Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Details

Item Details
Entry Number 5986
Title Cowlesville Village Cemetery.
Publication Historical Wyoming, 34:4 (April 1988), 108-111; 35:1 (July 1988), 25-28; 35:2 (Oct. 1988), 54-56; 35:3 (Jan. 1989), 84: 35:4 (April 1989), 110-111, 102; 36:1 (July 1989), 25-28; 36:2 (Oct. 1989), 54-56; 36:3 (Jan. 1990), 80-84, 74.
Subject(s) : WYOMING COUNTY -- Bennington
Notes (First copied 1950, rechecked 1981; additional information added from other sources.)'

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