAWRENCE A. KOHN. Rochester and the Water-Cure, 1844-1854.
841 ATWATER, MOSES. Moses Atwater of Canandaigua, N.Y. to Samuel J. Andrews of Derby, Conn. A Packet of Letters Relating to the Early History of Rochester, 1812-14.
218 ATWELL, G.W. (Paper on early history of Lima.)
178 ATWELL, GEORGE W. “The Town Names of Livingston.”
1374 ATWOOD, GEORGE G. "Fruit Production in New York."
6822 AUSTIN, BRUCE A. The American Arts & Crafts Movement in Western New York, 1900-1920.
6191 AUTEN, B. Seneca County, New York, Black Residents.
3956a AVERILL, LLOYD J., JR. Religion on the Air in Rochester: A Study of Religious Broadcasting over Rochester Radio Stations, with Special Reference to Protestant Religious Broadcasting.
4976 AVERY, JOSEPH. "Joseph Avery's Journal, 1799."
4985 AVERY, JOSEPH. "Visit of Rev. Joseph Avery. From the Original Manuscript ..."
4833 AVERY, RALPH H. Rochester's "Mercury"; A Portfolio of Drawings.
4187 AVERY, RALPH. Sesquicentennial Portfolio. St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Rochester, New York, 1817-1967. Five Reproductions of Drawings by Ralph Avery.
4834 AVERY, RALPH H. Rochester's Old Third Ward: A Portfolio of Drawings.
4835 AVERY, RALPH H. Rochester's Midtown Plaza. Drawings.
1928 AVON BOARD OF TRADE. Avon, N.Y. Year Book, 1912.
1929 AVON. Report on the Availability and Suitability of Avon, N.Y. as Location for U.S. Veterans' Hospital.
190 AVON (town). Commission for Conservation of the Environment. Horse Shoe Pond. Avon: 1972. 12 pp.
663 BABCOCK, A. EMERSON. "The City of Tryon and Vicinity."
664 BABCOCK, A. EMERSON. "The Landing Road."
665 BABCOCK, A. EMERSON. "Ellison Park Territory: Most Historic Ground in the Genesee Country."
3062 BABCOCK, LOUIS L. "The War of 1812 on the Niagara Frontier."
5036 BABCOCK, MARGARET A. (Diary of a trip to Niagara Falls), ed. Margaret E. White.
4498 BACKMAN, MILTON. “Awakenings in the Burned-Over District: New Light on the Historical Setting of the First Vision.”
4376 BACKUS, CHARLES W. Historical Sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Victor, New York.
5719 BACKUS, CLARENCE W. Historical Sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Victor, N.Y. ...
2678 BACKUS, OSWALD P., JR. "History of the Monroe County Court."
4979 BACON, DAVID. "Rev. David Bacon's Visits to Buffalo in 1800 and 1801. From Memoranda by the Rev. D.M. Cooper, of Detroit."
3234 BACON, JESSIE. Centennial Review of the Rochester Female Charitable Society, 1822-1922.
5515 BAER, CHRISTOPHER T. Canals and Railroads of the Mid- Atlantic States, 1800-1860.
5186 BAGG, LYMAN HOTCHKISS. (pseud. KARL KRON). Ten Thousand Miles on a Bicycle.
2305 BAILEY, JOHN H. "The Rochester Post Office."
1433 BAILEY, LIBERTY HYDE. "Evaporated Raspberries of Western New York."
1390 BAILEY, LIBERTY HYDE. "Packing-Houses for Fruit" in "Fruit Brevities."
2888 BAILEY, PRYCE W. "The Seneca Falls Fire Department."
357 BAILEY, PRICE W. "The Personal Narrative of Price W. Bailey."
6296 BAILEY, ROD. Sources of Energy in Rochester's History.
4734 BAKANOWSKY, LOUIS J., architect. “The Allendale School: An Expression of Individual Spaces.”
5422 BAKER, ASBURY H. Memories.
5113 BAKER, CHARLES M. "Charles Minton Baker's Journal from Vermont to Wisconsin."
4461 BAKER, ELIZABETH V. Chronicles of a Faith Life.
3610 BAKER, OREN H., ed. Albert William Beaven: Pastor,Educator, World Christian.
3187 BAKER, RAY S. “'Do It for Rochester'; A Study of the Extraordinary Social Changes Going on at Rochester, New York ...”
6475 BALDASTY, GERALD J. The New York State Political Press and Antimasonry.
5474 BALLA, WESLEY G. “The Development of the Leasehold System of Land Tenure in the Genesee Valley under the Wadsworth Family of Geneseo, N.Y.”
5955 BALLINGER, DENISE. Time Again for the Pioneer Picnic.
4334 BALONEK, FRANK J., ed. Centennial History of the First United Presbyterian Church of Mumford, 1869-1969.
304 BANNISTER, CALEB. Town of Phelps--Its History, Agricultural Prosperity, & c., An Address, Delivered Before the Officers and Members of the Phelps Agricultural Society upon the Occasion of Its First Fair and Cattle Show, Held at Vienna, Sept. 23d & 24th, 1852.
6024 BANNISTER, DORIS. The Town of Middlebury.
6845 BANNON, ANTHONY, and MARY STANLEY. Grace Woodworth (1872-1967) Photographer Outside the Common Lines.
1397 BAPTIST, GERARD A.M., and E.G. MISNER. "Economic Studies of Vegetable Farming in New York. l. Market-Garden Farms with Greenhouses, Rochester Area."
4786 BARBER, DANIEL M. and GEORGE R. HAMELL. "The Redware Pottery Factory of Alvin Wilcox--at Mid-19th Century."
1 BARBER, JOHN W., and HENRY HOWE. Historical Collections of the State of New York; Containing a General Collection of the Most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, &c. Relating to Its History and Antiquities, with Geographical Sketches of Every Township in the State.
6783 BARBER, PAUL. The Portage Bridge.
3131 BARBER, RAYMOND G. (Articles on 24th N.Y. Light Artillery: 5th N.Y. Cavalry; 44th N.Y. Infantry.)
6458 BARBER, RAY Wyoming County Sheriff's Posse.
6509 BARBER, RAYMOND Wyo. Co. Civil War Soldiers.
3132 BARBER, RAYMOND G. "Civil War Roll of Honor ..."
6017 BARBER, RAY The Town of Java.
6003 BARBER, VERNON True Tales of Bliss to My Grandson David.
3223 BARBOUR, CLARENCE A. Historical Address on the Occasion of the Sixteenth Anniversary of the People's Rescue Mission.
2107 BARCK, DOROTHY C., and ARTHUR B. CARLSON. "125th Anniversary of the Com-pletion of the Erie Canal, with a Checklist of Views and Maps on Display."
2910 BARKAN, ELLIOTT R. “The Emergence of a Whig Persuasion: Conservatism, Democratism, and the New York State Whigs.”
2194 BARKER, FRANK M. Grandfather's Memories.
1339 BARKER, RANDOLPH. “Expanding the Dairy Enterprise on Central Plain Farms.”
6671 BARKUN, MICHAEL Crucible of the Millennium, the Burned-over District of New York in the 1840s.
6635 BARNELL, JOHN. The Rochester Pathological Society: Quo Vadis.
2911 BARNES, GILBERT H. The Antislavery Impulse, 1830-1844.
6317 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "A Natural Education, Young Henry Ward."
5769 BARNES, JOSEPH W. Rochester's City Halls.” Rochester: History, 40, no. 2 (1978), 1-24.
2413 BARNES, JOSEPH W. Rochester's Era of Annexations, 1901-1926.
5590 BARNES, JOSEPH W. “Katharine B. Davis and the Workingman's Model Home of 1893.” "
6284 BARNES, JOSEPH W. Rochester and the Automobile Industry.
3188 BARNES, JOSEPH W. “Friend of Every Friendless Beast: A Centennial History of the Humane Society of Rochester and Monroe County.”
2511 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "Bridging the Lower Falls."
2512 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "Historic Broad Street Bridge and the Erie Canal Sesqui centennial, 1825-1975."
5558 BARNES, JOSEPH W. “Rochester's Congressmen. Part 1789-1869.”
5559 BARNES, JOSEPH W. “Rochester's Congressmen. Part 1869-1979.” Rochester: History, 41, no. 4 (1979), 1-24.
2537 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "Solid Waster Disposal, 1912."
2533 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "Rochester's Original Pure Waters Program, 1904-1917."
6112 BARNES, JOSEPH W. Rennes & Rochester, a Silver Anniversary.
6111 BARNES, JOSEPH W. From Flour City to Flower City.
2146 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "The N.Y. Central Elevates Its Tracks under Municipal Pressure."
4467 BARNES, JOSEPH W. Obediah Dogberry: Rochester Freethinker.
772 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "The Annexation of Brighton Village."
773 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "The City's Golden Age."
2474 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "The Arson Years: Fire Protection, Fire Insurance, and Fire Politics, 1908-1910."
775 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "The annexation of Charlotte."
776 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "Canaltown:' A Focus of Historical Traditions."
6166 BARNES, JOSEPH W., and MARY LYNN STEVENS HEININGER. 4 Score & 4 Rochester Portraits.
3679 BARNES, JOSEPH W., and ROBERT W. BARNES. "From Books to Multimedia: A History of the Reynolds Library and the Reynolds Audio-Visual Department of the Rochester Public Library."
466 BARNES, KATHERINE. “Chronicles of Castile.”
467 BARNES, KATHERINE. The Genesee Country and Especially the Story of Castile.
4651 BARNES, KATHERINE. "A Castile Landmark; The Van Orsdale House."
4652 BARNES, KATHERINE. The Glen Iris Story.
96 BARNES, KATHERINE. Rainbow's End: The Story of Letchworth Park.
589 BARNES, KATHERINE. “The Glory That Was Silver Lake.”
1413 BARNES, PARKER T. "The String-Bean Man and His Work: How C.W. Keeney Originated Stringless Beans."
1398 BARNES, W.C. "Vegetable-Crop Production in Orleans County, New York."
4893 BARONS, VIRGINIA M., ed. Music in Genesee County ...
4625 BARONS, VIRGINIA, ed. The Beauty of Genesee County: Architecture, Recreation, and Scenic Routes.
162 BARONS, VIRGINIA. The Town of Bergen: A History.
4746c BARR, VILMA. "Team Approach for a Unified Result."
3356 BARRACO, ANTHONY M. The Wadsworth Family of Geneseo, New York; A Study of Their Activities Which Relate to Public Education in New York State and to the State University College of New York at Geneseo.
6887 BARRETT, RICHARD. Edited and introduced by Thomas Brott and Philip Kelley. Richard Barrett's Journal, New York and Canada 1816, Critique of the Young Nation by an Englishman Abroad.
2662 BARRINGTON & CO. A Study of the Organization, Procedures, and General Management for the County of Monroe, New York.
6192 BARRINGTON, EUGENE New Beginnings: The Story of Five Black Entrepreneurs Who Migrated from Sanford, Florida to Rochester, New York.
2221 BARROWS, C. STORRS. An Improved Transport System for Rochester Subway.
4677 BARROWS, C. STORRS. The Early Architects of Rochester.
2545 BARROWS, C. STORRS. A Civic Center for Rochester on the Banks of the Genesee.
5128 BARROWS, JOHN R. "Journal of Trip from Brooklyn to Niagara Falls in June 1841." New York.
590 BARROWS, Mrs. D.M. “The Silver Homestead.”
4735 BARROWS, PARKS, MORIN, HALL & BRENNAN, architects. Rochester: n.d. unp.
2462 BARRY, DAVID, and others. The Screening and Selection of Police Candidates in Rochester, New York.
6488 BARRY, KATHLEEN. Susan B. Anthony: A Biography of a Singular Feminist.
1356 BARRY, PATRICK. "Horticulture in Western New-York."
6442 BARRY, WILLIAM C. The Lamberton Memorial Conservatory; A Year Around Flower Show Located in Highland Park.
6544 BARSHIED, ROBERT D., and B. E. ANDERSON and DONALD L. LONGACRE Seth Green's Hatchery - 1980.
1553 BARSTOW, RALPH. “Rochester's Manufacturers in the Service of More than Ninety Million People.”
1032 BARTLETT, G. HUNTER. Andrew and Joseph Ellicott: The Plans of Washington City and the Village of Buffalo and Some of the Persons Concerned.
3631a BARTLETT, MURRAY. "The Story of Geneva College."
3290 BARTLETT, R.W. “The Organization and Development of Cooperative Fire Insurance Companies in New York.”
2 BARTON, JAMES L. Address on the Early Reminiscences of Western New York and the Lake Region of Country. Delivered before the Young Men's Association of Buffalo, February 16, 1848.
1554 BARTON, LESLIE M. A Study of 81 Principal American Markets ...
5551 BARTON-ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Circulation Plan for the Central Business District of Rochester, New York.
3235 BARTOSHESKY. FLORENCE, and BARBARA BLOOMER. Alternative Occupation for Women: Prostitution in Rochester, New York, 1860-1875.
1134 BASCH, ALFRED. Commuting from County to County in New York State,
6554 BASIL, MAUREEN Tennis Club of Rochester, 1886-1986.
3517 BASSLER, WELLINGTON E. The Story of Palmer Institute--Starkey Seminary.
1917 BATAVIA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The City of Batavia, N.Y.
967 BATES, ALBERT C. “The Connecticut Gore Land Company,” pp. 139-62 in American Historical Association, Annual Report, 1898.
4387 BATES, NEWTON W. Historical Gleanings in Western New York Congregationalism.
6686 BATTS, HENRY L. The Historical and Educational Development of the Lake Avenue Memorial Baptist Church of Rochester, New York.
6298 BAUM, ARTHUR W. The Hot Dog's Best Friend.
1878 BAUM, MORTON. J. "Maturity in Industrial Relations: A Case Study."
5297 BAUM, WILLA K. Oral History for the Local Historical Society.
1717 BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. Seeing It Through.
1718 BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. A New Century: Bausch & Lomb Centennial.
1713 BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. A Triple Alliance in Optics; Being the Association of Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Carl Zeiss, Optical Works Jena, George W. Saegmuller ...
1714 BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. Bausch & Lomb and Our National Defense.
1715 BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. The Story of Bausch & Lomb.
1716 BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. (photos.) . Bausch and Lomb at War.
1712 BAUSCH, JOSEPH J. The Story of My Life.
5167 BAXTER, WILLIAM E. America and the Americans.
6443 BAYER, MARK HAROLD Lower Falls Park.
2337 BEACH, B.F. "Early Transportation."
358 BEACH, B.F. Seneca Falls Sixty or More Years Ago.
1953 BEACH, B.F. "Early Merchants of Seneca Falls."
166 BEACH, CANDACE. "Diary of Candace Beach."
4639 BEACH, FREDERIC G. Guide to Mount Albion, with Map.
4301 BEACH, GRACE. A Short History of First Presbyterian Church, Corfu, New York, 1817-1969.
175 BEACH, MRS. JAMES. A Comprehensive and Illuminating History of the Village of Corfu in the Township of Pembroke, Genesee County, New York …
1357 BEACH, SPENCER A. The Apples of New York.
359 BEACH, W.H. "History of Bridgeport."
5864 BEALE, IRENE A. Genesee Valley Events, 1668-1986.
5865 BEALE, IRENE A. Genesee Valley Women, 1743-1985.
5348 BEALE, IRENE A. Genesee Valley People, 1743-1962.
1530 BEAME, EDMOND M. "Rochester's Flour-Milling Industry in Pre-Canal Days."
281 BEAN, CHARLES D. Geneva Historical. Descriptive of Its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks and Important Industries.
282 BEAN, CHARLES D. Four Centennials.
283 BEAN, CHARLES D. Advance Chapters of the Charles D. Bean Reminscences.
284 BEAN, CHARLES D. An Historic Journal.
6532 BEAN, CHARLES D. Charles D. Bean Reviews History of Masonry in Geneva; the Organization of Ark Lodge and the Masonic Homes in this City.
5379 BEAN, CHARLES D. Geneva Historical Descriptive of Its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks and Important Industries. Published under the auspices of the Delphian Literary Society.
2222 BEAN, H.E. Report of Physical Property and Franchises of the New York State Railways, Rochester Lines, with Respect to Dates of Mortgage and Merger Periods.
4499 BEAN, WILLARD W. A.B.C. History of Palmyra and the Beginning of “Mormonism.”
4192 BEARD, WILLIAM S. Church of St. James the Greater, Episcopal: Fifty Years of History, 1874-1924 ...
4060 BEAUDRY, JAMES A. Voluntary Association Membership and Religious Participation in a Sample of an Urban Catholic Parish.
4060 BEAUDRY, JAMES A. Voluntary Association Membership and Religious Participation in a Sample of an Urban Catholic Parish.
3611 BEAVEN, ALBERT W. "The Colgate-Rochester Divinity School."
1485 BECK, R.S. "Types of Farming in New York."
1317 BECKER, CLARE A. Farm Management Adjustments, Northern Livingston County, New York, 1908-1938.
3319 BECKER, JOHN E. A History of Free Masonry in Waterloo, New York, 1817 1942 ...
386 BECKER, JOHN F. "Waterloo, New York, Seneca County."
385 BECKER, JOHN F. A History of the Village of Waterloo, New York and Thesaurus of Related Facts.
2147 BEEBE, LUCIUS. 20th Century: "The Greatest Train in the World."
152 BEERS, FREDERICK W., ed. Gazetteer and Biographical Record of Genesee County, N.Y., 1788-1890.
110 BEERS, FREDERICK, ed. History of Allegany County, N. Y., 1806-1879…
3983 BELDEN, A. RUSSELL. Divinity School.) History of the Cayuga Baptist Association...
4379 BELL, BENJAMIN. The Mystery of Iniquity Unveiled, or, A True History of the Rise and Progress of the Difficulties between Rev. Wm. Clark, and Some of the People in the Town of Wolcott, Seneca County. Together, with the Trials of the Rev. Benjamin Bell ...
6465 BELL, MALCOLM The Turkey Shoot, Tracking the Attica Cover-up.
6326 BELLAMY, JAMES F. Cars Made in Upstate New York.
3899 BELLOWS, TESTER W., comp. Medical Organization and Medical Biography of Seneca County, New York.
6745 BELLUSCIO, LYNNE Brick Ovens in the Genesee Country, 1789-1860: Architectural and Documentary Evidence,
6271 BELLUSCIO, LYNNE J., compiler. Selected Recipes from The Genesee Farmer 1831-1856, Comprehending Many Useful Recipes for Breads, Cakes, Meats, Preserves, etc. with Numerous Items of Rural and Domestic Economy.
1340 BELLUSH, JEWEL. “Milk Price Control: History of Its Adoption, 1933.”
3519 BENEDICT, LAURA H. History of Allen's Creek School, ed. Henry H. Kings ton, Jr.
2263 BENHAM, ALBERT H. Great Sodus Bay and Its Steamboats from 1874 to 1910.
1972 BENHAM, F.H. "The Old Stone Mill at Lamont, N.Y."
4663 BENHAM, FLOYD H. “Covered Bridge.”
501 BENHAM, FLOYD H. “Early Yates Settlement and an Indian Stage Robbery.”
408 BENJAMIN, ALICE EAGAN. History of Palmyra, 1789-1865.
5178 BENJAMIN, ISRAEL J. Three Years in America, 1859-1862, trans. Charles Reznikoff.
3689 BENJAMIN, JOHN A., and JOHN R. RUSSELL. "The Edward G. Miner Library."
1502 BENNETT, C.D. “The Pineries of Portage.”
246 BENNETT, C.D. "Portage."
1276 BENNETT, C.D. "Farm Fences."
4500 BENNETT, JOHN C. The History of the Saints; or, An Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism.
2912 BENSON, LEE. The Concept of Jacksonian Democracy: New York as a Test Case.
2127 BENSON, LEE. Merchants, Farmers, & Railroads: Railroad Regulation and New York Politics, 1850-1887.
6537 BENSON, MICHAEL. Ballparks of North America, a Comprehensive Historical Reference to Baseball Grounds, Yards and Stadiums, 1845 to Present.
2974 BENTLEY, A.P. History of the Abduction of William Morgan, and the Anti- Masonic Excitement of 1826-30, with Many Details and Incidents Never Before Published.
4783 BENTON, DOROTHY. "The Rochester Lamps."
2628 BENTON, DOROTHY. "Rochester Parks."
2345 BENTON, PAUL. "Rochester Journalism."
4501 BERGE, DALE L. “Archeology at the Peter Whitmer Farm, Seneca County, New York.”
1725 BERGE, WENDELL. Cartels, Challenge to a Free World.
2913 BERGER, MARK L. The Revolution in the New York Party Systems, 1840-1860.
6095 BERGGREN, JOHN A. Historical Markers in Pittsford, New York, 1989.
2975 BERNARD, DAVID. Light on Masonry: A Collection of All the Most Important Documents on the Subject of Speculative Free Masonry: Embracing the Reports of the Western Committees in Relation to the Abduction of William Morgan ...
5037 BERNHARD, KARL HERZOG ZU SACHSEN-WEIMAR-EISENACH Travels through North America, during the Years 1825 and 1826.
4537 BERNSTEIN, PHILIP S. “Judaism and the Jews in Rochester.”
5166 BESTE, JOHN RICHARD DIGBY. The Wabash: or Adventures of an English Gentleman's Family in the Interior of America.
4552 BETTS, BENJAMIN F. “Early Architecture of Western New York.”
1154 BEYER, GLENN H. "Housing and Journey to Work: The Patterns of Rural Families in Monroe County."
1155 BEYER, GLENN H. "Rural Housing in New York State."
1267 BIDWELL, PERCY W., and John I. Falconer. History of Agriculture in the Northern United States, 1620-1860.
5613 BIELOWICZ, NORMAN. The Allen Steinheim Museum.
2217 BIG STRINGS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Centennial Celebration of the Scottsville & LeRoy Railroad and in Honor of the Pioneers of the Wheatland-Caledonia Area…
2690 BIGELOW, FANNIE R. "The Children's Court of Monroe County under the New Law."
4988 BIGELOW, TIMOTHY. Journal of a Tour to Niagara Falls in the Year 1805.
3850 BINGEMAN, MELISSA E. “Live a Little Longer,” the Rochester Plan ...
3164 BINKS, G.J. "Ships and Divisions of the Rochester Naval Reserve."
97 BISHOP, CAROLINE. A Guide to Letchworth Park and a Brief History of Its Forest Arboretum.
5169 BISHOP, ISABELLA L. BIRD. The Englishwoman in America.
6506 BISHOP, LEWIS The War of 1812 on the Niagara Frontier.
3172 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "History of Warsaw Veterans Memorial Association."
1973 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "The Bradley; Warsaw Salt Community."
4653 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Our Architectural Heritage."
3694 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "The Libraries of Warsaw."
4894 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Warsaw's Early Singing Schools and Musical Societies."
3399 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "South Warsaw School."
3400 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Warsaw's Cobblestone Masonic Temple."
2895 BISHOP, LEWIS H. The History of the Community Wide Water Supplies of the Village of Warsaw, 1870-1970.
6567 BISHOP, LEWIS H. Warsaw's Cobblestone School.
2894 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Annals of the Warsaw Fire Department."
2896 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Warsaw's Gas & Electric Facilities."
2291 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Stagecoach Cays at Warsaw."
6059 BISHOP, LEWIS H. Warsaw's Places of Public Accommodation.
599 BISHOP, LEWIS H. The First Century: A Brief History of the Incorporated Village of Warsaw, New York.
600 BISHOP, LEWIS H. “The South Warsaw Story.”
601 BISHOP, LEWIS H. “Warsaw's Crystal Brook.”
602 BISHOP, LEWIS H. “Martinville.”
603 BISHOP, LEWIS H. 125th Anniversary Celebration, Warsaw, New York ...
3139 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Warsaw Veterans of the Spanish-American War."
6420 BISHOP, LEWIS H. Proposals for Improving Transportation: Railways, Plank Roads, Horse Cars, Trolleys; Stage Coach Days in Warsaw; Local Places of Public Accommodation, Taverns, Inns, Hotels, Motor Lodges.
6057 BISHOP, LEWIS H. Once Stood Chace's Mill....
6058 BISHOP, LEWIS H. `Ringing Through the Valley'; Tower Clocks and Bells of Warsaw.
6055 BISHOP, LEWIS H. Elbert Eli Farman.
3398 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Madame Broughton: Warsaw Educator Extraordinary."
1974 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Warsaw's Relyea Creek and Its Industries."
1975 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "The Salt Industry of Wyoming County."
1976 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "The Saltvale Settlement, Town of Middlebury."
3165 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "The Letchworth Rifles."
2396 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "History of Telephone Operation in Warsaw."
6459 BISHOP, LEWIS H. The First Century of the Warsaw Fire Department, 1871-1971: With Story of the Primitive Fire Company and Early Fires.
6056 BISHOP, LEWIS H., and ANITA RIPSTEIN The Frank Family of Warsaw.
4502 BISHOP, MORRIS. “In the Footsteps of Mormon.”
842 BISSELL, JOSIAH W. "Reminiscences of Early Rochester."
4903 BITZ, NELLIE E. A Half-Century of Theater in Early Rochester: A Record of the Struggle to Establish a Permanent Theater.
3144 BLACK, SYLVIA R., and HARRIETT J. NAYLOR. "Rochester and World War I."
3259 BLACKALL, GERTRUDE C. "The Rochester Boys' Evening Home."
3802 BLACKWELL, ELIZABETH. Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women: Autobiographical Sketches.
6591 BLAIR, HENRY ALEXANDER A Brief History of the University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project from 1943-1968.
3071 BLAKESLEE, SAMUEL. "narrative of Colonel Samuel Blakeslee, a Defender of Buffalo in the War of 1812."
843 BLANCHARD, HIRAM LAVIRA. "Reminiscences of McCrackenville as Related by Mrs. Hiram Lavira Blanchard."
2361 BLANCHARD, LAFAYETTE R. Our Dam Against the Red Tide.
2362 BLANCHARD, LAFAYETTE R. Socialism, Severity, "Security": A Look at British Life under Welfare Rule.
5032 BLANE, WILLIAM NEWNHAM. An Excursion through the United States and Canada during the Years 1822-23.
1879 BLANSHARD, PAUL. How the Union Works.
1110 BLEGEN, THEODORE C. Norwegian Migration to America, 1825-1860.
1111 BLEGEN, THEODORE C., ed. Land of Their Choice: The Immigrants Write Home.
111 BLISS, HUBERT D. Peaks of Allegany.
5306 BLIVEN, BRUCE, JR. New York: A Bicentennial History.
6593 BLOCK, IRA, photographer University of Rochester.
3036 BLOOMER, DEXTER C. Life and Writings of Amelia Bloomer.
5191 BLOUET, PAUL (pseud. MAX O’REL) A Frenchman in America; Recollections of Men and Things.
3152 BLUM, WILLIAM G. Journey to a Star: An American Flier in World War II ... Together with a Sketch of His Life before, during and after the War, by Wilfred J. Rauber.
2346 BLY, MYRON T. Rochester Journalism Forty Years Ago ...
1515 BLY, MYRON T. “The Hay Market.”
5943 BLYTH, JOHN E., ed. Macedon in 1976.
4930 BOARDMAN, EDWARD T. “'The View is Grand'--So Said DeWitt Clinton.”
5054 BOARDMAN, JAMES. America, and the Americans.
3851 BOCK, FRANKLIN W. “A School for Human Husbandry.”
5187 BODENSTEDT, FRIEDRICH MARTIN VON. Vom Atlantischen zum Stillen Ocean.
6636 BODEWES, DONNA CROSSED, and J. WILLIAM SHIELDS Pathological Society - Decline & Revival.
4939 BOLE, ETIENNE. The Works of Samuel de Champlain, ed. H.P. Biggar, Vol 3: 1615-1618. Toronto: Champlain Society, 1929. French and English on facing pages; a more fluent translation is Voyages of Samuel de Champlain, 1604-1618, ed. W.L. Grant, trans. Charles P. Otis.
6612 BOLGER, STUART Genesee Country Museum: Scenes of Town & Country in the Nineteenth Century.
1954 BOLTON, ARMAND S. Historiette of Pump & Fire Apparatus Manufacturers of Seneca Falls, New York.
2787 BOLTON, ARMAND S. A Story Historical of the Penfield Volunteer Fire Company. 1841-1960.
1490 BOND, MAURICE C., comp. "Vegetables: Location and Trends, New York State (with U.S. Comparisons), 1918-1953."
1486 BOND, MAURICE C., comp. (Census data for New York counties by towns, U.S. Census of Agriculture, 1940.)
1487 BOND, MAURICE C., comp. "1945 Census Data, New York, by Counties."
1488 BOND, MAURICE C., and others, comps. "Census Data--1875 to 1945—Shows Some Changes in Allegany County Agriculture and Land Use."
1489 BOND, MAURICE C., comp. (Census Data for New York Counties by towns, U.S. Census of Agriculture, 1950)
1483 BOND, MAURICE C., Comp. (Census data for New York counties by towns, U.S. Census of Agriculture, 1935.)
2722 BONNER, JOHN F. County Planning as Applied to Monroe County, New York ...
3197 BOOKMAN, CLARENCE M. A Study of the Community Chest and Council of Social Agencies of Rochester, New York; also a Study of Seven Surveys from the Community Organization Standpoint.
628 BOOTES, THELMA BURTON. Inscriptions from Three Abandoned Cemeteries in Yates County, N.Y.
3291 BOOTH, J.F. “Farmers' Cooperative Business Organizations in New York.”
810 BOOTHBY, WILLIAM B. "Nathaniel Rochester in the Revolution."
1555 BOOZ, ALLEN & HAMILTON, Inc. Analysis of Market Support for Department of Community Development, City of Rochester, New York.
6404 BORDEN, DOUGLAS G. "Fares and Tokens Used in Rochester, New York, 1833-1983."
2514 BORN, ERNEST. "Veterans Memorial Bridge at Rochester: Gehron and Ross, Architects."
5531 BORNTRAGER, KARL A. Keeping the Railroads Running: Fifty Years on the New York Central.
5589 BOTTS, HANK. Encounter Time: Metro-Act and the Sores of Discontent.
5505 BOUCK, WARREN L. "The Alfred Club and Hotel Association."
6218 BOVE, SUSAN BARBER The Early Italian Immigrants to Seneca Falls, New York (1884-1930).
2306 BOWEN, ELI. The United States Post-Office Guide.
567 BOWEN, H.M. “The Thomas Dole House in Pike.”
568 BOWEN, H.M. “Great Pike Fire of 1909.”
3520 BOWEN, M. LUCILE. “The Rochester Free Academy.”
1414 BOWEN, S.C. "History of the Bean Industry."
1157 BOWERS, RAYMOND V. "Ecological Study of Rochester."
1156 BOWERS, RAYMOND V. Ecological Studies of Rochester, New York,
6223 BOWMAN, FRED Q. 10,000 Vital Records of Central New York, 1813-1850.
6224 BOWMAN, FRED Q. 10,000 Vital Records of Western New York, 1809-1850.
3024 BOWMAN, PATRICIA G. "Frederick Douglass: Fourth of July Oration, 1852."
697 BOWN, BERTHA BRUNER. Some Intimate Items of Early Penfield History.
3248 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA. Rochester Council. Rochester Council Boy Scouts of America, Camp Committee Report on Development of Seneca Lake Camp Site, October 22, 1926.
6233 BOYD, JULIAN P. Horatio Gates Spafford, Inventor, Author, Promoter of Democracy.
968 BOYD, JULIAN P. “Attempts to Form New States in New York and Pennsylvania, 1786-1796.”
3072 BOYD, WILLIAM P. "War of 1812-14."
203 BOYD, WILLIAM P. History of the Town of Conesus, Livingston Co., N.Y. from Its First Settlement in 1793, to 1887, with a Brief Genealogical Record of the Conesus Families.
6510 BOYER, AMY The Civil War Monument.
2397 BOYLAN, JOHN P. A History of Telephony in Rochester, N.Y.
6430 BOYTON, NAT Media Rare: Adventures of a Grassroots Newsman.
5575 BRACKNEY, WILLIAM H. “Experience versus Conviction: The Baptist Response to the Antimasonic Impulse, 1826-1830.”
2976 BRACKNEY, WILLIAM H. Religious Antimasonry: The Genesis of a Political Party.
6592 BRADFORD, WILLIAM LESLIE As I Remember It; A History of the Pediatric Department.
4904 BRADGON, CLAUDE F. "'Song and Light'; A Description of an Outdoor Festival Given at Highland Park, Rochester, N.Y., September 30, 1915."
5737 BRADLEY, A. DAY. "Records of Junius Friends Monthly Meeting, Seneca and Wayne Counties, N.Y."
477 BRADLEY, HORACE. “Memories of Pearl Creek.”
2977 BRADLEY, J. An Address to Masons, on the Importance of Forming Associations; Spreading Light among Uninformed Brethren; Securing Their Funds from Failures, and Establishing Academies ...
4275 BRADLEY, JOSHUA. Accounts of Religious Revivals in Many Parts of the United States from 1815-1818. Collected from Numerous Publications, and Letters from Persons of Piety and Correct Information.
4576 BRADLEY, WALLACE. "Whistle Stops."
844 BRADSTREET, HOBART. The Real Diary of A Rochester Boy, 1864, ed. James H. Thompson.
468 BRADT, MARGARET J. “Early Castile.”
879 BRAGDON, CLAUDE. "Reminiscences of Rochester of the Eighties."
4750 BRAGDON, CLAUDE F. More Lives Than One. New York Alfred A. Knopf, 1938. 368 pp. English ed., The Secret Springs: An Autobiography.
4747 BRAGDON, CLAUDE F., architect. "The New York Central Railway Station at Rochester, N.Y. ..."
4748 BRAGDON, CLAUDE F., architect. "The Rochester Passenger Station."
4553 BRAGDON, CLAUDE F. “Colonial Work in the Genesee Valley.”
4554 BRAGDON, CLAUDE F. “Colonial Architecture in the Genesee Valley.”
4749 BRAGDON, CLAUDE F., and FOSTER & GALE, architects. "The Rochester Chamber of Commerce."
4346 BRAGDON, KATHERINE E. History of the Women's Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York.
698 BRAHLER, VERNA K., ed. I Remember When ... Penfield.
5926 BRAINARD, SALLY D., et al. Unmasking the Past: Millers Corners - Ionia, 1789-1989.
6637 BRANCH, GEORGE L. Pediatric Society Marks 60th Anniversary.
1492 BRATTON, C.A., comp. "1954 Census of Agriculture, Allegany County."
1493 BRATTON, C.A., comp. "Census of Agriculture, 1959, Allegany County."
1320 BRATTON, CHARLES A. "Value of Farm Privileges, Northern. Livingston County, 1908-1948."
1127 BRATUSH, JAMES D. A Historical Documentary of the Ukrainian Community or Rochester, New York, trans. Anastasia Smerychynska.
6489 BRAUDE, ANN Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women's Rights in Nineteenth-Century America.
6815 BRAYER, ELIZABETH, and GERALD ALLAN DOELL and M. CHRISTINE KLIM DOELL. The Eastman House Gardens, Two Historical Commentaries.
6827 BRAYER, ELIZABETH. MAGnum Opus, The Story of the Memorial Art Gallery.
6300 BRAYER, ELIZABETH. George Eastman.
5778 BRAYER, BETSY. The Warner Legacy in Western
6106 BRAYER, BETSY Our Spirit Shows: Rochester Sesquicentennial, 1834-1984, Rochester Sesquicentennial Commemorative Book.
5634 BRAYER, BETSY. Margaret Woodbury Strong and the Origin of the Strong Museum.
4321 BREED, ROBERT S. First Presbyterian Church, Geneva, N.Y., Sesqui-Centennial, 1800-1950, Historical Review.
5159 BREMER, FREDRIKA. The Homes of the New World. Impressions of America, trans. Mary Howitt.
6418 BRESLAU, ALAN JEFFRY. The Time of My Death.
1880 BREWER, JAMES L. "Centennial History of Organized Labor in Rochester."
2442 BREWER, JAMES L. A Greater Boss for a Greater Rochester. The Extension of the Mellon-Coolidge Government for Business to Municipal Affairs. The Meaning of the City Manager Government as Underwritten by Money Bags to Which the Business-Controlled Press Denies Expression.
5122 BREWSTER, EDWARD. "From New York to Illinois by Water in 1840," ed. Lewis Beeson.
3952 BREWSTER, H. POMEROY. "The Magic of a Voice: Rochester Revivals of Rev. Charles G. Finney."
991 BRIDEL, LOUIS. Le Pour et le Contre ou avis a ceaux qui se proposent de passer dans les tats-Unis d'Amerique. Suivi d'une description du Kentucky et du Genesy, deux des nouveaux etablissemens les plus considerables de cette partie du nouveau monde. Paris: Levrault, Schoelli & Comp., 1803. Trans. by H.F. DePuy. “'Le Pour et le Contre': One of the Rarest of Books Relating to Western New York.”
4115 BRIDGES, JEAN M. 100th Anniversary, St. Mary's Church, Pavilion, New York, 1865-1965.
2906 BRIGGS, FRANKLIN H. "The School at Industry: or Wild Boys and Tame Animals."
5461 BRIGGS, JOHN W. An Italian Passage: Immigrants to Three American Cities, 1890-1930.
6219 BRIGGS, JOHN W. Fertility and Cultural Change Among Families in Italy and America.
6220 BRIGGS, JOHN WALKER. Italians in Italy and America: A Study of Change Within Continuity for Immigrants to Three American Cities, 1890-1930.
6037 BRIGHAM, ALBERT PERRY. Trivial Memories of a College Professor.
5260 BRIGHAM, CLARENCE S. History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690-1820.
2755 BRIGHTON. Environmental Advisory Council. Open Space Inventory.
321 BRISTOL, EDWIN L. "The Town of Seneca, Ontario County."
2663 BRITTON, ELIZABETH B. How It Has Grown! A History of the League of Women Voters of the Rochester Metropolitan Area, 1924-1969.
6730 BROADBENT, CHARLES D. A Time to be Born...And to Die; Plymouth Church of Rochester in Retrospect.
5725 BROADBENT, CHARLES D. "A Brief Pilgrimage: Plymouth Church of Rochester."
5269 BROCK, KENNETH L. New York State's Public Records.
4504 BRODIE, FAWN M. No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet.
5087 BROKE, FREDERICA SOPHIA. Diary of an American Tour, 1834.
5670 BRONK, MITCHELL. "The Baptist Church at Manchester, New York, 1797-1947."
4014 BRONK, MITCHELL. "Clergy of my Home Town."
6863 BRONNER, SIMON J. Old-Time Music Makers of New York State.
1516 BRONSON, ALVIN. “Report of Alvin Bronson to the Secretary of the Treasury, on the Manufactures of New York.” 22d Congress, 1st Session, House Executive Document no. 308, document no. 11, pp. 1-133. (Serial vol. 223).
1071 BRONSON, WILLIAM. "Pioneer History of Clinton County."
4736 BRONSTEIN, HERBERT. The Art and Architecture of Temple B'rith Kodesh: Its Religious Meanings.
6183 BROOKS, CHARLES EDWARD. Economic Change and Agrarian Conflict in the Holland Land Purchase of Western New York, 1800-1845.
191 BROOKS, CLINTON E. The Story of Avon …
2347 BROOKS, GEORGE F. "The Rochester Herald."
604 BROOKS, H.J. “Amzi Wright--Pioneer and Patriot,”
3852 BROOKS, PAUL B. “The New York State Department of Health: An Historical Review.”
173 BROUGHTON, JUDSON L., ed. The Pavilion Community of New York State, 1800-1941.
1365 BROWN, BABETTE. "The Ellwanger and Barry Library."
5861 BROWN, BOLTON. Boyhood Memories of Bolton Brown, Including a Philosophical Treatise Titled, "How I Shed Religion."
3984 BROWN, DEIDAMIA COVELL. Memoir of the Late Rev. Lemuel Covell, Missionary to the Tuscarora Indians and the Province of Upper Canada; Comprising a History of the Origin and Progress of the Missionary Operations in the Shafts- bury Baptist Association, up to the Time of Mr. Covell's Decease in 1806.
2978 BROWN, HENRY. A Narrative of the Anti-Masonick Excitement, in the Western Part of the State of New-York, during the Years 1826, '7, '8, and a Part of 1829.
3929 BROWN, HERBERT R. "Rochester Regional Blood Program, American National Red Cross."
5017 BROWN, JACOB. "Gen. Brown's Inspection Tour up the Lakes in 1819."
4815 BROWN, JOHN W. "First Portrait of Red Jacket."
2884 BROWN, LE GRAND. Report on Pavements, Village of Canandaigua, New York, 1905.
4432 BROWN, LETITIA SHAW. Memoir of Elder Elijah Shaw. By His Daughter.
325 BROWN, Mrs. Clarence L., Jr. "James Lyle Gillis: Early Settler of Victor, N.Y."
232 BROWN, Mrs. E. A. "Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shannon, Pioneer Residents."
6025 BROWN, RICHARD H. The Stantons of Middlebury.
5593 BROWN, RICHARD H. “A Masonic Guide for the Empire State: Wherein Are Listed Buildings, Sites, Monuments and Legends of Interest to Freemasons.”
725 BROWN, SELDEN S. "Scottsville and Vicinity."
2679 BROWN, SELDEN S. "The Surrogate's Court, 1821-1929."
6766 BROWN, SHARON A. Historic Structure Report: Historical Data Section, Wesleyan Chapel, Women's Rights National Historical Park, New York.
4895 BROWN, WILHELMINA. "The Choirs of Seneca Falls."
2401 BROWN, WILLIAM F., JR. Three Times is True: Sixty-Nine Editorials and Humorous Features Written and Broadcast from 1968-1972 on WBTA Radio in Batavia, New York.
5129 BROWN, WILLIAM. America: A Four Years' Residence in the United States and Canada; Giving a Full and Fair Description of the Country, as it Really Is …
6141 BROWNCROFT NEIGHBORHOOD HISTORY COMMITTEE.ASSOCIATION. A History of the Browncroft Area. with chart laid in, "Commercial sketch of Winton Road North 1920-1950."
533 BROWNE, WALDO R. Chronicles of an American Home: Hillside (Wyoming, New York) and Its Family: 1858-1928.
880 BROWNYARD, MARY JANE. The Diary of Mary Jane Brownyard, ed. Theodore L. Brownyard..
285 BRUMBERG, G. DAVID, and ROBERT E. DORAN, comps. The Historic Geneva Calendar for Engagements, Noting Important Events of 1775.
286 BRUMBERG, G. DAVID. The Making of an Upstate Community: Geneva, New York, 1750-1920.
5852 Edited by G. David Brumberg, et al. History for the Public: A Report on the Historians-in-Residence Program.…
5380 BRUMBERG, G. DAVID. "Geneva, New York: A Community Study, 1786-1860."
3088 BRUMMER, SIDNEY D. Political History of New York State during the Period of the Civil War.
1341 BRUNGER, ERIC. “A Chapter in the Growth of the New York State Dairy Industry, 1850-1900.”
2546 BRUNNER, ARNOLD W. and others. A City Plan for Rochester: A Report Pre-pared for the Rochester Civic Improvement Committee, Rochester, N.Y.
2253 BRYAN, HIRAM. King's or Hanford's Landing.
69 BRYANT, WILLIAM CULLEN. “The Valley of the Genesee.” pp. 353-69 in Picturesque America, or the Land We Live In, Part 39.
1474 BRYANT, WILLIAM R. "The Effects of Urban Expansion on Farming in Wayne County, New York."
1438 BRYANT, WILLIAM R., and HOWARD E. CONKLIN. "New Farmland Preservation Programs in New York."
1324 BRYCE, HERRINGTON J. Earnings of Migratory Farm Workers in Wayne County, New York, 1968.
2565 BUB, JEAN, comp. Youth Board of Southeast Study.
5114 BUCKINGHAM, JAMES S. America, Historical, Statistic, and Descriptive.
346 BUCKLEY, ETHEL. Diedrich Willers: Local Historian of the Centennial Years.
1479 BUCKMAN, H.O., and others. "Soil and Field-Crop Management for Yates County, New York."
1473 BUCKMAN, H.O., and others. "Soil and Field-Crop Management for Wayne County, New York."
6297 BUEHLMAN, DON. The Steam System - The End of an Era.
4347 BUELL, Mrs. George C. The First Presbyterian Sunday School, Rochester, N.Y.: An Historical Sketch ...
3822 BUERKI, ROBIN C. Survey of Rochester General Hospital.
5478 BULKLEY, PETER B. “Agrarian Crisis in western
3037 BULL, MARY SHERWOOD. “'Women's Rights and Other “Reforms” in Seneca Falls:' A Contemporary View,” ed. Robert E. Riegel.
1531 BULLIS, HARRY A. Buffalo--Its Flour Milling Heritage.
5045 BULLOCK, WILLIAM. Sketch of a Journey through the Western States of North America, from New Orleans, by the Mississippi, Ohio, City of Cincinnati and Falls of Niagara, to New York, in 1827.
5601 BUMPUS, LOUISE BATES. "Hannah Upham. a Pioneer Educator."
219 BUNNELL, ALONZO D. "Early Years in Lima."
3307 BUNNELL, ALONZO G. “Odd Fellowship in Livingston County.”
3723 BUNNELL, ALONZO O. Reminiscences of the Historical Society.
233 BUNNELL, ALONZO O., ed. Dansville: Historical, Biographical, Descriptive, 1789-1902.
5862 BURBANK, JUDIA. A Time to Remember.
6236 BURDICK, CAROL. Where the Wild Winds Blow.
2664 BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. New York City. Government of Monroe County, N.Y. (Including Town Government). Description of Organization and Functions ...
2414 BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH, New York City. Government of the City of Rochester, N.Y. General Survey, Critical Appraisal and Constructive Suggestions. Prepared for the Rochester Bureau of Municipal Research ...
2415 BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH, New York City. Government of the City of Rochester, N.Y. Description of Organization and Functions ...
2200 BURGESS, GEORGE H., and MITES C. KENNEDY. Centennial History of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1846-1946.
5945 BURGESS, W. C. Plain Facts About Newark, Wayne County, New York, the Town of Opportunity.
2866 BURKE, ARVID J. (“Fiscal Policy for Public Education in New York State, Staff Study No. 1”)
98 BURKE, CARLETON. Seh-ga-hun-da, Vale of Three Falls: A Picture-Notebook of the Genesee River at Letchworth Park in New York State.
5579 BURKE, RONALD K. “The Anti-Slavery Activities of Samuel Ringgold Ward in New York.”
3776 BURKHART, HARVEY J. Centennial History of Dentistry in Rochester.
1277 BURLING, WILLIAM. An Address, Delivered before the Ontario Agricultural Society, on the Second Day of Its Annual Meeting, October 12th, 1844.
469 BURLINGHAM, CHARLES D. “Statement of Charles D. Burlingham.”
99 BURNAP, MILTON. “St. Helena in the 1850's.”
3038 BURNS, CONSTANCE. “The Bloomer Girl.”
6895 BURNS, NANCY O., compiler. Wyoming County Local History Bibliography, 1984: Holdings of School and Public Libraries in the County as of Spring 1983.
2979 BURNS, ROBERT D. “The Abduction of William Morgan.”
2195 BURNS, THOMAS W. "Reminiscences, Heroic and Historic, of EarlyDays of the Lehigh Valley System in Southern and Central New York."
444a BURNSIDE, WARREN. “Nineteenth Century Attica Industries.”
3808 BURR, NANCY J. "The Water-Cure."
1322 BURRITT, MAURICE C. "A Successful New York Farm."
4147 BURROWS, G. SHERMAN. The Diocese of Western New York, 1897-1931.
4989 BURROWS, ROSWELL. "Visit to Buffalo, in 1806, of the Rev. Roswell Burrows. Extract from His Report to the Groton (Ct.) Union Conference, January 2, 1807."
5812 BUSCH, MORITZ. Travels between the Hudson & the Mississippi, 1851-1852, trans. And ed. Norman H. Binger.
5162 BUSCH, MORITZ. Travels between the Hudson & the Mississippi 1851-1852, trans. & ed. Norman H. Binger. Lexington; University Press of Kentucky, 1971. Trans. Of Wanderungen zwischen Hudson and Mississippi 1851 and 1852.
6038 BUSH, BONNIE. The Last Day.
719 BUSH, CHARLES T. The Story of Hiel Brockway, Founder of Brockport; His Life, His Descendants, His Ancestry.
6740 BUSHMAN, RICHARD L. Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism.
3605 BUTLER, M. ALENE. A History of the Brockport Collegiate Institute, 1832-1867.
829 BUTLER, WILLIAM M., and GEORGE S. CRITTENDEN. The Semi-Centennial Souvenir. An Account of the Great Celebration, June 9th and 10th, 1884. Together with a Chronological. History of Rochester, N.Y.
2476 BUTTERFIELD, MARGARET. "Fire Fighters of the Past."
3114 BUTTERFIELD, MARGARET. "The University and the Civil War."
1033 BUTTERWORTH, ELSIE WALKER. John Lincklaen of the Holland Land Company.
6107 BUTTINO, LOU, and MARK HARE. The Remaking of a City: Rochester, New York, 1964-1984.
5003 BUTTRICK, TILLY, JR. Voyages, Travels and Discoveries.
675 BUTTS, NELLIE DOTY. "Through Northern Waterways to Grecian Shores."
4160 BYRNE, CHARLES H. Centennial Anniversary, Christ Episcopal Church, Albion, New York, 1844-1944 …
4134 BYRNE, JOHN F. Centennial Souvenir, St. Joseph's Parish, Rochester, N.Y., 1836-1936. 70 pp.
6390 BYRNE, MICHAEL M. The Railroad at Kodak Park.
4436 BYWATER, JOHN C. The Mystery Solved: or, A Bible Expose of the Spirit Rappings. Showing that They Are Not Caused by the Spirits of the Dead, but by Evil Demons, or Devils.
4437 CADWALLADER, M.E. Hydesville in History.
559 CAFFREY, BESSEY WHITMAN. “Tale of the Checkerboard Tavern.”
618 CAFFREY, BESSEY WHITMAN. “More Memories of James L. Blodgett,”
4107 CAHILL, DAVID. St. Patrick's Parish, Java Center, 1828-1954.
6060 CAHILL, EMMETT. The Shipmans of Warsaw.
6864 CAHN, WILLIAM L. Rochester's Orchestra: A History of the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and Its Educational Programming, 1922 to 1989.
1985 CALHOUN, DANIEL H. The American Civil Engineer: Origins and Conflict.
3357 CALHOUN, DANIEL. The Intelligence of a People.
4081 CALLAN, LOUISE. The Society of the Sacred Heart in North America.
4505 CAMPBELL, ISABEL. “Brigham Young Chair Factory.”
5093 CAMPBELL, LOIS. "A Pleasure Trip,"
5851 CAMPBELL, LOUISA, ed. New York State.
4961 CAMPBELL, PATRICK. Travels in the Interior Inhabited Parts of North American in the Years 1791 and 1792.
5804 CAMPBELL, PATRICK. A Journey through the Genesee Country, Finger Lakes Region, and Mohawk Valley: From Patrick Campbell's Travels in the Interior Inhabited Parts of North America in the Years 1791 and 1792, with an Introduction by. Henry W. Clune.
5517 CANAL MUSEUM. A Canalboat Primer on the Canals of New York State.
5518 CANAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK STATE. Field Trip, Cayuga & Seneca Canal, July 29-30, 1961.
5757 CANANDAIGUA CEMETERY ASSOCIATION. Quarter Century Report of Canandaigua Cemetery Association, Canandaigua, New York; Woodlawn Cemetery, 1884-1909.
6142 CANFIELD, DAVID "JOSH". An Introduction to the South Wedge and Its History.
3823 CANNON PARTNERSHIP, architects. Master Plan for Redevelopment of Monroe Community Hospital, Rochester, New York.
4506 CANNON, M. HAMLIN. “Contemporary Views of Mormon Origins (1830).”
4751 CANTOR, DOROTHY M. Claude Bragdon and His Relation to the Development of Modern Architectural Theory.
1112 CANUTESON, RICHARD. "A Little More Light en the Kendall Colony"
1113 CANUTESON, RICHARD. "The Kendall Settlement Survived."
339 CANUTESON, RICHARD L., ed. The Sesquicentennial of the Town of Gaines, Orleans County, State of New York, 1809-1959.
1944 CAPLISE, J. FRANK. Canandaigua: Its Advantages, Growth and Beauty.
4438 CAPRON, ELIAB W., and HENRY D. BARRON. Singular Revelations. Explanation and history of the Mysterious Communion with Spirits, Comprehending the Rise and Progress of the Mysterious Noises in Western New-York, Generally Received as Spiritual Communications ..
6466 CAPWELL, ALLEN L. A Time in September.
4692 CARD, MARIAN. The Ellwanger and Barry Office.
6411 CARDER, BARBARA. A Piece of Maritime History Is for Sale.
5204 CARLEY, CLARA E. Guide to Finger Lakes Region Historical Material: A Union List.
1955 CARLS, J. NORMAN, and WALTER W. RISTOW. "The Industrial Geography of Seneca Falls, New York."
5956 CARLTON, JUVENILIA. This Life I Live.
15 CARMER, CARL. Listen for a Lonesome Drum: A York State Chronicle.
16 CARMER, CARL. Dark Trees to the Wind: A Cycle of York State Years
17 CARMER, CARL., comp. The Tavern Lamps Are Burning; Literary Journeys through Six Regions and Four Centuries of New York State.
18 CARMER, CARL. My Kind of Country: Favorite Writings about New York.
2088 CARMER, CARL. "'O the Ee-rye-ee-was risen""
334 CARMER, CARL. "Hometown Revisited."
4507 CARMER, CARL. The Farm Boy and the Angel.
6359 CARP, ROGER EVAN. The Erie Canal and the Liberal Challenge to Classical Republicanism, 1785-1850.
6360 CARP, ROGER E. The Limits of Reform: Labor and Discipline on the Erie Canal.
3809 CARPENTER, CATHY A. "Our Castle on the Hill."
5550 CARPENTER, CATHY ANN. “Dansville's Flying Allens.” "
3733 CARPENTER, EDMUND S. "The Strange Case of Dr. Came and the Sleeping Man."
4018 CARPENTER, GEORGE H. Murray Baptist Church in Orleans Association, New York,
6444 CARPER, STEVE. `Shunned by All Timid Persons.'
6547 CARPER, STEVE. From Flower Pots to Giant Oaks.
6278 CARPER, STEVE. "A Cross-Section of History."
6130 CARR, DEBORAH, et al. Genesee Memories; Adventure in Neighborhood.
5070 CARR, GEORGE K. "A Short Tour through the United States and Canadas, 1832," ed. Deoch Fulton.
1463 CARR, M. EARL, and others. "Soil Survey of Ontario County, New York." Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1910, pp. 93-143 and map.
1456 CARR, M. EARL. "Soil Survey of Livingston County, New York." Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1908, pp. 71-157 and map.
4175 CARRIE, JOHN S. Zion Episcopal Church, One Hundred Years of History, 1823-1923.
4178 CARRIE, JOHN S. Zion Episcopal Church, Palmyra, New York. One Hundred Years of History, 1823-1923.
6546 CARROLL, BOB. No Heart at Home.
4784 CARROLL, DAPHNE. "The Complete Story of the Rochester Lamp."
2325 CARRUTH, CHARLES. "Indian Trails to Thruway: A Brief History of Road Building in Monroe County and New York State."
3810 CARSON, GERALD. "Bloomers and Bread Crumbs."
2128 CARSON, ROBERT B. Main Line to Oblivion: The Disintegration of New York Railroads in the Twentieth Century.
2058 CASE, WHEELER C. "The Genesee Valley Canal."
1517 CASE, WHEELER C. “The Old Powder Mills.”
3166 CASE, WHEELER C. "Rochester's Citizen Soldiers."
908 CASE, WHEELER G. "In the Looking-Glass of 1834."
3173 CASE, WHEELER G. "Military Markers in Rochester and Monroe County."
2175 CASEY, ROBERT J., and W.A.S. DOUGLAS. The Lackawanna Story: The First Hundred Years of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad.
4836 CASSEBEER, WALTER H. Lithographs of Rochester; Twelve Proofs by Walter Henry Cassebeer ...
4678 CASSEBEER, WALTER H. Architecture in Rochester.
6193 CASTLE, MUSETTE S. A Survey of the History of African Americans in Rochester, New York; 1800-1860.
6521 CATALDO, MIMA, et al. The Women's Encampment for a Future of Peace and Justice; Images and Writings.
4061 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. The Official Directory of the Diocese of Rochester, 1938 (Directory of clergy, parishes, schools, etc. See also The Official. Catholic Directory …
2665 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. 1974-75 Monroe County Legislature --Personal Profile--Discussing Issues.
4062 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. Most Reverend Lawrence B. Casey, D.D. Titular Bishop of Cea, Auxiliary to Bishop of Rochester.
4064 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. “The Next Hundred Years: 100th Anniversary of the Diocese of Rochester.”
4063 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. “The Most Reverend James E. Kearney, D.D., Bishop of Rochester.”
4061 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester. The Official Directory of the Diocese of Rochester, 1938 (Directory of clergy, parishes, schools, etc. See also The Official. Catholic Directory ...
4065 CATHOLIC MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, New York Grand Council. Roman Catholic Institutions of the City of Rochester, N.Y., Devoted to Worship, Education, Charity. A Souvenir of the Convention of New York State Grand Council of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, Held at Cathedral Hall, August 30th to September 2nd, 1892.
3638 CAUDILL ROWLETT SCOTT, architects. Monroe Community College Campus Plan.
2740 CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. Planning for Comprehensive Youth Services in Monroe County.
2705 CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. Tax Reform: Issues, Impacts, Alternatives.
2810 CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. Brockport/Sweden Management Study: A Staff Report Concerning the Feasibility and Advisability of Consolidating a Village and Town into a Single Unit of Government...
2666 CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. Governing Monroe County: A Staff Report to the Charter Study Commission.
2416 CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH. The Governance of Rochester; a Staff Report to the Rochester Charter Commission; Decision-Making, Managerial Processes, Representation, Citizen Participation, New Concerns.
5979 CHAFFEE, E.E. Wolf in the Night.
4876 CHAFFERS, MADELEINE R. Survey of Musical Life in Rochester from 1817 up to the Civil War.
2089 CHALMERS, HARVEY, II, and JOHN H. FLANDREAU. The Birth of the Erie Canal.
2090 CHALMERS, HARVEY, II, and JOHN H. FLANDREAU. How the Irish Built the Erie.
2039 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Report on the Canals of New-York, by the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New-York on Railway and Canal Legislation.
1083 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE U.S.A. Rochester Business Opportunities Corporation Helps Ghetto Dwellers Own Businesses.
361 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Five Pivotal Years of Our History."
2377 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "The Seneca Falls Press."
1986 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Water Transportation and Packet Lines."
1987 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Seneca Lock Navigation Company."
1959 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Banking Houses of Seneca Falls."
1960 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Barrel and Boat Manufacturing."
1956 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Taverns of Seneca Falls."
1957 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Flouring Mills."
1958 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Early Industries."
534 CHAMBERLAIN, MARK. “Middlebury, Wyoming Co., N.Y.”
3260 CHANNING, ALICE. "Unemployed Boys and Girls in Rochester and Utica, New York."
845 CHAPIN, EDWARD D. "Recollections of Fitzhugh Street South of the Canal."
5644 CHAPIN, JOHN B. Brigham Hall, Canandaigua, N.Y., a Hospital for Mental and Nervous Diseases. Anniversary Address. C
2040 CHAPMAN, GEORGE W., comp. Manual of Canal Laws Relating to the New York State Canals; with References to the Decision of the Courts, the Canal Board and the Canal Appraisers, and a Chronological List of All the Statutes of This State,of a Public Nature, Relating to the Canals, from 1791 to August 1873. Together with the Canal Regulations, Rules, Forms, Rates of Toll, Names of Places, Table of Distances, etc., etc., Now in Force, as Established by the Canal Board.
591 CHAPMAN, RUSHA M. “West of Silver Lake in Pioneers Days.”
846 CHAPPELL, JANE M. "Livingston Park People and Traditions."
969 CHAPPELL, JOSEPHINE GREIG. “Early History of the Genesee Country-- Events and Men.”
4945 CHARLEVOIX, PIERRE FRANCOIS XAVIER DE. A Voyage to North-America: Undertaken by Command of the Present King of France. Containing the Geographical Description and Natural History of Canada and Louisiana
6333 CHARNOW, JODY ALLEN. New York's Oil and Gas Country.
1366 CHASE, ETHAN ALLEN A Maine Boy: The Journal of Ethan Allen Chase, 1832-1891.
1634 CHASE, HARRY A. “Notes on the Early History of the Industries of Rochester. II.--Shoes.”
3900 CHASE, HERMAN L. "Some Early Physicians of Palmyra."
2980 CHASE, JAMES S. Emergence of the Presidential Nominating Convention, 1789-1832.
1859 CHASE, MARGARET HATFIELD, and STUART. A Honeymoon Experiment.
4221 CHASE. ABNER. Recollections of the Past.
4957 CHATEAUBRIAND, FRANCOIS AUGUSTE RENE, VICOMTE DE. Chateaubriand's Travels in America, trans. Richard Switzer. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press, 1969. Switzer is also ed. of the definitive French version of Voyage en Amerique. Paris: Marcel Didier, 1964. 2 vols. A small portion is also trans. in George Moss, "Three Episodes in the History of the Genesee Valley."
4941 CHAUMONT, PIERRE. De la publication de la foy aux Iroquois Sonnontouaehronnons (Of the Preaching of the Faith td the Sonnontouaehronnon Iroquois.) The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, ed. Reuben Goldthwaites, Vol. 44, pp. 20-27.
1041 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. Joseph Ellicott and the Holland Land Company: The Opening of Western New York.
1038 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “Joseph Ellicott and the Bank of Niagara.”
1039 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “Joseph Ellicott, the Embargo, and the War of 1812.”
1040 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “The Van Eeghen Collection.”
1037 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “Joseph Ellicott and the Grand Canal.”
1034 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. Joseph Ellicott Enters Politics.
1035 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “Joseph Ellicott's Big Family.”
1036 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “Politics, Roads, and Taxes in the Holland Purchase.”
5664 CHEAL, WINSTON R. The First Decade: A Celebration of Faith.
5452 CHERNOW, BARBARA A. “Robert Morris and Alexander Hamilton: Two Financiers in New York,” pp. 77-98 in Business Enterprise in Early New York, ed. Joseph R. Frese and Jacob Judd. "
5453 CHERNOW, BARBARA A. “Robert Morris: Genesee Land Speculator,” New York History, 58 (1977), 194-220.
4258 CHESBROUGH, S.K.J. Defence of Rev. B.T. Roberts, A.M.
6100 CHESNUT, EUNICE. And Papa Cried Hoorah!, a Way of Life in the Nineteenth Century, as Reflected in the Correspondence and Memorabilia of the Dayton Samuel Morgan Family.
6670 CHIAVAROLI, LINDA. Operating Within Budget.
229 CHICHESTER, DARWIN. A Discourse Embodying Facts Connected with the Early Settlement and Growth of Mount Morris, Delivered at the Dedication of the Presbyterian Church Edifice, February 1, 1855.
6195 CHIERICI, ROSE MARIE. Making it to the Center: Migration and Adaptation Among Haitian Boat People.
6194 CHIERICI, ROSE-MARIE CASSAGNOL. Demele: "Making it", Migration and Adaptation Among Haitian Boat People in the United States.
2041 CHILD & BACKUS (firm.) The Edward Backus Method for Propelling Canal Boars by Steam.
1230 CHILD, HAMILTON. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Ontario County, N.Y., for 1867-8.
1236 CHILD, HAMILTON. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Orleans County, N.Y. for 1869.
1218 CHILD, HAMILTON. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Genesee County, N.Y., for 1869-70.
1258 CHILD, HAMILTON. Gazetteer end Business Directory of Monroe County, N.Y., for 1869-70.
1216 CHILD, HAMILTON. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Allegany County, N.Y. for 1875.
1245 CHILD, HAMILTON. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Wayne County, N.Y., for 1867-8.
1241 CHILD, HAMILTON.. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Seneca County, N.Y., for 1867-8.
5472 CHILD, HAMILTON, comp. Gazetteer and Business Directory of Wyoming County, N.Y., for 1870-1871.
141 CHILD, SETH. "Pioneers' Letters."
3250 CHIPMAN, SAMUEL. A Report to the Managers of the House for Idle and Truant Children, with Facts and Anecdotes Showing the Intellectual and Moral Improvement of the Children.
6214 CHITTENDEN, VARICK. The Danes of Yates County: The History and Traditional Arts of an Ethnic Community in the Finger Lakes Region of New York State.
2534 CHRISTENSEN, N.A. Monroe County Comprehensive Sewerage Study: Summary Report.
4508 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF THE LATTER DAY SAINTS. Angel Moroni Monument at Hill Cumorah near Palmyra, New York.
6707 CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY. Seventy-five years, 1877-1952: A History of the Church of the Epiphany, Rochester, N. Y.
2680 CHURCH WOMEN UNITED. Task Force on Courts. 3 vols.
4693 CHURCH, PHARCELLUS. An Address Delivered at the Dedication of Mount Hope Cemetery, Rochester, Oct. 2, 1838; and Repeated, by Request, before the
3218 CITIZENS PLANNING COUNCIL. Volunteer Opportunities--People Helping People.
2582 CITIZENS' PLANNING COUNCIL. Needs of the Elderly in the Model Cities Area, Rochester, New York.
3521 CIVIC COMMITTEE ON UNEMPLOYMENT. The Scope of the Adult Education Program in Rochester.
2623 CIVIC COMMITTEE ON UNEMPLOYMENT. Four Years' Experience with Self-Help or Subsistence Gardens in Monroe County, New York.
1861 CIVIC UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE. Rochester. What Rochester Industries Have Been Doing to Stabilize Sales, Production, and Employment.
1862 CIVIC UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE. Rochester. Second Report of the Civic Committee on Unemployment.
1863 CIVIC UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE. Rochester. Five Hundred Maladjusted Young People: A Special Study of Rochester Youth Who Are Admittedly Discontent with or Depressed by Their (resent Situation.
1860 CIVIC UNEMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE. Rochester. Rochester Civic Unemployment Committee.
6911 CLARK, DONNA K. Monroe County, New York Directory of Genealogical Records.
3115 CLARK, EDWARD W. "The Yazoo Pass Expedition."
645 CLARK, FRANCIS. “Monroe County.”
4439 CLARK, FRANKLIN W. The Origins of Spiritualism in America …
3539 CLARK, GRACE LIGHT. “History of Clover Street Seminary.”
234 CLARK, JOEL W. Miniature of Dansville Village: Humbly Inscribed to the First Settlers, and Their Immediate Descendants.
5123 CLARK, JOHN A. Gleanings by the Way.
1268 CLARK, JOHN G. The Grain Trade in the Old Northwest.
4440 CLARK, LEMUEL. Peddler's Protest, ed. Wheaton P. Webb.
3127 CLARK, LEWIS H. Military History of Wayne County, N.Y. Military Register, Wayne County in the Civil War, 1861-5.
3976 CLARK, LEWIS H. History of the Churches of Sodus. Sodus: 1876. 71 pp.
1248 CLARK, LEWIS H., JR., ed. Sodus--1901. An Atlas and Directory of the Town of Sodus and Sodus Bay.
5909 CLARK, LOUIS M. A Book of Facts About the City of Canandaigua, Ontario County, New York, 1789-1991.
5902 CLARK, LOUIS M. The Ontario County Historical Society Proudly Presents the Bicentennial Plate; The Official Commemorative Plate in Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of Ontario County, 1789-1989.
1178 CLARK, SYLVESTER J. H., comp. Early Rochesterians Index.
5729 CLARK, URIAH. Life-Sketches of Rev. George Henry Clark, by His Brother.
1734 CLARK, WALTER. "C.E. Kenneth Mees: Pioneer in Industrial Research."
3145 CLARK, WILLIAM F. The Charge on the Hindenburg Line and Other War Poems. A Brief History of Company B and Geneva's Honor Roll.
5099 CLARK, WILLIS G. The Literary Remains of the Late Willis Gaylord Clark…, ed. Lewis G. Clark.
5359 CLARKE HAZLETT, CHRISTOPHER. "Lost in Transition: The Story of West Bristol."
264 CLARKE, CAROLINE COWLES RICHARDS. Diary of Caroline Cowles Richards, 1852-1872, Canandaigua, N.Y.
120 CLAWSON, CORTEZ R. History of the Town of Alfred, New York, from the Earliest Times to the Present.
4181 CLAXTON, R. BETHELL. Parish Memories of Forty Years. An Anniversary Discourse in St. Luke's Church, Rochester, N.Y. …
3039 CLEMENT, ALICE C. “Winning the Vote for Women.”
5065 CLEVELAND, HOSES C. "Journal of a Tour from Riverhead, Long Island, to the Falls of Niagara in June 1831," ed. N.R. Howell.
629 CLEVELAND, STAFFORD C. History and Directory of Yates County, Containing a Sketch of Its Original Settlement by the Public Universal Friend, the Lessee Company and Others, with an Account of Individual Pioneers and Their Families ...
6912 CLINT, FLORENCE. New York Area Key; a Guide to the Genealogical Records of the State of New York including maps, histories, charts, and other helpful materials.
4995 CLINTON, DE WITT. "Private Canal Journal, 1810," pp. 27-204 in The Life and Writings of DeWitt Clinton, ed. William W. Campbell.
2015 CLINTON, DE WITT (Pseud. “Atticus”). Remarks on the Proposed Canal, from Lake Erie to the Hudson River.
2016 CLINTON, DE WITT. (Pseud. “Tacitus”). The Canal Policy of the State of New York: Delineated in a Letter to Robert Troup, Esquire.
5041 CLINTON, GEORGE W. Journal of a Tour from Albany to Lake Erie in 1826" .PBHS, 14 (1910), 277-305. 5042 Bereisung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, mit besonderer Hinsicht auf den Erie-Canal. Stuttgart: C.W. Loeflund, 1835. Part trans. By R.W.G. Vail as Duttenhofer's Drawing of the First Aqueduct at Rochester. Centennial History of Rochester, II (1932), 356-59. 5043 5044 Sketches of A Tour to the Lakes, of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians… Baltimore: Fielding Lucas, Jr., 1827. Repr. 1959 by Ross & Haines, Minneapolis. 5045 Sketch of a Journey through the Western States of North America, from New Orleans, by the Mississippi, Ohio, City of Cincinnati and Falls of Niagara, to New York, in 1827. London: John Miller, 1827. Repr. In Early Western Travels, ed. Thwaites, Vol. 19. Cleveland: 1905. 5046 Travels in North America, in the Years 1827 and 1828. Edinburgh: Cadell and Co., 1829. 3 vols. Repr. 1974 by Arno Press, New York. 5047 The Aristocratic Journey; Being the Outspoken Letters of Mrs. Basil Hall Written during a Fourteen Months' Sojourn America, 1827-1828, ed. Una Pope-Hennessy. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1931. 5048 A Journal of Travel from New York to Indiana in 1827."
1635 CLOTHIERS' EXCHANGE. Rochester. Facts about the Clothing Industry of Rochester, N.Y.
1636 CLOTHIERS' EXCHANGE. Review of the Accomplishments of the Rochester Clothing Industry for the Year 1919.
5445 CLUNE, HENRY W. I Always Liked It Here: Reminiscences of a Rochesterian. Rochester: Friends of the University of
781 CLUNE, HENRY W. "Why I Live in Rochester."
5866 CLUNE, HENRY W. The Genesee.
70 CLUNE, HENRY. The Genesee. (“Rivers of America”)
2364 CLUNE, HENRY. Seen & Heard: Selections from Seen & Heard.
881 CLUNE, HENRY W. Main Street Beat.
882 CLUNE, HENRY W. The Rochester I know. .
2363 CLUNE, HENRY. Seen & Heard: Selections from Seen & Heard.
2365 CLUNE, HENRY. The Best of Henry Clune in the Democrat & Chronicle.
2202 CLYDE & SODUS BAY RAILROAD COMPANY. Clyde and Sodus Bay Railroad. Engineer's Report, and Statement of the Directors. ...
941 COAPMAN, DAVID. "The Grave of Sam Patch."
5007 COATES, BENJAMIN H. Journal of a Trip to Niagara Commenced 8 Mon. 22. 1817.
4907 COATES, HILDA A. "Popular Rural Dramas in Rochester, 1900-1915."
2348 COATES, HILDA A. "Some Aspects of Rochester Journalism in the 1890's."
847 COATES, HILDA A. "Purple Passages from a Mauve Decade."
3853 COATES, HILDA A. “The Fatal Weed.”
883 COATES, ROBERT M. The View from Here.
4640 COBBLESTONE SOCIETY OF NEW YORK. Our Cobblestone Heritage: Being Accounts of the Church and Schoolhouse at Childs in the Town of Gaines, Orleans County, N.Y., Related Events, Persons and the Cobblestone Society.
5094 COBDEN, RICHARD. The American Diaries of Richard Cobden, ed. Elizabeth Hoon Cawley.
4037 COBER, R. LA RUE. Castle Town: An Historiette of Southwest Rochester, and the History and Program of Genesee Baptist Church.
3116 COCHRANE, HESTER H., ed. "The 108th at Chancellorsville as Described by Samuel D. Porter, Jr., to His Family."
3334 COCHRANE, HESTER HOPKINS. "The Great Auburn Tournament."
204 COE, AMOS D. "Conesus."
2914 COFFEY, JOHN J. A Political History of the Temperance Movement in New York State, 1808-1920.
4053 COIT, ALBERT. First Baptist Church, Wellsville, N.Y. Re-Dedicated, Tuesday, Nov. 20, 1888. Historical Sermon ...
5072 COKE, EDWARD THOMAS. A Subaltern's Furlough: Descriptive of Scenes, in Various Parts of the United States, Upper and Lower Canada, New-Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, during the Summer and Autumn of 1832.
4972 COLBERT, EDOUARD CHARLES VICTURNIEN, COMTE DE MAULEVRIER. -50.) Voyage dans l'Interier des Etats-Unis et au Canada, ed. Gilbert Chinard. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press, 1935. Part trans. by R.W.G. Vail, "The Genesee Country in 1798."
1278 COLE, ASAHEL N. The New Agriculture; or, the Waters Led Captive.
6885 COLE, GAROLD L. Travels in America from the Voyages of Discovery to the Present, an Annotated Bibliography of Travel Articles in Periodicals, 1955-1980.
3695 COLE, GEORGE W. "Early Library Development in New York State (1800 1900."
4633 COLE, GLYNDON. "Granger Homestead."
4641 COLE, MARC W. "A Master Builder of the Early Nineteenth Century."
4276 COLEMAN, JOHN G. “Some Early History of the Geneva Presbytery.”
1081 COLES, HOWARD W. City Directory of Negro Business and Progress, 1939-40.
1082 COLES, HOWARD W. The Cradle of Freedom: A History of the Negro in Rochester, Western New York and Canada.
5903 COLF, MARY LOEPER, JOHN I. LOEPER, and RUTH NIGHTINGALE. All Name Index to History of Ontario Co., New York.
5645 COLGAN, MARGARET. “The Genesee.”
3612 COLGATE-ROCHESTER DIVINITY SCHOOL. The Exercises of Dedication, October 20 and 21, 1932 ...
3680 COLLINS, ANNE R. "The Reynolds Library."
6301 COLLINS, DOUGLAS. The Story of Kodak.
6405 COLLINS, JOHN F. Rochester's Little-Known Subway.
2180 COLLINS, JOHN F., JR., and ROBERT C. GERLING. "The Rochester Branch of the Erie."
3320 COLLINS, LEWIS D. One Hundredth Anniversary, Western Star Chapter, No. 35, R.A.M.
4694 COLLINS, ROWLAND L. A Pocket Guide to Mt. Hope Cemetery.
6828 COLLINS, ROWLAND L. The Lillian Fairchild Award, 1924-74.
1306 COLMAN, GOULD P. "Government and Agriculture in New York State."
1307 COLMAN, GOULD P. Education & Agriculture: A History of the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University.
3010 COLMAN, LUCY N. Reminiscences.
1042 COLT, JUDAH. Judah Colt's Narrative. Experiences as Pioneer Surveyor in Western New York, and as Agent for the Pennsylvania Population Company, 1789-1808.
3930 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. School of Public Health & Administrative Medicine. Prepayment for Medical and Dental Care in New York State: A Report on the Seven Blue Shield Plans ... Serving New York Residents.
4555 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. Avery Architectural Library. Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, 2d ed.
5119 COMBE, GEORGE. Notes on the United States of North America during a Phrenological Visit in 1838-9-40.
4469 COMLY, JOHN. Journal of the Life and Religious Labours of John Comly, Late of Byberry, Pennsylvania.
3261 COMMUNITY CHEST. A Study of the Child-Caring Services of Rochester, June, 1937.
3220 COMMUNITY CHEST. Directory of Community Services in Rochester and Monroe County.
3283 COMMUNITY CHEST. A Survey of the Care of the Aged of Rochester, New York.
3198 COMMUNITY CHEST. ... A Record of Fifteen Years to March 31, 1933, Giving Detailed Information Concerning the Amount Pledged, Amount Collected, A Amount Paid Out and Purposes for Which Expended, together with Costs of Oper-ation.
3262 COMMUNITY CHEST. A Survey of the Character Building Agencies in Rochester, New York.
3199 COMMUNITY CHEST. A Survey of the Family Agencies and Certain. Related Ser vices of Rochester, New York.
3200 COMMUNITY CHEST. This Is Your Community Chest: Its History, Philosophy and Operation.
3201 COMMUNITY CHEST. Community Social Services--Needs, Priorities and Long-Range Plan.
3274 COMMUNITY CHEST. Coordination and Centralization of Day Care Services in the Greater Rochester Area, March 1975-April 1976. ... Final Report.
4877 COMMUNITY CHORUS OF ROCHESTER. “The Messiah,” George Frederick Handel, by the Community Chorus for Rochester.
4720 COMSTOCK, HELEN. “History in Houses--Rochester, New York.”
4222 CONABLE, FRANCIS W. History of the Genesee Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, from Its Organization by Bishops Asbury and McKendree in 1810, to the Year 1872 ...
19 CONDON, GEORGE E. Stars in the Water; the Story of the Erie Canal.
1946 CONGDON, CHARLES H., ed. Geneva, New York, the Lakeside City: Its lndustrial, Social, Educational and Residential Advantages.
3623 CONGDON, LAFAYETTE. "The History and Influence of Genesee Weleyan Seminary."
4277 CONGREGATIONAL CHURCHES IN CONNECTICUT. General Association. A Narrative of the Missions to the New Settlements According to the Appointment of The General Association of the State of Connecticut ...
1469 CONKLIN, HOWARD E. "Seneca County Agriculture: A Statistical Summary by Economic Land Class, 551 Full-Time Commercial Farms, Seneca County, New York."
1468 CONKLIN, HOWARD E. "An Economic Classification of Rural Land, Seneca County, New York."
1321 CONKLIN, HOWARD E., and HERBERT K. SCOTT. "An Economic Classification of Farming Areas, Towns of Caledonia and York, Livingston County, New York."
1439 CONKLIN, HOWARD E., and ROBERT E. LINTON. The Nature and Distribution of Farming in New York State.
3825 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., comp. Fred R. Driesbach, M.D., Dansville Hospital Pioneer.
2378 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., comp. F.A. Owen of Dansville: Educational Publisher--Instructor Magazine Founder--Industrialist--Dedicated Citizen; Con-tributions by Persons Who Knew Mr. Owen ...
3931 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., comp. Clara Barton and Dansville, together with Supplementary Materials. Compiled with the Approval of Clara Barton Chapter No. 1 The American National Red Cross ...
3696 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D. Acorn to Oak: The Story of the Dansville Library.
3811 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., comp. The Jackson Health Resort: Pioneer in Its Field, as Seen by Those Who Knew It Well ...
6336 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., compiler. Dansville Board of Trade, What It Did for the Community.
6582 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., compiler. Vassar College and the Rochester Region.
6039 CONLEY, RAYMOND and DAVID ROCHE, compilers. St. Joseph Cemetery, Perry, N. Y.
5614 CONNOLLY, BRUCE E. A History of the Library of the New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University.
4120 CONNORS, THOMAS F. History of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Thirtieth Anniversary, 1902-1932.
387 CONOVER, GEORGE S. "Skoi-yase," pp. 314-25 in The Centennial Celebration of General Sullivan's Campaign against the Iroquois, in 1779. Held at Waterloo, September 3rd, 1879.
388 CONOVER, GEORGE S. Echoes of Seneca Lake, or the Reminiscences of a Centenarian.
992 CONOVER, GEORGE S. The Genesee Tract. Cessions between New York and Massachusetts. The Phelps and Gorham Purchase. Robert Morris. Captain Charles Williamson and the Pulteney Estate.
287 CONOVER, GEORGE S. Early History of Geneva.
4000 CONRATH, ELMER, E. Historical Sketch of the First Baptist Church, Cuba, New York ...
2981 CONVENTION OF DELEGATES OPPOSED TO FREE MASONRY. Proceedings of a Convention of Delegates Opposed to Free Masonry, which Met at LeRoy, Genesee Co., N.Y., March 6, 1828.
418 COOK, A. ISABELLA. Pioneer History of Sodus Point, N.Y.
3401 COOK, HELEN M. "The Sponsor Keeps a Diary."
5372 COOK, ROBERT G. A History of Canandaigua Lake.
409 COOK, THOMAS L. Palmyra and Vicinity.
6267 COOK, TOM. Remembering a Genesee Lumber Camp.
3771 COOKSLEY, FLORENCE A. A History of Medicine in the State of New York and the County of Monroe.
153 COOLEY, LA VERNE C., comp. Tombstone Inscriptions from the Abandoned Cemeteries and Farm Burials of Genesee County.
2071 COOLEY, LYMAN E. Location of Barge Canal and Harbor at Rochester, N.Y.
584 COON, WILLIAM H. “The Pioneer of Varysburg.”
686 COONEY, HELEN D. An Outline of the Development of Honeoye Falls.
633 COONS, JESSIE and ROBERT. “Italy, Yates County.”
5630 COONS, W.R. “Books and People Behind Bars at Attica.”
5952 COOPER, DAVID E. Friendly Folks and Proud,
4993 COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE. Lives of Distinguished American Naval Officers,
1967 COOPER, RUTH. "The History of Iron Mining in Ontario."
4994 COOPER, THOMAS. "A Ride to Niagara."
985 COOPER, THOMAS. Some Information Respecting America.
338 COPELAND, DAVID S. History of Clarendon from 1810 to 1888.
4322 COPELAND, J. Semi-Centennial Discourse on the Organization of the Presbyterian Church at Holley, New York.
82 CORBETT, JOHN. The Lake Country. An Annal of Olden Days in Central New York, The Land of Gold.
1387 CORBETT, ROGER B. "An Economic Study Concerning the Operations of Fruit and Vegetable Shippers in Western New York."
1375 CORBETT, ROGER B. "An Economic Study of Certain Phases of Fruit Marketing in Western New York."
3090 COREY, ALBERT B. “The Civil War and Your Community.”
5487 CORNELIUS, VICTOR, and THELMA PALMITER. Cheese and the Depot.
5841 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Guide to Historical Resources in Monroe County, New York, Repositories. Vol. l: Monroe County Repositories. Vol. 2: American Baptist Historical Society and Colgate-Rochester Divinity School. Vol. 3: University of Rochester.
5842 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Guide to Historical Resources in Ontario County, New York, Repositories.
5843 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Guide to Historical Resources in Orleans County, New York, Repositories.
5844 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Guide to Historical Resources in Seneca County, New York, Repositories.
5845 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Guide to Historical Resources in Wayne County, New York, Repositories.
5846 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Guide to Historical Resources in Wyoming County, New York, Repositories.
5847 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Guide to Historical Resources in Yates County, New York, Repositories.
5839 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Guide to Historical Resources in Genesee County, New York, Repositories.
5840 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Guide to Historical Resources in Livingston County, New York, Repositories.
5838 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. New York Historical Resources Center. Guide to Historical Resources in Allegany County, New York, Repositories.
5281 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Libraries. Collection of Regional History. Report of the Curator…, 1942-45, 1945-46, 1946-48, 1948-50, 1950-54, 1954-58, 1958-62, 1962-66 (final).
3387 CORNELL UNIVERSITY. School of Education. An Audit of the Educational Program of the Geneva Public Schools. Prepared for the Board of Education ...
4470 CORNELL, JOHN J. Autobiography of John J. Cornell, Containing an Account of His Religious Experiences and Travels in the Ministry.
3799 CORNER, BETSY C. “Rochester's Early Medical School.”
3800 CORNER, BETSY C. “Early Medical Education in Western New York, Geneva, and Rochester Areas, 1827 to 1872.”
3772 CORNER, BETSY C. A Century of Medicine in Rochester: Early Physicians and Medical Institutions.
3673 CORNER, GEORGE W. George Hoyt Whipple and His Friends: The Life-Story of a Nobel Prize Pathologist.
2706 CORNICK, PHILIP H. A Report to the State Planning Council of New York. on the Problems Created by the Premature Subdivision of Urban Lands in Selected Metropolitan Districts in the State of New York.
4649 CORNWALL, FLORENCE FORBES. Our Village Hall: A Historical Sketch,
4908 CORRIS, WILL. "Mr. Corris and 'The Lyceum,'" as told to Virginia Jeffrey Smith.
5837 CORSARO, JAMES, and MARILYN DOUGLAS, comps. Gateway to America: Genealogical Research in the New York State Library.
4314 CORWIN, G.S. History of a Country Church for Forty Years and of a Pastorate for Twenty-Five Years.
4752 COSTA, ERVILLE. "Claude F. Bragdon, Architect, Stage Designer, and Mystic."
3826 COTTLE, MAURICE H. “Reconstructive: John Orlando Roe, Pioneer in Modern Rhinoplasty.”
3091 COTTONE, CHARLES J. Livingston County, 1859-1865; Abolitionist or Union-ist.
5615 COTTRELL, HELEN C. "The Technical Institute, Village of Alfred, 1909."
5616 COTTRELL, HELEN C. "Marriage by Microscope (Dr. Watson's Bee Study).
5329 COTTRELL, HELEN. "Alfred History--A Sketch."
3554 COULSON, CUTLER J. The Development of the Public Secondary School Curriculum in Rochester, New York, from 1903 to 1935.
2350 COULTER, E. MERTON. Daniel Lee, Agriculturist: His Life North and South.
1159 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Rochester, New York, 1940: An Atlas of Population Variables by Census Tracts ...
1160 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Rochester, New York, III: An Atlas of the Ecological Patterns of the City's Social Problems.
3215 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Volunteer Handbook.
3216 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Directory of Health, Welfare and Recreation Services, Rochester and Monroe County, N.Y.
3217 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Directory of Community Services in Rochester and Monroe County, 1970.
3224 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. A Report on the Self-Studies of the Five Rochester Settlements and the Report of the City-Wide Settlement of Study Com-mittee.
3284 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Study of the Care of the Aged in Rochester, New York.
1158 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Rochester, New York, 1940; a Graphic Interpretation of Population Data by Census Tracts ...
2583 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Social and Health Services in the Model Cities Area, Rochester, New York; An Analysis of Health and Social Services Offered to 200 to the Model Cities Population Based on Agency Inventory and Community Survey.
3263 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Memorandum on the Child Welfare Program, Rochester, New York.
2590 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Report on Housing of Families under Care of Rochester Social Agencies.
2591 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Housing of Families Served by Family Caring Agencies, Rochester, New York.
1161 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Rochester, New York, IV: A Study of the Mobility of the City's Population.
3202 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Some Facts, Policies and Recommendations Per-taining to the Social Agencies of Rochester, N.Y.
2713 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Monroe County Township Directory of Streets and House Numbers by Census Tracts, 1959.
2566 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. The Human Side of Urban Renewal: A Report ...
3204 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Where We've Been and Where We Are: Some Facts about Health and Welfare Services and Expenditures.
3205 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Supplement or Substitute: An Introduction to Long Range Planning for the Social Services of Rochester and Monroe County.
3203 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Cost and Volume of Social Work in Rochester, New York.
3275 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Finding More Foster Homes: A Special. Re-cruitment Campaign.
2504 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Rochester House Numbers by Census Tracts.
1864 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Emergency Work Relief Program, Rochester, New York, 1930-31.
1865 COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES. Report of the Committee on Household Employment.
4980 COVELL, LEMUEL. A Narrative of a Missionary Tour through the Western Settlements of the State of New York, and into the Southwestern Parts of the Province of Upper Canada ...
1009 COWAN, HELEN I. “Williamsburg: Lost Village on the Genesee.”
1008 COWAN, HELEN I. “Charles Williamson and the Southern Entrance to the Genesee Country.”
1007 COWAN, HELEN I. Charles Williamson: Genesee Promoter--Friend of Anglo- American Rapprochement.
1010 COWAN, HELEN I., and A.J.H. RICHARDSON, eds. William Berczy's Williamsburg Documents.
362 COWING, JANET. The Streets of Seneca Falls.
363 COWING, JANET. "Some Early Advertisements."
1961 COWING, JANET McKAY. "Early Milliners of Seneca Falls."
3975 COWING, Mrs. Philo, and S.F. FRAZIER. "Early Churches of Junius."
390 COWLES, GEORGE W., ed. Landmarks of Wayne County, New York.
5095 COX, FRANCIS A., and J. HOBY. The Baptists in America; A Narrative of the Deputation from the Baptist Union in England, to the United States and Canada.
1011 COX, ISAAC J. Hispanic-American Phases of the 'Burr Conspiracy.'
4471 COX, JOHN, JR. Quaker Records in New York. New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, 45 (1914), 263-69, 366-73.
4472 COX, JOHN, JR., and PERCY CLAPP. Quakers in Rochester and Monroe County.”
2694 COX, ROGER. Crime in Monroe County, 1960, 1964, 1970-1973.
2351 , COX, STEPHEN W. "Early Agricultural Papers."
1458 CRABB, G.A., and others. "Soil Survey of Monroe County, New York." Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1910, PP. 43-91 and map.
1219 CRAFT, A.J. Genesee County Business Directory ... Containing Sketches of the Early Pioneers of the Holland Purchase: Sketches of the Towns and Their Early Settlers ...
1376 CRAIG, JOHN, ed. "An Apple Orchard Survey of Wayne County, New York."
3856 CRANE, CAROLINE BARTLETT. “The Crane Arraignment of Our Housing Code.
3855 CRANE, CAROLINE BARTLETT. A Sanitary Survey of Rochester, N.Y.
3854 CRANE, CAROLINE BARTLETT. “Preliminary Survey of the Sanitary Survey of Rochester.”
3857 CRANE, CAROLINE BARTLETT. “Rochester's Dangerous Meat Supply.”
4158 CRAPSEY, ALGERNON SIDNEY. The Last of the Heretics.
2667 CRAPSEY, ARTHUR H., comp. County Manager Government in Effect in the County of Monroe, State of New York.
1377 CRAVENS, M.E. "Retail and Wholesale Distribution of Apples in Upstate New York."
662 CRAWFORD, EDWARD G. "Boyhood on the Genesee, Long, Long Ago."
6253 CREEK, ALMA BURNER. A Business Library for Ellwanger and Barry.
6254 CREEK, ALMA BURNER. A Family Story: The Ellwangers and the Barrys.
5288 CREEK, ALMA BURNER. Maps of the Genesee Valley & Finger Lakes Region 1776-1950.
6272 CREEK, ALMA BURNER. Bombyx Mori and Americans: Or, Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.
1682 CREIGHTON, J.D.. The Story of Rochester's Leading Hotel, Club and Restaurant Men.
1735 CRITTENDEN, A. WHITMAN. Kodak Park 50 Years Ago; A Boy's Eye-View of 1904.
2681 CROFT, ELIZABETH BENZ. A Plan for Court and Probation Services.
2695 CROFT, ELIZABETH BENZ. Justice Detained; A Pilot Study of Defendants Confined in the Monroe County Jail.
2696 CROFT, ELIZABETH BENZ. Rochester-Monroe County Criminal Justice Pilot City Pro gram. Final Report.
478 CROMWELL, FRANCES. “A Pioneer Family of Covington.”
2697 CRONIN, ROBERTA C., and GRETCHEN L. DEFABAUGH. The Impact of Alcohol Offenses on the Criminal Justice System in Monroe County, New York.
2682 CRONIN, ROBERTA C., and LOIS K. HORWITZ. The Court System in Monroe County, New York.
4441 CRONISE, ADELBERT. The Beginnings of Modern Spiritualism In and Near Rochester.
1103 CROSS, FLORENCE L. "Living Conditions among the Italian Laborers."
4509 CROSS, WHITNEY R. “Mormonism in the 'Burned-Over District.'“
3946 CROSS, WHITNEY R. The Burned-Over District: The Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York, 1800-1850.
744 CROSS, WHITNEY R. "Creating a City: The History of Rochester from 1827 to 1834."
2181 CROUCH, GEORGE. Erie under Gould and Fisk: A Comparison of the Past and Present Management Respectfully Dedicated to the Stockholders and Bondholders Generally.
3092 CROWELL, EARL. The Economic Conditions in Rochester and Vicinty during the Civil War.
2402 CROWLEY, RICHARD F. Radio Station WHAM, Rochester, New York: Its Origin, Development and Programming Practices, 1922-1941.
3063 CRUIKSHANK, ERNEST. Queenston Heights.
4538 CRYSTAL, DAVID. The Displaced Person and the Social Agency: A Study of the Casework Process in Its Relation to Immigrant Adjustment.
134 CUBA BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION. The Album, Cuba, New York; Being a Collection of Photographs Cherished over the Years by the Citizens There of ...
5887 CUMMING, JOHN, ed. A Missionary Among the Senecas: The Journal of Abel Bingham, 1822-1828.
2982 CUMMINGS, WILLIAM L. A Bibliography of Anti-Masonry,
666 CUMPSTON, DOROTHY. The Building of Brighton, a Town with an Interesting Past and a Promising Future.
4634 CUNNINGHAM, ANNA K. "Parrott Hall--An Italian Villa in Upstate New York."
1293 CUNNINGHAM, L. C. "Commercial Farming, Central Plain Region, New York, 1953-54."
1344 CUNNINGHAM, L.C. “Costs and. Returns in Producing Milk, Plateau Region, New York, 1957-58.”
1342 CUNNINGHAM, L.C. “Costs and Returns in Producing Milk, Central Plain Region, New York, 1953-54.”
1343 CUNNINGHAM, L.C. “Commercial Dairy Farming, Plateau Region, New York, 1957-58.”
1345 CUNNINGHAM, L.C., and R.G. WELTS. “Changes in Commercial Dairy Farming, Central Plain Region, New York, 1954-1964.”
5115 CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT W. "Travels of Robert Cunningham … as Told to His Aunt, Agnes Jeffrey."
5450 CUPERY, TIB and MARY BETH PRATT. Kidding Around Rochester: The Children's Guidebook to Monroe-County.
4242h CURRY, Mrs. Reed V. Directory and History of the First M.E. Church, ... Lima, N.Y, 1900.
1674 CURTICE-BURNS, Inc. C-B Foods ...
2314 CURTISS, W.M. "Development of Highway Administration and Finance in New York.
6664 CUSHING, HARVEY. The Pioneer Medical Schools of Central New York, an Address at the Centenary Celebration of The College of Medicine of Syracuse University.
5631 CUSHING, HENRIETTA S A History of the Avon Free Library, 1914-1978.
4292h CUSHING, HENRIETTA S. First Presbyterian Church, Batavia, N.Y. Sesquicentennial History and Scrap Book, 1809-1959. 72 pp.
4737 CUTLER, HOWARD W., architect. Some Recent Work of Howard W. Cutler, Architect.
3934 CUTLER, JAMES G. Address of Hon. James G. Cutler, Mayor, before the Rochester Ministerial Association, January 30, 1905.
514 CUTLER, JOSHUA E. “Extracts from the Diary of Joshua E. Cutler,” ed. Howard C. Lyon.
4796 CUTTEN, GEORGE E. "The Silversmiths of Central New York."
4797 CUTTEN, GEORGE B. "Ten Silversmith Families of New York State."
4897 CUTTING, EDITH. "A York State Songbag: The Douglass-Stevens Manuscript."
6816 CZERKAS, JEAN. Alling Stephen DeForest, Landscape Architect, 1875-1957.
5019 D’ARUSMONT, FRANCES WRIGHT Views of Society and Manners in America; by an Englishwoman …
3697 DAGHLIAN, PHILIP B. "'The Farmers' Library."
3755 DAKIN, RALPH K. The Rochester Academy of Science.
2592 DALE, JOHN. "The Rochester Plan Ten Years Later."
2561 DALTON, CHARLES R. Five Years of Municipal Research in the City of Rochester, New York: A History of Achievement.
5018 DALTON, WILLIAM. Travels in the United States of America, and Part of Upper Canada.
6829 D'AMBROSIO, PAUL S. and CHARLOTTE M. EMANS. Folk Art's Many Faces, Portraits in the New York State Historical Association.
4307 DANA, W.E. (History of the First Presbyterian Church of Avon at East Avon.)
4896 DANA, W.E. (Paper on 19th century musical activity in Livingston County.)
884 DANFORTH, Mrs. Henry G. "Rochester's Gay Nineties."
1269 DANHOF, CLARENCE H. Change in Agriculture: The Northern United States, 1820-1870.
6685 DANIEL, CARL ADOLF. Geschichte der Ersten Deutschen Baptisten-Gemeinde zu Rochester, N. Y., wahrend Ihres Funfzig-jahrigen Bestehens.
5013 DARBY, WILLIAM. A Tour from the City of New-York, to Detroit, in the Michigan Territory, Made between the 2d of May and the 22d of September, 1818.
1556 DARCY, GEORGE R. “The Soaring Sixties No Myth for Rochester Area.”
962 DARCY, MARTHA HARBRECHT. Living in Rochester.
4837 DARROW, C.K. Ye Citie of Rochester, Illustrated.
5106 DAUBENY, CHARLES. Journal of a Tour through the United States, and in Canada, Made during the Years 1837-39.
1378 DAVEY, LANCE, and others. "Economic Performance of Mechanical Tree Fruit Harvesters."
5307 DAVIDSON, MARSHALL B. New York: A Pictorial History.
6279 DAVIS, BILL. Rochester Manufacturing at 200.
2915 DAVIS, DAVID B. “Some Themes of Counter-Subversion: An Analysis of Anti- Masonic, Anti-Catholic, and Anti-Mormon Literature.”
2983 DAVIS, DAVID B. “Some Themes of Counter-Subversion: An Analysis of Anti-Masonic, Anti-Catholic, and Anti-Mormon Literature.”
4510 DAVIS, DAVID BRION. “The New England Origins of Mormonism.”
192 DAVIS, E.H. Avon.
782 DAVIS, JOHN E. "Here's Rochester, New York."
4329 DAVIS, JOSEPHINE B. Sesqui-Centennial, First Presbyterian Church, 1806-1956, Livonia Center, New York.
635 DAVIS, MILES A. History of Jerusalem.
226 DAVIS, MINERVA. Reminiscences of Eighty Years Ago.
5077 DAVIS, STEPHEN. Notes of a Tour in America, in 1832 and 1833.
6113 DAVIS, WILLIAM T. One Man and the River.
6114 DAVIS, WILLIAM T. The Search for Rochester's Earliest Inhabitants; on the Trail with George Harris, the Pathfinder.
4788 DAVISON, MARY E., and others. "New York State Potters and Potteries."
5429 DAY, DAVID H. The Life and Death of a Family Farm: Archaeology, History and Landscape Change in Brighton,
6046 DAY, JULIA PEARL KEENEY. Backward Turn Backward.
4278 DAYTON, CHARLES H., and JOHN G. COLEMAN. A Brief History of the Presbytery of Geneva and a Tribute to Some Early Ministers ... Sesquicentennial of the Presbytery of Geneva, 1805-1955.
54 DE CAMP, L. SPRAGUE. "Pronunciation of Upstate New York Place-Names."
5396 DE FILLIPPS, MARSHA L., comp. Index of Personal Names in Landmarks of Orleans County, New York, by Isaac Signor, 1894.
3803 DE LANCEY, MARGARET MUNRO. "Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell's Graduation—An Eye-Witness Account by Margaret Munro DeLancey," ed. Wendell Tripp.
5566 DE LONG, DENNIS R. “Reapportionment, Representativeness, and Rural County Legislatures in New York State.”
5352 DE LONG, HERMON W., SR. Boy Hood Reminiscences (Life in Dansville--1855-1872), with Other Sketches, comp. by William D. Conklin.
2292 DE WITT, BENJAMIN. "A Sketch of the Turnpike Roads in the State of New-York."
6143 DE ZAFRA, DOROTHEA M. Charlotte's Lighthouse and Its River: How They Came to Be.
5008 DEAN, THOMAS. Journal of Thomas Dean. A Voyage to Indiana in 1817," ed. John C. Dean.
5118 DEARBORN, HENRY A.S. "Journals of Henry A.S. Dearborn. A Record of Councils with the Seneca and Tuscarora Indians at Buffalo and Cattaraugus in the Years 1838 and 1839."
1532 DECKER, GEORGE P. The Riparian Right and Power Conservation in New York.
3607 DEDMAN, W. WAYNE. Cherishing This Heritage: The Centennial History of the State University College at Brockport, New York.
2691 DEFABAUGH, GRETCHEN L. The Juvenile Justice System in Monroe County, New York.
1503 DEFEBAUGH, JAMES. E. History of Lumber Industry of America.
5992 DEGOLYER, CALVIN S., Jr. Another View of Castile.
6522 DEGOLYER, CALVIN. The Castile Community Club.
6268 DEGOLYER, CALVIN. Whaley's Saw Mill.
5991 DEGOYLER, CALVIN. The House Above the Valley.
1279 DELAFIELD, JOHN. "A General View and Agricultural Survey of the County of Seneca."
5012 DELAFIELD, JOSEPH. The Unfortified Boundary: A Diary of the First Survey of the Canadian Boundary Line from St. Regis to the Lake of the Woods, ed. Robert McElroy & Thomas Riggs.
364 DELAVAN, ELIZABETH. Upstate Family.
365 DELAVAN, ELIZABETH. Upstate Tillage.
5938 DELAVAN, ELIZABETH. Lake Country Views.
4635 DELAVAN, Mrs. Byron H. Granger Homestead, Canandaigua, New York. Canandaigua: Granger Homestead Society, n.d. 16 pp.
235 DeLONG, H.W. Boyhood Reminiscences: Dansville, N.Y., 1855-1865.
1508 DEMAREE, ALBERT L. The American Agricultural Press, 1819-1860.
1557 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. “Rochester Progress.”
1558 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. “The New City; Greater Rochester 1967: More than a Million.”
2721 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. Regional Planning in Monroe County, New York.
2366 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. What One Newspaper Has Done to Show the Cost of Government. Reprints Of a Series from the Democrat Chronicle, Rochester, New York on the Cost of Government in Rochester and Monroe County, N.Y. ...
2368 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. City Planning: Rochester's Next Important Task. Re prints of a Series of Articles Published in the Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, N.Y.
2367 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. The Ideals of a Modern Newspaper: Reprints of Editorials on Newspaper Practices and Ideals …
4738 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. The Beauty around Us.
3555 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. The Public School Program: Reprints of a Series of Articles Describing the Program of Instruction Pursued in the Public Schools of Rochester, New York, Published in 1926 in the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
4925 DENGLER, DOROTHY. "Dan Rice, the Circus Clown, as Rochester Knew Him."
1683 DENGLER, DOROTHY. “J.L.D. Mathies, Genial Host of Early Rochester.”
909 DENGLER, DOROTHY. "Tales of Buried Treasure in Rochester."
3213 DENNIS, ALICE MARKHAM. "Rochester Social Service Directory."
2254 DENNIS, E. WILLARD. They Said It Couldn't Be Done, But, Port Future Looks Bright.
6786 DENNIS, JOHN. Highland Park North, a Delightful Part of the City Beautiful.
1802 DESSAUER, JOHN H. My Years with Xerox: The Billions Nobody Wanted. .
1803 DESSAUER, JOHN H., and HAROLD E. CLARK, eds. Xerography and Related Processes. London; Focal Press, 1965. 520 pp.
4066 DEUTHER, CHARLES G. The Life and Times of the Rt. Rev. John Timon, D. D., First Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Buffalo.
1602 DEVEREAUX, NICHOLAS. “Report of Nicholas Devereaux, Esqu. to the President of the New-York Life Insurance and Trust Company.”
741 DEVOY, JOHN, comp. Rochester and the Post Express. A History of the City of Rochester from the Earliest Times; The Pioneers and Their Predecessors--Frontier Life in the Genesee Country--Biographical Sketches; with a Record of the Post Express.
811 DEWEY, CHARLES A. "Nathaniel Rochester: Patriot-Pioneer-Founder."
4442 DEWEY, DELLON. … History of the Strange Sounds or Rappings, Heard in Rochester and Western New-York, and Usually Called the Mysterious Noises! Which Are Supposed by Many to he Communications from the Spirit World, together with All the Explanation That Can as Yet Be Given of the Matter.
4146 DEXTER, VIRGINIA A. St. Paul's Parish ...
6432 DIBELLA, GINA M. Rochester Radio Remembered: A Series of Profiles on Early Rochester Radio Personalities.
885 DIENSTAG, ELEANOR. Whither Thou Goest: The Story of an Uprooted Wife.
2148 DIETTERLE, OTTO C. "Road Talk."
4388 DILL, JAMES H. “Congregationalism in Western New York.”
1603 DILLISTIN, WLLLIAM R. Historical Directory of the Banks of the State of New York.
4800 DINSE JEAN MERRELL. “Private Art Collections in Rochester.”
5454 DIPPEL, HORST. “German Emigration to the Genesee Country in 1792: An Episode in German-American Migration,” pp. 161-69 in Germany and America: Essays on Problems of International Relations and Immigration, ed. Hans L. Trefousse.
1191 DISTURNELL, JOHN. A Gazetteer of the State of New-York ...
127 DIXSON, JOHN B., SR. My Father's Old-Fashioned Drug Store.
5302 DOANE, GILBERT H. Searching for Your Ancestors: The How and Why of Genealogy.
6167 DOBROVITZ, PETE. Rochestrivia: An Illuminating Look at Rochester.
3858 DODGE, CHARLES W. “Making Diphtheria Antitoxin Serum: An Episode in the Medical History of Rochester.”
6817 DOELL, M. CHRISTINE KLIM. Gardens of the Gilded Age: Nineteenth-Century Gardens and Homegrounds of New York State.
6818 DOELL, M. CHRISTINE KLIM. Verdant Frames: Plant Portraits from the Ellwanger and Barry Collection.
1434 DOMINICK, BENNETT A., JR. "The Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry in New York State."
2916 DONALD, AIDA DI PACE. Prelude to Civil War: The Decline of the Whig Party in New York, 1848-1852.
2938 DONALD, AIDA DI PACE. "The Decline of Whiggery and the Formation of the Republican Party in Rochester: 1848-1856."
6372 DONALDSON, C. F., Jr. Rochester Vignette.
2593 DONALDSON, PAUL J., comp. Directory of Apartment Houses and Apartment House Owners.
6787 DONEGAN, FRANK. A Picture-Perfect Home.
5766 DONOHUE, MARY, ed. A Survey of the Village of Lodi, Seneca County, New York. Prepared by Preservation Planning Workshop, Cornell University and Regional Conference of Historical Agencies.
4067 DONOHUE, THOMAS. History of the Catholic Church in Western New York, Diocese of Buffalo.
2917 DONOVAN, HERBERT D.A. The Barnburners: A Study of the Internal Movements in the Political History of New York State and of the Resulting Changes in Political Affiliation, 1830-1852.
3292 DORN, HAROLD F. “711e Social and Economic Areas of Yates County, New York.”
3105 DORNBUSCH, C.E., comp. Regimental Publications & Personal Narratives of the Civil War: A checklist. Vol. 1: Northern States. Part II: New York.
3106 DORNBUSCH, C.E., comp. The Communities of New York and the Civil War; The Re cruiting Areas of the New York Civil War Regiments.
3040 DORR, RHETA L. Susan B. Anthony, the Woman Who Changed the Mind of a Nation.
942 DORSON, RICHARD M. "Sam Patch, Jumping Hero."
943 DORSON, RICHARD M. "The Story of Sam Patch."
944 DORSON, RICHARD M. "The Wonderful Leaps of Sam Patch."
180 DOTY, LOCKWOOD L. A History of Livingston County, New York: From Its Earliest Traditions, to Its Part in the War for Our Union: With an Account of the Seneca Nation of Indiana, and Biographical Sketches of Earliest Settlers and Prominent Public Men, ed. A. Tiffany Norton.
181 DOTY, LOCKWOOD R., ed. History of Livingston County, New York, from Its Earliest Traditions to the Present together with Early Town Sketches.
3 DOTY, LOCKWOOD R., ed. History of the Genesee Country (Western New York), Comprising the Counties of Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Chemung, Erie, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Niagara, Ontario, Orleans, Schuyler, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming and Yates.
3724 DOTY, LOCKWOOD R. What the Society Has Done in Collecting and Preserving County History.
3725 DOTY, LOCKWOOD R. "The Western Door of the Long House."
112 DOTY, WILLIAM J., CHARLES E. CONGDON, LEWIS H. THORNTON, eds. The Historic Annals of Southwestern New York.
4097 DOUGHERTY, JAMES T. Golden Jubilee of St. Patrick's Church, Dansville, N.Y.
4094 DOUGHERTY, JAMES T. Diamond Jubilee, St. Mary's Church of Canandaigua, New York, 1844-1919.
5463 DOUGLAS, MARILYN, and MELINDA YATES. New York State Census Records, 1790-1925. (Bibliography Bulletin no. 88)
3025 DOUGLASS, FREDERICK. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Written by Himself.
3026 DOUGLASS, FREDERICK. Oration, Delivered in Corinthian Hall, Rochester, by Frederick Douglass, July 5th, 1852 ...
6481 DOUGLASS, FREDERICK. The Frederick Douglass Papers.
492 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Bliss, Then and Now.”
493 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “This Once Was Eagle.”
3402 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "Sesquicentennial of Middlebury Academy, 1817-3967."
3726 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. Wyoming Historical Pioneer Association, 1872-1952."
592 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Yesteryears at Silver Lake.”
593 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “The Legend of the Serpent, 1855-1955.”
4050 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. Warsaw Baptist Sesquicentennial.
4055 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. First Wyoming Baptist Church, 1810-1960.
3093 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “A New Birth of Freedom.”
605 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “A Notable Landmark: The Seth M. Gates House, Erected in 1824, Home of the Warsaw Historical Society.”
606 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Warsaw's Pioneer Days and Ways.”
607 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “The Days of Dale.”
439a DOUGLASS, HARRY S. (Four Wyoming County Cemeteries.)
583 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Strykersville Sketches.”
4389 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. (History of United Church of Christ, Congregational, Arcade, 1813-1963.)
4390 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "Congregationalism in Arcade: Sesquicentennial of United Church Observed."
502 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Glimpses of Gainesville, 1805-1955.”
3698 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "Attica's Stevens Memorial Library."
594 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “The Legend of the Serpent.”
579 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Among Sheldon Pioneers.”
515 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “The Barbers of Java.”
516 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Curriers through the Years.”
2208 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "The Indomitable Arcade & Attica."
2984 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “The Legend of William Morgan.”
438a DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Reflections in an 1850 Mirror.”
6569 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. Early Rural Schools.
6344 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. Perry, a New York Mill Town, 1902, the Tale of a Girl Reporter.
4898 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "Music in the Valleys."
1100 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "Erin's Sons in Java."
4801 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Stowell-Miles Art Gallery.”
4235 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "Centennial of Methodism in Arcade."
2379 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "The Newspapers of Wyoming County."
620 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “The Epic of James Lewis Blodget;”
621 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Earlier Days at Wethersfield Springs.”
6018 DOUGLASS, HARRY. The Warners, Pioneers of Java.
4054 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "The Baptists of West Middlebury."
5975 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. The Cemeteries of the Town of Arcade.
517 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. “Java Vigilance Society.”
4931 DOW, CHARLES MASON. Anthology and Bibliography of Niagara Falls.
3995 DOW, HARRIET BROWN. Belcoda: A Biographical and Historical Story of a Country Church, 1811-1870.
3174 DOW, HARRIET BROWN. "Caledonia in the Nation's Wars."
910 DOW, HARRIET BROWN. "Rochester, the City of Beginnings."
3266 DOW, HARRIET BROWN. "Saving Our Rochester Bambini."
1101 DOWLING, KATHERINE J. "Dublin."
4443 DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN. The History of Spiritualism.
2091 DRAGO, HARRY S. Canal Days in America: The History and Romance of Old Towpaths and Waterways.
3321 DRAGT, CLAUDE S. Eagle Lodge No. 619, Free and Accepted Masons: History of Eagle Lodge and Souvenir Program of the 100th Anniversary Celebration.
3791 DRAKE, DANIEL. A Systematic Treatise, Historical, Etiological and Practical, on the Principal Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America ...
1367 DREFPERD, CARL W. "The Tree, Fruit, and Flower Prints of D.M. Dewey, Rochester, N.Y., from 1844 to 1872 ..."
5198 DREISER, THEORDORE. A Hoosier Holiday.
5560 DRESSAYRE, PHILIPPE. “Pouvoirs sur la ville: les 'machines' de
208 DRESSER, FRED L. Our Ancestors, Including the Dress, Beach and Lawrence Families; with a Story of the First Settlement in Western New York.
6865 DREW, L. GRACE. My Recollections of the Silent Movies.
6385 DROEGE, JOHN A. Passenger Terminals and Trains.
6373 DRURY, GEORGE H. The Historical Guide to North American Railroads.
4721 DRYER, HARWOOD B. “Livingston Park Seminary.”
970 DU PONT, BESSIE GARDNER. Lives of Victor and Josephine Du Pont.
3237 DUANE, ROSALIND G. "A Study of Attitudes in Church and School-Sponsored Girl Scout Troops toward Four Minority Groups."
5464 DUBESTER, HENRY J. State Censuses, New York, 1795-1925. Based on the Bibliography Issued by the Census Library Project of the Library of Congress.
5170 DUCK, GEORGE, JR. "A Wedding Trip of 1854," ed. Neil F. Morrison.
6070 DUMAS, FRANCES. A Good Country, a Pleasant Habitation: An Outline History of Yates County.
6071 DUMAS, FRANCES. The Outlet Trail.
6069 DUMAS, FRANCES. Along the Outlet of Keuka Lake.
6027 DUMBLETON, CINDY. Gas Lamps in the Village.
3690 DUNCAN, BARBARA. "The Sibley Music Library."
5014 DUNCAN, JOHN MORISON. Traveling through Part of the United States and Canada in 1818 and 1819.
4462 DUNCAN, SUE A. Trials and Triumphs of a Faith Life.
5819 DUNDES, ALAN, comp. Folklore Theses and Dissertations in the United States.
4361 DUNKEL, WILBUR, ed. Brick Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York, 1925-1950.
4997 DUNLOP, J.B. "'From the Windows of the Mail Coach': A Scotsman Looks at New York State in 1811," ed. David H. Wallace.
4168 DUNN, ALBERTA S. The History of St. Michael's Church, Geneseo, New York, 1823-1873; 150 Years of Service in the Genesee Valley.
722 DUNN, ESTHER A. Webster through the Years.
5234 DUNN, JAMES T. Masters' Theses and Doctoral Dissertations in New York History (1897-1951).
6247 DUPONT, PATRICIA, CARL H. FEUER and JEAN KOST. Black Migrant Farmworkers in New York State: Exploitable Labor.
6197 DUPREE, ADOLPH. Footnotes to History - Rochester Roots/Routes.
6198 DUPREE, ADOLPH. Rochester Roots/Routes.
5620 DURFEE, WALTER H., and OTTO E. SCHOEN-RENE. William Smith College, 1908-1958: A History.
2293 DURRENBERGER, JOSEPH A. Turnpikes: A Study of the Toll Road Movement in the Middle Atlantic States and Maryland.
2956 DUTKO, JOHN. "Socialism in Rochester, 1900-1917.
5042 DUTTENHOFER, A. Bereisung der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, mit besonderer Hinsicht auf den Erie-Canal.
4982 DWIGHT, TIMOTHY. Travels; in New-England and New-York.
6655 DWYER, ELLEN. Homes for the Mad, Life Inside Two Nineteenth-Century Asylums.
6907 EAKLE, ARLENE H., AND L. RAY GUNN. Descriptive Inventory of the New York Collection.
4244 EANES, EDWARD W. "Methodism in Rochester (A Survey, 1935).
1952 EARBEN, ARNOLD H. Cowing & Co., Great Fire Engine and Pump Works, Seneca. Falls, N.Y. 1840-1875. A Story of Their Fire Engines.
1736 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Rochester: The City Photographic.
1737 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Kodak Park in War Time.
1738 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Industrial Relations.
1739 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Kodak Retirement Annuity Life Insurance and Disability Plan.
1740 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Kodak:. Facts about the World's Largest Organization Engaged in the Manufacture of Photographic Materials.
1741 EASTMAN KODAK CO. A Brief History of the Contributions of the Eastman Kodak Company to Photographic Progress.
1742 EASTMAN KODAK CO. All Rochester Units of the Eastman Kodak Company Receive the Army-Navy Production Award for High Achievement in the Production of War Equipment.
6303 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY. Journey into Imagination: The Kodak Story.
2492 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Committee on Civic Affairs. Parallel Streets in Rochester.
1748 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Kodak Milestones.
1749 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Our Share & More.
1750 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Kodak through Its Customers' Eyes.
6302 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY. A 100-year Start on Tomorrow: Kodak 1880-1980.
1747 EASTMAN KODAK CO. A Kodak Report: When Business Gets Involved.
1744 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Story of the Kodak Camera.
1745 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Kodak Park; Its Products and People.
1746 EASTMAN KODAK CO. Brief History of the Eastman Kodak Company.
1743 EASTMAN KODAK CO. F.W. Lovejoy: The Story of a Practical Idealist ...
6523 EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY. Kodak Faces the Urban Crisis: A Report.
4338 EATON, ANNA WEBSTER. A Memorial of Rev. Horace Eaton, D. D.
410 EATON, HORACE. The Early History of Palmyra: A Thanksgiving Sermon, Delivered at Palmyra, N.Y., November 26, 1857.
6127 EAUCLAIRE, SALLY. American Independents, Eighteen Color Photographers.
4753 EBERLEIN, HAROLD D. "Recent Railway Stations in American Cities."
2814 EBS MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS. Master Plan for the Town of Webster, New York.
2326 ECI Systems. Comprehensive Development Program for Public Transportation, Phase II. Final Report.
3107 ECKERT, EDWARD K. "'The Unluck Eighty-Fifth.'"
5506 ECKERT, EDWARD K. "Empire State no. 5 Petroleum.""
2519 EDDY, HARRISON P. and others. Report on the Rochester Water Works.
5918 EDLER, MARGE. Winter Journey.
6709 EDMAN, DAVID A. An Anecdotal History, 1885-1985; Grace Episcopal Church, Scottsville.
5646 EDMUND, Sister Mary. “St. Mary's.” "
1280 EDMUNDS, JAMES M. "A Western New York Farm Inventory--1829."
4171 EDSALL, SAMUEL H. Historical Sketches and Guide to Trinity Church, Geneva, New York.
3643 EDUCATIONAL SURVEY COMMISSION. Report of the Educational Survey Commission.
4343 EDWARDS, TRYON. Reasons for Thankfulness, A Discourse Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church in Rochester, N.Y., on the Day of Annual Thanksgiving, December 15, 1836.
1415 EFFERSON, J. N. "Economic Studies of Vegetable Farming in New York, 6. Production and Marketing of Celery, 1936."
1454 EFFERSON, J. N. "An Economic Study of Land Utilization in Genesee County, New York."
6548 EHLING, WILLIAM P. Fifty Hikes in Central New York: Hikes and Backpacking Trips From the Western Adirondacks to the Finger Lakes.
6540 EHLING, WILLIAM P. Canoeing Central New York.
5317 EHLING, WILLIAM P. 25 Walks in the Finger Lakes Region.
5308 EHRLICH, EUGENE, and GORTON CARRUTH. The Oxford Illustrated Literary Guide to the United States.
4780 EICH, EDWARD L. Some Notes on Ephraim Gilbert, the Gunmaker.
4781 EICH, EDWARD L. A Check List of Rochester, N.Y., Gunmakers & Gunsmiths, Circa 1815-1900.
6199 EICHHOLZ, ALICE, and JAMES M. ROSE. Free Black Heads of Households in the New York State Federal Census, 1790-1830.
3766 EICHORN, FRANK. The Rochester Numismatic Association.
366 EISENHART, EDWARD. A Century of Seneca Falls History, Showing the Rise and Progress of a New York State Village.
1726 EISENHART, M. HERBERT J.J. Bausch (1830-1926), American Pioneer.
1179 EKLAND, ROY, comp. Index to the 1835 Tax Assessment Roll, Rochester, New York.
401 ELDREDGE, MARY L., comp. Pioneers of Macedon, and Other Papers of the Macedon Historical Society.
3908 ELLENBOGEN, BERT L., and others. "Changes in the Availability and Use of Health Resources in Two Western New York Counties; Identical Households, 1950 and 1958."
1043 ELLICOTT, JOSEPH. The Holland Land Company and Canal Construction in Western New York. Correspondence Now First Published. Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society, 14 (1910), 3-185.
1044 ELLICOTT, JOSEPH. “Extracts from Jos. Ellicott's Letter Books and Early Correspondence.”
1045 ELLICOTT, JOSEPH. Reports of Joseph Ellicott as Chief of Survey (1797-1800) and as Agent (1800-1821) of the Holland Land Company's Purchase in Western New York, ed. Robert W. Bingham.
3293 ELLIOTT, CHARLES H., JR. “The Changing Farm Housing Inventory.”
1727 ELLIOTT, LUTHER B. Souvenir Commemorating the Semi-Centennial Anni-versary of the Association of Mr. J.J. Bausch and Mr. Henry Lomb and the Founding of the Bausch & Lomb Optical Company.
5735 ELLIS, BOLIVAR. A History of Universalism in Victor and Vicinity.
5309 ELLIS, David M. New York: State and City.
2918 ELLIS, DAVID M. “'Upstate Hicks' versus 'City Slickers.'“
1988 ELLIS, DAVID M. "Rise of the Empire State, 1790-1820."
2129 ELLIS, DAVID M. "Rivalry Between the New York Central and the Erie Canal."
2130 ELLIS, DAVID M. "New York and the Western Trade, 1850-1910."
6476 ELLIS, DAVID M. The Case of the Missing Stone Mason and the Antimasonic Controversy.
1072 ELLIS, DAVID M. "The Yankee Invasion of New York, 1783-1850."
3556 ELLIS, MABEL BROWN. The Visiting Teacher in Rochester: Report of a Study.
5236 ELLIS, MARY. Index to Publications of the New York State Natural History Survey and New York State Museum, 1837-1902. …
3522 ELLIS, S.A. “A Brief History of the Public Schools of the City of Rochester.”
5116 ELLSWORTH, RICHARD C. "From Canton to Rochester."
2204 ELMIRA & LAKE ONTARIO RAILROAD COMPANY. The Elmira & Lake Ontario Railroad Company formed by Merger and Consolidation of the Chemung Railroad Company, the Elmira, Jefferson & Canandaigua Railroad Company and the Sodus Bay & Southern Railroad Company, Dec. 31, 1886.
5509 ELWELL, MERRITT. "Arms as Strong as Iron Bands."
5489 ELWELL, MERRITT. “The Johnston Harvester Company, Manufacturer of Harvesters, Reapers, Mowers and Grain Binders.”
301 ELWELL, Mrs. Loren. "Champion Horse Trader."
4909 ELWOOD, GEORGE M. "Some Earlier Public Amusements of Rochester."
3117 ELY, ALFRED. Journal of Alfred Ely, a Prisoner of War in Richmond, ed. Charles Lanman.
2042 ELY, ALFRED. Enlargement of Canal Locks of New York for National Defense. Speech of Hon. Alfred Ely, of New York, Delivered in the House of Representatives, Monday, June 30, 1862.
637 EMERSON, SCARLETT. Town of Middlesex.
4964 EMLEN, JAMES. "The Journal of James Emlen Kept on a Trip to Canandaigua, New York, September 15 to October 30, 1794 to Attend the Treaty between the United States and the Six Nations," ed. William N. Fenton.
5382 EMMONS, E.T. The Story of Geneva.
4373 ENGDAHL, WYLLYS F. A History of Union Presbyterian Church, Scottsville, New York. 1954.
3375 ENGELMAN, ROSE C. The History of Ingham "University, 1837-1892.
2109 ENNIS, DAVID. "Navigating on the Erie Canal."
5411 ENNIS, GERTRUDE LAKE. Tales of Alloway: Settled in 1791.
5412 ENNIS, GERTRUDE LAKE. Lyons, the Shire Town.
56 ENO, JOEL N. "A Tercentenary History of the Towns and Cities of New York; Their Origin, Dates and Names, 1614-1914."
55 ENO, JOEL N. "New York County Names."
6215 ERICKSON, CHARLOTTE. Invisible Immigrants, the Adaptation of English and Scottish Immigrants in Nineteenth-Century America.
1095 ESPENSCHEID, L. "Seidler in Wayne County, New York aus der Rheinland."
4511 EVANOFF, ALEXANDER. “The Turner Thesis and Mormon Beginnings in New York and Utah.”
1046 EVANS, ELLICOTT. Reminiscences of Joseph Ellicott.
5015 EVANS, ESTWICK. A Pedestrian’s Tour of Four Thousand Miles, through the Western States and Territories, during the Winter and Spring of 1818 …
1012 EVANS, PAUL D. The Pulteney Purchase.
971 EVANS, PAUL D. “The Frontier Pushed Westward,” pp. 141-75 in History of New York State, ed. Alexander C. Flick, Vol. 5.
3827 EVANS, SUE-JANE K. A Hospital Grows: Rochester General Hospital.
5168 EVEREST, ROBERT. A Journey through the United States and Part of Canada.
4033 EWELL, GLENN B., comp. Baptist Temple, Rochester, N.Y., 125th Year Souvenir,
2450 EWING, FRED, and OTAKAR KUTVIRT. The Rochester City Debt; A Report of a Factual Study of the Rochester City Debt from 1920 to 1943, and a Projection of the Existing Debt to Its Extinguishment in 1962.
3557 EWING, FREDERICK E. The Pay-as-you-Go Theory Viewed from the Experiences of Financing School Buildings in Rochester, New York.
2382 F.A. OWEN PUBLISHING CO. The Founding and Development of Normal In-structor, World's Events, Primary Plans.
326 FAGAN, ROSE M., and others. A History of Victor, New York. Victor: Bicentennial Commission, 1976. 144 pp. A History of Victor, New York.
5261 FAIBISOFF, SYLVIA G., and others, comps. A Bibliography of Newspapers in Fourteen New York State Counties.
5827 FAIBISOFF, SYLVIA G., and WENDELL G. TRIPP, eds. A Bibliography of Newspapers in Fourteen New York Counties.
569 FAIRBANK, CALVIN. “Early History of Pike.”
5446 FAIRBANK, NATHANIEL. "Extracts from the Journal of Nathaniel Fairbank, 1850-1852."
2443 FAIRCHILD, HERMAN L. "Commission Government for Rochester."
2223 FAIRCHILD, HERMAN L. Public Service as Private Profit: A Study of Rochester's Street Railway in Comparison with the Municipally Owned Lines of Great Britain.
3756 FAIRCHILD, HERMAN L. History and Work of the Rochester Academy of Science.
4679 FAIRCHILD, HERMAN L., and J. FOSTER WARNER. Building Stones of Rochester: Nature's Contribution to Local Edifices.
2072 FAIRLIE, JOHN A. "The New York Canals."
2795 FAIRPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY. Fairport-Perinton Community Information Directory.
4802 FAISON, S. LANE, JR. Art Tours & Detours in New York State: A Handbook to More than 75 Outstanding Museums & Historic Landmarks in the Empire State Outside New York City.
3206 FAMILY WELFARE SOCIETY. The Social Welfare League of Rochester, Inc. (Formerly the United Charities), 1911-1926.
6066 FANCHER, LUCIA. Growing Up Memories.
6004 FANCHER, LUCIA. The Town of Eagle.
6755 FANTA, BEN. Terra Cotta.
5886 FANTON, BEN. Wellsville's Pink House of Horrors.
6200 FARLEY, ENA L. The African American Presence in the History of Western New York.
848 FARLEY, PORTER. "Rochester in the Forties."
4456 FASSETT, O.R. Biography of Mrs. L. E. Fassett, a Devoted Christian, a Useful Life.
3041 FATOUT, PAUL. “Amelia Bloomer and Bloomerism.”
2966 FAUSOLD, MARTIN L. James W. Wadsworth, Jr. The Gentleman from New York.
2967 FAUSOLD, MARTIN L. James W. Wadsworth, Jr. “James W. Wadsworth Sr. and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906.”
6735 FAY, LOREN V., ed. Quaker Census of 1828: Members of the New York Yearly Meeting, the Religious Society of the Time of the Separation of 1828.
2403 FAY, WILLIAM. "The Significance of Rochester Radio City."
2404 FAY, WILLIAM. "Here's the Story of Local Video."
2405 FAY, WILLIAM. Local Television Celebrates Third Birthday. Same, June 1952, pp. 5-6.
3167 FEASEL, LAURENCE W. 98th Division Iroquois: 50 Years of Service,
83 FELDMAN, ROBERT L. “New York's Gentle Majesty.”
5298 FELT, THOMAS E. Researching, Writing, and Publishing Local History.
4775 FENNELL, T.W. "The Grape Table."
745 FENNEMORE, GEORGE. "The Growth of a City: The History of Rochester from 1839 to 1843."
5171 FERGUSON, WILLIAM. America by River and Rail; or, Notes by the Way On the New World and Its People.
5066 FERGUSSON, ADAM. Practical Notes Made during a Tour in Canada, and a Portion of the United States, in MDCCCXXXI.
5057 FERRALL, SIMON A. O’ A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America.
5073 FIDLER, ISAAC. Observations on Professions, Literature, Manners, and Emigration, In the United States and Canada, Made during a Residence there in 1832.
1368 FIELD, EVELYN ELLWANGER. "George Ellwanger."
726 FIELD, FLORENCE ARMSTRONG. Pioneer Families in Wheatland by 1821.
5580 FIELD, PHYLLIS F. The Politics of Race in New York: The Struggle for Black Suffrage in the Civil War Era.
1989 FILANTE, RONALD W. "A Note on the Economic Viability of the Erie Canal, 1825-1860."
3558 FINCH, CHARLES E. “The Foreign Child in the Rochester Schools.”
343 FINCH, JESSIE EVERTS HOWELL, comp. Some cemeteries of the Between the Lakes Country (Portions of Seneca, Schuyler, and Tompkins Counties, N.Y.), ed. Carl W. Fischer and Harriet Jackson Swick.
2073 FINCH, ROY G. "The New York State Barge Canal and Its Operation."
1407 FINDLEN, P.J. "An Economic Study of the Marketing of Western New York Potatoes by Motor Truck."
3358 FINEGAN, THOMAS F. Teacher Training Agencies: A Historical Review of the Various Agencies of the State of New York Employed in Training and Preparing Teachers for the Public Schools of the State. (11th Annual Report of the State Education Department, Vol. 2)
3359 FINEGAN, THOMAS F. The Township System: A Documentary History of the Endeavor to Establish a Township School System in the State of New York from the Early Periods through the Repeal of the Township Law in 1918. (14th Annual. Report of the State Education Department, Vol. 1)
3360 FINEGAN, THOMAS F. Free Schools: A Documentary History of the Free School Movement in New York State. (15th Annual Report of the State Education Department, Vol. 1) 682 pp.
6746 FINK, DANIEL. Barns of the Genesee Country, 1790-1915: Including an Account of Settlement and Changes in Agricultural Practices.
4215 FINK, J. RUSSELL. A History of Zion Lutheran Church, Rochester, New York, 1836-1961.
5462 FINKS, P. DAVID. Crisis in Smugtown: A Study of Conflict, Churches, and Citizen Organizations in Rochester, New York 1964-1969.
6202 FINKS, P. DAVID. The Radical Vision of Saul Alinsky.
6078 FINN, MARCIA HIBBS, ed. A History of the Town of Brighton Told Through Its Neighborhood, 1814-1989. 60 pp.
3953 FINNEY, CHARLES G. Memoirs of Rev. Charles G. Finney, Written by Himself.
1619 FINUCANE, EM MET. "Security Trust:" 60 Years at Rochester (1892-1952).
6728 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH (Canandaigua, N.Y.) 175th Anniversary, 1799-1974.
1559 FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOC. Annual Survey of New Construction: Monroe County, Rochester Metropolitan Area. 1948-1974/75.
561 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PERRY. One Hundred Years in Perry, 1855-1955.
6722 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Rochester, N.Y.) 150th Anniversary.
1755 FISHER, ALLAN C., JR. "Eastman of Rochester: Photographic Pioneer."
2131 FISHER, CHARLES E. "Through Car Service from New England."
2168 FISHER, CHARLES E. "Locomotives of the Buffalo, Rochester, & Pittsburgh Ry."
6512 FISHER, DONALD. The Civil War Draft in Rochester.
1783 FISHER, DOUGLAS A. Rochester Canaltowner.
2488 FISHER, EDWIN A. "History of Engineering in Rochester."
2493 FISHER, EDWIN A. Paving and the Care of City Streets.
2417 FISHER, EDWIN A. “Memoranda Relative to the City of Rochester.”
2548 FISHER, EDWIN A. "City Planning in Rochester."
2538 FISHER, EDWIN A. Report to Hon. James G. Cutler, Mayor, on the Collection and Disposal of Garbage and Other Refuse in the City of Rochester...
2535 FISHER, EDWIN A. Report on the Sewage Disposal System of Rochester, N.Y.
2489 FISHER, EDWIN A. "Engineering and Public Works in the City of Rochester during the Past Century."
2515 FISHER, EDWIN A., and HERBERT A. ZOLLIWEG. "The East Main Street Bridge-- The First Grade Crossing Ekunubation in Rochester."
1684 FISHER, GEORGE W. “Bull's Head.”
328 FISHER, J. SHELDON. "Ghosts."
5391 FISHER, J. SHELDON. A Victor Album: A Pictorial History of the Town of Victor, New York.
5782 FISHER, J. SHELDON. Brigham Young as a Mendon Craftsman: A Study in Archeology.” New York History, 61 (1980), 431-447.
5742 FISHER, J. SHELDON. “Brigham Young as a Mendon Crafts-man: A Study in History Archeology.”
5924 FISHER, J. SHELDON. The Groaning Tree and Other Stories of Country Folk Life. Experienced and Recorded in Fishers, New York by J. Sheldon Fisher.
288 FISHER, JACK C. Geneva, A Study in Urban Geography.
431 FISHER, PEARL N. “Famous People Who Have Visited Wyoming County.”
432 FISHER, PEARL N. “Anecdotes & Stories of Wyoming County.”
3628 FISHER, ROSALIND R. The Stone Strength of the Past: Centennial History of the State University College of Arts and Science at Geneseo, New York.
5153 FISHER, SIDNEY G. A Philadelphia Perspective; The Diary of Sidney George Fisher Covering the Years 1834-1871.
6337 FISKE, PAUL R. Understanding Economic Growth; a Macroeconomic Analysis of the Livingston County Economy.
3141 FISLER, PATRICIA E. "Rochester and the Spanish-American War."
1866 FISLER, PATRICIA E. “The Depression of 1893 in Rochester.”
2919 FITCH, CHARLES E., ed. Official New York from Cleveland to Hughes.
3768 FITCH, CHARLES E. The History of the Browning Club, 1884-1910.
3361 FITCH, CHARLES E. The Public School: History of Common School Education in New York from 1633 to 1904.
5480 FITZ RANDOLPH, ALVA, and Mrs. W.L. GREENE. The Allegany County Farm and Home Bureau Association: A History, 1913-1933.
5675 FLAHERTY, VIRGINIA C. St. William's Church, Conesus, New York, Centennial, 1876-1976.
5743 FLAKE, CHAD J., ed. A Mormon Bibliography, 1830-1930: Books, Pamphlets, Periodicals, and Broadsides Relating to the First Century of Mormonism.
113 FLANAGAN, MARGARET T. History and Folklore of Allegany County.
5808 FLETCHER, CALVIN. The Diary of Calvin Fletcher, Volume I, 1817-1838, Including Letters of Calvin Fletcher and Diaries and Letters of His Wife, ed. Gayle Thornbrough.
4932 FLETCHER, ROBERT S., ed. “Going West to College in the Thirties.”
5 FLICK, ALEXANDER C., ed. History of the State of New York. 10 vols. New York: Columbia University Press, 1933-37. Repr. in 5 vols. by Kennikat Press, Port Washington, N.Y.
839 FLORACK, BERNARD H. "Rochester/Monroe County Almanac, 1776-1976."
886 FLORENCE, LOUISE. "Sunday at the Glen House: A Letter of 1880 Describing the Simple Pleasure of Early Rochester Life," ed. Landis Smith.
3189 FOLEY, DONALD L. Neighbors or Urbanites? The Study of a Rochester Residential District.
3125 FOLEY, JASENA RAPPLEYE. "A Soldier's Scythe."
4789 FOLEY, JASENA RAPPLEYE. "The Ontario Glass Manufacturing Company."
2340 FOLLETT, FREDERICK. History of the Press of Western New-York from the Beginning to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century.
209 FOLSOM, GEORGE P. Reminiscences of Geneseo and the Genesee Valley. Delivered at Concert Hall, Geneseo, Feb. 21, 1868.
1867 FOLSOM, MARION B. The Rochester Unemployment Benefit Plan ...
6421 FOLTS, JAMES D. John Magee and the Southern Tier Stage Lines.
6896 FOLTS, JAMES D. Jr., compiler. The Genesee Region 1790 to the Present: A Guide to its History.
6897 FOLTS, JAMES D., Jr. compiler. The Genesee Region 1790 to the Present: A Guide to its History: Supplement.
6471 FOLTS, JAMES D. Duely & Constantly Kept, A History of the New York Supreme Court, 1691-1847 and an Inventory of its Records (Albany, Utica, and Geneva Offices), 1797-1847.
6672 FOLTS, JAMES D. The Fanatic and the Prophetess: Religious Perfectionism in Western New York, 1835-1839.
6504 FOLTS, JAMES D., Jr. The Sullivan Campaign: A Bibliography.
4905 FOLWELL, RITA B. "Rochester at Play--1850-1900."
6424 FOOTE, GLENN. Rural Mail Route Delivery.
4680 FOOTE, ORLANDO K. Former Rochester Architects.
3559b FORBES, GEORGE M. A Survey of School-Related Community Organizations in the City of Rochester, New York.
6790 FORBES, MARTHA KEPPLER. The Victorian Gothic and Its Manifestations in Rochester, New York.
6601 FORD, GEORGE H. The Koller-Collins Graduate English Center - A History.
6203 FORDHAM, MONROE, ed. The African American Presence in New York State History: Four Regional History Surveys.
4826 FORDYCE, ROBERT F. Stereo Photography in Rochester, New York, up to 1900.
916 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "One of the Famous Falls of Rochester."
2150 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Early Mail Cars."
2151 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Auburn and Rochester Railroad."
2255 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Shipping on the Upper Genesee River.
4695 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. First Families of Rochester and Their Dwellings.
814 FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. "Rochester; Its Name and Its Founder."
2516 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Smith Street and Its Bridge.
812 FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series, 3 (1924), 368-85.
3712 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. The Origin and Mission of the Rochester Historical Society.
3713 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Pioneer Associations of Rochester."
3714 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "The Community Value of Our Local History."
4803 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Art and Artists in Rochester.
3343 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Aquatic Sports on the Genesee River.
5241 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. ”Proposed Bibliography of Rochester Publications."
2149 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Beginnings of the Auburn and Rochester Railroad.
813 FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. "Discovery of an Audubon Portrait of Col Nathaniel Rochester."
3146 FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. World War Service Record of Rochester and Monroe County, New York. Vol. I: Those Who Died for Us. Vol. II: Those Who Went Forth to Serve. Vol. III: Those Who Supported the Service.
4771 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Israel Scrantom's Hammer.
2420 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “The Official Flag of Rochester.”
3792 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Genesee Fever.
4838 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Casconchiagon: The Genesee River.
1686 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “The Old Union Tavern and Race Course.”
2307 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Post Offices and Postmasters of Rochester.
1685 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. The Old North American Hotel.
2419 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “The Official Seal of Rochester.”
1518 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. The Rochester Ropewalk.
1519 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “Rochester Ropemakers.”
1728 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Edward Bausch: An Appreciation (34th Annual Dinner of Society of the Genesee, N.Y.C., 1933).
4910 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Edwin Booth in Rochester.
4879 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. An Appreciation of David Hochstein.
993 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Crown Grants and Early Land Claims Affecting the Rochester Region. Centennial History of Rochester, Vol. l, pp. 111-27.
913 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. The First White Child Born in Rochester.
914 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "The East Avenue Swamp."
3947 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Rochester Distribution of Bibles.
1687 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “The Blossom Hotel Fire.”
3310 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Masons in the Burns Block.
1688 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “The Rochester House.”
915 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Judge Lynn and Venus."
1369 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Big Redwoods in Rochester.
3828 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Useless Hospitals.
1520 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “Rochester's First Board of Trade.”
1521 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “Prices and Barter in Yesteryears.”
1689 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “Carthage Railroad and Steamboat House.”
1690 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. “A Famous Tavern.”
2418 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Historical Backgrounds of Rochester Charter Law.
2506 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Early Changes in Street Names.
5255 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Hawaiian Bible Printed in Rochester.
2477 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Fire Fighting in Early Rochester.
3715 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "'Between Two Centuries."
743 FOREMAN, EDWARD R., ed. Centennial History of Rochester, New York. 4 vols.
2112 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Canal Basins in Rochester.
2939 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Daniel Webster in Rochester.
2940 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Hard Cider Victorious."
836 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Annals of Rochester.
2110 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Duttenhofer's , Drawing of the First Aqueduct at Roch-ester.
2111 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Little Boys and Packet Boats."
2652 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Monroe County Court Houses and Their Cornerstones.
3264 FORM, WILLIAM H. "A Comparative Study of the Membership of Rochester's Character Building Agencies, 1938, and the Population of Rochester, New York with Special Reference to Their Youth Groups."
2985 FORMISANO, RONALD P., and KATHLEEN SMITH KUTOLOWSKI. “Antimasonry and Masonry: The Genesis of Protest, 1826-1827.”
4444 FORNELL, EARL W. The Unhappy Medium; Spiritualism and the Life of Margaret Fox.
2736 FORSYTH, RUTH. Demographic and Social Characteristics of the Rochester Area.
6225 FORSYTH, RUTH, compiler. The Rochester Area: Selected Demographic and Social Characteristics, 1984.
1934 FOSTER WHEELER CORP. Welcome to Foster Wheeler Corporation, Dansville, N.Y. Plant: Home of the World's Best Boilermakers.
3380 FOSTER, J. MURRAY. A Study: The Dansville High School.
5481 FOWLER, GARY L. “The Effects of Land Tenure on Land Management in the Genesee Valley: A Study in Methodology.”
5059 FOWLER, JOHN. Journal of A Tour in the State of New York, in the Year 1830 ….
6463 FOWLER, LINDA L. and ROBERT D. MCCLURE. Political Ambition, Who Decides to Run for Congress.
5312 FOX, CRAIG. Motoring in Western New York. Reprints of a Series of Cartoons of Various Places of Interest in
2920 FOX, DIXON R. The Decline of Aristocracy in the Politics of New York, 1801-1840.
1073 FOX, DIXON R. Yankees and Yorkers.
3948 FOX, DIXON RYAN. “The Protestant Counter-Reformation in American.”
1128 FOX, FLORENCE. M. "Territorial and Occupational Mobility of the Ukrainians of Rochester, N.Y."
3042 FOX, LOUIS H. “Pioneer Women's Rights Magazine.”
1504 FOX, WILLIAM F. “History of the Lumber Industry in the State of New York.”
4681 FRANCE, JEAN, and BETSY BRAYER. Of Town & the River: A Rochester Guide.
5107 FRANCIS, JAMES-HANMER. "Diary of the Rev. James-Hanmer Francis, 1837-1838," ed. Winifred Lovering Holman.
3814 FRANCIS, JOHN W. Observations on the Mineral Waters of Avon, Livingston County, New-York.
6088 FRANK, MAUDE E. Images of Early Penfield; a Collection of Photographs and Memorabilia.
6089 FRANK, MAUDE E. A Retrospective Look at the Town of Penfield, 1976-1989.
6361 FRANKEL, JEREMY G., and PETER WILES, Jr. Erie Canal Guide. Western Section - Tonawanda to Syracuse.
3859 FRANKEL, LEE K., and LOUIS I. DUBLIN. “Community Sickness Survey, Rochester, New York, September, 1915.” U.S.Public Health Service, Public Health Reports, Feb. 25, 1916, pp. 423-38.
4473 FRANKLIN ALMIRA. “The Passing of the Quakers.”
4758 FRARY, I.T. "First Church of Christ Scientist, Rochester, New York: Gordon & Madden and Wm. G. Kaelber, Architects."
4584 FRASCH, ROBERT W. "New York's Cobblestone Buildings."
3769 FRASER, MARY M. Historical Sketch of the Scottsville Literary Society.
6791 FREEMAN, ANNE M. Historic Preservation: Business Embraces the Past.
849 FREEMAN, ASHER. The Autobiography of Asher Freeman, ed. Blake McKelvey.
3742 FREEMAN, HARRY H. The Bureau of Municipal Research Investigates the Municipal Museum.
4012 FREEMAN, HENRIETTA M. Semi-Centennial, Baptist Church, Lima, New York, 1854-1954.
5552 FREEMAN, LARRY. The Bath-Catskill Turnpike: A Centennial Offering.
2988 FREEMASONS, Monroe County. Address of the Freemasons of Monroe County to the Public, on Returning Their Charter.
3313 FREEMASONS. Knights Templars. History of Monroe Commandery, No. 12, K.T. Stationed at Rochester, N.Y., 1826-1914.
3312 FREEMASONS. Germania Lodge, no. 722. Membership List, 1928. Germania Lodge, No. 722, F. & A.M., Chartered March 1872.
3311 FREEMASONS. Yonnondio Lodge, no. 163. Yonnondio Lodge, no. 163, F. & A.M., Rochester, New York ... The History Prepared for the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary ...
5299 FREIDEL, FRANK, ed. Harvard Guide to American History. Revised ed.
1192 FRENCH, JOHN H. Gazetteer of the State of New York ...
2294 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "The Olean. Trail."
1978 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "A.P. Sherril and His Country Emporium."
1505 FRENCH, ROBERT M. “'And the Smoke of Their Burning Rose up Ever.'“
575 FRENCH, ROBERT M. “Pike Folk Lore.”
4817 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Carlos Leonardo Stebbins."
3909 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "A Doctor of the Old School, Wallace J. French, M.D."
6045 FRENCH, ROBERT. A Pioneer Village.
4926 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "The Great Philadelphia Circus that Came to Pike in 1840."
494 FRENCH, ROBERT M. “Wing Street-A Cradle for Emancipation.”
3404 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Seminary Days in Pike."
1048 FRENCH, ROBERT M. Merchandizing New Lands.
574 FRENCH, ROBERT M. The Formation of a Pioneer Village, Once Nunda Hollow, now Pike, N.Y.
4243 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "The First and Second Methodist Episcopal Churches of Pike."
3403 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Common and Private Schools in Pike."
4655 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Decades at 'The Maples.'"
440a FRENCH, ROBERT M. “Obed Thornton, the Last of the Pioneers.”
571 FRENCH, ROBERT M. “Early Days in Pike, 1806-1906.”
570 FRENCH, ROBERT M. “A.P. Sherril and His Country Emporium.”
572 FRENCH, ROBERT M. “The Laziest Man in Pike.”
562 FRENCH, ROBERT M. “John Garnsey--Pioneer Settler and Mexican War Veteran.”
573 FRENCH, ROBERT M. “The Three Musketeers of Pike.”
5960 FRENCH, ROBERT M. Thoughts on Pioneer Living and the Role of the Pioneer Woman.
4341 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Pioneer Presbyterian Missionary at Pike."
4024 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Temporal Affairs of a Pioneer Church."
3074 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "Military Affairs in Pike."
5324 FRENCH, ROBERT M. History of Allegany County, New York …
5325 FRENCH, ROBERT M. Who's Who in Allegany County: Biographical Sketches of Notable Living Men and Women of Allegany County, New York, 1937-1938.
1977 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "The Early Foundries of Wyoming County."
435 FRENCH, ROBERT M., and LA VERNE C. COOLLY, comps. Complete Name Index to Beers' History of Wyoming County, N.Y., 1880.
687 FRENCH, SEWARD. Commercial, Business and Professional Review of Honeoye Falls. 1902.
3598 FRENCH, WILLIAM M. “How We Began to Train Teachers in New York.”
5199 FRENSSEN) GUSTAV. Briefe aus Amerika.
6341 FREUND, HUGO, and AMY RASHAP. Flag and Rush Industry of Savannah, New York.
5503 FRIEDBURG, ROBERT. Paper Money of the United States: A Complete Illustrated Guide with Valuations. 10th ed.
6315 FRIEDERICH (A.) & SONS COMPANY. The 75th Anniversary, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Five.
4739 A. FRIEDERICH & SONS CO., contractors. The 75th Anniversary, A. Friedrich & Sons Company, Construction Contractors, Rochester, N.Y., ...
6595 FRIEDLY, JOHN C. 75 Years of Chemical Engineering at the University of Rochester, 1915-1990.
5415 FROST, GRACE M. Four Corners to Westbury.
5416 FROST, GRACE M. Red Creek: Once Upon a Time.
5609 FROST, GRACE M. Shock'n Alive: Sterling School District No. 6 and Wolcott School District No. 3.
3094 FROST, JAMES A. “The Home Front in New York during the Civil War.”
4419 FROTHINGHAM, OCTAVIUS B. Memoir of William Henry Channing.
1074 FULLER, GEORGE N. Economic and Social Beginnings of Michigan: A Study of the Settlement of the Lower Peninsula during the Territorial Period., 1805-1837.
471 FULLER, LENA TOWNE. “Castile Five Corners Area.”
1868 FULLER, RAYMOND G. “Take Rochester, for Example--”
4629 FULTON, G., JR. "Taintor Homestead, East Avon, N.Y."
1935 FULTS, RICHARD. A Study of the Annual Expenditures Patterns of the Faculty and Staff at the State University of New York College at Geneseo.
1408 FUNK, W.C. "Costs and Farm Practices in Producing Potatoes on 461 Farms in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, and Maine for the Crop Year, 1919."
5780 GABRIEL, CLEOTA REED. The Arts & Crafts Ideal, the Ward House: An Architect and His Craftsmen.
6103 GAFFNEY, THOMAS. 50 Years of Progress: Village of Webster, Incorporated 1905.
723 GAFFNEY, THOMAS.. 50 Years of Progress: Village of Webster, Incorporated 1905.
3996 GAGE, SAMUEL G., comp. "The Story of the Records of the First Baptist Church at Benton Center, Yates County, Written in 1848."
4942 GALINEE, RE NE BREHAN DE. Exploration of the Great Lakes, 1669-1670: Sulpician Father Galinee's Narrative and Map with an English Version, Including all the Map-Legends, ed. & trans. James H. Coyne. (Ontario Historical Society Papers and Records, Vol. 4) Toronto: 1903. English trans. only repr. in Early Narratives of the Northwest, 1634-1659, ed. Louise Phelps Kellogg.
2567 GALINSKY, SETH E. "The Struggle for Monroe County."
3075 GALLOWAY, ARCHER. "Firing the First Shot, as Told by the Man Who Fired It. Reminiscences of Archer Alloway."
3043 GALPIN, W. FREEMAN. “Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Gerrit Smith.”
6391 GALUSHA, DIANE. Little Trains that Do.
4135 GALVIN, JAMES J. The Bells of St. Joseph's: A Souvenir of the First Century and a Quarter of the Redemptorists in Rochester.
2369 GANNETT NEWSPAPERS. The Road to Integration: Selected Art and Articles from a Continuing Program Which Has Won a Pulitzer Citation for Public Service for the Gannett Newspapers.
1729 GANNETT, A.H. "Bausch & Lomb Centennial Year."
57 GANNETT, HENRY. American Names: A Guide to the Origin of Place Names in the United States.
3276 GARBER, MARY F. A Survey of Day Care Needs in Rochester and Monroe County.
1282 GARBUTT, PHILIP. "History of Wheat-Growing in Garbutt."
728 GARBUTT, PHILIP. "The Supervisors of Wheatland."
727 GARBUTT, PHILIP. "The Pioneers of Wheatland."
342 GARDEPE, CAROL DATES, and JANICE DATES REGESTER. A History of the Town of Yates in Orleans County, New York.
3957 GARDINER, DWIGHT H. The Measurement of Religious Attitudes and Their Relation to Prejudice,
5597 GARDINER, SARA L., comp. Educational Corporations of New York State.
5189 GARDINI, CARLO. Gli Stati Uniti: Ricordi.
3128 GARDNER, HENRY R. "A Yankee in Louisiana: Selections from the Diary and Correspondence of Henry R. Gardner, 1862-1866," ed. K.E. Shewmaker & A.K. Prinz.
4474 GARDNER, SUNDERLAND P. Memoirs of the Life and Religious Labors of Sunderland P. Gardner (Late of Farmington, Ontario County, New York). Autobiography, Journal, Letters, Sermons and Addresses.
5867 GARFF, ROYAL LOVELL. Social and Economic Conditions in the Genesee Country, 1787-1813.
6706 GARRETT, PAUL. The Little Chapel on the Mount: Point Bluff on Lake Keuka, N.Y.
6362 GARRITY, RICHARD G. Recollections of the Erie Canal.
5519 GARRITY, RICHARD G. Canal Boatman: My Life on Upstate Waterways.
3294 GARVER, JOHN B. “The Geography of Poverty in New York State; A Selective Analysis.”
1075 GASTIL, RAYMOND D. Cultural Regions of the United States.
3225 GATES, HERBERT W. For the People of Brick Church and Their Neighbors.
1270 GATES, PAUL W. "Agricultural Change in New York State, 1850-1890."
1358 GATES, PAUL W. "Ulysses Prentiss Hedrick: Horticulturist and historian."
1560 GAUDION, DONALD A. The Rochester Story.
3949 GAUSTAD, EDWIN S., ed. The Rise of Adventism: Religion and Society in Mid-Nineteenth Century American.
367 GAY, JOHN S. The Insurance Agents of Seneca Falls.
2520 GAYLORD, ANNE E.. Water Supply Problems in the Rochester, New York Area.
4166 GAYLORD, HERBERT L. History, Year Book and Church Directory of St. Luke's Church, Fairport, N.Y.
2594 GAYNOR, JAMES W. Report of Survey of Hanover Houses.
479 GAYTON, SAMUEL D. “A Brief History of the Old Town of Covington.”
1283 GAYTON, SAMUEL. "Pioneer Thresher."
433 GAYTON, SAMUEL D. “Queer Travellers of the Highway.”
595 GAYTON, SAMUEL. D. “Pioneer Picnics in the Gay Nineties.”
550 GAYTON, SAMUEL D. “Quakertown, Past and Present.”
2020 GEDDES, GEORGE. "The Erie Canal. Origin and History of the Measures that Led to Its Construction."
6830 GEHRET, JEANNE. Reviving Iroquois Traditions.
6613 GEHRET, JEANNE. The Strasenburgh Touch.
6831 GEHRET, JEANNE. Sustaining a Heritage of Pride.
2406 GELLES, RICHARD J. "The Social Construction of Television News."
5919 GELSER, BRUCE MAXFIELD. The Settlers of Naples, 1790.
1923 GENERAL FOODS CORP. A Brief History of Jell-O.
1595 GENERAL MOTORS CORP. Delco Appliance Division. Geared for War 'til Victory.
1596 GENERAL MOTORS CORP. Rochester Products Division. Contributing to Victory on Every Front.
1936 GENESEE & WYOMING RAILROAD CO. Industrial Sites in the Heart of the World's Richest Market on the Main Line of the Genesee and Wyoming Railroad.
1223 GENESEE COUNTY FARM BUREAU. Triennial Atlas & Plat Book, Genesee County, New York.
6648 GENESEE HOSPITAL. The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Genesee Hospital.
3935 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Drug Use and Abuse Program in Monroe County: An Inventory.
3910 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Regional Environmental Health Planning Committee. Private Sewage Disposal of the Genesee Region.
3911 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Health Data Resource Book, 1971.
3912 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Radiological Health Task Force. Radiological Health in the Genesee Region.
3829 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Survey of Need for Inpatient Beds and Related Home Health Care Services, Monroe County, 1969-70.
3914 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Environmental Health Manpower Committee. Environmental Health Manpower in the Genesee Region.
3913 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Task Force on Food and Milk Safety. Food and Milk Safety in the Genesee Region.
3915 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Regional Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Alcoholism Plan.
3830 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Survey of the Need for Inpatient Beds in Monroe County, 1974-1975.
3831 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Hospital Obstetrical Care Plan ...
2206 GENESEE VALLEY CANAL RAILROAD COMPANY. Reasons Why Action Should Be . Taken by the Legislature to Secure to the People of the State a Railroad in Place of the Abandoned Genesee Valley Canal.
4863 GENESEE VALLEY COUNCIL ON THE ARTS. Horses and Hounds of the Genesee,
4864 GENESEE VALLEY COUNCIL ON THE ARTS. Early Arts in the Genesee Valley, Eighteenth & Nineteenth Centuries.
4865 GENESEE VALLEY COUNCIL ON THE ARTS. Art and History, 1976.
3832 GENESEE VALLEY LEAGUE FOR NURSING. History of the Genesee Valley League for Nursing, 1915-1967.
3624 GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. Report of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Held at Lima, N.Y., June, 1880.
3625 GENESEE WESLEYAN SEMINARY. A Memorial Volume of the Seventy Fifth Anniversary of the Opening for Academic Instruction of the Genesee Wesleyan Seminary.
2902 GENESEE/FINGER LAKES REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD. Regional Jail Study: An Analysis of Alternative Solutions for Genesee County, Livingston County, Wyoming County.
2885 GENESEE/FINGER LAKES REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD. A Comprehensive Development Plan, Orleans County, N.Y.; Progress Report.
2886 GENESEE/FINGER LAKES REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD. Orleans County Land Use: An Inventory and Analysis.
2899 GENESEE/FINGER LAKES REGIONAL PLANNING BOARD. A Comprehensive Development Plan, Yates County, N.Y.: Progress Report.
1947 GENEVA NATIONAL BANK. Centennial Anniversary of Geneva National Bank.
1948 GENEVA NATIONAL BANK. The National Bank of Geneva: Being an Account of the Bank & the Community It Has Served for a Century & a Quarter, 1817-1942.
3739 GEORGE EASTMAN HOUSE. Illustrated Guide to the George Eastman House of Photography.
2196 GERARD, FELIX R. The Lehigh Valley Railroad, 1846-1946, a Centenary Address,
6749 GERBER, NANCY. New York Ingenuity.
6832 GERDTS, WILLIAM H. Art Across America: Two Centuries of Regional Painting, 1710-1920.
5182 GERITY, WILLIAM S. "Camping on Keuka Lake, 1870," ed. Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr.
887 GERLING, CURT. Smugtown, U.S.A.
888 GERLING, CURT. Good Enough for Grandpa ...
889 GERMANOW, HARRY. Harry Germanow, My Own Story.
5586 GERO, ANTHONY, and PHILIP G. MAPLES. “Fusileering in Western N.Y., 1830 to 1840.” "
6472 GIBSON, ELLEN M. New York Legal Research Guide.
5932 GIBSON, IRENE M., comp. Index to David Sturges Copeland's History of Clarendon (New York), 1810-1888.
5765 GIBSON, IRENE M. Historic Sites in Orleans County, New York.
2989 GIDDINS, EDWARD. An Account of the Savage Treatment of Captain William Morgan, in Fort Niagara, Who Was Subsequently Murdered by the Masons, and Sunk in Lake Ontario, for Publishing the Secrets of Masonry ...
5917 GIFFORD, FREDERICK LOREN. The Early History of the Village of Clifton Springs: Incorporated on April 8, 1859, 1859-1984 (125 Years).
3362 GIFFORD, WALTER J. Historical Development of the New York State High School System.
3599 GILBERT, AMY M. ACUNY. The Associated Colleges of Upper New York.
1294 GILBERT, C.W. "An Economic Study of Tractors on New York Farms."
1295 GILBERT, C.W. "Motor Trucks on New York Farms."
2421 GILBERT, DONALD W. The Government and Finances of Rochester, New York ...
143 GILBERT, HELEN WHITE. Rushford and Rushford People.
5256 GILCHRIST, DONALD B. The First Book Printed in Rochester.
3691 GILCHRIST, DONALD. "The University of Rochester Libraries."
5748 GILL, EDMUND V., JR., and CLAY LANCASTER. Victorian Houses: A Treasury of Lesser-Known Examples.
1325 GILLETT, ROY L. A Study of Farm Labor in Seneca County, New York.
4223 GILLS, CHARLES. Pioneer: A Narrative of the Nativity, Experience, Travels, and Ministerial Labours of Rev. Charles Giles.
5100 GILMAN, CAROLINE. The Poetry of Travelling in the United States …
4316 GILMORE, MARGARET E., and ANNA E. PATCHETT. Through the Years: Central Presbyterian Church, Geneseo, New York, 1810-1960.
1655 GINNA, ROBERT E. Power and Progress in the Genesee Valley,
5397 GINSON, IRENE M. Historic Sites in Orleans County, New York.
5184 GLAZIER, WILLARD. Ocean to Ocean on Horseback; Being the Story of a Tour in the Saddle from the Atlantic to the Pacific …
1695 GLEASON WORKS. Gleason, 1865-1940 ...
1696 GLEASON WORKS. Fourscore Years of Bevel Gearing: The Story of Gleason Works Today ...
1697 GLEASON WORKS. Eightieth Birthday Celebration for James E. Gleason, at the Gleason Works, Rochester, N.Y., Wednesday, November 24, 1948.
1698 GLEASON WORKS. The Gleason Works, 1865-1950.
1699 GLEASON WORKS. The Gleason Works, 1865-1965.
1881 GLEASON, ALAN H. The History of Labor in Rochester, 1820-1880.
6691 GLEICHAUF, PAT, and MAUREEN KINGSTON. The History of St. Agnes Church.
3314 GLIDDON, THOMAS. History of Hamilton Chapter, No. 62, Royal Arch Masons ... together with the By-Laws, and a Tabulated List of Officers and Members.
3315 GLIDDON, THOMAS. By-Laws of Monroe Commandery, No. 12, K.T., Stationed at Rochester, N.Y. Also a History of the Commandery ...
2683 GLYNN, JAMES F. Monroe County Bar Association History and 75th Anniversary Program, 1892-1967.
5520 GODFREY, FRANK H. The Godfrey Letters: Capt. Frank H. Godfrey Tells About His Days on the Canals.
5455 GOEBEL, JULIUS, JR., and JOSEPH H. SMITH, eds. The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton: Documents and Commentary. 5 vols.
3153 GOLD STAR MOTHERS CLUB OF GENESEE COUNTY. Genesee County, World War II. Gold Star Memorial Book.
2017 GOLDEN, CADWALLADER. Memoir, Prepared at the Request of a Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York, and Presented to the Mayor of the City, at the Celebration of the Completion of the New York Canals.
2059 GOLDTHWAIT, LILLIAN. comp. A Bibliographic History of the Genesee Valley Canal, 1825-1850.
6310 GOLEMBESKI, DEAN J. Struggling to Become an Inventor.
893 GOLER, FRANK H "Main Street: In Retrospect."
2941 GOLER, FRANK H. "Marching Clubs of the Eighties."
890 GOLER, FRANK H Random Recollections of the Eighties.
891 GOLER, FRANK H "Rochester of the Seventies."
892 GOLER, FRANK H "Rochester Street Scenes in the Eighties."
6665 GOLER, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Health in Rochester, 1834-1911, an Unpublished Essay by George W. Goler, Heath Officer of the City of Rochester, New York from 1896 to 1932.
3861 GOLER, GEORGE W. The Sanitation of Rochester.
3862 GOLER, GEORGE W. The Origin, Development and Results of Municipal Milk Work in Rochester, N.Y. Reprinted from Maryland Medical Journal, June 1906. 8 pp.
3863 GOLER, GEORGE W. “Dr. Edward Mott Moore: The Beloved Physician.”
5573 GOLLADAY, DENNIS. “John Nicholas: Virginia Congressman, New York Quid.”), 5-28. "
4252 GOLPER, A.W. "Record of the Methodist Episcopal Church."
4251 GOODELLE, FRED B. Widening Horizons, 1842-1942: Monroe Avenue Methodist Church, Rochester, New York.
1990 GOODRICH, CARTER, ed. Government Promotion of Canals and Railroads, 1800-1890.
220 GOODRICH, CHARLES D., comp. (List of settlers' names from Liber 'A', Lima Town records, 1797-1817.)
1371 GOODRICH, DANA. "Retailing Florist Crops through Mass Merchandising Outlets: Rochester, New York, and Hartford, Connecticut."
4818 GOODRICH, LAURENCE B. "Randall Palmer (1807-1845), Artist of Seneca Falls and Auburn, New York."
3559f GOODWIN, MABEL C. A History of Public Evening School Instruction in the City of Rochester, 1853-1933.
4921 GOOSSENS, EUGENE. Overture and Beginners: A Musical Autobiography.
4759 GORDON & KAELBER, and other firms, architects. "Eastman Theatre and School of Music."
4760 GORDON & KAELBER. A Monograph of the Work of Gordon & Kaelber, Architects.
5621 GORDON, DANE R. GORDON, DANE R. Rochester Institute of Technology: Industrial Development and Educational Innovation in an American City. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1982.
3815 GORDON, ELIZABETH PUTNAM. The Story of the Life and Work of Cordelia A. Greene, M.D.
1522 GORDON, HELEN R. “Rochester--From 'Flour' to 'Flower.”
4906 GORDON, HELEN R. "The Theater in Rochester."
5101 GORDON, JOHN M. "The Michigan Land Rush in 1836," ed. Douglas H. Gordon and George S. May.
1190 GORDON, THOMAS F. Gazetteer of the State of New York ...
2183 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Stories and History of the Erie Railroad--Rochester Division.
2228 GORDON, WILLIAM R. The Story of the Buffalo, Lockport, and Rochester Railway 1908-1919. The Rochester, Lockport and Buffalo Railroad. Corp., ... 1919-1931 ...
2229 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Keuka Lake Memories: The Champagne Country.
2224 GORDON, WILLIAM R. The Story of the Rochester and Sodus Bay Railway, "The Royal Blue Line," 1901-1929.
2230 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Ninety-four Years of Rochester Railways …
2225 GORDON, WILLIAM R. The Story of the Canandaigua Street Railway Company, the Canandaigua. Electric Light and Railway Company, Ontario Light and Traction Company, and the Rochester and Eastern Rapid Railway.
2226 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Manitou Beach Trolley Days, 1891-1925.
2227 GORDON, WILLIAM R. and JAMES R. MacFARLANE. The Rochester, Syracuse and Eastern "Travelectric," 1906-1931… Rochester: Pulibshed by the author, 1961. 176 pp.
6406 GORDON, WILLIAM REED. Horse Car and Trolley Days in Rochester, 1862-1956.
5043 GOSSELMAN, KARL AUGUST. Resa I Norra Amerika.
5180 GOTTSCHALK, LOUIS MOREAU. Notes of a Pianist: Louis Moreau Gottschalk, ed. Jeanne Behrend.
3559e GRACE, ALONZO G. School Organizations in Monroe County.
6583 GRAFFAM, ALAN EDWARD. On the Persistence of Denominational Evangelical Higher Education: Case Studies in the History of Geneva College, Roberts Wesleyan College, Nyack College and Houghton College.
1760 GRAFLEX CORP. The Story of Graflex, as Told to Al Sisson by Members of the Graflex Organization; a Quarter Century of Progress from June 9, 1926 to June 9, 1951.
2176 GRAHAM, F. STEWART. "The Locomotives of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad and Its Subsidiary Lines."
3129 GRAHAM, ROBERT H. Yates County's Boys in Blue," 1861-1865; Who They Were--What They Did.
1067 GRAHAM, TODD T. Ethnic Concentrations and Socio-Political Patterns of Syracuse and Rochester, New York, 1946-1962.
3118 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Dept. of New York. Identification and Marking of the Graves of the Soldier Dead in the Cemeteries of Monroe County, New York State, by Flower Committee of the Grand Army of the Republic.
3523 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. Dept. of N.Y. George H. Thomas Post No. 4. Presentation of National Flags to the Public Schools of the City of Rochester, on Washington's Birthday, 1889 ...
265 GRANDER, J. ALBERT. A History of Early Canandaigua.
3901 GRANEY, CHARLES M. "Medical History of Genesee Country: Early Settlement to War of 1812."
850 GRANGER, ELI. "Diaries of 1796-1797," ed. Margaret Toth.
5365 GRANGER, J. ALBERT. The History of Canandaigua: An address Delivered at the Centennial Celebration, July 4, 1876.
4512 GRANT, CARTER E. “Peter Whitmer's Log House.”
4513 GRANT, CARTER E. “The Joseph Smith Home, Stafford Street, Palmyra, New York.”
253 GRANT, DONALD. "Spencerport."
4952 GRANT, FRANCIS. "Journal from New York to Canada, 1767."
2256 GRANT, ROBERT. York Landing.
2595 GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH J. Town Zoning and the Shortage of Moderate and Low Income Housing, Monroe County, New York.
2707 GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH J., and ELIZABETH S. MILLER. Assessment of Real Property in Monroe County: A Study of Assessment Inequities and a Call for Reform.
2708 GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH J., and ELIZABETH S. MILLER. The State-Local Tax Structure--A Comparative Perspective.
2815 GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH, J., and others. The Community of Webster; A Governmental Analysis and a Plan for Its Future.
2451 GRASBERGER, FRIEDRICH, J. The Real Property Tax.
5521 GRASSO, THOMAS X. The Canals and Brief History of Rochester: and Eastern Monroe County.
6363 GRASSO, THOMAS X., and RUTH ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK. Remembering an Old Canal Town.
6334 GRATES, FRANCIS J. Say `(Cuba) Cheese'.
174 GRATWICK, WILLIAM. My, This Must Have Been a Beautiful Place When It Was Kept Up.
4899 GRAVELLE, JEAN F. "The Civil War Songster of a Monroe County Farmer."
3226 GRAY, RALPH L. The Effectiveness of the Neighborhood Unit Service Organization in Rochester, New York.
2668 GREATER ROCHESTER INTER-GOVERNMENTAL PANEL. Report of the Great Rochester Inter-Governmental Panel, Submitted to the National Academy of Public Administration and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
2669 GREATER ROCHESTER INTER-GOVERNMENTAL PANEL. Two-Tiered Government in Monroe County, New York
6293 GREBINGER, PAUL. Button Man; How One Rochester Executive Guided His Firm through the Great Depression.
2771 GREECE, Planning Board. Master Plan, Town of Greece. 2 vols.
2737 GREELEY & HANSEN. Summary Report, Comprehensive Solid Waste Planning Study, City of Rochester, County of Monroe, State of New York.
1284 GREELEY, HORACE. "The Great Exhibition of the New-York State Agricultural Society at Rochester."
5177 GREELEY, HORACE. An Overland Journey, from New York to San Francisco in the Summer of 1859.
783 GREELEY, HORACE. "Editorial Correspondence."
419 GREEN, WAITER. H. History, Reminiscences, Anecdotes and Legends of Great Sodus Bay, Sodus Point, Sloop Landing, Sodus Village, Pultneyville, Maxwell and the Environing Regions, the Ridge Road end the 4 Horse Post Coaches.
3816 GREENE, EDWARD. "Recollections of Early Days at the Water Cure with Dr. Cordelia Greene."
2986 GREENE, SAMUEL D. The Broken Seal; or, Personal Reminiscences of the Morgan Abduction & Murder.
5330 GREENE, SUSAN W. Historic Alfred Station--1980.
100 GREENE, WILLIAM C., and W. EDMUND HOOD. The Letchworth Guidebook.
4943 GREENHALGH, WENTWORTH. Wentworth Greenhalgh's Journal of a Tour to the Indians of Western New-York. Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, ed. John Romeyn Brodhead. Vol. 3: London Documents, 1614-1692, pp. 250-52.
1588 GREENLEAF, WILLIAM. Monopoly on Wheels: Henry Ford & the Selden Automobile Patent.
3681 GREENSPAN, STEPHEN H. Central Library Services in Monroe County: The Problem of Fiscal Equity.
3743 GREENSPAN, STEPHEN H. Rochester Museum-Science Center: A Proposed Metropolitan Approach.
3559a GREENSPAN, STEPHEN H., and FRIEDRICH J. GRASBERGER. Target: The Three E's: Efficiency of Organization, Equity of Financing, Equality of Financing; A Study of the Organizational and Financial Structure of Public Education in Monroe County.
4872 GREENSPAN, STEPHEN, and GRETE CHANDLER. A Cooperative Framework for the Arts: Recommendations for Supporting and Coordinating Cultural Activities in Rochester-Monroe County, New York.
5441 GREER, EMMA M. POLLARD. History of Charlotte, ed. Carlos de Zafra, Jr.
798 GREER, EMMA POLLARD. "Home Builders of Old Charlotte."
917 GREER, EMMA POLLARD. "Saved from the Lake."
5576 GREGORIO, DAVID I. “Antimasonry: Political Action or Collective Disorder? An Inquiry Concerning the Structural Determinants of a Social Movement.”
6345 GREGORY, DAVID. Wolf Creek Water Power.
5262 GREGORY, WINIFRED, ed. American Newspapers, 1821-1936. A Union List of Files Available in the United States and Canada.
1830 GRESHAM, HENRY L. "Ward's Natural Science Establishment: A Century of Service to Biology and Geology."
3699 GRIDLEY, SAMUEL H. "Historical Sketch of the Waterloo Library and Historical Society," pp. 7-29 in the Centennial Celebration of General Sullivan's Campaign against the Iroquois, in 1779 ...
2990 GRIFFEN, LELAND M. The Antimasonic Persuasion: A Study of Public Address in the American Antimasonic Movement 1826-1838.
5206 GRIFFIN, APPLETON P.C. Bibliography of American Historical Societies (The United States and the Dominion of Canada). 2d ed. Revised. (Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1905, Vol. 2)
6673 GRIFFIN, CHARLES JAMES GRANT. Charles Finney's Prayer, A Dramatistic Interpretation of Charles Grandison Finney's Lectures on Revivals of Religion, 1834-1835.
4279 GRIFFIN, EDWARD D. A Letter to the Rev. Ansel D. Eddy, of Canandaigua, N.Y., on the Narrative of the Late Revivals of Religion, in the Presbytery of Geneva.
5388 GRILLS, RUSSELL A., and ROBERT E. DORAN, comps. The Historic Geneva Calendar …
3344 GRINNELL, LAWRENCE I. Canoeable Waterways of New York State and Vicinity.
6602 GRINOLS, MARJORIE. Photographic Memories.
6255 GROSSO, DIANE HOLAHAN. From the Genesee to the World.
6704 GROVER, JOHN. Saint Michael's R. C. Church.
5916 GROVER, KATHRYN. Geneva's Changing Waterfront, 1779-1989.
6204 GROVER, KATHRYN. Make a Way Somehow; African-Americans in Geneva, New York, 1790-1965.
6238 GROVER, NICKY. Farming in the 1860's-1890's.
5810 GRUBB, JOSEPH C. Diary of a Trip Taken in 1835.
1789 GRUEN, VICTOR. The Heart of Our Cities; The Urban Crisis: Diagnosis and Cure.
682 GRUPPE, VIRGINIA. Apples and Corn Stubble.
4399 GRUSH, JAMES W. History of the Congregational Church, Perry Centre, N.Y. ...
276 GUE, BENJAMIN F. Diary of Benjamin F. Gue in Rural New York and Pioneer Iowa, 1847-1856, ed. Earle D. Ross.
4656 GUION, ADELAIDE PARTRIDGE. "The Partridge Homestead: 'The White House.'"
4194 GUION, G.M. "History of Trinity Church."
3044 GURKO, MIRIAM. The Ladies of Seneca Falls: The Birth of the Woman's Rights Movement.
5120 GURNEY, JOSEPH J. A Journey in North America, Described in Familiar Letters to Amelia Opie.
1440 GUSTAFSON, A.F. "Soil and Field-Crop Management for Southwestern New York."
1441 GUSTAFSON, A.F. "Soil and Field-Crop Management for Northwestern New York."
1453 GUSTAFSON, A.F., and others. "The Soils and Crop Production in Genesee County, New York."
6082 GUSTAFSON, ROBERT J. Supplement to Irondequoit Story: A History of the Town of Irondequoit, Originally Compiled and Written by Maude I. West.
4672 GUTHE, ALFRED K. “Archeologists Dig into Monroe County History.”
1573 H.W. “Rochester Factories and the Social Spirit.”
3682 HACKER, HAROLD S. Ten Years of Progress: The Monroe County Library System, 1960-1969.
4955 HADFIELD, JOSEPH. An Englishman in America, 1785; Being the Diary of Joseph Hadfield, ed. Douglas S. Robertson.
290 HADLEY, JAMES. Diary, 1843-1852, of James Hadley, Tutor and Professor of Greek in Yale College, 1845-1872, ed. Laura Hadley Moseley.
5475 HAEGER, JOHN D. “Eastern Financiers and Institutional Change: The Origins of the New York Life Insurance and Trust Co. and the Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Co.”
5476 HAEGER, JOHN D. The Investment Frontier: New York Businessmen and the Economic Development of the Old Northwest.
3650 HAFFNEY, HUGH J. The Beginnings of St. John Fisher College ...
6853 HAGER, MICHAEL, and RICK MCKEE HOCK and RUTH ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK. A Portrait of Rochester Through the Lens of Charles Zoller.
5577 HAIGH, ELIZABETH B. “New York Antimasons, 1826-1833.”
1013 HAIGHT, SAMUEL S. A Reply to Col. Troup's Defense, of the Agency of the Pulteney Estate, against the Charge of Exerting Its Influence in the State Elections …
2021 HAINES, CHARLES G. Considerations on the Great Western Canal, from the Hudson to Lake Erie; With a View of Its Expence, Advantages, and Progress.
194 HALBIG, JOSEPH B., and others. Explanation and Description of the Overlay Maps that Illustrate Factors of Environmental Importance in the Town of Avon, Livingston County, New York.
5437 HALE, DAVID G. Village of Brockport Sesquicentennial 1829-1979. 1979.
5708 HALE, DAVID G. "'Achan in This Church': Rev. Joseph Myers in Brockport, 1828-32."
5438 HALE, DAVID G. "Hiel Brockway and the Early Days of Brockport."
1778 HALE, EZRA A. The Co-Ops and You: Being a Brief History of the Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Company and an Outline of the Benefits Available to Its Employees.
3076 HALL, AMOS. "Militia Service of 1813-1814, as Shown by the Correspondence and General Orders of Major General Amos Hall."
5046 HALL, BASIL. Travels in North America, in the Years 1827 and 1828.
1938 HALL, BOWMAN N. The Economic Impact of the State University of New York College of Arts and Science at Geneseo on the Village of Geneseo, 1971-72.
3744 HALL, DONALD S. The Strasenburgh Planetarium.
101 HALL, EDWARD H. “The Giver and the Gift.”
5004 HALL, FRANCIS. Travels in Canada, and the United States, in 1816 and 1817.
4577 HALL, I.F. "An Economic Study of Farm Buildings in New York."
5047 HALL, MARGARET HUNTER. The Aristocratic Journey; Being the Outspoken Letters of Mrs. Basil Hall Written during a Fourteen Months' Sojourn America, 1827-1828, ed. Una Pope-Hennessy.
4973 HALL, RUFUS. A Journal of the Life, Religious Exercises, and Travels in the Work of the Ministry, of Rufus Hall ...
4475 HALL, RUFUS. A Journal of the Life, Religious Exercises, and Travels in the Work of the Ministry, of Rufus Hall ...
3175 HALLOCK, BESSIE A. Rush in the Early Wars. Rush: 1962. 39 pp.
714 HALLOCK, BESSIE A. Preface to Rush, from Prehistoric Times--1824.
715 HALLOCK, BESSIE A. The Town of Rush, 1818-1958.
716 HALLOCK, BESSIE A. ed. Your Folks and Mine: Reminiscences of and about the People of Rush.
717 HALLOCK, BESSIE A. Rush in Retrospect: Town of River, Reeds and Rushes, 1788-1808, 1818-1968.
3974 HALLOCK, BESSIE A. The Churches of Rush.
4359 HALLOCK, GERARD B.F., and MAUDE MOTLEY, eds. A Living Church: The First Hundred Years of the Brick Church in Rochester.
3548 HALPEN, ROSA H. History of the Rochester School for the Deaf, 1876 1936 ...
3985 HALSEY, LEWIS. History of the Seneca Baptist Association, with Sketches of Churches and Pastors.
6161 HALSEY, RICHARD T., compiler. Tombstone Inscriptions from the Old Section of Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N.Y.
6079 HALSEY, RICHARD T., compiler. Tombstone Inscriptions from Brighton Cemetery, Rochester, New York.
6092 HALSEY, RICHARD T., compiler. Cemetery Records for the Town of Perinton, New York.
6081 HALSEY, RICHARD T., compiler. Cemetery Records for the Town of Greece, New York.
6084 HALSEY, RICHARD T., compiler. Tombstone Inscriptions from the town of Mendon, New York.
6914 HALSEY, RICHARD T. Genealogical Guide to Monroe County, New York.
5071 HAMBERLAIN, EBENEZER M. C"Journal of Ebenezer Mattoon Chamberlain 1832-5," ed. Louise Fogle.
3559d HAMBURG, MORRIS. A Study of the Efficiency of the Fairport Schools.
4790 HAMELL, GEORGE R. "Sewer-Pipe Pottery in Rochester, New York."
5282 HAMER, PHILIP M., ed. A Guide to Archives and Manuscripts in the United States…
799 HAMIL, FRED C. "Ebenezer Allan in Canada."
1014 HAMILTON, M. H. A Leaf from the Past. Some Memories of "Grieg Hall," Canandaigua.
2343 HAMILTON, MILTON W. “The Spread of the Newspaper Press in New York before 1830.”
2987 HAMILTON, MILTON W. “Anti-Masonic Newspapers, 1826-1834.”
5207 HAMILTON, MILTON W. The Historical Publication Program of the State of New York.
2342 HAMILTON, MILTON W. The Country Printer, New York State, 1785-1830.
5060 HAMILTON, THOMAS. Men and Manners in America.
4556 HAMLIN, TALBOT. Greek Revival Architecture in America: Being an Account of Important Trends in American Architecture and American Life Prior to the War between the States.
2568 HAMMER & CO. ASSOCIATES. Development of the Genesee River in the City of Rochester: A Reconnaissance Study of Re-Use Potentials and Indicated Courses of Action by the City.
2751 HAMMER, STEPHEN. Your Town Government: A Series of Articles ...
5944 HAMMOND, ENSIGN D. Souvenir of Marion, New York.
2921 HAMMOND, JABEZ D. The History of Political Parties in the State of New-York, from the Ratification of the Federal Constitution to December, 1840 ... Cooperstown: H. & E. Phinney, 1845. 3d ed. 2 vols.
6891 HAMMOND, SAMUEL H. Country Rambles.
5158 HAMMOND, SAMUEL H., and L.W. MANSFIELD. Country Margins and Rambles of a Journalist.
243 HAMPTON, ISAAC. "Ossian."
244 HAMPTON, ISAAC. "Ossian."
5001 HAMTON, AARON "Aaron Hamton's Diary," ed. Edna L. Jacobsen
239 HAND, H. WELLS, ed. Centennial History of the Town of Nunda, 1808-1908.
4933 HANDY, MYRTLE M., and BLAKE MCKELVEY. British Travelers to the Genesee Country.
1094 HANEY, Mrs. Ellery A. "The Dutch in Rochester."
3065 HANFORD, FRANKLIN. Notes on the Visits of American and British Naval Vessels to the Genesee River, 1809-1814.
3064 HANFORD, FRANKLIN. "The Genesee Valley in the Navy."
918 HANFORD, FRANKLIN. "On the Origins of the Names of Places in Monroe County, New York."
1217 HANFORD, GEORGE. Directory of Allegany County ...
1249 HANFORD, GEORGE.. Directory of Yates County, N.Y., with Map.
1238 HANFORD, GEORGE.. Directory of Orleans County, N.Y., with Map.
2452 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. "High Finance of Village Days."
919 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. "Panorama of Social Rochester."
3238 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. "The Rochester Female Charitable Society."
4697 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. “Court House Justice.'“
4698 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. “The Cogswell Fountain.”
4696 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. “Historic Reynolds Arcade.”
3011 HANMER-CROUGHTON, AMY. “Anti-Slavery Days in Rochester.”
3350 HANMER-CROUGHTON, ANN. "Bicycles and Sidepaths."
920 HANNAN, S.F. Old Times and Old Timers of Now and Fifty Years Ago in Rough and Ready Rhyme ...
2453 HANSEN, ELIZABETH STAFFORD. City Finances in Perspective: Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse, New York, 1975-1976.
6449 HANSEN, ELIZABETH S. County Finances in Perspective: Monroe, Erie, and Onondaga, New York, 1977.
4514 HANSEN, HAROLD I. “Hill Cumorah Mormon Pageant.”
3670 HANSON, HOWARD. The Eastman School of Music of the University of Roch ester, Two Decades of Progress; A Tribute to the Alumni.
2113 HANYAN, CRAIG R. "China and the Erie Canal."
3119 HARD, JAMES A. "My Boyhood 100 Years Ago."
3884 HARDER, GAYLE LOCKHART. An Ecological Study of Mental Disorders in Rochester, New York.
4195 HARDING, JOHN R. History of St. Luke's Church, 1875-1922 .
5498 HARDISKY, DAVID L. “The Rochester General Strike of 1946.”
6674 HARDMAN, KEITH. Charles Grandison Finney, 1792-1875: Revivalist and Reformer.
1442 HARDY, ERNEST E. The Agricultural Regions of New York State: A Mid- Century Description.
1443 HARDY, ERNEST E., CHARLES S. HUNT, and GERALD W. OLSON. "The Oswego River Basin: Climate, Soils and Intensity of Agriculture."
3559c HARDY, H. CLAUDE. “A New Kind of School Exhibit.”
6562 HARFORD, LUCILE M. School Days, School Days, a Chronicle of Ansley School District 3, Town of Geneva, State of New York.
295 HARFORD, LUCILE M. The Country Cousin: A Chronicle of the Town of Geneva, Ontario County, New York State.
4819 HARKNESS, BERNARD E., and MABEL G. OLNEY. "John Walton (1834-1914): Artist."
2630 HARKNESS, BERNARD. Plants of Highland Park.
2631 HARKNESS, BERNARD. "A Checklist of the Cultivated Woody Plants of the Rochester Parks."
2541 HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. A Major Street Plan for Rochester, New York.
2544 HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. A Preliminary Report on a System of Recreational Facilities for Rochester, New York.
2543 HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. A Preliminary Report on Transit Facilities for Rochester, New York.
2542 HARLAND BARTHOLOMEW & ASSOCIATES. A Preliminary Report on Railroad and Water-Borne Transportation Facilities for Rochester, New York.
2390 HARLOW, ALVIN F. Old Wires' and New Waves: The History of the Telegraph, Telephone, and Wireless.
2092 HARLOW, ALVIN F. Old Towpaths: The Story of the American Canal Era.
2152 HARLOW, ALVIN F. The Road of the Century: The Story of the New York Central,
2312 HARLOW, ALVIN F. Old Waybills: The Romance of the Express Companies.
5693 HARMAN, ELIZABETH S. St. Mark's and St. John's Episcopal Church: A Short History.
1285 HARMON, RAWSON. "Report of Experiments on the Varieties of Wheat Cultivated in the State of New-York."
3295 HARPER, F. A. “Cooperative Purchasing and Marketing Organizations in New York State.”
3045 HARPER, IDA HUSTED. The Life and Work of Susan B. Anthony; Including Public Addresses, Her Own Letters and Many from Her Contemporaries during Fifty Years.
5532 HARRINGTON, CHARLES. “Railroading Days.”
4967 HARRIOTT, JOHN. Struggles through Life, Exemplified in the Various Travels and Adventures in Europe, Asia, Africa, & America.
6075 HARRIS, EDWIN N. Harpending's Corners.
718 HARRIS, GEORGE H. "Markhams of Rush."
638 HARRIS, HAROLD. “Pang Yang's Poet-Chronicler.”
921 HARRIS, JULIA HUGHES. "Early Births in Rochester."
3967 HARRIS, JULIA HUGHES. "The Carthage Sunday School."
4245 HARRIS, WILLIAM A. The Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church, Rochester, New York, 1836-1936.
6555 HARRISON, ANN. New York's National Wildlife Refuges.
5587 HARRISON, E.D., comp. Yates County in the World War, 1917-1918.
1606 HARRISON, EDWARD P. "The Central Trust Story ..."
1827 HARRISON, EDWARD P. "The Strasenburgh Laboratories."
1561 HARRISON, EDWARD P. “Rochester Has Had Its Taste of Mergers and Finds Them Not Frightening.”
4839 HARRISON, EDWARD P. "How Would You Date This Photograph?
1624 HARRISON, EDWARD P. “Donovan Paint and Lacquer Makers Uphold City Slogan 'Rochester-Made Means Quality.'“
2422 HARRISON, W.S. The Political Blue Book of Rochester, N.Y. ...
4259 HART, EDWARD P. Reminiscences of Early Free Methodism.
705 HART, ISABELLA H. History of Pittsford, N.Y.
706 HART, ISABELLA H. Personal Reminiscences of Pittsford.
4122a HART, WILLIAM Golden Jubilee History, Holy Rosary Parish, 1889-1939.
3936 HART, WILLIAM T., and others. “Community Facilities for Alcoholics in Rochester, N.Y.”
3154 HARTZELL, KARL D. The Empire State at War, World War II.
5074 HARVEY, B.J. "The Midwest in 1832. Being the Journal of B.J. Harvey of Farmington, N.Y., while Enroute to Astabula, Cleveland, Sandusky, Vistula (Toledo), Blissfield, Adrian, Tecumseh, Ypsilanti and Detroit."
3891 HARVEY, JULIEN H. The Rochester Public Safety Campaign, Promoted and Managed by the National Safety Council, Its Rochester Local Council, and the Rochester Chamber of Commerce. A Report of Organized Public Safety Activities in the City of Rochester, N.Y., March 1 to September 1, 1918.
5270 HASSE, ADELAIDE R. Index of Economic Material in Documents of the States of the United States. Vol. 31: New York, 1789-1904.
186 HATCH, ALDEN. The Wadsworths of the Genesee.
851 HATCH, JESSE W. "Memories of Village Days: Rochester, 1822 to 1830."
1637 HATCH, JESSE W. “The Old-Time Shoemaker and Shoemaking.”
4433 HATHAWAY, LEVI. The Narrative of Levi. Hathaway, Giving an Account of His Life, Experiences, Call to the Ministry of the Gaspel of the Son of God, and Travels … Providence: Miller & Hutches, 1820. 140 pp.
5783 HAUPTMAN, LAWRENCE M. “The Iroquois School of Art: Arthur C. Parker and the Seneca Arts Project, 1935-1941."
852 HAUSHALTER, Mrs. Michael. "Some Side Squints on Old Rochester."
2043 HAVEMEYER, WILLIAM F. Message of the Mayor of the City of New York to the Common Council in Reference to the Pending Amendment to the State Con-stitution Relative to Funding the Canal and General Fund Debts.
1597 HAWKINS, HARRY. "Rochester Products 25th Year as a General Motors Division."
596 HAWLEY, HERBERT J. “The Sea Serpent of Silver Lake.”
4403 HAWLEY, HERBERT J. A History of First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, Perry Center, N.Y. ... 1964.
2044 HAWLEY, JESSE. An Essay on the Enlargement of the Erie Canal ...
2023 HAWLEY, MERWIN A. "The Erie Canal. Its Origin Its Resources and Its Necessity."
2024 HAWLEY, MERWIN A. "The Erie Canal. Its Origin Considered in Reference to Gouverneur Morris, Joshua Forman, James Geddes and Jesse Hawley."
2022 HAWLEY, MERWIN A. "Origin of the Erie Canal. Embracing a Synopsis of the Essays of the Hon. Jesse Hawley, Published in 1807."
1882 HAWLEY, NATALIE F. The Labor Movement in Rochester: 1880-1898.
1533 HAWLEY, NATALIE F., ed. "Additional Water Power Documents."
3734 HAWLIE, NATALIE F. Literature in Rochester, 1865-1905.
5022 HAWLEY, ZERAH A Journal of a Tour through Connecticut, Massachusetts, New-York, the North Part of Pennsylvania, and Ohio, Including a Year's Residence in that Part of the State of Ohio, Styled New Connecticut, or Western Reserve…
1129 HAWRYLAK, WALTER. Free Cossacks; Anniversary Jubilee Book of the Ukrainian Civic Center, Rochester, New York.
1084 HAWRYLUK, ALEXANDER. Friends of Fight: A Study of a Militant Civil Rights Organization.
5088 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. Sketches from Memory: Rochester, The Centenary Edition of the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Vol. 11, PP. 301-3047.
3917 HAY, DONALD G., and OLAF F. LARSON. "Use of Health Resources by Rural People in Two Western New York Counties, 1950."
3916 HAY, DONALD G., and OLAF F. LARSON. "Medical and Health Care Resources Available in Livingston County, New York, 1950."
5800 HAYDON, ROGER, ed. Upstate Travels: British Views of Nineteenth-Century New York.
3692 HAYES, CATHERINE D. "The History of the University of Rochester Libraries: 120 Years."
3864 HAYES, CATHERINE D. “Edward Mott Moore: Nineteenth Century Medical Student.”
4673 HAYES, CHARLES F., III. “Ceramics from Jacksonville--A Mid-19th Century Community in Western New York.”
4674 HAYES, CHARLES F., III. “Historical Archeology in Mendon Ponds Park.”
4148 HAYES, CHARLES WELLS. The Diocese of Western New York: History and Recollections.
4578 HAYES, DWIGHT. Outhouses of the Allegheny Hills.
261 HAYES, GEORGE M. "Tales from the Bristol Hills."
1949 HAYES, GEORGE M. History of Banking in Canandaigua from 1813 to 1951.
5078 HAYNES, HARVEY. "A Trip from Rome to Mackinaw in Territorial Days, with Powder and Clothing for Soldiers at the Fort."
5892 HAYWARD, ESTHER M. Caledonia, Town & Village.
84 HAZEN, GEORGE A. “A Vampire of Seneca Lake.”
3937 HEALTH ASSOCIATION OF ROCHESTER & MONROE COUNTY. Restart: A Treatment Program for Monroe County Residents Caught in the Spiral of Drug Abuse.
6666 HEALTH ASSOCIATION OF ROCHESTER AND MONROE COUNTY. The Blackwell Medical Society and the Professionalization of Women Physicians.
3918 HEALTH COUNCIL OF MONROE COUNTY. Work Plan on Organization and Health Facilities Planning for the Health Council of Monroe County and the Genesee Region Health Planning Council ...
5244 HEALY, FRANCES. "A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Years 1855-58, with a Historical Introduction.”
5246 HEALY, MARY A. A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Yeats 1863-65, with a Historical Introduction.
1471 HEARN, W. EDWARD. "Soil Survey of the Lyons Area, New York." Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1902, pp. 143-62 and map.
3190 HECHT, PAMELA K. Differential Perceptions of a Local Community Area.
5016 HECKE, J. VALENTIN Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika in den Jahren 1818 und 1819 …
2865 HEDLUND, F.F. “Development of Assessment of Property and Collection of Taxes in Rural New York.”
1364 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. A History of Horticulture in America to 1860.
1363 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. The Small Fruits of New York.
1416 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P., and others. "Peas of New York." The Vegetables of New York. Vol. 1, Part 1.
1359 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. The Grapes of New York.
1360 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. The Plums of New York.
1362 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. The Peaches of New York.
1417 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P., and others. "Beans of New York." The Vegetables of New York. Vol. 1, Part 2.
3700 HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. "What Farmers Read in Western New York, 1800-1850."
1271a HEDRICK, ULYSSES P. "Transport Change and Agricultural Specialization."
1460 HEFFNER, ROBERT L., and SEYMOUR D. GOODMAN. Soil Survey of Monroe County, New York.
3405 HEILBRONNER, LESLIE L. "Perry Graduates 75th Class."
5346 HEIMAN, ELMER J. Town of Darien, 1832-1982.
1308 HEINICKE, ARTHUR J. "The 75th Anniversary of the Geneva Experiment Station."
6419 HELMUTH, JOHN A. The Economic Impact of the Rochester-Monroe County Airport on the Local Economy.
3793 HENDERSON, DONALD A. "Epidemic Cholera, Rochester, 1833."
291 HENDRICK, ULYSSES P. "Early Geneva."
4486 HENDRICKS, Mrs. Walter A., and ARNOLD J. POTTER. “The Universal Friend: Jemina Wilkinson.”
1116 HENDRICKSON, CATHERINE HARDING. Continuity and. Change in Two Rochester Neighborhoods, 1890-1958.
5883 HENDRYX, LOUISE. The Henry Hendryx Murder Case, a True Happening in Cuba, New York, 1876.
2295 HENION, ANNA. "The Old Stage Coach."
3391 HENION, ANNA. E. "Early Schools of Seneca Falls."
6473 HENKE, JACK. Lawyers and the Law in New York, a Short History and Guide.
2775 HENRIETTA. Henrietta: Citizens Development Committee,
5659 HENRY, GEORGE W. Shouting, Genuine and Spurious: . Giving a History of the Outward Demonstrations of the Spirit; Such as Laughing, Screaming, Shouting, Leaping, Jerking, Falling under the Power, etc…
6168 HENSHAW, BETTY. The Sisters, Then Now.
5962 HERMAN, MARK. Wyoming County, New York, Images of Our Past.
5061 HERR, BENJAMIN. "Benj. Herr's Journal, 1830."
3012 HERRICK, J.P. “Story of a Noble Life: Rev. Calvin Fairbank and His Work for the Slaves.”
2380 HERRICK, JOHN P. Founding a Country Newspaper Fifty Years Ago.
1903 HERRICK, JOHN P. Empire Oil: The Story of Oil in New York State.
132 HERRICK, JOHN P. Bolivar, New York: Pioneer Oil Town.
3112 HERRICK, JOHN P. Allegany County's Century-Old Republican Voter, John A. Jones...
4713 HERSEY, CARL K. "The Architecture of Woodside."
4699 HERSEY, CARL K. “The Gothic Revival Chapel of the Sacred Heart (1890), Rochester, New York.”
4714 HERSEY, CARL K. The Architectural Origins of Woodside (1838).
1346 HESS, CARROLL, V. “Profitable Adjustments for New York Dairymen.”
3938 HESS, JOSEPH F. The Autobiography of Joseph F. Hess, the Converted Prize-Fighter. A Book of Thrilling Experiences and Timely Warnings to Young Men ...
6482 HEWITT, NANCY. The Social Origins of Women's Antislavery Politics in Western New York, in Alan M. Kraut, ed., Crusaders and Compromisers, Essays on the Relationship of the Antislavery Struggle to the Antebellum Party System.
6490 HEWITT, NANCY A. Feminist Friends: Agrarian Quakers and the Emergence of Woman's Rights in America.
6491 HEWITT, NANCY ANN. Women's Activism and Social Change: The Case of Rochester, New York, 1822-1872.
6492 HEWITT, NANCY. Yankee Evangelicals and Agrarian Quakers: Gender, Religion, and Class in the Formation of a Feminist Consciousness in Nineteenth-Century Rochester, New York.
5591 HEWITT, NANCY A. Women's Activism and Social Change: Rochester, New York, 1822-1872.
3750 HEYDWEILLER, AMELIA M. The Burroughs-Audubon Nature Club.
4224 HIBBARD, FREEBORN G. History of the Late East Genesee Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
1645 HICKEY-FREEMAN CO. Souvenir of a New Business Home, Rochester: 1912, 46 pp.
6328 HICKMAN, JOHN and DEAN OAKES. Standard Catalog of National Bank Notes.
4476 HICKS, EDWARD. Memoirs of the Life and Religious Labors of Edward Hicks, Late of Newtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
6866 HIGDON, JAMES M., Jr. Seventy-five Years of Organ Playing: A Survey of Artist Recitals in Rochester, New York, Since 1900.
6339 HIGGINS, JAY. The Engine Company Remembered for Its Boats.
972 HIGGINS, RUTH L. Expansion in New York, with Especial Reference to the Eighteenth Century.
6184 HILBERT, ALFRED G. The Pre-Emption Line: Its Historical Background of Conflicting Charters.
5744 HILL, DONNA. Joseph Smith: The First Mormon.
2074 HILL, HENRY W. "An Historical Review of Waterways and Canal Construction in New York State.
4515 HILL, MARVIN S. “The Shaping of the Mormon Mind In New England and New York.”
5745 HILL, MARVIN S. “The Rise of Mormonism in the Burned-Over District: Another View.”
2698 HILL, SCOTT. Police in Monroe County, New York.
3251 HILLSIDE HOME FOR CHILDREN. Hillside Centennial, 1837-1937.
2264 HILTON, GEORGE W. The Great Lakes Car Ferries.
2231 HILTON, GEORGE W. and JOHN F. DUE. The Electric Interurban Railways in
6407 HINKLEY, MARILYN J. A Streetcar Named Dinky: Canandaigua Street Railways, 1886-1930.
5117 HINMAN, JOHN F. "My First Journey to Michigan, with Other Reminiscences."
1593 HINRICHS, NOEL. The Pursuit of Excellence: James Cunningham, Son & Co.
4516 HIRSHON, STANLEY P. The Lion of the Lord: A Biography of Brigham Young.
206 HITCHCOCK, S. EDWARD. The Story of Crockett's Corners.
894 HITCHCOCK, S. EDWARD. 'My First Visit to Rochester."
205 HITCHCOCK, SOLOMON. "Conesus."
3066 HITSMAN, J. MACKAY. "Alarum on Lake Ontario, Winter 1812-1813."
6477 HIXSON, CHARLES ROBERT. Antimasonry in Western New York: A Social and Political Analysis
3632 HOBART COLLEGE. The Centennial of Hobart College, 1822-1922. Exercises in Connection with the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary, Tuesday, June 13, 1922.
3631b HOBART COLLEGE. General Catalogue of Officers, Graduates and Students, 1825-1897.
4149 HOBART, JOHN HENRY. The Correspondence of John Henry Hobart, ed. Arthur Loundes. 6 vols.
2684 HOCH, EARL B. Courts of Law in the Rochester Area.
5976 HODGE, DARWIN G. Arcade, New York: 1912.
441a HODGE, DARWIN G. Arcade, New York, 1912.
6524 HODGE, KATHERINE TALBOT. History of the Woman's Educational and Industrial Union, 1893-1943.
5023 HODGSON, ADAM. Letter from North America, Written during a Tour in the United States and Canada.
1418 HOECKER, R.W. "The Production and Marketing of Cabbage in New York."
6720 HOELTZEL, ROBERT L. A History of the Presbyterian Church, Newark, New York, 1825-1980.
3296 HOFSOMMER, HAROLD C. “Relation of Cities and Larger Villages to Changes in Rural Trade and Social. Areas in Wayne County, New York.”
4113 HOGAN, JAMES A. The Story of A Hundred Years. St. Mary's Church, Medina, N.Y. 1940.
4260 HOGUE, WILSON T. History of the Free Methodist Church,
3644 HOKE, GEORGIE C., and MARK ELLINGSON. "History of the Rochester Athen aeum and Mechanics Institute."
3645 HOKE, GEORGIE C., and MARK ELLINGSON. Blazing New Trails: The Biography of a Pioneer in Education.
4675 HOLAHAN, ELIZABETH G. Notes on the Cultural Debris at the Stone-Tolan Site.
4764 HOLAHAN, ELIZABETH GIBSON. The Stone-Tolan House.
3782a HOLBROOK, STEWART H. “Phrenology in New York State.”
6833 HOLCOMB, GRANT, and PATRICIA JUNKER. American Paintings in the Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester.
1296 HOLDER, WORTH D. "Will We Keep 'Em Down on the Farm?"
1162 HOLDER, WORTH D. "Change."
1163 HOLDER, WORTH D. "Change--Revisited."
5194 HOLE, SAMUEL R. A Little Tour in America.
1049 HOLLAND LAND CO. Refutation of the claim of John Livingston, Esquire, to Lands in the Western District of the State of New-York, under Certain Indian Leases; together with the Opinions of Counsel Thereon.
1050 HOLLAND LAND CO. .. Memorial of Paul Busti. To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of New-York, in Senate and Assembly Convened.
1051 HOLLAND LAND CO. Proceedings of the Meeting Held at Lockport, Jan. 2-3, 1827 ... and of the Convention of Delegates from the Several Counties Held at Buffalo on the Holland Purchase ...
1052 HOLLAND LAND CO. An Address to the Landholders and Inhabitants of the Holland Purchase. on the Subject of the Holland Land Company's Title, and Remonstrating against the Proceedings of a County Convention, Held at Buffalo, 11th Feb., 1830.
1053 HOLLAND LAND CO. A Deduction of the Titles to the Several Tracts of Lands in the State of New York, Composing the Tract of Country Called the Holland Purchase.
5492 HOLLAND, FREDERICK W. “Rochester, N.Y., Its Mills, Factories etc.”
2872 HOLLEY, ORVILLE L. The New-York State Register, for 1843 ...
2297 HOLMES, OLIVER W. "Sunday Travel and Sunday Mails: A Question which Troubled Our Forefathers."
2296 HOLMES, OLIVER W. "The Stage-Coach Business in the Hudson Valley."
2968 HOLTHUSEN, HENRY F. James W. Wadsworth, Jr.: A Biographical Sketch.
3834 HOLTON, GLADYS REID. “The History of Nursing in Rochester.”
3794 HOLTON, GLADYS REID. "The Western Barge.'"
3178 HOLTON, GLADYS REID. “Our Yesterday,” a Fifty Year History of the Webster Woman's Christian Temperance Union.
922 HOLTON, GLADYS REID. "Notes on Social History of Early Rochester."
2060 HOLTON, GLADYS REID. The Genesee Valley Canal.
6697 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH (Rochester, N.Y.) Holy Family Centennial, 1864-1964.
4658 HOLZSCHUH, ELAINE M. "Barn Vent."
5811 HOMET, FRANCIS X. "An 1847 Diary--A Journey to Ohio."
3363 HOMIER, HARLAN H., ed. Education in New York State, 1784-1954 ...
4176 HOOD, CHARLES N. St. John's Church 100th Anniversary.
800 HOOKER, ELON H. "Memories of Carthage."
2257 HOOKER, ELON HUNTINGTON. Memories of Carthage: Traffic on Early Waterways. Historical Souvenir of the Valley of the Genesee. Address … Pre-sented at the Dinner of the Society of the Genesee, … New York City, January 23rd, 1933.
801 HOOKER, SUSAN H. "The Rise and Fall of Carthage."
3406 HOOLE, WILLIAM H. "A History of Pike Seminary."
6656 HOOLIHAN, CHRISTOPHER, introduction. The Rochester Lake View Water-Cure Institution, a Facsimile of the 1851 Prospectus, with an Introduction....
3751 HOOT, WILLIAM B. History of the Burroughs-Audubon Nature Club of Rochester, N.Y.
3543 HOPKINS, ALICE.L. A Reminiscence of Miss A.D. Doolittle and the Rochester Female Academy.
4716 HOPKINS, ALPHONSO A. The Powers Fire-Proof Commercial and Fine Art Buildings.
4983 HOPKINS, GERARD T. A Mission to the Indians, from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, to Fort Wayne, in 1804.
6889 HOPKINS, JOHN HENRY. `Journal of My Tour in Fall of 1825,' Accompanied by Sketches in Watercolor and India Ink.
48 HOPKINS, SAMUEL. M. "Sketch of the Public and Private Life of Samuel Miles Hopkins, of Salem, Connecticut, Written by Himself, and Left as a Token of Affection to His Children."
2634 HORSEY, RICHARD E. "The Lilac, Official Flower of Rochester."
2633 HORSEY, RICHARD E. "Plants and Trees in Highland Park."
2632 HORSEY, RICHARD E. Lilacs in Rochester Parks.
6 HORTON, JOHN T., EDWARD T. WILLIAMS and HARRY S. DOUGLASS. History of Northwestern New York: Erie, Niagara, Wyoming, Genesee and Orleans Counties.
632 HORTON, THEODORE M. “Folk of the Finger Lake Country during the Presidential Campaign of 1868,” ed. John T. Horton.
6205 HORWITT, SANFORD D. Let Them Call Me Rebel: Saul Alinsky, His Life and Legacy.
2699 HORWITZ, LOIS K Local Criminal Justice Appropriations in Monroe County, New York, 1960-1973.
2025 HOSACK, DAVID. Memoir of DeWitt Clinton: with an Appendix, Containing Numerous Documents, Illustrative of the Principal Events of His Life.
6565 HOSENFELD, ALICE DILLON. History of Macedon High School (1853-1951) with Commentaries from Oral Histories.
5477 HOSKYNS, CHARLES W. Talpa: or the Chronicles of a Clay Farm. An Agricultural Fragment ... To Which are Added Two Prize Essays on Tile Drainage.
6530 HOSMER, HOWARD C. From Little Acorns: The Story of Oak Hill, 1901-1986, the eighty-five year account of the history of Oak Hill Country Club, Rochester, New York.
895 HOSMER, HOWARD C. No Pure Delight: A Newspaper Columnists' Scrapbook.
3328 HOSMER, HOWARD C. The Year of the Diamond: Being an Account of the First Seventy-Five Years of the Country Club of Rochester, N.Y., Founded 1895.
3329 HOSMER, HOWARD C. From Little Acorns: The Story of Oak Hill, 1901-1976...
1836 HOSMER, HOWARD C. “85 Years Young and Very Vibrant.”
646 HOSMER, HOWARD C. Monroe County (1821-1971). The Sesqui-Centennial Account of the History of Monroe County, New York.
3327 HOSMER, HOWARD C. Through Half a Century, Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the Country Club of Rochester.
1790 HOSMER, HOWARD C. "Midtown Plaza--15th Anniversary."
1670 HOSMER, HOWARD C. “A Look at the Development of Local Food/Beverage Industries.”
3835 HOSPITAL FACILITIES COMMITTEE. Study of Bed Requirements in the General Hospitals of Monroe County.
4280 HOTCHKIN, JAMES H. History of the Purchase and Settlement of Western New York, and of the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the Presbyterian Church in That Section.
2093 HOTCHKISS, WILLIAM O. Early Days of the Erie Canal--Adventures in Statesmanship and Canal Transport.
5910 HOTRA, LYNDA MCCURDY. Mary Clark Thompson: Canandaigua's Magnificent Benefactress.
6340 HOTRA, LYNDA MCCURDY. Better Quality: An Illustrated History of the Lisk Manufacturing Company.
5366 HOTRA, LYNDA MCCURDY. Canandaigua, 1850-1930: A Photographic History of the Village and the Lake.
5785 HOTRA, LYNDA McCURDY. Landscape Artists of Canandaigua Lake, 1830-1930.
1193 HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. Gazetteer of the State of New York ...
3364 HOUGH, FRANKLIN B. Historical and Statistical Record of the University of the State of New York during the Century from 1784 to 1884.
6460 HOUSTON, J. ROBERT and WILLIAM A. MULLIGAN. A History of the Geneseo Fire Department.
5156 HOUSTON, MATILDA FRASER. Hesperos: or, Travels in the West.
3046 HOWARD, MARTHA TAYLOR. “Rochester Memorials to Susan B. Anthony.”
2298 HOWARD, WILLIAM B. "A Report from the Engineer Appointed to Examine a Route for a National Road from the City of Washington to the Northwestern Frontier of the State of New York."
137 HOWDEN, HARVEY W. "The Birth & Growth of Fillmore, N.Y., "in Fillmore Centennial Celebration ...
4517 HOWE, EBER D. Mormonism Unveiled: or, a Faithful Account of That Singular Imposition and Delusion, from Its Rise to the Present Time. With Sketches of the Characters of Its Propagators.
1444 HOWE, F.B., and H.R. ADAMS. "Soil Erosion in New York."
5557 HOWE, F.L., ed. This Great Contrivance: The First Hundred Years of the Telephone in Rochester. Rochester:
148 HOWE, MARTHA ELSTON. A History of the Town of Wellsville, New York.
5024 HOWISON, JOHN Sketches of Upper Canada, and Some Recollections of the United States.
5020 HOWITT, EMUEL. Selections from Letters Written during a Tour through the United States, in the Summer and Autumn of 1819 …
368 HOWLAND, ROBERT J. "Seneca Falls Dentists, Past and Present.
6131 HOY, CYRUS. Mrs. Gilman H. Perkins and Her World.
5911 HOY, CYRUS, ed. Mary P. Hamlin: Memoirs and Letters.
6681 HOY, FRANCIS. 175th Anniversary, First Baptist Church, Attica, N. Y.
5877 HOY, FRANCIS, compiler. Complete Name Index to the 1896 Allegany County and Its People....
5354 HOY, FRANCIS, Complete Name Index to Centennial History of the Town of Nunda, 1808-1909.
4325 HOYT, JOHN. A Brief History of the First Presbyterian Church, LeRoy, New York. 1962.
5617 HRITZ, ELAINE B. The First Sixty Years: A History of the State University Agricultural and Technical College at Alfred, 1909-1969.
4934 HUBACH, ROBERT R. Early Midwestern Travel Narratives: An Annotated Bibliography, 1634-1850.
4700 HUBBELL, MARGUERITE E. A House That Is a Home.
4701 HUBBELL, MARGUERITE E. A History of 1050 East Avenue, Rochester, N.Y.
4174 HUBBS, JOHN B. History of St. Peter's, Geneva: 1867-1913.
5692 HUBBS, JOHN B. Saint Peter's Church ... Address Delivered at the Time of the Centennial of Geneva, 13th May, 1906.
4487 HUDSON, DAVID., History of Jemima Wilkinson, a Preacheress of the Eighteenth Century; Containing an Authentic Narrative of Her Life and Character, and of the Rise, Progress and Conclusion of the Ministry.
4225 HUDSON, JOHN B. Narrative of the Christian Experience, Travels and Labors of John B. Hudson, a Local Elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church. With Notices of the Introduction of Methodism in Various Sections of the State of New York.
6526 HUFF, ROBERT A. Anne Miller and the Geneva Political Equality Club, 1897-1912.
3013 HUFTELEN, ELIJAH. The Underground Railroad.
4746e HUGH STEBBINS & ASSOCIATES, architects. "What the War Memorial Means to Rochester."
1326 HUGHES, CAROLY NIVENS. The Dynamics of Migratory Settlement in Wayne County, New York State.
4445 HUGUENIN, CHARLES A. The Amazing Fox Sisters.
6364 HULLFISH, WILLIAM, compiler and ed. The Canaller's Songbook: Words, Music and Chords to Over Thirty Canal Songs.
853 HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. "Old East Avenue Days."
2685 HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. "Changes in Practice of Law in Rochester."
994 HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. “Nathaniel Gorham.”
3626 HUMPHREY, INGRAHAM. The History of Lima Seminary.
5208 HUMPHREY, JOHN A. New York State's Library Program.
4866 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD, and NORMAN KENT. The Genesee Country & the Western New York through which The Genesee So Proudly Flows--Being a Brief Discourse on an Exceedingly Fair & Gentle Land. Embellished with Relief Prints by Norman Kent.
785 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. "Tale of Three Cities: Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo."
786 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. The Personality of American Cities.
20 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Pathway of Empire.
72 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. “In the Valley of the Genesee.”
2184 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Men of Erie: A Story of Human Effort.
3651 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Rochester: A Good Town to Live In.
2153 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. The Story of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgh Railroad.
2156 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Men and Iron: The History of the New York Central.
2154 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. "When the Railroad 'First Came to Western New York."
2155 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. "Early Railroads of New York."
2313 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Wells Fargo: Advancing the American Frontier.
248 HUNT, EUNICE, ed. "Several Early Culver Letters."
1286 HUNT, SANFORD B. The Farming Interests of Western New York, as Affected by the Various Means of Transportation to the East and West...
4956 HUNTER, ROBERT, JR. Quebec to Carolina in 1785-1786; Being the Travel Diary and Observations of Robert Hunter, Jr., a Young Merchant of London, ed. Louis B. Wright and Marion Tinling.
472 HURD, NORMAN G. “Early Castile.”
6169 HURST, COLEEN, comp. and ed. A Cookbook Historical Commemorating Rochester's Sesquicentennial.
6892 HURT-BINET, MARC-GABRIEL. Neuf Mois aux Etats-Unis D'Amerique.
5868 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. Forgotten Heroes.
6086 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. The Hub of the Universe!
5313 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. Valley of the Ghosts: Folklore and Legends from the Storied Genesee Valley Region of New York State.
5314 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. "Spirits Still Haunting the Genesee."
647 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. “Monroe County Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971: Town and County Living.”
6483 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX, ed. Sweet Gift of Freedom, a Civil War Anthology.
694 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. Capsule History of Hilton and Parma.
695 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. Pioneer Days of Hilton, Parma and Ogden. Written to Commemorate the 150th Anniversary of the Town of Parma, 1809-1959.
5857 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. Spirits Still Haunting the Genesee.
5433 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. What's Cooking in Parma, N.Y.? ... Cook Book with Historical Pictures ...
5564 HUSTED, SHIRLEY COX, comp. Flags.
1512 HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM T. Cyrus Hall McCormick.
6888 HUTCHISON, MATHIAS. Mathias Hutchison's Notes of a Journey (1819-1820).
6527 HUTH, MARY M. Records of Women's Organizations in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections.
1470 HUTTON, FRANK A. Soil Survey of Seneca County, New York. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service.
273 HUYETT, JOYCE. "The History of East Bloomfield, New York."
1467 HYER , EDGAR A. Readjustment in Type of Farming in the Finger Lakes Region of New York.
3266 HYNES, MARGARET D. "Influence of Women in the Life of Rochester."
2571 I.M. PEI & ASSOCIATES. Twin Bridge. Redevelopment, Rochester, N.Y. n.p., 1960. unp.
6713 IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Webster, N.Y.) Fiftieth Anniversary, 1868-1918.
1563 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL. A Study of the Energy-Fuel Needs of the Rochester, New York Area.
3376 INGHAM UNIVERSITY. Alumnae Catalogue, Ingham University, Fifty Years.
4962 INGRAHAM, DUNCAN. "Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman Upon His Return from Niagara, Dated August 8, 1792."
2265 INSHAW, CHARLES C. Steamboating on the Finger Lakes.
4665 INSHAW, CHARLES C. “The Cayuga Bridge.”
1513 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER CO. McCormick Reaper Centennial Source Material.
1884 IRION, FREDERICK C., ed. Gannett Newspaper Suspension in Rochester (New York) from November 8, 1946 to February 8, 1947…
4446 ISAACS, ERNEST J. A history of Nineteenth Century American Spiritualism as a Religious and Social Movement.
1545 ISAACS, I.J. The Industrial Advances of Rochester. A Historical, Statistical & Descriptive Review.
3773 ISCHE, JOHN P., comp. Annotated Bibliography for the History of Medicine in New York State.
5933 ISSELHARD, ALAN J. Images of Clarendon Past.
5499 ISSERMAN, MAURICE, ed. “An Exchange in the
2958 ISSERMAN, MAURICE. "Inheritance Lost: Socialism in Rochester, 1917-1919."
2115 IVORY, PAUL.W. "Packet Boat Runners on the Erie Canal."
6256 JACKSON & PERKINS COMPANY (Newark, N.Y.) The Growth of Half a Century, 1874-1924: Fifty Years' Development of an American Nursery.
5767 JACKSON, CECELIA B. Historic Homes in and around
394 JACKSON, CECILIA BOLUS. One Hundred Years, 1853-1953.
5408 JACKSON, CECILIA B. Annals of Arcadia.
4990 JACKSON, HALLIDAY. "Halliday Jackson's Journal of a Visit Paid to the Indians of New York (1806)," ed. George S. Snyderman.
4447 JACKSON, HERBERT C.,JR. The Spirit Rappers. .
2624 JACKSON, HUGH R. Welfare Administration in New York State Cities.
1656 JACKSON, L.E,, and others. "The Genesee River Valley and Its Relation to the Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation."
6132 JACKSON, MASON. The Building.
6227 JACKSON, RONALD VERN, ed. New York 1800 Census Index.
6228 JACKSON, RONALD VERN, ed. New York 1820 Census index.
1180 JACKSON, RONALD V., and others, comps. New York 1810 Census Index,
1181 JACKSON, RONALD V., and others, comps. New York 1850 Census Index.
6231 JACKSON, RONALD VERN, ed. New York 1860 West.
6229 JACKSON, RONALD VERN, and GARY RONALD TEEPLES, eds. New York 1830 Census Index.
6230 JACKSON, RONALD VERN, and GARY RONALD TEEPLES, eds. New York 1840 Census Index.
5768 JACOBS, STEPHEN W. Wayne County: The Aesthetic Heritage of a Rural Area: A Catalog for the Environment.
1182 JACOBSEN, EDNA L. "New York State and Federal Census Records: An Inventory."
6311 JACOBSON, GARY and JOHN HILLKIRK. Xerox, American Samurai.
3207 JACOBSON, ISRAEL G. A Historical Study of the Community Organization Pro-cesses Involved in the Organization and Early Growth of a Council of Social Agencies.
6323 JACOBSTEIN, MEYER. Can Industrial Democracy be Efficient? The Rochester Plan.
5303 JACOBUS, DONALD L. Index to Genealogical Periodicals. 3 vols.
369 JACOBY, SAMUEL. L. Reminiscences of Seneca Falls and Seneca County,
4274 JAMES, THOMAS. “The Autobiography of Rev. Thomas James, ed. Joseph W. Barnes. Rochester History, 37, no. 4 (Oct. 1975), 1-32. Repr. from Wonderful Eventful Life of Rev. Thomas James, by Himself.
5987 JANISH, ALMA. The Town of Bennington.
4159 JANSEN, HUGH M., JR. Algernon Sidney Crapsey: Heresy at Rochester," pp. 188-224 in American Religious Heretics: Formal and Informal Trials, ed. George H. Shriver.
923 JANTON, VICTOR. "Rennes: Its Past, Its Present, Its Future."
5561 JAYNES, FRANK. Historical Sketches of the Fire Department of Rochester.
5815 JENKINS, PETER. A Walk Across America.
1751 JENKINS, REESE V. Images and Enterprise: Technology and the American Photographic Industry, 1839 to 1925.
5271 JENKINS, WILLIAM S., comp. A Guide to the Microfilm Collection of Early State Records, ed. Lillian A. Hamrick.
221 JENKS, MABEL FURNER. Lima, 1788-1964. Outline of the History of Lima Written fox the 175th Anniversary Celebration.
5055 JENKS, MICHAEL HUTCHINSON. Notes on a Tour through the Western Part of the State of New York. The Ariel,
1828 JENNINGS, FREDERICK H. "The Pharmaceutical House that Vision Built."
3716 JENNINGS, J. ARTHUR. An Appreciation of Edward R. Foreman.
2116 JENSEN, ALBERT C. "Building the Erie Canal."
5863 JENSEN, DAVID E. In My Time, Memoirs.
6324 JENSEN, JOAN M. and SUE DAVIDSON, eds. A Needle, a Bobbin, a Strike: Women Needleworkers in America.
4518 JESSEE, DEAN C. “The Early Accounts of Joseph Smith's First Vision.”
5272 JEWETT, ALICE L. Official Publications of the State of New York Relating to Its History as Colony and State.
5655 JEWETT, JOHN H. One Hundred Years: Address of the President ... Annual Meeting of Canandaigua Medical Society, January 14, 1932.
4539 JEWISH COMMUNITY COUNCIL OF ROCHESTER. The Jewish Population of Rochester, New York ... 1961.
5747 JEWISH COMMUNITY FEDERATION OF ROCHESTER. The Jews of Monroe County, N.Y., Based on a Survey of 402 Jewish Households.
3252 JEWISH ORPHAN ASYLUM ASSOCIATION. Five Years of Service to Jewish Children of Rochester by Jewish Children's Bureau.
3253 JEWISH ORPHAN ASYLUM ASSOCIATION. Jewish Children's Home, Rochester, N.Y., Silver Anniversary.
1869 JOBE, ELSA. Employment Regularization in Manufacturing Industries in Rochester, New York.
2763 JOHN GRAHAM & CO. District Concept Plan: Central Business District, Village of East Rochester, New York.
1333 JOHN, MACKLIN E. Attitudes of Dairy Farmers toward the Dairymen's League Cooperative Association (Otsego and Livingston Counties, New York, 1935).
1870 JOHNS, ALFRED A. A Review of Recent Trends in Apprentice Training and Its Present Status in Rochester.
3968 JOHNSON, DOUGLAS W., and others. Churches & Church Membership in the United States: An enumeration by Region, State and County, 1971.
5079 JOHNSON, GEORGE W. "A Journey across New York State in 1833, as Recounted in His Manuscript Journal by George Washington Johnson," ed. Julia Hull Winner.
4557 JOHNSON, HERBERT A., and RALPH K. ANDRIST. Historic Courthouses of New York Sate: 18th and 19th Century Halls of Justice across the Empire State..
5749 JOHNSON, HERBERT A., and RALPH K. ANDRIST. Historic Courthouses of New York State: 18th and 19th Century Halls of Justice across the Empire State.
1109 JOHNSON, HERBERT E. "50 Years of County Extension Service."
3134 JOHNSON, JOHN W. "A Sheldon Soldier in the Civil War."
3817 JOHNSON, JOSEPHINE M. "The Water Cure at 'The San.'"
414 JOHNSON, LAURENCE A. "The Money Diggers' of Rose."
183 JOHNSON, LAURENCE B., ed. The Pines Letters.
6750 JOHNSON, MELVIN W. The Cobblestone Architecture of the Great Lakes Region: An Annotated Bibliography.
3954 JOHNSON, PAUL E. A Shopkeeper's Millenium: Society and Revivals in Rochester, New York, 1815-1837.
5660 JOHNSON, PAUL E. A Shopkeeper's Millenium: Society and Revivals in Rochester, New York, 1815-1837.
4040 JOHNSON, ROBERT R. The Mountain of Olivet: A Historical Sketch of Negro Baptists in Rochester, New York.
5209 JOHNSON, ROSSITER. Rochester in Literature.
855 JOHNSON, ROSSITER. The Grandest Playground in. the World. Delivered before the Rochester historical Society, April 15, 1918.
856 JOHNSON, ROSSITER. "Excerpts from the Diary of Rossiter Johnson."
1348 JOHNSON, STEWART. Distribution in Six Large Cities of Upstate New York.”
1347 JOHNSON, STEWART. “The Rochester Milk. Marketing Area.”
4948 JOHNSON, WILLIAM, SIR. "Private Manuscript Diary, Kept by Sir William Johnson, on His Journey to and from Detroit," in William L. Stone, The Life and Times of Sir William Johnson, Bart., Vol. 2, pp. 429-77.
1919 JOHNSTON HARVESTER CO. Souvenir of Batavia. Photo-Gravures.
5157 JOHNSTON, JAMES F.W. Notes on North America, Agricultural, Economical, and Social.
3804 JOHNSTON, MALCOLM S. Elizabeth Blackwell and Her Alma Mater: The Story in the Documents.
3365 JOINT COMMITTEE ON RURAL SCHOOLS. Rural School Survey of New York State: A Report to the Rural School Patrons.
3227 JONES, ELSIE VOORHEES. The Third Church and the Community.
536 JONES, FRANKLIN P. “Civil War Years in Middlebury as Seen through the Diary of Franklin P. Jones.”
6146 JONES, JEAN. South West Area.
5315 JONES, LOUIS C. Three Eyes on the Past: Exploring New York Folk Life.
5694 JONES, VINCENT S., ed. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Rochester,
6484 JONSON, GEORGE WASHINGTON. A Journey to Arcade by Buffalo Abolitionist, 1844.
5581 JONSON, George W. “A Journey to Arcade by Buffalo Abolitionist, 1844,” ed. Harry S. Douglas. "
4011 JORDAN, JOYCE G. "The First Baptist Church of LeRoy, 1818-1968."
5482 JORDAN, W.H. The Station: Its History and Work. 26th Annual Report of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, Part III.
3782 JOYNT, ROBERT J. The Golden Age of Quackery.
5048 JUDAH, SAMUEL BERNARD. A Journal of Travel from New York to Indiana in 1827.
5805 JUDGE, HUGH. Memoirs and Journal of Hugh Judge: A Member of the Society of Friends, and Minister of the Gospel.
6217 JUDKINS, RUSSELL A., ed. Iroquois Studies: A Guide to Documentary and Ethnographic Resources from Western New York and the Genesee Valley.
2686 JURY REFORM ASSOCIATION. The Commissioner of Jurors for Monroe County: A Discussion of the Proposed Measure, for the Purpose of Giving Clear and Definite Information to the People of Monroe County.
4241 JUSTICE, HOWARD H. "Ye Are God's Building"'. A History arid a Membership Directory of the Greece Methodist Church. 1953.
6306 KABELAC, KARL SANFORD. Nineteenth-Century Rochester Fruit and Flower Plates.
1758 KABELAC, KARL S. "George Eastman: A Bibliographical Essay of Selected References."
5289 KABELAC, KARL S. Valentine Gill's 1832 Map of Rochester.
6854 KABELAC, KARL SANFORD, ed. Index to Views of Rochester and Monroe County.
6273 KABELAC, KARL SANFORD. Advice for Gardeners: Vick's Monthly Magazine (the first series, 1878-1891)
4761 KAELBER, WILLIAM G. "Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences, Bausch Hall ..."
6640 KAIDY, MITCH. He Wrote the Prescription for Success.
1811 KAIDY, MITCH. "100th Anniversary, A. Friederich & Son Co."
1822 KAIDY, MITCH. "John B. Pike & Son, Inc. Celebrates 100th Anniversary."
6316 KAIDY, MITCHELL. Off to a Good Beginning.
6457 KAISER, HARVEY H. The Building of Cities, Development and Conflict.
3613 KAISER, LAURIE ALLAN. Response to a Secular Society: A Liberal Seminary Looks at Its Role.
5553 KAISER, LOUIS W. A Checklist of the Post Offices of New York State to 1850, with the Names of the First Postmasters.
679 KALSBECK, ELEANOR CRANE. A History of the Town of Henrietta, 1790-1835, with Selections from Early Histories.
680 KALSBECK, ELEANOR. CRANE, comp. Henrietta, New York, Sesquicentennial, 1818-1968.
681 KALSBECK, ELEANOR CRANE. Henrietta Heritage.
6680 KANE, H. VICTOR. The River that Flowed Upstream; the Story of American Baptists in New York State.
58 KANE, JOSEPH N. Nicknames and Sobriquets of U.S. Cities and States.
5953 KANE, ROBERT. Sailors and Whalers: Lakemen of Pultneyville.
5678 KANE, THOMAS G. The Song of Stephen.
4540 KARP, ABRAHAM J. “Simon Tuska's The Stranger in the Synagogue.”
4541 KARP, ABRAHAM J. “Simon Tuska Becomes a Rabbi.”
6614 KARP, WALTER. A Fascination with the Commonplace.
6820 KARSON, ROBIN S. Fletcher Steele, Landscape Architect:An Account of the Gardenmaker's Life, 1885-1971.
6821 KARSON, ROBIN. Fletcher Steele's Last Vista.
6819 KARSON, ROBIN. Clarity and Elegance.
2922 KASS, ALVIN. Politics in New York State, 1800-1830.
277 KATKAMIER, ALLEN B. The History of the Township of Farmington, New York. With Biographies of Prominent Citizens.
6867 KATTEN, JUDITH. Paintings from a Picture Palace.
945 KAVANAGH, KATHLEEN M. "The Limited Fame of Sam Patch."
6425 KAY, JOHN L. and CHESTER M. SMITH, Jr. New York Postal History: The Post Offices and First Postmasters from 1775 to 1980.
2747 KAYE, CAROLYN G. Vital Statistics: A Proposed Primary Registration District in Monroe County.
1419 KEARL, CHASE D., and DARWIN SNYDER. "Costs and Returns in Producing Sweet Corn for Processing in New York State, 1966."
1104 KEENE, RUTH N. Acculturation of the First and Second Generation Italians in Rochester, New York.
1420 KEENEY, RUTH M. "N.B. Keeney & Son."
5049 KEENEY, SALMON. Salmon Keeney's Visit to Michigan in 1827. ed. Helen Everett.
696 KELLER, ELIZABETH. The Hilton Story: A History of the Village of Hilton, 1805-1959.
4820 KELLEY, JAMES L., and LEE S. MONROE. Roy M. Mason, N.A., A.W.S. His Working Sketches and. Watercolors.
3339 KELLEY, MICHAEL. Valley Horses: A Book about and for Those Who Love Fox Hunting in the Genesee Valley.
5754 KELLOGG, DAWN K. "The Mills Mansion of Mount Morris."
85 KELLOGG, ROSS W. The Finger Lakes of Central New York.
1657 KELLY, ARTHUR P. The Rochester Gas & Electric Story.
1693 KELLY, ARTHUR P. “Millions of Meals: Manhattan Restaurant Observing 50th Birthday.”
1798 KELLY, ARTHUR P. "Personal Portrait of Joseph Shale."
1681 KELLY, ARTHUR P. "9,000 Miles of Sausage."
1676 KELLY, ARTHUR P. "French's ... The Rochester Food House that Good Taste Built."
1680 KELLY, ARTHUR P. "Profile of a Man Who Favors More Drinking."
6329 KELLY, DON C. National Bank Notes, A Guide with Prices.
4082 KELLY, GERALD. The Life of Mother Hieronymo.
5626 KELLY, MARIO A. A Study of Race Relations at University of Rochester.
6834 KELLY, SYLVIA. Migrant Art: From Field to Gallery.
4394 KENDALL, HENRY. The Time of Old. A Historical Discourse, Preached December 18, 1851, at the Re-opening of the Church Edifice of the First Congregational Church, East Bloomfield, N.Y.
3666 KENDRICK, ASAHEL C. Martin B. Anderson, L.L.D.: A Biography.
896 KENDRICK, RYLAND M. "One Impression of Rochester in the Nineties."
1055 KENNEDY, JOHN. Robert Morris and the Holland Purchase.
21 KENNEDY, JOHN. The Genesee Country.
4755 KENNEDY, ROGER G. "The Long Shadow of Harvey Ellis."
6794 KENNEDY, ROGER G. Harvey Ellis - Reconsidering an Elusive American Genius.
4840 KENT, NORMAN. Five Original Woodcuts ...
4867 KENT, NORMAN. "The Erie Canal, a Record in Pastels by J. Erwin Porter."
4841 KENT, NORMAN., and BLAKE McKELVEY. Early Rochester Illustrated.
5331 KENYON, M. ELWOOD. Village of Alfred, 1916.
6559 KERNS, KATHRYN M. Farmers' Daughters: The Education of Women at Alfred Academy and University Before the Civil War.
4448 KERR, HOWARD. Mediums, and Spirit-Rappers, and Roaring Radicals: Spiritualism in American Literature, 1850-2900.
6259 KERR, JAMES P. The Fruit Industry in Wayne County, New York 1823-1984.
6823 KETCHUM, WILLIAM C., Jr. Potters and Potteries of New York State, 1650-1900.
4791 KETCHUM, WILLIAM C., JR. Early Potters and Potteries of New York State.
5636 KETCHUM, WILLIAM C., JR. The Collections of the Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum.
4911 KHEEL, PEARL L. A Survey of the Rochester Theater from 1900 to 1910.
6552 KIEL, DAVID L. The Many Uses of Carlton Hill.
6426 KILBURN, JANICE. Cowlesville Post Office Celebrates 150th Anniversary.
2266 KILDAY, RICHARD J. It Was a Dark and Stormy Night: The Story of the Loss of the Three-Masted Lakes Schooner, St. Peter, in 1898 and Her Rediscovery Seventy-Three Years Later; An Exhibition at the Rochester Museum and Science Center … 1975.
2095 KIMBALL, FRANCIS P. New York--The Canal State: The Story of America's Great Water Route from the Lakes to the Sea, Builder of East and West; with a Discussion of the St. Lawrence Treaty.
6869 KIMBALL, JAMES W. Old-time Country Dancing in Genesee County, pp. 8-18 of Living Traditions in Genesee County; a Two-Day Festival of Folk Artists at the Genesee County Fair's 150th Anniversary.
6868 KIMBALL, JAMES. Country Dancing in Central and Western New York State.
4762 KIMBROUGH, LEE S. "The Importance in Early Iron Skeleton Construction of the Wilder Building (1887-88) in Rochester, New York, and Related Structures."
6330 KIMES, BEVERLY RAE, and HENRY AUSTIN CLARK, Jr. Standard Catalog of American Cars, 1805-1942.
3147 KINCAID, J. LESLIE, comp. Roll of Honor; Citizens of the State of New York Who Died While in the Service of the U.S. during the World War.
3285 KING, HOMER W. Fifty Years of Caring: Rochester Presbyterian Home, 1925-1975.
140 KING, MARIA, and M.W. MANN. The History of Ceres and Its Near Vicinity from Its Early Settlement in 1790 to the Present.
222 KING, MARY B. ALLEN. Looking Backward; or, Memories of the Past.
995 KING, MOSES B. “The Twenty-Thousand-Acre Tract.”
4880 KING, ROLF. “The Rochester Music Conventions of the 1840's.”
4881 KING, ROLF. “Theodore Thomas' First Visit to Rochester.”
5792 KING, ROLF. "Sketches of Early German Influence on Rochester's Theatrical and Musical Life." American-German Review, 8
2234 KING, SHELDEN S. The New York State Railways.
2235 KING, SHELDEN S. The New York State Railways Pictorial.
2236 KING, SHELDEN S. Trolly Pictures of the Finger Lakes Region.
2237 KING, SHELDEN S. The New York State Railways.
2238 KING, SHELDEN S. Trolleys to Cayuga Lake Park.
2177 KING, SHELDEN S. The Route of Phoebe Snow: A Story of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad.
5545 KING, SHELDEN S. “The New York State Railways.
5546 KING, SHELDEN S. Trolleys to Cayuga Lake Park.
1962 KING, WILLIAM T. History of the American Steam Fire-Engine.
1939 KINGSBURY, H.D. "Livonia--The Distilleries."
2185 KINGSBURY, H.D. "The Conesus Lake Railroad."
5627 KINGSLAKE, HILDA G. The Institute of Optics: The First Fifty Years, 1929-1979.
6596 KINGSLAKE, HILDA G. The Institute of Optics, 1929-1987.
5494 KINGSLAKE, RUDOLF. The Bausch and Lomb Shutters.
1762 KINGSLAKE, RUDOLF. The Rochester Camera and Lens Companies.
5963 KINGSLEY, EFFIE M.C.S. The Flood of July 4, 1902.
2169 KINGSTON, H.H., JR. "When Locomotives Were Christened."
3939 KINGSTON, PATTI J., and JEFFREY O. SMITH. A Study of Drug Abuse in Rochester and Monroe County.
5964 KIRCHGRABER, R. NORMAN. The Conway-Dundon History.
6493 KIRK, JANE. Susan Look Avery, Nineteenth Century Reformer.
3208 KIRK, WILLIAM. "Our Confidential Exchange Bureau."
4519 KIRKHAM, FRANCIS W. Source Material Concerning the Origin of the “Book of Mormon”...
268 KIRKHAM, STANTON D. North and South: Notes on the Natural History of a Summer Camp and a Winter Home.
5803 KIRKLAND, SAMUEL. The Journals of Samuel Kirkland: 18th Century Missionary to the Iroquois, Government Agent, Father of Hamilton College, ed. Walter Pilkington.
1313 KIRKPATRICK, E.L. "The Standard of Life in a Typical Section of Diversified Farming."
5683 KIST, GLENN J. For Everything There is a Season: History of St. Mary of the Assumption Church, Scottsville, New York, 1841-1978.
5181 KIST, LEOPOLD. Amerikanisches Reisenbeschreibung.
3559 KITCHELT, FLORENCE CROSS. “'Buttressing the Foundations of Democracy.'“
3560 KITCHELT, RICHARD. “Free Text Books for the Rochester Schools.”
5195 KLEIN, FELIX. In the Land of the Strenuous Life.
6080 KLEINBACH, HAZEL. Highlights of Clarkson History.
5456 KLINE, MARY JO. “The 'New'
1963 KLINE, SAMUEL. "Saw Mills of Seneca Falls."
1564 KLING, CHRISTIAN G. An Urban Economic Base Analysis of the Rochester, New York Metropolitan Area.
4722 KLING, CHRISTIAN G. The Economics of Rehabilitation in the Third Ward, Rochester, New York.
1476 KLING, H.R. "An Economic Study of Land Utilization in Wyoming County, New York."
2315 KLING. H.R. Roads in Wyoming County.
4882 KLINZING, ERNESTINE M. “Music in Rochester: A Century of Musical Progress: 1825-1925.”
4883 KLINZING, ERNESTINE M. “The Making of an Orchestra.”
6870 KLOS, LLOYD E. Milestones of RTOS' First 25 Years.
1677 KLOS, LLOYD E. "The Palmer Fish Co., 126 Years Young."
6133 KLOS, LLOYD E. A Resident's Recollections.
2239 KLOS, LLOYD E. The Route of the Orange Limiteds.
5345 KLOTZBACH, HELEN B. Alabama Sesqui-Centennial, 1826-1976.
1495 KNAPP, H.B. "Wholesale Prices of Apples and Receipts of Apples in New York City for Twenty Years."
4226 KNAPP, JACOB. Autobiography of Elder Jacob Knapp.
2991 KNIGHT, THOMAS A. The Strange Disappearance of William Morgan.
5905 KNOBLAUCH, VALERIE, Compiler. Ontario County: Pictorial Reflections in the Finger Lakes Region.
5794 KNOKE, MARTHA VAN KLEECK. "Diary of a Wisconsin Playgoer (Transplanted)."
2157 KNOLL, CHARLES M. The Water-Level Route.
6386 KNOLL, CHARLES M. A J1b Hudson 5212 Still Active in Revenue Service.
1421 KNOTT, J.E. "Celery Production on Muck Soils of New York."
1422 KNOTT, J.E. "Quality of Lettuce as It Affects the New York Lettuce Industry."
5554 KOBERG, EMMA G. Collected Postal History Notes of Ontario County, New York State.
6427 KOBERG, EMMA G. Wayne County Postal History.
266 KOCH, C.H., and W.E. NICHOLS, comps. Canandaigua as It Is Today: An Illustrated Souvenir Book, Containing a Comprehensive Review of the Natural Advantages and Resources of Canandaigua and Its Surrounding Territory, with Accurate Historical Sketches and Descriptions of Representative Establishments and Biographies of People Now Prominent in the Industrial Life of the County of Ontario.
4051 KOFAHL, Mrs. Wesley. A Brief History of Webster Baptist Church.
5793 KOHLER, KATHARINE B. "The State of the Drama in the Rochester Lyceum Theatre, 1912, 1913, 1914."
4884 KOHLER, STUART A., comp. Music Publishing in Rochester, 1859-1930: A Checklist of the Sheet Music Printed in Rochester in the Collection of the Rochester Museum and Science Center.
6318 KOHLSTEDT, SALLY GREGORY. "Henry Augustus Ward and American Museum Development."
3865 KOHN, LAWRENCE A. “Goiter, Iodine and George W. Goler: The Rochester Experiment.”
3919 KOOS, EARL L. The Health of Regionville: That the People Thought and Did about It.
1164 KOOS, EARL L., and EDMUND D. BRUNNER. Suburbanization in Webster, New York.
4198 KOSBAB, CHARLES W., comp. The Rochester Lutheran Conference of the United Lutheran Synod of New York and New England the United Lutheran Church of America, 1809-1962.
1885 KOVELESKI, EMMANUEL. Illustrated History of the Central Trades and Labor Council, Rochester, N.Y. ...
6737 KRAMER, FRAN. The Shakers of Groveland, New York.
6738 KRAMER, FRAN. Simply Shaker: Groveland and the New York Communities, a Catalog of an Exhibition at the Rochester Museum & Science Center, January 11 to September 2, 1991.
2209 KRAMPF, MELVIN C. "Upstate Short Haul."
6365 KRANZ, TOM. Cruising Guide to the Erie Canal.
5533 KRAUSE, JOHN and ED CRIST. Lackawanna Heritage, 1947-1952.
5795 KRAUT, GRACE N. An Unfinished Symphony: The Story of David Hochstein.
5858 KREELAND, DONALD E. Spirits of the Genesee/Finger Lakes Region.
4199 KREIDER, HENRY J. History of the United Lutheran Synod of New York and New England, Vol. I: 1786-1860.
262 KREIGER, AMO T. "Epitaphs of Bristol Pioneers."
3047 KRICHMAR, ALBERT. The Woman's Rights Movement in the United States, 18481970: A Bibliography and Sourcebook.
688 KRIEGER, AMO T. Celebrating ... 150 Years of Living in the Town of Mendon and the Village of Honeoye Falls, 1813-1963
2969 KROUT, JOHN A. “The Maine Law in New York Politics.”
5796 KRUMMEL, D.W., and others, eds. Resources of American Music History: A Directory of Source Materials from Colonial Times to World War II.
4216 KRUMWIEDE, WALTER. Zion Lutheran Church Centennial, 1836-1936.
1534 KUHLMANN, CHARLES B. The Development of the Flour-Milling Industry in the United States, with Special Reference to the Industry in Minneapolis.
1135 KUO, LESLIE T.C. Census of New York State by Counties, Cities & Towns, 1840-1940.
59 KURATH, HANS. A Word Geography of the Eastern United States.
60 KURATH, HANS. The Pronunciation of English in the Atlantic States, Based upon the Collections of the Linguistic Atlas of the Eastern United States.
3818 KURTZ, DONALD. "The Warsaw Sanitarium."
5588 KUTOLOWSKI, JOHN F., and KATHLEEN SMITH KUTOLOWSKI. “Commissions and Canvasses: The Militia and Politics in Western New York, 1800-1845.”
5574 KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. “The Janus Face of New York's Local Parties: Genesee County, 1821-1827.”
2970 KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. The Social Composition of Political Leadership: Genesee County, New York, 1821-1860.
2971 KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. “Identifying the Religious Affiliations of Nineteenth Century Local Elites.”
1511 KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. "Moore's Rural New Yorker: A Farm Program for the 1850's."
6478 KUTOLOWSKI, KATHLEEN SMITH. Antimasonry Reexamined: Social Bases of the Grass-Roots Party.
6346 KUTTER, HUBERT L. Eugene P. Norton and the Pineapple Cheese Factory.
5980 KUTTER, HUBERT. The Attica Earthquake of 1929.
4740 KWIAT, ALICE B. Frank Lloyd Wright in Buffalo and Rochester, New York.
230 LA BARBERA, MICHAEL. "An Ounce of Prevention, and Grandma Tried Them All."
4966 LA ROCHEFOUCAULD-LIANCOURT, FRANCOIS ALEXANDRE FREDERIC, DUC DE. Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Cananda, in the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797 ..., trans. H. Neuman.
1316 LABADIE, JUAN. The Use of Farm Products in the Household, Northern Livingston County, New York, 1938.
2992 LACKEY, JAMES, and others, defendants. The Trial of James Lackey, Isaac Evertson, Chauncy H. Coe, Holoway Howard, Hiram Hubbard, John Butterfield, James Ganson, Asa Knowlen, Harris Seymour, Henry Howard, and Moses Roberts, for Kidnapping Capt. William Morgan; at the Ontario General Sessions, Held at Can-andaigua, Ontario County, Aug. 22, 1827 ...
5038 LAFAYETTE, MARIE JEAN PAUL YVES ROCH GILBERT DU MOTIER, MARQUIS DE. Auguste Levasseur, Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825; or, Journal of a Voyage to the United States, trans. J.D. Godman.
3120 LAKE, THOMAS H., comp. Directory, Grand Army of the Republic, Monroe County Patriots. G.A.R. Posts, U.V.U. Commands, Women's Relief Corps, Sons of Veterans Ladies' Aids.
5814 LAKIER, ALEKSANDR BORISOVICH. A Russian Looks at America: The Journey of Aleksandr Borisovich Lakier in 1857, trans. And ed. Arnold Schrier and Joyce Story.
1242 LAMEY, ALONZO P. The Auburn, Seneca Falls and Waterloo Directory ...
1484 LAMONT, T.E. "Agricultural Production in New York, 1866-1937."
6206 LANCOURT, JOAN E. Confront or Concede; the Alinsky Citizen-Action Organizations.
4627 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF GENESEE COUNTY. A Tour, Architectural & Historical, of the Town of Elba.
4725 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. Campbell-Whittlesey House,
4724 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. This Is Rochester: The Third Ward Today.
4723 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. The Landmark Society Views the Third Ward.
4726 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. 1976 Historic House Tour of the Corn-Hill Area of Rochester's Old Third Ward.
4727 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. 1977 Historic House Tour of the Corn Hill Area of Rochester's Old Third Ward,
4728 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. A Catalogue and Guide to Early American Decoration ...
6796 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. Central Building of the YMCA, 1916-1988: Documentation Report for Cultural Center Commission.
6795c LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. [Annual House & Garden Tours]: 1987: Maplewood House & Garden Tour.
6795a LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. [Annual House & Garden Tours]: Mt. Hope House & Garden Tour.
6795g LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. [Annual House & Garden Tours]: 1991: [Browncroft area]
6795f LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. [Annual House & Garden Tours]: 1990: [Winton Avenue, Highland Avenue area]
6795e LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. [East Avenue, Highland Avenue, Grosvenor Road, Pelham Road area]
6795d LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. [Annual House & Garden Tours]:
6795b LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. [Annual House & Garden Tours]: 1986
5776 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. Historic House Tour of the Corn Hill Area of Rochester's Old Third Ward, 1976-1984.
5775 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. Third Ward House & Garden Tour, 1974 and 1975.
5772 LANDMARK SOCIETY OF WESTERN NEW YORK. 170 Years in One Square Mile: A Strolling Tour of Downtown
6603 LANE, DAVID M. Warsaw Public Library.
2993 LANE, WILLIAM T. “The William Morgan Affair. Articles Appearing in the Livingston Register, Oct. 1826-Dec. 1827. A Chronological Bibliography.”
3980 LANE, WILLIAM T., comp. Books on Local Church History in the Genesee Valley Historical Collection of the Milne Library.
2635 LANEY, CALVIN C. "Trees in Rochester Parks."
622 LANG, GLADYS M. “Life at Barney's Pond, Wethersfield.”
5570 LANG, JEAN B. "A.E. Crandall Hook & Ladder Company, Inc., Alfred, New York."
2994 LANG, OSSIAN H. History of Freemasonry in the State of New York.
5522 LANGBEIN, W.B. “Hydrology and Environmental Aspects of Erie Canal (1817-99).”
5009 LANGSLOW, RICHARD. A Niagara Falls Tourist of the Year 1817. Being the Journal of Captain Richard Langslow of the Honorable East India Service.
857 LANGWORTHY, LYMAN B. Desultory Notes and Reminiscences of the City of Rochester; Its Early History, Remarkable Men and Events, Strange Revelations, of the Murders, Mysteries, and Miseries, Casualties, Curiosities and Progress of the Young and Growing City, for the Last Fifty Years. By an Octogenarian.
6769 LANMON, LORRAINE WELLING and H. MERRILL ROENKE, Jr. Rose Hill, Near Geneva, New York.
2959 LANNI, CLEMENT G. Traveling on the Democratic Donkey.
2960 LANNI, CLEMENT G. Beat 'Em or Join 'Em.
2961 LANNI, CLEMENT G. George W. Aldridge: Big Boss, Small City.
1105 LANNI, CLEMENT G. "The History of the Italians of Rochester from 1876 to 1926."
121 LANPHEAR, ETHAN. Scenes, Memories, and Travels of Eighty-two Years and Short Sketches of the Lanphear and Potter Families.
4885 LANSING, RICHARD H. “Music in Rochester from 1817 to 1909.”
1233 LANT & SILVERNAIL. Ontario County 1884-5 Directory ...
1261 LANT, J. H. Monroe County Directory, 1880-1881, Containing a New Map, Names and Post Office Addresses of the Inhabitants of the County, together with a Business Directory of the City of Rochester.
1231 LANT, J.H. Ontario County Directory, for 1870. Containing the Names of the Inhabitants of Canandaigua, Geneva, and Phelps, Together with a Business Directory of Ontario County.
1225 LANT, M.W. Livingston County 1880 Directory, Containing the General Directories of Dansville, Geneseo and Mount Morris, the Business Directory of Livingston County, A List of Farmers ...
103 LARNED, JOSEPHUS N. The Life and Work of William Pryor Letchworth.
104 LARNED, JOSEPHUS N. The Life and Work of William Pryor Letchworth: Student and Minister of Public Benevolence.
1786 LARRY SMITH & COMPANY. Market Analysis--Inner Loop Area, Rochester, New York.
3740 LARSON, CEDRIC. Photography's Hall of Fame.
1136 LARSON, OLAF F., and others. The People of New York State Counties: Allegany. Trends in Human Resources and Their Characteristics to 1970.
1327 LARSON, OLAF F., and EMIT F. SHARP. "Migratory Farm Workers in the Atlantic Coast Stream. I. Changes in New York, 1953 and 1957. II. Education of New York Workers and Their Children, 1953 and 1957."
5263 LATHEM, EDWARD, comp. Chronological Tables of Amemi2an Newspapers, 1690-1820: Being a Tabular Guide to Holdings of Newspapers Published in America through the Year 1820.
3783 LATHROP, CLARISSA CALDWELL. A Secret Institution.
2521 LATTIMORE, SAMUEL A. Report ... on the Water Supply of the City of Rochester.
6765 LATTIN, C.W. Architecture Destroyed in Orleans County, New York.
4643 LATTIN, CARY H. "The Orleans County Cobblestone Houses."
4644 LATTIN, CARY H. "Out of the Past: Old-Fashioned Smoke Houses."
3902 LAUDERDALE, WALTER E. "History of the Medical Society of Livingston County, New York."
6588 LAWSON, ALEXANDER S. The School of Printing, Rochester Institute of Technology: The First Half-Century, 1937-1987.
1777 LAWYERS CO-COOPERATIVE PUBLISHING CO. An Inside Story of Law Publishing, with Hints and Information for Authors and Brief Writers.
6307 LAWYERS CO-OPERATIVE PUBLISHING CO. The Dream Continues: 1882-1982, LCP: A 100-Year Retrospective of the Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, 1882-1982.
3286 LE BOVIT, CORINNE, and DOROTHY A. BAKER. Food Consumption and Dietary Levels of Older Households in Rochester New York. (U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Home Economics Research Report No. 25)
3377 LE ROY ACADEMIC INSTITUTE. The Lyceum Record of the LeRoy Academic Institute, Organized January, 1867.
5891 LE ROY SESQUICENTENNIAL HISTORICAL COMMITTEE. The Heritage of Le Roy; A Pictorial History of the Village of Le Roy, New York.
3191 LEAGUE OF CIVIC CLUBS. Rochester Social Centers and Civic Clubs; Story of the First Two Years.
2727 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Planning, Who Does It?
2596 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Housing Needs, Monroe County.
2670 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Your County, Monroe, and the Government within It.
2671 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Metropolitan Development in Monroe County, Rochester: 1960. 22 pp.
2672 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Local Governments, Rochester-Monroe County.
2778 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Honeoye Falls/Mendon, County of Monroe, Honeoye Falls,
2769 LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS. Greece, Your Town.
4083 LEAHY, STEPHEN. The Search for God: A Way; Our Lady of the Genesee Abbey.
1271 LEAMAN, J. HAROLD, and E.C. CONKLING. A History of Agriculture in the State of New York.
5596 LEARNED, A.M. 75 Years of Hobart Football.
200 LEATHERSICH, DAVID. Old Days in Caledonia.
1287 LEATHERSICH, DAVID. "Farming as Conducted in Caledonia in 1838."
4704 LEE, FLORENCE. “The Old Stone Lighthouse at Charlotte.”
2653 LEE, FLORENCE. The Founding of Monroe County.
648 LEE, FLORENCE. A Summary of Facts about the County of Monroe, New York.
2117 LEE, FLORENCE. A Guide to Canal Sites within Monroe County,
2197 LEE, HARDY C. A History of the Railroads in Tompkins County,
4954 LEES, JOHN. Journal of J.L., of Quebec, Merchant.
5290 LEGEAR, CLARA EGLI. United States Atlases: A List of National, State, County, City and Regional Atlases in the Library of Congress.
2584 LEGGE ASSOCIATES. Management Evaluation, Model Cities Program, Rochester, N.Y.
6494 LEHMAN, GODFREY D. Susan B. Anthony Cast Her Ballot for Ulysses S. Grant.
6797 LEHMANN, GARY P. Old-House Living in a Mud House.
6248 LEHMANN, JOYCE WOELFLE, ed. Migrant Farmworkers of Wayne County, New York: A Collection of Oral Histories from the Back Roads.
4922 LEINSDORF, ERICH. Cadenza: A Musical Career.
5628 LENTI, VINCENT A. For the Enrichment of Community Life: The Opening of the Eastman Theatre in 1922.
5629 LENTI, VINCENT A. Historical Origins of the Eastman School of Music.
5797 LENTI, VINCENT A. "Hermann Dossenbach and the Rochester Orchestra." Rochester History, 42, no. 3
6798 LENTI, VINCENT. "A History of the Eastman Theatre."
6615 LEON, WARREN. The Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum: A Review.
3774 LEONARDO, RICHARD A. History of Surgery in Rochester, New York.
1920 LEROY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Perspective on LeRoy.
167 LEROY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Heritage of LeRoy.
2879 LEROY. Recreation Commission. Where and How LeRoy Plays, 1922-1925.
973 LESTER, CAROLINE F. “The Finger Lakes Region at the Turn of the 18th Century.”
370 LESTER, CAROLINE F. Quaint Sayings and Doings of Older Seneca Falls,
371 LESTER, CAROLINE F. "The Cycle of the Seneca Falls Dry-Goods Store."
1085 LESTER, CAROLINE F. "Negro Residents of Seneca. Falls in Bygone Days."
3048 LESTER, CAROLINE F. “Mrs. Bloomer and Mrs. Stanton in Seneca Falls.”
3903 LESTER, ELIAS. "The Medical Profession."
372 LESTER, FREDERICK W. The Junius Debating Society,
373 LESTER, FREDERICK W. "The Drugstores of Seneca Falls."
3561 LEVEY, STANLEY V. “The Last Twenty-Five Years in the Public Schools.”
787 LEVEY, STANLEY. "The Cities of America: Rochester, N.Y."
6392 LEWIS, EDWARD A. American Shortline Railway Guide.
6393 LEWIS, EDWARD A. Wellsville, Addison and Galeton Railroad.
2210 LEWIS, EDWARD A., and HARRY S. DOUGLASS. Arcade & Attica R.R.
1452 LEWIS, H.G. "Soil Survey of Genesee County, New York." Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1922, pp. 1595-1648 and map.
2942 LEWIS, MERTON E. "When the City bought Whiskey and Cigars."
1056 LEWIS, SIMEON D. "Land Policies in Wyoming County."
4038 LEWIS, WILBUR G. Genesee Baptist Church … Rochester, N.Y., 1871-1971. First and Oldest Religious Organization in Southwest Rochester.
5237 LIEBE, JANICE, and DEBRA AMES. Indexes to the New York State Museum Bulletins 1888-1973.
5085 LIEBER, FRANZ. The Stranger in America; or, letters to a Gentleman in Germany.
5922 LIGHTFOOTE, RODNEY S. A History of the Town of Seneca.
6725 LIGHTFOOTE, RODNEY S. A History of Seneca Presbyterian Church "Old Number Nine": Written on the Occasion of the One Hundred Seventy-fifth Anniversary.
5160 LIHOLIHO, ALEXANDER. The Journal of Prince Alexander Liholiho; The Voyages Made to the United States) England and France in 1849-1850, ed. Jacob Adler.
4958 LINCKLAEN, JAN. Travels in the Years 1791 and 1792 in Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont ..., ed. Helen L. Fairchild.
1565 LINCOLN FIRST BANKS. A Report on American Lifestyles of the 1980's.
4963 LINCOLN, BENJAMIN. "Expedition to Detroit, 1793."
4963a LINDLEY, JACOB, and JACOB MOORE. "Journal of a Treaty Held in 1793, with the Indian Tribes North-West of the Ohio, by Commissioners of the United States."
4971 LINDLEY, JACOB. "Jacob Lindley's Journal. His Account of His 'Religious Visit to the Friends in Canada, and to Indians on Buffalo Creek, in 1797.'"
3239 LINN, EDITH WILLIS. "Wrong Girls and Wronged."
1461 LINTON, R.E., and H.E. CONKLIN. "Economic Viability of Farm Areas in Monroe County."
2240 LIPMAN, ANDREW D. The Rochester Subway: Experiment in Municipal Rapid Transit.
4756 LIPSCOMB, MARY E. "The Architecture of Harvey Ellis in Rochester, New York.
105 LITTELL, ALAN. Exploring the Grand Canyon of the East.
4821 LITTLE, NINA FLETCHER. "Itinerant Painting in America, 1750-1850."
996 LIVERMORE, SHAW. “Advent of Corporations in New York.”
974 LIVERMORE, SHAW. Early American Land Companies: Their Influence on Corporate Development.
1940 LIVINGSTON COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Industry Today in Livingston County, New York.
1058 LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A History of the Treaty of Big Tree, and an Account of the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Making of the Treaty, Held at Geneseo, N.Y., September the Fifteenth, Eighteenth Hundred Ninety-Seven.
5210 LIVINGSTON COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM and WYOMING COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM. Local History Holdings, Livingston County Library System and Wyoming County Library System (Including the Livingston County Historian's Office.)
2881 LIVINGSTON COUNTY. Resources Development Committee. For Growth and Development: A Report of the Livingston County Resources Development Committee.
182 LIVINGSTON COUNTY, County Historian. “State Markers in Livingston County.”
6185 LIVSEY, KAREN E. Western New York Land Transactions, 1804-1824; Extracted from the Archives of the Holland Land Company.
5102 LOGAN, JAMES. Notes of a Journey through Canada, the United States of America, and the West Indies.
6147 LOGAN, LORNA, and SHARON LOGAN. Maplewood History.
709 LOGAN, NANCY ALLEN. "The Counties (Monroe): Lore of Pittsford."
2096 LOGAN, NANCY A. "Look for a Post!"
3179 LOMB, HENRY. Proposition and Plan for the Formation of a National People's Mutual Aid Society.
2463 LOMBARD, WILLIAM M. "The Morals Squad."
3562 LOMBART, GEORGE A. The Administrations of Herbert S. Weet and James M. Spinning, Successive Superintendents of Schools in Rochester, New York, 1911-1954.
2075 LONG, C. EDWARD. "Proposed Allegheny-Genesee Waterways Links Vital Inland Water Systems."
12 LOOKUP, GEORGE E. Index to History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps & Gorham's Purchase, and Morris' Reserve by Orsamus Turner, 1851 …
3396 LOOMIS, CHARLES E.B. The History of Macedon Academy.
5062 LOOMIS, ELISHA. "Rochester to Buffalo by Canal, 1830, ed. Philip P. Mason.
5632 LOPEZ, MANUEL D. Bibliography of the History of Libraries in New York State.
5633 LOPEZ, MANUEL D. Bibliography of the History of Libraries in New York State. Supplement, 1968-72.
2187 LORD, ELEAZAR. A Historical Review of the New York and Erie Railroad,
2748 LOSHAK, ROSEMARY A. Weights and Measures: The Role of County Government in Consumer Affairs.
3819 LOSSING,BENSON J. "Sulphur Springs of New York."
4950 LOTHROP, SAMUEL K. Life of Samuel Kirkland, Missionary to the Indians. (Library of American Biography, ed. Jared Sparks, 2d Ser., Vol. 15)
639 LOTT, EDSON S. A Penn Yan Boy, an Autobiography.
351 LOTT, HELEN E. The "School Ma'am."
3392 LOTT, HELEN E. The School Ma'am. Lodi: 1958. 52 pp.
5562 LOUIS, DOROTHY. How Lilacs Came to Rochester: A Musical Narration of Rochester, New York. Features during the 1976 Bicentennial Celebration and Again in 1980.
6576 LOVE, NELLIE M. An Analysis of the Junior High School Movement in the City of Rochester, New York.
3836 LOVEJOY, DAVID B., JR. “The Hospital and Society: the Growth of Hospitals in Rochester, New York, in the Nineteenth Century.”
1887 LOWE, BOUTELLE E. Representative Industry and Trade Unionism of an American City.
3683 LOWE, JOHN A. "A Free Institution for Self-Education: Rochester Public Library, the First Twenty-Five Years."
3267 LOWE, JOHN C. The Boys: A Study of a Contemporary Juvenile Gang.
5534 LOWELL, PAT. “The Bridge at Letchworth State Park.” "
1514 LUCAS, BRODER F., and LAURA M. CLARENBACH. County Bibliography: Published Studies of the New York State College of Agriculture Pertaining to Individual Counties.
3795 LUDLOW, EDWARD G. Observations on the Lake Fevers and Other Diseases of the Genesee Country, in the State of New-York.
6824 LUDWIG, COY L. The Arts & Crafts Movement in New York State, 1890s-1920s.
3524 LUFFMAN, CECIL W. Evolution of the Curriculum of the Common Schools of Parma, New York, from 1825 to 1900 as Revealed by the Textbooks in Use during the Period.
374 LUM, DAVID B. The Seneca Falls of David B. Lum, 1806-1875.
5146 LUMSDEN JAMES. American Memoranda, by a Mercantile Man, during a Short Tour in the Summer of 1843.
5604 LUTHER, D. DANA. The History of Naples Academy--Union School--High School, 1861-1912, with Brief Mention of Some Antecedent Naples Schools.
6711 LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION (Rochester, N.Y.) Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 1925-1975. Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, 1925-1975.
3049 LUTZ, ALMA. “Susan B. Anthony and John Brown.”
3050 LUTZ, ALMA. Susan B. Anthony: Rebel, Crusader, Humanitarian.
350 LUTZ, ELLA M. History of Town of Junius, 1803-1921 ...
6835 LUX, KAREN D. Enduring Traditions, Folk Art from the Heartland.
5130 . LYELL, CHARLES. Travels in North America, in the Years 1841-2; with Geological Observations on the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia.
4645 LYMAN, CURTIS L. "Historical Sketch of the Orleans County Court House, Albion, New York."
329 LYNCH, BERNARD, ed. Orleans County History: Past to Present, Bicentennial Year, 1976.
3408 LYNCH, ROBERT, and MONA SMITH. In-Camp Education for Migrant Farmworkers.
3148 LYNN, JOHN D. "The United States Marshal's Office in the World War."
2687 LYNN, JOHN D. The Life and Times of John Mastick, the Pioneer Lawyer of Rochester.
6020 LYON, FLORENCE. A Lyon Growls.
6275 LYON, FLORENCE. Come to the Fair.
518 LYON, FLORENCE. “Sweet Sugar-time Memories.”
480 LYON, FLORENCE. “Wormwood and Goose Grease.”
6570 LYON, FLORENCE. Village School.
519 LYON, FLORENCE. A Memorable Trip.
520 LYON, HOWARD C. “Tales from North Java.”
521 LYON, HOWARD C. “The Southburg: Williamsburg, Town of Java.”
522 LYON, HOWARD C. “Memories of North Java.”
523 LYON, HOWARD C. “The Fire: May Nature Use Its Power for Retribution?”
1117 LYON, NORMAN T. History of the Polish People in Rochester.
3051 LYON, PETER. “The Herald Angels of Woman's Rights.”
4520 LYON, T. EDGAR. “How Authentic Are Mormon Historic Sites in Vermont and New York?”
2158 LYONS CONVENTION. Direct Rail-Road from Rochester to Syracuse. Proceedings of the Lyons Convention. n.p., 1847. 12 pp.
6549 LYONS, CHUCK. Moving Along: The Finger Lakes Trail.
6239 LYONS, CHUCK. Sowing Seeds of Change."
6445 LYONS, CHUCK. Religious Conversion.
6174 LYONS, CHUCK. A Leap from Fame.
6495 LYONS, CHUCK. The Right Park in the Right Place.
6589 LYONS, CHUCK. Playing with Feeling.
6616 LYONS, CHUCK. Go to Jail.
6617 LYONS, CHUCK. Handsome Homestead.
6618 LYONS, CHUCK. Shelves Stocked with Memories.
6342 LYONS, CHUCK. Preserving the Flavor of the Past.
6366 LYONS, CHUCK. They Called It the Great Erie Canal.
61 MAAR, CHARLES. "Origin of the Classical Place Names of Central New York."
6207 MABEE, CARLETON. Sojourner Truth Fights Dependence on Government: Moves Freed Slaves Off Welfare in Washington to Jobs in Upstate New York.
5598 MABEE, CARLETON. Black education in New York State from Colonial to Modern Times.
5599 MABEE, CARLETON. “A List of the First Black Schools in New York State, from Colonial Times to 1945.” Afro- Americans in New York Life and History, 2 (1978), 9-14.
6028 MACDOWELL, MRS. CHARLES. The Board Walk.
4579 MacFARLANE, JANET R. "Octagon Buildings in New York Sate (as of February 1952)."
4913 MacFARLANE, JANET R. "Corinthian Academy of Music."
2494 MacFARLANE, JANET R. "Changes in Broad Street Surface."
2478 MacFARLANE, JANET W. "Rochester Fires."
249 MACK, CLARA. Thoughts by a Country Woman: A Collection of Stories which Have Appeared during the Past Fifteen Years, Mainly in the Wayland Register.
5151 MACKAY, ALEXANDER. The Western World; or, Travels in the United States in 1846-47 …
5174 MACKAY, CHARLES. Life and Liberty in America: or, Sketches of a Tour in the United States and Canada in 1857-8.
5056 MACKENZIE, WILLIAM LYON. Sketches of Canada and the United States.
3838 MacLEAN, BASIL C. Hospital Facilities, Rochester, N.Y.
667 MacNAB, MARGARET C Tryon in Brighton.
657 MacNAB, MARGARET C. First Footers: Settlers around Monroe County before 1820.
5428 MACNAB, MARGARET SCHMITT, KATHERINE W. THOMPSON, and SHIRLEY COX HUSTED, eds. Northfield on the Genesee: Early Times in Monroe County, N.Y., with Town Minutes and Highway Records, 1796-1814, of Dr. John Ray and Samuel Kempton, Town Clerks, and Biographies of Nearly 500 Early Families.
5430 MACNAB, MARGARET SCHMITT. West Brighton Folk and Lore.
436 MacWETHY, LOU D. “Great Men in the Eyes of a Boy.”
6871 MADALENA, BATISTE. Movie Posters, the Paintings of Batiste Madalena.
3537 MADDEN, ELIZABETH C. A Century of Love: Academy of the Sacred Heart, 1855-1955.
4085 MADDEN, ELIZABETH. A Century of Love: Academy of the Sacred Heart, 1855-1955.
2118 MADDEN, EMILY A. "Where Was DeWitt Clinton July 4, 1817?"
5523 MADDEN, EMILY A. Indexes to the
1995 MADDEN, EMILY, and ROBERT S. ROSE. Listing and Index of Maps, Plans, Profiles, Pictures, and. Photographs of Canals of New York State in Annual Re-ports of State Engineer and Surveyor through 1905, Canal Commissioners, Superintendent of Public Works on Canals through 1905.
2062 MADDEN, EMILY. List of Maps, Plans of Structures, and Profiles on the Genesee Valley Canal which Have Been Microfilmed.
5524 MADDOX, VIVIENNE D. “Effect of the Erie Canal on Building and Planning in Syracuse, Palmyra, Rochester, and Lockport, New York.”
3565 MADISON HIGH SCHOOL. The Madigraph: The Anniversary Number Commemorating Ten Years of Service and Achievement, 1922-1932.
5906 MAFFIN, CLYDE M., and DOROTHY E. MAFFIN, compilers. Index to the History of Ontario County, New York...edited by George S. Conover, compiled by Lewis Cass Aldrich.
6096 MAGUIRE, LEONARD J., ed. The "Browne" American Letters, 1794-1831, Being a Transcription of a Group of Letters by James Browne, His Relatives and Friends to and from America.
6408 MAGUIRE, STEPHEN D. Electric Lines: Empire State Trackage.
6542 MAGUIRE, THOMAS P. Big Lakers on Seneca.
6249 MAHONEY, VELMA WINTER. Dad Was a Thresher, Story of Charles E. Winter.
6513 MAHOOD, WAYNE. The Plymouth Pilgrims; A History of the Eighty-Fifth New York Infantry in the Civil War.
4630 MAIL, PAUL. A Distinctive /Village: A Survey and Evaluation of Geneseo's Main Street, ed. Betty J. Keller, and others.
926 MAINE, HENRY C., ed. Rochester in History, with Portraits and Our Part in the World War.
2242 MALEY, CHARLES. Rochester and Eastern Rapid Railway: The Orange Blossom Line.
4685 MALO, PAUL. Landmarks of Rochester and Monroe County: A Guide to Neighborhoods and Villages.
5755 MALO, PAUL. Geneseo: A Museum of Historic Building, ed. Marcia R. Craner.
4136 MALONE, SARA R. Official Souvenir Brochure, St. Mary's Church, One Hundredth Anniversary, 1834-1934.
689 MALONEY, DAVID. Honeoye Falls, N.Y. Its Beginning.
6517 MANCINI, AL. Rochester During World War One: Women on the Homefront.
5535 MANCUSO, JAMES H. The Anatomy of Erie Lackawanna.
4425 MANLEY, W.E Effects of Bigotry, as Exhibited in Certain Circumstances Connected with the Sickness, Death, and Funeral of Hr. John Sergeant: Who Died in Nunda, Allegany County, N.Y., October 2, 1840.
6604 MANN, ALFRED, ed. Modern Music Librarianship; Essays in Honor of Ruth Watanabe.
4420 MANN, NEWTON M. First Unitarian Congregational Society of Rochester, N.Y. A Sketch of its History.
3142 MANS, MARY A. "Cuba as Reflected in the Rochester Press--1895 to 1898."
5770 MAPLEWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION. The First Annual Maplewood Tour of Homes.
6455 MARASCO, NICHOLAS L. Honeoye Falls Fire Department, 1885.
5761 MARGARET WOODBURY STRONG MUSEUM. A Guide to the Study of a Victorian Household..
2554 MARGRANDER, E.C. "Proposed Improvement of the City of Rochester."
5163 MARJORIBANKS, ALEXANDER. Travels in South and North America.
4056 MARKS, DAVID. The Life of David Marks, to the 26th Year of His Age. Including the Particulars of His Conversion, Call to the Ministry, and Labours in Itinerant Preaching for Nearly Eleven Years. Limerick, Me.: Printed at the Office of the Morning Star, 1831. 396 pp. Rev., expanded ed., Memoirs of the Life of David Marks, Minister of the Gospel, ed. Marilla Marks.
4281 MARSDEN, GEORGE M. The Evangelical Mind and the New School Presbyterian Experience: A Case Study of Thought and Theology in Nineteenth-Century America.
5002 MARSDEN, JOSHUA. The Narrative of a Mission to Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Somers Islands; with a Tour to Lake Ontario … Reprint Corp., New York.
2523 MARSH, DANIEL. Report on the Introduction of a Supply of Pure Water into the City of Rochester, Made to the Mayor and Common Council, September 1860.
2063 MARSH, HORACE P. Rochester and Its Early Canal Days: Reminiscences of the Author, While Engaged on the New York State Waterways, the Erie, Genesee Valley, Black River, and Other Lateral Canals.
3067 MARSH, RUTH, and DOROTHY S. TRUESDALE. "War on Lake Ontario: 1812-1815."
3098 MARSH, RUTH. “A History of Rochester's Part in the Civil War.”
6760 MARSH, VINCENT, ed. A Survey of Downtown Geneva, City of Geneva, Ontario County, New York....
4309 MARSHALL, MARION L., comp. An Anthology of Histories of First Presbyterian Church of Avon, N.Y. 1970.
4261 MARSTON, LESLIE R. From Age to Age a Living Witness: A Historical Interpretation of Free Methodism's First Century.
3393 MARTI, DONALD B. "The Puposes of Agricultural Education: Ideas and Projects in New York State, 1819-1865."
1509 MARTI, DONALD B. "Early Agricultural Societies in New York: The Foundations of Improvement."
5490 MARTI, DONALD B. “Agricultural Journalism and Diffusion of Knowledge: The First Half-Century in America.”
721 MARTIN, CHARLOTTE E. The Story of Brockport for One Hundred Years, 1829-1929.
1942 MARTIN, DAVID A. "A Study of the Geneseo Shopping Plaza Market Area: Summary Findings."
2749 MARTIN, ROSCOE G. Metropolis in Transition: Local Government Adaptation to Changing Urban Needs.
481 MARTIN, VIAHNETT SPRAGUE. “A Belated 'Thank You' to My First American Teacher.”
482 MARTIN, VIAHNETT SPRAGUE. “Wyoming County Memories.”
484 MARTIN, VIAHNETT SPRAGUE. “We Had a Cadillac--1906.”
3961 MARTIN, WILLIAM C. Christians in Conflict.
5090 MARTINEAU, HARRIET. Retrospect of Western Travel.
4763 MARUOKA, SUSANNE KEAVENEY. "The Architecture of Andrew Jackson Warner in Rochester, New York."
6335 MARVIN, KEITH. The Adria.
2598 MASON & CUNNINGHAM, architects. User Study and Design Handbook.
3054 MASON, ANNA DANN. “The Most Unforgettable Character I've Met.”
788 MASON, GRACE SARTWELL. Rochester: The Flower City. A City, Likewise, of Clean Milk, Social Centers and Progress in Many Directions."
6777 MASON, JEFFREY C. Around Arcade: An Architectural Study of the Town of Arcade, New York.
5977 MASON, JEFFREY C. The Town and Village of Arcade.
5713 MASSA, CONRAD H. Third Presbyterian Church. Rochester, New York, 1827-1977.
4772 MATE, FRED W. “Blacksmithing.”
73 MATHER, FREDERICK G. “The River of Gen-nis-he-yo--'The Beautiful Valley.'"
3977 MATHER, WILLIAM G., JR. "The Rural Churches of Allegany County."
336 MATHES, HELEN. Barre Sesquicentennial, 1818-1968.
5029 MATHEWS -------. A Summer Month; or, Recollections of a Visit to the Falls of Niagara, and the Lakes,
2479 MATHEWS, HENRY W., ed. Fire Service of Rochester, N.Y. Containing a Sketch of the Old Volunteer Department, also the Present Fire Department.
1996 MATHEWS, LOIS KIMBALL. "The Erie Canal and the Settlement of the West."
5121 MATHEWS, OLIVER. "A Jaunt to Niagara Falls in August 1839. The Diary of Oliver Mathews," ed. Joseph C. Griffen.
6721 MATSON, JANET, and NORMA SPENCER. Building with God Through the Years; Sesquicentennial Celebration Brick Presbyterian Church, Perry, N. Y. 1834-1984.
5375 MATSON, RANDALL W. Skip Pierce's Guide on Canandaigua Lake Fishing.
6560 MATTERA, GLORIA. The BOCES-Geneseo Migrant Center: History and Development.
3528 MATTERN, MARGARET M. “Early Rochester Textbooks, 1821-1850.”
2211 MATTESON, HENRY C. "Early Days on the B.A. & A. Railroad."
4717 MATTHEWS, JAMES. A Description of Powers' Commercial Fire-Proof Buildings, with the Most Important Statistics Connected with Their Construction, an Enumeration of the Most Interesting Objects to Be Seen from the Tower, an Account of the Weather Signal Office, and a History of the Buildings, that Formerly Stood on This Site.
7 MAU, CLAYTON. The Development of Central and Western New York from the Arrival of the White Man to the Eve of the Civil War as Portrayed Chronologically in Contemporary Accounts.
4978 MAUDE, JOHN. Visit to the Falls of Niagara, in 1800.
6294 MAX LOWENTHAL & SONS. The Knitted Stitch, a Century of Progress, 1868-1968.
5091 MAXIMILIAN ALEXANDER PHILIP, PRINZ VON WIED-NEUWIED. Travels in the Interior of North America, trans. H. Evans Lloyd.
1478 MAXON, E.R. "Soil Survey of Yates County, New York." Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1916, pp. 219-50 and map.
5124 MAXWELL, ARCHIBALD M. A Run through the United States, during the Autumn of 1840.
3654 MAY, ARTHUR. J. "A University Dream that Failed."
3655 MAY, ARTHUR. J. "Oak Hill Becomes the River Campus."
3656 MAY, ARTHUR. J. A History of the University of Rochester, 1850-1962, ed. Lawrence E. Klein.
3653 MAY, ARTHUR. J. "Rochester Plans a College--1844."
3055 MAY, Arthur J. “Susan B. Anthony: Perspective on a Pioneer.”
1671 MAY, EARL C. The Canning Clan: A Pageant of Pioneering Americans.
5500 MAYER, STEPHEN. “People v. Fisher: The Shoemakers' Strike of 1833.”
1889 MAYER, STEPHEN. "People v. Fisher: The Geneva, New York, Shoemaker's Strike of 1833."
3156a MAZUZAN, GEORGE T., and NANCY WALKER. "Restricted Areas: German Prisonerof-War-Camps In Western New York, 1944-1946."
3014 McCANNE, LEE, and others. A Path to Freedom: One Underground Railroad Route in Monroe County.
3176 McCANNE, LEE. "Sampson Trainees Are Rochester's Good Neighbors."
2597 McCANNE, LEE. The Latent Demand for Middle Income and Luxury Apartments, Downtown in Rochester, New York; Including Survey Responses of Preferences as to Location, Size, Garage Space, Services.
1566 McCANNE, LEE. “Rochester Enters New Era of Industrial Growth.”
1567 McCANNE, LEE. “An Historian Looks for Trends.”
139 McCARTHY, BERNICE, ed. The History of Friendship …
2995 MCCARTHY, CHARLES. The Antimasonic Party: A Study of Political Anti- Masonry in the United States, 1827-1840, pp. 365-574 in Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1902, Vol. 1.
6855 MCCARTHY, JOHN FRANCIS, and LINDA BISHOP MCCARTHY, photographers. The Finger Lakes.
524 McCarthy, Richard D. “Richard D. Thornbury: Pioneer of Java Center.”
3335 McCARTHY, WILLIAM F. Rochester Diamond Echoes.
6598 MCCLURE, LUCRETIA. History of Medicine Museum, a Tribute to Dr. Whipple.
3837 McCOMBS, CARL E.. Business Management of the Community Chest-Participating Hospitals of Rochester, New York.
4166 McCOY, WILLIAM S. Souvenir History and Directory of St. John's Church.
2818 McCROSKY-REUTER. Community Master Plan Report, 1970: Scottsville- Wheatland Community, Monroe County, N.Y.
2819 McCROSKY-REUTER. Survey and Evaluation Reports, 1970: Scottsville-Wheat land Community, Monroe County, N.Y.
5889 MCCULLEY, MARY, ed. History of Genesee County, New York, 1890-1982, by the Officially Appointed Historians of Genesee County.
245 McCURDY, ANDREW. "Ossian."
1791 McCURDY, GILBERT J.C. "Midtown Plaza is Fulfilling Its Basic Purpose."
2316 MCDADE, MATT C. "New York State's New Main Street."
62 McDAVID, RAVEN I., JR. "Midland and Canadian Words in Upstate New York."
63 McDAVID, RAVEN I., JR. "The Folk Vocabulary of New York State."
6496 MCDONALD, DAVID KEVIN. Organizing Womanhood: Women's Culture and the Politics of Woman Suffrage in New York State, 1865-1917.
3950 McELROY, JAMES L. Social Reform in the Burned-Over District: Rochester, New York, as a Test Case, 1830-1854.
3951 McELROY, JAMES L. “Social Control and Romantic Reform in Antebellum America: The Case of Rochester, New York.”
2972 McELWAIN, JOHN A. “1820 Election in Warsaw.”
6485 MCFEELY, WILLIAM S. Frederick Douglass.
4084 McGINLEY, GERARD. A Trappist Writes Home.
5440 MCGINNIS, ELLA K. Pictorial Wheatland, Vol. 5 and 6.
729 McGINNIS, ELLA K., comp. Pictorial Wheatland. 4 vols.
5648 MCGINTY, KATHRYN S. “A History of Rochester: General Hospital before 1900.”
382 McGRANE, AGNES. Varick: A History of Varick, Seneca County, New York.
5145 MCGRATH, GEORGE J. Taverns of Western New York in 1843.
3525 McGREGOR, A. LAURA. “History of the Public Schools of Rochester, New York.”
3526 McGREGOR, A. LAURA. “The Early History of the Rochester Public Schools, 1513 1550.”
6325 MCGUIRE, GORDON. To Union Organize?
3135 McGUIRE, GORDON. "Wyoming County's Last Civil War Veteran."
3015 McGUIRE, HORACE. “Two Episodes of Anti-Slavery Days.”
6222 MCHENRY, STEWART G. The Syrian Movement into Upstate New York.
1992 McILWRAITH, THOMAS. "Freight Capacity and Utilization of the Erie and Great Lakes Canals before 1850."
344 McINTOSH, W. H. History of Seneca County, New York ...
257 McINTOSH, W. H. History of Ontario Co., New York, with Illustrations Descriptive of Its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories …
650 McINTOSH, W.H. History of Monroe County, New York: with Illustrations Descriptive of Its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories.
434 McINTOSH, W.H. History of Wyoming County, N.Y. with Illustrations, Biographical Sketches and Portraits of Some Pioneers and Prominent Residents.
330 McINTOSH, W.H. Historical Album of Orleans County, N.Y., with Illustrations Descriptive of Its Scenery … and Portraits of Old Pioneers and Prominent Residents.
391 McINTOSH, W.H., ed. History of Wayne County, New York: with Illustrations Descriptive of Its Scenery, Palatial Residences, Public Buildings, Fine blocks, and Important Manufactories.
5005 MCINTYRE, ABIGAIL. "Diary of Abigail McIntyre," ed. Edith Flower Wheeler.
64 McKAIG, THOMAS H. "Place Names of Western New York."
899 McKAIG, THOMAS H. "Boyhood Memories of the 'Ditch.'"
897 McKAIG, THOMAS H. "Jerry."
5243 McKAY, ALICE A. A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Years 1851-1854, with a Historical Introduction.
5760 McKECHNIE, MARY K. Mary Clark Thompson and Sonnenberg, the Golden Era.
4682 McKEE, HARLEY J. Amateur's Guide to Terms Commonly Used to Describe Historic Buildings.
486 McKEEVER, WINIFRED W. “Early Days in Covington.”
753 McKELVEY , BLAKE. "Touring Backwards: A 'Visit to Rochester in 1818, and Again in 1838."
754 McKELVEY , BLAKE. 'Rochester's Mid-Years: Center of Genesee Country Life: 1854-1884.
4804 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The First Century of Art in Rochester--to 1925.”
4805 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “The Visual Arts in Metropolitan Rochester.”
756 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Economic Stages in the Growth of Rochester.
757 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Water Power City Overflow, or Leaves from an Historian's Notebook."
758 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "A Panoramic View of Rochester's History."
759 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Rochester at the Turn of the Century."
760 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Rochester's Historic Markers."
4683 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Old and New Landmarks and Historic Houses.
4684 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “An Historic Site Tour of Old and New Landmarks.”
2258 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Port of Rochester: A History of Its Lake Trade.
1535 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Indian Allan's Mills."
3866 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The History of Public Health in Rochester, New York.”
1166 MCKELVEY, ELAKE. "The Population of Rochester."
1167 MCKELVEY, ELAKE. "The Lure of the City: Rochester in the 1890's."
1069 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “Rochester's Near Northeast.”
1086 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Lights and Shadows in Local Negro History. RH, 21, no. 4 (Oct. 1959), l-27.
3527 McKELVEY, BLAKE. On the Educational Frontier.
2700 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A History of Penal and Correctional Institutions in the Rochester Area.
2654 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester and Monroe County: An Historic Partnership.
3331 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester Learns to Play: 1850-1900.
1837 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “The First Four Decades of the Chamber of Commerce.”
2391 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Western Union Centennial.
5257 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Early Almanacs of Rochester."
2426 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Civic Developments of Rochester's First Half-Century, 1817-1867.
2427 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “Turbulent but Constructive Decades in Civic Affairs: 1867-1900.”
3194 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “A Semi-Centennial Review of Family Service of Rochester, Inc.”
748 McKELVEY, BLAKE FAUS. Rochester: The Flower City, 1855-1890.
749 McKELVEY, BLAKE FAUS. Rochester: The Quest for Quality, 1890-1925.
750 McKELVEY, BLAKE FAUS. Rochester: An Emerging Metropolis, 1925-1961,
751 McKELVEY, BLAKE FAUS. Rochester on the Genesee.
6115 MCKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester History, the Voice of the City Historian.
2570 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Housing and Urban Renewal: The Rochester Experience."
1068 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's Ethnic Transformations.
2638 McKELVEY, BLAKE. An Historical View of Rochester's Parks and Playgrounds.
2522 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Water for Rochester.
1102 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Irish in Rochester: An Historical Retrospect.
1096 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Germans in Rochester: Their Traditions and Contributions.
1993 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester and the Erie Canal.
2464 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A History of the Police of Rochester, New York.
2465 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "A History of the Police of Rochester, New York," pp. 7-37 in Rochester Police Bureau, 1819-1969, 150 Years of Service.
4558 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A Directory and Map of Historic Houses and Museums in the Western New York Area.
3710 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Federation's History.
2435 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Mayors of Rochester's Mid Years.: 1860-1900."
2436 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "His Honor, the Mayor of Rochester, 1900-1928."
1106 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Italians of Rochester: An Historical Review.
803 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's Historic Markers.
4757 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A Rediscovery--Harvey Ellis, Architect. A Joint Exhibition of Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester and Margaret Woodbury Strong Museum, Rochester, New York, Exhibited at Memorial Art Gallery, December 8, 1972-January 14, 1973.
3254 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Y.M.C.A.'s First Century in Rochester.
4914 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Theater in Rochester during Its First Nine Decades.
1994 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Erie Canal: Mother of Cities.
2407 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Radio and Television in the Life of Rochester.
2132 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Railroads in Rochester's History.
2434 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester Mayors before the Civil War.
816 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Colonel Nathaniel Rochester.
768 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Changing Face of Rochester."
769 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Rochester at the World's Fairs."
770 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Metropolis and the Historian.
771 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Sesquicentennial of Rochesterville."
774 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A, City Historian's Report.
1839 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “Rochester's Hesitant Promotion of the Image of Quality.”
3542 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Private Educational Enterprise since the Mid-Century.
3745 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Historic Origins of Rochester's Museums.
1523 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “Traces of the Age of Homespun in Early Rochester.”
924 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Christmas Traditions in Rochester.
925 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Some Rochester 'Firsts.'"
3192 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Walter Rauschenbusch's Rochester.
3563 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Samuel Parker Moulthrop: Devoted Educator and Good Citizen.
3564 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “Rochester's Public Schools: A Testing Ground for Com munity Policies.”
2569 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Historical. Antecedents of the Crossroads Project.
767 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "A Sesquicentennial Review of Rochester's History."
2437 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Last Eleven Mayors, the First Eleven Managers, and Twenty County Chairmen."
1639 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “A History of the Rochester Shoe Industry.”
1640 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “The Men's Clothing Industry in Rochester's History.”
3652 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Professors Make Good Citizens.
3684 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Semi-Centennial of the Rochester Public Library.
4542 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Jews of Rochester: A Contribution to Their History during the Nineteenth Century.
1691 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “From Stagecoach Taverns to Airline Motels.”
2550 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Physical Growth of Rochester."
2551 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "A Local Historian's Reflections after Visiting Foreign Cities."
2552 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Rebuilding Rochester and Remembering Its Past."
3761 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Pundit Club and the City of Rochester.
5211 McKELVEY, BLAKE, comp. The Rochester Historical Society Publication Fund Series, General Index.
5212 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A History of Historical Writing in the Rochester Area.
5213 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A Rochester Bookshelf.
5214 McKELVEY, BLAKE, ed, A Bibliographical Guide to the Genesee Country and Neighboring Areas of Western New York.
3156 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's First Year in the War for Survival.
3180 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Historic Origins of Rochester's Social Welfare Agencies.
1165 MCKELVEY, ELAKE. "Prognostications of Rochester's Growth."
2934 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's Political Trends: An Historical Review.
3701 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Early Library Developments In and Around Rochester.
3701a McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Ambrose Swasey Library."
3701b McKELVEY, BLAKE. Charles Hastings Wiltsie Memorial Building, 1937; The New Home of the Pittsford Community Library.
6446 MCKELVEY, BLAKE. A Growing Legacy: An Illustrated History of Rochester's Parks.
3193 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “A History of Social Welfare in Rochester.”
2549 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A History of City Planning in Rochester.
763 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "The Rochester Area in American History."
764 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Rochester's 125th Birthday."
765 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Rochester in Retrospect."
766 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Rochester in Retrospect and Prospect."
3097 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's Part in the Civil War.
6108 MCKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester, a Brief History.
747 McKELVEY, BLAKE FAUS. Rochester: The Water-Power City, 1812-1854.
1536 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Flour-Milling--Key to Rochester's Early History."
3052 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Susan B. Anthony.
3053 McKELVEY, BLAKE. “Woman's Rights in Rochester: A Century of Progress.”
6497 MCKELVEY, BLAKE. Susan B. Anthony's Hometown Trials, an Historical Play Depicting Episodes from Miss Anthony's Life in Rochester Between 1845 and 1900.
793 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A Story of Rochester.
997 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Historic Aspects of the Phelps and Gorham Treaty of July 4-8, 1788. Rochester History, l, no. 1 (Jan. 1939), 1-24.
2498 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "East Avenue's Turbulent History."
2495 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Accidents and Their Prevention: A Revealing Phase of Rochester's History.
2496 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Snowstorms and Snow Fighting--The Rochester Experience."
2497 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Names and Traditions of Some Rochester Streets."
5869 MCKELVEY, BLAKE. The Genesee Country Villages in Early Rochester's History.
835 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Anniversary of Rochester's Permanent Settlement in 1812.
3308 McKELVEY, BLAKE. A History of the Rochester City Club.
2553 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "A City Historian's Holiday."
3028 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Frederick Douglass Picks Rochester as Headquarters for His Fight against Slavery.
3735 McKELVEY, BLAKE. When Science Was on Trial in Rochester: 1850-1890.
761 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester's Metropolitan Prospects in Historical Perspective.
762 McKELVEY, BLAKE. "Our City Today: Some Facts and Figures of Economic and Civic Import on Rochester, New York."
5442 MCKELVEY, BLAKE F. A Panoramic History of
858 McKELVEY, BLAKE, ed. Letters postmarked Rochester, 1817-1879.
777 McKELVEY, BLAKE, and JOSEPH W. BARNES. 'Blake McKelvey's Rochester': Script from a One-Hour Film Documentary..
5044 MCKENNEY, THOMAS L. Sketches of A Tour to the Lakes, of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians…
50 McKENZIE, DONALD. Early History of the Genesee Country.
375 McKEON, MATTHEW. The Present Seneca. Falls Police Department,
4974 MCKINNON, DANIEL. A Tour through the British West Indies in the Years 1802 and 1803. Giving a Particular Account of the Bahama Islands. 2d ed., with an appendix on Western New York and Upper Canada.
6331 MCKINSTRY, E. RICHARD, compiler. Trade Catalogues at Winterthur, a Guide to the Literature of Merchandising, 1750 to 1980.
6208 MCKIVIGAN, JOHN R., and JASON H. SILVERMAN. Monarchial Liberty and Republican Slavery: West Indies Emancipation Celebrations in Upstate New York and Canada West.
5404 MCLAFFERTY, HENRY JR. “Romulus Revisited: Extracts from the Diary of Henry McLafferty, Jr., 1856-1857. Rochester: History, 42, no. 2 (Apr. 1980), 1-28. “New York Antimasons, 1826-1833.”
3077 McLEAN, A.H. "Caledonia."
1288 McLEAN, A.H. "Caledonia."
201 McLEAN, A.H. "Caledonia."
2626 McLEAN, FRANCIS H. Abstract of a Report on the Department of Charities of the City of Rochester, N.Y.
3955 McLOUGHLIN, WILLIAM G., JR. Modern Revivalism: Charles Grandison Finney to Billy Graham.
3027 McMASTER, RICHARD K. "He Left His Impress upon History ... Rose Out of Slavery to Lead His People through Fiery Epoch."
6486 MCMILLAN, MARY LOUISE. Mr. Editor If You Please: Frederick Douglass in Rochester, 1847-1852.
1183 McMULLEN, PHILLIP. New York in 1800: An Index to the Federal Census Schedules of the State of New York ...
3960 McMURRAY, ELLA J. A Study of a Homogeneous Protestant Group's Attitudes toward Jewish Practices and How These Relate to Goals of Intergroup Relations.
2352 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS G. A Tribute to the Early Printers of the Niagara Region, Being an Expression of Respect for the First Printers of Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Rochester and Buffalo by the Niagara District Conference of the International Association of Printing House Craftsmen, Meeting in Buffalo, May 26 and 27, 1939.
5247 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C., comp. Rochester Imprints 1819-1850, in Libraries outside of Rochester; An Informal Check List.
5248 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C., comp. A Bibliography of Books and Pamphlets Printed at Geneva, N.Y. 1800-1850.
5249 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C., comp. Additional Geneva Imprints 1815-1849.
5250 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS C., comp. A Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets and Broadsides Printed at Canandaigua, New York 1799-1850.
252 McNAIR, DAVID. West Sparta.
4326 McNAIR, WILLIAM R. Presbyterian Church, Lima, Livingston Co., New York. Historical Sketch, ... 1795-1895.
1016 McNALL, NEIL A. John Grieg: Land Agent and Speculator.
1274 McNALL, NEIL A. An Agricultural History of the Genesee Valley, 1790-1860.
1272 McNALL, NEIL A. The First Half-Century of Wadsworth Tenancy.
1273 McNALL, NEIL A. "King Wheat in the Genesee Valley."
6702 MCNAMARA, ROBERT F. Saint Thomas the Apostle Church: The First Sixty Years, 1922-1982.
4128 McNAMARA, ROBERT F. History of Sacred Heart Cathedral, Rochester, New York, 1911-1961; A Historical Sketch.
4104 McNAMARA, ROBERT F. Father Maurice of Greece, New York.
4093 McNAMARA, ROBERT F. St. Columba's Church, Caledonia, New York. 1885 1960. A Historical Sketch.
6120 MCNAMARA, ROBERT F. William Frisby Fitzhugh, Co-founder of Rochester.
5444 MCNAMARA, ROBERT F. "Charles Carroll of Belle Vue, Co-founder of Rochester." "
6584 MCNAMARA, ROBERT F. Ecumenism and the Rochester Center for Theological Studies.
6695 MCNAMARA, ROBERT FRANCIS. Annunciation Parish: The First Fifty Years.
6696 MCNAMARA, ROBERT F. Along the Royal Road: Christ the King Parish, Rochester, New York, 1957-1982.
5681 MCNAMARA, ROBERT F. Mother of Sorrows, Rochester,
6890 MCNAMARA, ROBERT F. A Nun's View of Rochester, 1848.
4069 McNAMARA, ROBERT R. Father Jean Dilhet: His Visit to Western New York.
4070 McNAMARA, ROBERT R. “Archbishop Hanna, Rochesterian.”
4071 McNAMARA, ROBERT R. The Diocese of Rochester, 1868-1968.
4072 McNAMARA, ROBERT R. “St. Bernard's Seminary, 1893-1968.”
2198 MCNATT, EMMETT B. Employee Representation in the Lehigh Valley Rail-road Shops; A Case Study in Company Unionism.
6260 MCNULTY, SHIRLEY. Shirley McNulty Recalls Grape Harvest on the Bluff.
6072 MCNULTY, SHIRLEY. Shirley McNulty Remembers Preparing for Winter on the Bluff.
3535 McQUAID, BERNARD J. The Public School Question as Understood by a Catholic American Citizen.
3536 McQUAID, BERNARD J. Christian Free Schools: or, the Right of Parents to Provide Religious Education for Their Children, without Let or Hindrance.
5981 MCQUILKIN, KATHERINE GAY. The Attica We Once Knew....
1969 McRORIE, DENNIS G. "Mills of the Old Town of Wolcott."
2061 MCVEAN, ALBERT F. "Canal Boats and Boat Captains."
168 McVEAN, ALBERT F. "LeRoy in 1823."
169 McVEAN, ALBERT F. "LeRoy's Bicentennial: or A Mere Glance at Local Changes during the Past 200 Years."
1924 McVEAN, ALBERT F. "The LeRoy Salt Company."
4792 McVEAN, ALBERT F. "The Morganville Pottery."
4174 McVEAN, ALBERT F. St. Mark's Church, 1817-1967.
3904 MEACHEM, JOHN G. "Story of a Doctor: The Autobiography of Dr. John G. Meachem, Sr."
6148 MEADOWS, DORIS M. Neighborhood as Community: The Nineteenth Ward in Rochester, New York.
6505 MEAGHER, NORINE A., compiler. As it Was: In Service to Our Country, 1776-1976.
4407 MEDDEN, EDWIN. "The First Congregational Church."
376 MEDDEN, FREDERICK J. Early Police System of Seneca Falls,
3394 MEDDEN, Mrs. F.J. "The Schools of Seneca Falls."
3920 MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 20,000 Years of Service; A Commemorative Booklet in Honor of Physicians Who Have Served Their Communities Fifty Years or More.
1752 MEES, C.E. KENNETH. An Address to the Senior Staff of the Kodak Research Laboratories, November 9, 1955.
4482 MELCHER, MARGUERITE FELLOWS. The Shaker Adventure.
5584 MELDER, KEITH E. Beginnings of Sisterhood: The American Woman's Rights Movement, 1800-1850.
297 MELIOUS, MARY O., comp. Gorham, 1876-1976.
4998 MELISH, JOHN. Travels in the United States of America, in the Years 1806 & 1807, and 1809, 1810, & 1811 ...
8 MELONE, HARRY R. History of Central New York, Embracing Cayuga, Seneca, Wayne, Ontario, Tompkins, Cortland, Schuyler, Yates, Chemung, Steuben, and Tioga Counties.
86 MELONE, HARRY R. Souvenir of the Finger Lakes Region.
4463 MELOON, MARION. Ivan Spencer: Willow in the Wind.
6747 MELVILLE, JEAN. Countryside Cathedrals.
1137 MELVIN, BRUCE L. “Rural Population of New York, 1855-1925.”
3297 MELVIN, BRUCE L. “Village Service Agencies, New York, 1925.”
4868 MEMORIAL ART GALLERY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. The Genesee Country: Essay by Henry W. Clone, Introduction and Catalogue by Howard S. Merritt. Memorial Art, Gallery of the University of Rochester, January 17-February 22, 1976.
3340 MENARD, JEANNE. History of the Genesee Valley Hunt, 1876-1959: A Bib-liography.
3728 MENGES, FLORENCE BROWN. History of New York State Conference, Daughters of the American Revolution, Its Officers and Chapters…
6447 MERCER, LAURIE. Peace Park.
5828 MERCER, PAUL M., comp. A Checklist of Newspapers in Microform in the New York State Library.
5829 MERCER, PAUL M., comp. Bibliographies and Lists of New York State Newspapers: An Annotated Guide.
1297 MERENESS, ELMER H. An Analysis of Costs and Returns of Farm Crops in Western New York, 1927-1929.
4408 MERKLE, GRACE, and ARDETH MENGS. "After Ninety Years: Immanuel Evangelical & Reformed Church of Orangeville."
5982 MERLE, WILLIAM J. A Historical Sketch of the Merle Family Read at Their First Reunion, August 22, 1925.
3121 MERRELL, WILLIAM H. Five Months in Rebeldom; or, Notes from the Diary of a Bull Run Prisoner, at Richmond.
5547 MERRICK, LEE H. “Whistles of History--Stories of Lake Keuka's Steamboats.” "
2267 MERRICK, LEE HART. Whistles of History--Stories of Lake Keuka's Steam-boats.
1706 MERRILL, ARCH. Graduated by Years from 0 to 100.
23 MERRILL, ARCH. The Towpath.
24 MERRILL, ARCH. Rochester Sketchbook.
25 MERRILL, ARCH. Stagecoach Towns.
26 MERRILL, ARCH. Tomahawks and Old Lace: Tales of Western New York.
27 MERRILL, ARCH. Land of the Senecas.
28 MERRILL, ARCH. Upstate Echoes…
29 MERRILL, ARCH. Shadows on the Wall.
30 MERRILL, ARCH. Southern Tier.
31 MERRILL, ARCH. The White Woman and Her Valley.
1795 MERRILL, ARCH. "McFarlin's--100 Years of Quality."
946 MERRILL, ARCH. "Sam's Last Leap."
87 MERRILL, ARCH. The Lakes Country.
32 MERRILL, ARCH. Our Goodly Heritage.
33 MERRILL, ARCH. Pioneer Profiles.
34 MERRILL, ARCH. “Old Legends Never Die.”
35 MERRILL, ARCH. Bloomers and Bugles.
74 MERRILL, ARCH. A River Ramble: Saga of the Genesee Valley,
22 MERRILL, ARCH. The Ridge: Ontario's Blossom Country.
36 MERRILL, ARCH. Gaslights and Gingerbread.
2097 MERRILL, ARCH. "Rochester 'The Young Lion,' Child of the Erie Canal."
4915 MERRILL, ARCH. "Rochester's Grand Opera House."
39 MERRILL, ARCH. The Underground, Freedom's Road and Other Upstate Tales.
40 MERRILL, ARCH. The Changing Years.
41 MERRILL, ARCH. From Pumpkin Hook to Dumpling Hill.
38 MERRILL, ARCH. Down the Lore Lanes.
37 MERRILL, ARCH. Fame in Our Time.
4842 MERRITT, HOWARD S. "Prints of the Genesee Falls."
4806 MERRITT, HOWARD S. “Notes on Some Rochester Artists.”
2159 MERZ, FRED. "Going--Going--Gone."
2536 METCALF, & EDDY. Report to Harold W. Baker, Commissioner of Public Works, Upon Sewage Disposal Problem, Rochester, New York.
4718 METCALFE, A.H. "The Powers Building--A Rochester Landmark."
4227 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Genesee Conference. Minutes, 1845-1963.
4228 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. East Genesee Conference. Minutes, 1848-1872.
4229 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. East German Conference. Geschichte der Ost-Deutschen Konferenz.
4230 METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, for the Years 1773-1828. 2 vols.
2338 MEYER, BALTHASAR II., ed. History of Transportation in the United States before 1660.
2599 MEYER, CARSON. Some Rochester Programs for the Rehabilitation of People and Housing.
5406 MEYER, WILLIAM B. “The Wayne County Seat Controversy.”
1648 MICHAELS/STERN. 125th Anniversary.
5465 MIDDLETON, J.H. “Growth of the New York State Census.”
5563 MIKOLJI, BORIS H. "Race, Nationality, and Politics in an Urban Community (Rochester)."
1107 MIKOLJI, BORIS H. "Ethnic Groups in America: The Italians of Rochester"
1070 MIKOLJI, BORRIS H. Race Nationality, and Politics in an Urban Community.
3962 MIKOLON, THEODORE W. Religious Participation and the Personal Adjustment of Old People in a Home for the Aged.
5809 MILBERT, JACQUES G. Itineraire pittoresque de fleuve Hudson et des parties laterales de l'Amerique du nord …
2923 MILES, EDWARD J. Political Regionalism in New York, 1860-1954.
6062 MILLAR, MELVILLE B. Liberty Street.
4434 MILLARD, DAVID. Memoir of Rey. David Millard: with Selections from His Writings.
1594 MILLARD, EVERETT L. "Just a Cunningham Ago."
4025 MILLEN, Mrs. James. "Baptist Organizations in Pike."
3136 MILLER, CHARLES F. "With the 6th New York Cavalry in the Civil War."
3367 MILLER, GEORGE F. The Academy System of the State of New York.
4283 MILLER, JAMES A. The History of the Presbytery of Steuben: Including That of All the Other Presbyteries to Which the Churches of Steuben and Allegany Counties Have Belonged. Notices of Ministers, Elders, and Missionaries, Sketches of the Existing Churches of the Presbytery ...
3366 MILLER, JULIUS B. School and Community: A Study of the Demographic and Economic Background of Education in the State of New York.
1997 MILLER, NATHAN A. The Enterprise of a Free People--Aspects of Economic Development in New York State during the Canal Period, 1792-1838.
236 MILLER, RALPH H. Comic History of Dansville.
2962 MILLET, JOHN, and DAVID PITTMAN. "The New Suburban Voter: A Case Study in Electoral Behavior."
4327 MILLHAM, W.H. A Historical Sermon Delivered in the Presbyterian Church, Livonia Center, N.Y., July 2d, 1876..
5998 MILLIGAN, KAREN C. The Town of Covington.
1057 MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. "Thomas Morris."
267 MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. "The Old Town."
4521 MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. “The Beginnings of Mormonism.”
258 MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. A History of Ontario County, New York and Its People.
259 MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. “Ontario County Place Name.”
3729 MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. In Way of Congratulation. Thanks and Reminder. An Address Delivered at the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the Ontario County Historical Society, at Canandaigua, Nov. 17, 1914.
3685 MILLIKEN, MARY C. A History of the Rochester Public Library from 1912 to 1936.
2600 MILLIMAN, ELMER B. "Rochester's Plan for GI Housing."
1334 MILLIMAN, THOMAS E. The GLF Story, 1920-1964; A History of the Cooperative Grange League Federation Exchange Inc.
640 MILLS, DONALD A., and DENNIS K. MURPHY. And in Penn Yan When You Get to the Corner..
5717 MILLS, JOHN V. A Century of Service, 1828-1928.
2381 MILLS, M.H. "The Mt. Morris Press."
5831 MILLS, THOMAS E., ed. Guide to Records in the New York State Archives.
6903 MILNER, ANITA CHEEK. Newspaper Indexes: A Location and Subject Guide for Researchers.
5884 MINARD, JOHN STEARNS. Civic History and Illustrated Progress of Cuba, Allegany Co., New York, 1822-1910.
114 MINARD, JOHN S. Allegany County and Its People. A Centennial Memorial History of Allegany County, New York, Illustrated…, ed. Georgia Drew Merrill.
115 MINARD, JOHN S. Recollections of the Log School House Period, and Sketches of Life and Customs in Pioneer Days.
136 MINARD, JOHN S. Civic History and Illustrated Progress of Cuba, Allegany Co., N.Y., 1822-1910.
142 MINARD, JOHN S. Hume Pioneer Sketches: A History of Early Times, First Settlers, Pioneer Experiences and Hardships, Our Predecessors, the "Six Nations", etc.
975 MINARD, JOHN S. “Intimate Friend of Old Celebrities in America and Europe: Life Story of John Church ...”
2555 MINDER, EDWARD G. "Why Favor a City Plan for Rochester?"
4483 MINEMIER, ROBERT S. “The Eternal Sabbath: A History of the Shakers in New York.”
3209 MINER, EDWARD G. The Formation of the United Charities of Rochester, New York (now Known as the Social Welfare League).
4522 MINER, EDWARD G. “The Book of Mormon.”
2188 MINOR, GEORGE H. The Erie System: A Statement of Various Facts Relating to the Organization and Corporate History of the Various Companies.
1423 MISNER, E.G. "The Marketing of Cabbage."
1391 MISNER, E.G. "An Economic Study of Grape Farms in Schuyler and Yates Counties, Crop Year 1935."
2480 MISSISSIPPI WIRE GLASS CO., New York. A Reconnaissance of the Baltimore and Rochester Fire Districts with Some Illustrations and Excerpts from Opinions No Less Authoritative than Significant.
4385 MITCHELL, JOHN. A Centennial Discourse, Containing the History of the First Presbyterian Church of Geneseo during Its first Eight-One Years.
3633 MKUNI, FESTUS BANDA. "Some Letters of Festus Mkuni, an African Student at Hobart College, 1961-1964."
6609 MOAG, IMOGENE. Covington Historical Society's 25th Anniversary.
5999 MOAG, VIOLA. A Child's Leisure Long Ago.
3701c MOEHLMAN, CONRAD H. "The Historical Society Library."
4073 MOGAVERO, I. FRANK. Brief History of the Diocese of Buffalo.
3368 MOHR, JAMES C. “Free School Law of 1867: A Chapter in the Reconstruction of the North.”
2924 MOHR, JAMES C. The Radical Republicans and Reform in New York during Reconstruction.
5414 MONETT, Mrs. D.F. Great Sodus Bay: A Beautiful Sketch of this Famous Resort.
3567 MONROE COUNTY AREA VOCATIONAL STUDY. Vocational and Technical Education in the Monroe County Area: A Summary Report ...
2692 MONROE COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION. Report of Task Force on Monroe County Family Court.
2996 MONROE COUNTY COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO ASCERTAIN THE FATE OF CAPT. WILLIAM MORGAN. Supplementary Report of the Committee Appointed to Ascertain the Fate of Capt. William Morgan.
5215 MONROE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM. Local History Materials Available in the Town Libraries of the Pioneer Library System, October, 1963.
5216 MONROE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM. Local History Bibliography of Monroe County, New York, comp. Nancy Ryan.
2605 MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. Housing '67: An Index of Housing Programs in Monroe County.
2604 MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. Make Open Occupancy a Living Reality in 1966.
2602 MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. A Description of the History and Nature of Housing Programs in Greater Rochester, New York.
2603 MONROE COUNTY, Human Relations Commission. Housing in Rochester: The Problem, the Solution.
6451 MONROE COUNTY, N.Y. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING. Planning Inventory, Town of Hamlin, Monroe County, New York.
651 MONROE COUNTY, Office of County Historian. History Almanac of the County of Monroe ... 1944, '45, '46-48, '51-52, '53-54, '55-56.
652 MONROE COUNTY, Office of County Historian. Historical Markers Placed by State and County in the County of Monroe, State of New York.
3940 MONROE COUNTY. Mental Health Department. Directory of Agencies in Monroe County Providing Services on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs.
2782 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory, Town of Ogden, Monroe County, New York.
2282 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. A Summary of the Survey and Plans for Port Development in Rochester and Monroe County, Made for the Joint Harbor Survey Committee by MacElwee and Crandall, Inc., Consulting Engineers.
3566 MONROE COUNTY. Educational Planning Committee. A Proposed Model for a County Federation of School Districts.
2717 MONROE COUNTY. Park and Recreation Study Committee. A Plan for Parks and Recreation in Monroe County. Vol. 1: Parks. Vol. 2: Recreation.
2655 MONROE COUNTY. Board of Supervisors. Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Monroe County, 1821.
3345 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council- Design for Boating.
2709 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. Past and Current Finances of Monroe County, 1915-1933.
2408 MONROE COUNTY. Committee to Study Cable Television in Monroe County. Cable Television in Monroe County; Final Report ...
2716 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Parks. Report on Park Land and Land Ac-quisition.
3886 MONROE COUNTY. Committee on Chronic Illness. Monroe County Chronic Illness Study.
3887 MONROE COUNTY. Committee on Chronic Illness. Guidelines to Action: Planning for the Chronically Ill in Monroe County.
2601 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Housing Problems of the Public Assistance Recipient.
2766 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Comprehensive Plan, Town of Gates, Monroe County, New York.
2773 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Master Plan, Town of Hamlin.
2808 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Planning Inventory, Town of Sweden and Village of Brockport, Monroe County, New York.
2809 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Comprehensive Plan--Town of Sweden/Village of Brock port, Monroe County, New York.
2735 MONROE COUNTY. Department of Planning. Monroe County Preliminary Comprehensive Plan.
6450 MONROE COUNTY. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING. Economic Growth: A Framework for Planning Policy.
1379 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. Report on the Winter-Kill of Apple Trees in Monroe County, New York, during Winter of 1933 and 1934.
2817 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Scottsville, Monroe County, New York.
2791 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Fairport, Monroe County, New York.
2790 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Perinton, Monroe County, New York.
2806 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Sweden, Monroe County, New York.
2807 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Brockport, Monroe County, New York.
2811 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Webster, Monroe County, New York.
2812 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Webster, Monroe County, New York.
2803 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Rush, Monroe County, New York.
2774 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning. for the Town of Henrietta, Monroe County, New York.
2776 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Mendon, Monroe County, New York.
2777 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Honeoye Falls, Monroe County, New York.
2779 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Ogden, Monroe County, New York.
2780 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Spencer- port, Monroe County, New York.
2783 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Parma, Monroe County, New York.
2786 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Penfield, Monroe County, New York.
2772 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Hamlin, Monroe County, New York.
2765 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Gates, Monroe County, New York.
2767 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for Town of Greece, Monroe County, New York.
2800 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Riga, Monroe County, New York.
2801 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of Churchville, Monroe County, New York.
2796 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for Village of Pittsofrd, Monroe County, New York.
2816 MONROE COUNTY. Division of Regional Planning. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Wheatland, Monroe County, New York.
4873 MONROE COUNTY. Metropolitan Arts Resources Committee. The Role of Arts Organizations in Monroe County.
3157 MONROE COUNTY. Office of Civilian Protection. General Plan for Operation of Monroe County Welfare Services during Emergency.
3158 MONROE COUNTY. Office of Civilian Protection. .. Emergency Medical Service …
3056 MONROE COUNTY. Office of County Historian. Rochester Museum Tour for Young People: Susan B. Anthony, Champion of Human Rights.
670 MONROE COUNTY. Office of County Historian. Monroe County History Tour: A Visit to Points of Interest in the Town of Chili Dating From the Time of Early Settlement to Recent Years.
4773 MONROE COUNTY. Office of County Historian. Rochester Museum Tour for Young People: Ancient Arts and Crafts and Modern Application.
4765 MONROE COUNTY. County Historian's Office. Landmarks of Brighton.
2741 MONROE COUNTY. Office of Human Resources. Monroe County Human Resources Center: A Pilot in Integrated Service Delivery.
2730 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Community Information: A Directory of Data Sources of County Government.
2784 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory, Town of Parma, Village of Hilton, Monroe County, New York.
2785 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Master Plan, Town of Parma, Village of Hilton, 1970-1985.
2725 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Economic Study for the Rochester-Monroe County Metropolitan Area.
2723 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Population Study for the Rochester- Monroe County Metropolitan Area. (Master Plan Series, No. 1)
2732 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Population Growth: A Framework for Planning Policy. (Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Phase 2)
2733 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Housing: A Challenge for Monroe County. (Monroe County Comprehensive Plan, Phase 2)
2792 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory, Town of Perinton, Monroe County, N.Y.
2606 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Annual Survey of Housing and Population; Towns and Villages of Monroe County, New York.
2607 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Toward a Positive Housing Program: An Initial Assessment of Housing in Monroe County, New York.
2726 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Design for the Future: A Master Plan for the Rochester- Monroe County Metropolitan Area. (Master Plan Series, no. 6)
2729 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Information Sources on Human Resource Problems.
2724 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Background for Planning for the Rochester-Monroe County Metropolitan Area. (Master Plan Series no. 2)
2718 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. The Future of Conservation and Re-creation in Monroe County: A Review of Needs and Opportunities for Park and Conservation Land Acquisition and Development ...
2788 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory, Town of Penfield, Monroe County, N.Y.
2789 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Master Plan, Town of Penfield, Monroe County, N.Y.
2793 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Master Plan, Town of Perinton, Monroe County, New York.
2794 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Comprehensive Plan. Village of Fairport, Monroe County, New York.
2805 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Master Plan, Town of Rush, Monroe County, New York 1967-1985.
2757 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory. Town of Chili, Monroe County, N.Y.
2758 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Comprehensive Plan, Town of Chili, Monroe County, New York, 1970-1990.
2760 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council.. Planning Inventory: Town of Clarkson, County of Monroe, New York.
2761 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council.. Clarkson Master Plan: "A Strategy for Proper and Desirable Growth," 1970-1985.
2797 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Inventory for Planning, Town and Village of Pittsford, New York.
2798 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Master Plan, Town and Village of Pittsford, N.Y.
2804 MONROE COUNTY. Planning Council. Planning Inventory, Town of Rush, Monroe County, N.Y.
2738 MONROE COUNTY. Pure Waters Agency. Monroe County Pure Water Program.
2742 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. A Report Showing the Magnitude and Growth of Relief in Monroe County and the City of Rochester.
2752 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. An Inventory for Planning for Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York.
2764 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. A Planning Study of Gates, Being Part of a Regional Planning Study of Monroe County ...
2762 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. An Inventory for Planning for the Village of East Rochester, Monroe County, New York.
2759 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Clarkson, Monroe County, New York.
2756 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. An Inventory for Planning for the Town of Chili, Monroe County, New York.
2743 MONROE COUNTY. Social Welfare Study Committee. Administrative Organization, Monroe County Department of Social Welfare.
2744 MONROE COUNTY. Social Welfare Study Committee. Survey of Welfare Medical Services of the Monroe County Department of Social Welfare.
2745 MONROE COUNTY. Special Citizens' Committee on Social Conditions. A Study of the Public Welfare Program in Monroe County.
2739 MONROE COUNTY. Water Authority. Monroe County Water Authority, Twentieth Anniversary.
3958 MONROE SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION. The Second Report of the Monroe Sunday School Union; Read at their Annual Meeting, Held in the Village of Rochester ... Oct. 4, 1826.
292 MONROE, JOEL H. A Century and a Quarter of History: Geneva from Seventeen Hundred and Eighty-Seven to Nineteen Hundred and Twelve …
377 MONROE, STEPHEN. "Seneca Falls in Earlier Days."
383 MONROE, STEPHEN. School District No. 11, Town of Varick, from 1850,
928 MONTAGUE, MARTHA E. "Rochester's Gold Diggers."
2936 MONTAGUE, MARTHA. “The Presidents Come to Rochester.”
6396 MONTE VERDE, DAVID J. Rochester & Southern: A Line Come Full Circle.
6395 MONTE VERDE, DAVID. The New and Expanding Genesee & Wyoming.
3229 MONTGOMERY NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER. Six Years at a Glance, 1952-1958. A Report of Montgomery Neighborhood Center, Inc.
3368 MONTGOMERY, HELEN B. “The Last Ten Years of the Rochester Schools.”
5010 MONTULE, EDOUARD DE. (Notes the advanced state of agriculture in the Genesee Country, stops at Batavia, Avon, Honeoye, Canandaigua, Geneva; 1951 ed., pp. 169-72.)
269 MOODY, ROBERT E. "Nundawaga Society for History and Folklore."
642 MOODY, ROBERT E. An Outline of Rushville's History. Vol. 1: 8000 B.C. to 1916 A.D.
298 MOODY, ROBERT E., ed. Town of Gorham Scrapbook.
5727 MOODY, ROBERT E. The First Congregational Church, Sesquicentennial, 1802-1952. Rushville, New York.
2714 MOONEY, THOMAS T. Highways and Bridges in Monroe County; A Framework for Responsibilities ...
2327 MOONEY, THOMAS T. Highways and Bridges in Monroe County, a Framework for Responsibilities.
5161 MOONEY, THOMAS. Nine Years in America.
671 MOORE, CARL C., JR. Chili Chapters: A Condensation of Chili's History Based Primarily on Town Records.
672 MOORE, CARL C., JR. Hidden Strands from the Fabric of Early Chili.
794 MOORE, EVELYN L. Rochester's Story.
5238 MOORE, KAY KIRLIN, comp. "A Checklist and Index for the University of the State of New York Bulletins, Numbers 255-1094, June, 1902 to June, 1936.
5618 MOORE, LEROY, JR. "The Rise of American Religious Liberalism at the Rochester: Theological Seminary, 1872-1928."
3240 MOORE, Mrs. George H. "Rochester's 3,500 Rooming Girls."
4984 MOORE, THOMAS. The Letters of Thomas Moore, ed. Wilfred S. Dowden.
495 MOORE, WILLIAM. “Autobiography of William Moore.”
2119 MORAN, EUGENE F. "The Erie Canal as I have Known It."
6518 MORE, ELLEN. Rochester During World War One: Rochester `Over There.'
4242a MOREY, A.F. A Historical Sermon Delivered in the M.E. Church, Honeoye Falls, N.Y., June 26, 1864 ...
2353 MOREY, JOHN E., JR. "First Daily Newspaper of Rochester, Oldest between the Hudson and the Pacific."
3762 MOREY, WILLIAM C. Reminiscences of 'The Pundit Club.'
3316 MORGAN, C.A. A History of Rochester Lodge of Perfection, Rochester Council Princes of Jerusalem, Rochester Chapter of Rose Croix, Rochester Consistory, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, 1867-1967...
6397 MORGAN, DAVID P. The Mohawk That Refused to Abdicate and Other Tales.
6398 MORGAN, DAVID P. A Story of Small, Elderly Engines.
1538 MORGAN, LEWIS H. "Lewis H. Morgan on the Water Power and Flour Mills at Rochester," ed. Paul Kosok.
6799 MORGAN, LOUISE. Architectural Eclecticism in Rochester from 1840-1880.
403 MORGAN, VERA CURTIS. History of the Town. of Marion, Wayne County, State of New York, 1795-1937.
6261 MORGAN, WILLIAM J. Apples in the Oatka Valley.
6216 MORGAN, WILLIAM J. The Irish of Pearl Creek.
2997 MORGAN, WILLIAM. Illustrations of Masonry, by One of the Fraternity, Who Has Devoted Thirty Years to the Subject ...
5152 MORRELL, PRUDENCE. Prudence Morrell's Account of a Journey to the West in the Year 1847, ed. Theodore Johnson.
5483 MORRIS, George H. “Rise of the Grape and Wine Industry in the Naples Valley during the Nineteenth Century.
5495 MORRIS, HARVEY F. The Story of Men's Clothes.
6263 MORRIS, JAMES MCGRATH. Wineries of the Finger Lakes.
2998 MORRIS, ROBERT. William Morgan; or Political Anti-Masonry, Its Rise, Growth and Decadence.
982 MORRIS, ROBERT. An Account of the Soil, Growing Timber, and Other Productions, of the Lands in the Countries Situated in the Back Parts of the States of New York and Pensylvania, in North America. And Particularly the Lands in the County of Ontario, Known by the Name of the Genesee Tract. ... London: 1791. Repr. with omissions in Gilbert Imlay, A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America ..., 3d ed. London: J. Debrett, 1797. From here it was again repr. in Documentary History of the State of New-York, ed. E.B. O'Callaghan, Vol. 2, pp. 111-1125.
976 MORRIS, THOMAS. “Mementoes of Western Settlement. Narrative of Events in the History and Settlement of Western New York, in the Personal Recollections of Thomas Morris, Esqu. Communicated by Henry O'Rielly.”
6285 MORRIS, WILLIAM H. The Cunningham Car Made in Rochester.
397 MORRISON, ARETTA J., and WAYNE E. Morrison's History of Clyde, Wayne Co., New York. With Illustrations Descriptive of Its Scenery, Buildings, Prominent Men, &c.
5502 MORRISON, Grant. “A New York City Creditor and His Upstate Debtors: Isaac Bronson's Moneylending, 1819-1836.”
5942 MORRISON, PATRICIA J., compiler. Name Index: History of Ovid, Seneca Co., 1789-1889.
392 MORRISON, WAYNE E., comp. Morrison's History of Wayne County, New York; with County, Town & Village Descriptions, Profusely Illustrated & c.
5656 MORRISON, WAYNE E. Pictorial Album of the Willard Asylum, 1869-1886..
6085 MORRISON, WAYNE E. A History of the Farm Located in the Town of Mendon, Monroe Co., New York.
701 MORRISON, WAYNE E. A History of Fairport and Perinton, 1789-1949.
5410 MORRISON, WAYNE E., comp. History of Clyde, Wayne County, N.Y.
5402 MORRISON, WAYNE E., SR., comp. Early History, &c., Town of Covert, Seneca Co., N.Y.
5403 MORRISON, WAYNE E., SR., comp. Town & Village of Ovid, Seneca Co., N.Y.: An Early History.
5733 MORRISON-REED, MARK D., H. KEITH STOTT, and ROLAND BRAMLET. Reaching for the Infinite: The First Universalist Church, 75 Years at the Corner of Court and Clinton.
6732 MORRISON-REED, MARK D., H. KEITH STOTT, and ROLAND BRAMLET. Reaching for the Infinite, the First Universalist Church: 75 Years at the Corner of Court and Clinton.
5172 MORSE, ABNER. Abner Morse’s Diary of Emigrant Travel, 1855-56. ed. Bayrd Still and William Herrmann.
5701 MORSE, ELIZABETH CASE. History of the First Methodist Church at Bristol Center, New York, 1946,
6021 MORSE, JACOB. Early Letters from Java.
6312 MORT, J. The Anatomy of Xerography: Its Invention and Evolution.
4975 MORTIMER, BENJAMIN. "Diary of the Brethren John Heckewelder and Benjamin Mortimer, on Their Journey from Bethlehem in Pennsylvania to Fairfield in Upper Canada ...," pp. 339-72 in Thirty Thousand Miles with John Heckewelder, ed. Paul A.W. Wallace.
2608 MORTON, HOFFMAN & CO. An Analysis of the Housing Assistance Needs of Lower Income Households and Characteristics of Selected Other Household Groups, City of Rochester, as of October, 1975.
2925 MOSCOW, WARREN. Politics in the Empire State.
2444 MOSHER, FREDERICK C. City Manager Government in Rochester (New York)... for the Committee on Public Administration of the Social Science Research Council ...
6149 MOSHOLDER, JERRY, with help from ANN DANIELS. The Susan B. Anthony Neighborhood.
2466 MOSS, ALBERT J. History of the Police Bureau, Rochester, N.Y. Department of Public Safety, form Its Earliest Days to May 1, 1929, with a Record of Principal Investigations and Personnel of Organization.
2339 MOSS, GEORGE. "Transportation in the Early Days of Western. New York."
75 MOSS, GEORGE. “Three Episodes in the History of the Genesee Valley.”
1328 MOTHERAL, JOE R., HOWARD E. THOMAS, and OLAF F. LARSON. "Migratory Farm Workers in the Atlantic Coast Stream, Western New York, June 1953; A Preliminary Report."
1539 MOTLEY, MAUDE. "The Romance of Milling; With Rochester the Flour City."
2189 MOTT, EDWARD H. Between the Ocean end the Lakes: The Story of Erie.
6467 MOTZ, LORA WINCHESTER. Feelings - Reactions.
3298 MOWERY, ELIZABETH B. The Community as a Context for the Development of Housing: A Study of Orleans County, New York.
6605 MUELLER, DONNA. Inside a Musical Treasure Chest.
6701 MUHL, GERARD, and Rev. CHARLES BENNETT. St. Mary's Church.
6290 MUHL, GERARD. Paying for the Dreams, a Short History of Banking in Rochester.
4523 MULDER, WILLIAM, and A. RUSSELL MORTENSEN, eds. Among the Mormons: Historic Accounts by Contemporary Observers.
3317 MULLAN, JOHN B. “Early Masonic History in Rochester.”
4133 MULLANEY, THOMAS W. Four-Score Years: A Contribution to the History of the Catholic Germans in Rochester.
5239 MULLER, ERNST H. Bibliography of New York Quaternary Geology."
5786 MULLER, NANCY C., and OAK, JACQUELYN. "Noah North (1809-1880)."
3099 MURDOCK, EUGENE C. Patriotism Limited 1862-1865: The Civil War Draft and the Bounty System.
3108 MURPHY, GEORGE E., and others. "The Eighth New York Heavy Artillery."
5418 MURPHY, HELEN KOLLWITZ. The Development of Attica, N.Y.
6610 MURPHY, Mr. and Mrs. J. Leonard. Attica Historical Society.
2409 MURPHY, RAYMOND J. A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Television on the Family.
5103 MURRAY, CHARLES AUGUSTUS. Travels in North America during the Years 1834, 1835, & 1836 …
4121a MURRAY, GRACE L. The Church of the Blessed Sacrament: A Chronicle of the Years (1901-1976).
6528 MURRAY, HARRY. Do Not Neglect Hospitality; The Catholic Worker and the Homeless.
5154 MYERS, J. C. Sketches of a Tour through the Northern and Eastern States, the Canadas & Nova Scotia.
1871 MYERS, JOHN G., and DANIEL CREAMER. Measuring Job Vacancies: A Feasibility Study in the Rochester, N.Y. Area.
3016 MYERS, JOHN L. “The Beginnings of Anti-Slavery Agencies in New York State, 1833-1836.”
3017 MYERS, JOHN L. “The Major Effort of National Anti-Slavery Agents in New York State, 1836-1837.”
1298 MYERS, WILLIAM I. "An Economic Study of Farm Tractors in New York."
2609 MYLER, JOSEPH J. "What the RHIAC Means to Rochester."
2341 N.W. AYER COMPANY. Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals,
2065 N.Y ASSEMBLY. Report of the Select Committee of the Assembly of 1846, upon the Investigation of Frauds in the Expenditure of the Public Monies upon the Canals of the State of New York.
1380 N.Y DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS. Survey of Fruit Orchards in Orleans County, New York, 1949; Summary Report.
1381 N.Y DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS. Survey of Fruit Orchards in Wayne County, New York, 1952; Summary Report.
2318 N.Y Department of Public Works. Report on State Arterial Highways in the Batavia Urban Area.
2319 N.Y Department of Public Works. Report on State Arterial Highways in the Canandaigua Urban Area.
2320 N.Y Department of Public Works. Report on State Arterial Highways in the Geneva Urban Area.
1140 N.Y Office of Planning Coordination. Community Profile 4; Genesee/ Finger Lakes Planning Region (Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Ontario, Orleans, Seneca, Wayne, Yates Counties).
3068 N.Y. Adjutant-General's Office. Index of Awards on Claims of the Soldiers of the War of 1812.
3109 N.Y. Adjutant-General's Office. A Record of the Commissioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Privates, of the Regiments Which Were Organized in the State of New York and Called into the Service of the United States to Assist in Suppressing the Rebellion. ... as Taken from the Muster-in-Rolls on File ...
2134 N.Y. ASSEMBLY. Report of the Special Committee on Railroads. Appointed under a Resolution of the Assembly, February 28, 1879, to Investigate Alleged Abuses in the Management of Railroads Chartered by the State of New York.
1059 N.Y. ASSEMBLY. Report of the Minority of the Select Committee on the Petition of Inhabitants Residing on the Holland Purchase.
3001 N.Y. Assembly. Select Committee on the Abduction of William Morgan. Report of the Select Committee on That Part of the Governor's Message Relating to the Abduction of William Morgan. Made to the Assembly, Feb. 16, 1829.
3256 N.Y. Assembly. Special Committee Appointed to Investigate the Management of the Western House of Refuge. Report ... with Testimony Taken. (N.Y. Assembly Document no. 156, 1884)
4559 N.Y. Board for Historic Preservation. Historic Resources Survey Manual.
3255 N.Y. Board of Charities. "Findings and Conclusions on an Investigation of the Rochester Orphan Asylum ... 1889," in the Board's Annual Report, pp. 55-113. (N.Y. Senate Document no. 9)
1893 N.Y. Board of Inquiry on Rochester Transit Work Stoppage. Final Report to the Industrial Commissioner
3100 N.Y. Board of Managers of the Soldiers' Depot. Report of the Board of Managers of the New York State Soldiers' Depot, and the Fund for the Relief of the Sick, Wounded, Furloughed and Discharged Soldiers ...
1894 N.Y. Board of Mediation and Arbitration. Special Report of the Board of Mediation and Arbitration of the State of New York, on the Lockout of Cutters by the Clothiers' Exchange of Rochester. (N.Y. Senate Document no. 68, 1891)
3101 N.Y. Bureau of Military Statisitcs. Fifth Annual Report ... (N.Y. Assembly Document no. 148, 1868)
2046 N.Y. CANAL APPRAISERS. Awards and Testimony in the Claims of the Rochester Mill Owners, for the Diversion of the Waters of the Genesee River, for the Supply of the Erie and Genesee Valley Canals, Heard by the Canal Appraisers, under Chapter 462, Laws of 1855.
2026 N.Y. CANAL COMMISSIONER. The Official Reports of the Cann: Commissioners of the State of New York, and the Acts of the Legislature Respecting Navigable Communications between the Great Western and Northern-Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean: with Perspicuous, Maps and Profiles ...
2027 N.Y. CANAL COMMISSIONER. Laws of the State of New York, in Relation to the Erie and Champlain Canals, Together with the Annual Reports of the Canal Commissioners and other Document ....
2710 N.Y. Commission to Revise the Tax Laws. Financial Control in the Suburban Area of New York State.
2317 N.Y. Commissioner of Highways. Annual. Report ... 1916.
2887 N.Y. Comptroller's Office. Report to State Comptroller Martin H. Glynn on the Examination of the Accounts of Orleans County ...
2880 N.Y. Comptroller's Office. Report to State Comptroller Martin H. Glynn on the Examination of the Accounts of Genesee County ...
2121 N.Y. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE A Certified Copy of the Register of Canal Boats Kept in the Comptroller's Office, Showing Their Names and Owners, as They Stook upon the Register on the 1st January, 1839.
1540 N.Y. Conservation Commission. Report of the Conservation Commission on the Watershed of the Genesee. (N.Y. Senate Document no. 35, 1912)
3078 N.Y. Council of Appointment. Military Minutes of the Council of Appoint= ment of the State of New York, 1783-1821.
2673 N.Y. Department of Civil Service. Management Survey Report of the Monroe County Civil Service Commission.
1392 N.Y. Department of Commerce. The Wine Industry in New York State.
2328 N.Y. Department of Public Works. Report on State Arterial Highways in the Rochester Urban Area.
2329 N.Y. Department of Transportation. Summary of Travel. Inventory Data. (Rochester Metropolitan Transportation Study)
2330 N.Y. Department of Transportation. Analysis of the Characteristics and Use of the Inventoried Transit System. (Rochester Metropolitan Transportation Study)
2331 N.Y. Department of Transportation. The 1990 Plan for Transportation Facilities.
1904 N.Y. Dept. of Commerce. New York Means Business in the Rochester Area.
1905 N.Y. Dept. of Commerce. New York State Business Facts, Rochester Area.
1906 N.Y. Dept. of Commerce. Business Fact Book, Rochester Area, 1957.
1907 N.Y. Dept. of Commerce. Business Fact Book, 1962, Rochester Area. Part l: Business and Manufacturing. Part 2: Population and Housing.
1908 N.Y. Dept. of Commerce. Rochester Area Business Fact Book. Part l: Business and Manufacturing.
1909 N.Y. Dept. of Commerce. Rochester Area Business Fact Book. Part l: Business and Manufacturing. Part 2: People, Jobs, and Housing.
1138 N.Y. Dept. of Commerce. “A Century of Population Change in Counties of New York State, 1860-1960.”
1910 N.Y. Dept. of Labor.. Industrial Directory of New York State ... 1912. 1913.
2907 N.Y. Dept. of Social Welfare. 29,000 Boys--One Hundred Years of Public Service. Centennial, State Agricultural and Industrial School, Industry, N.Y. 1849-1949.
3369 N.Y. Division for Youth. The School Dropout Problem: Rochester.
1121 N.Y. Division of Human Rights. Puerto Ricans in New York State ... 1960-1969.
1911 N.Y. Division of State Planning. Industrial Directory of New York State.
1139 N.Y. Division of the Budget. New York State Statistical Yearbook, 1974.
2122 N.Y. ERIE CANAL CENTENNIAL COMMISSION. The Erie Canal Centennial Celebration, 1925; the Final Report of the Erie Canal Centennial Commission Sub-mitted to the Governor and the Legislature ...
2067 N.Y. LAWS, STATUTES. Acts Relating to the Sodus Canal.
5273 N.Y. Laws & Statutes. General Index to the Laws of the State of New York, 1777-1901. 3 vols.
5274 N.Y. Legislature General Index to the Legislative Documents of the State of New York, from 1777-1888…, comp. Charles R. Dayton,
1998 N.Y. Legislature. Joint Legislative Committee on Preservation and Re-storation of Historic Sites, 1957-58. Report ...
2076 N.Y. LEGISLATURE. Report of the Joint Legislative Committee on the Barge Canal.
1017 N.Y. LEGISLATURE. Acts of the Legislature of the State of New-York, Respecting the Titles of the Pulteney & Hornby Estates, and Reports of Attorneys- General Hall and Barker on the Same.
1872 N.Y. Legislature. Joint Committee on Discrimination in Employment. Final Report ... (N.Y. Legislative Document no. 80, 1940)
187 N.Y. Monuments Commission for the Battlefields of Gettysburg, Chattanooga and Antietam. In Memoriam James Samuel Wadsworth, 1807-1864 ...
1141 N.Y. Office of Planning Services. (New York State Small Area Planning Data Profiles, from U.S. Census, 1970.)
2243 N.Y. Public Service Commission. ... Report of Traffic Conditions in Rochester, 1912-13.
2135 N.Y. Public Service Commission. ... In the Matter of the Application of the Buffalo, Rochester and Eastern Railroad Company for a Certification of Public Convenience and a Necessity under Section 9 of the Railroad Law, and for Permission to Begin Construction ... Opinion of the Commission with Press Comments Thereon.
1895 N.Y. School of Industrial and Labor Relations. Handbook on Human Resources Industrial and Labor Relations in the Rochester Industrial Area.
1145 N.Y. Secretary of State. Census of the State of New-York, for 1855 ...
2874 N.Y. Secretary of State. Manual for the Use of the Legislature of the State of New York ...
1146 N.Y. Secretary of State. Census of the State of New York, for 1865 ...
1147 N.Y. Secretary of State. Census of the State of New York for 1875 ...
1143 N.Y. Secretary of State. Census of the State of New-York, for 1835 ...
1144 N.Y. Secretary of State. Census of the State of New-York, for 1845 ...
5466 N.Y. SECRETARY OF STATE. “Report on the Number of Births, Marriages and Deaths for the Year 1847.” N.Y. Senate Document no. 73, 1848.
3002 N.Y. Senate. Committee on the Abduction of William Morgan. Report of the Committee on the Abduction of William Morgan, Made to the Senate, Feb. 14 1829.
5525 N.Y. SENATE. Subcommittee on Inland Ports and Waterways. Task Force on Critical Problems. Which Way for our Waterways? A Report on the New York State Barge Canal and the Upstate Ports.
2903 N.Y. Special Commission on Attica. Attica: The Official Report of the New York State Special Commission on Attica ...
1310 N.Y. STATE AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, GENEVA. Twenty-fifth Anniversary Report, 1882-1907. In 15th Annual Report, N.Y. State Department of Agriculture, 1907.
3839 N.Y. State Board of Charities. Report of the State Board of Charities on the Selection of a Site for and the Organization of an Epileptic Colony.
1142 N.Y. State College of Agriculture, Dept. of Rural Sociology. The People of Allegany County, New York: Trends in Human Resources and Their Characteristics, 1900-1960.
1087 N.Y. State Commission against Discrimination. Negroes in Five New York Cities: A Study of Problems, Achievements and Trends.
2867 N.Y. State Commission for the Revision of the Tax Laws. Reorganization of Local Government in New York State.
3370 N.Y. State Commission on the Quality, Cost, and Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education. The Fleischmann Report ...
2123 N.Y. STATE COUNCIL ON THE ARTS. Erie Canal: History of the Canal that Made New York the Empire State from 1817 to the Present. An Exhibit Porto- folio by the New York State Council on the Arts for the New York Museums Collaborative.
1999 N.Y. STATE COUNCIL ON THE ARTS. The Canal Courier.
1350 N.Y. STATE DEPARTMENT OF FARMS AND MARKETS (later AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS). Statistics Relative to the Dairy Industry in New York State, 1922-present.
1349 N.Y. STATE DEPARTMENT OF FARMS AND MARKETS. “Statistical Relative to the Dairy Industry in New York State--Census of Dairy Farms, Dairy Cows and Dairy Products.”
1148 N.Y. State Division of Human Rights. Selected Statistics for Counties of New York State, 1960-1969.
3371 N.Y. State Education Department. Master Plan for School District Reorganization in New York State, Revised.
2077 N.Y. State Engineer and Surveyor. Report on the Barge Canal from the Hudson River to the Great Lakes.
5275 N.Y. State Library. Official Publications of the State of New York, 1947- 1962.
5276 N.Y. State Library. A Checklist of Official Publications of the State of New York, Jan, 1962-December 1967; A Cumulation of the Checklist of Official Publications of the State of New, York, Volumes 16-21.
5277 N.Y. State Library. Dictionary Catalog of Official Publications of the State of New York Cataloged by the New York State Library from December 18, 1973 to September 24, 1976.
5820 N.Y. STATE MUSEUM. Division of Historical & Anthropological Services. Research and Publications in New York State History, 1977.
5821 N.Y. STATE MUSEUM. Research and Publications in New York State History, 1978.
5822 N.Y. STATE MUSEUM. Research and Publications in New York State History, 1979.
5823 N.Y. STATE MUSEUM. Research and Publications in New York State History, 1980.
3608 N.Y. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. BROCKPORT. Semicentennial. Brockport: 1917. 123 pp. Supplement, 1917-1922.
2610 N.Y. Temporary State Housing Rent Commission. Survey of Residential Rents and Rental Conditions in the State of New 'York.
2611 N.Y. Temporary State Housing Rent Commission. People, Housing and Rent Control in Rochester.
1149 N.Y. University, Information Center on Education. First Count Summary of 1970 Census Data by School District, New York State.
3369 N.Y. University. Regents' Inquiry into the Character and Cost of Public Education. School District Atlas of the State of New York,
2120 NARAMORE, SALLY. "South of Court Street, the Weighlock."
1890 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS, Rochester Branch. Historical & Illustrated Memento of the Rochester Post Office, Containing a General Compilation of Useful Information ...
1891 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS, Rochester Branch. Golden Anniversary, Rochester Branch, No. 210, National Association of Letter Carriers. April 19th, 1941 ...
1892 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS, Rochester Branch. 1891-1951. Sixtieth Anniversary, National Association Letter Carriers, Rochester Branch No. 210, June 9, 1951.
2753 NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS. The Brighton Gas Fire and Explosion Catastrophe, Town of Brighton (Monroe County), N.Y., September 21, 1951.
3000 NATIONAL CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. ... Fourteenth National Convention Held in Opera hall, Batavia, N.Y., September 12th, 13th & 14th, 1882. Reports of Proceedings, Addresses, the Unveiling of the Morgan Monument, and Letter of Thurlow Weed.
6525 National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Rochester Section. The Homeless Guide: Shelter, Clothing, Food, Related Services, Hotlines
2688 NATIONAL LEGAL AID AND DEFENDER ASSOCIATION. The Public Defender's Office in Monroe County, New York--An Evaluation.
2133 NATIONAL RAILWAY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rochester Chapter. When Rochester Rode by Rail.
5109 NATTESTAD, OLE KNUDSEN. "Description of a Journey to North America," trans. Rasmus B. Anderson.
5907 NAUKAM, LAWRENCE W. Ontario County, N. Y. Cemetery Record Index.
6116 NAUKAM, LAWRENCE W. Family History More than Genealogy.
6076 NAUKAM, LAWRENCE W. and RICHARD T. HALSEY. Cemetery Record Holdings of Monroe Co., New York. Second edition.
6077 NAUKAM, LAWRENCE. Monroe County, N.Y.
929 NAYLOR, HARIETT J. "The Ancient Little City of Rochester in Kent."
2354 NAYLOR, HARRIETT J. "Rochester's Agricultural Press: A Mirror of Genesee Country Life."
2064 NAYLOR, HARRIETT. "The Great Canal Celebration of September 1, 1840."
5671 NEASE, GRACE H. History of the Union University Church, 1922-1972.
3888 NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH CENTERS OF MONROE COUNTY, Inc. Proposal for a Community Health Network, Rochester, New York.
3686 NELSON, ASSOCIATES. A Reference and Research Library Resources Plan for the Rochester Area: An Analysis of the Proposals of the Commissioner's Committee on Reference and Research Library Resources as Applied to a Selected Region.
3057 NELSON, GLADYS G., ed. “Report of the Woman's Rights Convention, Rochester, 1848.”
4035 NELSON, WILLIAM R., and WILLIAM F. LINCOLN. Journey Toward Renewal.
5217 NESTLER, HAROLD. A Bibliography of New York State Communities, Counties, Towns, Villages. Port
6898 NESTLER, HAROLD, compiler. A Bibliography of New York State Communities.
6250 NEVINGER, CHET. Steam Versus Man Power in 1918.
1589 NEVINS, ALLAN. Ford: The Times, the Men, the Company.
3149 NEW YORK AMERICAN. Rochester's Part in the World War, 1918.
1569 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD CO. The Greater Rochester, New York Area. Industrial Sites.
2160 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. Agreement between the Albany & Schenectady, the Schenectady & Troy, the Utica & Schenectady, the Mohawk Valley, the Syracuse & Utica, the Syracuse & Utica Direct, the Rochester & Syracuse, the Rochester, Lockport & Niagara Falls, and the Buffalo & Lockport; whereby the Said Companies are Consolidated into One Corporation, under the Name of "The New York Central Railroad Company," in Pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of New York, Passed Apr. 2, 1853.
2161 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. The One Hundredth Anniversary, 1826 April 17, 1926, of the New York Central Railroad.
1499 NEW YORK CROP REPORTING SERVICE. New York State Agricultural Prices and Cash Receipts from Farm Marketings, 1940-1963.
4468 NEW YORK FREETHINKERS' ASSOCIATION. The Proceedings and Addresses at the Freethinkers' Convention Held at Watkins, N.Y., 1878.
5220 NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY. Research Libraries. Dictionary Catalog of the Local History and Genealogy Division.
5221 NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY. United States Local History Catalog. A Modified Shelf List Arranged Alphabetically by State, and Alphabetically by Locality within Each State.
1289 NEW YORK STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Transactions, 1841-1872/76.
5832 NEW YORK STATE ARCHIVES. Local Records on Microfilm in the New York State Archives.
4807 NEW YORK STATE HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Rediscovered Painters of Upstate New York, 1700-1875.
2047 NEW YORK STEAM CABLE TOWING COMPANY. The New York Steam Cable Towing Company. Capital Stock, $500,000. ...
4886 NEWALL, FRANK G. “The Municipal Concerts of Rochester.”
5304 NEWBERRY LIBRARY. The Genealogical Index of the Newberry Library, Chicago.
3346 NEWELL, GEORGE H. Chips from Our Log, or, Glimpses of Life Aboard the Yacht "Ripple."
3741 NEWHALL, BEAUMONT. The Eastman House; the First Decade.
4047 NEWLAND, S.M. "The First Baptist Church."
4793 NEWLANDS, DAVID L. "The Morganville Pottery Site, New York State."
6240 NEWMAN, JAMES JACOB. To plow the same five times: Estate Management and Agricultural Change in the Genesee Valley of New York State, 1810-1865.
6264 NEWMAN, JAMES L. Vine, Wines, and Regional Identity in the Finger Lakes Region.
4161 NEWMAN, LUCILE T. St. Paul's Church Centennial, 1827-1927.
130 NEWMAN, LUCILE THORNTON. History of Angelica, New York.
5555 NEWTON, FRANCES P. American Bibliography: A Preliminary Checklist, 1801 to 1819 ... Printers, Publishers and Booksellers Index, Geographical Index.
3570 NEWTON, MARION BROMLEY. “A Chapter in the Story of Rochester's School Playgrounds.”
254 NEWTON. A.D. "Streams of York."
4524 NIBLEY, PRESTON. Brigham Young: The Man and His Work.
4457 NICHOL, FRANCIS D. The Midnight Cry: A Defense of the Character and Conduct of William Miller and the Millerites, Who Mistakenly Believed that the Second Coming of Christ Would Take Place in the Year 1844.
1921 NICHOLS, C.M., and F.D. HYDE, comps. Genesee County of Today, Anno Domini 1917. Special Number of the Batavia Times ...
3544 NICHOLS, JANE H. Rochester Female Academy: A Historical Sketch, 1837 1912.
4284 NICHOLS, ROBERT H. Presbyterianism in New York State: A History of the Synod and Its Predecessors, ed. James H. Nichols.
5110 NICHOLS, THOMAS LOW. Forty Years of American Life.
4465 NICHOLS. L. T. History of the Megiddo Mission.
1401 NICHOLSON, V.H. "Regional Markets in New York State."
4203 NICUM, J. Geschichte des evangelisch-lutherischen Ministeriums vom Staate New York und angrenzenden Staaten und Landern.
2136 NIELSEN, WALDO J. Right-of-Way: A Guide to Abandoned Railroads in the United State, Bend, Ore.: Old Bottle Magazine, 1972. See also Abandoned Railroad Rights of Way in New York State--A Listing.
4986 NIEMCEWICZ, JULIAN URSYN. Under Their Vine and Fig Tree: Travels through America in 1797-1799, 1805, with Some Further Account of Life in New Jersey, trans. & ed. Metchie J.E. Budka. (Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society at Newark, Vol. 14)
2000 NIEMI, ALBERT W., JR. "A Further Look at Interregional Canals and Economic Specialization: 1820-1840."
3242 NIENBURG, BERTHA M. The Woman Home-Maker in the City: A Study of Sta-tistics Relating to Married Women in the City of Rochester, N.Y. at the Census of 1920.
5771 NINETEENTH WARD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. The Eleventh Annual Nineteenth Ward House Tour. Saturday October 17, 1981.
1445 NOBE, KENNETH C. An Agricultural Regions Concept for New York State.
1446 NOBE, KENNETH C. "The Extent and Intensity of Farming in Western New York State."
4292g NOBLE, ANNETTE L. A 100 Years at Avon Central Presbyterian Church, 1876-1976.
5965 NOBLE, FRANK. Con-Artists, Swindlers, and Crooks.
6005 NOBLE, FRANK. Bliss, New York.
6006 NOBLE, FRANK. One Hundred Years of Bliss.
6007 NOBLE, FRANK. The Streets of Bliss.
3182 NORDHOFF, CHARLES. The Communistic Societies of the United States: from Personal Visit and Observation ...
144 NORRIS, AGNES. Spirit of Rushford, 1808-1958.
6693 NORRIS, JOHN. History of St. Charles' Parish.
4231 NORTH, LOUISE McCOY. The Story of the New York Branch of Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
155 NORTH, SAFFORD E., ed. Our County and Its People: A Descriptive and Biographical Record of Genesee County, New York.
2344 NORTH, SIMON N.D. History and Present Condition of the Newspaper and Periodical Press of the U.S. with a Catalogue of the Publications of the Census Year.
6121 NORTHWOOD, BILL. A Young Lion's Tale.
746 NORTON, HERBERT A. "Prosperity and Adversity: The History of Rochester from 1834 to 1839."
320 NORTON, JOHN N. Allerton Parish: A Tale of the Early Days of Western New York ...
2001 NORTON, JOHN R. "New York State Government and the Economy: 1819-1846."
1436 NORTON, L.J. "An Economic Study of the Production of Canning Crops in New York."
1351 NORTON, L.J., and LELAND SPENCER. “A Preliminary Survey of Milk Marketing in New York.”
3604 NORWOOD, JOHN N. Fiat Lux: The Story of Alfred University with Its Constituent and Affiliated Schools.
4269 NORWOOD, JOHN N. The Schism in the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1844: A Study of Slavery and Ecclesiastical Politics.
3603 NORWOOD, JOHN N. 50 Years of Ceramic Education: New York State College of Ceramics, A Unit of the State University of New York at Alfred University.
4086 NOUWEN, HENRI J.M. The Genesee Diary: Report from a Trappist Monastery. .
6150 NOWELL, ROBIN. Beyond the Other Side of the Tracks: A Brief History of C.O.N.E.A. (the 5th and 7th Wards).
42 NOYES, J. O. The Lakes & Legends of Central New York... A Virtually Unknown, Rambling Account of Life and Times in Upstate New York 1857.
77 NOYES, J. O. “The Valley of the Genesee.”
3183 NOYES, JOHN HUMPHREY. History of American Socialism.
4869 NUTTING, WALLACE. New York Beautiful ... Illustrated by the Author with Pictures of Rural New York with Special Reference to Their Aesthetic Features and Old Life.
5927 O.C.H.A. Chronicle.
5052 O’BRIEN, MARY. The Journals Of Mary O'Brien, 1828-1838, ed. Audrey S. Miller.
305 OAKS, MABEL E. The Corners.
306 OAKS, MABEL E. "The Oaks of Oaks Corners, N.Y."
307 OAKS, MABEL E. Phelpstown Footprints.
4336 OAKS, MABEL E. History of Oaks Corners Church and Community.
308 OAKS, MABEL E. Phelpstown, a Continued. Story.
309 OAKS, MABEL E. Oaks Corners, 1790-1976.
310 OAKS, MABEL E. Phelps' Background of War: A Bicentennial Review.
1382 OBERLY, GENE H. "New York's Apple Industry."
3905 O'BRIEN, H. R. "History of Public Health in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, and Allegany Counties."
2355 O'CONNOR, JOSEPH. The Rochesterian: Selected Writings of Joseph O'Connor,
44 O'CONNOR, LOIS. A Finger Lakes Odyssey.
43 O'CONNOR, LOIS. Crossroads Comment: Selections from Crossroads Columns Published in the Ithaca Journal during the summers of 1952-1953.
5319 O'CONNOR, LOIS. A Finger Lakes Odyssey.
6152 ODDLEIFSON, CHRISTINA. The Continuation of a Demographic Study of One Block in the Third Ward, Rochester, N.Y., Including Oral Histories for the Years 1925, 1960, 1977.
6151 ODDLEIFSON, CHRISTINA. A Demographic Study of a Block in the Third Ward, Rochester, New York, 1850, 1875, 1905, 1925.
4525 O'DEA, THOMAS F. The Mormons.
6338 ODEGARD, GORDON. A. R. Gilmore Feed Mill.
2124 O'DONNELL, THOMAS F. "'I'm Afloat!' on the Raging Erie."
2099 O'DONNELL, THOMAS F. "Notes for a Bibliography of the Canals of New York."
5173 O'DONOVAN, JEREMIAH. A Brief Account of the Author's Interview with His Countrymen, and of the Parts of the Emerald Isle whence They Emigrated. Together with a Direct Reference to Their Present Location in the Land of Their Adoption, during His Travels through Various States of the Union in 1854 and 1855.
832 OGDEN, CHARLES E., And THOMAS T. SWINBURNE, comps. Centennial Day Celebration, Rochester, N.Y.
5661 OGDEN-MALOUF, SUSAN. “American Revivalism and Temperance Drama: Evangelical Protestant Ritual and Theatre in Rochester, New York, 1830-1845.”
1510 OGILVIE, WILLIAM E. Pioneer Agricultural Journalists: Brief Biographical Sketches of Some of the Early Editors in the Field of Agricultural Journalism.
3538 OGNIBENE, RICHARD T. Protestant and Catholic Views of Education, 1865 1900: National and Local Views Compared.
6241 OKADA, YASUO. The Economic World of a Seneca County Farmer, 1830-1880.
6556 OLAH, JOHN. Tor Trek.
2639 OLDS, NATHANIEL S. "The Parks and the People."
805 OLDS, NATHANIEL S. "From La Salle to Indian Allan: The Appraisal of a Cataract's Utility."
3571 OLIVER, ANDREW D. School Buildings of Monroe County.
4705 OLNEY, MABEL G. “The Old Stone Warehouse: No. 1, Mt. Hope Avenue.”
2944 OLNEY, MABEL GLEASON. "William Lyon Mackenzie: Rochester Newspaper Man."
2943 OLNEY, MABEL GLEASON. William Lyon Mackenzie: The Rochester Years, 1838-1842.
6367 O'MALLEY, CHARLES T. Low Bridges and High Water on the New York State Barge Canal.
4150 ONDERDONK, BENJAMIN T. Bishop Onderdonk's Account of the Growth of the Episcopal Church in New York State, 1808-1838, ed. Walter H. Stowe.
2640 O'NEIL, MARTIN B. "Dr. Edward Mott Moore: Father of the Rochester Park System."
1604 ONTARIO & LIVINGSTON MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. Circular, By-Laws, and Act of Incorporation of the Ontario and Livingston Mutual Insurance Company.
1299 ONTARIO COUNTY AGRICULTURAL CONFERENCE BOARD. A More Profitable Agriculture in Ontario County: Report of the Agriculture Conference Board.
3124 ONTARIO COUNTY SOLDIERS' MONUMENT ASSOC. Address to the Electors of Ontario County, by the Ontario County Monument Association.
421 ONTARIO FAY LAND AND IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. Fair Haven. Ontario Bay,) The Terminus of the Lake Ontario, Auburn and New York Railroad.
3388 ONTARIO FEMALE SEMINARY. Catalogue of Officers, Teachers and Pupils, of the Ontario Female Seminary, Canandaigua, April, 1833.
6872 ORCUTT, BRENT G. A Biography of Enid Knapp Botsford-Orcutt.
5548 ORCUTT, JEAN. “Steamboat Navigation on Crooked Lake.”
2048 O'REILLY, HENRY, and HUGH ALLEN, comp. Proceedings of the New-York State Conventions for Rescuing the Canals from the Ruin with Which They Are Threatened
735 O'REILLY, HENRY. Settlement in the West. Sketches of Rochester; with Incidental. Notices of Western New-York. A Collection of Matters Designed to Illustrate the Progress of Rochester during the First Quarter-Century of Its Existence. Including a Map of the City and Some Representations of Scenery, Edifices, etc.
736 O'REILLY, HENRY. Rochester in 1835. Brief Sketchs of the Present Condition of the City of Rochester. ...
3003 O'REILLY, HENRY. American Political-Antimasonry, with Its “Good-Enough Morgan.” “One of the Most Singular Features in American Social, Religious and Political History ... Brief Notices of Some Events in the History of the Political-Antimasonic Excitement ...
3646 O'REILLY, HENRY. A Brief Report on the Rise, Progress, and Condition of the Rochester Athenaeum-Young Men's Association.
2356 O'REILLY, HENRY, ed. "American Journalism as an Index to National Pro-gress: Account of the Origin and Establishment of the Rochester Daily Advertiser."
6105 O'RIELLY, HENRY. Sketches of Rochester: With Incidental Notices of Western New York....
6177 ORIENTAL ORDER OF HUMILITY AND PERFECTION. Convention Year Book, 1911-1924.
3572 ORR, NANCY H. A Financial Plan in Support of the Federated Intermediate Educational District: A Report Prepared for the Monroe County Educational Plan-ning Committee.
538 ORTON, HEMAN H. “A Student at Middlebury Academy, 1835-1836.”
2820 OSBORNE, FLORENCE, comp. “Rochester, New York: A Check List of Official Publications.”
5278 OSBORNE, FLORENCE, comp. Rochester, New York: A Check List of Official Publications. 1935.
817 OSGOOD, HOWARD L. Rochester: Its Founders and Its Founding. Read before the Rochester Historical Society, April 13th, 1894.
818 OSGOOD, HOWARD L. "Sesquicentennial of Nathaniel Rochester's First Visit to the Falls of the Genesee."
2567 OSGOOD, HOWARD L. A Pedestrian Mall for Rochester.
998 OSGOOD, HOWARD L. “The Title of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase.”
819 OSGOOD, KATHARINE ROCHESTER MONTGOMERY. Backward Glances at Old Rochester.
710 OSTERLING, PHILIP. "Ghost City of Centersville."
2904 OSWALD, RUSSELL G. Attica--My Story, ed. Rodney Campbell. .
2945 OTIS, IRA L. "Henry Clay's First Visit to Rochester."
1805 O'TOOLE, WILLIAM. "A History of Haloid: A Half Century of Progress and Growth."
6663 OVERTON, WAHNETTA H. The Alpha Omega Class of 1936 WCCH.
6305 OXFORD, EDWARD. George Eastman, the Man Who Wrought the Kodak.
6683 PADDOCK, EARL. Sixty Years of Church Life.
1335 PAGE, HENRY N. "Fair Facts,"
4292b PAGE, JOSEPH R One Hundred Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration ... 1957. The First Presbyterian Church, Bergan, New York.
4285 PAGE, JOSEPH R. Prominent, Strong and Beautiful Things of Our Zion. The Historical Sermon before the Presbytery of Ontario, at Its Semi-Centennial Celebration in Mount Morris, N.Y., March 12, 1867.
485 PAINE, Mrs. Floyd. “Covington Observes Anniversary.”
4900 PALMER, BELLE L. "The Musical Organizations of Seneca Falls."
3029 PALMER, ERWIN. "A Partnership in the Abolition Movement."
5824 PALMER, JOSEPH W. "Oral History and Other Audiovisual Local History Resources and Projects in New York Public Libraries: A Preliminary List."
6414 PALMER, RICHARD F. The Longest Pull.
6415 PALMER, RICHARD F. Port of Refuge: Oak Orchard, New York.
5536 PALMER, RICHARD F. “Abandoned Railroads in New York State.”
2199 PALMER, RICHARD F. "Middlesex Valley Railroad."
2301 PALMER, RICHARD F. The "Old Line Mail": Stagecoach Days in Upstate New York.
2215 PALMER, RICHARD F. Scottsville & LeRoy Railroad.
2299 PALMER, RICHARD F. "The "Pioneer Line" The Stagecoach War of 1828."
2300 PALMER, RICHARD F. "The Era of the Drover."
393 PALMER, RICHARD F., comp. “Erections of Wayne County from Ontario and Seneca Counties and Formation of Its Towns.”
6374 PALMER, RICHARD, and HARVEY ROEHL. Railroads in Early Postcards: Volume One Upstate New York.
5526 PALMER, RICHARD. “The Canal and the Stagecoach.” "
6413 PALMER, RICHARD. Commercial Sailing on the Finger Lakes.
999 PALTSITS, VICTOR H. Judge Augustus Porter, Pioneer of Niagara Falls, with an Account of His Business Day Book of 1818 to 1822.
65 PALTSITS, VICTOR H. "The Classic Nomenclature of Western New York."
999 PALTSITS, VICTOR H. “Judge Augustus Porter, Pioneer of Niagara Falls, with an Account of His Business Day Book of 1818 to 1822.”
4240 PARISH, DAVID W. The Church in the Valley: History of Geneseo United Methodist Church; Sesquicentennial 1825-1975.
6836 PARK, MARLENE and GERALD E. MARKOWITZ. Democratic Vistas; Post Offices and Public Art in the New Deal.
4808 PARK, MARLENE, and GERALD E. MARKOWITZ. New Deal for Art: The Government Art Projects of the 19305 with Examples from New York City & State.
323 PARKER, ANNE. "Lonely Lucy of Frost Town."
322 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "Alf's Tough Oxen."
3353 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "A Thousand Visitations of an Area."
1731 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "Edward Bausch, Microscopist."
2066 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Old Genesee Valley Canal."
930 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Natural Forces that Molded the Genesee Country."
931 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Funny-Bone of Early Rochester."
1018 PARKER, ARTHUR C. Charles Williamson, Builder of the Genesee Country.
837 PARKER, ARTHUR C., comp. Centennial Almanac Commemorating the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Charter of Rochester, New York, 1834-1934.
2098 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "Influence of the Erie Canal in the Development of New York State."
2392 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Western Union Office."
202 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Scottish Pioneers of Caledonia."
4449 PARKER, ARTHUR C. Abelard Reynolds and the Rochester Rappings: A Bref Recit of the Days When Ghosts and Okis Roamed Rochester.
5300 PARKER, DONALD D. Local History: How to Gather It, Write It, and Publish It, ed. Bertha E. Josephson.
789 PARKER, JANE MARSH. "The City of Rochester and the Genesee Valley."
2393 PARKER, JANE MARSH. "How Men of Rochester Saved the Telegraph."
739 PARKER, JANE MARSH. Rochester, A Story Historical.
820 PARKER, JANE MARSH. "The Opening of the Genesee Country."
4191 PARKER, JANE MARSH. Christ Church, Rochester. Western New York: A Story Chronological, A.D. 1854-A.D. 1905 ...
270 PARKER, MARTHA A. "Festivals: Genundowa, at Canandaigua Lake."
634 PARKER, MARTHA A. “On Rumpus Hill.”
1873 PARKER, WILLARD E., and S. PARK HARMAN. Trends of Work in the Rochester Area.
6226 PARKERSON, DONALD HUGH. The People of New York State in Mid-Nineteenth Century: Community, Household, and Migration.
3667 PARKMAN, AUBREY. "President Hill and the Sectarian Challenge at the U. of R."
3668 PARKMAN, AUBREY. David Jayne Hill and the Problem of World Peace.
6257 PARKS, DAN. The Cultivation of Flower City.
5921 PARMELEE, JOHN M. 200 Years of the Town of Phelps.
6564 PARSHALL, MARGARET G. et al. Bloomfield Schools Revisited, a History of Education in East Bloomfield, 1789-1989.
398 PARSONS, GERALD J. "The Story of Clyde, 1722 to 1850."
396 PARSONS, GERALD J. "The History of the Wilson Store at South Butler Wayne County, New York."
947 PARSONS, GERALD. "Second Thoughts on a 'Folk Hero': or, Sam Patch Falls Again."
231 PARSONS, LEVI, and SAMUEL L. ROCKFELLOW, comps. Centennial Celebration, Mt. Morris, N.Y., August 15, 1894. Address by Dr. M.H. Mills, Letters of Reminiscence, Biographical Sketches, Histories of Churches and Other Organizations.
4286 PARSONS, LEVI, comp. History of Rochester Presbytery from the Earliest Settlement of the Country, Embracing Original Records of Ontario Association, and the Presbyteries of Ontario, Rochester (Former), Genesee River, and Rochester City, to Which Are Appended Biographical Sketches of Deceased Members and Brief Histories of Individual Churches.
51 PARTRIDGE, GEORGE F., ed. "A Yankee on the New York Frontier, 1833-1851."
1399 PASCHAL, J.L. "Economic Studies of Vegetable Farming in New York. 2. Market-Garden Farms without Greenhouses, Rochester Area."
5349 PATCHETT, ANNA A. Historically Speaking,
5222 PATCHETT, ANNA E., comp. Index to 21 Books on Local History and Lore by Arch Merrill, 1943-1963.
5637 PATCHETT, ANNA E. The Livingston County Historical Society, 1876-1976: A Brief Historical Sketch.
4484 PATCHETT, ANNA E. The Shakers at Groveland, N.Y.
1336 PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Genesee Pomona Grange. Official Directory and history of Genesee County Granges.
1337 PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. Monroe Pomona Grange. Officio] Directory and History of Monroe County Granges.
4287 PATTEN, ERNEST B. The Past Speaks to Us: An Introduction to the History of Western New York Presbytery.
348 PATTERSON, MAURICE L. Between the Lakes: The Settlement and Growth of South Seneca County, the Town of Covert, the Village of Interlaken.
5738 PATTERSON, MAURICE L., and others, eds. A History of Interlaken Reformed Church, 1830-1980..
3986 PATTISON, T. HARWOOD. Baptist Prospects in Rochester: Judson J. Withall, 1883. 19 pp.
896 PAVIOUR, ERNEST A. "The Days of the Waltz and Two-Step."
1525 PAYNE, THOMAS G. “A 'Pipe Dream' of the Seventies.”
1856 PEACOX, EARLE F. Historical Discourse on the Founding of the Quality Control Engineers of Rochester, New York, as an Affiliated Group in the Industrial Management Council of Rochester, and Its Growth and Activities in the Period 1944-1969 ...
2484 PEAKE, MARION R. "Fire Fighting in Rochester, 1819."
3747 PEAKS, MARION R. 'Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow.'
1450 PEARSON, C.S., and M.G. CLINE. "Soil Survey of Allegany County, New York." U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Series 1942, no. 12.
1475 PEARSON, C.S., and others. "Soil Survey of Wyoming County, New York." U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Series 1933, no. 16.
1498 PEARSON, FRANK A. "Forty Years of Farm Prices in New York State. Revised Index Numbers for New York State Farm Prices."
188 PEARSON, HENRY GREENLEAF. James S. Wadsworth of Geneseo, Brevet Major-General of United States Volunteers …
1383 PEARSON, RAYMOND A. Genesee Valley Fruits: An Address Delivered at the November Corporation Dinner of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce.
1466 PEARSON. C.S. "Soil Survey of Seneca County, New York." U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Series 1936, no. 14.
1457 PEARSON. C.S., and others. "Soil Survey of Livingston County, New York."
1464 PEARSON. C.S., and others. "Soil Survey of Ontario and Yates Counties, New York." U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Series 1949, no. 5.
6639 PEARTREE, ROBERT. Fifty Years of Hospital-Physician Cooperation.
3372 PEASE, JANE HANNA. “James Wadsworth: Educational Reformer.”
4970 PEASE, SETH. "Journal of Seth Pease to and from New Connecticut. 1796-98."
4421 PEASE, WILLIAM H. “William Channing Gannett: Two Episodes.”
4422 PEASE, WILLIAM H. “The Gannetts of Rochester: Highlights in a Liberal Career, 1889-1923.”
4232 PECK, GEORGE. Early Methodism within the Bounds of the Old Genesee Conference from 1788 to 1828; or, The First Forty Years in Wesleyan Evangelism in Northern Pennsylvania, Central and Western New York, and Canada ...
3987 PECK, JOHN. An Historical Sketch of the Baptist Missionary Convention of the State of New York; Embracing a Narrative of the Origin and Progress of the Baptist Denomination in Central and Western New York ...
6606 PECK, RUSSELL. The Robbins Library.
740 PECK, WILLIAM F. Semi-Centennial History of the City of Rochester, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers.
2467 PECK, WILLIAM F. History of the Police Department of Rochester, N.Y., from the Earliest Times to May 1, 1903 ...
653 PECK, WILLIAM F. Landmarks of Monroe County, New York.
2440 PECK, WILLIAM F. "Elisha Johnson: President of the Village and Mayor of the City of Rochester."
742 PECK, WILLIAM FARLEY. History of Rochester and Monroe County, New York, from the Earliest Historic Times to the Beginning of 1907.
5175 PECKHAM, E.L. My Journey Out West: Account of a Journey from Providence, Rhode Island, to Iowa City, Iowa, and Back Again."
1060 PEDERSEN, GILBERT. J. "Early Title to Indian Reservations in Western New York."
6847 PEDZICH, JOAN. John Howe Kent.
3988 PEEPELS, HENRY CLAY. Monroe Baptist Association: Historical Survey of the Past Fifteen Years, 1884-1899.
3341 PEER, FRANK S. The Hunting Field with Horse and Hound in America, the British Isles and France.
108 PEER, SHERMAN. The Young 'Sir Walter' Calls at Glen Iris.
78 PEER, SHERMAN. The Genesee River Country: Historical Sketches.
5873 PEER, SHERMAN. A Sketch of William Pryor Letchworth and Glen Iris.
4715 PEET, ANNIE OLMSTEAD. "Alfred Mason Badger."
821 PEET, ANNE OLMSTEAD. "Nathaniel Thrift Rochester Goes to Paris in 1832."
932 PEET, ANNIE OLMSTEAD. "A Rochesterian with Perry in Japan."
2517 PEET, ANN OLMSTEAD. "The Ridge Road."
2612 PEMBERTON, PRENTISS L. A Survey of Interracial Housing Attitudes in White Neighborhoods of Rochester Suburbs.
5951 PEMBROKE, CHARLES H. Walworth, as I Remember It.
641 Penn Yan, New York. Penn Yan, New York.
2900 PENN YAN. Urban Renewal Agency. A Report of Progress under the Workable Program for Community Improvement for Small Communities for the Elimination and Prevention of Slums and Blight in Penn Yon, New York..
2946 PENNEY, SHERRY. Patrician in Politics: Daniel Dewey Barnard of New York.
1874 PENSKI, ROBERT J. The Challenge of Tradition: The Rochester Labor Market from the Twenties to the Eighties.
1384 PENTZER, W. T. "Removal of Lead and Arsenic Spray Residues from New York Apples."
5407 PEREZ, MARJORY ALLEN, and MARY ANN BLIEK. Wayne County Looking Back.
237 PERINE, F.M. "North Dansville."
2947 PERKINS, DEXTER. "A Rochester Speech which Stirred the Nation."
755 PERKINS, DEXTER. "Rochester Fifty Years Ago."
752 PERKINS, DEXTER. "Rochester One Hundred Years Ago."
3658 PERKINS, DEXTER. "The University of Rochester: Its Place in the Civic Century."
3659 PERKINS, DEXTER. Yield of the Years: An Autobiography.
2383 PERKINS, EDWARD M. "Interesting History of the LeRoy Gazette-News."
1840 PERKINS, KARL F. “The Chamber of Commerce Building: Home of Ideas and of Progress.”
563 PERRY BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE. Perry, New York, as It Was and Is, 1776-1976.
2332 PERRY, BERNARD F. "Development of a Modern Highway System in Rochester and Monroe County."
2715 PERRY, BERNARD F. "Development of a Modern Highway System in Rochester and Monroe County."
2468 PERRY, DAVID C. "The Rochester Police Advisory Board: A Community Response to Racial Unrest."
1806 PERRY, MARGARET. "Chester F. Carlson: Physicist, Lawyer, Inventor, and Humanitarian."
6741 PERSUITTE, DAVID. Joseph Smith and the Origins of The Book of Mormon.
4586 PETERICH, GERDA. "Cobblestone Arohitecture of Upstate New York."
3622 PETERS, DAVID E. The Founding of Genesee Community College.
4706 PETERS, EDMUND A. “Rochester in 1839.”
2302 PETERS, MAROON. "History of the Laying Out of the Lake Road from LeRoy to the Lake."
3389 PETERS, ROSWELL B. Indebtedness in the School Districts of Ontario County, New York, for the School Years 1924-25 to 1932-33 ...
6262 PETERSON, SUSAN. New York State's Big Apple.
6619 PETERSON, SUSAN. The House that George Built.
2309 PETRI, PITT. The Postal History of Western New York, Its Post Offices, Its Postmasters.
1097 PFAFFLIN, HERMANN. Das Deutschthum Rochester's, Historische Skizze
1098 PFAFFLIN, HERMANN. Hundertjahrige Gesehichte des Deutschtums von Rochester.
1820 PFAUDLER CO. Pfaudler Panorama.
6587 PFOUTS, NEIL EDWARD. A History of Roberts Wesleyan College.
5332 PHELAN, HELENE C., ed. "And a White Vest for Sam'l": An Account of Rural Life in Western N.Y. from the Diaries of Maria Langworthy Whitford of Alfred Station, N.Y., 1857-1861.
6487 PHELAN, HELENE C. And Why Not Every Man?: An Account of Slavery, the Underground Railroad, and the Road to Freedom in New York's Southern Tier.
5879 PHELAN, HELENE C. The Man Who Owned the Pistols. John Barker Church and His Family.
5326 PHELAN, HELENE C. Allegany's Uncommon Folk.
5327 PHELAN, HELENE C. The Man Who Owned the Pistols: John Barker Church and His Family.
4623 PHELAN, HELENE C. "The Cooking Fireplace in the Hagadorn House."
128 PHELAN, HELENE C., ed. If Our Earthly House Dissolve: A Story of the Wetherby-Hagadorn Family of Almond, New York, Told from Their Diaries and Papers,
3390 PHELPS UNION & CLASSICAL SCHOOL. Report of the Proceedings, Fiftieth Anniversary of the Opening of the Vienna Union School, Held in the Old School House, October 26th, 1896.
4242e PHELPS, A.A. One Hundred Years of Methodism in Honeoye Falls, N.Y. 1797-1897.
5075 PHELPS, ALMIRA (HART) LINCOLN. Caroline Westerley: or the Young Traveler from Ohio. Containing the Letters of a Young Lady of Seventeen, Written to Her Sister.
6428 PHILLIPS, DAVID G., editor in chief. American Stampless Cover Catalog. 4th ed.
5993 PHILLIPS, ERCIL. Old Inns Never Die....
2689 PHILLIPS, JANES E. The Probation Employment end Guidance Program: An Evaluation of Impacts on Employment and Recidivism.
4991 PHILLIPS, JOHN. "A Nineteenth-Century Journal of a Visit to the Indians of New York," ed. Merle H. Deardorff and George S. Snyderman,
5291 PHILLIPS, PHILIP L. A List of Maps of America in the Library of Congress.
4543 PHILLIPS, SAM. The Jewish Population in Rochester, New York: A Study in Racial Concentration.
3110 PHISTERER, FREDERICK. New York in the War of the Rebellion. 1861 to 1865.
5039 PICKERING, JOSEPH. Inquiries of an Emigrant: Being the Narrative of an English Farmer from the Year 1824 to 1830.
2908 PICKETT, ROBERT S. House of Refuge: Origins of Juvenile Reform in New York State, 1815-1857.
4947 PICQUET, FRANCOIS. "Journal de l'Abbe Picquet ou relation de son voyage sur le Lac Ontario," ed. Amedee Gosselin, pp. 433-44 in Philias S. Garrand, The History of the City Ogdensburg. Ogdensburg: Manuel J. Belleville, 1927. Paraphrase in M. de la Lande, "Biographical Sketch of the Rev. Abbe Picquet, In Documentary History of the State of New-York, ed. E.B. O'Callaghan. Vol. 1, pp. 428-39.
2139 PIERCE, HARRY H. Railroads of New York: A Study of Government Aid 1826-1875.
5357 PIERCE, PRESTON E. Ontario's Heritage—Our Place in History: An Anthology of Original, Rare Readings on Local History and Culture.
5908 PIERCE, PRESTON E. Index to the Burial Places of Revolutionary Patriots In and Around Ontario County, New York.
6761 PIERCE, PRESTON EUGENE. Seat of Justice, Witness to History: A History of the Ontario County Court House.
2948 PIERCE, SAMUEL C. "Three Famous Visitors to Rochester: Daniel Webster-- General Winfield Scott--Abraham Lincoln."
3102 PIERSON, WELLINGTON K. “Wyoming County during the Civil War.”
5459 PIETERSE, WILHELMINA C. Inventory of the Archives of the Holland Land Company, Including the Related Amsterdam Companies and Negotiations Dealing with the Purchase of Land and State Funds in the United States of America, 1789-1869, trans. Sytha Hart.
2214 PIETRAK, PAUL. The Pittsburgh Shawmut & Northern Railroad Company
5537 PIETRAK, PAUL. The B. & S.: Buffalo & Susquehanna Railway.
2212 PIETRAK, PAUL. The History of the Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad.
6399 PIETRAK, PAUL. The History of the Buffalo & Susquehanna.
4485 PIKE, KERMIT J. A Guide to Shaker Manuscripts in the Library of the Western Reserve Historical Society, with an Inventory of Its Shaker Photographs.
1424 PINCOCK, M. GLADE. "Costs and Returns in Producing Processing Cabbage (Sauerkraut) 1958."
1425 PINCOCK, M. GLADE. "Costs and Returns in Producing Red Kidney Beans, 1958."
1409 PINCOCK, M. GLADE. "Costs and Returns in Producing Muck Potatoes, 1958."
807 PIONEER ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN NEW YORK. Names of Members of the Pioneer Association of Western New York up to 1866. Organized 1847.
3941 PITTMAN, DAVID J., and C. WAYNE GORDON. Revolving Door: A Study of the Chronic Police Case Inebriate. Glencoe, III.: The Free Press;
2799 PITTSFORD, Town Planning Board. Comprehensive Plan, Town of Pittsford.
3701e PITTSFORD. Community Library. A Pioneer Library.
1318 PLATH, CLARENCE V. "An Analysis of Economic Land Classification in Northern Livingston County, New York, and a Proposed Method for Future Classification."
6347 PLOWE, LAUREEN. Wyoming County National Bank.
5798 PLUMB, BEATRICE. "The Brotherhood of Bells."
2927 POCOCK, EMIL. “Wet or Dry? The Presidential Election of 1884 in Upstate New York.”
6153 POLICICCHIO, SANDY, and BRENDA E. LEE. Dutchtown: changing Faces and Places.
3058 POLITICAL EQUALITY CLUB OF ROCHESTER. ...Twenty-Second Year, Program, 1905-1906.
6597 POLKINGHORNE, J. C. Rochester Roundabout: The Story of High Energy Physics.
6209 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. The Heritage of `Afro-Rochester.'
6170 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Winter Along the Genesee.
6154 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Remembering the Ward.
6155 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. this is the garden....
6882 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Will it Play in Rochester?
6375 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. As Rochester Got into Training.
6877 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Canvas Pavilions.
6878 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Meet Me in Dreamland.
6163 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. Mount Hope's Early Days.
6802 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. An Address of Distinction.
6856 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. The Beat, Newspapering in `Stoney's' Day.
859 POND, CHARLES F. "History of the Third Ward."
4450 POND, MARIAM BUCKNER. Time Is Kind; the Story of the Unfortunate Fox Family.
2140 POOR, HENRY V. History of the Railroads and Canals of the United States of America, Exhibiting Their Progress, Cost Revenues, Expenditures & Present 166 Condition.
5267 POORE, BENJAMIN P. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Government Publications of the United States, September 5, 1774-March 4, 1881.
4951 PORTEOUS, JOHN. "Schenectady to Michilimackinac, 1765& 1766: Journal of John Porteous."
1000 PORTER, AUGUSTUS. “Narrative of Early Years in the Life of Judge Augustus Porter, Written by Him in 1848 for the Young Men's Association of Buffalo.”
1000 PORTER, AUGUSTUS. Narrative of Early Years in the Life of Judge Augustus Porter, Written by Him in 1848 for the Young Men's Association of Buffalo.
1541 PORTER, DWIGHT. "Power at Rochester."
4288 PORTER, J.J. History of the Presbytery of Geneva, 1805-1889.
4526 PORTER, LARRY C. “Reverend George Lane--Good 'Gifts,' Much 'Grace,' and Marked 'Usefulness.'“
4527 PORTER, LARRY C. A Study of the Origins of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the States of New York and Pennsylvania, 1816-1831.
1815 PORTER, PATRICK G. "Origins of the American Tobacco Company."
2029 PORTER, PETER B. Mr. P.B. Porter's Speech or. internal Improvements. De-livered in the House of Representatives, on the Eighth of February, 1810.
4435 POST, Mrs. George. Centennial, North Rush Christian Church, 1834-1934.
4268 POSTE, DONALD E. "Centennial of the First Free Methodist Church of Perry."
4262 POSTE, DONALD E. “Centenary of Free Methodism, 1860-1960.”
5488 POTTER, CLIFFORD M. “Cheese Factories of Allegany County.”
4151 POTTER, HENRY C. Reminiscences of Bishops and Archbishops.
5147 POTTER, LYDIA VAN HOUSEN. A Trip to Chicago in 1843.
690 POWELL, MARIAN C. A Bicentennial Tribute to the Town of Mendon: Through the Years.
5081 POWER, TYRONE. Impressions of America; during the Years, 1831, 1834, and 1835.
2370 POWERS, FRED H. Rochester and the Passing Scene, from the Files of News paper Photographer Fred H. Powers.
296 POWERS, FREDERICK. Kashong: A History from the Ancient to the Modern …, ed. Carol Alexander.
4916 PRATT, GEORGE. "No Magic, No Mystery, No Sleight of Hand."
2454 PRATT, HAZEN C. Current Revenue and Expense of the City of Rochester, N.Y., for 1930; A Comparison with the Ohio Cities of Dayton and Columbus ...
5928 PRATT, J. HOWARD. Life on the Ridge.
5929 PRATT, JOHN HOWARD. Saga of the Ridge.
5399 PRATT, JOHN H. Memories of Life on the Ridge: Western New York from the 1890's to the 1920's.
6011 PRENTICE, JACK. `The Little House.'
1500 PRESSLY, THOMAS J., and WILLIAM H. SCOFIELD Farm Real Estate Values in the United States by Counties, 1850-1959. Seattle:
5900 PRESTON, MARIE, Compiler. A Tour into York Township, 5th Annual Tour of the Big Springs Historical Society...September 7, 1963.
195 PRESTON, MARIE C. Avon: Heart of the Genesee Country.
5351 PRESTON, MARIE CLEARY. Avon: Heart of the Genesee Country.
2926 PRICE, HARRY S., JR. The Regions of New York in the Election of 1828.
4360 PRICE, ORLO J. "The Life and Times of Brick Church."
3969 PRICE, ORLO J. "The Significance of the Early Religious History of Rochester."
3970 PRICE, ORLO J. "One Hundred Years of Protestantism in Rochester."
4528 PRINCE, WALTER R. “Psychological Tests for the Authorship of the Book of Mormon.”
4809 PRINT CLUB OF ROCHESTER. 20th Anniversary of the Print Club of Rochester, 1931-1951.
6675 PRITCHARD, LINDA K. The Burned-Over District Reconsidered: A Portent of Evolving Religious Pluralism in the United States.
6676 PRITCHARD, LINDA K. Religious Change in a Developing Region: The Social Contexts of Evangelicalism in Western New York and the Upper Ohio Valley during the Mid-Nineteenth Century.
2882 PROCTOR, L.B. "The Judge and Lawyers of Livingston County and Their Relation to the History of Western New York."
4959 PROCTOR, THOMAS. "Narrative of the Journey of Col. Thomas Proctor, to the Indians of the North-West, 1791."
4152 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Diocese of Western New York.
4153 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Diocese of Rochester.
4154 PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Diocese of Western New York. Fifty Years. Semi-Centennial Celebration of the Diocese of Western New York, in Trinity Church, Geneva, All Saints' Day, 1888.
5096 PROUDFOOT, WILLIAM. "From Upper Canada to New York in 1835: Extracts from the Diary of the Rev. William Proudfoot," ed. M.A. Garland.
1447 PRUNDEANU, IULIAN, and PAUL J. SWERMAN. "An Evaluation of Some Economic Factors and Farmers' Attitudes that May Influence Acceptance of Soil Conservation Practices."
1931 PRUNER, HARRY M. Avon. A Complete Description of the Village and Its Sulphur Springs.
6189 PULA, JAMES S., ed. Ethnic Rochester.
5813 PULSZKY, FRANCIS, and THERESA. White, Red, Black: Sketches of Society in the United States.
1019 PULTENEY, ESTATE, complainant. In the Court of Chancery, between Sir John L. Johnstone, Complainant, and Sir James Pulteney, Sir Thomas Jones, Christopher Codrington, Robert Troup, Mary Foster, and Andrew Craigie, Defendants. Case both on the Part of the Complainant and of the Defendants.
1020 PULTENEY, ESTATE, complainant. (Pulteney and Hornby Estates, 1850.)
1021 PULTENEY, ESTATE, complainant. Pulteney and Horby Titles. Supreme Court. Masterton Ure and Others, vs. Almerin Graves. Opinion of the Supreme Court in Favor of the Title, Delivered by Justice Welles, at the Monroe General Term, September, 1850. Also copies of Various Public Documents Respecting the Title.
1022 PULTENEY, ESTATE, complainant. respondent. In the Supreme Court. ... Henry C. Howard, George C.K. Johnston, Henry Chaplin and James R. Farquharson, Respondents, against Geo. K. Moot, Appellant ... Dated March 20th, 1875 ....
4650 PULTNEYVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A Sightseer's Guide to Pultneyville in the Mid 1800's.
3411 PUTNAM, JULIA. "Early Schools of Warsaw."
5148 PYNE, PERCY R. The 'Grand Tour' to Niagara in 1843.
5874 PYTAK, ALICE M. An Unspoiled Vision of the Past.
1114 QUALEY, CARLTON C. Norwegian Settlement in the United States.
3030 QUARLES, BENJAMIN. "Frederick Douglass and John Brown."
3031 QUARLES, BENJAMIN. Frederick Douglass,
2288 R. DIXON SPEAS ASSOCIATES. Western New York State Air Carrier Airport System Plan Study. Summary Report and Technical Report, 2 vols.
1168 R.L. POLK & CO. Profiles of Change, Rochester, New York, 1972-1973.
6899 RADESI, CINDY, and ESTHER KROEGER, compilers. Livingston County Local History Bibliography, 1984: Holdings of the School and Public Libraries in the County as of Spring 1983.
4940 RADISSON, PIERRE ESPRIT. The Explorations of Pierre Esprit Radisson, ed. & trans. Arthur T. Adams. Minneapolis: Ross & Haines, 1961. Uses better manuscripts than Gideon D. Scull, ed., Voyages of Pierre Esprit Radisson… (Publications of the Prince Society, Vol. 16)
2049 RAFETER, GEORGE W. Report on the Water Supply of the Western Division of the Erie Canal.
3868 RAFTER, GEORGE W. “Report on an Endemic of Typhoid Fever at the Village of Springwater, N.Y., in Oct. and Nov. 1889,”
2644 RAITT, CHARLES B. A Survey of Recreational Facilities in Rochester, N.Y.
1099 RAMAKER, ALBERT J. "Contributions of the German People to the Life and Progress of Rochester."
3614 RAMAKER, ALBERT J. "The Story of the German Department."
3573 RAND, HAROLD S. A Study of the Economic and Social Status of Six Thou sand Former Students of Rochester High Schools.
2002 RANSOM, ROGER L. "Interregional Canals and Economic Specialization in the Antebellum United States."
2100 RAPP, MARVIN A. Canal Water and Whiskey: Tall Tales from the Erie Canal Country.
5301 RAPP, MARVIN A. New York State: A Student's Guide to Localized History.
5853 RAPP, MARVIN, writer. The Land Becomes a Nation.
2260 RAPP, MARVIN A. New York's Trade on the Great Lakes, 1800-1840.
3020 RAPP, MARVIN A. “'Nigger' in the Woodpile.”
5854 RAPP, MARVIN and MARY JANE BAKER, writers. Land of Promise.
6803 RASCHEN, CARL, illustrator. Shingleside.
1410 RASMUSSEN, M.P. "An Economic Study of the Marketing of New York Potatoes."
1402 RASMUSSEN, M.P. "Some Facts Concerning Means of Transportation and Methods Used in Marketing New York State Fruits and Vegetables."
2268 RATIGAN, WILLIAM. Great Lakes Shipwrecks and Survivals.
6122 RAUB, DEBORAH FINEBLUM. Bill Davis's River Odyssey.
6837 RAUB, DEBORAH FINEBLUM. Rediscovering Patterns in Pigment.
6620 RAUB, DEBORAH FINEBLUM. Celebrating a Decade of Success.
4098 RAUBER, WILFRED J. Parish Pathways: A History of the Events which Have Transpired in St. Mary's Parish from the Beginning of the Parish to the One Hundredth Anniversary Celebrated September 30 through October 2, 1945.
5893 RAUBER, WILFRED J. Dansville's Heritage - Lest We Forget; a Slide-Tape Production of Local Historical Sites Produced by the Dansville Area Historical Society.
5539 RAUBER, WILFRED, D. & M. and D.L. & W. Putting Dansville on the Railroad Map. Dansville: Published by the author, 1980.
5150 RAUMER, FRIEDRICH VON. America: and the American People, trans. William W. Turner.
3615 RAUSCHENBUSCH, AUGUST. Leben and Wirken von August Rauschenbusch, Pro-fessor am theologischen Seminar zu Rochester in Nordamerka .. ..., ed. Walter Rauschenbusch.
6894 RAWLS, THOMAS H. Small Places: In Search of a Vanishing America.
3103 RAYBACK, ROBERT J. “New York State in the Civil War.”
6453 RAYMOND, PARISH & PINE, INC. An Urban Design Study for Monroe Avenue & West Henrietta Road, Brighton, N.Y.
2754 RAYMOND, PARISH & PINE. Townplan: Comprehensive Development Plan for the Town of Brighton, New York,
3111 READ, GEORGE C., comp. Directory, Grand Army of the Republic, Sons of Veterans; and Posts, Camps and Commands in Monroe, Wayne, Livingston and Orleans Counties, State of New York, 1892.
6438 REAL ESTATE RESEARCH CORPORATION. Recommended Strategy for Addressing Rochester's Housing Abandonment, Prepared for Bureau of Planning, Department of Community Development, Rochester, New York.
3546 REBASZ, EURITH PATTISON. The story of Sixty Years: Livingston Park Seminary, Rochester, N.Y., 1858-1918.
3547 REBASZ, EURITH PATTISON. The Story of the Seventy-Five Years of Livingston Park Seminary.
1616 RECORD, DON C. "The Old Rochester Savings Bank Building: Seed Bed of Culture."
2284 REDDEN WALTER P. Action Program for Port Development: A Review of Progress and a Look to the Future.
2283 REDDEN WALTER P. Rochester-Monroe County Port Survey.
1912 REDDEN, ROBERT. The Kind and Quantity of Manufacturing Industry in Communities under 10,000 population in Western New York.
6400 REDDY, WILLIAM L. Tonawanda Valley and Cuba Railroad `Inspection.'
1642 REED, EDWARD P. “Rochester and the Shoe Industry.”
3963 REED, FRANK A., ed. The Hills beyond the Hills; “400 Years in the Ministry.”
3574 REED, JOHN J. A Study of Administrative Aspects of the National Youth Administration in the High Schools of Monroe County, New York.
5376 REED, RUTH and FRANCES STURM. The History of the Vine Valley, Canandaigua Lake.
6577 REESE, WILLIAM J. Power and the Promise of School Reform: Grassroots Movements During the Progressive Era.
3627 REEVES, FLOYD W., and others. Report of a Survey of Gensee Wesleyan Seminary and Fifteen Other Secondary Schools Affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church.
5818 REEVES, RICHARD. American Journey: Traveling with Tocqueville in Search of Democracy in America.
2824 Regional Development Plan. (Report no. 4)
2822 Regional Goals and Policies: Progress Statement. (Report no. 2)
2823 Regional Growth Alternatives: Plan Concepts. (Report no. 3)
2394 REID, JAMES D. The Telegraph in America; Its Founders, Promoters and Noted Men.
2244 REIFSCHNEIDER, FELIX E. Toonervilles of the Empire State.
2245 REIFSCHNEIDER, FELIX E. Interurbans of the Empire State.
2246 REIFSCHNEIDER, FELIX E. Trolley Lines of the Empire State (City and Suburban).
6012 REINSTEIN, JULIA BOYER. A Memory Garden.
6804 REISEM, RICHARD O., writer. Rochester, Architectural Showplace; a Series about the Distinguished Architectural Heritage of Rochester, New York.
4292d REMINGTON, CAROLYN LYON, comp. History of the Brighton Church. Five Discourses, Delivered in January, February and March, 1877.
3549 REMINGTON, CAROLYN LYON. Vibrant Silence.
5447 REMINGTON, CAROLYN S. LYON. The Straight & Narrow Path, ed. Rowland L. Collins.
4296 REMINGTON, HARVEY F. "The Religious Significance of the Old School House."
3336 REMINGTON, JOHN L. The Red Wings--A Love Story: A Pictorial History of Professional Baseball in Rochester, New York.
2928 REMINI, ROBERT V. Martin Van Buren and the Making of the Democratic Party,
900 REMINTON, HARVEY F. "Recollections of Rochester at the Close of the Nineteenth Century."
3575 RENTSCH, GEORGE J. Open Enrollment: An Appraisal.
6909 REPS, JOHN WILLIAM. Views and Viewmakers of Urban America; Lithographs of Towns and Cities in the United States and Canada, Notes on the Artists and Publishers, and a Union Catalog of Their Work, 1825-1925.
5784 RETTEW, GAYLE A., WILLIAM H. SIENER, and JANICE TAUER WASS. “Behold the Labour of My Tender Age”: Children and Their Samplers, 1780-1850.
3412 REYNOLDS, CAROLINE. "Belles-Lettres from Middlebury-1844-1845."
5665 REYNOLDS, JOHN F. A History of the Union of Churches, Almond, New York: Presbyterian Founded 1812, Baptist Founded 1826.
126 REYNOLDS, JOHN F. The Almond Story: The Early Years.
551 REYNOLDS, Mrs. George. “A Century-Old Farm.”
580 REYNOLDS, Mrs. George. “The Johnsonburg Story.”
6550 REZELMAN, JEAN DOREN. Early Work on the Finger Lakes Trail.
3736 REZNECK, SAMUEL. A Traveling School of Science on the Erie Canal in 1826.
901 RHEES, HARRIET SEELYE. "Rochester at the Turn of the Century."
2645 RHEES, RUSH. "The Gift and the Donor: James Goold Cutler,"
5333 RHODES, AGNES GREEN "Old Pots and Iron Kettles."
6053 RICE, BETTY. Silver Lake and the Postal Card.
6041 RICE, BETTY. European Immigration into Perry Community 1940-1950.
4429 RICE, CLARK T., and BETTY. "Perry Universalist Society and Church, 1807-1968."
6739 RICE, ELIZABETH HIDDEMEN. The Shaker Peddler.
4827 RICE, ELIZABETH. "The Silver Image--Photography in Ferry."
2646 RICE, RICHARD E. "how to Make a City Park: Rochester's Manhattan Square Park."
691 RICH, AUGUSTA E.N. and others, comps. Ogden Centennial Pioneer Reminiscences.
4311 RICH, JOHN S. "The 175th Anniversary--The Church at the Crossroads."
404 RICH, JOHN S. "A Day at the Fair: The Guideless Wonder."
5368 RICHARDS, ANNA. Anna Tells Her Story. Adapted by Julia Eiche from Caroline Richards' Village Life in America.
5369 RICHARDS, CAROLINE COWLES. Village Life in America …
1857 RICHARDS, JOHN J. "Rochester Builders' Exchange One of the Country's Pioneer Trade Associations."
3942 RICHARDS, THOMAS B. Drinking Patterns among Fifty Police Case Alcoholics.
790 RICHARDSON, ANNA STEESE. "'Do It For Rochester.' That It Means to Live in a City of Optimism."
6022 RICHARDSON, C. KIHM. Memories of Java & Strykersville.
6348 RICHARDSON, C. KIHM. Manufacture of Syrup Cans at Java Village.
3257 RICHARDSON, IDA KLEIN. A Study in Institutional and Foster Home Care for Dependent Children; Based on a Sample Survey of the Former Residents and Later Foster home Placements of the Jewish Orphan Asylum Association of Western New York (Now Functioning Locally under the Name Jewish Children's Bureau--Rochester, N.Y.)
2889 RICHARDSON, JOHN E. "Judiciary of the County of Seneca."
3796 RICHMOND, PHYLLIS A. "Asiatic Cholera in Rochester."
3784 RICHMOND, PHYLLIS ALLEN. “Was William E. Clarke of Rochester the First American to Use Ether for Surgical Anesthesia?”
5011 RIDDLE, ALMON. Reminiscences of Almon Riddle: Everyday Life of Pioneer Settlers from Massachusetts to Ohio.
312 RIDLEY, HELEN POST. When Phelps Was Young.
3576 RIDLEY, WILLIAM H., JR. A Survey of Cooperative Education Programs: A Research Study Conducted in Rochester, New York and Monroe County, New York, to Investigate the Operation of Cooperative Education Programs, Study Their Structure, Assess Their Performance and Evaluate Their Importance and Value in the Education of Youth in Public Schools.
6134 RIEGER, JAMES. Dear Hearts: Clara Louise Werner Ward (1889-1973) and Charlotte Whitney Allen (1891-1978).
5389 RIFKIND, CAROLE. Main Street--The Face of Urban America.
2802 RIGA. Town Planning Board. A Plan to Guide the Development of the Town of Riga.
3671 RIKER, CHARLES C. The Eastman School of Music: Its First Quarter Century, 1921-1946.
3921 RILEY, GREGORY J., and others. "A Study of Fanily Medicine in Upstate New York."
6729 RING, WILSON S. The Kibbe's and the Currier's Church.
6368 RINKER, HARRY L. The Old Raging Erie.... There Have Been Several Changes: A Postcard History of the Erie Canal and Other New York State Canals (1895 to 1915).
6679 RIPSTEIN, ANITA M. and NELLIE CARYL. In God's Faith: Churches of the Town of Sheldon.
6051 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. A Village in the Valley.
6572 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. The Schoolhouse at Harris.
5875 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Forever in the Valley.
6778 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Bricks Are Forever....
6210 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Slaves Upon the Purchase.
6461 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. The Attica Fire Department.
6468 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. The Gray Walls.
6514 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Dragoons....
6641 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. The Doctor and His Medicine.
5983 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Tongues of Fire; Fires of Attica.
5984 RIPSTEIN, ANITA GEPHART. A Whistle in the Morning, Village of Attica, New York Sesquicentennial, 1837-1987.
6245 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. J. S. Barnes & Sons.
6050 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Straub's Hotels.
6571 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Gone...But Not Forgotten.
6242 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. Hard Times - Good Times.
5967 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. The Conables of Wyoming County.
5968 RIPSTEIN, ANITA GEPHART. Crime and Justice.
5969 RIPSTEIN, ANITA GEPHART. The Earth Moves.
4666 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. “Good-bye Forever, Ellis Chesbro.”
3752 RIPTON, MICHAEL J. Museum Salutes 50th Anniversary of the New York State Archeological Association.
5988 RIPTSTEIN, ANITA M. The Wolf Howls: The First Settlement of Bennington.
5470 RISTOW, WALTER W. “The French-Smith Map and Gazetteer of New York State.”
6910 RISTOW, WALTER W. American Maps and Mapmakers, Commerical Cartography in the Nineteenth Century.
3753 RITCHIE, WILLIAM A. The New York State Archeological Association."
1705 RITTER DENTAL MANUFACTURING CO. Fifty Years of Progress.
5279 ROACH, GEORGE W. The Historical Records Survey in New York State.
1015 ROACH, GEORGE, ed. Johnstone-Troup Correspondence.
6874 ROARK-CALNEK, SUE. The Expressive Culture of Migrant Farmworkers: Theme and Constraint in Contemporary Performance.
4263 ROBERTS, BENJAMIN T. Why Another Sect: Containing a Review of Articles by Bishop Simpson and Others on the Free Methodist Church.
4264 ROBERTS, BENSON H. Benjamin Titus Roberts: A Biography.
4529 ROBERTS, BRIGHAM H. A Comprehensive History of the Church of Jesue Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Century I.
565 ROBERTS, FRANK D., and CARL G. CLARKE. History of the Town of Perry, New York.
384 ROBERTS, ISAAC P. Autobiography of a Farm Boy.
4776 ROBERTS, KENNETH D., and JANE W. Planemakers and Other Edge Tool Enterprises in New York State in the Nineteenth Century.
4345 ROBINSON, CHARLES M. First Church Chronicles, 1815-1915 Centennial History of the First Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York.
2556 ROBINSON, CHARLES M. "The History of the New Rochester Plan."
4843 ROBINSON, CHARLES M. "Colin Campbell Cooper's Paintings of Rochester."
862 ROBINSON, CHARLES MULFORD. The Third Ward Catechism, to Which is Appended an Order of Service Designed for Use in the School and the Home. A Text Book for the Unversed.
1001 ROBINSON, CHARLES M. Life of Augustus Porter: A Pioneer in Western New York,
5934 ROBINSON, DELIA. Historic Gaines, 1809-1984.
6611 ROBINSON, DELIA. To Preserve and Educate: The First Twenty-five Years of the Cobblestone Society and Museum.
3964 ROBINSON, DIANA, ed. Rochester's Guide to Inner Growth.
610 ROBINSON, LAURA BRISTOL. History of the Centennial Celebration, Warsaw, Wyoming County, New York, 1803-1903.
3231 ROBINSON, Mrs. Charles M. "What I Found on Lewis Street."
417 ROBINSON, PEARL, and others. Historical Notes of Savannah.
6573 ROBINSON, RUTH. A Teacher Remembers....
5378 ROBINSON, WILLIAM D. Bloomfield, or Life in a Country Village.
2101 ROBISON, BRUCE. "De Witt Clinton and the Erie Canal."
863 ROBY, ALICE ROGERS. "A Pioneer Rochester Family: Vignette."
3277 ROCHESTER & MONROE COUNTY YOUTH BOARD. Youth Program Directory, Summer, 1968.
3373 ROCHESTER AREA COLLEGES. Toward Developing a Coordinated System of Post-secondary Continuing Education in the Genesee Valley Region.
4822 ROCHESTER ART CLUB. "Paintings of Grove S. Gilbert; Extract from the Catalogue of the Sixth Annual Exhibition of the Rochester Art Club, 1885."
3648 ROCHESTER ATHENAEUM & MECHANICS INSTITUTE. Forty-One Years, 1885-1926: An Historical Resume of the Rochester Athenaeum and Mechanics Institute.
4744 ROCHESTER BUILDING ASSOCIATION. Rochester Building ... Important Construction Steps Taken for a Greater Rochester.
2460 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Summary Analysis of the Financial Past and Future of the City of Rochester and the Rochester Board of Education.
2711 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Monroe County Sales Tax; A Study of the Effects of New State Legislation upon the Monroe County Sales Tax and of Available Distribution Formulas.
2247 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Memorandum in Regard to the Street Railway Situation, Submitted to the Board of Trustees, May 20, 1920.
3210 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Memorandum on Rochester Social Welfare Activities.
3211 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. General Study of Cost and Volume of Social Welfare Activities in Rochester, N.Y. ...
2558 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Municipal Reconstruction Program, Suggesting Certain Steps that May Be Taken to Plan for the After-the-War Rochester.
2563 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. The Purpose and Organization of the Rochester Bureau of Municipal Research, Inc.
2701 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Police Services in Monroe County.
2539 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report on the Problem of Refuse Collection in the City of Rochester, N.Y.
2540 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Refuse Collection and Disposal. Part III: Garbage and Rubbish Disposal.
3588 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Work-Education Training Centers: The First Two Years. Evaluative Study Summary Report.
1875 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Study of the Unemployed in Rochester and Monroe County, New York.
2530 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Rochester and Its Water Works: The Story of One City's Quest for a Domestic Supply of Pure and Wholesome 'Water, 1834-1954.
2445 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Memorandum on a Model Charter for Rochester ...
2446 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Rochester Since 'Twenty-Eight; a Diagrammatic Appraisal of Council-Manager Government in Rochester, New York.
2471 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report on a Survey of the Police Bureau of the City of Rochester, N.Y.
2581 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Economic and Population Studies for the Community Renewal Program of the City of Rochester. Vol. I: Analysis of Population. Vol. II: Economic Studies--Manufacturing, Wholesaling, Retailing, and Service Trades.
2613 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Real Property Inventory of Rochester, New York, 1940.
2746 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Volume and Cost of Public Welfare in Monroe County, June 9, 1937.
3278 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Joint City-County Youth Board, Rochester and Monroe County.
2702 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Man on the Periphery: A Study of the Monroe County (N.Y.) Penitentiary.
2459 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Financial Program for Rochester.
2500 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report on the Problem of Snow Removal in the City of Rochester, N.Y.
2501 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report on the Problem of Street Cleaning in the City of Rochester, N.Y.
2937 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. “Canvass of Votes and Political History of Rochester's Councils and Mayors and Monroe County's Board for 100 Years, 1834-1934.”
3640 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. A Community College for Monroe County: Review of Suggested Plans.
3639 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report Providing Background Information on the Question of a Community College for Monroe County.
2455 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report of the Assessment of Real Property in the City of Rochester, New York.
2456 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Report of a Study of the Financial Condition and Practices of the City of Rochester, N.Y. ...
2457 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Memorandum on the Automobile as a Source of Municipal Revenue.
2458 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. The Organization and Methods of the Department of Assess ment in Rochester, New York.
2528 ROCHESTER BUSINESS DISTRICT ASSOCIATION. Report on the Rochester Water Works.
3642 ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE. One Hundredth Anniversary, R.B.I.: The Proof of One Century, the Vision of Another, 1863-1963.
3641 ROCHESTER BUSINESS INSTITUTE. A Catalog Commemorating the 70th Anni-versary of the Founding of Rochester Business Institute & School of Business Administration.
1088 ROCHESTER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CORP. Black Business Directory: Greater Metropolitan Area.
2731 ROCHESTER CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL & COMMUNITY RESEARCH. Consolidation of City/County Planning Services: Steps Leading toward More Effective Planning in the Rochester-Monroe County Metropolitan Area.
2614 ROCHESTER CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL & COMMUNITY RESEARCH. Housing in Monroe County, New York; Summary of Research Staff Findings and Recommendations..
2703 ROCHESTER CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL & COMMUNITY RESEARCH. The Police System, Monroe County; Present/Proposed.
2719 ROCHESTER CENTER FOR GOVERNMENTAL & COMMUNITY RESEARCH. A New Zoo? The Importance of Environmental Education in Monroe County.
1841 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Rochester, the City of Varied Industries; Directory of Manufacturers.
1842 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Official Opening of the New Home of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, October Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth, Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen.
2078 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Genesee River: The Largest and Most Important Stream from the South.
2079 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Twenty Good Reasons Why You Should Vote No
3894 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The Smoke Shroud: How to Banish It.
1846 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Rochester Industries Have Weathered Every Storm ...
1847 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. One Hundred Years: A Century of Commerce in Rochester, N.Y.
1848 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. How to Play Your Part in the Rochester Chamber of Commerce.
1843 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The Rochester Chamber of Commerce from 1888 to 1917; A Sketch.
1844 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Buyers' Guide to Rochester Products.
1845 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. A Civic & Industrial Survey of the City of Rochester.
1785 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Rochester Shopping Centers, 1957 and later eds.
838 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Golden Jubilee Almanac...
1854 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Basic Economic Information, Rochester, New York.
1855 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. A Directory of Manufacturing Industries of Rochester and Monroe County, New York ...
2141 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Before the Interstate Commerce Commission, Docket No. 15879. Eastern Class Rate Investigation. Brief for the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Fayette B. Dow, Attorney ....
2142 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Before the Interstate Commerce Commission, Docket No. 15879. Eastern Class Rate Investigation. Exceptions on Behalf of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce ... Fayette B. Dow, Attorney ...
1849 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Committee for Economic Development. Economic Trends for Rochester and Monroe County as a Basis for Post-War Planning. I. The Pre- War Economy,
1850 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Wartime Changes and the Postwar Prospect for Employment in Monroe County.
1851 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Statement of Principles Regarding Post-War Federal Taxation,
1853 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Rochester, New York: The City of Exceptional Opportunities.
4923 ROCHESTER CIVIC MUSIC ASSOCIATION. The Rochester Civic Music Association.
4924 ROCHESTER CIVIC MUSIC ASSOCIATION. Orchestral Music in Rochester: Report of a Special Committee of the Rochester Civic Music Association.
3840 ROCHESTER COMMUNITY CHEST. A Survey of the Facilities for the Care of the Sick of Rochester, New York.
3889 ROCHESTER COMMUNITY CHEST. A Survey of the Health Agencies of Rochester, New York.
3890 ROCHESTER COMMUNITY CHEST. A Study of Public Health in Rochester and Monroe County, New York ...
6667 ROCHESTER DENTAL DISPENSARY. The Tonsil-Adenoid Clinic of the Rochester Dental Dispensary, Seven Weeks: July 26th to September 10th, 1920; an Account of 1470 Operations Performed.
1660 ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP R G and E Steps into the Nuclear Age.
1658 ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP Presenting a Few Plants and Properties of the Rochester Gas & Electric Corporation.
1659 ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP Centennial Book: A Century of Service, 1848-1948.
1661 ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP. Rochester Gas and Electric Area Information, Its People, Industry, Commerce, Education, Transportation, Living,
3159 ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRIC CORP. A Tribute to Some of Rochester's Contri-butions to the Winning of the War.
5695 ROCHESTER GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. Index to Episcopal Church Records, 1820-1851. St. Luke's Episcopal Church, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Trinity Episcopal Church, Rochester, New York. 2 vols.
3965 ROCHESTER GOSPEL CENTER. History and First Annual Report of the Roch ester Gospel Center, 1921-1922.
5226 ROCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Genesee Country Scrapbook. General Index, Volumes I-XII.
5224 ROCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chronological List of Papers Read before the Rochester Historical Society.
5225 ROCHESTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Chronological List of Papers Read before the Rochester Historical Society, 1922-1925.
4686 ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Urbanarium. Main Street: Rochester, New York.
2615 ROCHESTER MANAGEMENT CORP. The Rochester Plan for Veterans Housing.
2616 ROCHESTER MANAGEMENT CORP. Not Beyond Reach: The Story of How Rochesterians Helped Solve the Problem of Housing for Senior Citizens.
2588 ROCHESTER MODEL CITIES PROGRAM. Comprehensive Model Cities Plan.
2589 ROCHESTER MODEL CITIES PROGRAM. Community Development Plan: A Presentation by Model Cities.
4794 ROCHESTER MUSEUM & SCIENCE CENTER. Clay in the Hands of the Potter: An Exhibition of Pottery Manufactured in the Rochester and Genesee Valley Region, c. 1793-1900.
795 ROCHESTER MUSEUM OF ARTS & SCIENCES. Notes on Early Rochester History, Intended for Use in Conjunction with Museum Exhibits.
3748 ROCHESTER MUSEUM OF ARTS & SCIENCES. Guide to the Rochester Museum of Arts and Sciences.
2357 ROCHESTER PRESS CLUB. Souvenir Program, Second Annual Musical Festival, Rochester Press Club, Wednesday and Thursday, June 22 and 23, 1898, Fitzhugh Hall.
6900 ROCHESTER PUBLIC LIBRARY. Reading Rochester, a Community in Print.
4849 ROCHESTER RAILWAY CO. Souvenir of Rochester: Its Attractions and Pleasure Resorts.
2249 ROCHESTER RAILWAY COMPANY. Charters, Franchises, Mortgages, Leases, and Agreements.
3922 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. Profile: Nursing Home Facilities within the Rochester Regional Hospital Council Area.
3923 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. A Study of the Present and Future Need for Long-Term Care Facilities and Related Services in Ontario County.
3924 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. Attitudes of Physicians towards Small Community Practice.
3925 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. Social, Economic and Demographic Factors Affecting the Physician Population in Small Communities.
3841 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. A Study to Assist Park Avenue Hospital Plan Its Future Role in Rochester and Monroe County.
3842 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. A Limited Study of the Present and Future Need for Hospital and Other Related Care Services in Wayne County, New York to Assist E.J. Barber and Lyons Community Hospitals, Lyons, New York, Plan for the Future.
3843 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. A Study of Patient Usage Patterns and Projections of General Care Bed Needs 1970-1980 in the Rochester Regional Hospital Council Area.
3212 ROCHESTER REGIONAL RESEARCH LIBRARY COUNCIL. Social Sciences Statistics Fact Finder for Greater Rochester ...
3895 ROCHESTER SAFETY COUNCIL. Casualty Complications: A Statistical Study of Traffic Accidents in Rochester, New York, for the Twelve-Year Period Ending in 1936….
1615 ROCHESTER SAVINGS BANK. Glimpses of Ninety-Odd Years.
4743 ROCHESTER SAVINGS BANK. The Story of 40 Franklin Street, Main Office of Rochester Savings Bank, the Bank of the Golden Rule.
4687 ROCHESTER SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTS. A Chronicle of Architecture and Architects in Rochester Prepared for the Twentieth Anniversary Meeting of the Rochester Society of Architects …
2399 ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORP. Mr. Eastman's Letter of October 2, 1922, and the Reply of Messrs. Fuller, Goodwin and McCanne.
3617 ROCHESTER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. Das theologische Seminar der deutschen Baptisten (The German Department of Rochester Theological Seminary),
1896 ROCHESTER TRADES ASSEMBLY. Illustrated History of the Rochester Trades Assembly and Building Trades Council, Rochester, N.Y.
1897 ROCHESTER TRANSIT CORP. Agreement between Rochester Transit Corporation and Division No. 282, Rochester, New York Amalgamated Association of Street, Electric Railway, and Motor Coach Employees of America, 1952-1953. various pp.
6553 ROCHESTER TURNERS, INC. Historical Journal; a Souvenir of the Centennial Celebration of the Rochester Turners, Inc., January 1st to December 31st, 1952.
1898 ROCHESTER TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION No. 15. Historical Review, Pedro Party and Dance, Rochester Typographical Union ...
2527 ROCHESTER Water Works. Report of Chief Engineer J.N. Tubbs, with Reference to Additional Water Supply.
3347 ROCHESTER YACHT CLUB. Rounding the Century Mark: One Hundred Years at Rochester Yacht Club, 1877-1977.
933 ROCHESTER, Charlotte High School, Class of 1932. Keep the Beacon Burning! Sketches--Charlotte and Vicinity.
2411 ROCHESTER, Citizens Cable Television Advisory Committee. ... Cable Television Report.
2469 ROCHESTER, Citizen's Committee on Police Affairs. Final Report ...
1170 ROCHESTER, City Planning Commission. A Study of Population Growth of Rochester and Monroe County.
1171 ROCHESTER, City Planning Commission. Rochester Population Changes, 1950-1960, by Enumeration Districts.
2557 ROCHESTER, City Planning Commission. An Economic Study of Rochester.
2248 ROCHESTER, Common Council. Report of the Joint Committee of the Common Council in the Matter of the Investigation of Operation and Management of the Street Surface Railways in the City of Rochester, N.Y.
1542 ROCHESTER, defendant. Supreme Court, Monroe County. William D. Powell and Another against the City of Rochester (Three Cases). Defendant's Brief Reviewing the Title to the Bed of the Genesee River in the One Hundred Acre Tract.
1543 ROCHESTER, HENRY E. "Riparian Rights in the One-Hundred-Acre Tract."
864 ROCHESTER, HENRY E. "Early Conditions of the Genesee River in the One Hundred Acre Tract."
79 ROCHESTER, HENRY E. “The Genesee River and Western New York.”
823 ROCHESTER, NATHANIEL, JR. "Early History of the Rochester Family in America ..."
822 ROCHESTER, NATHANIEL. "A Brief Sketch of the Life of Nathaniel Rochester Written by Himself for the Information of His Children."
2207 ROCHESTER, NUNDA, & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. The Rochester, Nunda, and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company. Prospectus, Reports, and other Documents.
824 ROCHESTER, SOPHIA E. " A Letter of 1817 from Sophia Elizabeth Rochester, to Her Father, Col. Nathaniel Rochester, at the Mansion House, Albany, N.Y."
2525 ROCHESTER. ... In the Matter of the Application of the City of Rochester to Acquire the Permanent and Perpetual Right to Draw from Hemlock and Canadice Les and Amount of Water Sufficient for the Use of Said City and Its Inhabitants ... Record on Appeal from Order Confirming Report of Commissioner of Appraisal
4852 Rochester. Rochester: Scrantom, Wetmore & Co., ca. 1915. unp.
1571 ROCHESTER. Convention and Publicity Bureau. Rochester, N.Y. Industries.
1123 ROCHESTER. City School District. The Puerto Rican in the Rochester Public Schools: A Report to the Superintendent.
5833 ROCHESTER. Guide to Selected Archival Records: The City Clerk, Council, Mayor, and City Manager.
2650 ROCHESTER. Recreation Advisory Committee. Plan for Public Recreation, Rochester, New York.
2573 ROCHESTER. City Planning Commission. City Planning Commission. Comprehensive Master Plan, 1980 ...
3577 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Cost of Public School Education, Rochester, New York.
3578 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Junior High Schools of Rochester, New York.
3579 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Functioning of the Public School Program; A Series of Articles Describing the Functioning of the Work in the Public Schools of Rochester, New York, Published in the Democrat & Chronicle, during the School Year, 1926-27.
3580 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Work of the Public Schools.
3581 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. Report of the Citizen's Committee to Study the Expenditures of the Board of Education.
3582 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. Our City, Our Schools: Rochester Public Schools.
3160 ROCHESTER. Board of Education. The Veteran and the Rochester Public Schools.
3797 ROCHESTER. Board of Health. Report of the Board of Health, on Cholera, as It Appeared in Rochester, New York, in 1852; Published by Order of the Board.
2647 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Recreation Plan. Phase I: Recreation Facilities Improvement Program.
2574 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Maplewood Neighborhood Study.
2574a ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. The Genesee River Plan: A Comprehensive Development Plan for the Genesee River in Rochester.
2585 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Model Cities Land Use Policies Plan.
2575 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Planning Study for Intown Area Development.
2576 ROCHESTER. Bureau of Planning. Rochester Facts & Facets.
3270 ROCHESTER. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Youth Committee. Manual of Services to Rochester Youth.
4742 ROCHESTER. City Council. Civic Center, Rochester, New York. A Group of City-County Buildings Planned and Centrally Located to Better Serve You.
2508 ROCHESTER. City Engineer. Revised List Showing Street Names Changed Prior to January 1, 1900.
2486 ROCHESTER. City Engineer. Report of Edwin A. Fisher, City Engineer, on Recommendations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters Committee of Twenty.
2509 ROCHESTER. City Planning Bureau. Index to Names of Street and Roads Shown on City Planning Bureau Maps and Surrounding Area of Rochester, N.Y., Revised to March, 1921.
2333 ROCHESTER. City Planning Commission. A Report of Rochester's Major Street System. Rochester: 1947. 64 pp. See also "A Major Street Plan for the City of Rochester."
3592 ROCHESTER. City School District. UNIQUE: Center for Cooperative Action in Urban Education; Proposal for a Grant ...
3586 ROCHESTER. City School District. Report of the Rochester City School District Task Force on Budget and Management.
3583 ROCHESTER. City School District. Racial Imbalance in the Rochester Public Schools: Report to the Commissioner of Education.
3584 ROCHESTER. City School District. Desegregation of the Elementary Schools: Special Report to the Board of Education.
3585 ROCHESTER. City School District. Grade Reorganization and Desegregation of the Rochester Public Schools: A Report to the Board of Education.
5610 ROCHESTER. City School District. Division of Pupil Personnel Services. Human Rights Activists: Role Models in the Rochester: Community Developed by Project Beacon.
3869 ROCHESTER. Committee on Public Safety. Rochester Milk Survey.
2526 ROCHESTER. Committee on Water Supply. Report of Water Committee on Additional Supply and Equalization of Water Rates to the City Council.
2658 ROCHESTER. Common Council. Municipal Manual of Rochester and Register of Monroe County ...
2648 ROCHESTER. Department of Parks. Report of the Board of Park Commission-ers of the City of Rochester, N.Y. 1888 to 1898.
2649 ROCHESTER. Department of Parks. The Public Parks of the City of Rochester, New York, 1888-1904.
2586 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. Final Relocation Report: Baden-Ormond Urban Renewal Project ...
2587 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. Rochester, New York Northeast General Neighborhood Renewal Plan.
2577 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. Community Renewal Program.
2578 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. The Future of Downtown Rochester: Central Business Dis trict General Neighborhood Plan.
2579 ROCHESTER. Department of Urban Renewal & Economic Development. The Untold Story: A Report on Activities of the City of Rochester in the Area of Economic and Industrial Development.
2580 ROCHESTER. Genesee Corridor Task Force. Genesee Corridor Plan: City of Rochester.
3870 ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. Vital Statistics of Rochester, N.Y., for March, 1883 ...
3871 ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. Per Cent of Deaths at Ten Age Periods to Total Deaths, 1884 to 1917 Inclusive.
3872 ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. Mortality Chart of Infancy and Old Age.
3873 ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. Fifty Years of Health in Rochester, New York, 1900-1950.
4844 ROCHESTER. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Views of Old Rochester.
3587 ROCHESTER. Manpower Development and Training Center. The Rochester Multi-Occupational Youth Project.
1403 ROCHESTER. Market Commissioners. Report and Proceedings of the Market Commissioners Relative to Establishing and Operating a Public Market.
2428 ROCHESTER. Office of Federal Program Review. City of Rochester, New York, Federal Programs Inventory, Fiscal Years 1973 -74.
2470 ROCHESTER. Police Bureau. Blue Book, Police Department of Rochester, New York, with Complete Biographical Sketches of Each Member ...
3687 ROCHESTER. Public Library. Seventeen Years of Service of the Rochester Public Library, 1912-1928.
5223 ROCHESTER. Public Library. Rochester History: Index to Volumes I-XXIV. Supplement to Vol. 24 (1962), 54 PP.
3529 ROCHESTER. Public School No. 14. Re-Unions of Old 14.
3268 ROCHESTER. School Census Board. "Children Arranged According to Country of Birth, Occupation, Sex, and Certain Age Classifications."
3269 ROCHESTER. School Census Board. "The Child in Industry: A Survey of the Employment of Five Thousand Children in Rochester."
5699 ROCHESTER: UNITED METHODIST HOME. Living History: Excerpts from Interviews with Residents of Rochester: United Methodist Home and Goodman Gardens, 1979.
3798 RODGERS, MILES M. Causes of Contagious and Epidemic Diseases, with Hints for Their Prevention, and Reform in Medical Police.
415 ROE, ALFRED S. Rose Neighborhood Sketches, Wayne County, New York; with Glimpses of the Adjacent Towns: Butler, Wolcott, Huron, Sodus, Lyons and Savannah.
1625 ROE, DONALD. “It Can Happen Here.”
6507 ROEMER, LILLIAN. The Genesee River During the War of 1812.
88 ROGERS, A. GLENN. Forgotten Stories of the Finger Lakes: Dramatic Tales of Fact and Legend.
5427 ROGERS, CLYDE, NEWTON. "The Social Development of Reading Community."
4237 ROGERS, ETHEL. History of the Darien Methodist Church, 1952.
825 ROGERS, FANNIE ROCHESTER. "Colonel. Nathaniel Rochester."
2261 ROGERS, HOSEA. Early Shipping on the Lower Genesee River: Reminiscences of Captain Hosea Rogers, ed. George H. Harris.
6416 ROGERS, HOSEA. Early Shipping on the Lower Genesee River.
4453 ROGERS, ROCHESTER H. Nathaniel.
3630 ROHRBACH, JOHN. "History of the Geneseo State Normal School."
1979 ROLL, EDWARD B. "Inns and Innkeepers of Attica."
5082 ROLPH, THOMAS. A Brief Account, together with Observations, Made during a Visit in the West Indies, and a Tour through the United States of America, in Parts of the Years 1832-3 together with a Statistical Account of Upper Canada.
5258 ROMAINE, LAWRENCE B. A Guide to American Trade Catalogs, 1744-1900.
6652 ROMANO, JOHN. Origins of Wing R.
3674 ROMANO, JOHN, ed. To Each His Farthest Star: A Book of Essays Commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the University of Rochester Medical Center, 1925-1975.
6849 ROMER, GRANT B., ed. Letters from an Itinerant Daguerreotypist of Western New York
1497 RONK, S.E. "Prices of Farm Products in New York State, 1841 to 1935."
1076 ROOD, ELLIOT S. The Genesee Country, 1788-1811; Perceptual Framework of Residents and Non-Residents.
5228 ROONEY, JACQUALINE G., comp. A Local Guide to New York State Histories.
255 ROOT, MARY R. History of the Town of York, Livingston County, New York.
3730 RORBACH, JOHN. The Log Cabin of This Society and Those of the Early Pioneers.
3702 ROSBROOK, FREDE. "The Law Library."
1115 ROSDAIL, J. HART. The Sloopers: Their Ancestry and Posterity; The Story of the People on the Norwegian Mayflower--The Sloop, "Restoration."
4636 ROSE, CHRISTINA LIVINGSTON. "Main Street, Geneva, New York."
1899 ROSE, NORMAN, and MURRAY SAVAGE. "The Rochester General Strike."
6190 ROSE, PETER I. On the Slopes of Mount Allegro.
6621 ROSE, RICHARD. The Morgan Collection at the Rochester Museum and Science Center.
6622 ROSE, RICHARD. The Profession Organizes, 1821.
5310 ROSEBERRY, CECIL R. From Niagara to Montauk: The Scenic Pleasures of New York State.
2964 ROSENBAUM, RICHARD M. They Said "It Couldn't Be Done."
4545 ROSENBERG, STUART E. “Jewish Population Growth in Rochester, 1843-1938.”
4546 ROSENBERG, STUART E. “Notes on the Political Attitudes of the Jewish Tidings.”
4547 ROSENBERG, STUART E. The Jewish Community In Rochester, 1843-1925.
4544 ROSENBERG, STUART E. “The Jewish Tidings and theSunday Services Question.”
3660 ROSENBERGER, JESSE L. Rochester and Colgate: Historical Backgrounds of the Two Universities.
3661 ROSENBERGER, JESSE L. Rochester: The Making of a University.
6879 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. A History of the Circus in Rochester.
6668 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. Life and Death in Nineteenth-Century Rochester.
6110 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. Rochester: A Pictorial History.
6607 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. The Role of the Library - Public Service.
6119 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. A Young People's History of Rochester.
6515 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. A Growing Agitation: Rochester Before, During, and After the Civil War.
6282 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. Two Centuries of Industry and Trade in Rochester.
6175 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. The Real Simon Pure Sam Patch.
6519 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. A City in Conflict, Rochester During the Vietnam War.
6123 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. Frankfort: Birthplace of Rochester's Industry.
6124 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. Rochester's Pioneer Builders: Relinquishing the Reins of Power.
977 ROSENBERRY, LOIS KIMBALL MATHEWS. The Expansion of New England: The Spread of New England Settlement and Institutions to the Mississippi River, 1620-1865.
1077 ROSENBERRY, LOIS MATHEWS. The Expansion of New England: The Spread of New England Settlement and Institutions to the Mississippi River, 1620-1865.
3844 ROSENFELD, LEONARD S., and HENRY B. MAKOVER. The Rochester Regional Hospital Council.
5788 ROSENTHAL, DONALD, ed. The George Eastman Collection.
6498 ROSENTHAL, NAOMI, at al. Social Movements and Network Analysis: A Case Study of Nineteenth-Century Women's Reform in New York State.
6283 ROSENWORTH, GEORGE J., comp. Scottsville Merchants Directory.
1352 ROSS, H.A. “The Supply Side of the New York Milk Market.”
3805 ROSS, ISHBEL. Child of Destiny: The Life Story of the First Woman Doctor.
6274 ROSSELL, DAVES. Tended Images: Verbal and Visual Idolatry of Rural Life in America, 1800-1850.
1933 ROTARY CLUB, Dansville. Dansville.
6539 ROTH, MARK and SALLY WALTERS. 20 Bicycle Tours in the Finger Lakes.
1172 ROTH, NORMAN R. Urban Town: A Study of the Social Organization of a Suburban Community.
2171 ROTHFUS, ROBERT R. "More about Locomotives of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway."
2172 ROTHFUS, ROBERT R. "Coal Trains North: The Rochester and Pittsburgh Rail road Company."
4580 ROUNDS, RUBY M., comp. Octagon Buildings in New York Sate.
6286 ROWAND, ROGER. Rochester's Rich History; It Sprang from Rochester Coil.
6734 ROWE, DAVID L. Thunder and Trumpets, Millerites and Dissenting Religion in Upstate New York, 1800-1850.
5663 ROWE, DAVID. “A New Perspective on the Burned-Over District: The Millerites in Upstate New York.”
4458 ROWE, DAVID L. Thunder and Trumpets: The Millerite Movement and Apocalyptic Thought in Upstate New York, 1800-1845.
3342 ROWE, MARTHA BELKNAP. "Wyoming Gun Club."
3906 ROWE, MARTHA BELKNAP. "Always Eat the Best Apple."
5666 ROWE, ROBERT A. The Church of Our Fathers: The Beginnings of Christianity in the Western Finger Lakes Region.
6779 ROWE, TIM. Hillside.
2560 ROY WENZLICK & CO. Economic Factors and Probable Trends Affecting City Planning in Rochester, New York.
955 Royal Arcanum. Twentieth Annual Session, Grand Council of the State of New York, at Rochester, April 26 & 27, 1898.
5050 ROYALL, ANNE NEWPORT. The Black Book; or, A Continuation of Travels in the United States.
2572 RTKL ASSOCIATES. Report on the Development Plan for Downtown Rochester 199 New York. housing, some street changes.)
3531 RUCHKIN, JUDITH POLGAR. “The Abolition of 'Colored Schools' in Rochester, New York: 1832-1856.”
5970 RUDD, JABEZ. Memories of Jabez Rudd.
6349 RUDOLPH, JEAN M. The Cowlesville Merchants.
2050 RUGGLES, SAMUEL B. Report upon the Finances and Internal Improvements of the State of New-York, 1838.
2051 RUGGLES, THOMAS C. Report of Mr. Thomas Colden Ruggles, Civil Engineer, Appointed by the Chamber of Commerce to Ascertain the Speed of Steam Canal Boats Navigating the Erie Canal, and Its Depth of Water. October 7, 1875.
2052 RUGGLES, THOMAS C. Vindication in 1849 of the Canal Policy of 1838.
1124 RUIZ-TORRES, EDME V. An Analysis of Social Disorganization among a Group of Puerto Rican Migrants to Rochester, New York.
2617 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. "Shall Rochester Have a 200-Family Tenement?"
196 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. What to Think about and Do in Avon, N.Y.
2358 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. "The Story of 'The Common Good.'"
1173 RUMBALL, EDWIN. "Populus Rocestriensis: An Introduction to the Demography of Rochester."
3589 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. “Are We Wrong in Using the School Buildings for Social Centers?”
3195 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. “The Fourth Ward Survey.”
3943 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. “Drunks, but Citizens: An Appeal for the Conservation of Rochester Men.”
2829 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. "The Time Has Come for Rochester to Vote in Its School Houses."
3032 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. "From Douglass Triangle to Douglass Park: A New Honor to Rochester's Afro-American Statesman."
3243 RUMBALL, EDWIN A., and CATHERINE. "The Working Girls and Women of Rochester."
3244 RUMBALL, EDWIN A., and CATHERINE. "What to Do with Sex Slavery in the Community."
6376 RUNG, A. M. Rochester's Railroads.
6479 RUPP, ROBERT O. Social Tension and Political Mobilization in Jacksonian Society: A Case Study of the Antimasonic Party in New York, Pennsylvania and Vermont, 1827-1840.
6377 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. Silver Springs Depot.
6401 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. The Genesee & Wyoming RR.
6384 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. Rochester Junction Station and Storage Building.
6382 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. Erie Lackawanna Freight House at LeRoy, N. Y.
6381 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. Erie's Avon Station.
6387 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. Otis Station.
6389 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. PRR's Welding Shop at Sodus Point, N. Y.
4177 RUSSELL, IMOGENE. Old-Time Days in Newark and a Half Century of St. Mark's Parish, 1851-1901.
1925 RUSSELL, MARIAN A. "The Genesee Pure Food Company and Jell-O."
1926 RUSSELL, MARIAN A. "Kemp and Lane, Inc."
4667 RUSSELL, MARIAN A., and ALVIN R. STRIPP. “Main Street Bridge.”
5611 RUSSO, JOHN B. “Educational Revisionism and Recent School Reform: The Case of Rochester, 1960-1973.” "
2114 RUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. Sail the Shining Waters: Canal Lore from Monroe County, N.Y.
6295 RUTHERFORD, ROY. S. Rae Hickok and His Company.
6013 RUTHERFORD, STANLEY. The Town of Gainesville.
6313 RYAN, TOM. Xerox: Copy for Success.
5801 RYAN. PAT M., ed. "Rochester Recollected: A Miscellany of Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Descriptions." Rochester History, 41, nos. 1-2
5035 S---- VON N ------. Mein Besuch Amerika's im Sommer 1824, Ein Flug durch die Vereinstaaten Maryland, Pensylvanien, New-York, zum Niagarafall, und durch die Staaten Ohio, Indiana, Kentuky, und Virginien zueruck.
1108 S----, A., of Rochester. "My Experiences as an Immigrant,"
6699 SABALIS, ANTANAS. History of St. George's Lithuanian Parish and Lithuanians of Rochester, N. Y.
4887 SABIN, STEWART B. “Music in Rochester from 1909 to 1924.”
4888 SABIN, STEWART B. “A Retrospect of Music in Rochester.”
6186 SAFRAN, FRANCISKA. The Preservation of the Holland Land Company Records.
5097 SAGRA, DON RAMON DE LA. Cinco Meses en los Estados-Unidos de la America del Norte, desde el 20 de abril al 23 de septiembre de 1835. Diario de Viaje. Paris: P. Renouard, 1836. French trans., 1837. Part trans. By Watt Stewart, "A Spanish Traveler Visits Rochester."
5343 SAILS, MARTHA. Town of Batavia, 1802-1977.
978 SAKOLSKI, AARON M. The Great American Land Bubble: The Amazing Story of Land-Grabbing, Speculations, and Booms from Colonial Days to the Present Time.
2303 SALISBURY, F.C. "The Old Buffalo Road."
3137 SALISBURY, F.C. "Warsaw's Memorial Day, 1887."
5202 SALISBURY, HARRISON. Travels around America.
5816 SALISBURY, HARRISON E. Travels Around America.
6156 SALTMAN, JULIET. A Fragile Movement: The Struggle for Neighborhood Stabilization.
5734 SALZER, NANCY J. Convenant for Freedom: A History of the First Unitarian Congregational Society of Rochester, New York, 1829-1975..
3717 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. Studies in Local History.
5292 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. (Note on maps in Rochester City directories.)
5242 SAMSON, WILLIAM H., comp. Check List of Rochester Publications, 1816- 1860.
1061 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. "The Treaty of Big Tree."
3169 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. The Union Blues: A Brief History of the Corps and Its Life.
979 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. The Claim of the Ogden Land Company.
6850 SANDERS, BARRY. Harvey Ellis: Architect, Painter, Furniture Designer.
241 SANDERS, C.K. "Nunda."
6211 SANDERS, JOE L., compiler. Rochester Black History, 1795-1990.
2386 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
2385 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
2384 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
3299 SANDERSON, DWIGHT. “Rural Social and Economic Areas in Central New York.”
378 SANDERSON, JAMES S. Some Early Recollections of Seneca Falls,
4423 SANFORD, HAROLD W. A Century of Unitarianism in Rochester.
6135 SANFORD, HAROLD W. Reflections, Personal and Otherwise, on a Forty Years' Residence in Rochester.
1964 SANFORD, Mrs. L.R. "Early Industries."
3318 SARACHAN, HERMAN A. A History of Masonry in Monroe County: 1810-1970.
6535 SARACHAN, HERMAN A. The History of Flower City Lodge No. 910, Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York.
5432 SASSAMAN, WALTER. Early Irondequoit: A Reprinting of Eighty-Four of the Pictures which have Appeared in the Irondequoit Press
1900 SAUER, WILLIAM. History of the Rochester Typographical Union No. 15.
5672 SAUNDERS, CARRIE B. "Parish House Celebration."
5669 SAUNDERS, LUCILE S. History of the First Baptist Church of East Rochester, 1901-1966.
2949 SAUNDERS, LUCILLE STILLMAN. The Dissolution of the Whig Party in Monroe County (1848-1856).
5540 SAUNDERS, RICHARD. The Railroad Mergers and the Coming of Conrail.
5802 SAUNDERS, WILLIAM C. "'Travel, Behold, and Wonder': Fashionable Images of the Wilderness in Upstate New York, 1800-1850."
3618 SAVAGE, DORIS M. "The Rochester Theological Seminary in, the Old United States Hotel."
197 SAVAGE, ROBERT. "The White Horse Inn."
1125 SAVAGE, VIRGINIA A. Incidence of Lexical Change in a Language Community in Transition.
4965 SAVERY, WILLIAM. "A Journal of the Life, Travels and Religious Labours of William Savery ...," ed. Jonathan Evans.
4777 SAYWARD, HENRY L. "Western New York Clocks."
5541 SCANLON, ANN MARIE. “The Beginnings of the New York Central Railroad: A Study of Men, Money and Materials.”
5229 SCHAEFER, BARBARA K., and others, comp. Rochester Regional Research Council Union List of Serials.
5855 SCHEIN, RICHARD HUOT. A Historical Geography of Central New York: Patterns and Processes of Colonization on the New Military Tract, 1782-1820.
6883 SCHIED, RICHARD. The Wonderful Aroma of Sea Breeze.
6751 SCHIED, RICHARD. Legacy in Stone.
3737 SCHILD, JOAN L. Dr. Came, the Lightning Man.
4729 SCHILD, JOAN L. “The Campbell-Whittlesey House in Rochester, New York.”
4799 SCHILD, JOAN L. "Silversmiths of Rochester."
4778 SCHILD, JOAN L. "Pioneer Cabinet makers of Rochester."
4779 SCHILD, JOAN L. "Furniture Makers of Rochester, New York."
3764 SCHILLING, BERNARD N. The University and the Club.
4917 SCHINE CHAIN THEATRES, defendant. In the Supreme Court of the United States ... Schine Chain Theaters, Inc., et al., Appellants v. United States of American. Anneal from the District Court of the United ,states for the western District of New York. Brief for the United States of America.
6456 SCHLEGEL, WILLIAM R., and LAWRENCE J. GLEASON. The West Webster Volunteer Fireman's Association: The First 50 Years, 1926-1976.
5268 SCHMECKEBIER, LAWRENCE F., and ROY B. EASTIN. Government Publications and Their Use. 2d rev. ed.
4766 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Beautiful Doorways in the Town of Penfield, Monroe County, N.Y.
4581 SCHMIDT, CARL F. "The Octagon Fad."
4582 SCHMIDT, CARL F. The Octagon Fad.
4583 SCHMIDT, CARL F. "The Octagon Fad."
4587 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Cobblestone Architecture.
4590 SCHMIDT, CARL F. "Cobblestone Masonry."
170 SCHMIDT, CARL F. The LeRoy Settlement.
4588 SCHMIDT, CARL F. "Cobblestone Masonry."
4589 SCHMIDT, CARL F. "Cobblestone Masonry."
4707 SCHMIDT, CARL F. “Post-Colonial Architecture of Rochester.”
4708 SCHMIDT, CARL F. “Greek Revival Architecture in Rochester.”
4591 SCHMIDT, CARL F. "The Cobblestone Houses of Central New York State."
4593 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Preservation & Restoration of Cobblestone Architecture.
4594 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Cobblestone Masonry.
4595 SCHMIDT, CARL F. More Cobblestone House Entrances. Part VII.
4592 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Cobblestone Masonry.
4560 SCHMIDT, CARL F. “Architecture in the Genesee Country.”
4561 SCHMIDT, CARL F. ”Mouldings and Moulding Planes.”
4562 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Fences, Gates and Garden Houses.
4563 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Architectural Mouldings.
4564 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Greek Revival Details.
4565 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Colonial and Post-Colonial Details.
4566 SCHMIDT, CARL F. The Victorian Era in the United States.
4567 SCHMIDT, CARL F. The Early Architecture of the Genesee Valley.
4568 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Restoration and Preservation.
4569 SCHMIDT, CARL F. The Architectural Styles in the Rochester Area.
4570 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Greek Revival Entrances, Part VI.
4709 SCHMIDT, CARL F. “The Post-Colonial Entrance in Rochester.”
4710 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Greek Revival Architecture in the Rochester Area.
730 SCHMIDT, CARL F. History of the Town of Wheatland: Scottsville, Mumford, Garbutt, Belcoda, Beulah, Wheatland Center.
731 SCHMIDT, CARL F. Garbutt.
6752 SCHMIDT, CARL F. and PHILIP PARR. More About Octagons.
4628 SCHMIDT, CARL F., and ANN. The Architectural Development of LeRoy, New York.
4730 SCHMIDT, CARL F., and ANN. Jonathan Child and His House.
4688 SCHMIDT, CARL F., and ANN. Architecture and Architects of Rochester, N.Y.
6838 SCHMITT, VICTORIA SANDWICH. Four Centuries of Sporting Art: Selections from the John L. Wehle Collection, Gallery of Sporting Art, Genesee Country Museum.
6880 SCHMITT, VICTORIA. Once Upon a Rochester.
2868 SCHNEIDER, DAVID M. The History of Public Welfare in New York State.
2965 SCHOENBERGER, ROBERT A. "Conservatism, Personality and Political Extremism."
2080 SCHOFF, WILFRED. "The New York State Barge Canal."
5025 SCHOOLCRAFT, HENRY ROWE. Narrative Journal of Travels through the Northwestern Regions of the United States Extending from Detroit through the Great Chain of American Lakes, to the Sources of the Mississippi River …
4902 SCHRADER, ARTHUR F. "Arcade Revisited: Some Additional Notes for A Songster."
6276 SCHRAMM, HENRY W. Empire Showcase, a History of the New York State Fair.
5230 SCHREINER-YANTIS, NETTI, ed. Genealogical & Local History Books in Print, Volume 2.
5913 SCHROEDER, VIRGINIA and MARILYN HERR-GESELL. Memories and Traditions of Bloomfield, 1789-1989: Sketchbook II.
1150 SCHUBERT, DOLORES, and E.A. LUTZ. “Some Population Changes in New York State, 1850-1950, and Some Implications for Rural Government.”
5806 SCHULTZ, CHRISTIAN. Travels on an Inland Voyage through the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee … in the Years 1807 and 1808, 2 vols.
5605 SCHULTZ, DIANE GRANVILLE. "A Study of the Establishment in Farming of Veterans Who Enrolled in the I.O.F. Training Program at Naples, N.Y."
5484 SCHULTZ, PAUL E. “The Grape and Wine Industry of the Naples Valley of New York: A Geographic Interpretation.”
1394 SCHULTZ, PAUL E. The Grape and Wine Industry of the Naples Valley, New York: A Geographic Interpretation.
4637 SCHUYLER, MONTGOMERY. "The Architecture of American Colleges. Part 9: Union, Hamilton, Hobart, Cornell, and Syracuse."
4944 SCHUYLER, MYNDERT, and ROBERT LIVINGSTON, JR. "Journal of Messrs. Schuyler and Livingston's Visit to the Senecas." Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New-York, ed. Brodhead. Vol. 5: "London Documents." 1707-1733, pp. 542-55.
6916 SCHWEITZER, GEORGE KEENE. New York Genealogical Research.
3590 SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES. Attitudes and Opinions of Educators in the Rochester School Systems.
2929 SCISCO, LOUIS D. Political Nativism in New York State. (Studies in History, Economics & Public Law, XIII, no. 2)
4795 SCOON, CAROLYN. "New York State Stoneware in the New-York Historical Society,"
4810 SCOTT, ANNA. “Rochester's Coming Art Gallery.”
1590 SCOTT, ROBERT F. “'I Invented the Automobile': The Eight-Year War over the Selden Patent.”
4383 SCOULLER, JAMES B. The Quarter Centennial History of the United Presbyterian Synod of New York.
3551 SCOUTEN, EDWARD L. A revaluation of the Rochester Method.
1395 SCOVILLE, G.P. "An Economic Study of Grape Farms in Eastern United States."
934 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "The First Wedding in Rochester."
826 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "Reminiscences of Colonel Nathaniel Rochester."
3082 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "A Boyhood Adventure."
865 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "And This Was Rochester: Excerpts from the Old Citizen Letters of Edwin Scrantom," ed. Harriett J. Naylor.
2125 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "Life on the Canal."
3738 SCRANTON, EDWIN. Rochester's Pioneer Museum, as Described by 'An Old Citizen,' ed. Martha Montague Ash.
6054 SCULLEY, FRANCIS X. Monster Madness.
6756 SCULLEY, FRANCIS X. Blockbusting Barn.
6369 SCULLEY, FRANCIS X. Passage from Erie.
5946 SCULLY, VIRGINIA D. Heritage Square at the Brick Church Corners, Ontario, New York.
630 SEAGER, RALPH W. Little Yates and the United States,
6806 SEALE, WILLIAM, and ELIZABETH BRAYER. Eastman House, January 20, 1990; "Restoration Report," by William Seale; "`GE,' a Biographical Essay," by Elizabeth Brayer.
217 SEARS, E.W. (Paper on businesses in Leicester)
3326 SEAVER, DAVID. Freemasonry at Batavia, N.Y., 1811-1891.
158 SEAVER, WILLIAM. A Historical Sketch of the Village of Batavia.
6541 SEBRING, THOMAS A. A Fine Romance, Canoeing in Upstate New York.
1618 SECURITY TRUST CO. 50th Anniversary, 1892-1942. unp.
4745 SECURITY TRUST CO. Security Tower Plaza, One East Avenue Rochester, New York.
5026 SEDGWICK, CATHERINE Lt. Life and Letters of Catherine M. Sedgwick, ed. Mary E. Dewey.
238 SEDGWICK, H.C., comp. Historical Sketches of Dansville.
2286 SEELYE, STEVENSON, VALUE & KNECHT. Consulting Engineers. Master Plan Report for the Rochester-Monroe County Airport.
2770 SEELYE, STEVENSON, VALUE & KNECHT. General Development Plan Project; Longview Land Use.
935 SELDEN, GEORGE. "The 'Devil Plate' of Irondequoit Bay."
1591 SELDEN, HENRY R., and GEORGE B. “Some Rochester Inventions.”
4731 SELDEN, MARJORIE WARD. The Interior Paint of the Campbell-Whittlesey House, 1835-1836, with Reference to the Procedures of House Painting Prior to 1836, ed. Helen C. Ellwanger.
6684 SELDON, ERNEST. Our Church Is Born.
1315 SELLERS, ROY. "An Analysis of the Chicken Enterprise on Farms in Livingston County, New York."
6538 SENZEL, HOWARD. Baseball and the Cold War, Being a Soliloquy on the Necessity of Baseball.
1753 SETHI, S. PRAKASH. Business Corporations and the Black Man. An Analysis of Social Conflict: The Kodak-FIGHT Controversy.
2081 SEVERANCE, FRANK G. ed. "Papers Relating to Canal Enlargement in New York State."
3069 SEVERANCE, FRANK H. "War Losses on the Niagara Frontier."
3337 SEYMOUR, HAROLD. "How Baseball Began."
3591 SEYMOUR, HOWARD C. “The Teacher Shortage.”
4571 SEYMOUR, WHITNEY NORTH, JR. “The Case for the Old Courthouse.”
2287 SHAFTER, HOWARD m. “Aviation in Rochester.”
4853 SHANNON, MARY R., comp. Genesee Country Scrapbook, Vol. 15 (1976), 153 pp.
3619 SHARPE, DORES ROBINSON. Walter Rauschenbusch.
1730 SHATZ, JOSEPHINE. "Notes on the Early History of the Industries of Rochester. III.--Optics."
4355 SHAW, JAMES B. Dr. Shaw's Twenty-fifth Anniversary Sermon, Delivered in the Brick Church, Rochester, Sabbath Evening, Dec. 3,1865.
2003 SHAW, RONALD. "Rochester's Erie Canal: The Pride of a Generation."
2004 SHAW, RONALD. A History of the Erie Canal, 1807-1850, with. Particular Ref erence to Western New York.
2005 SHAW, RONALD. Erie Water West: A History of the Erie Canal 3792-1854.
4265 SHAY, EMMA FREELAND. Mariet Hardy Freeland: A Faithful Witness.
116 SHEAR, HAZEL M. Tales from Allegany County.
117 SHEAR, HAZEL M. “Tales of Murder and Mystery from Allegany County.”
118 SHEAR, HAZEL M. From a Local Historian's Notebook.
4290 SHEAR, HAZEL. Some Early Church History of Western New York.
1078 SHEAR, HAZEL M. "Settlers from Vermont."
4257 SHEAR, HAZEL M. History of York's Corners M.E. Church ... 1950. unp.
150 SHEAR, HAZEL M. The Willing Story, 1795-1850.
149 SHEAR, HAZEL M. The Wellsville Story, Pioneer Days, 1807-1850.
123 SHEAR, HAZEL M. The Alma Story, 1795-1850.
3989 SHEARDOWN, THOMAS A. Half a Century's Labors in the Gospel, Including Thirty-five Years of Back-Woods' Mission Work, and Evangelizing, in New-York and Pennsylvania. An Auto-Biography.
1290 SHEARER, JONATHAN. "Wheat in New York and Michigan. Report of Jonathan Shearer of Plymouth, on the growing of Wheat from 1824 to 1861, in the States of New York and Michigan."
1779 SHEDD, H.D., JR. "How the Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Company Got Its Name."
3271 SHEDD, JESSIE M. "Aid for Crippled Children in Rochester."
6689 SHEEN, FULTON J. Treasure in Clay, the Autobiography of Fulton J. Sheen.
6319 SHEETS-PYENSON, SUSAN. Cathedrals of Science; the Development of Colonial Natural History Museums During the Late Nineteenth Century.
341 SHELDON, NELLIE M., ed. Marriages, 1826 to 1837, Murray, Orleans County New York
5750 SHELGREN, OLAF W., JR., and others. Cobblestone Landmarks of New York State.
4646 SHELGREN, WILLIAM 0., JR. "The Historic American Buildings Survey in Western New York: Exhibit Catalog."
5370 SHELTON, WILLIAM H. "Our Country Town."
827 SHEPARD, CHARLES. Centennial and Bicentennial: Nathaniel Rochester, 1752; Thomas Rochester Shepard, 1852.
4935 SHEPARD, FREDERICK J. A Mirror of Early Buffalo: Being a Digest of the Comments of Some Visitors from the Beginning Down to the Civil War Period.
5031 SHERMAN, ALPHEUS. By Horse and Wagon: The Diary of Alpheus Sherman. ed. Peter B. Schroeder.
980 SHERWOOD, J.B. “The Military Tract.”
5083 SHIRREFF, PATRICK. Tour through North America; together with a Comprehensive View of the Canadas and United States as Adapted for Agricultural Emigration,
4007 SHOTWELL, J. RALPH. From Strength to Strength: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Greece Baptist Church, 1814-1964.
6232 SHUPE, BARBARA, and JANET STEINS, and JYOTI PANDIT. New York State Population, 1790-1980: A Compilation of Federal Census Data.
6875 SIBLEY MUSIC LIBRARY. Rochester's Music, Its beginnings: An Exhibit Celebrating Rochester's Sesquicentennial....
6433 SIBLEY, HARPER. The Biography of Hiram Sibley.
1799 SIBLEY, LINDSAY & CURR CO. Half a Century: the Golden Anniversary of the Founding of the Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Company ...
1800 SIBLEY, LINDSAY & CURR CO. Spreading beyond Old Walls.
3021 SIEBERT, WILBUR H. The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom.
5185 SIENKIEWICZ, HENRYK. Portrait of America: Letters of Henry Sienkiewiez, ed. And trans. Charles Morley.
332 SIGNOR, ISAAC S., ed. Landmarks of Orleans County, New York.
5912 SILES, WILLIAM H. Wilderness Investment: The New York Frontier During the Federal Period, pages 138-164 of World of the Founders: New York Communities in the Federal Period, edited by Stephen L. Schecter and Wendell Tripp.
6246 SILES, WILLIAM H. The Genesee Country Blacksmith: Tradition and Change, 1788-1940.
5458 SILES, WILLIAM H. "Pioneering in the Genesee Country: Strategy and the Concept of a Central Place," pp. 35-68 in New Opportunities in a New Nation, ed., Jonas and Wells.
5371 SILES, WILLIAM H. "A Vision of Wealth: Speculators and Settlers in the Genesee Country of New York, 1788-1800."
4169 SILLS, C.M. Historical Sermon, Trinity Church, Geneva, New York …
1063 SILSBY, ROBERT W. "The Holland Land Company in Western New York."
1002 SILSBY, ROBERT W. Credit and Creditors in the Phelps-Gorham Purchase.
1913 SILSBY, ROBERT W. “Frontier Attitudes and Debt Collection in Western New York,” in The Frontier in American Development: Essays in Honor of Paul Wallace Gates, ed. David M. Ellis.
6714 SILVER LAKE INSTITUTE. Silver Lake Institute Campus.
902 SILVER, HENRY D. "Diary of a One-Horse Enterpriser: Fifty Years Ago in Upstate New York," ed. James W. Silver.
903 SILVER, HENRY D. 'Making a Living in Rochester: The Diary of Henry D. Silver, 1906-1914," ed. James W. Silver.
1448 SILVERNAIL, RICHARD G. The Agricultural Land Use of the Western Finger Lakes Region of New York: 1600-1959
324 SIMMONS, DORLEAH K. "South Bristol, Ontario County."
2503 SIMPSON & CURTIN. Downtown Rochester: An Appraisal of Traffic, Transit and Parking Needs of Downtown Rochester over the Next Fifteen Years for the City Planning Commission.
271 SIMPSON, ROBERT B. Studies in Population Geography, Canandaigua Lake Region, New York.
5507 SIPPERLEY, LEONARD. One Hundred Years of Fire Insurance: Being a History of the Livingston Mutual Insurance Company, Dansville, New York, 1877-1977, ed. David Parish.
5859 SISSON, AL. Down the Road a Piece with Al Sisson.
981 SIZER, THEODORE. “John Trumbull, 'Patriot-Painter,' in Northern New York.”
3138 SKIFF, ALBERT O. "The Last Charge at Appomattox."
2531 SKINNER, JOHN F. "Cobb's Hill Reservoir, Rochester, N.Y."
5730 SKINNER, OTIS A. Letters to Rev. B. Stow, R.H. Neale, and R.W. Cushman, on Modern Revivals ...
2870 SKINNER, ROGER S. The New-York State Register ...
4874 SLADE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES. Monroe County Leisure Time Survey, Produced for the Monroe County Metropolitan Arts Resources Committee. ...
1396 SLATE, GEORGE L. "Grape Varieties Introduced by the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, 1929-1961."
904 SLATER, JOHN R. "Rochester Forty Years Ago."
3669 SLATER, JOHN R. Rhees of Rochester.
3662 SLATER, JOHN R. "The First Hundred Years of the University of Rochester."
3874 SLAVIN, HOWARD B. “Hope Hospital, The Rochester Municipal Hospital,” 1869-1903.”
3875 SLAVIN, HOWARD B. “Rochester--The Emergence of Its Great Health Officer, Dr. Goler,”
3876 SLAVIN, HOWARD B. “Rochester Smallpox, 1902-03--The End of It.”
2359 SLEIGHT, MARY B. "Henry C. Sleight, Founder of the Rochester Daily Ad-vertiser."
905 SLOAN, WILLIAM E. Recollections of Sixty Years, 1870-1930.
6164 SLOANE, DAVID CHARLES. The Living Among the Dead: New York State Cemetery Landscape as Reflections of a Changing American Culture to 1949.
732 SLOCUM, GEORGE E. "The First Houses in Scottsville."
808 SLOCUM, HELEN EDSON. King's Landing: A History of the First White Settlement West of the Genesee River in the State of New York, 1797.
6839 SLOCUM, KATHY. Gravestone Art.
644 SMALLEY, BETTY. Torrey: Truth and Trivia.
2892 SMART, MARY SPENCER SIMPSON. Centennial, Wayne County Court House and Jail, 1854-1954.
6469 SMITH, BEVERLY A. Female Admissions and Parolees of the Western House of Refuge in the 1880s: An Historical Example of Community Corrections.
5176 SMITH, CHARLES H. "A Boy's Visit to Rochester in 1857."
4238 SMITH, CHARLES M. "History of the Gainesville Methodist Church."
2674 SMITH, CRAIG W., and W. EARL WELLER. Ten Years of County Manager Government.
1291 SMITH, DAVID C. "Middle Range Farming in the Civil War Era: Life on a Farm in Seneca County, 1862-1866."
6314 SMITH, DOUGLAS K., and ROBERT C. ALEXANDER. Fumbling the Future: How Xerox Invented, then Ignored, the First Personal Computer.
5405 SMITH, E. PAYSON. Smiths of Tyre: Asa Smith, 1758-1841, Jason Smith, 1795-1883, Pulaski F. Smith, 1829-1916.
5485 SMITH, EARL E., comp. Official Directory and History of Wayne County Granges.
5930 SMITH, EVELYN RICH. Name Index to Arad Thomas' 1871 Pioneer History of Orleans County, New York.
3634 SMITH, F. WILSON. "Benjamin Hale--Educator of Geneva College."
623 SMITH, FRANK. “A Sketch of James L. Blodgett.”
2252 SMITH, H. BRADFORD, and BLAKE MCKELVEY. Rochester's Turbulent Transit History.
2251 SMITH, H. BRADFORD. The Rochester Street Railway, 1859-1906.
5251 SMITH, HENRY BRADFORD. Rochester Printing, 1816-1834.
6431 SMITH, HENRY BRADFORD. History of Printing in Rochester, 1816-1834.
6884 SMITH, HAROLD G. The Last Medicine Show.
3600 SMITH, HARRY P. The Emergency Collegiate Centers of Central New York.
80 SMITH, HORACE J. A Historical Study of Some Aspects of the Early Settlements in the Lower Genesee Valley in New York, 1790-1830.
260 SMITH, JAMES C. An Autobiographical Sketch …
185 SMITH, JAMES H., comp. History of Livingston County, New York, with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers.
5542 SMITH, JAMIE. “The G & W: 'A Great Little Railroad.'“ "
247 SMITH, JESSE. "Sparta."
4530 SMITH, JOSEPH FIELDING. Essentials in Church History: A History of the Church from the Birth of Joseph Smith to the Present Time ...
5111 SMITH, JOSHUA TOULMIN. Journal In America, 18317-1838, ed. Floyd Benjamin Streeter.
6157 SMITH, KATHRYN. Brown Square: A Neighborhood for People and Industries.
4531 SMITH, LUCY MACK. Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and His Progenitors for Many Generations.
5789 SMITH, MARY E. Behind the Lens: Nineteenth Century and Turn-of-the-Century Photographers of Western Monroe County, New York.
2162 SMITH, MARY E. "The Ho-jack Railroad, Tracking Hamlin: A Tale of "The White Elephant Line."
5439 SMITH, MARY E., and SHIRLEY COX HUSTED, eds. We Remember Brockport: Reminiscences of 19th Century Village History.
3083 SMITH, P.E. "Seneca County in the War of 1812."
5486 SMITH, RUBY GREEN. The People's Colleges: A History of the New York State Extension Service in Cornell University and the State, 1876-1948.
4426 SMITH, S.R. Historical Sketches and Incidents, Illustrative of the Establishment and Progress of Universalism in the State of New York.
581 SMITH, SARDIUS. “History and Adventures of Sardius Smith.”
6808 SMITH, SUSAN SUTTON. The American Dream on Mt. Hope: Nineteenth-Century Building by Ellwanger and Barry.
6682 SMITH, THELMA A. The Light Shines Forth, Attica Center Baptist Church.
4010 SMITH, THEOREN P.L. The Evangelistic Force in a Rural Church. One Hundred Twenty-Six Years with the Hunt Baptist Church.
2473 SMITH, THOMAS S., and others. The Police-Civilian Foot Patrol: An Evaluation of the PAC-TAC Experiment in Rochester, New York.
1692 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. “The Old National Hotel.”
4185 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. St. Luke's Church.
4186 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. St. Luke's Church, Genesee Falls; Past and Future.
867 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. "Reminiscences of the Third Ward."
868 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. "Reminiscences of the Ruffled-Shirt Ward."
3332 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. “Fun at the Falls of the Genesee.”
4811 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. “The Powers Art Gallery.”
6840 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. Rochester Art Club, 1877-1959.
4889 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. “The Tuesday Musicale.”
3846 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. A Century of Service: Rochester General Hospital, 1847-1947.
2006 SMITH, WALTER B. "Wage Rates on the Erie Canal, 1828-1882."
3635 SMITH, WARREN H. Hobart and William Smith: The History of Two Colleges.
6841 SMITH, WARREN HUNTING. Gentle Enthusiasts in Art: Geneva's Landscape-painting Families.
293 SMITH, WARREN H. An Elegant but Salubrious Village: A Portrait of Geneva, New York.
6705 SMITH, WARREN HUNTING. Finger Lakes Churches Fostered by the Rose Family.
5193 SMITH, WILLIAM. A Yorkshireman’s Trip to the United States and Canada.
5245 SMYTH, SHEILA A. "A Check List of Rochester, N.Y. Imprints for the Years 1859-1862, with a Historical Intoduction.”
1023 SNYDER, ALONZO, defendant. In the Supreme Court. The People of the State of New York, vs. Alonzo Snyder: Notice of Appeal from Judgment.
1574 SNYDER, LEROY E. “Rochester Since 1915.”
473 SNYDER, SARAH. “Early Days in Castile.”
6857 SOBIESZEK, ROBERT A., JOAN PEDZICH, and PHILIP L. CONDAX. Rochester: An American Center of Photography.
4631 SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF LANDMARKS IN WESTERN NEW YORK. "A Day in the Historic Genesee Valley," October 11, 1952 ...
4572 SOCIETY OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIANS. August Tour 1958 ... Geneva, Canandaigua and Rochester, New York, and the Finger Lakes Region.
2203 SODUS BAY IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. The Sodus Bay Improvement Company. A Circular Issued for the Purpose of Informing the Public in Relation to the Character of Great Sodus Bay, (Lake Ontario.) as a Harbor, and of Its Inevitably Rapid Development into Great Commercial Importance.
2068 SODUS CANAL COMPANY. Sodus Canal,
2069 SODUS CANAL COMPANY. Great Sodus Bay, and the Sodus Canal.
2201 SODUS POINT & SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Sodus Point and Southern Railroad. Chief Engineer's Report, and Statement of the Directors; with a Map of Sodus Bay.
6499 SOFFER, MIRIAM. Pleadings.
6558 SOHN, FREDERICK H. The Evolution of Catholic Education in the Diocese of Rochester, New York, 1868 to 1970.
6439 SOKOLOV, BERNARD. Restoration Along the Lower Genesee.
1756 SOLBERT, OSCAR N. George Eastman.
6033 SOLPIETRO, MARY. The Town of Orangeville and Its Early Settlers.
2618 SOMERVILLE, CLARA O. From Survey Made by Miss Clara O. Somerville for the Young Women's Christian Association--Rochester, N.Y. ...
6101 SOMERVILLE, JAMES K. Homesick in Upstate New York: The Saga of Sidney Roby, 1843-1847.
1024 SOMMERFELDT, JOHN HENRY. The Diary of a German on his Way to Upper Canada. ed. G. Elmore Reaman.
3374 SOPER, WAYNE W. “Development of State Support of Education in New York State.”
5231 SOUTH CENTRAL RESEARCH LIBRARY COUNCIL. A Guide to Local Historical Material in the Libraries of South Central New York State.
5773 SOUTH WEDGE ACTING TOGETHER NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION. 2d Annual S.W.A.T. House Tour, Saturday May 15, 1982 ...
6440 SOUTH, AMY ELIZABETH. Neighborhood Control.
2869 SOWERS, DON C. The Financial History of New York State from 1789-1912.
1188 SPAFFORD, HORATIO G. A Gazetteer of the State of New-York ...
1189 SPAFFORD, HORATIO G. A Gazetteer of the State of New-York ...
52 SPALDING, LYMAN A. "Recollections of the War of 1812 and Early Life in Western New York."
5104 SPARHAWK, LUCIA. "By Road, Rail, Canal and Lake--From Massachusetts to Michigan in 1836."
2387 SPAULDING, THOMAS M. "The First Printing in Hawaii."
1709 SPEARE, JACK W. Protecting the Nation's Money ...
936 SPEARE, JOHN W In Rochester: 100 Years Ago and Now. Centennial Year of the Rochester Savings Bank, 1831-1931.
5949 SPELLMAN, JOHN. Savannah: A Pictorial History.
5098 SPENCER, CAROLINE. "A Trip to Niagara in 1835."
5650 SPENCER, HARRIET HOLLISTER. Being a Short and Incomplete History of the Labours of the “Lady Supervisors” in the Founding and Upbuilding of the Rochester Homeopathic, Later the Genesee Hospital. Compiled from Old Records, Early Newspaper Files, the Hospital Leaflet, and the Long Memories of Some of the Ladies Themselves.
1355 SPENCER, LELAND, and CHARLES J. BLANDFORD. An Economic History of Milk Marketing and Pricing: A Classified Bibliography with Review of Listed Publications, 1840-1970.
1353 SPENCER, LELAND. “The Milk Situation in New York, January 1937.”
1354 SPENCER, LELAND. “Evolution of the Milk Pricing System of the New York New Jersey Market.”
3300 SPENCER, LELAND. “An Economic Study of Rural Store Credit in New York.”
6063 SPENCER, NORMA C. The Hamlet of Oatka, History of Settlement and Oatka Baptist Church.
6043 SPENCER, NORMA, et al. The People of Perry, a More Recent History of the Town of Perry.
4119 SPERRANO, VINCE. A History, Saint Lucy's Church, Retsof, New York, 1911-1965.
5435 SPIEGEL, PAUL M., ed. Pittsford Scrapbook ... Vol. III. Pittsford: Town of Pittsford, n.d.
712 SPIEGEL, PAUL M., ed. Pittsford Scrapbook; Published by the Town of Pittsford.
6098 SPIEGEL, PAUL M., ed. Pittsford Scrapbook V.
5436 SPIEGEL, PAUL M., ed. Pittsford Scrapbook ... Vol. IV.
3620 SPIELMANN, RICHARD M. Bexley Hall: 150 Years, a Brief History,
1927 SPILLER, BURTON. "The Jell-O Story."
6109 SPINA, SUZANNE M. and ANNE S. TANNER. In Celebration of Rochester.
5144 SPOFFORD, PAUL N. Journal of Paul Nelson Spofford (1842, 1848), ed. Samuel T. Moore.
6543 SPRAGUE, ARNOLD. Fishing Along Tonawanda Creek.
6350 SPRAGUE, JESSE RAINSFORD. Country Storekeeper.
3847 SPRATLING, WILLIAM P. “Address ...”
5527 SPRINGER, ETHEL M., and THOMAS F. HAHN. Canal Boat Children on the Chesapeake and Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York Canals.
6733 SPURR, HENRY CLIFFORD. Highlights of Universalism in Rochester, 1833-1946.
6742 SROLE, IRA. Inner City Sanctuary, the History and Theology of Rochester's Black Jews.
4488 ST. JOHN, ROBERT P. “Jemima Wilkinson.”
4218 St. Martin's Evangelical Lutheran Church. Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of the Congregation. 1958.
2487 St. Paul Boulevard Fire Association, Incorporated. 24th Annual Carnival, July 14th-17th, 1948.
4212 STACKEL, RUTH E. The Story of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Reformation.
5731 STACY, NATHANIEL. Memoirs of the Life of Nathaniel Stacy, Preacher of the Gospel of Universal Grace. Comprising a Brief Circumstantial History of the Rise and Progress of Universalism in the State of New York ...
509 STANDERA, STANLEY. “An Historic Inn: The Genesee Falls Hotel.”
5582 STANKE, MICHAEL J., comp. “New York State Black Abolitionist Bibliography.”
4164 STANLEY, DAVID C. Christ Church, Belvidere … 1963.
3022 STANLEY, JOHN L. “Majority Tyranny in Tocqueville's America: The Failure of Negro Suffrage in 1846.”
5027 STANSBURY, PHILIP. A Pedestrian Tour of Two Thousand Three Hundred Miles, in North America. To the Lakes, the Canadas, and the New-England States. Performed in the Autumn of 1821.
1426 STANTON, B.F., and I.R. STARBIRD. "Costs and Returns in Producing Sweet Corn for Processing, 37 Farms, Western New York, 1954."
1427 STANTON, B.F., I.R. STARBIRD, and D.M. STEVENS. "Costs and Returns in Producing Sweet Corn for Processing, 88 Farms, Western New York, 1955."
3061 STANTON, ELIZABETH CADY, SUSAN B. ANTHONY, and others, eds. History of Woman Suffrage.
869 STANTON, HENRY B. Random Recollections. 3d rev. ed.
5203 STARBIRD, ETHELA. New York's Land of Dreamers and Doers.
5125 STARIN, FREDERICK J. Diary of a Journey to Wisconsin in 1840."
3990 STARR, EDWARD C., comp. A Baptist Bibliography, Being a Register of Printed Materials by and about Baptists, Including Works Written against the Baptists. 25 vols.
2163 STAUFER, ALVIN F. Steam Power of the New York Central System. Vol. 1 Modern Power, 1915-1955. Vol. 2, Early Power 1831-1916.
5443 STAVE, BRUCE M. The Making of Urban History': Historiography Through Oral History.
1732 STEAD, HAROLD J. The First Fifty Years of an Optical Career.
5000 STEBBINS, C.B. "Father Winter and His Family."
5112 STEBBINS, SALMON "Journal of Salmon Stebbins, 1837-1838."
5126 STEELE, ELIZA R. A Summer Journey in the West.
5232 STEELE, SAMUEL C., comp. A Bibliography of Published and Un-Published Social Studies on Rochester, New York, 1917-1937.
1649 STEIN-BLOCH CO. Fifty Years of Knowing How.
3324 STELTER, JOHN H. History of Ark Lodge No. 33 F. & A.M., 1807-1957.
3325 STELTER, JOHN H. History Royal Arch Masonry, Geneva, N.Y., 1809-1964.
5595 STELTER, JOHN H. “History of Freemasonry in Ontario County, New York.”
5528 STELTER, JOHN H. “The Eric Canal and Freemasonry.”
5467 STEMMONS, JOHN D. The United States Census Compendium: A Directory of Census Records, Tax Lists, Poll Lists, Petitions, Directories, etc. Which Can be Used as a Census.
5556 STERN, MADELEINE B. Imprints on History: Book Publishers and American Frontiers.
2388 STERN, MADELEINE B. "James D. Bemis: Country Printe."
2389 STERN, MADELEINE B. "Some 19th Century Upstate Publishers."
3287 STERNE, RICHARD S., and others. The Urban Elderly Poor; Racial and Bureaucratic Conflict.
1224 STETSON, G. EMMET. New Gazetteer and Business Directory for Livingston County, N.Y., for 1868.
6578 STEVENS, EDWARD WILLARD, Jr. The Political Education of Children in the Rochester Public Schools, 1899-1917: An Historical Perspective on Social Control in Public Education.
6579 STEVENS, EDWARD W., Jr. School Personnel and Political Socialization: Rochester, New York, 1900-1917.
6580 STEVENS, EDWARD W., Jr. Social Centers, Politics, and Social Efficiency in the Progressive Era.
2164 STEVENS, FRANK W. The Beginnings of the New York Central Railroad: A History.
1079 STEVENS, J. HAROLD. "The Influence of New England in Michigan."
6516 STEVENS, JANE K. ROBINSON. Memoirs...First New York Dragoon: E. Randolph Robinson.
1300 STEVENS, ROBERT D. "The Organization and Capital Structure of Farms: Herkimer, Ontario and Orleans Counties."
1437 STEVENS, V.J., and B.A. DOMINICK, JR. "The New York State Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industry in Transition."
1090 STEWARD, AUSTIN. Twenty-Two Years a Slave and Forty Years a Freeman ...
278 STEWART, A.M. "Sesquicentennial of Farmington, New York, 1789-1939."
4074 STEWART, ALEXANDER M. Early Catholic History in the Rochester Diocese, 1634-1834.
66 STEWART, GEORGE R. American Place-Names: A Concise and Selective Dictionary for the Continental United States of American.
5448 STEWART, MARY ANN ST. LEGER MCGINN. Mary Ann St. Leger McGinn Stewart 1845-1914, Diaries, Letters, and Poems, ed. Elizabeth Hoisington Stewart.
3757 STEWART, MILROY N. Rochester Academy of Science.
6810 STEWART, NATALIE BYRD EPPS. George Ellwanger and Patrick Barry, Romantic Builders.
131 STILWELL, L. L., comp. Angelica Collectanea.
3991 STIMSON, HIRAM K. From the Stage Coach to the Pulpit, Being an Auto Biographical Sketch, with Incidents and Anecdotes, of Elder H.K. Stimson, the Veteran Pioneer of Western New York, now of Kansas.
4823 STITES, RICHARD. Ralph Avery: A Biographical Sketch of the Artist and Man.
5876 STOCKWEATHER, ALICE MATTESON. Gibbonsville Memories.
6480 STOLER, MARGARET. The Disappearance of William Morgan.
67 STONAKER, JANICE HARNED. Studies in Rochester Pronunciation.
5790 STONE, ALBERT R. The Rochester Time Machine: A Photo- mirage of Community Life, 1900-1925.
6858 STONE, ALBERT R. Stoney's Rochester: The Camera of Albert R. Stone. Introduction by Henry W. Clune.
1091 STONE, DESMOND, and PETER BEHR. Race Relations '67; Where Do We Stand?
6724 STONE, DESMOND. Anniversary Reflections: Central Presbyterian Church.
4981 STONE, JAMES. "Diary of a Visit to Orringh Stone in 1803."
1428 STONE, JOHN L. "Commercial Bean Growing in New York."
5640 STONE, LOIS GREENE. “Medical Practice in Early Pittsford.”
81 STONE, PETER M. “Ghost Towns of the Genesee.”
4348 STONE, WARREN S. "The Harvest of the Years": A Sermon Preached in the First Presbyterial Church, Rochester, N.Y., by the Pastor....on the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of the Church.
4324 STONE, WARREN S. Centennial history of the First Presbyterian. Society, LeRoy, New York. 1812-1912.
3004 STONE, WILLIAM L. Letters on Masonry and Anti-Masonry, Addressed to the Hon. John Quincy Adams.
5058 STONE, WILLIAM L. "A Trip from New York to Niagara in 1829: Unpublished Diary of Colonel William L. Stone,"
631 STORK, WILLIAM V., comp. The Student's Hand-Book of Yates County.
1507 STOUT, NEIL J. Atlas of Forestry in New York. N.Y. State College of Forestry, Syracuse University, Bulletin 41.
1329 STOUT, RONALD M. The New York Farm Labor Camps, 1940-1946.
379 STOWELL, HENRY. A History of Seneca Falls, N.Y. (1799-1862).
4824 STOWELL, M. LOUISE. "The Rochester Studios of Harvey Ellis."
5200 STRACHAN, JAMES. E. New Zealand Observer: A Schoolmaster Looks at America.
6531 STRAKOSH, WALTER C., and HOWARD C. HOSMER. A Century of Sociability, the Genesee Valley Club (1885-1985).
1901 STRAUS, DONALD B. Hickey-Freeman Co. and Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America: A Case Study.
4364 STRAYER, PAUL MOORE. A Sheaf of Prayers, by Paul Moore Strayer: with a Sketch of His Life and Work by Hattie L. Webber ...
5259 STRECKER, FRIEDERICK. My First Year as a Jemisonian. … As Printed for The Colophon, Part Seven. To Which is Added a Tabulation of Known Editions and Issues of the Life of Mary Jemison.
5197 STREET, JULIAN. Abroad at Home: American Ramblings, Observations, and Adventures.
4200 STROBEL, P.A., comp. Memorial Volume to Commemorate the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Hartwick Lutheran Synod, of the State of New York. Containing the Historical Address, Written by Rev. P.A. Strobel ..., A List of All the Ministers Who Have Belonged to the Synod, Sketches of Many of the Churches, Brief Biographies of Some of the Pastors, and a Sketch of Hartwick Seminary.
3621 STRONG, ALVAH. Autobiography of Alvah Strong, July 18, 1809-April 20, 1885.
870 STRONG, AUGUSTUS H. Reminiscences of Early Rochester: A Paper Read before the Rochester Historical Society, December 27, 1915.
5619 STRONG, AUGUSTUS H. Historical Discourse Delivered as a Part of the Exercises in Connection with the Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the
395 STROUP, IRMA GALLUP. Around the Town in By-Gone Days. Newark and Town of Arcadia, N.Y., 1791-1853.
2532 STUART, CHARLES B., and DANIEL MARSH. Engineers' Report for Supplying the City of Rochester With Water from Various Sources, Made to the Directors of the Rochester Water Works Co.
5053 STUART, JAMES. Three Years in North America.
6607a STUHLMAN, RACHEL. It Isn't Sanity, but It Sure Is Fun.
2447 STULL, JOHN M. "The Efficiency of the Rochester Charter for Good Government."
2190 STURGIS, HENRY S. A New Chapter of Erie: The Story of Erie's Reorganization, 1938-1941.
6125 SULLIVAN, JOAN. George Clinton Latta: Merchant at the Port of Charlotte.
4088 SULLIVAN, JOSEPH T. First Sixty Years, 1907-1967, .SS. Peter & Paul Parish, Arcade, N.Y.
1608 SULLIVAN, MADELYN H. "Vision in a Cornerstone."
1609 SULLIVAN, MADELYN H. "An Old Friend in a New Dress."
6690 SULLIVAN, MARY FLORENCE. Mercy Comes to Rochester.
2950 SUMNER, ELSIE GRAHAM. "Activities of Canadian Patriots in the Rochester District, 1837-1838."
2082 SUMNER, JOHN D. New York State Barge Canal Traffic.
643 SUNDERLIN, ADELAIDE EDDY. Bonnie Dundee ...
1651 SUPERBA CRAVATS, INC. The First Hundred Years, 1873-1973.
4987 SUTCLIFF, ROBERT. Travels in Some Parts of North America, in the Years 1804, 1805, & 1806.
1003 SUTHERLAND, ARTHUR E. Out of the Past: How the Ghost of the Ancient Hartford Treaty Reappeared in Rochester. Centennial History of Rochester, Vol. l, pp 235-44.
950 SUTHERLAND, D. Rochester City Guide, Indicating the Chief Objects and Places of Interest in and about the City, with a Glance at Its Public Buildings, Some of Its Leading Manufactories, Most Popular Business Houses and Great Commercial Enterprises.
3704 SUTTON, ALICE T. "Private Libraries in Rochester:"
302 SUTTON, SEYMOUR H. Annals of Naples.
4754 SWAIN, GEORGE F., and others. Report of a Committee of Experts Appointed to Investigate Suggested Sites for New Passenger Station of New York Central and Hudson River Railroad at Rochester, N.Y.
6770 SWAN, JOYCE FERRIS. A Greek-Revival Rose.
6736 SWAN, JOYCE FERRIS. A Farmer of the Old Order.
5880 SWAN, JOYCE FERRIS. Village with a Past.
5131 SWAN, LANSING B. Journal of a Trip to Michigan in 1841.
5848 SWANSON, DUANE P., and HUGH R. GIBB. The Historical Records of the Components of Conrail: A Survey and Inventory.
5696 SWANTON, CAROLYN. "Dr. Algernon S. Crapsey: Religious Reformer."
5751 SWARTOUT, BARBARA C. Ontario County Cobblestones. Canandaigua: Ontario County Historical Society;
6434 SWARTZ, JOEL, ed. Kay Lowry.
6212 SWARTZ, JOEL, compiler. For Your Reading Pleasure.
703 SWEET, A. PORTER S., ed. Perinton Papers: A Collection of Essays Prepared by Members of the Perinton Historical Society.
1459 SWEET, A.T. "Soil Survey of Monroe County, New York." U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Series 1933, no. 17.
1654 SWEET, SYLVANUS F. Communication from the State Engineer and Surveyor Transmitting a Special Report on Coal ... (N.Y. Senate Document no. 71, 1865)
4291 SWEET, WILLIAM W. Religion on the American Frontier, 1783-1840. Vol. II: The Presbyterians:
5606 SWENSON, RALPH E. "Study of Former Vocational Agriculture Students in the Naples, New York Area ..."
5799 SWIFT, FREDERIC F. James Baxter, An American Pioneer Music Educator.
2070 SWIFT, JOSEPH G. Reports and Estimates, for Uniting Lake Ontario with the Erie Canal, at Sodus Bay. Oct. 1831.
4782 SWINNEY, HOLMAN J. "New York State Gunmakers: A Partial Checklist."
5925 SZYMANSKI, JAN, compiler. Celebrate Victor, 1813-1988, 175 Years. A Booklet Commemorating the Celebration of the Town of Victor's 175th Anniversary in 1989 in Conjunction with Ontario County's 200th Year.
5543 TABER, THOMAS T. The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad in the Nineteenth Century.
5544 TABER, THOMAS T., and THOMAS T. TABER III. The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad in the Twentieth Century.
2728 TADDIKEN, ALAN J. Toward More Effective Planning: A New Framework Re-shaping the Comprehensive Planning Function in County and Municipal Govern-ment, Monroe County, New York.
4308 TAINTOR, SARAH A. An Historical Sketch of the First Presbyterian Church of Avon. 1945.
5033 TALBOT, EDWARD ALLEN. Five Years’ Residence in the Canadas: Including a Tour through Part of the United States of America, in the Year 1823.
6762 TALLMAN, CARL C. Early Wood-Built Houses of Central New York,
4398 TANNER, DOROTHY H. Reflections, 1911-1961. A 50-Year History of United Congregational Church of Irondequoit, New York.
1787 TANNER, OGDEN. “Renaissance on the Genesee.”
5252 TANSELLE, G. THOMAS. Guide to the Study of United States Imprints.
1429 TAPLEY, WILLIAM and others. "Sweet Corn." The Vegetables of New York Vol. l, Part 3.
1430 TAPLEY, WILLIAM and others. "The Cucurbits."
1668 TARBELL, IDA M. The History of the Standard Oil Company.
1174 TATE, LELAND B. "Rural Homes of City Workers and the Urban-Rural Migration."
5063 TATUM, SIBYL. Account of Journey of Sibyl Tatum with Her Parents from N. Jersey to Ohio in 1830.
3301 TAYLOR, EDWARD A. “The Relationship of the Open-Country Population of Genesee County, New York, to Villages and Cities.”
5342 TAYLOR, EDWARD A. “History of Genesee County, 1825- 1850.”
1951 TAYLOR, FRANK H., comp. Geneva on Seneca Lake.
5625 TAYLOR, GLADYS M., comp. A Bibliography of Institute History, Rochester: Institute of Technology.
2165 TAYLOR, JEREMY. "Last Gasp of Sensation on the New York Central."
5994 TAYLOR, JOYCE BLANKLEY. Yesterday in Castile.
1330 TAYLOR, LEE, and J. PAUL LEAGANS, eds. "Workers in Agribusiness."
937 TAYLOR, MARJORIE A. "Rochester Breaks into Print in England."
2290 TEETOR-DOBBINS, engineers. Summary Report, Monroe County Aviation Facilities, 1967-1990.
6581 TEITELBAUM, KENNETH NEIL. Schooling for "Good Rebels": Socialist Education for Children in the United States, 1900-1920.
2400 TELEPHONE PIONEERS OF AMERICA. History, Telephone Pioneers of America. Genesee Chapter, Rochester, New York, 1911-1961 ...
380 TELLER, FRED. "Samuel Harris and His Son John Harris."
4927 TELLER, FRED. "Union Hall, Daniels Hall, Daniels Opera House and Other Amusement Halls of Seneca Falls."
2304 TELLER,, FRED. "Early Roads and Ferries, the Genesee Highway and Seneca Turnpike Roads."
2321 TENNANT, J.I. "The Relationship between Roads and Agriculture in New York."
4352 TERRILL, ANNA E. "History of the Presbyterian Church of Gates."
4362 The Brick Church Tower, July 1954. "Memorial Edition," Harold E. Nicely, D.D.
6901 THE BROCKPORT POST. Index, 1989 - date.
3760 The Club. "Si quid veri inveneris profer." 1854-1937.
154 The Genesee County Pioneer Association. A History of Its Organization, List of Officers and Members, and the Annual Address, Delivered June 11th, 1878, by Hon. Norman Seymour.
3629 The Lamron, Geneseo State Normal School, 50th Anniversary. Geneseo: 1921. 116 pp. (School yearbook.) The Lamron, Geneseo State Normal School, 50th Anniversary.
5190 THE TIMES (London) A Visit to the States. A Reprint of Letters from the Special Correspondent of the Times.
2371 THETA SIGMA PHI. The Rochester Professional Chapter of Theta Sigma Phi Honors Four Rochester Newspaper Women ...
333 THOMAS ARAD. Pioneer History of Orleans County, New York ...
2704 THOMAS GREGORY. Corrections in Monroe County, New York, 1970-1973.
335 THOMAS, ARAD. Sketches of the Village of Albion: Containing Incidents of Its History and Progress, from Its First Settlement, and a Statistical Account of Its Trade, Schools, Societies, Manufactures, etc.
68 THOMAS, C. K. "Pronunciation in Upstate New York."
5006 THOMAS, DAVID. Travels through the Western Country in the Summer of 1816 …
1943 THOMAS, DOUGLAS A. " A Study of College Student Expenditures in the Village of Geneseo in the Academic Year, 1968-69.
1292 THOMAS, JOHN J. "Agriculture of Wayne County."
674 THOMAS, JUNE, ed. From the Wilderness: Town of Gates Sesquicentennial, 1813-1963.
2322 THOMAS, LOWELL J. The New York Thruway Story.
6165 THOMAS, W. STEPHEN, and RUTH ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK. `Sleeper's' City, the Sesquicentennial History of Mt. Hope Cemetery.
1575 THOMAS, W. STEPHEN. “History of Rochester Invention.”
938 THOMAS, W. STEPHEN. "Folklore Figures of Rochester."
2007 THOMPSON, D.G. BRINTON. "Samuel B. Ruggles and His Correction with the Erie Canal."
5355 THOMPSON, ELIZABETH. Sesqui-Centennial, Town of Portage, Livingston County, New York State, 1827-1977.
6904 THOMPSON, GARY B., ed. Index to the Newspapers Published in Geneva, New York. Vol. II: 1820-1829.
5830 THOMPSON, GARY B., ed. Index to the Newspapers Published in Geneva, New York. Vol. l: 1806-1819.
4901 THOMPSON, HAROLD W., and EDITH E. CUTTING, eds. A Pioneer Songster. Texts from the Stevens-Douglass Manuscript of Western New York, 1841-1856.
45 THOMPSON, HAROLD. Body, Boots & Britches.
5316 THOMPSON, HAROLD. Body, Boots & Britches…
5316 THOMPSON, HAROLD. Body, Boots & Britches…
9 THOMPSON, JOHN H., ed. Geography of New York State.
3972 THOMPSON, JOHN N. "History of the Sabbath Schools of Rochester."
654 THOMPSON, KATHERINE W., and SHIRLEY C. HUSTED, eds. Preface to Tomorrow: Monroe County History Briefly Told and Illustrated.
699 THOMPSON, KATHERINE WILCOX. Penfield's Past, 1810-1960.
5897 THOMPSON, MRS. BYRON. Sesqui-centennial Town of Portage, Livingston County, New York State, 1827-1977.
5341 THOMPSON, MRS. HOWARD E. A History of the Town of Wirt and Village of Richburg, New York, 1963.
2395 THOMPSON, ROBERT L. Wiring a Continent: The History of the Telegraphic Industry in the United States, 1832-1866.
5895 THOMSON, JAMIE. Historical Geneseo: A Walking Tour of the Center of the Village; a Tribute to Geneseo Bicentennial, 1789-1989.
2144 THOMSON, THOMAS R., comp. Check List of Publications on American Railroads before 1841: A Union List of Printed Books and Pamphlets ...
151 THOMSON. E.C. A History of the Town of Wirt and Village of Richburg, New York.
5718 THORNE, CHESTER C. An Historical Sermon, Preached in the First Presbyterian Church of Manchester, Shortsville, N.Y., Sunday September 3d, 1876.
4624 THORNTON, WINIFRED KNIGHT. "A History of the Church Mansion, Belvidere."
3302 THURLOW, MILDRED B. “Interests, Activities, and Problems of Rural Young Folk. I: Women 15 to 29 Years of Age.” ; “II. Men 15 to 29 Years of Age,” by W. A. Anderson and Willis Kerns.
3272 THURSTON, HENRY W. "Condensed Report of a Survey of Juvenile Delinquency in Rochester, New York."
676 TIERNAN, MARTIN F. Memoirs.
4774 TIFFANY STUDIOS. A Partial List of Windows Designed and Executed by Tiffany Studios ...
1577 TIMES-UNION. Rochester, N.Y. Trading Area.
1576 TIMES-UNION. Suburban Rochester; A Picture of the Rich Suburban Market of Rochester, N.Y. ...
2373 TIMES-UNION/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. Your Editorial Page: 1. What It Is. 2. What It Stands For. 3. How It's Produced.
2372 TIMES-UNION/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. How Your Newspapers are Made.
2374 TIMES-UNION/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. Your Newspapers and How to Use Them.
6500 TINLING, MARION. Women Remembered, a Guide to Landmarks of Women's History in the United States.
6417 TINNEY, JAMES, and MARY BURDETTE-WATKINS. Seaway Trail Lighthouses: An Illustrated Guide to the Historic Lighthouses Along New York State's Great Lakes, Niagara and St. Lawrence Rivers.
5067 TOCQUEVILLE, ALEXIS DE. Journey to America 'trans. George Lawrence, ed. J.P. Mayer.
1710 TODD CO.. Todd, 1899-1939, Pioneers in Protection.
4936 TODD, C. LAFAYETTE. Some Nineteenth Century European Travellers in New York State. New York History, 43 (1962), 336-70.
457 TOLLES, JAMES S. “A Pioneer on the Holland Purchase.”
5431 TOMKIEWICZ, VIRGINIA and SHIRLEY COX HUSTED. Eight Miles Along the Shore: An Illustrated History of Greece, New York, 10,000 B.C. to 1980 A.D.
5764 TOMLAN, MARY RADDANT. A Walking Tour in Canandaigua: Comprising the Residential Area along Gibson, Howell, and North Main Streets and the South Main Street Commercial District..
171 TOMLINSON, GEORGE. From Youth to Seventy and What I Saw by the Way.
2166 TONAWANDA RAIL-ROAD COMPANY. Report upon the Tonawanda Rail-Road Company, Exhibiting Its Present Situation and Future Prospects. By a Committee.
4233 TOOKER, MANLY. Poems, and Jottings of Itinerancy in Western New-York...
6000 TORREY, EILEEN M. Peoria - Village With More Than a Past.
5040 TORY, JOSEPH. Slife and Letters of Joseph Story, ed. William W. Story.
3084 TOWLE, EDWARD L. "The Militia Myth: Letters from Lt. William B. Rochester on the Niagara Frontier, 1813."
4477 TOWNSEND, ANNA A., comp. Memoir of Elizabeth Newport.
552 TOZIER, ETHEL A.M. “An Orangeville Landmark.”
553 TOZIER, ETHEL A.M. “Superstitions and Sayings.”
4255 TOZIER, ETHEL A.M. "First Methodist Church of Warsaw--1808-1954."
4337 TOZIER, ETHEL A.M. "An Old Landmark"
3785 TOZIER, ETHEL A.M. “John G. Meacham, M.D., Local Pioneer in Use of Chloroform.”
2173 TOZIER, ETHEL A.M. "The Hawley Pea-Pickers Excursions."
2053 TRACY, HENRY. "Report on the Cost and Policy of Constructing Reservoirs of Conesus, Hemlock, Honeoye and Canadice Lakes."
2054 TRACY, HENRY. "Report of the Canal Commissioners as to the Supply of Water between Tonawanda and Montezuma."
2055 TREMAIN, HENRY E. The Canal Railway. Argument of Gen. Henry Edwin Tremain of New York City, before the Senate Canal Committee.
4812 TRENOR, JAMES D. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Powers Art Gallery, Rochester, N.Y. ...
3821 TREUSDELL, CAROL S. "Greenwood Springs."
4201 TREXLER, SAMUEL. Crusaders of the Twentieth Century: A Lutheran Story in the Empire State.
1126 TRICE, FRANCIS L. Anglicismos en el Espanol puertoriqueno de Rochester, New York.
6881 TRIEN, SUSAN. A Four-Generation Romance with Carousels.
405 TRIMBLE, AUGUST, ed. History of the Town of Ontario.
906 TRIMBLE, JEANNETTE HOOKER. "St. Paul St. in the Old Days."
1831 TRIMM, H. WAYNE. "Ward's--Crossroads of Natural Sciences."
6320 TRIMM, WATNE. Ward's, a Natural Science Treasure House.
1025 TRIPP, WENDELL. Robert Troup: A Quest for Security in a Turbulent New Nation, 1775-1832.
5817 TROGDON, WILLIAM (William Least Heat Moon). Blue Highways: A Journey into America.
5068 TROLLOPE, FRANCES. Domestic Manners of the Americans, ed. Donald Smalley.
5948 TROSKOSKY, BETTY, ed. Palmyra: A Bicentennial Celebration, 1789-1989.
2032 TROUP, ROBERT. A Vindication of the Claim of Elkanah Watson, Esq. to the Merit of Projecting the Lake Canal Policy, as Created by the Canal Act of March 1792. And also, a Vindication of the Claim of the Late General Schuyler to the Merit of Drawing that Act, and Procuring Its Passage through the Legislature.
2033 TROUP, ROBERT. A Letter to the Honorable Brockholst Livingston, Esqu., One of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, on the Lake Canal Policy of the State of New-York.
1026 TROUP, ROBERT. In Assembly … Feb. l, 1814: The Committee to Whom were Referred the Several Petitions of the Settler of the Pulteney Estate.
1027 TROUP, ROBERT. A Defense of the Agency of the Pulteney Estate, against the Charge of Exerting Its Influence in the State Elections.
1028 TROUP, ROBERT. Instructions from Robert Troup, as Chief Agent of the Pulteney Estate, to William M'Cay, in Respect to the Management of the Estate ...
692 TROWBRIDGE, JOHN T. My Own Story with Recollections of Noted Persons
5028 TROWBRIDGE, SILAS V. R Reminiscences of an Early Michigan Settler.
5870 TRUBOWITZ, NEAL L. Highway Archaeology and Settlement Study in the Genesee Valley.
2951 TRUE, CHARLES H. Lincoln in Rochester: A Memorable Journey.
713 TRUE, CHARLES H. "Pittsford Town Records."
939 TRUEDALE, DOROTHY S. "The Younger Generation: Their Opinions, Pastimes, and Enterprises, 1830-1850."
940 TRUEDALE, DOROTHY S. "The Marriages and Bereavements of Captain Samuel Currier."
2952 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "'Speak No Ill of the Dead.'" -
2953 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Rochester Views the Third Term, 1880."
3338 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "International Cricket at Jones Square."
4891 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. “The Telephone Concert.”
4918 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "'Mr. Dickens Will Read.'"
2518 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Historic Main Street Bridge."
2360 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Leonard W. Jerome."
4928 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Mr. Lauriat and His Balloon."
4937 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. Travelers from the European Continent.
4938 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. “American Travel Accounts of Early Rochester.”
3532 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. “The Three R's in Rochester, 1850-1900.”
2056 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "The Canal Steamer 'Edward Backus.'"
3122 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Congressman Ely's Captivity."
1527 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. “A Reform among Bootblacks,”
796 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S., and BLAKE McKELVEY. The Rochester Area in American History: Materials Compiled in the Office of the City Historian for Supplementary Use in Eight Grade Social Studies.
2901 TRYON & SCHWARTZ. Proposed Development Plan -Penn Yan, New York.
1914 TRYON, ROLLA M. Household Manufactures in the United States, 1640-1860; A Study in Industrial History.
1385 TSUI, RUH-TSUIN. Farm Management Study of Two Hundred Fruit Farms near Sodus, Wayne County, New York, 1940.
5069 TUDOR, HENRY. Narrative of a Tour in North America; Comprising Mexico, the Mines of Real del Monte, the United States, and the British Colonies …
4890 TUESDAY MUSICALE. Year Book in Celebration of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Tuesday Musicale.
3636 TURK, MILTON H. Hobart: The Story of a Hundred Years, 1822-1922.
11 TURNER, ORSAMUS. History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase, and Morris' Reserve: Embracing the Counties of Monroe, Ontario, Livingston, Yates, Steuben, Most of Wayne and Allegany, and Parts of Orleans, Genesee and Wyoming. To Which is Added, A Supplement, or Extension of the Pioneer History of Monroe County. Rochester: William Alling, 1851. 624 pp. 2nd ed., ... To Which is Added, a Supplement, or Continuation of the Pioneer History of Ontario, Wayne, Livingston, Yates and Allegany Counties.
10 TURNER, ORSAMUS. Pioneer History of the Holland Purchase of Western New York; Embracing Some Account of the Ancient Remains; A Brief History of Our Immediate Predecessors, the Confederated Iroquois, Their System of Government, Wars, etc. -- A Synopsis of Colonial History: Some Notices of the Border Wars of the Revolution: and a History of Pioneer Settlement under the Auspices of the Holland Company; Including Reminiscences of the War of 1812; the Origin, Progress and Completion of the Erie Canal, etc. etc. etc.
1301 TURNER, PAUL E. "Monroe County Sesquicentennial, 1821-1971: Agriculture 150 Years."
809 TURPIN, MORLEY B. "Ebenezer Allan in the Genesee Country."
6388 TURREL, JOHN DANIEL. Jared Daniel Turrel, the Man and His Train.
5497 TURRI, SUSAN T. The
1982 TUSTIN, E.B., JR., and CLAYTON I. RUSTED. "Silver Springs."
704 TUTTLE, LINN B. After Twenty Years: History of the Village of East Rochester, Its Growth, Development and Future Prospects--In Celebration of 20th Anniversary.
673 TUTTLE, RAY. "The Town of Clarkson," pp. 8-64 in The Town of Clarkson Sesquicentennial, 1819-1969.
1092 TWENTIETH CENTURY FUND. CDC's. New Hope for the Inner City; Report of the Twentieth Century Fund Task Force on Community Development Corporations.
2262 TYLER, POLLY. Hosea Rogers, Builder of Boats,
1578 U.S. 89th Congress, 2d Session. House Report No. 2343. “Small Business Problems in Urban Areas. A Report of Subcommittee No. 5 ... of the Select Committee on Small Business ...”
1970 U.S. 90th Congress, 2d Session. House of Representatives Report no. 1977. "Small Business in Smaller Cities and Towns. A Report of Subcommittee no. 4 on Urban Areas to the Select Committee on Small Business."
1580 U.S. 91st Congress, 2d Session. House of Representatives. “Rural and Urban Problems of Small Businessmen (Schenectady-Rochester-Pittsford, N.Y.). Hearings before the Subcommittee on Small Business Problems in Smaller Towns and Urban Areas of the Select Committee on Small Business ..., Vol. 2.
1579 U.S. 91st Congress, 2d Session. House Report No. 91-1436. “Rural and Urban Problems of Small Businessmen. A Report of Subcommittee No. 3 to the Select Committee on Small Business.”
3161 U.S. Adjutant General's Office. World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing, State of New York. War Department, June, 1946.
1186 U.S. Bureau of the Census. Heads of Families at the First Census of the U.S. Taken in the Year 1790 ... Vol. 7: New York.
1151 U.S. Bureau of the Census. Areas of New York: 1960.
1152 U.S. Bureau of the Census. County and City Data Book, 1972: A Statistical Abstract Supplement ...
1153 U.S. Bureau of the Census. Bureau of Census Catalog of Publications, 1790-1972.
1528 U.S. Bureau of the Census. Tenth Census, 1880. “Rochester, Monroe County, New York,” pp. 615-24 in Vol. 18: Report on the Social Statistics of Cities.
3593 U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Hearing Held in Rochester, New York, September 16-17, 1966.
2310 U.S. CONGRESS. American State Papers... Class VII: Post Office De-partment.
2876 U.S. Congress. Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress, 1774-1961.
2625 U.S. Department of Agriculture. Facts about the Food Stamp Plan to be Tried Out in Rochester upon an Experimental Basis.
1176 U.S. Department of Commerce. Measuring Metropolitan Markets: A Guide to the Use of U.S. Government Data.
4573 U.S. Department of the Interior. National Park Service. The National Register of Historic Places, 1976.
2270 U.S. DEPT. OF WAR. A Report of a Survey of Genesee River, the South Shore of Lake Ontario, between the Genesee and Oswego Rivers, and Big Sandy Creek, in the State of New York.
2271 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Annual Report upon the Improvement of Harbors on Lake Ontario East of Oak Orchard, N.Y., and of Certain Rivers and Harbors in Northern New York.
2276 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Great Sodus Bay Harbor,
2273 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Charlotte Harbor, N.Y.
2274 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Oak Orchard Harbor,
2275 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Pultneyville Harbor, N.Y.
2272 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Charlotte Harbor, N.Y.
2280 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Great Lakes Harbors Study--Interim Report on Rochester Harbor, New York.
2281 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Great Lakes Harbors Study--Interim Report on Great Sodus Bay, New York.
2277 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Rochester (Charlotte) Harbor,
2278 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Rochester (Charlotte) Harbor,
2279 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. "Irondequoit Bay."
2334 U.S. Federal Highway Administration, and N.Y. Department of Transportation. The Rochester Outer Loop (1-590) from Scottsville Road (Route 383) to Winton Road, Monroe County ...
2335 U.S. Federal Highway Administration, and N.Y. Department of Transportation. Final Environmental Impact Statement: Rochester Outer Loop (I7571: Scottsville Road to Winton Road.
2323 U.S. Federal Highway Administration; and N.Y. Department of Transportation. Final Environmental Statement, Administrative Action for the Genesee Expressway, I-390, Dansville to I-90 at Exit 46 (West Henrietta), Livingston and Monroe Counties.
13 U.S. Federal Writer's Project. New York: A Guide to the Empire State
959 U.S. Federal Writers' Project. American Guide Series. Rochester and Monroe County.
5311 U.S. FEDERAL WRITER'S PROJECT. New York: A Guide to the Empire State.
5311 U.S. FEDERAL WRITER'S PROJECT. New York: A Guide to the Empire State.
4574 U.S. Historic American Buildings Survey. Historic American Buildings Survey: Catalog of the Measured Drawings and Photographs of the Survey in the Library of Congress, March 1, 1941.
5253 U.S. Historical Records Survey, Illinois. "Rochester, N.Y. Imprints, 1816-1850. "
5254 U.S. Historical Records Survey, Illinois. "Preliminary Check List of Batavia Imprints 1819-1876."
5283 U.S. Historical Records Survey. (Its Proceedings, Vol. 38, no. 2; brief descriptions of holdings of Rochester Public Library, Rochester Historical Society, Ontario County Historical Society.)
3023 U.S. Historical Records Survey. Calendar of the Gerrit Smith Papers in the Syracuse University Library.
5284 U.S. Historical Records Survey. Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in New York State (Exclusive of New York City).
5285 U.S. Historical Records Survey. Supplement.
5293 U.S. Historical Records Survey. Inventory of Maps (Partial) Located in Various State, County, Municipal and Other Public Offices in New York State (Exclusive of New York City).
3981 U.S. Historical Records Survey. Guide to the Vital Statistics Records of Churches in New York State (Exclusive of New York City).
4155 U.S. Historical Records Survey. New York. Inventory of the Church Archives of New York State Exclusive of New York City. Prepared by the Historical Records Survey, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Progress Administration. Protestant Episcopal Church. Diocese of Western New York.
4156 U.S. Historical Records Survey. New York. Inventory of the Church Archives of New York State Exclusive of New York City. ... Protestant Episcopal Church. Diocese of Rochester.
2174 U.S. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. ... Valuation Docket No. 710. In the Matter of the Tentative Valuation of the Properties of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway Company ... as of June 30, 1917. Protestant's Brief in Support of Protest to Tentative Evaluation. Abstract of Evidence. Vol. 1, Part 2, Land.
2311 U.S. Laws, Statutes. Public Statutes at Large ..., 1789-1845, ed. Richard Peters. 5 vols.
5305 U.S. Library of Congress. Genealogies in the Library of Congress: A Bibliography.
1581 U.S. Library of Congress. Foreign Trade and the City of Rochester, New York.
5286 U.S. Library of Congress. The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections. Ann Arbor: J.W. Edwards, 1962; Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String Press, 1964;
5834 U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES & RECORDS SERVICE. Guide to Genealogical Research in the National Archives.
5468 U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES & RECORDS SERVICE. The 1910 Federal Population Census. A Catalog of Microfilm Copies of the Schedules.
5825 U.S. NATIONAL ARCHIVES & RECORDS SERVICE. National Historical Publications & Records Commission. Directory of Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the United States.
3162 U.S. Navy Dept. Office of Public Information. State Summary of War Casualties (New York).
1915 U.S. Patent Office. “Letter from the Secretary of State, Transmitting a List of Patents Granted for Useful Inventions during the Year 1830.”
1916 U.S. Patent Office. “Letter from the Secretary of State Transmitting a List of All Patents Granted by the United States ...”
4813 ULP, CLIFFORD M. “Art and Artists in Rochester.”
4454 UNDERHILL, ANN FOX. The Missing Link in Modern Spiritualism.
1411 UNDERWOOD, F.L. "Costs and Returns in Producing Potatoes in New York in 1929."
655 UNION & ADVERTISER. The Year Book of the Union and Advertiser ... 1888-1913.
4242I United Methodist Church, Oakfield, New York. Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1970.
6429 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. Proud to Serve, a History of the United States Postal Service in Rochester, New York, 1812-1984.
954 United Typothetae of America. Tenth Annual Convention, Rochester, New York, September 7-10, 1896.
3672 UNIVERSITY CF ROCHESTER. Eastman School of Music. The Golden 20's Gala in Honor of George Eastman and the 50th Anniversary of the Eastman Theatre and the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra.
3675 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. The First Decade: The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, 1926-1936.
3676 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. The Quarter Century: A Review of the First Twenty-Five Years, 1925-1950. School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester Municipal Hospital.
3677 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. School of Medicine and Dentistry. Twenty-Fifth Anniversary, Department of Psychiatry., 1946 1971.
3849 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Medical Center. Fifty Years of Medicine at Rochester.
2126 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Memorial Art Gallery. "The Erie Canal: Thruway of Yesterday." An Exhibition Featuring the 130th Anniversary of the Opening of Rochester's First Aqueduct over the Genesee River. October, November, December, 1953.
5287 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Libraries. The Department of Special Collections: A Survey.
2675 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Management. Clinics. Are We Heading toward a New Community Concept? Some Observations on Our Local Government Economy by the Report Group of the Local Government Committee.
1177 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Department of Sociology. Rochester at Mid- century: A Graphic Description of the Population Characteristics of Rochester, N.Y.
4814 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Fine Arts Dept. The Art Book, 1974-1975.
3664 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. The University of Rochester: The First Hundred Years: Centennial Issue of the Alumni-Alumnae Review Commemorating the University's One Hundredth Anniversary.
3665 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Alumni Director, 125th Anniversary Edition, 1975.
2461 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Rochester; A Study in Civic Values.
3663 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. General Catalogue of the University of Rochester, 1850-1928.
5132 UNONIUS, GUSTAF. A Pioneer in Northwest American, 1841-1858: The Memoirs of Gustaf Unonius, trans. Jonas O. Backlund, ed. Nils W. Olsson.
4489 UPSON, RUTH. “New Jerusalem and the Public Universal Friend.”
2620 URBAN LEAGUE. Racial Steering in the Monroe County Housing Market: Special Report.
2734 URBAN POLICY CONFERENCE. Focus from the Future: A Report to the Greater Rochester Community on Preliminary Policies Needed for Progress Toward a Higher Quality Future.
6221 URBANIC, KATHLEEN. Shoulder to Shoulder: Polish Americans in Rochester, New York, 1890-1990.
6470 USEEM, BERT, and PETER KIMBALL. States of Siege; U. S. Prison Riots, 1971-1986.
3758 UTZ, JOHN. (History of Rochester Engineering Society.)
6117 VACCA, CAROLYN S. and WANDA ELLEN WAKEFIELD. Housing Conditions as a Predictor for Riot: Rochester, New York, 1964.
294 VAIL, ROBERT W.G. "The Photographer of the "Elegant and Salubrious Village' -- Recollections of the Life and Work of a Wet-Plate Photographer in a Small Town by His Son."
990 VAIL, R.W.G. “A Western New York Land Prospectus,” pp. 112-26 in Bookmen's Holiday ...
987 VAIL, R.W.G. The voice of the Old Frontier.
984 VAIL, ROBERT W.G. “The Lure of the Land Promoter: A Bibliographical Study of Certain New York Real Estate Rarities.”
3005 VALANCE, HENRY L. Confession of the Murder of William Morgan. As Taken Down by L. John L. Finery, of Racine County, Wisconsin, in the Summer of 1848, Now First Given to the Public.
2559 VALENTINE, LUCIA. "Rochester's Planning Problem."
4417 VAN ARSDALE, E.B. "The Early Reformed Church."
1582 VAN CAMEN, ALAN B. “Rochester: A City Built by Research.”
46 VAN DER HOOF, ELISHA W. Historical Sketches of Western New York; The Seneca Indians, Phelps and Gorham Purchase, Morris Reserve and Holland Purchase, Mary Jemison, Jemima Wilkinson, Joseph Smith, Jr., and Mormonism, Morgan and Antimasonry, the Fox Sisters and Rochester Knockings.
2955 VAN DEUSEN, GLYNDON G. "A Young American, Frontier Style: The Early Years of a Famous Citizen of Rochester."
2930 VAN DEUSEN, GLYNDON G. Thurlow Weed: Wizard of the Lobby.
2954 VAN DEUSEN, GLYNDON G. "Thurlow Weed in Rochester."
1029 VAN DEUSEN, JOHN G. Robert Troup: Agent of the Pulteney Estate.
6136 VAN DEUSEN, RUTH. Memories of Childhood at Warner Castle.
6677 VAN DUSSEN, GREGORY. The Persistence of the Puritan Vision: Conflict Among the Evangelicals in Bergen, New York.
1472 VAN DUYNE, CORNELIUS. "Soil Survey of Wayne County, New York." Field Operations of the Bureau of Soils, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1919, pp. 273-348 and map.
225 VAN GELDER, E. LUCILLE. Lima: Past & Present. A Visit to Lima in 1861; Early Residents of Lima; Veterans of the Civil War; Heroes of the World War; Lima's 1918 Honor Roll; Lima in 1919.
3379 VAN LENNEP. HENRY J. Ingham University: A University for Women, in LeRoy, N.Y. Historical Sketch and Description ...
4021 VAN OSTRAND, Mrs. Clayton. History of the Penfield Baptist Church, 1904-1941.
983 VAN PRADELLES, BENEDICT? Reflecting offertes aux capitalistes de l'Europe, sur les benefices immences, que presente l'achat de terres incultes, situees dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique.
6309 VAN RAVENSWAAY, CHARLES. Drawn from Nature: The Botanical Art of Joseph Prestele and His Sons.
6308 VAN RAVENSWAAY, CHARLES. `Drawn and Colored from Nature', Painted Nurserymen's Plates.
4340 VAN SLYKE, LAWRENCE "The Presbyterian Church of Pike."
4319 VAN SLYKE, LUCIUS L. First Presbyterian Church, Geneva, New York. historical Narrative Delivered October 11, 1925, on the Occasion of the One Hundred Twenty-fifth Anniversary.
4304 VAN TYNE, H. K. "History of the United Presbyterian Church in Cuylerville, N.Y."
6351 VAN VORST, BESSIE (MCGINNIS) (MRS. JOHN) and MARIE VAN VORST. The Woman Who Toils; Being the Experiences of Two Gentlewomen as Factory Girls.
1275 VAN WAGENEN, JARED J., JR. The Golden Age of Homespun.
1302 VAN WAGNER, EDITH. Agricultural Manual of New York State, Arranged by Counties.
3214 VAN ZANDT, RAYMOND P., comp. A Handbook of Social Agencies of Rochester.
4190 VAN ZANDT, WASHINGTON. An Appeal, by the Reverend Washington Van Zandt, Late Rector of Grace Church, Rochester.
5890 VANALSTYNE, MARY C., compiler. Index of Names in F. W. Beers "Part First" Gazetteer and Biographical Record of Genesee County, 1788-1890.
2034 VANDERKEMP. FRANCIS ADRIAN. "Extracts from the Vander Kemp Papers. From the Hudson to Lake Ontario in 1792."
872 VARNEY, ELIZABETH J. "Panorama of Rochester in Its Early Days."
1449 VAUGHAN, LAWRENCE M. "Abandoned Farm Areas in New York."
5578 VAUGHN, WILLIAM P. The Antimasonic Party in the United States, 1826-1843.
5941 VECSEY, CHRISTOPHER, and WILLIAM A. STARNA, editors. Iroquois Land Claims.
540 VELZY, MARK N. “A Farmer's Year--1864.”
6851 VIA, MARIE. Beloved Vagabond, the Paintings and Drawings of Harvey Ellis.
1119 VIERA, DAVID J. The Portuguese of Rochester and Monroe County, New York.
5549 VIERHILE, ROBERT J., and WILLIAM J. VIERHILE. The Canandaigua Lake Steamboat Era, 1827 to 1935.
3309 VIRGADAMO, NICHOLAS, ed. The Knights of Columbus in the State of New York, 1891-1968 ...
3219 VOCATIONS FOR SOCIAL CHANGE. Rochester People's Yellow Pages.
6064 VOGEL, MARGE. Warsaw's Dangerous Hill.
5835 VOGEL, PAMELA J., comp. Directory of New York State County and Municipal Historians.
4968 VOLNEY, CONSTANTIN FRANCOIS CHASSEBOEUF, COMTE DE. A View of the Climate and Soil of the United States of America; to Which are Annexed Some Accounts of Florida, the French Colony on the Scioto, Certain Canadian Colonies, and the Savages or Natives.
4858 VON DER LANCKEN, FRANK. "Rochester in Black and White."
4859 VON DER LANCKEN, FRANK. "Picturesque Rochester Competition."
4860 VON DER LANCKEN, FRANK. "More of Picturesque Rochester: Results of the 1913 Sketch Competition."
2019 W----. Great Western Canal.
2720 WAASDORP, NORTHRUP & KAELBER, architects,. County of Monroe Zoological Park Development Program.
4870 WADSWORTH, DANIEL. "Illustrations of the View Taken from the Upper Falls of the Genesee River; in a Letter to the Editor."
2324 WADSWORTH, JAMES W., JR. The Good Road Problem in Livingston County.
5350 WADSWORTH, JAMES JEREMIAH. The Silver Spoon: An Autobiography by James J. Wadsworth.
3085 WADSWORTH, JAMES. "James Wadsworth's Call to Arms," ed. Jack Guildroy.
427 WADSWORTH, JOHN O., Comp. Wolcott, New York, Old and New: A History of the Original Town of Wolcott and the Four Present Townships, Butler, Huron, Rose, Wolcott, into Which the Original Town was Divided; and Genealogic Sketches of the Pioneer Families.
6551 WADSWORTH, W. AUSTIN. The Hunting Diaries of W. Austin Wadsworth, M.F.H., Genesee Valley Hunt, 1876-1909.
2102 WAGGONER, MADELINE SADLER. The Long Haul West: The Great Canal Era, 1817-1850.
6599 WAGNER MEMORIAL LUTHERAN COLLEGE. The Wagnerian, Published Under the Auspices of the Class of Nineteen Eighteen of Wagner Memorial Lutheran College, Rochester, New York.
3279 WAGNER, CAROL K. Rochester's West Side: A Pilot Study of Youth Needs and Services.
3280 WAGNER, CAROL K. Rochester's Arrested Youth, 1971.
4532 WAIT, MARY VAN SICKLE. Brigham Young in Cayuga County, 1813-1829.
215 WAITE, D. BYRON. O-neh-da Te-car-ne-o-di; or, Up and Down the Hemlock. Including History, Commerce, Accidents, Incidents, Guide, etc.
263 WAITE, D. BYRON. History of the Town of Canadice, Ontario County, N.Y.
5607 WAITE, D. BYRON. Notes on Jt. School District Number Five, Towns of Canadice & Springwater.
6842 WAJDA, MICHAEL F. Views of the City and the Lake: Geneva Landscape Paintings 1885-1985.
3006 WAKEMAN, WILLIAM S. The William Morgan Mystery Solved.
159 WAKEMAN. W.S. The Past and Present: Batavia, New York. Over 400 Photographs.
251 WALBRIDGE, ORSON. Early History of the Town of Springwater, Livingston County, N.Y.
6917 WALCH, TIMOTHY, compiler. Our Family, Our Town: Essays on Family and Local History Sources in the National Archives.
2008 WALKER, BARBARA K., and WARREN S. WALKER, eds. The Erie Canal: Gateway to Empire. Selected Source Materials for College Research Papers.
4638 WALKER, BLANCHARD B. "History in Towns: Geneva, New York."
5201 WALKER, HARRISON HOWELL. Fruitful Shores of the Finger Lakes.
2781 WALKLEY, FLOYD F., consultant. Master Plan Report of the Town of Ogden, Monroe County, N.Y.
6352 WALLACE, ROBERT. A Stone Legend.
3775 WALSH, J.J. History of Medicine in New York: Three Centuries of Medical Progress.
4533 WALTERS, WESLEY P. “New Light on Mormon Origins from Palmyra (N.Y.) Revival.”
4534 WALTERS, WESLEY P. New Light on Mormon Origins from the Palmyra (N.Y.) Revival.
6678 WALZER, WILLIAM CHARLES. Charles Grandison Finney and the Presbyterian Revivals of Central and Western New York.
1004 WANDELL, SAMUEL H. Oliver Phelps.
1971 WAPLES, ROBERT M., SR., and JR. Garlock: The First Fifty Years, 1887-1937.
6843 WARD, DANIEL FRANKLIN. Taking Pride: Traditional Wildlife Artists of the Northern Finger Lakes Region.
211 WARD, FERDINAND D. Historical Address. Village Memories of Twenty Years; or, Geneseo between 1848 and 1868.
212 WARD, FERDINAND D. "Excelsior." Geneseo, N.Y., 1848-1878.
213 WARD, FERDINAND D. Geneseo, Livingston County, N.Y., 1848-1888. An Historical Address.
738 WARP, FERDINAND DeW. "An Address."
3631 WARD, FERDINAND DE W. Geneseo Academy: Historical Sketch ...
3973 WARD, FERDINAND deW. Churches of Rochester. Ecclesiastical History of Rochester, N.Y. Narrative of the Rise, Progress, and Present Condition of Each Religious Organization; Biographical Sketches of Pastors, and of Clergymen Born in the City; with Miscellaneous Items, from August, 1815, to July, 1871.
5807 WARD, MALTHUS A. "A Physician's Journey through Western New York and Upper Canada in 1815," ed. William Barlow and David 0. Powell.
496 WARD, WALTER A. “Early Settlement of Northwest Town of Eagle.”
5164 WARNER, ABRAHAM J. The Private Journal of Abraham Joseph Warner; Extracts from Volumes I, III, and IV. (4 November 1838 to 25 December 1864), ed. Herbert B. Enderton.
1312 WARREN, GEORGE F. "Some Important Factors for Success in General Farming and in Dairy Farming."
1496 WARREN, GEORGE F. "Prices of Farm Products in New York."
1386 WARREN, GEORGE F. "An Apple Orchard Survey of Orleans County."
303 WARREN, LOUISE. "Purchase and Organization of Naples."
582 WARREN, ORSON. “Early Recollections of the Town of Sheldon.”
6029 WARREN, RHODA B. A History of Middlebury.
6780 WARREN, RHODA. Bryant Fleming, Landscape-Architect, His Years in Wyoming.
3303 WARREN, ROLAND L. “Old Age in a Rural. Township,” pp. 155-66 in Age Is No Barrier, Report of the N.Y. State Joint Legislative Commission on Problems of Aging. (N.Y. Legislative Document no. 35, 1952)
1314 WARREN, STANLEY W. "Factors for Success on Dairy and General Farms in Northern Livingston County, New York."
1303 WARREN, STANLEY W. "Results of Farm-Mortgage Financing in Eleven Counties in New York State."
1491 WARREN, STANLEY W., and W. McD. HERR. "Locations of Agricultural Production in New York State."
4180 WASHBURN, LOUIS C. Historical Sketch of the Episcopal Church in the City of Rochester, New York.
6844 WASS, JANICE TAUER, and PHILIP PARR. Wall Stenciling in Western New York, 1800-1840.
5501 WASS, JANICE TAUER. “Dressmaking as a Trade for Women:
6719 WASS, RUTH. Middlebury Presbyterian, Doorway to Faith for 150 Years.
3693 WATANABE, RUTH T. "Historical Introduction to the Sibley Music Library."
6608 WATANABE, RUTH T. The Sibley Music Library: A World Collection.
3126 WATERLOO MEMORIAL DAY CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE. The History and Origin of Memorial Day in Waterloo, New York.
5183 WATKINS, NELSON J. ed. The Pine and the Palm Greeting; or, The Trip of the Northern Editors to the South in 1871, and the Return Visit of the Southern Editors in 1872.
5939 WATROUS, HILDA R. The County Between the Lakes: A Public History of Seneca County, New York, 1876-1982.
5940 WATROUS, HILDA R. The County Between the Lakes: Life and People to Be Remembered, Seneca County, New York, 1895.
2676 WATSON, ADA. A Survey of the Government of Monroe County, New York. Part I. The Board of Supervisors.
2036 WATSON, ELKANAH. History of the Rise, Progress, and Existing Condition of the Western Canals in the State of New York, from September, 1788, to the Com-pletion of the Middle Section of the Grand Canal, in 1819, together with the Rise, Progress, and Existing State of Modern Agricultural Societies, on the Berkshire System ...
4960 WATSON, ELKANAH. Men and Times of the Revolution; or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, Including Journals of Travels in Europe and America, from 1777 to 1842, ed. Winslow C. Watson.
3721 WATSON, HILDEGARDE WHITIN. A Retrospective.
3718 WATSON, HILDEGARDE WHITIN. Major Wheeler Chapin Case: A Tribute to the Society's Late Curator.
3719 WATSON, HILDEGARDE WHITIN. "Radio Script: 'Silas O. Smith: His House and His City.'"
3720 WATSON, HILDEGARDE WHITIN. "A Brief Account of 'Woodside' from 1838 to 1962 and Especially the Last Twenty Years."
6876 WATSON, JAMES SIBLEY, Jr. and HERBERT STERN, ALEC WILDER, and LEWIS WHITBECK, Jr. The Films of J.S. Watson, Jr., and Melville Webber: Some Retrospective Views.
5192 WAYLAND, J. WORTH. (Letter dated Quincy, Ill., June 5, 1890.).
5133 WAYLEN, EDWARD. Ecclesiastical Reminiscences of the United States.
6774 WAYNE COUNTY (N.Y) DIVISION OF ARCHIVES & HISTORY. An Index to Wayne County: The Aesthetic Heritage of a Rural Area.
3304 WAYNE COUNTY ACTION PROGRAM. Fifteen Thousand Challenges: A Study of the Under-Privileged in Wayne County.
5826 WAYNE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM and ONTARIO COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM. Local History Holdings, Wayne County Library System and Ontario Cooperative Library System (Including the Ontario County Historical Society and the Wayne County Division of Archives & History).
3907 WAYNE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. An Historical Sketch of the Wayne County Medical Society with Brief Notices of the Living and Pioneer Members.
2893 WAYNE COUNTY. Planning Board. Preliminary Development Plan: A Prelim-inary Long Range Plan and Policies for the Future Development of Wayne County.
1331 WAYNE HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES. Wayne Housing Opportunities, Inc. Preliminary Proposal, Farm Labor Housing.
5529 WCNY Television, Syracuse. The Ditch that Helped Build America.
1406 WEAVER, F. P. "A Survey of Some Public Produce Markets in Up-State New York."
1965 WEAVER, MARION M. History of Tile Drainage. Waterloo: Privately published, 1964.
4490 WEBBER, EVERETT. Escape to Utopia: The Communal Movement in America.
420 WEBER, JAMES. "History of Sodus Bay on Lake Ontario, Wayne County, New York."
5856 WEBSTER, HARRIET. Favorite Short Trips in New York State.
2813 WEBSTER. Citizens' Advisory Committee. Report …
6574 WEBSTER-CURLEY, JACQUES K. The Silver Lake Military and Naval School.
2931 WEED, THURLOW. The Life of Thurlow Weed. Vol. I: Autobiography of Thurlow Weed, ed. Harriet A. Weed. Vol. 2: Memoir of Thurlow Weed, by Thurlow W. Barnes,
3007 WEED, THURLOW, defendant. Trial for Libel. Circuit Court... Jacob Gould vs. Thurlow Weed. Albany, Sept. 13, 1831.
3008 WEED, THURLOW, defendant. The Facts Stated. Hon. Thurlow Weed on the Morgan Abduction. A Document for the People.
53 WEED, THURLOW. "Stage-Coach Travelling Forty-Six Years Ago. A Chapter from Mr. Thurlow Weed's Autobiography."
3594 WEET, HERBERT S. “Citizenship and the Evening Use of School Buildings.”
3595 WEET, HERBERT S. “The Development of Public Education in Rochester, 1900-1910.”
5240 WEINMAN, PAUL L. A Bibliography of the Iroquoian Literature, Partially Annotated.
1757 WEISBERGER, BERNARD A. "'You Press the Button, We Do the Rest.'"
3956 WEISBERGER, BERNARD. They Gathered at the River: The Story of the Great Revivalists and Their Impact upon Religion in America.
430 WELCH, EDGAR L. "Grip's" Historical Souvenir of Wolcott, N.Y.
399 WELCH, EDGAR L. "Grip's "Historical Souvenir of Clyde, N.Y.
389 WELCH, EDGAR I. "Grip's historical Souvenir of Waterloo, N.Y.
381 WELCH, EDGAR L. "Grip's Historical Souvenir of Seneca Fall, N.Y.
4969 WELD,ISAAC. Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the Years 1795, 1796, and 1797. 3d ed.
5990 WELKER, A. B. Bennington's Bee Hive.
2677 WELLER, W. EARL, and CRAIG M. SMITH. "Sixteen Years of Progress."
2432 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Expanding Boundaries of Rochester.”
2433 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Development of the Charter of the City of Rochester, 1817 to 1938.”
2712 WELLER, W. EARL. Finances of Monroe County: A Report ...
2659 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Evolution of Monroe County and Its Nineteen Towns (1683-1861).”
2430 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Changing Charter of Rochester.”
2431 WELLER, W. EARL. “The Expanding Charter Life of Rochester.”
1311 WELLINGTON, JOHN L. "Just Reminiscing."
1983 WELLMAN, GEORGE A. "A 50 Year History of Oatka Vault."
5235 WELLMAN, JUDITH, comp. Dissertations in New York State History.
5583 WELLMAN, JUDITH. “Women and Radical Reform in Antebellum Upstate
4668 WELLS, JOHN W. Cayuga Bridge.
4669 WELLS, JOHN W. “Cayuga Bridge.”
4312 WELLS, MARJORIE. Our Heritage: First Presbyterian Church, East Rochester, New York.
216 WEMETT. J.J. "Hemlock Lake."
5449 WENDT, ANN TAYLOR. All of Us: a Biographical History of John Jacob Bausch and His Descendants from 1830 to 1978.
4746 WENNER & FINK, architects. "Modern Facilities, Traditional Style: Postwar Plan for the Asbury-First Methodist Church, Rochester, N.Y."
3767 WENNERMARK, A. JAMES. The Rochester Philatelic Association.
6321 WENRICH, JEANNE P. Lamp and Lantern Manufacturers in Rochester.
6826 WENRICH, JEANNE. The Rochester Lamp.
1834 WERNER, GEORGE H. "From Twenty Feet to Twenty Acres."
6379 WERNER, LUTHER. The Old B. R. and P.
4270 WESLEYAN METHODIST CONNECTION. Lockport Conference: Lockport Conference Centennial, 1861-1961.
6402 WESSELMANN, CARL. "A Line Worth Its Salt!"
684 WEST, MAUDE I. Irondequoit Story: A History of the Town of Irondequoit (Suburb of Rochester, County of Monroe, State of New York) Covering the Years 1839-1957.
685 WEST, MAUDE I. , ed. "A Resting Place for Pioneers: Hooker Cemetery, Irondequoit, N.Y."
2037 WESTERN INLAND LOCK NAVIGATION COMPANY. "The Inland Lock Naviagation Company. First Report of the Directors and Engineer."
2038 WESTERN INLAND LOCK NAVIGATION COMPANY. "Second Report of the Western Inland Lock Naviagation Company, 1798."
4768 WESTERN MONROE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Morgan Manning House: Home of the Western Monroe Historical Society.
1184 WESTERN NEW YORK GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY. 1865 Census--New York State-- Eight Western New York Counties Indexed.
2191 WESTING, FREDERICK. Erie Power: Steam and Diesel Locomotives of the Erie Railroad from 1840 to 1970.
5084 WESTON, RICHARD. A Visit to the United States and Canada in 1833; with the View of Settling in America …
1966 WETMORE, Mrs. S. A. "An Old-Time Lawsuit."
4671 WETMORE, Mrs. S. A. “The Bridges over Cayuga Lake.”
5064 WHARTON, THOMAS K. "From England to Ohio, 1830-1832; The Journal of Thomas K. Wharton," ed. James H. Rodabaugh.
5294 WHEAT, JAMES C., and CHRISTIAN BRUN. Bibliography of Maps and Charts Published in America before 1800.
733 Wheatland, Monroe County, New York. A Brief Sketch of Its History.
1902 WHEATON, HARRY H. "Living Conditions in the Barge Canal Labor Camps near Rochester."
1118 WHEATON, M. HYLAS. "A Survey of Rochester's Polish-Town."
5971 WHEELER, GRACE GLOR. Tidbits.
3678 WHIPPLE, GEORGE H. Planning and Construction Period of the School and Hospitals, 1921-1925; School of Medicine and Dentistry, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester Municipal. Hospital.
1093 WHITAKER, ARTHUR L. "Anatomy of a Riot!"
2083 WHITBECK, FLORENCE. "New York Barge Canal--Expectations and Realizations."
242 WHITCOMB, MERRICK. "Historic Nunda."
6557 WHITCOMBE, DAVID R. The Bergen Swamp: A Living Museum.
6585 WHITE, CHRISTOPHER. Our Classroom Is the Whole Outdoors.
693 WHITE, EARL E. 150 Years in Ogden, 100 Years in Spencerport .
1005 WHITE, W. PIERREPONT. Indian Possessions and Settled Areas in New York State from 1771 to 1820.
1006 WHITE, W. PIERREPONT. “Maps Showing Iroquois Hereditary Lands.”
2178 WHITE, WILLIAM. The Lackawanna, "The Route of Phoebe Snow." 1851-1951, A Centenary Address.
828 WHITEHOUSE, HENRY J. "Sermon Preached at the Funeral of Colonel Nathaniel Rochester (Held in St. Luke's Church, May 19, 1831)."
2010 WHITFORD, NOBLE E. "Effects of the Erie Canal on New York History."
2009 WHITFORD, NOBLE E. History of the Canal System of the State of New York together with Brief Histories of the Canals of the United States and Canada.
2084 WHITFORD, NOBLE E. History of the Barge Canal of New York State.
4459 WHITMORE, JAMES H. Valedictory Address of James Herman Whitmore, on Retiring from the Pastorate of the First Adventist Church of Rochester, N.Y. Delivered at Adventist Hall, April 5th, 1874.
3009 WHITNEY, PARKHURST, and others, defendants. Trial of Parkhurst Whitney, Timothy Shaw, Noah Beach, William Miller, and Samuel P.T. Chubbock; for a Conspiracy; The Abduction, False Imprisonment, and Assault and Battery, of William Morgan: Held at a Special Circuit Court, Held at Lockport, Niagara County, 1831...
2145 WHITTEMORE, HENRY. Fulfillment of Three Remarkable Prophecies in the History of the Great Empire State Relating to the Development of Steamboat Navigation and Railroad Transportation, 1808-1908.
874 WHITTLESEY, FREDERICK A. "Remembrance and Prophecy: Tales of a Grandfather."
3185 WHITTLESEY, FREDERICK. An Address, Delivered before the Clarkson Independent Temperance Society, at Their First Monthly Meeting, April 1, 1843.
2905 WICKER, TOM. A Time to Die.
6448 WICKES, MARJORIE, and TIM O'CONNELL. The Legacy of Frederick Law Olmsted.
6270 WIEDEMANN, CARL P. New York's Famous and Historic Trees.
6269 WIEDEMANN, CARL. The Genesee Oaks.
4202 WIEDERAENDERS, ROBERT C., and WALTER G. TILLMANNS. The Synods of American Lutheranism.
6265 WIENER, SUSAN. Finger Lakes Wineries, a Complete Touring Guide to Central New York's Acclaimed Wine Country.
3609 WILBUR, STEPHEN D. "Random Data on the Cost of Education in a New York Normal School in 1869; Selected from the Diary of Stephen D. Wilbur."
6354 WILCOX, TIMOTHY. The `Big Little' Country Store.
2890 WILCOXEN, GILBERT. "The Legal Profession."
5188 WILDE, OSCAR. loyd Lewis and Henry J. Smith, Oscar Wilde Discovers America (1882).
6508 WILDER, PATRICK. Seaway Trail Guide to the War of 1812.
1465 WILDERMUTH, ROBERT. "Soil Survey of Orleans County, New York." U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, Series 1932, no. 34.
4365 WILDES, WALDO G. Third Presbyterian Church, 1827-1952.
2490 WILDES, WALDO G. "Edwin Augustus Fisher, 1847-1948: An Appreciation and Outline of His Career."
5878 WILDMAN, JENNIFER, compiler and editor. The First Hundred Years of Allegany County, a Short History with Maps & Illustrations.
4549 WILE, ISAAC A., ed. , ISAAC M. BRICKNER, comp. The Jews of Rochester: An Historical Summary of Their Progress and Status as Citizens of Rochester from Early Days to the Year Nineteen Hundred and Twelve.
5092 WILKIE, DAVID. Sketches of a Summer Trip to New York and the Canadas.
1481 WILKINS, BRUCE T. Rural Non-Farmed Lands and Their Owners: A Study of Three Central New York Counties.
4892 WILKINS, HERVE D. “History of Music in Rochester.”
227 WILKINS, LOIS NICKERSON Portrait of a Church: A Story of the Long Family of Livonia, New York.
4013 WILKINS, LOIS NICKERSON. The History of the Livonia Baptist Church and the Livonia Community Congregational Church, 1867-1967.
5667 WILKINS, LOIS NICKERSON. The Mormon Barn at Lakeville,
4491 WILKINSON, JEMIMA. The Public Universal Friend.
1064 WILKINSON, NORMAN B. "Robert Morris and the Treaty of Big Tree."
3966 WILLARD, GRACE A. "Bennington Churches."
3104 WILLARD, KENNETH R. “A Civil War Problem for Livingston County: Choosing a Site for Training Camp Creates a Hassle.”
458 WILLARD, MALCOLM A. “Cowlesville through the Years.”
355 WILLERS, DIEDRICH, ed. Centennial Celebration of the Official Organization of the Town of Romulus, Seneca County, New York, June 13, 1894.
356 WILLERS, DIEDRICH, ed. Historical Address Delivered by Diedrich Willers of Varick, June 13, 1894, at the Centennial Celebration of the Official Organ-ization of the Town of Romulus, N.Y.
345 WILLERS, DIEDRICH. “Seneca County: An Historical Address.”
4535 WILLERS, DIEDRICH. “The First Months of Mormonism: A Contemporary View by Rev. Diedrich Willers,” ed. D. Michael Quinn.
349 WILLERS, DIEDRICH. Centennial Historical Sketch of the Town of Fayette, Seneca County, New York.
347 WILLETT, JOHN. “Seneca. County.”
5155 WILLIAM, C. FOSTER. (Account of visit to Rochester.)
791 WILLIAMS EDWIN. "Sketch of Rochester, Monroe County, New-York."
6213 WILLIAMS, ANDREW J. Man With a Mission: Howard W. Coles.
4344 WILLIAMS, CHARLES M. The Rev. Comfort Williams, First Settled Pastor in Rochester, N.Y., 1783-1825. With Memoranda Regarding Family History: Also an Address.
160 WILLIAMS, CLARA L. T. Outline History of Batavia.
1065 WILLIAMS, CLARA L. T. Joseph Ellicott and Stories of the Holland Purchase.
2871 WILLIAMS, EDWIN. The New-York Annual Register ...
4254 WILLIAMS, GORDON M. History of the Sodus Point United Methodist Church
668 WILLIAMS, HELEN REYNOLDS. Sesquicentennial History of the Town of Brighton, Monroe County, New York, 1814-1964.
4732 WILLIAMS, HENRY L., and OTTALIE K. Great Houses of America.
5409 WILLIAMS, HOWARD. Williams Updated History of Butler Township.
3880 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “The Economic Problems of Milk Distribution in Their Relation to Public Health.” Proceedings, Fifteenth Annual International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Vol. 5, pp. 128-40.
3881 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “A Study in Rochester's Infant Mortality.”
3882 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “The Problem of Milk Production for Rochester: Why Your Milk is Going to Cost More.”
3883 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “How Rochester is Wasting Nearly Half a Million Dollars by Inefficient Refrigeration.”
3786 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “Great Pioneer Inventions--The Mignon Cold Lamp: The Product of Rochester Genius.”
3879 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “The Certified Milk Movement.”
4536 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “Brigham Young, Builder of the Mormon Empire: Mementoes in the Museum.”
5571 WILLIAMS, LILLIAN S., ed. “Attica Prisoners Seek Aid from NAACP.”
5612 WILLIAMS, LYNNE D. One Hundred Years: The Rochester: School for the Deaf, 1876-1976.
989 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES, Pseudonym “Robert Munro.” A View of the Present Situation of the Western Parts of the State of New-York, Called the Genesee Country ... Frederick-Town (Md.): Printed at the “Herald” Press for the author, 1804. 23 pp. 300 copies of this first ed. repr. 1892 for George P. Humphrey, Rochester. Repr. again 1939 by Monroe County Division of Regional Planning, Rochester. 17 pp., mimeograph. 4th ed. has only minor changes in text, but is called A Description of the Genesee Country, in the State of New-York ...
988 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. Observations on the Proposed State Road, from Hudson's River, near the City of Hudson, to Lake Erie, by the Oleout, Catherine's, Bath, and Gray's Settlement, on the Western Bounds of Steuben County.
986 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. Description of the Genesee Country, Its Rapidly Progressive Population and Improvements: In a Series of Letters from a Gentleman to His Friend.
5457 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. “Description of the Genesee Country--Its Rapidly Progressive Population and Improvements,” pp. 1-12 in Appendix to Vol. 4 of John Pyne, New and Complete System of Universal Geography ...
2932 WILLIAMSON, CHILTON. American Suffrage: From Property to Democracy, 1760-1860.
2376 WILLIAMSON, SAMUEL T. Frank Gannett: A Biography.
1030 WILLIS, CLARENCE. Pulteney Land Title, Together with the Illustrations of Characters Prominent in the Colonization and Settlement of Western New York.
5777 WILLIS, WAYNE C. Preservation, Social Conflict, and the Future of Rochester's Old Neighborhoods: Corn Hill and Beyond.
4977 WILLISTON, SETH. "The Diaries of the Rev. Seth Williston, D.D., 1796-1800."
2011 WILLOUGHBY, WILLIAM B. "The Impact of the Erie Canal."
2012 WILLOUGHBY, WILLIAM B. "The Inception of the Erie and the Champlain Canal Projects."
4733 WILLSEA, MARGARET J. “Campbell-Whittlesey House.”
1412 WILSON, A.L., and E.V. HARDENBURG. "Potato Shortage in 259 Farms in New York."
5021 WILSON, CHARLES H. The Wanderer in America, or Truth at Home; Comprising a Statement of Observations" and Pacts, Relative to the United States- & Canada, North America …
6715 WILSON, JOHN G. Covington Methodist Church.
6501 WILSON, JOHN G. Women and the Constitution.
6244 WILSON, JOHN G. Agriculture in Wyoming County.
541 WILSON, JOHN G. “A Barrel of Oats.”
6383 WILSON, JOHN G. The Erie Railroad and the Dale Valley.
6002 WILSON, JOHN G. For Whom Tribute Is Due.
5995 WILSON, JOHN G. The Town of Castile.
6785 WILSON, JOHN G. Wooden Trestles.
6688 WILSON, JOHN G. David Marks, the Boy Evangelist.
6030 WILSON, JOHN G. Halloween.
6251 WILSON, JOHN G. The Sound of the Whistle in the Days of Steam Threshing.
6748 WILSON, JOHN G. Barns Through the Years.
6575 WILSON, JOHN G. The Academy on the Knoll.
5972 WILSON, JOHN G. Cousins.
6355 WILSON, JOHN G. A Mill in Middlebury.
6356 WILSON, JOHN G. Secrets of the Dale Valley.
6014 WILSON, JOHN G. A Tale of Rock Glen.
6781 WILSON, JOHN G. The Victorian Era.
875 WILSON, JOHN S. "Rochester's Centenarian of 1915: The Reminiscences of John S. Wilson." ed. Frederick M. Whitney.
5985 WILSON, JOHN, and MARY WILSON. Julia's Life in Attica.
6266 WILSON, JOHN, and MARY WILSON. Ear Marks from Bygone Days.
6754 WILSON, JOHN, and MARY WILSON. The Old Stone House on the Hill.
6016 WILSON, JOHN. A Saga of Genesee Falls.
6001 WILSON, JOHN. A Pearl in Covington.
1583 WILSON, JOSEPH G. “Rochester's Declaration of Interdependence.”
6073 WILSON, KAY FOSTER. The Times of Middlesex; a Summing-up for the Bicentennial, 1989.
3596 WILSON, L.A. “An Example of Factory School Training: Report of L.A. Wilson, Principal of the Rochester Shop School.”
965 WILSON, PAT and BRUCE. Surprising Rochester.
6180 WILSON, PATRICIA. Rochester From A to Z.
1585 WILSON, VERA B., comp. One Hundred Years: A Century of Commerce in Rochester, N.Y.
1462 WILSON, W.T., and J.N. EFFERSON. "An Economic Study of Land Utilization in Monroe County, New York."
4711 WILTSIE, CHARLES H. “The First Church Sun-Dial.”
1733 WILTSIE, CHARLES. "Henry Lomb."
4234 WINCHESTER, CHARLES W. Reminiscences of Fifty Years in Christian Service.
6435 WING, LEWIS E. The First Telephone Party Line on Wing Street, Bliss, N. Y.
6586 WING, RICHARD LEWIS. Ingham University, 1857-1892; An Exploration of the Life and Death of an Early Institution of Higher Education for Women.
5508 WINGATE, BARBARA. "Ice Harvesting on Conesus Lake." "
4478 WINNER, JULIA HULL. (In series on records of the Hartland and Royalton, Niagara County, meetings.) Same (Memoir of Elizabeth Newport.)
4317 WINSLOW, HUBBARD. The Former Days: History of the Presbyterian Church of Geneva.
6771 WIRTZ, H. EDMOND, and H. MERRILL ROENKE, Jr. Rose Hill, a Greek Revival Mansion, History and Restoration.
4825 WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR. "J.L.D. Mathies, Western New York Artist."
948 WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR. "Reply to Gerald Parsons' 'Sam Patch.'"
4492 WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR. “Portrait of a Prophetess.”
4493 WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR. Pioneer Prophetess: Jemima Wilkinson, The Publick Universal Friend.
4494 WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR. “Jemima Wilkinson: Historical Figure and Folk Character.”
3518 WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR. "Notes from a Schoolmaster's Diary."
4495 WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR. “The Publick Universal Friend.”
5739 WISBEY, HERBERT A., JR. The Sodus Shaker Community.
5504 WISMER, D.C. New York Descriptive List of Obsolete Paper Money.
1605 WISMER, DAVID C. New York Descriptive List of Obsolete Paper Money.
4292 WISNER, WILLIAM C. A Review, of Differences between Old and New School Presbyterians, by Rev. Lewis Cheeseman, with an Introductory Chapter, by John C. Lord, D.D....
4354 WISNER, WILLIAM C. A Narrative of the State of Religion in the Second Presbyterian Church, in Rochester, Monroe County, N.Y. from the First Sabbath in May 1831, to the First Sabbath in May 1833.
660 WITTY, GRACE GOODELL, comp. Alphabetical Family Groupings from 1821-1876. Birth Records of Dr. Samuel Beach Bradley for Adjacent Parts of the Towns of Greece, Parma, Ogden, and Gates in Monroe County, New York.
661 WITTY, GRACE GOODELL, comp. Alphabetic Listing of the Proper Names Appearing in the Diaries of Dr. Samuel Beach Bradley, 1816-1880.
400 WLECH, EDGAR L. "Grip's" Historical Souvenir of Lyons, N.Y.
3787 WOFSON, IRVING. “The Influence of the Erie Canal on Medical Education and Practice in Upstate New York.”
3130 WOLCOTT, WALTER. The Military History of Yates County, N.Y., Comprising a Record of the Services Rendered by Citizens of This County in the Army and Navy, from the Foundation of the Government to the Present Time.
4920 WOLF, HORACE H. "A Study of Rochester's Moving Picture Theaters."
4551 WOLF, HORACE J. “A History of the Jews of Rochester.”
4550 WOLF, HORACE J. “Rochester's Welcome to the Jewish Immigrants.”
3196 WOLF, HORACE J. "A Survey of Rochester's Blind Men and Women."
2693 WOLF, RUTH. "At the Juvenile Court: Another Rochester Story."
6099 WOLFE, ANDREW D. Pittsford at 200: A Words and Pictures Portrait of Its Village, Farms, Woods, and Meadows.
6093 WOLFE, ANDREW D. Bushnell's Basin, Hamlet on the Erie Canal: A Words-and-Pictures Story of a Tiny Community Created by the Canal and Born Again in the 20th Century.
4861 WOLFE, ANDREW D. Views of Old Rochester and the Genesee Country, from Indian Days to 1918.
1801 WOLFE, ANDREW D. Bold Century, 1868-1968: 100 Adventurous and Happy Years of Merchandising. The Story of Sibley, Lindsay and Curr Company of Rochester, Monroe County, New York.
3788 WOLFE, ANDREW D. “The Incredible Trial of Dr. Joseph Biegler.”
656 WOLFE, ANDREW D., and others. 60Highways, By-Ways, Folkways of Metropolitan Monroe County: Bicentennial Tourguide to Monroe County Towns and Villages and the City of Rochester.
4769 WOLFE, ANDREW D., ed. Architecture Worth Saving in Pittsford, Elegant Village.
6287 WOLFE, GERALD R. The Selden Patent.
6094 WOLFE, JOHN S. and SUSAN ROBERTS. Perinton 1812-1987, a Colorful Past, a Vibrant Today, an Exciting Future: A Booklet Commemorating the Celebration of the Town of Perinton's 175th Anniversary in 1987.
3246 WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL & INDUSTRIAL UNION. Program and Information, 1907-1908.
3247 WOMEN'S EDUCATIONAL & INDUSTRIAL UNION. The Woman's Educational and Industrial Union of Rochester, New York, Seventy-fifth Anniversary.
6502 WOMEN'S RIGHTS NATIONAL HISTORICAL PARK. Women's Rights Trial, Seneca Falls and Waterloo, New York
4676 WOOD, ALICE. Looking for Gilbert Berry's Property.
5746 WOOD, GORDON S. “Evangelical America and Early Mormonism.”
1185 WOOD, RALPH V., comp. Ontario County, New York State, 1800 Federal Population Census Schedules: Transcript and Index.
5105 WOODCOCK, THOMAS S. "New York to Niagara, 1836: The Journal of Thomas S. Woodcock," ed. Denoch Fulton.
1480 WOODIN, M.D. "An Economic Study of Land Utilization in Yates County, New York."
2192 WOODRUFF, ROBERT E. Erie Railroad--Its Beginnings: 1851.
526 WOODS, ELLEN TORREY. "Oyster Stew."
177 WOODWORTH, GRACE SIMMONS. A History of the Town of Stafford, Written for the Sesquicentennial.
5996 WOOLLEY, LOELLA. Bits & Pieces.
6357 WOOLLEY, LOELLA E. What's an Ice Man?
2883 WOOLSTON, LOREN S. Local Government in Livingston County.
3281 WOOLSTON, LOREN S. Health and Recreational Resources and Problems of Boys and Girls in the Geneseo Central School District, Livingston County, New York.
6410 WORBOYS, PAUL S. A Railroad for Lima, an Account of New York State's Unique Shortline - A Steam Railroad Turned Interurban Trolley.
4001 WORDEN, LORILLA F. History of the Penfield Baptist Church, 1804 to 1904. Fairport; Mail Printing House, n.d. 30 pp.
5280 WRIGHT, ALBERT H. New York Historical Source Studies: Part I. Supervisor’s Proceedings of Various Counties of New York. (Studies in History, No. 3)
2660 WRIGHT, ALBERT H. “Old Northampton in Western New York.”
5295 WRIGHT, ALBERT H., and WILLARD W. ELLIS. New York Historical Source Studies: Part II. A Check List of the County Atlases of New York. (Studies in History, no 4)
5296 WRIGHT, ALBERT H., and WILLARD W. ELLIS. New York Historical Source Studies: The New York Town Maps in Library of Congress and Cornell Archives. (Studies in History, No. 3)
2661 WRIGHT, ALBERT H., ed. “The Northampton Town Records.”
5836 WRIGHT, ALBERT HAZEN. A Checklist of New York State County Maps Published 1779-1945.
3754 WRIGHT, GORDON K. Morgan Chapter, New York State Archeological Association.
6087 WRIGHT, LEITH L. Hilton, U.S.A.: An Illustrated History of the Settlement, Growth and Development of the Village of Hilton, 1805-1981.
4648 WRIGHT, RUSSELL J. The Visual and the Historic Resources of the Finger Lakes-Southern Tier Region, N.Y.
1455 WULFORST, JOHN P. Soil Survey of Genesee County, New York. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service.
1477 WULFORST, JOHN P., and others. Soil Survey of Wyoming County, New York. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service.
4031 . WUNDER, CLINTON. Crowds of Souls for the Church and the Kingdom.
5165 WURTS, GEORGE. "Journal of a Tour to Niagara Falls, Montreal, Lake Champlain, &c."
122 WURZ, JANE. Old Times in Alfred.
6187 WYCKOFF, WILLIAM. The Developer's Frontier: The Making of the Western New York Landscape.
6188 WYCKOFF, WILLIAM. Land Subdivision on the Holland Purchase in Western New York State, 1797-1820.
5460 WYCKOFF, WILLIAM K. “Joseph Ellicott and the Western New York Frontier: Environmental Assessments, Geographical Strategies and Authored Landscapes, 1797-1811.”
6332 WYCKOFF, WILLIAM. Frontier Milling in Western New York.
5530 WYLD, LIONEL D. The Erie Canal: A Bibliography.
2103 WYLD, LIONEL D. "Notes for a Yorker Dictionary of Canales."
2013 WYLD, LIONEL D., ed. 40'x28'x4': The Erie Canal--150 Years.
4919 WYLD, LIONEL D. "A Farce on Erie Water."
2104 WYLD, LIONEL D. Low Bridge: Folklore and the Erie Canal.
2105 WYLD, LIONEL D. "Boaters and Broomsticks."
6370 WYLD, LIONEL D. Boaters and Broomsticks: Tales & Historical Lore of the Erie Canal.
6371 WYLD, LIONEL D. The Erie Canal; A Bibliography. Revised edition.
2651 WYMAN, DONALD. Crab Apples for America.
5638 WYND, ALICE WOOD. The Tuesday Reading Club, 1927-1977.
3151 WYOMING COUNTY. Board of Supervisors. List of Names of the Soldiers, Sailors and Marines of Wyoming County, N.Y.
4719 YARRINGTON, JAMES. "The American Right of History."
6782 YARRINGTON, JAMES R. Wyoming County, New York: An Architectural Tour.
5898 YASSO, J. MARILYN HANNETT. History of Retsof, New York: A Compilation, 1884-1986.
4351 YATES, ANAH B. "First Church Chronicles"
4184 YATES, ANAH B. Early Records of St. Luke's Church: Marriages, Baptisms, and Deaths, 1821-1847.
4170 YEAMS, W. L. Trinity Church, Geneva.
1592 YENGST. W.G. “The Automotive History of Rochester, New York.”
4299 YERGIN, V.N. The Clyde Presbyterian Church, 1898.
576 YOCHEM, MARGERY BALLINTINE. “The Saga of the Van Slykes.”
4746b YORK & SAWYER, architects. "R.I.T.'s New Campus--A Unique Design Collaboration."
1066 YOUNG ELEANOR. Forgotten Patriot: Robert Morris.
3258 YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. A Report of the Activities of the Central Branch of the Young Men's Christian Association, Rochester, New York.
3273 YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Youth Commission. Youth of Rochester: A Report of the Youth Commission ...
2933 YOUNG, ALFRED F. The Democratic Republicans of New York: The Origins, 1763-1797.
612 YOUNG, ANDREW W. History of the Town of Warsaw, New York, from Its First Settlement to the Present Time; with Numerous Family Sketches and Biographical Notes.
2269 YOUNG, ANNA G. Great Lakes' Saga: The Influence of One Family on the Development of Canadian Shipping on the Great Lakes, 1816-1931.
3305 YOUNG, E.C. “The Movement of Farm Population.”
1431 YOUNG, H. N. "Production and Marketing of Field Beans in New York."
4101a YOUNG, KENNETH. One Hundred Years … Rochester: 1976.
3597 YOUNG, WILLIAM C., and others. Project UNIQUE: United Now for Inte grated Quality Urban-Suburban Education.
6065 YOUNGERS, LILLIAN. The Village of Warsaw...As I Remember.
3688 YUST, WILLIAM F. "The History of the Libraries of Rochester."
4157 ZABRISKIE, ALEXANDER C. Bishop Brent: Crusader for Christian Unity.
3707 ZACHERT, ADELINE B. "What Rochester Children Read and Why."
4266 ZAHNISER, CLARENCE H. The Life and Works of Benjamin Titus Roberts,
4267 ZAHNISER, CLARENCE H. Earnest Christian: Life and Works of Benjamin Titus Roberts.
6083 ZANDE, SUSAN, ed. Irondequoit 1839-1989: Irondequoit Press - Wolfe Publications Presents a View from the Past, a Vision for the Future.
3945 ZAX, MELVIN, and others. “A Survey of the Prevalence of Alcoholism in Monroe County, N.Y., 1961.”
3944 ZAX, MELVIN, and others. “Public Intoxication in Rochester: A Survey of Individuals Charged during 1961.”
6067 ZECHES, CARL W. Main Street - Hermitage about 1900.
6118 ZEIGLER, MICHAEL. Three Families, Struggling for a Piece of the Dream.
4953 ZEISBERGER, DAVID. Diaries of David Zeisberger, ed. Archer B. Hulbert and William W. Schwarze.
4946 ZEISBERGER, DAVID. "Diary of the Journey of Br. Cammerhoff and David Zeisberger to the Five Nations from May 3-14 to August 6-17, 1750," pp. 24-112 in Moravian Journals Relating to Central New York, ed. William M. Beauchamp.
2336 ZODIKOFF, BENJAMIN. 1963 Arterial Network: Rochester Metropolitan Transportation Study.
4575 ZOOK, NICHOLAS. Houses of New York Open to the Public.
2057 ZORNOW, WILLIAM F. "Lincoln and the Great Lakes Seaway."
6173 ZWICK, PATRICIA, ed., et al. Windows to Rochester.
4077 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J. The Life and Letters of Bishop McQuaid, Prefaced with the History of Catholic Rochester before His Episcopate.
4078 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J. “The Rise of Religious Liberty in the Institutions of Rochester.”
4079 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J. “One Hundred Years of Catholicism in Rochester.”
4075 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J. Know-Nothinism in Rochester, N.Y.
4076 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK J. “Catholics of Early Rochester.”
3708 ZWIERLEIN, FREDERICK,J. "St. Bernard's Seminary Library."

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