Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Details

Item Details
Entry Number 4986
Title Under Their Vine and Fig Tree: Travels through America in 1797-1799, 1805, with Some Further Account of Life in New Jersey, trans. & ed. Metchie J.E. Budka. (Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society at Newark, Vol. 14)
Publication Elizabeth, N.J.: Grassmann Publishing Company, 1965. Part pub- as “Journey to Niagara, 1805, from the Diary of Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz,” ed. Budka. New-York Historical Society Quarterly, 44 (1960), 73-113.
Subject(s) : TRAVELLERS TO THE GENESEE COUNTRY: 1615-1976 -- 1805
Notes (Polish exile travels the new Genesee Turnpike into the wilds of the Holland Purchase; pp. 249-52.)

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