Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Details

Item Details
Entry Number 6538
Title Baseball and the Cold War, Being a Soliloquy on the Necessity of Baseball.
Publication New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1977.
Subject(s) : SPORTS -- Baseball
Notes (The author grew up in a Jewish family in Rochester in the 1950s and was a fan of the Rochester Red Wings. Frank Verdi, the third baseman from my old team, the Rochester Red Wings, was shot during a regulation game in Havana at the time of the Cuban revolution, and soon after, American baseball left Cuba. In the mid-1970s, "In advance of what seemed to be a coming detente with Cuba, I began to examine one small baseball event from my childhood memory. Why I remembered it, and how I remembered it, and why I pursued it, is the story of my single search for meaning, history, and baseball."-pp. 4-5.

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