Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Details

Item Details
Entry Number 1274
Author McNALL, NEIL A.
Title An Agricultural History of the Genesee Valley, 1790-1860.
Publication Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press for the American Historical Association, 1952. 276 pp. Repr. 1976 by Greenwood Publishing Company, New York.
Subject(s) : AGRICULTURE TO THE CIVIL WAR -- Modern Appraisals
Notes (An excellent survey written from original sources--censuses, newspapers, agricultural periodicals, Wadsworth and other MSS., and travel accounts. The central theme is “King Wheat” in the Genesee Valley, but other chapters deal with the early land speculators, transportation and marketing, credit, agricultural promotion, the Wadsworth Tenant system, and the divergent development of the Southern Tier. However, this is not a book about rural communities as such. Originally a dissertation at Cornell under Paul W. Gates.)

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