Results | ||
Subject | Description | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (8 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Seal of the George Eastman House of Photography (original and 2 prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Works at Harrow, England (negative print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (18 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (17 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (16 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (15 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (14 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (13 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (12 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (11 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (10 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (9 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (7 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (6 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (4 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 3 of 8) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 4 of 8) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 5 of 8) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 6 of 8) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 7 of 8) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 8 of 8) (2 copies) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (2 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (3 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (5 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Employees in front of first factory (original print); a snapshot taken with one of the first Kodaks | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: museum | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: auditorium | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: infirmary | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: cafeteria (two prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: office after a party - two men | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: dining room | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: machinery | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: carrausel overall view of assembly room | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: lens making at Hawk-Eye works | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: factory room | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: work room | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: work room | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: work room | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: employee at work | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: lens polishing at Hawk-Eye | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: employee at work | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: employees loading silver ingots in vault | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: employee loading silver ingots ready for dissolving in nitric acid | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Eastman Kodak Co. office building: aerial view | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Architectural model of second Kodak Tower | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak: the Evening Graphic Building | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Park: Knights of Columbus and YMCA house at the Park (1 of 18) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Kodak Works: a foreign plant | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Seal of the George Eastman House of Photography (six prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | Kodak Park (negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | Kodak Park (negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Employees in front of first factory (copy print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Employees in front of first factory (copy print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1884-1914: Eastman Kodak Factory and Office Buildings (collage) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1884-89: Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co., Proving Department: Willias A. Bannister, operator; photo of young woman, accompanied by a letter from the Patent Dept. Museum to the George Eastman House, dated 1/13/1953. (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1889: Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co. (9 prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | Spring 1889: Employees of Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co.: names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1889: Eastman Dry Plate & Film Co. (2 prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co.: G.E. with an employee and a horse and wagon (three prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: The Eastman Co: taken with a #2 Kodak | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890's-1900: The Eastman Co.: view across the street from the offices | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employees: names listed on back (original print taken with #2 Kodak | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employees: taken with #2 Kodak; names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employees at the Eastman Co.: taken with #2 Kodak; names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890's: Employees: taken with #2 Kodak; names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employees | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employees: taken with #2 Kodak; names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employees: taken with #2 Kodak; names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 8/2/1890: Employee outing: The Eastman Co. Annual Picnic - Seneca Point, third place ribbon | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing: employees, names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing: employees, Henry (a chemist) and Homer Reichenbach (see G.E. - Friends) (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing(?): names listed on back (original photo) taken with #1 Kodak | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing(?): Miss Roberts (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing(?): Frank Mosher, taken with #2 Kodak; looks like he's going out for a day of picture-taking (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing: names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; Manitian Picnic. Names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; taken with #2 Kodak. Names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; taken with a #2 Kodak. Names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; Minnie Hoefler, G. Roache (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; G. Roache, Libby Wegman (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; taken with #2 Kodak; Simon Haus, M. Hoefler, Libbie Wegman, ?) (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; taken with #2 Kodak; M. Hoefler, Simon Haus (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing; Frank Spragur, Homer Reicheubach (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees at work (1 copy print, 1 negative print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employee at work (on the phone) (two prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employee at work | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees at work (negative print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees (print, negative print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees at work | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees at work | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees at work in "sun" room (negative print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; office (negative print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; glan tables for coating? (negative print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Co. factory; employees in furnace room or forge? | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Eastman Kodak Co.: employees; names listed on back (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing(?) - Lloyd van Winkle (employee), 945 Carson Ave., zone 9 (negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing(?) - Lloyd van Winkle (negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing(?) - Lloyd van Winkle (negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing(?) - Lloyd van Winkle (negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing(?) -Lloyd van Winkle (negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1890: Employee outing (Frank Mosher, M. Hoefler) (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1891: The Eastman Co.: taken with a #5 Kodak (original print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1891: The Eastman Co. (three prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1891: Employees on factory steps: names listed on back (original print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1891: Employees at Kodak Park: taken at the north door of building one | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1891: Kodak Park: drawing of buildings (two prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1891: Kodak Park (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 5/3/1891: Kodak Park: the first power house (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1891: Kodak Park, the reservoir; taken with #1 Kodak (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 5/30/1891: Kodak Park: group picture of President Harrison's visit (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1891: Kodak Park (two identical prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1891: The Eastman Co.: taken with a #5 Kodak (21 copy prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1891: The Eastman Co.: taken with a #5 Kodak (one negative print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1891: Employees on factory steps: names listed on back (three copy prints, one negative print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1892: The Eastman Co.: construction workers working in the street (two prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 6/25/1892: Site of the Camera Works | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1892-93: Employees: names listed (two prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 5/30/1892: Kodak Park: group picture; names listed with photo (Col. Strong, Pres. Harrison, Wm H. Taft included) (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1892: View of the street | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1892: Horses hitched to a loaded wagon (two prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 5/3/1893: Employee outing(?): names listed on back; taken with #2 Kodak (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 5/3/1893: Employee outing(?): G.E. and others, taken with #2 Kodak (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1893: Kodak Park: the Engine Room (one of three original prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1893: Kodak Park: the Engine Room (two of three original prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1893: Kodak Park: the Engine Room (three of three original prints) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1893: Kodak Park: the Engine Room (copy print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1896: Eastman Co. Offices: interior view of employees. at work (original print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1896: Eastman Co. Offices: interior view (two original photos, 1 of 2) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1896: Eastman Kodak Co. office building- with snow. | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1896: Eastman Co. Offices: interior view of employees. at work (copy print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1896: Eastman Co. Offices: interior view (two original photos, 2 of 2) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1897: Eastman Kodak Co.: book leaf with three photos: .Headquarters-Camera Works --Boiler rooms --Interior Main Office | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1897: Eastman Kodak Co.: Interior of Main Office on State Street; "Colonel" Strong (G.E.'s partner) seated at desk | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 3/2/1900: Eastman Kodak Co. Office: snow piles in the street (original - copy print) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 3/2/1900: Eastman Kodak Co. Office: snow pile in the street | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1902: Kodak Works at Harrow, England | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1903: Employee: Wm. Schojan (written in G.E.'s handwriting) (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1903: Kodak Park: billboard | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1905: Premo Works (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1909: Eastman Kodak Co. Office: (three different photos, 1 of 3) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1909: Blair Camera Division (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1909: Eastman Kodak Co. Offices: construction of an entrance way | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1909: Eastman Kodak Co. Office: (three different photos, 2 of 3) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1909: Eastman Kodak Co. Office: (three different photos, 3 of 3) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1909 (?): Kodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 1 of 8) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | ca 1910: Kodak Park: general view (copy negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | ca 1910: Kodak Park (negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1912: Eastman Kodak Co. Offices: construction (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1912: Eastman Kodak Co. Offices: construction (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1912: Eastman Kodak Co. Offices: construction of Kodak Tower (original photo) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1912: Kodak Tower | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 5/10/1913: Employees at Kodak Park | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1914: Kodak Park: employee baseball game | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1915-18: Eastman Kodak Co.: the Martin Building, 1873 State Street, the first site of the Eastman offices | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1915: Kodak Park (five original photos, 1 of 5) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | ca 1915-18: Kodak (The Eastman Co.); The Martin Building, 1873 State St., the first place on the street (glass plate negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1915: Kodak Park (five original photos, 2 of 5) Kodak Park: "The Eastman Photo Materials Co. Ltd." | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1915: Kodak Park (five original photos, 5 of 5) Kodak Park: "The Eastman Photo Materials Co. Ltd." | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1915: Kodak Park (five original photos, 4 of 5) Kodak Park: "The Eastman Photo Materials Co. Ltd." | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1915: Kodak Park (five original photos, 3 of 5) Kodak Park: "The Eastman Photo Materials Co. Ltd." | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1920: Kodak Park: kite photograph (post card - copy print) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | 1921: Kodak; The Martin Building - the rooms G.E. used on the third floor (negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | 1921: Kodak; The Martin Building - the rooms G.E. used on the third floor (two negatives) | |
Kodak Park and Office Buildings | 1921: Kodak; The Martin Building - the rooms G.E. used on the third, floor (negative) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (1 of 6) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (2 of 6) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (3 of 6) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (4 of 6) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (5 of 6) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1928: Kodak Works at Harrow, England (6 of 6) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1929: Artist's sketch of second Kodak Tower (?) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | ca 1930: Kodak Park: aerial photographs (eight different photos, 2 of 8) | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1954: Kodak Park: employee at work in Camera Works | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1954: Kodak Park: employee at work in Camera Works | |
Kodak Park and Office buildings | 1954: Kodak Park: employees in Camera Works |
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