Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Details

Item Details
Entry Number 991
Title Le Pour et le Contre ou avis a ceaux qui se proposent de passer dans les tats-Unis d'Amerique. Suivi d'une description du Kentucky et du Genesy, deux des nouveaux etablissemens les plus considerables de cette partie du nouveau monde. Paris: Levrault, Schoelli & Comp., 1803. Trans. by H.F. DePuy. “'Le Pour et le Contre': One of the Rarest of Books Relating to Western New York.”
Publication Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society, 18 (1914), 257-311. Work was extensively plagiarized in M . Voyage au Kentoukey, et sur les bords du Genesee ... Paris: Sollier, 1821.
Subject(s) : PROMOTIONAL LITERATURE (arranged roughly by date)
Notes (Holland Purchase is discussed at the end of the treatise, but most of it deals with land, Indians, flora and fauna; Williamson's pamphlets are better for actual conditions of settlement.)

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