Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Details

Item Details
Entry Number 1354
Title “Evolution of the Milk Pricing System of the New York New Jersey Market.”
Publication Part I--The Era of Small-Scale Competition (before 1880). NYSCA, Dept. of Agricultural Economics, A.E. Research Bull. 231 (1968), 37 pp. plus long appendices. Part II--The Era of Pricing by Dealers, 1880-1916. A.E. Research Bull. 249 (1968), 293 pp. Part II is followed by five vols. of voluminous supplementary “Reference Material,” A.E. Research Bulletins 249-A,B,C,D,E (1968).
Subject(s) : DAIRYING
Notes (A massive study of the New York City milkshed, primarily, but also smaller cities including Rochester; goes through 1916 only. The five “Supplements” reprint virtually all the source material on the topic, including all relevant articles and editorials from the Rural New Yorker, Milk Reporter, N.Y. Tribune and N.Y. Times.)

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