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Wadden, AndreaWaerheger?, Patience
Wagner, VernWahl, Ken
Waite, DanielWalker, Harry
Wallace, DonWallace, Joan
Wallis, W. AllenWalsh, Arlene
Walsh, T.J.Walton, Todd
Wann, PaulWassil-Grimm, Claudette
Wasson, WayneWastberg, Per
Watson, WinthropWatt, W.W.
Weathers, WinstonWeaver, Gordon
Webb, HowardWeber, Alvin
Weber, BurtonWeber, Marc
Webster, CameronWebster, Patricia
Weele, MichaelWegner, Hart
Weimer, MattWeinberg, Beth
Weinberg, DoloresWeiss, Don
Weller, TedWenning, Elizabeth
Wensberg, ErikWest, James
West, PaulWeston, Elizabeth
Wheatley, PatienceWhite, Annamarie
White, CarolynWhitehill, Sharon
Whiteside, ElenaWhittle, Hal
Widmer, Jeff
Wiegel, EveWiese, Katrin
Wiess, AdairWiggs, Stanley
Wikar, ElizabethWilber, Alex
Wilber, AlexandraWilbur, John
Wilcox, JackWilcox, Pat
Wilcox, Pat and JackWilcox, Patricia
Wildavsky, CarolWilder, Alec
Wilkerson, FrankWilliams, Felix
Williams, GilWilliamson, Alan
Williamson, J.N.Williamson, Stephen
Wilson, CaroleWilson, Claud
Wilson, Hugh?Wilson, Leigh
Wilson, NanciWinther, Per
Withers, KenneyWolf, Christine
Wolf, JWolf, J.L.
Wolf, WendyWolff, Ed
Wolff, TobiasWood, John
Wood, MarianWood, Sybil
Woodley, InezWoods, George
Woolen?, Dan?Woolf, Douglas
Wrenn, JohnWrighofe? R, R
Wrighton, RichardWukcix, Jack
Wyeth, M.S.

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