Thomas E. Dewey Papers: Results


Location Folder Label Subject Series
6: 1: 1
APersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 2
AbePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 3
Abelman, MaxPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 4
AcPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 5
Academy of Political and Social SciencePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 6
AdPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 7
Adamo, Anthony N.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 8
AdamsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 9
Adams, J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 10
Adams, Julius J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 11
Adams, Ruby LeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 12
Adams, Hon. ShermanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 13
AdcPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 14
Adelphi CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 15
Adirondack League ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 16
Adler, Col. Julius OchsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 17
Advertising Council, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 18
AePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 19
African Methodist Episcopal ChurchPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 20
Agenskee, FrancesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 21
Ahepa, Order ofPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 1: 22
Ahlstrom, Agnes L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 1
AiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 2
Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 3
Ailshie, William K.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 4
Air War CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 5
AlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 6
Alaska, Governor ofPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 7
Albano, Vincent F., Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 8
Albany Chamber of CommercePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 9
Albany County Restaurant Liquor Dealers Association, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 10
AlbePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 11
AlcPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 12
Aldrich, WinthropPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 13
AlePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 14
Alexander, Albert S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 15
Alexander, Dr. RuthPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 16
AlfPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 17
Alfange, Hon. DeanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 18
Alfred UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 19
Aliotta, PaolinoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 2: 20
AllPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 1
AllenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 2
Allen, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 3
Allen Lawrence W., EsquirePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 4
Allen, Mrs. Rose MariePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 5
AlliPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 6
AlpPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 7
AmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 8
Amberg, Richard H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 9
AmePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 10
A. M. E. Zion ChurchPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 11
American, A-FPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 12
American AirlinesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 13
American Association for Jewish EducationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 14
American Association for the United Nations, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 15
American Bar AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 16
American Bible SocietyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 3: 17
American Broadcasting CompanyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 1
American Chemical SocietyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 2
American College of SurgeonsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 3
American Council for JudaismPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 4
American Express CompanyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 5
American Financial and Development Corporation for IsraelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 6
American Fund for Israel InstitutionsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 7
American, G-LPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 8
American Heritage FoundationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 9
American Home, ThePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 10
American Hungarian FederationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 11
American Institute of Pacific Relations, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 12
American Institute of Wholesale Plumbing and Heating Supply AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 13
American Jewish CongressPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 14
American Jewish LifePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 15
American Jewish Tercentenary CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 16
American LegionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 17
American Legion AuxiliaryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 18
American Legion Children's CampPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 19
American Legion 1952 National ConventionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 4: 20
American Library AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 1
American, M-SPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 2
American Mercury, ThePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 3
American Museum of Natural HistoryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 4
American Society for Friendship with SwitzerlandPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 5
American Society in LondonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 6
American, T-ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 7
American Tobacco CompanyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 8
American War MothersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 9
American Women in Radio and TelevisionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 10
American Youth ForumPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 11
American Zionist CouncilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 12
AmiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 13
Ammerman, Mrs. BenjaminPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 14
Amrose, MattPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 15
AmvetsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 16
AnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 17
AndersonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 18
Anderson, D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 19
Anderson, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 20
Anderson, John W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 21
Anderson, R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 22
AndrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 5: 23
AngPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 1
AnnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 2
Annenberg, WalterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 3
Antich, Jaime ObradorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 4
ApPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 5
ArPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 6
Araujo, Dr. Antonio M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 7
Archibald, Fred I.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 8
ArdPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 9
Argento, Dr. WilliamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 10
ArmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 11
Armed Forces DayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 12
ArmenianPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 13
Armistice DayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 14
Army and Air National GuardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 15
ArnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 16
AroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 17
Aronson, Hon. J. HugoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 18
ArtPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 19
AsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 20
Ashbery, Hon. Ray S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 21
AsiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 22
Asia CallingPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 23
The Asia InstitutePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 24
Associated IndustriesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 25
Association of the Bar, City of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 26
Association of Canadian ClubsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 6: 27
Association for the Help of Retarded ChildrenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 1
Association of the Junior Leagues of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 2
Association of New York State CannersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 3
Association of Towns of the State of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 4
Association of New York State Young Republican ClubsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 5
AtPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 6
AtlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 7
Atlantic Union CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 8
Atomic Energy CommissionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 9
AuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 10
AurPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 11
Auriol, His Excellency VincentPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 12
Australia; AustralianPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 13
AutPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 14
Author Meets The CriticsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 15
Automobile Club of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 16
AvPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 17
BPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 18
Babcock MemorialPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 19
BacPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 20
Bachrach, FabianPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 21
BadPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 22
Badger, Admiral Oscar C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 23
BaiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 24
Bailey, Mrs. Consuelo N.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 25
BaimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 26
BakPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 27
BakerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 28
Baker, BryantPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 7: 29
Baker, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 1
BalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 2
BallPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 3
BalmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 4
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad CompanyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 5
BanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 6
Bane, FrankPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 7
BansheesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 8
BarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 9
BargPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 10
BarnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 11
BarrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 12
Barrett, Edward W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 13
Barry, Rt. Rev. Frederick L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 14
BartPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 15
Bartels, Hon. John R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 16
Bartlett, Tom, Insurance AgencyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 17
Barton, Hon. BrucePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 18
Baruch, Bernard M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 8: 19
BasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 1
BatPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 2
BataanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 3
Batcheller, Willis T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 4
Bates, Mrs. Irene PughPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 5
BauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 6
BaumPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 7
Bauman, ArnoldPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 8
BaxPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 9
BePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 10
BearPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 11
Beattie, LoisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 12
Beaver Country Day SchoolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 13
BecPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 14
Becker, Ben M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 15
BedPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 16
BeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 17
Beekman-Downtown HospitalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 18
BegPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 19
BelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 20
Belcher, Donald J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 21
Beldock, Hon. George J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 9: 22
Belefant, BenjaminPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 1
BellPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 2
Bell, Elliott V.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 3
BelmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 4
Beltran, Andrew P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 5
BenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 6
BengPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 7
BennPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 8
Bennet, Augustus W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 9
Bennet, Hon. William S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 10
Bennett, Hon. Marion T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 11
BenniPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 12
BerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 13
BergePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 14
BeriPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 15
BerlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 16
Berlin, RichardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 17
Berman, Cap. J. M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 18
Bermingham, Edward J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 10: 19
BernPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 1
BerrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 2
Berryman, James T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 3
BesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 4
Better Fishing, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 5
Betz, BettyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 6
BeuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 7
BiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 8
BiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 9
BilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 10
Billingsley, ShermanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 11
Bing, RudolfPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 12
Bingham, Col. S. H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 13
BirPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 14
BisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 15
BlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 16
Black, Arthur D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 17
BlackbPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 18
Blackett, Hon. HillPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 19
BlaiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 11: 20
BlanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 1
BlePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 2
Bleakley, Hon. William F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 3
Blind Brook ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 4
Blind Brook Polo ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 5
BloPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 6
Blodgett, Albert F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 7
BluPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 8
B'nai B'rithPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 9
B'nai B'rith District Grand Lodge No. 1Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 10
BoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 11
Bobst, Elmer B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 12
BodPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 13
Boedecker, Kenneth J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 14
BogPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 15
BolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 16
Bolmer, Chauncie C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 17
Bolton-Smith, CarlilePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 18
BonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 19
Bond, FordPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 12: 20
BooPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 1
BorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 2
Borne, Sgt. Gaston B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 3
Borowski, PaulinePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 4
BosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 5
BotPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 6
BouPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 7
Bourne, SeverinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 8
BowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 9
BowlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 10
Boxing Writers' Association of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 11
BoyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 12
Boy Scouts of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 13
Boys' Club, Navy Yard DistrictPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 14
Boy's Towns of Italy, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 13: 15
BoylPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 1
BrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 2
BradleyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 3
Bradshaw, LesterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 4
BraePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 5
BranPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 6
Brand, Charles L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 7
Brandt, HarryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 8
Brandt, WilliamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 9
BrauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 10
BrePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 11
Brearley, Mrs. R. D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 12
Brees, Orlo M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 13
BremPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 14
Brennan, GracePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 15
BresPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 16
BriPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 17
BriePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 18
Briggs, W. C., EsquirePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 19
BrilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 20
Brinckerhoff, RemsenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 14: 21
Brivio, Dante EnricoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 1
BroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 2
BrodPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 3
BromPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 4
Bromley, Hon. BrucePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 5
BrooPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 6
BrooklynPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 7
Brooklyn Council, Kings CountyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 8
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and SciencesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 9
Brooklyn Insurance Brokers AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 10
Brooklyn National League Baseball ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 11
Brooklyn Sunday School UnionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 12
Brooks, J. Loring, Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 13
Brooks, Mrs. John W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 14
BropPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 15
Brophy, Gerald B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 16
BrowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 17
BrownPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 18
Brown, Carl C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 19
Brown, ChamberlainPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 20
Brown, D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 21
Brown, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 15: 22
Brown, Lewis H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 1
Brown, P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 2
Brown, Walter T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 3
BrownePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 4
Browne, KennethPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 5
Brownsville Boy's ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 6
BruPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 7
Brucks, E. W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 8
BrunPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 9
Bruner, Rev. Laman H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 10
BryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 11
BuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 12
BuckPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 13
BudPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 14
Budget Luncheon, January 29, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 15
Budget Luncheon, January 28, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 16
Budget Luncheon, January 28, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 17
Budget Luncheon, January 29, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 18
Budget School, Republican MembersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 16: 19
Budinger, John M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 1
BufPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 2
Buffalo, University ofPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 3
Buhler, Joseph S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 4
Building Service Employees International UnionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 5
BulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 6
BurPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 7
BurgPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 8
H. M. S. Burghead BayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 9
BurkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 10
Burkan, Nathan, Memorial CompetitionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 11
Burlingham, Charles C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 12
BurnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 13
BurnsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 14
BurrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 15
Burton, JohnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 16
BusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 17
Bush, Dr. E. OgdenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 18
Business and Professional Women's Clubs of New York StatePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 17: 19
But Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 1
ButtPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 2
Butterworth, Rev. J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 3
ByPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 4
Byers, J. L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 5
Bynoe, Sgt. Russell E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 6
CPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 7
CafPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 8
CalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 9
CallPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 10
CamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 11
CampPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 12
Camp DrumPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 13
CampbellPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 14
Campbell, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 15
CanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 16
CanadianPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 17
CannPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 18
Cantor, EddiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 18: 19
Cantor, H. B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 1
CapPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 2
Capitol Hill ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 3
Caputa, JosephPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 4
CarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 5
CAREPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 6
Carey, RobertPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 7
CarlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 8
CarlsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 9
Carlson, Hon. FrankPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 10
Carlson, Dr. William S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 11
CarmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 12
CaroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 13
CarrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 14
CarroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 15
Carson, Robert T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 19: 16
CartPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 1
Carter, Hon. Elmer A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 2
Carter, John ArcherPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 3
Carter, Mr. and Mrs. John F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 4
Carter, Dr. R. FranklinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 5
CartiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 6
CasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 7
CassPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 8
CatPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 9
CatholicPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 10
Catholic War VeteransPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 11
CavPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 12
CePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 13
Central High School of Needle TradesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 14
Central Islip State HospitalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 15
ChPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 16
Chadbourne, Hon. William M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 20: 17
ChamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 1
ChapPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 2
Chapman, Hon. Alger B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 3
CharPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 4
ChasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 5
ChePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 6
Cheese Industry in the United StatesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 7
Chelius, George B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 8
Chen, Kuo-LienPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 9
Cherne, Leo M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 10
Chernin, BernardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 11
ChesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 12
ChiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 13
Chieh-hou, KanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 14
Children's TimesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 15
ChimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 16
China InstitutePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 21: 17
Choi, Chi WhanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 1
ChrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 2
Christian Overseas ProgramPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 3
Christenberry, RobertPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 4
ChronoscopePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 5
Chryssikos, George J., EsquirePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 6
Churchmen's Legislative SeminarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 7
ChuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 8
CiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 9
CirPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 10
Citizens for EisenhowerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 11
Civil DefensePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 12
Civil Service Assembly of the United States and CanadaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 13
Civil Service Employees AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 14
Civil Service LeaderPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 15
ClPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 16
ClarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 17
ClarkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 18
Clark, DeWittPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 22: 19
Clark, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 1
ClarkePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 2
Clarke, Brig. Gen. Carter W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 3
Clarke, Hon. Frank W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 4
Clarke, FredPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 5
ClasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 6
Clay, Lucius D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 7
ClePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 8
CliPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 9
CloPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 10
CoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 11
CobPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 12
Cobb, Hon. James A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 13
CobleskillPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 14
Cochrane, William S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 15
CoePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 16
CohPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 17
Cohen, AbrahamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 18
CohnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 19
Cohn, Julius B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 20
ColPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 21
ColePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 22
Cole, Ashley T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 23: 23
Cole, SterlingPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 1
ColemanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 2
Coleman, Edward E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 3
Coleman, R. B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 4
Coleman, Hon. Samuel C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 5
Colgate UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 6
CollPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 7
Colliers, May 17, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 8
Colliers, November, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 9
Colliers, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 10
Colliers, 1951, A-LPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 11
Colliers, 1951, M-ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 24: 12
ColoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 1
Colonial AirlinesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 2
Colosimo, ThomasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 3
Columbia Broadcasting SystemPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 4
Columbia UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 5
Columbia University Bicentennial CelebrationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 6
Columbia University School of LawPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 7
Columbian Republican LeaguePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 8
ColumbusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 9
Colville, LorrainePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 10
ComPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 11
Committee for Economic DevelopmentPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 12
Common Cause, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 13
Comstock, F. LawPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 25: 14
ConPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 1
CongPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 2
Congregation Shearith IsraelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 3
Congress of AmericansPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 4
ConnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 5
Connecticut Republican State CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 6
Connecticut State Bar AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 7
Connecticut State Bar Association Speech, A-LPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 8
Connecticut State Bar Association Speech, M-ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 9
ConnorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 10
Conole, Peter JosephPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 11
ConsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 12
ContPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 13
Converse, Col. P. H. M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 26: 14
ConvocationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 1
CooPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 2
CookPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 3
CookePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 4
CoolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 5
CoopPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 6
Cooper, Hon. Irving BenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 7
CopPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 8
CorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 9
CornPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 10
Cornell Film CompanyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 11
Cornell UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 12
Corning Glass WorksPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 13
Cortland State Teachers CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 14
CorrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 27: 15
Corsi, Hon. EdwardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 1
CosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 2
Costa, PeggyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 3
CotPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 4
CouPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 5
County Officers' AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 6
CovPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 7
Cowles, Mr. and Mrs. GardnerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 8
Cowles, JohnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 9
CoxPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 10
CrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 11
CranPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 12
CrapPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 13
CrawPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 14
CrePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 15
Crews, John R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 16
CriPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 17
Crispus Attucks Republican LeaguePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 18
Crittenberger, Lt. Gen Willis D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 28: 19
CroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 1
CrosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 2
Cross, Robert D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 3
CrouPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 4
Crowley, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 5
CruPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 6
CuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 7
Cullamn, Howard S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 8
CumPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 9
Cumming, Charles D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 10
CunPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 11
CurPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 12
Curran, Hon. Thomas J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 13
CurtPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 14
CusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 15
Cushing, Charles G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 16
Czechlewski, Joseph F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 17
DPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 18
Dairyland FestivalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 29: 19
Dairymen's League Cooperative Association, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 1
DalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 2
Daley, Charles GrantPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 3
Daly, John T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 4
Damon, NormanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 5
DanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 6
Danielian, N. R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 7
Daniels, Dr. BenjaminPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 8
DankPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 9
Dapping, William O.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 10
DarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 11
Darby, Hon. HarryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 12
Darby, William F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 13
Darlington, Rev. HenryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 14
Dart, Justin W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 15
DasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 16
DavPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 17
Davidson, Clarence A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 18
DavisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 30: 19
Davis, Allen H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 1
Davis, D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 2
Davis, Ella A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 3
Davis, Dean and CharlottePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 4
Davis, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 5
Davis, P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 6
Davis, VachelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 7
DavisonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 8
DayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 9
Day, Anne MarjoriePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 10
DePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 11
DebPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 12
DeckPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 13
Declaration of IndependencePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 14
DedPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 15
DegPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 16
DelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 31: 17
DeLapp, Hon. Sim A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 1
DellPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 2
DemPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 3
DeMarco, NickPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 4
DeMolay, Order ofPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 5
de Montalvo, EnriquePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 6
DenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 7
DentPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 8
Department of New York, American LegionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 9
de Pass, Monte S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 10
DerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 11
DesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 12
Desmond, Hon. Thomas C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 13
DetPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 14
Dethmers, JohnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 15
DetroitPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 16
DevPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 17
Dever, Gov. Paul A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 32: 18
Devlin, William J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 1
DewPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 2
Dewey, Mrs. George M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 3
Dewey, Gov. Thomas E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 4
DiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 5
Diamond Manufacturers and Importers Association of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 6
DicPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 7
Dickson, Col. Charles M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 8
Dictaphone CorporationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 9
DiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 10
DifPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 11
Digest Group, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 12
DimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 13
Dineen, Robert E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 14
DisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 15
Disabled American VeteransPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 16
Di Salvo, Mr. and Mrs. JohnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 17
DiSano, Rev. CarmeloPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 18
DixPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 33: 19
Dixon, A. J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 34: 1
DoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 34: 2
DoePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 34: 3
Doering, Bert A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 34: 4
DolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 34: 5
DonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 34: 6
Donation, Sept. - Dec., 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 34: 7
Donation, May - Aug., 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 34: 8
Donation, Jan. - Apr., 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 34: 9
Donation, Oct. - Dec., 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 34: 10
Donation, June - Sept, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 35: 1
Donation, April - May, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 35: 2
Donation, Jan. - March, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 35: 3
Donation, Nov. - Dec., 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 35: 4
Donation, Aug. - Oct., 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 35: 5
Donation, May - July, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 35: 6
Donation, Jan. - April, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 35: 7
Donation, Oct. - Dec., 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 35: 8
Donation, July - Sept., 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 1
Donation, April - June, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 2
Donation, Jan. - March, 191'51Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 3
Donlon, Hon. MaryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 4
Donnelly, Betty HawleyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 5
DonoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 6
Donovan, Lawrence. J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 7
DorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 8
Dorsey, Mrs. CatherinePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 9
DorrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 10
Dotson, Hon. DoltonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 11
DouPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 12
Douglas, Lewis W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 13
Douglas, Hon. William O.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 14
DowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 36: 15
DoyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 1
DrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 2
Draper, Miles H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 3
Draper, William H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 4
DrePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 5
Dresser, R. B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 6
DriPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 7
Driscoll, Gov. Alfred E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 8
DuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 9
Dudley, Richard C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 10
DufPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 11
Duffy, BenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 12
DugPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 13
Dulles, John FosterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 14
DunPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 15
Duncan, C. WilliamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 16
Dunham, Corydon B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 17
DunnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 18
duPont, Hon. Frank V.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 37: 19
DunstPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 1
DusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 2
Dutchess County FairPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 3
DwPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 4
DyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 5
EPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 6
EarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 7
Earle, Hon. George H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 8
EasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 9
East, John LeonardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 10
Eastern States ExpositionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 11
Eastman, E. R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 12
EbPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 13
Eberhart, CleburnePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 14
Ebinger, John B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 15
EcPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 16
Echols, Mrs. J. W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 17
EdPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 18
Eddy, Hon. Spencer B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 19
EdiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 38: 20
EdwPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 1
EgPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 2
EhPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 3
EiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 4
Einstein, AlbertPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 5
EisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 6
Eisenhower, Dwight D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 7
Eisenhower, General A-B 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 8
Eisenhower, General C-D 1952-51Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 9
Eisenhower, General E-F 1952-51Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 10
Eisenhower, General G-H 1952-51Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 11
Eisenhower, General I-J 1952-51Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 12
Eisenhower, General K-L 1952-51Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 13
Eisenhower, General M-N 1952-51Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 14
Eisenhower, General O-P 1952-51Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 39: 15
Eisenhower, General Q-R 1952-51Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 1
Eisenhower, Dwight D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 2
ElPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 3
EliPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 4
Elks, Order ofPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 5
EllPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 6
ElliPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 7
Elliott, JockPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 8
Ellis, HaroldPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 9
ElmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 10
EmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 11
Emanuel, VictorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 40: 12
Emerson, Hon. Lee E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 1
EmgPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 2
Emmons, Charles H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 3
Empire City Racing AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 4
Empire Girl's State, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 5
Empire Girl's State, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 6
Empire Girl's State, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 7
Empire State Association of CommercePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 8
Empire State Potato ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 9
EnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 10
Engel, J. M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 11
EnglPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 12
EnnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 13
EpPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 14
Epes, Travis FreemanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 15
Episcopal ConventionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 16
Epstein, AlbertPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 17
Epstein, BeineshPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 41: 18
ErPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 1
Erb, DorothyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 2
Erie Railroad CompanyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 3
EsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 4
Ettinger, Richard P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 5
EuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 6
EvPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 7
EvarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 8
Everybody's DailyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 9
EwPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 10
Ewing, Irene V.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 11
Executives Club of ChicagoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 12
FPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 13
Fabian TheatresPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 14
FactoryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 15
FaiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 16
Fairchild, WadePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 42: 17
Fake, Kenneth H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 1
FalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 2
FamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 3
FarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 4
Far JourneyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 5
Farley, Hon. Frank S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 6
Farm DinnerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 7
Farm Leaders' LuncheonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 8
FarrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 9
FasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 10
Fashion Institute of TechnologyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 11
Fasso, Thomas N.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 12
Fawcett, CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 13
Fay, Charles EdeyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 14
Fay Reports to GMS on VisitorsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 15
FePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 43: 16
Federal Bar Association of New York, New Jersey & ConnecticutPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 1
Federated Russian Orthodox ClubsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 2
Federation of Jewish PhilanthropiesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 3
Federation of Women's Republican Clubs of New York StatePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 4
FeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 5
FelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 6
Felton, HappyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 7
FenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 8
Fenton, EdwardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 9
FerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 10
FerrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 11
Ferres, Mrs. John Giles, IIPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 12
FiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 13
FiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 14
FinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 15
Finch, Hon. Edward R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 16
Finch Junior CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 17
Finder, Leonard V.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 18
Fine, Hon. John S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 19
Finke, F. W., Jr., 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 44: 20
Finke, F. W., Jr., 1950Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 1
FinlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 2
FirPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 3
First Cazenovia Baptist ChurchPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 4
First Lutheran ChurchPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 5
First Panel Sheriffs JuryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 6
FisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 7
FishPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 8
FishkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 9
FitPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 10
Fitch, John R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 11
Fitzgerald, Mayor Edward A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 12
Fitzpatrick, James A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 13
FlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 14
Flanigan, Horace C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 15
Flannery, Thomas F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 16
FlatbushPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 17
Flatlands Post #391Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 18
FlePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 19
Fleck, John J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 20
Fletcher, Enoch G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 45: 21
FliPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 1
FloPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 2
Flood, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 3
Florida for EisenhowerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 4
FlowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 5
Flynn, F. M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 6
FoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 7
FolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 8
Folmer, Hon. Louis H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 9
ForPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 10
ForePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 11
Foreign Policy AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 12
Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, AnonymousPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 46: 13
Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, A-CPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 47: 1
Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, D-GPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 47: 2
Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, H-LPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 47: 3
Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, M-NPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 47: 4
Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, O-SPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 47: 5
Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, T-ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 47: 6
Foreign Relations CriticsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 47: 7
Forgotten Generation, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 47: 8
Forsythe, Hon. ClellanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 1
FortPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 2
Fort Orange ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 3
Fort TiconderogaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 4
Forte, Mary PattersonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 5
FosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 6
Foster Parents Plan for WarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 7
FouPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 8
Foundations of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 9
Four-H Club FoundationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 10
Foutch, SmithPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 11
FoxPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 12
Fox, George EmersonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 13
Fox, MaxwellPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 14
Foxwood SchoolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 15
FrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 16
FrankPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 17
Frankfurter, Hon. FelixPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 18
FranklinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 19
FrasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 48: 20
Fraser, Mrs. Elizabeth TalbottPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 1
FrePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 2
Fredonia State Teachers CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 3
FreePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 4
Free World AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 5
Freedom HousePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 6
FrenchPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 7
FriPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 8
FriedmanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 9
FrielPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 10
Friendly, Edwin S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 11
FroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 12
FuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 13
FulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 14
Fuld, Hon. Stanley H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 15
Fum.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 16
Funston, G. KeithPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 17
Fusscas, James P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 18
GPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 49: 19
GagPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 1
GalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 2
Gale, MarlandPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 3
Gallagher, P. J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 4
GallahPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 5
GamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 6
Ganter, Edward J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 7
GarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 8
Garden City Golf ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 9
GarfPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 10
GarrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 11
Garside, Hon. CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 12
GasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 13
GauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 14
GePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 15
GeiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 16
Geldzahler, RuthPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 17
GenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 50: 18
General Electric CompanyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 1
General Motors CorporationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 2
GeoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 3
George Junior RepublicPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 4
GerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 5
Gerdes, Mrs. W. H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 6
GerlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 7
Gerlach, Herbert C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 8
GetPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 9
Getts, Clark H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 10
GiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 11
GibPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 12
Gibbons, Most Rev. Edmund J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 13
GidPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 14
GilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 15
GillPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 16
Gill, HarryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 17
Gillespie, Chester K.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 51: 18
Gillespie, George D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 1
GilmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 2
GinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 3
Ginsberg, LeonardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 4
Gipson, J. H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 5
Girl Scouts of the United States of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 6
GlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 7
GlassPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 8
GlePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 9
Glenn, John B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 10
GliPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 11
GoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 12
GoePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 13
GolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 14
Gold Coast Students' Association of the US and CanadaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 15
Goldberg, MeyerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 16
GoldePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 17
Golden Gloves BoxingPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 18
Golden, L. L. L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 19
Golding, LouisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 20
GoldmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 52: 21
Goldman, QuinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 1
GoldsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 2
Goldsmith, Arthur J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 3
Goldstein, Hon. Nathaniel L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 4
GolePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 5
Gonzalez, Eduardo R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 6
GooPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 7
Goodman PublicationsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 8
GoodrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 9
Goot, Mrs. Joseph A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 10
GorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 11
Gordon, Mrs. Janet HillPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 12
GorePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 13
Gorgoglione, AnthonyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 14
Gorman, Michael A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 15
GosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 53: 16
Gosnell, Hon. Charles FrancisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 1
Governors' Conference, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 2
Governors' Conference, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 3
Governors' Conference, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 4
Governors' Conference, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 5
GrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 6
GrahamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 7
GraiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 8
Grand Army of the RepublicPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 9
GrantPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 10
Grant, William T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 11
GrapPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 12
GrayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 13
Gray, J. CopelandPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 14
GrePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 15
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 16
GreePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 17
Greece, King Paul and Queen FrederikaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 54: 18
GreenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 1
Green, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 2
Green, Henry D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 3
GreenbPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 4
Greenbaum, Edward S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 5
GreenePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 6
GreenfPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 7
Greenman, Frederick F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 8
Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 9
GreerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 10
GriPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 11
Gridiron DinnerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 12
Griffin, William ScottPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 13
Griffith, M. D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 14
GrigPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 15
Grimm, PeterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 16
Griswold, Dean Erwin N.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 17
GroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 18
Groat, Hon. William B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 19
Grombach, John V.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 20
GrosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 21
GrotPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 55: 22
Grumet, Hon. JacobPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 1
GuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 2
Guard, Samuel R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 3
GugPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 4
GunPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 5
Gunther, CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 6
Gurfein, Mr. and Mrs. Murray I.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 7
Gurion, David BenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 8
GusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 9
Gyuris, JohnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 10
HPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 11
HacPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 12
HadassahPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 13
Hadden, RobertPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 14
HagPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 15
Hagerty, James A. and James C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 16
Hagood, Maj. LeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 17
HahPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 18
HalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 19
HallPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 56: 20
Hall of FamePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 1
Hall, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 2
Hall, Hon. Leonard W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 3
Hall, Roland AlbertPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 4
HallaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 5
Hallauer, Carl S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 6
HalloPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 7
Halpern, Hon. SeymourPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 8
HamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 9
HamiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 10
Hamilton, A. E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 11
Hamilton, Alexander, MemorialPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 12
HamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 13
HampPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 14
HanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 15
Hancock, John, Mutual Life Insurance CompanyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 16
Handwerger, CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 17
Handy, William C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 18
HankPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 19
Hanley, Hon. Joe R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 20
Hann, CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 21
Hanna, R. E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 57: 22
Hannah, Miles C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 1
HansPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 2
HansonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 3
HarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 4
HarePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 5
Harjien, AbelePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 6
HarmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 7
Harpur CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 8
HarrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 9
HarrisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 10
Harris, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 11
Harris, JohnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 12
Harris, Richard GreenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 13
HarrisonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 14
Harrison, William H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 15
HartPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 16
Hart, Prof. HornellPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 58: 17
Hart, Vincent G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 1
HartlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 2
HartwPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 3
Hartzog, GerardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 4
Harvard Business School ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 5
HasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 6
HatPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 7
Hatch, Hon. A. GouldPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 8
Hatfield, Ernest I.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 9
HauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 10
Hauge, GabrielPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 11
Hausauer, Maj. Gen. Karl F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 12
Hausman, SamuelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 13
HawPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 14
HawaiiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 15
Hawkins, Hon. Charles W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 16
HayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 17
Hayden, Charles, FoundationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 18
Hayes, Dr. Carlton J. H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 59: 19
Haynes, Dr. George EdmundPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 1
HaysPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 2
HePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 3
Heald, Henry TownleyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 4
Hearst Newspapers Tournament of OratorsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 5
Heath, Hon. ThomasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 6
HebPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 7
Heck, OswaldPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 8
HeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 9
HeiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 10
Heikkila, AdolphPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 11
HeinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 12
Hein, Sidney S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 13
Heinemann, Dr. LeopoldPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 14
HelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 15
HelmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 16
HenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 17
HendrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 18
Hendricks Memorial Chapel of Syracuse UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 19
HenePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 20
HenrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 21
Henry, C. P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 22
Hensel, H. StruvePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 60: 23
Henson, Hobart P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 1
HerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 2
Herald Tribune ForumPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 3
Herald Tribune Fresh Air FundPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 4
HermPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 5
Herman, Hon. Harry G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 6
HerrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 7
HersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 8
Herter, Hon. Christian A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 9
HesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 10
Hess, BenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 11
Hessler, C. J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 12
HeuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 13
HiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 14
Hicks, C. D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 15
HigPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 16
Higgins, Daniel PaulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 17
Highland, Cecil B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 18
HilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 61: 19
Hilfinger, Hon. Martin F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 1
HillPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 2
Hill, Hon. William H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 3
Hill, Mrs. W. D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 4
Hill, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 5
Hill, Hon. John WarrenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 6
HillaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 7
Hilleboe, Hon. Herman E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 8
HilmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 9
HimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 10
Hinkel, Herbert J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 11
Hinman, Hon. GeorgePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 12
HirPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 13
HoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 14
HodPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 15
Hodge, G. HowardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 16
HofPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 17
Hoffman, Mrs. LaviniaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 18
Hoffman, Hon. Paul G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 19
Hofmann, LesterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 62: 20
Hofstra CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 1
HogPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 2
HolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 3
HollPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 4
HolliPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 5
Hollister, PaulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 6
HolmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 7
Holmes, E. H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 8
HoltPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 9
HomPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 10
Honorary Membership, July - Nov., 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 11
Honorary Membership, April- June, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 12
Honorary Membership, Jan. - Mar., 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 13
Honorary Membership, Nov. - Dec., 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 63: 14
Honorary Membership, Aug. - Oct., 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 1
Honorary Membership, April - July, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 2
Honorary Membership, Jan. - Mar., 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 3
Honorary Membership, Oct. - Dec., 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 4
Honorary Membership, May - Sept.,1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 5
Honorary Membership, Jan. - Apr., 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 6
Honorary Membership, Oct. - Dec., 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 7
Honorary Membership, July - Sept.,1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 8
Honorary Membership, April - June, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 9
Honorary Membership, Jan. - Mar., 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 10
HoodPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 11
HopPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 64: 12
Hopkins, George C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 1
HorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 2
Horn, Charles L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 3
Hornell Industrial DayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 4
HororPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 5
HosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 6
Hospital for Special SurgeryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 7
Hotel Association of New York CityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 8
HouPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 9
Houghton, AmoryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 10
House, VictorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 11
Houston, Frank K.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 12
Houston, Herbert S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 13
Hoving, WalterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 14
HowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 15
Howard, CarolynePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 16
Howard, Roy W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 17
HowePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 18
Howell, A. Myron IIIPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 19
Howes, DurwoodPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 20
HoyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 21
HuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 22
Hubbard, L. RonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 65: 23
HudPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 1
HuePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 2
HugPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 3
Hughes, Hon. John H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 4
HulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 5
HumPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 6
Humphreys, Hugh G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 7
HunPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 8
HungarianPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 9
Hungarian National CouncilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 10
Hunt, LawrencePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 11
HunterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 12
HurPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 13
Hurd, Hon. T. N.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 14
HutPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 15
HyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 16
Hyde, W. DonaldPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 17
IPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 18
"I Am An American Day"Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 19
Ibbotson, Edward D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 20
IlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 21
Impellitteri, Vincent R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 22
Imperial Council Session New York, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 66: 23
InPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 1
Inaugural Heart AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 2
Inauguration, WashingtonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 3
Independent Film JournalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 4
Industrial College of the Armed ForcesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 5
IngPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 6
Ingalls, George L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 7
Inner Circle, ThePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 8
Institute of Applied Arts and SciencePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 9
Institute of the Opera, Drama and Theatrical ArtsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 10
IntPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 11
InternationalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 12
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 13
International Business MachinesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 14
International College of SurgeonsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 67: 15
International Congress of Pare and Applied ChemistryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 1
International Golden Rule FellowshipPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 2
International Harvester CompanyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 3
International Press Alliance CorporationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 4
International Students ConferencePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 5
Interstate Commission on the Delaware River BasinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 6
Interstate Oil Compact CommissionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 7
Interviewed by GovernorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 8
Investment AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 9
IrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 10
Irving, Maj. Gen. F. A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 11
Irvington HousePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 12
IsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 13
Isbrandtsen, HansPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 14
IsraelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 68: 15
Israel Bond CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 1
ItPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 2
Italian American Grocers Association of Greater New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 3
Italian Historial Society of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 4
Ives, Irving M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 5
Iwanowski, B. J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 6
JPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 7
JacksPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 8
JacksonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 9
Jackson, Malcolm A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 10
Jackson, Paul E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 11
JacoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 12
Jacobs, S. R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 13
JadPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 14
James, C. L. R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 15
JanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 16
JarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 17
Jarvis, HelenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 18
Javits, Benjamin A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 69: 19
Javits, Hon. Jacob K.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 1
JePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 2
Jefferson, Floyd W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 3
JenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 4
JennPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 5
JerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 6
JerusalemPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 7
JetPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 8
JewishPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 9
Jewish Board of GuardiansPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 10
Jewish Braille ReviewPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 11
Jewish Child's DayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 12
Jewish New Years, 1953-54Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 13
Jewish New Years, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 14
Jewish New Years, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 15
Jewish War Veterans of the U. S. A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 16
JoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 17
JohnsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 18
Johnson, Dr. AlvinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 19
Johnson, BenjaminPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 20
Johnson, D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 21
Johnson, Hon. Frank M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 22
Johnson, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 23
Johnson, HallettPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 70: 24
Johnson, HaroldPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 1
Johnson, L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 2
Johnson, P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 3
Johnson, Gen. Robert WoodPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 4
Johnson, T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 5
JohnstonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 6
Johnston, Jesephine M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 7
JonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 8
JonesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 9
Jones Beach StadiumPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 10
Jones, Bob, UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 11
Jones, D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 12
Jones, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 13
Jones, L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 14
Jones, Miles W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 15
Jones, P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 16
Jones, SS W. AltonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 17
Jones, W. AltonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 71: 18
Jonniaux, AlfredPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 1
JorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 2
JosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 3
Joyce, William B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 4
JuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 5
Judd, Walter H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 6
Jutila, Hon. KallePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 7
Juuonen, Helmi D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 8
KPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 9
KahPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 10
Kalmanowitz, AbrahamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 11
KamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 12
KanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 13
Kan, Chieh-houPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 14
KantPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 15
Kaplan, H. EliotPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 16
KarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 72: 17
Kash, KellyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 1
KatPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 2
Katzen, BernardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 3
KauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 4
Kazanjian, HarryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 5
KePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 6
Keane, Mr. and Mrs. John A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 7
Kear, Mrs. LauraPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 8
Kearney, Hon. B. W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 9
Keating, Hon. KennethPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 10
KeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 11
KefPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 12
KelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 13
Keller, HaroldPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 14
KelleyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 73: 15
KellmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 1
Kelly, Harry F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 2
Kelly, Brig. Gen. William H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 3
KemPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 4
Kemper, James S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 5
KenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 6
Kendall, Raymond W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 7
KennPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 8
Kenna, FrankPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 9
KennedyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 10
Kennedy, W. F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 11
KenneyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 12
KentPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 13
KerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 14
KesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 15
KeuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 16
KiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 17
KilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 18
KimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 74: 19
KinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 1
KingPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 2
King, DelcevarePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 3
King, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 4
Kingston, New York CentennialPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 5
KinnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 6
Kinne, Birge W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 7
KirPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 8
Kirchhofer, A. H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 9
Kirchwey, FredaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 10
Kirschenbaum, Hon. IrvingPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 11
KisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 12
Kiwanis InternationalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 13
KlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 75: 14
Klausner, Leopold C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 1
KleiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 2
Kelin, JuliusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 3
KliPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 4
Klitgord, OttoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 5
KnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 6
KniPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 7
Knight, Hon. Goodwin J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 8
Knights of ColumbusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 9
KnoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 10
Knopf, Alfred A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 11
KoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 12
Kobayashi, AtaruPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 13
KoePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 14
Koehler, Mrs. Edwin H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 15
Koenig, Hon. Samuel S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 16
Kohlberg, AlfredPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 76: 17
Kohler, Hon. Walter J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 1
KolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 2
KorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 3
Korell, Christian W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 4
KosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 5
KrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 6
KranPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 7
KrePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 8
Kress, Charles W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 9
Krieg, LouisePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 10
KroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 11
KruPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 12
Krulewitch, Melvin L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 13
KuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 14
Kuhnle, Howard A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 15
KulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 77: 16
KurPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 1
LPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 2
LadPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 3
LagPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 4
LakPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 5
LamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 6
Lambs, ThePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 7
Lamula, John J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 8
LanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 9
Landon, Hon. Kirk A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 10
LanePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 11
Lane, William T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 12
LangPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 13
Lang, Chester H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 14
Langley, William C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 15
Langlie, Hon. Arthur B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 16
LaniPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 17
Lansdale, Hon. Robert T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 78: 18
LapPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 1
LarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 2
LarsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 3
LasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 4
La Scala Opera CompanyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 5
Latham, Hon. Henry J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 6
Latvian AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 7
LauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 8
LavPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 9
LawPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 10
Lawrence, Sarah, CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 11
LawsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 12
LawsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 13
LePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 14
Leader, HenryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 15
Leaders' Meeting, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 16
Leaders' Meeting, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 79: 17
Leaders' Meeting, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 1
Leaders' Meeting, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 2
League of Women Voters of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 3
Leavitt, Ezra G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 4
LebPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 5
LeBoutillier, Cornelia GeerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 6
LeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 7
LefPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 8
Leff, Mrs. Henry R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 9
LeiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 10
Leisure, George S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 11
LeitPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 12
Leithead, Barry T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 13
Leland, Edwin A., Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 14
LenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 15
Lennox, Ruth H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 16
LeoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 17
Leonard, Jesse H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 18
Leonard, Lucius G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 80: 19
LerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 1
Lertzman, CarlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 2
Lescaze, Hon. WilliamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 3
LevPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 4
LevinePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 5
Levine, CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 6
LevyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 7
LewPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 8
LewisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 9
Lewis, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 10
Lewis, William H., Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 11
LeyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 81: 12
LiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 1
LiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 2
Lief, AlfredPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 3
LifePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 4
LigPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 5
Lighthouse, ThePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 6
LinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 7
Lincoln Day Dinner, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 8
Lincoln Day Dinner, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 9
Lincoln Day Dinner, 1951, A-LPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 10
Lincoln Day Dinner, 1951, M-ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 11
Lincoln, Leroy A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 12
LindPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 82: 13
Linden Hill SchoolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 1
LindgPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 2
LinePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 3
Lions InternationalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 4
LipPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 5
Lipset, Ben B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 6
LitPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 7
LithuaniaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 8
Little Sisters of the PoorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 9
LivPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 10
Livingston, Goodhue, Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 11
LoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 12
Lockwood, Rev. J. WilsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 13
Lockwood, Paul E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 14
Lockwood, Warren S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 15
Lodge, Henry CabotPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 16
Lodge, Hon. JohnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 17
LoePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 18
Loeb, Hon. WilliamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 83: 19
LogPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 1
LongPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 2
Long Island Agricultural and Technical InstitutePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 3
Long Island Jewish HospitalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 4
LongaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 5
Longo, TonyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 6
Look MagazinePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 7
LorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 8
Lorenz, Hon. KeithPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 9
Lotus ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 10
LouPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 11
Loughran, James F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 12
Lounsberry, Stephen M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 13
LovPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 14
LowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 15
Low, Hon. A. AugustusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 84: 16
Lowe, Allen JamesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 1
Lowenstein, Mr. and Mrs. LeonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 2
Lowenthal, PhilipPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 3
LuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 4
Luce, Henry R. and Mrs. Clare BoothePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 5
Luciano, CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 6
LudPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 7
Ludington, Howard J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 8
Ludlum, Mrs. RalphPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 9
Lumbard, J. EdwardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 10
LunPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 11
Lundgren, Mary LouisePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 12
LupPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 13
LyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 14
Lyczak, Adam B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 15
Lyle, Albert J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 16
LynchPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 17
LyonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 85: 18
Lyons, Hon. William A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 1
MPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 2
Macduff, James R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 3
MacePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 4
Macfadden, BernarrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 5
Macfarlane, JanetPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 6
Machold, Earl J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 7
MackPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 8
Mack, Jack E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 9
Mack, Walter S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 10
MackeyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 11
Maclay, Mark W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 12
MadPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 13
MagPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 14
MahPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 15
Mahoney, Walter J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 16
MaiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 17
Mailler, Hon. Lee B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 86: 18
Maines, George H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 1
MalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 2
MaloPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 3
Malott, Dr. Dean W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 4
ManPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 5
Man of the WeekPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 6
Mance, Dr. Gorman B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 7
MangPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 8
Manhattan CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 9
MannPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 10
Manning, Thomas J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 11
ManoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 12
MarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 13
Marble Collegiate ChurchPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 14
MarckPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 15
MariPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 16
Marine NewsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 17
MarkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 87: 18
MarlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 1
MarsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 2
Marshall, JamesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 3
Marshall, Raymond W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 4
MartPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 5
MartinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 6
Martin, Darrell V.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 7
Martin, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 8
Martin, Dr. HeinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 9
Martin, Lewis BoydePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 10
Martin, M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 11
Martin, Thomas C. P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 12
MartinaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 13
MarvPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 14
MasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 15
Masonic OrdersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 16
MassPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 17
Massena Chamber of CommercePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 88: 18
Mastin, RobertPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 1
MatPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 2
Matsumoto, Midori I.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 3
MattPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 4
Mattingly, Barak T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 5
MauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 6
MaxPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 7
Maxwell, Mary EllisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 8
MayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 9
MayfPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 10
Mays, Employees' AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 11
McPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 12
MacAllister, TownsendPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 13
MacArthur, Gen. DouglasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 14
McCPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 15
McCabe, Charles B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 16
McCann, GenePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 17
McCarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 18
McCarthy, Joseph H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 19
McCartiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 20
McClPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 89: 21
McCleave, Mrs. JamesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 1
McCoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 2
McConnell, Burt M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 3
McConnell, James A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 4
McConnell, Joseph H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 5
McCook, Hon. Philip J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 6
McCorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 7
McCormick, KenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 8
McCrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 9
McDPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 10
McDonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 11
MacDonald, M. F. C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 12
McDonnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 13
MacDonnell, Mark L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 14
McEPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 15
McGPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 16
McGarry, Hon. John E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 17
McGinley, Edward J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 18
McGoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 19
McGovern, Hon. J. RaymondPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 20
McGowen, CayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 90: 21
McGrew, Edward J., Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 1
McGuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 2
McGuire, Grace EvelynPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 3
McHugh, Keith S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 4
McIPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 5
McKPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 6
McKaig, RayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 7
McKee, Frederick C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 8
McKeldin, Hon. Theodore R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 9
McKiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 10
McLPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 11
McMPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 12
McNPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 13
McNeill, Hon. Robert H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 14
McPPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 91: 15
McSPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 1
MePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 2
MebPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 3
Medalie, Mrs. Carrie K.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 4
Medical Society of the State of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 5
MeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 6
Meet the Press, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 7
Meet the Press, October 19, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 8
Meet the Press, May 11, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 9
Meet the Press, October 14, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 10
Meet the Press, February 11, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 11
MeiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 12
MelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 92: 13
Melton, JamesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 1
MenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 2
Mendelssohn Glee ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 3
Menjou, AldolphePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 4
Men'sPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 5
Menzies, Prime Minister R. G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 6
MerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 7
Merit Award BoardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 8
MerrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 9
Merritt, Carroll B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 10
Mertens, William, Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 11
MesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 12
MetPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 13
MetsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 14
MeyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 15
MeyersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 16
MiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 17
Michigan Memorial, Phoenix ProjectPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 93: 18
Michigan, University ofPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 1
MidPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 2
MilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 3
Miley, Thomas JeffersonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 4
Military Chaplains Association, U. S. A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 5
MillPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 6
MillerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 7
Miller, D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 8
Miller, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 9
Miller, P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 10
MilliPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 11
Mills, Hon. Louis V.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 12
MilmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 13
MinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 14
Miner, Ruth H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 15
MinnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 16
Mintzer, George J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 17
Minute Men of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 94: 18
Miracle of America, ThePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 1
MisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 2
MitPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 3
Mitchell, IrvinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 4
MittPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 5
MoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 6
MoePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 7
Moffat, Hon. Abbott LowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 8
MohPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 9
Mohylyn, PetroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 10
MonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 11
MonePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 12
MontPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 13
MontgomeryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 14
Montgomery, Bob and RuthPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 15
MooPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 16
Mooney, Mrs. Claire L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 95: 17
MoorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 1
MoorePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 2
Moore, Lt. Gov. Frank C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 3
Moore, James E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 4
Moot, Hon. Welles V.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 5
MorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 6
Moran, Frederick A., Memorial InstitutePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 7
MorganPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 8
Morhouse, Hon. L. JudsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 9
MoriPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 10
Moritt, Hon. Fred G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 11
MorrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 12
MorrisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 13
MorrisonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 14
MorsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 15
Mortimer, Mrs. John P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 16
MosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 17
Moseley, SethPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 96: 18
Moses, Hon. RobertPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 1
Moskovit, Harold R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 2
Moss, M. J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 3
MotPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 4
MoulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 5
Mount Sinai HospitalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 6
MowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 7
MuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 8
MufPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 9
MullPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 10
MullinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 11
MunPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 12
MurPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 13
MurpPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 14
Murphy, Charles E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 15
MurrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 16
Murray, Francis W., Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 17
Murrow, Edward R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 18
MusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 97: 19
Musial, Joseph W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 1
Music Educators National ConferencePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 2
Mutual Broadcasting SystemPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 3
Mutual Insurance, Two Hundreth Anniversary CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 4
My Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 5
MygPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 6
NPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 7
NaiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 8
NarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 9
Nash, Bradley D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 10
NatPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 11
Nathan, Edgar J., Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 12
National, A-CPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 13
National Amputation FoundationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 14
National Association for the Advancement of Colored PeoplePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 15
National Association of EvangelicalsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 16
National Association of Professional Baseball LeaguesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 98: 17
National Association of Women LawyersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 1
National Broadcasting Company, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 2
National Buyers' GuidePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 3
National Civil Service LeaguePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 4
National Committee for a Free Europe, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 5
National Conference of Christian and JewsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 6
National Council for Public EnlightenmentPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 7
National Council of Business and Professional Men, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 8
National, D-LPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 9
National Defense Transportation AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 10
National Home Furnishing ShowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 11
National Industrial Conference BoardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 99: 12
National Jewish Hospital at DenverPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 1
National, M-ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 2
National Republican ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 3
National Retail Dry Goods AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 4
National Soaring ContestPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 5
National Sports FestivalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 6
National Urban LeaguePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 7
NauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 8
NePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 9
NeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 10
NefPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 11
NelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 12
NelsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 13
Nelson, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 14
NemPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 15
Netherlands, Queen Juliana ofPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 16
NeuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 17
NewPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 18
New England/New York Inter-Agency CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 19
New Paltz State Teachers CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 100: 20
New SchoolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 1
New York, A-KPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 2
New York Board of RabbisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 3
New York Board of TradePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 4
New York Botanical GardenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 5
New York Central SystemPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 6
New York CityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 7
New York City Federation of Women's Clubs, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 8
New York City Police DepartmentPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 9
New York City Problems, TV ProgramsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 10
New York County Lawyers' AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 11
New York Department of Veterans of Foreign WarsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 12
New York Heart AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 13
New York Herald TribunePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 14
New York InfirmaryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 15
New York Institute for the Education of the BlindPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 16
New York Journal AmericanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 17
New York, L-ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 18
New York Library AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 19
New York MirrorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 101: 20
New York Philharmonic SocietyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 1
New York State A-LPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 2
New York State Academy of General Practice, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 3
New York State Agricultural SocietyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 4
New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 5
New York State Automobile DealersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 6
New York State Bankers AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 7
New York State Bar AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 8
New York State Cerebral Palsy Association, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 9
New York State Citizens' Health CouncilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 10
New York State Conference Board of Farm OrganizationsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 11
New York State Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 12
New York State Council of Churches, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 13
New York State County Highway Superintendents AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 14
New York State Credit Union LeaguePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 15
New York State Delegation Dinner, June 11, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 16
New York State Federation of Women's ClubsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 17
New York State GrangePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 102: 18
New York State Journal of MedicinePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 1
New York State, M-ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 2
New York State Maritime CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 3
New York State Nurses AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 4
New York State Sheriffs' AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 5
New York State Society of Professional EngineersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 6
New York State Teachers AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 7
New York State Training School for BoysPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 8
New York State Turkey AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 9
New York State Weights and Measures AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 10
New York State Wholesale Beer Distributors Association, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 11
New York State Young Republican ClubsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 12
New York TimesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 13
New York Trap Rock CorporationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 14
New York UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 15
New York World Trade Week CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 16
New York Young Republican ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 17
Newark's Rose FestivalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 18
NewhPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 19
Newton, Arthur U.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 20
NewmarkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 21
Next Voter, ThePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 22
NiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 23
Nicely, Mrs. James M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 24
Nichols, C. A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 25
NiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 26
Niec, MikePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 27
NilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 103: 28
Nixon, Hon. RichardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 1
NoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 2
NolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 3
NorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 4
Nordstrand, ElenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 5
NorthPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 6
North American Wild-Life ConferencePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 7
NorthaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 8
NortonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 9
Norton, Henry K.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 10
NosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 11
Noyes, Charles F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 12
NuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 13
NyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 14
OPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 15
Oakes, Raymond S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 16
ObPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 17
ObrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 18
O'Brien, Leo W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 19
OcPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 20
O'ConnorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 21
OdPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 22
Odell, WallacePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 23
O'Donnell, HarryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 24
OePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 25
OhPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 26
OklahomaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 27
OlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 28
Old Guard of the City of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 29
OliPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 104: 30
Olliffe, Hon. Lewis W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 1
OlsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 2
Olson, James D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 3
OmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 4
O'Malley, James, Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 5
O'Malley, Walter F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 6
OnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 7
Oneonta State Teachers CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 8
OnondagaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 9
OpPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 10
OrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 11
Orange County Driving Park AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 12
Ordonez, Medaro AlfredoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 13
OrlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 14
OsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 15
Osborn, Mrs. Charles S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 16
OstPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 17
Osterhout, HowardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 18
Ostertag, Hon. Harold C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 19
Oswego State Teachers CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 20
OtPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 21
Ottenheimer, Hon. J. A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 22
Otterbourg, Edwin M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 23
OvPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 24
Overseas Chinese Anti-Communist AlliancePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 105: 25
OwenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 1
PPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 2
PackPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 3
PagPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 4
PalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 5
PalmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 6
Palmer, Eugene E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 7
Palmer, J. Campbell, IIIPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 8
PanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 9
Pan-American World Airways, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 10
Panuch, J. AnthonyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 11
Papa, JosephPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 12
ParPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 13
Parents' MagazinePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 14
ParkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 15
ParkerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 16
ParkesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 17
ParlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 18
Parlo, J. J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 19
ParsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
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PasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 21
Pasadena Junior Chamber of CommercePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 22
PatPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 23
PattPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 24
Patterson, Robert Porter, MemorialPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 25
PauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 26
PavPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 27
Paxton, NorrisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 106: 28
Payne, Hon. Frederick G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 1
PePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 2
Peabody, Mrs. PaulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 3
Peace Can Be WonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 4
Peale, Dr. Norman VincentPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 5
Pearl, Mrs. Norton H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 6
PecPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 7
Peck, Hon. David W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 8
PeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 9
PelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 10
Peltyn, Seymour L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 11
PennsylvaniaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 12
Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the RevolutionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 13
Pennsylvania, University ofPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 14
PeoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 15
PerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 16
PerkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 17
PerrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 18
Perry, Norris I.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 19
PersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 20
PetPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 21
PetersonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 22
Peterson, Hon. ValPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 23
PetiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 24
PettPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 25
PfPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 107: 26
Pfeiffer, William L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 1
PhPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 2
Phelps-Stokes FundPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 3
PhiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 4
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 5
Philadelphia Bulletin ForumPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 6
Philharmonic Symphony SocietyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 7
Phillipine AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 8
PhillipsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 9
Phillips, Mrs. GusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 10
Phillips, H. H. S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 11
PiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 12
Pick the WinnerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 13
PiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 14
Pierce, Charles M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 15
PigPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 16
PinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 17
Pinkley, VirgilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 18
PipPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 19
Pitzele, Merlyn S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 20
PlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 21
Placement and Unemployment InsurancePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 22
Planteen, RalphPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 23
Platt, Hon. LivingstonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 24
PlePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 25
PoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 26
Poetry SocietyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 27
PolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 28
Police ConferencePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 29
Polowsky, JosephPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 30
PomPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 31
Pomeroy, Hon. Daniel E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 32
Pontius, Miller H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 33
PooPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 34
Pope, Hon. Bayard F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 35
Pope, Fortune R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 36
PorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 37
Port of New York AuthorityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 108: 38
PosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 1
PotPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 2
PoughkeepsiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 3
PowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 4
Powell, Dr. C. B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 5
PrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 6
Practical Nurses of New York, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 7
Preller., Hon. Fred W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 8
PresPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 9
PriPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 10
PrimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 11
Princeton UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 12
Pritchett, John A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 13
Prkovich, MikePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 14
ProPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 15
Progressive Baptist State Convention of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 16
Propeller Club of the United StatesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 17
ProsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 18
Proskauer, Hon. Joseph M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 19
Proskuriakow, PeterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 20
Protestant Dutch Reformed Church of FlatlandsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 21
PruPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 22
Prychodko, NicholasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 23
PuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 24
Public Health CouncilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 25
Public Papers, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 109: 26
Public Papers, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 1
Public Papers, 1950Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 2
Public Papers, 1949Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 3
Public Papers, 1948Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 4
Puerto RicoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 5
PulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 6
PurPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 7
PutPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 8
Puterbaugh, J. G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 9
Pyle, Hon. HowardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 10
QPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 11
QuePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 12
Queen, ElleryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 13
Queens County Jockey ClubPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 14
Queens Society Annual DinnerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 15
QuinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 16
Quinn, Thomas B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 17
RPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 18
RadPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 19
Raddock, CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 20
Radio and TV AppearancesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 21
RaePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 22
RaiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
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RamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 24
Rampone, LorettoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 25
RanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 26
Raney, George P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 27
RapPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 28
Rasmuson, Elmer E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 29
RauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 110: 30
Ray, Dr. Robert F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 1
RePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 2
Reagan, James B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 3
RebPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 4
Rector, Nelson H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 5
Red CrossPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 6
ReePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 7
ReesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 8
ReevesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 9
RegPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 10
ReiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 11
Reid, Mrs. Helen R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 12
Reid, WhitelawPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 13
ReilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 14
ReimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 15
Reiner, LeoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 16
RelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 17
RemPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 18
Reoux, Harry A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 19
RepPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 20
Republican Club, 9th Assembly DistrictPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 21
Republican National CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 22
Republican National Convention, DelegatesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 111: 23
Republican National Convention, New York DelegatesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 112: 1
Republican Legislative Members, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 112: 2
Republican Legislative Members, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 112: 3
Republican Legislative Members, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 112: 4
Republican State CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 112: 5
Republican State CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 112: 6
Republican Women of PennsylvaniaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 112: 7
Repperd, David E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 112: 8
Research Institute of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 112: 9
Resources for the Future, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 1
Retirement of Governor, A-GPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 2
Retirement of Governor, H-NPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 3
Retirement of Governor, O-ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 4
ReuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 5
ReyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 6
RhPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 7
RiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 8
RichPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 9
Rich, Frederic P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 10
RichardsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 11
RichePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 12
Richman, WilliamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 13
RidPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 14
Ridder, Victor F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 15
RiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 16
Riegelman, HaroldPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 17
Rigley, Dr. Edward L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 18
RilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 19
RioPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 113: 20
RitPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 1
RoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 2
Robb, GenePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 3
Robbins, Manuel LeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 4
RobePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 5
RobertsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 6
Roberts, Roy A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 7
RobertsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 8
RobiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 9
RobinsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 10
Robinson, Maj. Hughes A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 11
RocPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 12
Rochester Institute of International AffairsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 13
RodPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 14
RoePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 15
Roffman, Richard H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 16
RogPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
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RoggPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 18
Rohr, Robert CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 19
RolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 20
Rollins CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 21
RomPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 22
Romulo, Hon. Carlos P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 23
RooPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 114: 24
Roosevelt CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 1
Roosevelt HospitalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 2
Roosevelt HotelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 3
Root, OrenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 4
RosPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 5
RosenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 6
Rosenblum, Jacob J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 7
RosencPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 8
Rosenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. MauricePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 9
Rosenstiel, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 10
RossPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 11
Rossman, CarlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 12
RossaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 13
RotPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 14
Rotary ClubsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 15
Roth, George T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 16
RototillerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 17
RouPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 18
Rountree, MarthaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 19
RoyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 20
RuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 21
Rubenstein, JosephPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 22
RucPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 23
Rudd, Earl R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 24
RuePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 25
RulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 26
Rules DinnerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 27
Rumble, James L. P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 28
Rumsey, Dexter P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 29
Runyon, Damon, Memorial FundPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 30
Ruppel, LouisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 31
Ruppell, Edward A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 32
Rural Radio NetworkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 115: 33
RusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 1
RussiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 2
Ruthenburg, LouisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 3
RyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 4
Ryan, Joseph P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 5
Ryan, Mrs. Ralph TaylorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 6
Ryan, Hon. RichardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 7
RybPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 8
SPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 9
SadPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 10
SaiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 11
SaintPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 12
St. Andrews SocietyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 13
St. Francis HospitalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 14
St. George AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 15
St. George's Episcopal ChurchPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 16
St. LawrencePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 17
St. LukePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 18
St. Mary'sPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 19
St. Nicholas SocietyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 20
St. Patrick's Day ParadePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 21
St. Paul'sPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 22
SalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 23
Salvation ArmyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 24
Salzman., HarryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 25
SamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 26
Samson, Mrs. HubertPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 27
Samuel, Ralph E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 28
SanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 29
Sanford, William KPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 30
Santa's WorkshopPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 31
SandPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 32
Sandler, Bernard H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 33
SanfPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 34
SaniPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 35
SarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 36
Saratoga AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 37
Saratoga Harness Racing AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 38
Saturday Review of LiteraturePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 39
SauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 40
Saucier, Mr. and Mrs. TedPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 41
SavPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 42
SawPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 43
Saxe, Hon. MartinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 116: 44
Sayre, Mrs. Horace H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 1
ScPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 2
SchPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 3
SchagPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 4
SchePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 5
SchenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 6
Scherwat, William C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 7
SchiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 8
Schiller, SolonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 9
Schine, J. MyerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 10
SchlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
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SchmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 12
SchmiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 13
SchnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
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SchoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 15
Schoenfeld, Hon. John L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 16
ScholPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
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SchrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 18
SchroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 19
Schroth, Frank D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 20
SchuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 21
Schuler, OttoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 22
SchultPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
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SchumPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 24
Schuman, Dr. IrvingPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 25
Schuyler MansionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 26
SchwPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 27
Schwartz, Arthur H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 28
Schwartz, Walter S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 29
SchwePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 30
SciPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 31
ScotPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 32
ScrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 33
Scully, Most Rev. William A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
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SePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 35
SebPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 36
SeePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 37
Segal, IrvingPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 38
Seibert, Herbert D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 39
SelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 40
Sells, Hon. Charles H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 41
SemPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 117: 42
SerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 1
SevPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 2
Seven Days to NoonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 3
Seydoux, RogerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 4
Seymour, Whitney NorthPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 5
ShPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 6
Shaffer, IsadorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 7
ShanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 8
Shannon, Frank LPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 9
Shapiro, Nathan D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 10
SharPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 11
ShawPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 12
SheaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 13
ShelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 14
ShepardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 15
SherPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 16
ShermanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 17
Sherwood, CameronPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 18
Sherwood, NialPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 19
ShiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 20
Shientag, Hon. and Mrs. Bernard L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 21
Shivers, Hon. AllenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 22
ShoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 23
Shoemaker, M. J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 24
ShuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 25
SiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 26
SiecPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 27
SilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 28
Silent GuestPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 29
SilverPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 30
Silver, Dr. Abba HillelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 31
Silver, Charles H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 32
SimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 33
SimonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 34
Simon,Mrs. I Caroline K.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 35
SimpPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 36
Simpson, David B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 37
Simpson, Milward L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 118: 38
SinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 1
Sioussat, Helen J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 2
Sisca, MarzialePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 3
Sivertsen, WilmaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 4
SirPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 5
SkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 6
SlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 7
SlePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 8
Sloan, George A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 9
SmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 10
Smakwitz, Charles A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 11
Smillie, Ronald O. F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 12
SmithPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 13
Smith, Alfred E Memorial DinnerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 14
Smith, C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 15
Smith, D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 16
Smith, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 17
Smith, Hon. H. AlexanderPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 18
Smith, J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 19
Smith, L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 20
Smith, Lee ThompsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 21
Smith, Leonard B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 22
Smith, P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 23
Smith, R. M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 24
Smith, T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 25
Smith, Young B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 26
SmoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 27
SnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 28
Snell, Hon. Bertrand H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 29
SnyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 30
SoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 31
SolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 32
Solomon, JackPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 33
Solonevitch., Dr. BorisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 34
SomPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 35
Soniat, John T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 36
Sons of the American RevolutionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 37
SorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 119: 38
SouPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 1
SoutPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 2
Sowers, David W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 3
SpPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 4
Spades, Hon. C. C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 5
Spatt, Dr. MosesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 6
Spaulding, A. T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 7
SpePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 8
SpenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 9
Spencer, Anna MaePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 10
SpiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 11
Spiro, Simon UrbanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 12
SpoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 13
Sprague, J. RusselPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 14
SpriPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 15
SqPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 16
StPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 17
Staff, Hon. Samuel G.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 18
Stafford, JamesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 19
StagPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 20
StanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 21
StanlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 22
Stanley, Winifred C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 23
StannPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 24
Stanton, FrankPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 25
Stanton, Sanford E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 26
StarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 27
Starlight TheatrePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 28
Stassen, Harold E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 29
StatPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 30
State Club of Cornell University, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 31
State FairPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 32
State Institute on Community LeadershipPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 33
State University of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 120: 34
Statements, October-December, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 121: 1
Statements, August-September, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 121: 2
Statements, June-July, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 121: 3
Statements, May, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 121: 4
Statements, April, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 121: 5
Statements, March, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 122: 1
Statements, January - February, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 122: 2
Statements, November - December, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 122: 3
Statements, August - October, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 122: 4
Statements, May - July, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 122: 5
Statements, March - April, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 123: 1
Statements, January-February, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 123: 2
Statements, October-December, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 123: 3
Statements, April-September, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 123: 4
Statements, January-March, 1952Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 124: 1
Statements, October-December, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 124: 2
Statements, July-September, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 124: 3
Statements, April-June, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 124: 4
Statements, January-March, 1951Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 124: 5
StePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 124: 6
SteenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 124: 7
SteiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 124: 8
Stein, Fred W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 124: 9
Steinberg, Harris B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 124: 10
StelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 1
StepPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 2
Stephens, Hon. D. MalloryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 3
Stephens, Hon. Thomas E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 4
Stephenson, Bertram S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 5
SterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 6
Stern, Frederick M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 7
StevPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 8
StewPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 9
StiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 10
Stichman, Hon. Herman T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 11
StoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 12
Stock, Helen M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 13
Stoddard, Col. Francis R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 14
StoePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 15
StonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 16
StrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 17
Straus, Roger W., Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 18
StrePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 19
Streit, J. BradleyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 20
Strelsin, Alfred A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 21
Streman, Ida LouisePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 22
StroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 23
Strong, Hon. Genesta M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 24
StorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 25
StuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 26
Studenski, Dr. PaulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 125: 27
StulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 1
SuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 2
SulPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 3
SullivanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 4
Sullivan, Ed.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 5
Sullivan, George P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 6
SultPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 7
Sulzberger, Arthur HaysPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 8
Summerfield, Hon. Arthur E.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 9
SunPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 10
SurPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 11
SutPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 12
SwPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 13
SwansonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 14
Swayze, John CameronPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 15
SwePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 16
SweiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 17
Swift, W. A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 18
Swim, H. DudleyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 19
Swisher, Sarah M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 20
SwitzerlandPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 21
Swope, Hon. Herbert BayardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 22
SyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 23
Symbol, ArchiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 24
Syracuse UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 25
Szper, Ignatius J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 26
TPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 27
Taber, JohnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 28
Taber, Louis J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 29
Taft, Robert A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 30
Tait, Galen L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 31
TagPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 32
Talbott, HaroldPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 126: 33
Tallamy, Hon. Bertram D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 1
TamPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 2
TarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 3
TayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 4
TaylorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 5
Taylor, C. W., Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 6
Taylor, Hon. Dean P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 7
Taylor, Mildred F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 8
TePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 9
TemPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 10
TerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 11
Terrell, John R. L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 12
TersPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 13
ThPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 14
Theodore Club, ThePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 15
Thetis, PeterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 16
ThoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 17
Tholmer, John A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 18
ThomasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 19
Thomas, Edward F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 20
Thomas, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 21
Thomas, LowellPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 22
ThompPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 23
ThompsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 24
Thompson, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 25
Thomson, Joseph CarlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 127: 26
ThorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 1
Thornburg, Max WestonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 2
Thornton, Hon. DanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 3
ThrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 4
Thruway, Opening ofPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 5
TiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 6
TilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 7
TimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 8
Timberlake, HunterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 9
Time, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 10
Ting, WallassePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 11
Tinsley, ThomasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 12
ToPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 13
Tobin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 14
Todd, Hon. Hiram C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 15
Todd, JanePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 128: 16
ToePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 1
Tolley, William P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 2
TomPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 3
Tonsor, Charles A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 4
TopPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 5
Torres, Enrique VelazquezPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 6
Torczyner, HarryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 7
TowPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 8
Town Hall, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 9
Town Meeting of the AirPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 10
TrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 11
TranPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 12
Trans World Airlines, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 13
TrePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 14
TriPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 15
Trippe, Juan T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 129: 16
TroPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 1
TruPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 2
Trunz, Hon. CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 3
Trussell, John GordonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 4
TuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 5
Tubman, Harriet, HomePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 6
Tulier, TomasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 7
Tunnicliff, Nelson H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 8
TurPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 9
TurnerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 10
Turner, Dan W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 11
Tuszynski, Cornelius H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 12
TurnfPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 13
Tuttle, Charles H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 14
TwPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 130: 15
Twelfth AmendmentPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 1
TyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 2
UPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 3
UkranianPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 4
UnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 5
Underhill, W. A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 6
Underwood, EricPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 7
Unger, CarolaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 8
UniPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 9
Union of American Hebrew CongregationsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 10
Union CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 11
UnitPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 12
United Cerebral PalsyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 13
United Hospital Fund of New YorkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 14
United Jewish AppealPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 15
United Medical Service, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 16
United NationsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 17
United Republican Finance CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 131: 18
United Service Organizations, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 1
United StatesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 2
United States Lawn Tennis AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 3
United States Merchant Marine AcademyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 4
United States Military AcademyPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 5
United States National Security Resources BoardPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 6
United States Olympic CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 7
United States Secretary of StatePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 8
United States ShipsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 9
UnivPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 10
University College, Syracuse UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 11
UpPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 12
VPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 13
Vacationland AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 14
VanPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 15
VanBuskirk, J. H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 132: 16
VandPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 1
Vandenberg, Arthur H., Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 2
Vanderbilt, Arthur T.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 3
VandeuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 4
VanePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 5
VannPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 6
VansPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 7
Van Wie, Mrs. Edward W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 8
VarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 9
Vardaman, Hon. Claude O.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 10
Vassar Brothers HospitalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 11
Vassar CollegePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 12
VePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 13
VerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 14
Vermilya, Mrs. KatherinePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 15
VermontPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 16
Verona Beach State ParkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 17
Veteran Corps of ArtilleryPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 18
Veterans of Foreign WarsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 19
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Ladies AuxiliariesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 20
Vetter, Hon. Earl R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 133: 21
ViPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 1
VidPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 2
Vidal, Louis M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 3
VimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 4
Vivian, Hon. John C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 5
VoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 6
Voice of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 7
VolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 8
VooPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 9
Voorhees, Tracy S.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 10
VrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 11
Vreeland, Margaret R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 12
WPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 13
WagPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 14
Wage, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 15
Wagner, Hon. John A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 16
WahPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 17
WalPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 134: 18
WalkerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 1
Walker, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 2
WallPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 3
Wallace, De WittPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 4
Wallace, Hon. James GarrettPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 5
WallachPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 6
Walpin, MichaelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 7
WalsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 8
WaltPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 9
Walters, Emile and ThorstinaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 10
WaltonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 11
WarPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 12
Wardwell, AllenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 13
WarePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 14
WarnPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 15
Warner, AnnaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 135: 16
WarrenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 1
Warren, Gov. EarlPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 2
Warren, Hon. FullerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 3
WasPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 4
Washington Memorial ChapelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 5
WatPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 6
Watrous, M. F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 7
WatsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 8
Watson, John C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 9
Watson, Thomas J.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 10
Watson, Thomas J., Jr.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 11
WauPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 12
WePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 13
WebPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 14
WeberPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 136: 15
WecPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 1
WeiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 2
WeinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 3
WeisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 4
Weis, Mrs. Charles W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 5
Weisman, Dr. ChaimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 6
WelPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 7
Welcome WagonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 8
WellPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 9
Wells, John A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 10
WelsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 11
WenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 12
WerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 13
WesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 14
WestaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 15
WestePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 137: 16
WestfPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 1
WetPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 2
WGYPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 3
WhPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 4
WheePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 5
Wherry, William M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 6
WhiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 7
WhitePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 8
White, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 9
White House Governors Conference, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 10
White House Governors Conference, 1953Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 11
White, P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 12
White, WalterPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 13
WhitedPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 14
WhitmPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 15
Whitman, MarcusPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 16
WiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 17
Wickersham, Hon. Cornelius W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 138: 18
Wicks, ArthurPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 1
WiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 2
Wiley, Hon. AlexanderPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 3
WilPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 4
WildPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 5
WilkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 6
Wilkinson, Col. LawrencePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 7
WillPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 8
Willamette UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 9
William, MauricePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 10
WilliamsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 11
Williams, D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 12
Williams, Daniel W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 13
Williams, EssiePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 14
Williams, G. B.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 15
Williams, Hon. G. MennenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 16
Williams, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 139: 17
Williams, Rev. O. L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 1
Williams, P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 2
Williamsburg SettlementPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 3
WilliamsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 4
Williamson, Hon. Pliny W.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 5
Williford, Opal HarrisonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 6
WillisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 7
Willis, Hon. and Mrs. SimeonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 8
WilsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 9
WilsonPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 10
Wilson, Donald R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 11
Wilson, Edward StrongPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 12
Wilson, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 13
Wilson, Richard L.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 14
WinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 15
WinkPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 16
WintPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 140: 17
WisPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 1
Wise, Henry A.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 2
Wise, Jennings C.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 3
Wisler, Lester O.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 4
WitPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 5
WoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 6
WolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 7
WolfPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 8
WolgPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 9
Woman & WomenPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 10
Women's American ORTPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 11
Women's International ExpositionPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 12
Women's National Republican Club, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 13
WooPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 14
WoodaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 141: 15
Woodruff, Jay M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 1
WoodsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 2
Woodsmen's Field DayPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 3
Woodward, Ruth M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 4
WoolPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 5
WorPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 6
WOR-WOR-TVPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 7
World Organization of Mothers of all NationsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 8
Worth, Alex M.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 9
WrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 10
WrightPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 11
Wright, H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 12
Wright, Dr. T. P.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 13
WuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 142: 14
X-YPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 1
YePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 2
Yeshiva UniversityPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 3
Yeshiva, Rabbi Samson Rapphael HirschPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 4
YoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 5
Yonkers Republican City CommitteePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 6
Yoshida, ShigeruPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 7
Yoshida, Shigeru, Luncheon, November 6, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 8
Yoshida, Shigeru, Luncheon, June 12, 1954Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 9
YouPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 10
YoungPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 11
Young, A-LPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 143: 12
Young Adult Council of the National Social Welfare Assembly, Inc.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 1
Young, Col. CharlesPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 2
Young., Hon. John D.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 3
Young, John H.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 4
Young, John OrrPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 5
Young, M-ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 6
Young Men's Christian AssociationPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 7
Young Republican ClubsPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 8
YoungbPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 9
Younglove, Joseph R.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 10
Youth UnitedPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 11
ZPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 12
Zanuck, Darryl F.Personal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 13
ZePersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 14
ZiPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 15
ZimPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 16
Zimmer, GraemerPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 17
Zimmerman, Hon. CalvinPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 18
Zionist Organization of AmericaPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 19
ZoPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 144: 20
ZuPersonal Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 1
AGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 2
AbeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 3
AcGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 4
Ackermann, Mrs. GraceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 5
AdGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 6
AdamsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 7
Adams, J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 8
AdcGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 9
Adelsten, S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 10
Administrative CounselGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 11
AeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 12
Affiliated Property OwnersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 13
Agriculture and MarketsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 14
Agriculture and Markets, State Fair DivisionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 15
AiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 16
Aid to Korea WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 17
Aircraft Owners and Pilots AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 18
Aircraft TrafficGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 19
Airport ProblemsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 20
AlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 21
Alaska, Territory ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 22
AlbanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 23
Albany, City ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 24
Albany Community ChestGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 25
Albany County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 26
Albany Housing AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 27
Albany Jewish Welfare FundGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 28
Albany Plan of UnionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 29
AlbeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 30
AlcGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 31
Alchus, Mrs. AnnaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 32
AlcoholismGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 33
Alden, Jean AndersenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 34
AleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 35
Alexander, Frederick A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 36
Alexandria, Va. Fire EngineGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 37
AlfGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 38
Aliotta, PaolinoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 145: 39
AllGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 1
AllenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 2
Allen, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 3
AlliGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 4
AlpGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 5
Altomare, Mrs. MaryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 6
Aluisio, Mrs. CarzelleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 7
AmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 8
AmeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 9
Amendments to the State ConstitutionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 10
American, A-LGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 11
American Art WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 12
American Association on Mental DeficiencyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 13
American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 14
American Association of Social WorkersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 15
American Association of University WomenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 16
American Automobile AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 17
American Bar AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 18
American Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 19
American Camp WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 20
American Education WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 21
American Federation of the Physically Handicapped, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 22
American Gold Star MothersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 23
American Heart WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 24
American Jewish CongressGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 25
American Korean FoundationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 26
American Korean Foundation, Reports to Robert K. ChristenberryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 27
American Korean Foundation, Reports to Robert K. ChristenberryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 28
American Labor PartyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 29
American-LaFrance Foamite CorporationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 30
American LegionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 31
American Legion Circus CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 32
American, M-ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 33
American Public Welfare AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 34
Americans for Democratic ActionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 35
AmiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 36
AmvetsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 37
AnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 38
AndersonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 39
Anderson, D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 146: 40
Anderson, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 1
Anderson, R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 2
Anderson, VivienneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 3
Anderson, Walter T.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 4
Anderson, Hon. Warren M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 5
Anderson, William F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 6
AndrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 7
Andreani, Dr. AttillioGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 8
AngGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 9
AnnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 10
Annual Message, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 11
Annual Message, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 12
Anthony, Susan B., DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 13
Anthony, Susan B., Memorial, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 14
Anti-Smuggling LawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 15
ApGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 16
Apprenticeship WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 17
ArGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 18
ArdGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 19
ArgentinaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 20
Argento, Dr. WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 21
ArizonaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 22
ArmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 23
Armed Forces DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 24
Armed Forces WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 25
Armfield, Mrs. LuluGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 26
Armories, Use ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 27
Army and Air National Guard and Naval Militia AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 28
Army and Navy UnionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 29
Army Nurse WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 30
ArnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 31
AroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 32
ArtGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 33
AsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 34
Asphalt InstituteGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 35
AssemblyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 36
Associated General Contractors of AmericaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 37
Associated Industries of New York State, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 38
Associated Professional ServicesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 39
AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 40
Association of the Bar of the City of New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 41
Association for the Improvement of Mental HospitalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 42
Association of TownsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 147: 43
AsiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 1
AtGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 2
Athletic CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 3
AtlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 4
Atsales, Peter GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 5
AuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 6
Audit and ControlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 7
Audit and Control, Employees' Retirement SystemGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 8
Audit and Control, TransmittalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 9
AurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 10
Austin, Noel D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 11
AutGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 12
Auto License TabsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 13
Automobile Club of New York, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 14
AvGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 15
BGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 16
BacGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 17
BadGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 18
BaiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 19
Bailey, Vernon HoweGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 20
BaimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 21
Baird, Collier W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 22
BakGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 23
BakerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 24
Baker, Frederick E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 25
Baker, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 26
Baker, JohnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 27
BalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 28
Balenovic, Col. DragutinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 29
BallGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 30
BalmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 31
Balog, LouisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 32
Baltic State Freedom DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 33
BanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 148: 34
Banking DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 1
BarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 2
Barber, RobertGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 3
Bard, JosephGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 4
BargGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 5
BarnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 6
Barnsdall, Jay T., Jr.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 7
Baron, G. R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 8
BarrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 9
Barrett, Hon. Elisha T.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 10
Barrett v. LeisterGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 11
Barry, Commdr. John, DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 12
Barry, Mrs. John M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 13
Barse, Mrs. Reva CooperGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 14
BartGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 15
BasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 16
Bassett, Mary Imogene, HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 17
BatGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 18
Batavia Guard UnitsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 19
Batson, Henrietta K.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 20
BauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 21
BaumGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 22
BaxGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 23
Baybok, GabrielGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 24
BeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 25
BearGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 26
BecGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 27
Becherer, William O.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 28
Becker, AlexanderGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 29
Becker, RebeccaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 30
BedGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 31
BeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 32
BegGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 33
Behanan, Mary T.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 149: 34
Beier, Samuel K.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 1
BelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 2
Beldock, George J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 3
BellGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 4
Bell, LillianGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 5
Bell, Mrs. S. B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 6
Bellamy Flag AwardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 7
BelmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 8
Belous, CharlesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 9
BenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 10
BengGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 11
Benjamin, Hon. Robert M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 12
BennGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 13
Bennet, Augustus W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 14
BenniGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 15
BerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 16
BergeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 17
Bergen, HarryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 18
Berghold, William F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 19
Bergman, AlfredGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 20
BeriGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 21
Berkman, Mrs. Henrietta D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 22
Berkowitz, AlexGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 23
Berkowitz, JosephGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 24
BerlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 25
Berman, HymanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 26
BernGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 27
Bern, SamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 28
BernsteinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 29
BerrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 30
BesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 31
Bethpage Park AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 32
BeuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 33
BiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 34
Bible WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 35
BieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 36
Big Brother WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 37
Big Indian-Oliverea-Fire DistrictGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 38
BilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 150: 39
Bill of Rights DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 1
Binger, Dr. Carl A., Direct and Cross-Examination, IGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 2
Binger, Dr. Carl A., Cross Examination, IIGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 3
Binghamton Housing AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 4
Binghamton Institute of Applied ArtsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 5
BingoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 6
BirGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 7
Birnbaum, Samuel M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 8
BisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 9
BlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 10
Black River Regulating DistrictGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 11
BlackbGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 12
Blacknall, James and WyattGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 13
BlaiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 14
BlanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 15
Blasdell, Village ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 16
BleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 17
Blind, Commission ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 18
Blinded Veterans Association, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 19
BloGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 20
Bloch, EmanuelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 21
Blood PlasmaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 22
BluGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 23
Blue CrossGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 24
BoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 25
BodGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 26
Boetcker, Rev. William J. H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 27
BogGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 28
Bogert, John L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 29
BolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 30
Boland, MarieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 31
BoliviaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 32
Bolmer, Chauncie C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 33
Bolst, Herman J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 151: 34
BonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 1
BooGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 2
Booth, Rev. Walter P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 3
BorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 4
Borkowsky, AlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 5
Borne, Gaston B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 6
BosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 7
BotGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 8
BouGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 9
Bovey, Mrs. Mitchell S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 10
BowGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 11
Bowen, Edward J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 12
BowlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 13
Bowlby, Dr. Harry L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 14
BoyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 15
Boyan, CharlesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 16
Boyd, Fred E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 17
Boyd, Joseph A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 18
Boyer, Albert J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 19
BoylGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 20
Boyle, Frank A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 21
Boys' Club WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 22
Boys' and Girls' WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 23
BrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 24
BradleyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 25
Brady, Terrence A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 26
BraeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 27
BranGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 28
Branagan, Joseph J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 29
Brandon, JosephGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 30
Bransome, E. D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 31
BrauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 32
Braunsdorf, FlorenceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 33
BreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 34
Breitel, Hon. Charles D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 35
Breitner, HarryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 36
BremGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 37
BresGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 38
Bresee, R. A., Jr.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 39
Breselor, IrvingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 40
BriGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 41
Bricker AmendmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 42
BrieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 43
Brighton and Manhattan Beach Chamber of Commerce and Civic Association, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 44
BrightwatersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 45
BrilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 46
Brining, Theodore R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 47
British Consulate GeneralGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 48
British House of CommonsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 49
BroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 50
Brockway, NettieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 152: 51
BrodGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 1
BromGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 2
Bromberg, S. SidneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 3
Bronx Board of TradeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 4
Bronx County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 5
Bronx Mental HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 6
BrooGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 7
Brook, Hon. John RobertGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 8
BrooklynGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 9
Brooklyn Bar AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 10
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and SciencesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 11
Brooklyn Judicial OfficialsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 12
Brooklyn State HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 13
Broome County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 14
BropGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 15
Brotherhood WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 16
Broughton, Mrs. Henry (Lillian B.)General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 17
BrowGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 18
BrownGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 19
Brown, D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 20
Brown, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 21
Brown, P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 22
BrowneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 23
BruGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 24
Bruce, Harold R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 25
BrunGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 26
BryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 27
Brydges, Hon. Earl W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 28
BuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 29
BuckGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 30
BudGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 31
Budget, Division ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 32
Buerger, Alfred A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 33
BufGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 34
BuffaloGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 35
Buffalo Chamber of CommerceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 36
Buffalo Municipal Housing AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 37
Buffalo Municipal Housing AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 38
Buffalo Port CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 39
Buffalo Sewer AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 153: 40
Bugbee, Frederick F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 1
Building Code CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 2
Building Service Employees International UnionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 3
BulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 4
BurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 5
BurgGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 6
BurkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 7
BurnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 8
BurnsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 9
Burns, John J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 10
BurrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 11
Burton, Miss ClaraGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 12
BusGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 13
Business and Professional Women's Clubs of New York StateGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 14
ButGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 15
Butler, L. D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 16
ButtGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 17
ByGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 18
CGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 19
Cadigan, Joseph P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 20
Cadugan, WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 21
CafGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 22
Cafeteria Employees in the Public SchoolsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 23
CalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 24
Calandra, LinaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 25
California, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 26
California, University ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 27
CallGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 28
CamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 29
CampGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 30
Camp Fire Girls WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 31
CampbellGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 32
Campbell, Dudley D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 33
Campbell, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 34
CanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 35
Canada Dry Bottling Company of EndicottGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 36
Cancer CampaignGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 37
Cancer Control MonthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 38
Cancer ResearchGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 39
Canfield, John G.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 154: 40
CannGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 1
CapGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 2
CarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 3
CarlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 4
CarlsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 5
CarmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 6
CaroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 7
CarrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 8
CarroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 9
Carson, Mrs. John J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 10
Carson, Marie K.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 11
Carswell, BenjaminGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 12
CartGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 13
CartiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 14
Carver, George Washington, DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 15
CasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 16
CassGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 17
Castillo, Mrs. FrankGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 18
CatGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 19
Cat Hollow RoadGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 20
Catchings, GertrudeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 21
Cathedral of the PinesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 22
Catholic War VateransGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 23
CavGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 24
Caverio, Alfred S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 25
CeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 26
Cella, John L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 27
Central Islip State HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 28
Central New York School for the DeafGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 29
Central Queens Allied Civic Council, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 30
Central Trades and Labor CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 31
Century Farm CitationsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 32
Cerebral Palsy MonthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 33
Cerebral Palsy ProgramGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 155: 34
Certification of Private Music TeachersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 1
ChGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 2
ChamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 3
Chamber of Commerce of the State of New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 4
Chamberlain, Mrs. Grace W. W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 5
Champlain CollegeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 6
Champlain CollegeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 7
Chance, D. TonyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 8
ChapGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 9
Chaplains, appointment ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 10
CharGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 11
Charitable and Philanthropic AgenciesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 12
Charytz, NicholasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 13
ChasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 14
Chautauqua County Board of SupervisorsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 15
Chautauqua County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 16
CheGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 17
Chemistry WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 18
Chernin, Bernard H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 19
Cherry Tree SeedlingsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 20
ChesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 21
Chestrock, John G.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 22
ChiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 23
Child Care CentersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 24
Children's Court JudgesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 25
Children's Dental Health WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 26
Children's VillageGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 27
Chiles, BenjaminGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 28
ChimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 29
Chiropractic Public RelationsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 30
ChiropractorsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 31
ChrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 32
Christenberry, Robert K.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 33
Christmas Seals ProclamationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 34
Christophe, PaulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 35
Chrobok-Kunowski, Col. P. W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 36
ChuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 37
Chu Lieu SocietyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 156: 38
CiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 1
CirGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 2
Citizens Budget CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 3
Citizens' Committee of One Hundred, Children and YouthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 4
Citizens' Committee of One Hundred, Coordinating CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 5
Citizens' Committee on Children of New York City, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 6
Citizens' Housing and Planning Council of New York, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 7
Citizens Public Expenditure Survey, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 8
Citizens Union of the City of New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 9
Citizenship DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 10
Civil Air PatrolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 11
Civil Defense BillGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 12
Civil Defense Commission, 1952-53General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 13
Civil Defense Commission, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 14
Civil Defense Commission, Advisory BulletinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 15
Civil Defense Commission, Critical Defense Housing AreasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 16
Civil Defense Commission, Delinquent CommunitiesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 17
Civil Defense Commission, State Agency Preparedness ProgramGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 18
Civil Defense Commission, TransmittalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 157: 19
Civil Defense ConferenceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 1
Civil Service CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 2
Civil Service Commission, MemorandumsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 3
Civil Service Commission, TransmittalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 4
Civil Service DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 5
Civil Service Department, Merit Award BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 6
Civil Service Department, Personnel Relations BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 7
Civil Service Employees AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 8
Civil Service Forum of New York CityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 9
Civil Service ResolutionsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 10
Civil Service Technical GuideGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 11
ClGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 12
ClarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 13
ClarkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 14
Clark, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 15
ClarkeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 16
ClasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 17
Claybourn, GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 18
CleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 19
Cleaner Air WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 20
CliGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 21
Clifton Park, Town ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 22
Clinton HouseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 23
CloGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 24
Closing of ForestsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 25
CoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 26
Coal Consumers Protective AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 27
CobGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 28
Cobb, L. J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 29
CoeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 30
CohGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 31
Cohen, LillianGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 32
CohnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 33
ColGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 34
ColeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 35
ColemanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 36
Coleman, HelenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 37
Coleman, RoseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 38
CollGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 39
Collins, Edward M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 158: 40
Collins, Frank B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 1
ColoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 2
Colonial Tenants CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 3
Columbia County InvestigationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 4
Columbia UniversityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 5
ComGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 6
Comic PublicationsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 7
Commendatory Letters, State AgenciesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 8
Commerce, Committee for Economic ProgressGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 9
Commerce Department, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 10
Commerce Department, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 11
Commerce Department, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 12
Commerce Department, New York Woman's CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 13
Commerce Department, Transmittals, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 14
Commerce Department, Transmittals, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 15
Commerce Department, Transmittals, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 16
Commerce Department, Transmittals, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 17
Commerce and Economic DevelopmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 18
Commerce and Industry Association of New York City, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 19
Commission on Coordination of State Activities, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 20
Communications Workers of AmericaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 21
CommunismGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 159: 22
Communist Camps for ChildrenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 1
Community Council of School Districts 18, 19, 20, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 2
Community Service Society of New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 3
Compose, Mrs. EmanuelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 4
Compulsory Automobile InsuranceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 5
ConGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 6
Condon, Hon. William F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 7
Conference on AgingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 8
Conference of Mayors and Other Municipal OfficialsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 9
Conference on State DefenseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 10
CongGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 11
Congress of Correction, 1952-53General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 12
Congress of Correction, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 13
ConnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 14
ConnecticutGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 15
ConnecticutGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 16
ConnorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 17
ConsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 18
Conservation DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 19
Conservation Department, State ParksGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 20
Conservation Department, Saratoga Springs AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 21
Constitution DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 22
Consumer-Farmer Milk CooperativeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 23
ContGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 24
CooGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 25
CookGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 26
CookeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 27
Cooke, Harry St. JohnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 28
CoolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 29
CoopGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 30
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and ArtGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 31
CopGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 32
CorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 33
Corell, HenryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 34
Cornell, Gov. Alonzo B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 35
Cornell UniversityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 36
CornGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 37
Corning Glass CenterGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 38
CorrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 160: 39
Correction DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 1
Correnti, Mrs. Frank (Helen)General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 2
CosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 3
Costa, PeggyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 4
CotGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 5
CouGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 6
Council of State GovernmentsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 7
County Officers AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 8
Court of ClaimsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 9
Court ReorganizationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 10
CovGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 11
CoxGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 12
Cox, John D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 13
CrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 14
CranGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 15
CarpGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 16
CrawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 17
CreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 18
Creedmoor State HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 19
CriGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 20
Crime Commission, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 21
Crime Commission, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 22
Crime Commission, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 23
Crime Commission, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 24
Crime Commission, Conference June 8-9, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 161: 25
Crime Commission, Conference May 11, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 1
Crime Commission, First ReportGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 2
Crime Commission, Second ReportGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 3
Crime Commission, Third ReportGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 4
Crime Commission, Fifth ReportGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 5
Crime Commission, Hearings, July 18-19, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 6
Crime Commission, Hearings, July 20 and December 18, 19, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 7
Crime Prevention WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 8
Criscuolo, LuigiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 9
CroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 10
Crombie, Albert H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 11
CrosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 12
CrouGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 13
Crowley, H. M., Jr.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 14
CruGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 15
Cruger, William A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 16
Crusade for FreedomGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 17
CuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 18
CumGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 162: 19
CunGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 1
CurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 2
Curl, JessieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 3
CurtGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 4
Curtiss, GlennGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 5
CusGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 6
DGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 7
Dairy MonthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 8
Dairymen's League Cooperative AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 9
DalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 10
D'Alliegro, Charles A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 11
Dammond, William HunterGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 12
DanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 13
DankGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 14
DarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 15
DasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 16
D'Ascenzo, Alexander R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 17
DavGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 18
DavisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 19
Davis, D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 20
Davis, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 21
Davis, P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 22
Davis, Philip LindGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 23
Davis RoadGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 24
Davis, Mrs. Rowland F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 25
Davis, W. C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 26
DavisonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 27
DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 28
Day of PrayerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 29
Daylight Saving TimeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 30
DeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 31
DebGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 32
DeckGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 33
Declaration of IndependenceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 34
DedGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 35
DeFrancisco, William G.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 36
DegGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 37
DelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 38
Delaware River BasinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 39
Delaware, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 40
Delaware Water Supply ProjectGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 41
DellGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 42
DemGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 43
DeMaison, Dorrance A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 44
Demato, James V.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 163: 45
Demetriou, Mrs. ArtemisiaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 1
DenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 2
DentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 3
DePaola, Mrs. CarmeloGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 4
DerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 5
DeRonde, Mrs. MarieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 6
DesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 7
DetGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 8
DevGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 9
Devlin, William J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 10
DewGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 11
Dewavrin, VernardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 12
DeWolfe, Clarence E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 13
DiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 14
Diasio, Dr. F. A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 15
DicGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 16
Dickinson, Edith BrowerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 17
Dickson, Col. Charles M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 18
DieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 19
DifGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 20
DiFiore, Joseph E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 21
DimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 22
Dineen, Hon. Robert E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 23
DisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 24
Disabled American VeteransGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 25
Discrimination CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 26
Discrimination in HousingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 27
Displaced Persons, New York State Committee onGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 28
Division of Standards and PurchaseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 29
Divorce LawsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 30
DixGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 31
DoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 32
Doctor-Pharmacist RelationshipsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 33
DoeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 34
DolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 35
Dominican RepublicGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 36
DonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 164: 37
Donnelly, Betty HawleyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 1
DonoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 2
Donohue, R. A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 3
DorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 4
DorrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 5
DouGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 6
DowGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 7
Downes, Theresa B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 8
DoyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 9
Doyle, Thomas H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 10
DrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 11
DreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 12
Dreyfuss, R. M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 13
DriGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 14
Drug AddictionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 15
Drum, Gen. Hugh A., CampGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 16
DuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 17
Dubin, Jack J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 18
Dudin, BladimirGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 19
DufGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 20
DugGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 21
Dumond, MillardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 22
DunGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 23
Dunbar, F. E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 24
Dunkirk Public SchoolsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 25
Dunkirk-Fredonia Area, Route 5General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 26
DunnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 27
Dunn, Barbara R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 28
Dunn, FayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 29
DunstGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 30
Duque, Lt. Col Elpidio P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 31
DusGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 32
Dutchess CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 33
Dutchess County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 34
DwGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 35
DyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 36
Dyer, SidGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 165: 37
Dziobkiewicz, MaryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 1
EGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 2
Eagle, MollieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 3
EarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 4
EasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 5
East Meadow ZoningGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 6
Easter Seal MonthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 7
EbGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 8
EcGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 9
EdGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 10
Edelman, GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 11
EdiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 12
Edison Day, Thomas AlvaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 13
Edmonston, David L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 14
Education DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 15
Education Department, Translations, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 16
Education Department, Translations, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 17
Education Department, Translations, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 18
Education Department, Translations, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 19
Education Department, Transmittals, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 20
Education Department, Transmittals, 1953-51General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 21
Education Department, State HistorianGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 22
EdwGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 23
Edwards EstateGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 24
EgGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 25
EhGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 26
EiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 27
Eibach, Mrs. RuthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 28
EisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 29
ElGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 30
Election Law Revision CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 166: 31
Electoral CollegeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 1
EliGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 2
EllGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 3
Ellman, IrvingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 4
ElliGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 5
ElmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 6
ElmiraGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 7
Elmira Housing AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 8
EmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 9
Emancipation DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 10
EmgGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 11
Emotionally Disturbed ChildrenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 12
Empire State Association of Commerce, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 13
Empire State Chamber of Commerce, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 14
Empire State Training ShipGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 15
Empire State Truck Operators and Allied Industries Legislative CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 16
Employ the Physically HandicappedGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 17
EnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 18
Endicott-Johnson CorporationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 19
Endig, SolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 20
Engelman, A. J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 21
Engineers WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 22
EnglGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 23
EnnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 24
EpGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 25
ErGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 26
Ericson, SigneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 27
Ericsson, John, DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 28
Ericsson, Leif, DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 29
Erie CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 30
Erie County State ParkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 31
Erie County Water AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 32
Ertel, Joseph T.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 33
EsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 34
EuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 35
EvGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 36
EvarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 37
EwGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 38
Executive Chamber PortraitsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 167: 39
Executive Chamber Portraits, CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 1
FGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 2
Faehnle, Mrs. Marie K.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 3
FaiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 4
Faivre, Anne W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 5
FalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 6
FamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 7
FarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 8
Fargnoli, SalvatoreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 9
Fariello, AndrewGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 10
FarrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 11
Farrell, MarthaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 12
Farrell, ThomasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 13
FasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 14
Fasso, Thomas N.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 15
Faust, Ernest H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 16
Fay, JosephGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 17
FeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 18
Federal Grants-in-AidGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 19
Federally Aided Welfare Programs, Commission to StudyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 20
Federation of Chiropractors of New York, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 21
FeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 22
FelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 23
Feld, JosephGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 24
Feller, HaroldGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 25
FenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 26
Fenkell, N. C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 27
Fennell, Edward J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 28
Fennell, KateGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 29
FerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 30
FerrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 31
Ferry, MarcelleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 32
FiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 33
Fiasconaro, RoseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 34
Fichter, Mrs. MaxGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 35
FieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 36
Fifth Congressional DistrictGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 37
FinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 38
Findley LakeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 168: 39
Finkelstein, IrvingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 1
FinlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 2
FirGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 3
Firecracker ProblemGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 4
Fire Prevention WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 5
First Assembly District, Queens CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 6
FisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 7
FishGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 8
FishkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 9
Fishman, Albert J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 10
FitGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 11
Fitzgerald, SampsonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 12
Fitzpatrick, Mrs. ElizabethGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 13
Fitzpatrick, James A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 14
FlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 15
Flag DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 16
FleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 17
Fleck, John J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 18
FliGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 19
FloGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 20
Flores, GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 21
Florida, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 22
FlowGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 23
FoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 24
FolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 25
Folka, JohnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 26
Folmer, Louis H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 27
ForGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 28
ForeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 29
Forest PreserveGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 30
FortGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 31
Forty-fifth Senatorial DistrictGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 32
FosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 33
FouGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 34
Fougner, Robert S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 35
FoxGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 36
FrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 37
FrankGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 38
Frank, H. SeatonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 39
FranklinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 40
Franklin, Benjamin, DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 169: 41
FrasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 1
FreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 2
Fredrickson, SarahGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 3
FreeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 4
Freedom Under GodGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 5
Freeport Boatmen's AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 6
FrenchGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 7
Freund, MeyerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 8
FriGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 9
FriedmanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 10
FrielGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 11
Friendly Finance ServiceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 12
FroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 13
FuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 14
FulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 15
Fulbright Scholarships, 1950-52General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 16
FumGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 17
GGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 18
Gaffney, John A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 19
GagGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 20
Gaik, FrankGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 21
Gair, Rev. Henry W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 22
GalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 23
GallahGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 24
GamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 25
Gambaccini, Eugenia C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 26
GamblingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 27
Gannon, Raymond C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 28
GarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 29
GarfGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 30
GarrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 31
GasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 32
Gaspar, Victor C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 33
GauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 34
Gay, Mrs. AnnaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 35
Gay, Trooper and Mrs. H. AllenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 36
Gaye, DoloresGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 37
GeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 38
GeiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 170: 39
Geise, Harry F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 1
GenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 2
General Bailee LawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 3
General Construction LawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 4
General Electric CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 5
General Motors CorporationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 6
Genesee County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 7
GeoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 8
GerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 9
GerlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 10
Germain, Dr. Walter M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 11
GetGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 12
GiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 13
Gian-Cursio, Dr. ChristopherGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 14
GibGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 15
GidGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 16
GilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 17
Gilbert, May InnocenzaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 18
GillGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 19
GilmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 20
Gilman, JackGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 21
GinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 22
Girardi, William L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 23
Girl Scout WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 24
GlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 25
GlassGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 26
Glass, SimonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 27
GleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 28
GliGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 29
GoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 30
Goddard, Hon. J. EugeneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 31
GoeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 32
GolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 33
Goldberg, LouisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 34
GoldeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 35
Goldfein, Mrs. PaulineGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 36
GoldmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 37
Goldman, Mrs. Ester E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 38
GoldsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 39
GoleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 40
Gonzales, HelenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 41
GooGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 42
Good Government Republican Club of Mt. VernonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 171: 43
Good Neighbor Foundation, Good Neighbor DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 1
GoodrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 2
GorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 3
Gordon, Mrs. MinnieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 4
GoreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 5
Gorgoglione, AnthonyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 6
Gorovoy, HarryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 7
GosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 8
Gould, Frank L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 9
Governors' Conference, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 10
Governors' Conference, 1954, Bane, FrankGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 11
Governors' Conference, 1954, GiftsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 12
Governors' Conference, 1954, Governors of StatesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 13
Governors' Conference, 1954, MiscellaneousGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 14
Governors' Conference, 1954, Reports and ListsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 15
Governors' Conference, 1954, Sagamore HotelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 16
Governors' Conference, 1954, State SongsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 17
Governors' Conference, 1954, Wives of GovernorsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 18
Governors' Conference, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 19
Governors' Conference, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 20
Governors' Conference, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 21
GrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 22
GrahamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 23
Graham-Giardello MatchGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 24
Graham, MinnieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 25
GraiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 172: 26
Grandparents DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 1
Grand Jury Association of New York County, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 2
GrantGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 3
Grant, Milton J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 4
GrapGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 5
GrayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 6
Gray, Robert LukeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 7
Grayhorse, JohnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 8
GreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 9
Greater Buffalo Industrial Union CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 10
Great Lakes Water LevelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 11
GreeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 12
Greece, Consul GeneralGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 13
GreenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 14
Green, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 15
GreenbGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 16
GreeneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 17
GreenfGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 18
Greenfield, L. D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 19
Greensfelder, BernardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 20
Greenshields, M. J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 21
Greenvale-Glen Cove ConnectionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 22
GreerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 23
GriGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 24
Griffin, Harold H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 25
GrigGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 26
GroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 27
Grogan, Thomas J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 28
Grombach, John V.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 29
GrosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 30
GrotGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 31
Groton, Village ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 32
GuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 33
Guenther, ConradGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 34
Guest, Dr. C. MaynardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 35
Guest, Mrs. Frederick E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 36
GugGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 37
GunGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 38
GusGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 173: 39
Guy Park ManorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 1
HGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 2
Haas, Mrs. Fred J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 3
Haber, AbrahamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 4
HacGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 5
HagGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 6
HahGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 7
Haidt, EugeneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 8
Haines, Allen E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 9
Haines, Derrick F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 10
HalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 11
HallGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 12
Hall, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 13
Hall, H. N.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 14
Hall, NathanielGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 15
HallaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 16
HalloGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 17
Halloran HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 18
Halpern, Hon. SeymourGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 19
HamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 20
HamiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 21
HammGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 22
Hammer, EarlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 23
HampGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 24
HanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 25
Haney, Louis FrancisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 26
HankGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 27
HansGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 28
Hansman, RichardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 29
HansonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 30
Happle, MartinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 31
HarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 32
Harding, Horace, ExpresswayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 33
HareGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 34
Harlem Mortgage and Improvement CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 35
Harlem Valley State HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 36
HarmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 37
Harness Racing Commission, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 38
Harness Racing Commission, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 39
Harness Racing Investigation, 1953-54General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 174: 40
Harness Racing Investigation, CorrespondenceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 1
Harness Racing Investigation, Yonkers Racetrack, September 17, 18, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 2
Harness Racing Investigation, Yonkers Racetrack, September 18, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 3
Harpur CollegeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 4
HarrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 5
Harrell, ClintonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 6
Harrington, Gerald C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 7
HarrisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 8
Harris, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 9
Harris, R. A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 10
HarrisonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 11
HartGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 12
Hart, Lt. Col. Vincent G.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 13
HartlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 14
HartwGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 15
Harvey, Benjamin C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 16
HasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 17
HatGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 18
Hatfield, Ernest I.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 19
HauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 20
Hauer, AdeleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 21
Hauschild, Mrs. Eleanor M. LucasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 22
HawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 23
Hawkins, Charles W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 24
Hawkins, Mrs. HarrietGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 25
HayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 26
Hay Fever Prevention MonthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 27
Hayes, AlfonzoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 28
HaysGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 29
HeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 30
Health DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 31
Hearing Aids for ChildrenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 32
Heart Association CampaignGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 175: 33
Heart Disease ControlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 1
HebGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 2
HeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 3
HeiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 4
HeinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 5
Heindel, Arthur G.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 6
Heitel, Mrs. FannieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 7
HelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 8
Hellenic DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 9
HelmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 10
HenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 11
Henderson, Mrs. Izetta M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 12
HendrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 13
Hendricks, Mrs. Clifford E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 14
HeneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 15
Henneberger, J. V.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 16
HenrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 17
HerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 18
Herko, StanleyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 19
HermGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 20
Herman, Hon. Harry G.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 21
HerrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 22
HersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 23
Herter, Hon. Christian A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 24
Herwig, DorothyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 25
HesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 26
HeuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 27
Heydeman, Louis H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 28
Heyman, Marcus A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 29
HiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 30
Hibbard, Herbert, Jr.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 31
HigGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 32
High School Teachers Association of New York City, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 33
Highway SafetyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 34
Highway Use TaxGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 35
Highways, Canals and Revenues, Joint Committee onGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 36
HilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 37
HillGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 38
Hill, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 39
Hill, Hon. John WarrenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 40
Hill, Mrs. L. BrennanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 41
Hill, Thomas A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 42
HillaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 43
Hilleboe, Dr. Herman E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 44
HilmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 45
Hilton, Cecelia B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 176: 46
Hilton, R. E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 1
HimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 2
Hines, Mrs. MaryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 3
Hinton, Rev. GranvilleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 4
HirGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 5
HoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 6
HodGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 7
HofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 8
Hoffstetter, HenryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 9
HogGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 10
Hogan, Miss G. F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 11
HolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 12
HollGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 13
HolliGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 14
HolmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 15
Homes, Elizabeth A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 16
HoltGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 17
HomGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 18
Home WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 19
HoodGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 20
Hoof and Mouth Research LaboratoryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 21
Hooker, Dr. H. LymanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 22
HopGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 23
Hopkins, J. A. H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 24
HorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 25
HoroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 26
Horse Racing in New York State, Joint Legislative CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 27
HosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 28
HouGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 29
House, LeRoyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 30
House, VictorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 31
Housing DivisionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 32
Housing Division, Transmittals, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 33
Housing Division, Transmittals, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 34
Housing and Multiple Dwellings, Joint Legislative CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 177: 35
Hovey, Mrs. Charlotte J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 1
HowGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 2
HoweGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 3
HoyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 4
HuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 5
Hubbell, Mrs. William BradfordGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 6
HudGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 7
Hudson and Manhattan Railroad CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 8
Hudson, N. Y. FireGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 9
Hudson River Regulating DistrictGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 10
Hudson Training School for GirlsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 11
HueGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 12
HugGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 13
Hughes-Brees BillGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 14
Hughes, Hon. John H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 15
Hughes, OrvilleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 16
HulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 17
HumGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 18
Humphrey, Col. Chauncy B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 19
HunGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 20
HunterGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 21
HurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 22
Hurricane, August 31, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 23
Hurricane, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 24
HutGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 25
HyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 26
IGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 27
I Am An American DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 28
IlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 29
InGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 30
IncodelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 31
Indian Services, Interdepartmental Committee onGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 32
Indices to the Public Schools of New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 33
IndonesiaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 34
Industrial and Labor ConditionsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 35
Industrial Dispersal RevolutionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 36
Infantile Paralysis WeeksGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 37
IngGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 38
Innes, ThomasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 39
Institute of Applied Arts and ScienceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 40
Institute of Life InsuranceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 41
Institute of Pacific RelationsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 42
Institute for Public ServiceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 178: 43
Institutional On-Farm TrainingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 1
Insurance Department, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 2
Insurance Department, 1951-53General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 3
Insurance Department, TransmittalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 4
IntGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 5
Integrity and Ethical Standards in GovernmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 6
Interdepartmental Committee on Farm and Food Processing LaborGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 7
Interdepartmental Health CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 8
Interfaith DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 9
Intermediate School District LegislationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 10
InternationalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 11
International Labor ConferenceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 12
International Longshoreman's AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 13
International NorthwayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 14
International St. Lawrence River Board of ControlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 15
International Workers Order, Inc., 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 16
International Workers Order, Inc., 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 17
Interstate CooperationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 18
Interstate Gas PipelinesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 19
Investigation, Commissioner ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 20
IrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 21
Iron MountainGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 22
IsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 23
Isbrandtsen CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 24
Isler, Ben Q.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 25
ItGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 26
Italian-American World War Veterans of the U. S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 27
Ives, Irving M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 28
JGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 29
Jackman, Lyman W. B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 30
JacksGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 31
JacksonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 179: 32
Jackson, Rev. EmmaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 1
JacoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 2
Jacobi, DoraGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 3
Jacobowitz, Milton E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 4
Jacobs, AlbertGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 5
Jacobs, J. L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 6
JadGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 7
James, Arthur Curtiss, FoundationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 8
JamestownGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 9
Jamison, William H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 10
JanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 11
Japan, American Pacific Coast Mayors' ConferenceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 12
Japan, Consulate General ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 13
Japan Foreign Trade CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 14
JarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 15
J. C. C., License PlatesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 16
JeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 17
Jefferson County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 18
Jemas, GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 19
JenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 20
JennGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 21
JerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 22
JetGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 23
Jewish Child's DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 24
JoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 25
JohnsonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 26
Johnson, Arnold P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 27
Johnson City BridgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 28
Johnson, D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 29
Johnson, Mrs. FrancesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 30
Johnson, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 31
Johnson, L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 32
Johnson, P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 33
Johnson, T.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 34
JohnstonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 35
Joint Committee Against CommunismGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 36
Joint SessionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 37
JonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 38
JonesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 39
Jones Beach State Parkway AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 40
Jones, D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 41
Jones, Mrs. EthelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 42
Jones, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 43
Jones, L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 180: 44
Jones, P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 1
JorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 2
Jordan, James H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 3
JosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 4
JuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 5
Judicial CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 6
Junior Statesmen of AmericaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 7
KGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 8
KahGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 9
KamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 10
KanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 11
Kandell, Leonard S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 12
KantGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 13
Kaplain, Mrs. SylviaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 14
KarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 15
Karley, Leslie C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 16
KatGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 17
Katzen, Hon. BernardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 18
KauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 19
Kaustine CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 20
KeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 21
KeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 22
KefGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 23
Keith, WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 24
KelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 25
KelleyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 26
KellmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 27
Kelsey, Amanda RuthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 28
KellyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 29
Kelly, Catherine E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 30
KemGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 31
KenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 32
KennGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 33
KentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 34
Kenyon, RinaldoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 35
KerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 36
Kerch, KarolinaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 37
Kerwin, Thomas E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 38
KesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 181: 39
Kessler, DavidGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 1
KeuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 2
Keyes, Mrs. Edith S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 3
Keysa, Hon. Stanley J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 4
KiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 5
KilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 6
KimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 7
Kimmick, CharlesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 8
KinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 9
KingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 10
King, Mrs. Anna M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 11
King, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 12
King, Neela WinslowGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 13
King, PaulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 14
Kings CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 15
Kings County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 16
Kings County Grand JuryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 17
Kings County Police BrutalityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 18
Kings County Reports, BrisbaneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 19
Kings County Reports, CorbettGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 20
Kings County Reports, Grand Jury Exhibits, BrisbaneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 21
Kings County Reports, Grand Jury Minutes, BrisbaneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 22
Kings County Reports, Grand Jury Exhibits, EllisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 23
Kings County Reports, Grand Jury Minutes, EllisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 24
Kings County Reports, HeacockGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 182: 25
Kings County Reports, KingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 1
Kings County Reports, LeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 2
Kings County Reports, MilburnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 3
Kings County Reports, NewtonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 4
Kings County Reports, SandersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 5
Kings County Reports, Van DunkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 6
Kings County Reports, WaddellGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 7
Kings County Trial CalendarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 8
Kings Park State HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 9
Kingston-Rhinecliff BridgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 10
Kingston Tercentenary YearGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 11
Kingston, WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 12
KinnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 13
KirGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 14
Kirby, W. L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 15
Kirk, ConnieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 16
Kirschenbaum, IrvingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 17
KisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 18
KlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 19
KleiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 20
KliGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 21
KnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 22
Knell, Andrew A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 23
KniGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 24
Knickman, Arthur H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 25
KnoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 26
Knopf, EdwardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 27
Knost, Mrs. RoseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 28
KoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 29
Kobre, PhilipGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 30
KoeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 31
Kohler, F. DudleyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 183: 32
Kokotsis, Demetrios JohnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 1
KolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 2
Kolkowski, HelenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 3
Komrow, Francis D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 4
KorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 5
Korean SituationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 6
KosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 7
Kost, Henry N.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 8
KrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 9
Kramer, JayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 10
KranGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 11
Krause, Edward A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 12
KreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 13
Krejci, Mrs. HelenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 14
Kreutzer, S. StanleyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 15
Krieg, Lewis H. and LouiseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 16
KroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 17
KruGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 18
KuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 19
KulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 20
KurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 21
LGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 22
Labor DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 23
Labor Relations BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 24
Lackawanna FloodGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 25
LadGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 26
Ladinsky, Charles M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 27
LagGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 28
LakGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 29
Lake KeukaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 30
Lake Ontario Water LevelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 31
LamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 32
LanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 33
Lande, Jerome J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 184: 34
Landgren, Mrs. Eric G.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 1
LaneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 2
LangGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 3
LaniGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 4
Lanna, TheresaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 5
LapGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 6
LarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 7
Larkin, Mrs. MarieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 8
La Rosa, DomenicoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 9
LarsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 10
LasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 11
LauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 12
Laufer, Mrs. LillianGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 13
Laurel Hill Civic AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 14
Laurelton Sewer ProjectGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 15
LavGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 16
LawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 17
Law DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 18
Law Department, Attorney GeneralGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 19
Law Department, Interstate Commerce CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 20
LawsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 21
LeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 22
League of Women Voters of New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 23
LebGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 24
LeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 25
Lee, Robert P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 26
Leeotto, LuciusGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 27
LefGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 28
Lefkowitz, Hon. Louis J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 29
Legislative Conference of the City CollegesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 30
Legislators' SalariesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 31
Lehrfeld, Lt. Comm. William I.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 32
LeiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 33
LeitGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 34
Lemeunier, M. ClaudineGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 35
LenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 185: 36
Lennon, Patrick F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 1
LeoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 2
LerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 3
Lertzman, CarlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 4
Lesher, Mrs. AliceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 5
Letters of Appreciation, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 6
Letters of Appreciation, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 7
Letters from America WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 8
LevGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 9
LevineGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 10
Levine, Herman J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 11
LevyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 12
Levy, George M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 13
LewGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 14
LewisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 15
Lewis, Clyde A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 16
Lewis CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 17
Lewis, Gertrude H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 18
Lewis, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 19
Lewitt, HarryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 20
LeyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 21
LiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 22
Library Trustees Foundation of New York StateGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 23
LieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 24
Lieberman, Mrs. AnnaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 25
Lieutenant GovernorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 26
LigGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 27
LinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 28
Lincoln TunnelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 29
LindGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 30
LindgGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 31
Lindsay, Linden M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 32
LineGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 33
Linehan, James F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 34
LipGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 35
Liquor Authority, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 36
Liquor Authority, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 37
ListsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 38
LitGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 39
LithuanianGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 40
Litman, M. D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 41
Litter CotsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 42
Little, Franklin R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 43
LivGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 186: 44
Lively, Harry R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 1
LoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 2
Lockett, John J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 3
Lockwood, Hon. Charles C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 4
Lockwood, James W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 5
Lodge, Henry CabotGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 6
LoeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 7
LogGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 8
LongGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 9
Long Island Railroad, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 10
Long Island Railroad, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 11
Long Island Railroad, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 12
Long Island Railroad, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 13
Long Island Railroad, CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 14
Long Island State Park CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 15
Long Island Transit Authority, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 16
Long Island Transit Authority, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 187: 17
Long Island Transit Authority, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 1
Long Island Transit Authority, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 2
Long Island Transit Authority, Memo's and Reports, July-December,1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 3
Long Island Transit Authority, Memo's and Reports, January-June,1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 4
Long Island Transit Authority, Memo's and Reports, October-December, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 5
Long Island Transit Authority, Memo's and Reports, June-September, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 6
Long Island UniversityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 7
LongaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 8
Longshoremens' Strike, New York CityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 9
Lo Pinto, JosephGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 10
LorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 11
Lorentson, HaroldGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 12
LouGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 13
LouisianaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 14
LovGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 15
LowGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 16
Lowry, Philip W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 17
Loyalty DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 18
LuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 19
Luciano, CharlesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 20
LudGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 21
LunGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 22
Luncheon, Cleveland R. W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 188: 23
Lung CancerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 1
LupGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 2
Lupton, Edmund R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 3
LyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 4
LyonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 5
Lyons Central SchoolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 6
Lyons Electrical Distributing CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 7
LynchGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 8
MGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 9
Macchiaverna, LouisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 10
MaceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 11
MackGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 12
Mack, WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 13
MackeyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 14
Macri, BenedictoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 15
MadGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 16
MagGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 17
MahGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 18
Mahoney, Hon. Walter J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 19
MaiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 20
Main, Robert G.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 21
Maione, BenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 22
Maki, GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 23
Maki, UrhoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 24
MalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 25
MaloGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 26
Malone, RafaelaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 27
ManGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 28
Manassas BattlefieldGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 29
MangGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 30
Mangham, Henry H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 31
Manhattan State HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 32
MannGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 33
Manning, GordanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 34
Manning, Leonard C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 35
ManoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 36
Manual of Treaty LawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 37
MarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 38
Maran, Alexander P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 39
Marcantonio, VitoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 40
March of DimesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 41
MarckGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 42
Marconnier, Mrs. EmilyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 43
Margiotta, PatrickGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 189: 44
Margolin, Jacob JosephGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 1
MariGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 2
Maritime Association of the Port of New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 3
Maritime CollegeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 4
Maritime DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 5
MarkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 6
Markowitz, HymanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 7
MarlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 8
MarsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 9
MartGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 10
MartinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 11
Martin, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 12
MartinaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 13
Martinison, KristianGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 14
MarvGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 15
Maryland, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 16
MasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 17
MassGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 18
Massachusetts, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 19
Massoth, CharlesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 20
Master Bird Proofing Company, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 21
MatGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 22
Matsumoto, John Y.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 23
MattGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 24
Matteawan State HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 25
MauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 26
MaxGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 27
MayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 28
Mayer, Alfred WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 29
MayfGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 30
Mazza, Fred J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 31
McGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 32
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, A-FGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 33
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, G-LGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 34
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, M-RGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 190: 35
MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, S-ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 1
McCGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 2
McCaffery, Robert L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 3
McCarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 4
McCarthy, Sen. Joseph R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 5
McCartiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 6
McClGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 7
McCoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 8
McCorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 9
McCrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 10
McDGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 11
McDaniel, Mrs. IreneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 12
McDonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 13
MacDonald, Francis A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 14
McDonnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 15
McDonough, JackGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 16
McEGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 17
McElwee, Mrs. R. M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 18
McEntegart, Mrs. JamesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 19
McGGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 20
McGee, CushmanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 21
McGinley, Charles E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 22
McGinley, Edward J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 23
McGoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 24
McGowan, Harold XavierGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 25
McGrath, AnnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 26
McGuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 27
McGuire, Grace E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 28
McIGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 29
McKGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 30
McKiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 31
McLGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 32
McMGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 33
McNGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 34
McNichol, OlphutGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 35
McPGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 36
McSGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 37
MeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 38
Mead, IdaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 39
MebGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 191: 40
Mediation BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 1
Medical Licensing General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 2
Medical Society of the County of WestchesterGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 3
Medical Society of the State of New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 4
MeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 5
Megliola, LeonardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 6
Megna, Philip W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 7
MeiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 8
Meier, G. A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 9
MelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 10
MenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 11
Mental Health CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 12
Mental Health WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 13
Mental Hygiene CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 14
Mental Hygiene Department, 1953-54General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 15
Mental Hygiene Department, 1951-52General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 16
Mental Hygiene Department, Transmittals, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 17
Mental Hygiene Department, Transmittals, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 18
Mental Hygiene Department, Transmittals, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 19
Mental Hygiene Department, Transmittals, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 20
Mental Patients, Release ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 21
Mentally Retarded ChildrenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 22
MerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 23
MerrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 24
MesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 25
MetGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 26
MetsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 27
MeyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 28
MeyerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 29
MiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 30
Michigan, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 31
MidGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 32
Mid-Century Conference on Resources for the FutureGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 33
Middletown, City ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 34
Mifkovic, MichaelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 35
Migliorino, JohnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 192: 36
Migrant CampsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 1
MilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 2
Military and Naval Affairs, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 3
Military and Naval Affairs, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 4
Military and Naval Affairs, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 5
Military and Naval Affairs, Adjutant General, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 6
Military and Naval Affairs, Adjutant General, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 7
Military and Naval Affairs, Adjutant General, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 8
Military and Naval Affairs, Adj. Gen., TransmittalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 9
Military and Naval Affairs, National GuardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 10
Military and Naval Affairs, National Guard, Air SquadronGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 11
Military and Naval Affairs, National Guard, Federal and State TroopsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 12
Military and Naval Affairs, Selective ServiceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 13
Military and Naval Affairs, State GuardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 14
Military and Naval Affairs, Universal Military TrainingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 15
Military LawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 16
MilkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 17
Milk v. CoffeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 193: 18
Milk v. Coffee, letters, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 1
Milk MarketingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 2
Milk PricesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 3
Milk StrikeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 4
MillGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 5
MillerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 6
Miller, A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 7
Miller, Art DocGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 8
Miller, Arthur P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 9
Miller, D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 10
Miller, Mrs. FlorenceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 11
Miller, GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 12
Miller, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 13
Miller, P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 14
MilliGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 15
MilmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 16
MinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 17
MinnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 18
Minnesota, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 19
Mintici, Prof. I.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 20
Mintz, Hon. Hyman E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 21
"The Miracle"General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 22
MisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 23
Mishu, John W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 24
MitGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 25
Mitchell, IrvinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 26
MittGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 27
MoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 28
MoeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 29
Moggi, Mrs. Frida H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 30
MohGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 31
Mohawk Airlines, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 32
Mohylyn, PetroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 33
Molitor, JohnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 34
MonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 35
Monaghan, George P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 36
Monaghan, Mr. and Mrs. WalterGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 37
MoneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 38
Monroe CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 39
Monroe County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 40
Monroe County Water AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 194: 41
Monsour, GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 1
MontGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 2
MontgomeryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 3
Montgomery County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 4
Montrose Central School DistrictGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 5
MooGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 6
MoorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 7
MooreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 8
Moot, Richard D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 9
MorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 10
Moral and Spiritual Training in Schools, A-LGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 11
Moral and Spiritual Training in Schools, M-ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 12
Morduchowitz, Rabbi ShimonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 13
MorganGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 14
Morgan, EdwardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 15
MoriGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 16
Moriches InletGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 17
MorrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 18
MorrisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 19
Morris, NathanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 20
MorrisonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 21
Morrison, IreneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 22
MorsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 23
Morton, Hon. Harry K.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 24
MosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 25
MotGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 26
Mothers ClubGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 27
Motor Vehicle Problems, Joint Legislative CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 28
MoulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 29
Mount McGregorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 195: 30
Mount Sinai Hospital School of NursingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 1
Mount UptonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 2
Mount Vernon Housing AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 3
Mountain View Coach Lines, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 4
Movers Conference of AmericaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 5
MowGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 6
Moyer, DorothyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 7
MuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 8
MufGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 9
MullGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 10
Muller, Paula W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 11
MullinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 12
Multiple Residence LawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 13
Multiple SclerosisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 14
MunGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 15
MurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 16
MurpGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 17
MurrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 18
MusGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 19
Musico, Robert and TheresaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 20
MyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 21
Myers, William W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 22
MygGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 23
Mysyk, WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 24
NGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 25
NaiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 26
NarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 27
Narcotic ControlsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 28
Nassau County Bridge AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 29
Nassau County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 30
NatGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 31
National, A-FGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 32
National Air Transport Coordinating CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 33
National Anti-Tornado ConferenceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 34
National Association General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 35
National Association for the Advancement of Colored PeopleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 196: 36
National Association of Frozen Food PackersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 1
National Capital Sesquicentennial CommemorationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 2
National Citizens CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 3
National Coin WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 4
National Conference on CitizenshipGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 5
National Conference on Labor LegislationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 6
National Conference on Placement of Severely HandicappedGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 7
National Consumers Finance AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 8
National Council of Boards of Beauty CultureGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 9
National Council of the Churches of ChristGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 10
National Council for Stream ImprovementGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 11
National Defense WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 12
National Driver Education Award ProgramGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 13
National Eucharistic CongressGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 14
National Freedom DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 15
National, G-LGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 16
National Hearing WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 17
National Industrial Conference BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 18
National Labor Relations BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 19
National, M-ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 20
National Mental Health CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 21
National Music WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 22
National Rivers and Harbors CongressGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 23
National Rose WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 24
National Safety CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 25
National Tax Conference, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 26
National Tax Conference, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 27
National Tax Conference, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 28
National Tax Conference, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 29
National Tobacco Tax Research CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 30
Natural DisastersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 31
Natural Resources, Joint Legislative CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 32
NauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 33
NeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 34
NeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 35
NefGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 36
Negro History WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 37
NelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 38
NelsonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 39
Nelson, Mrs. Charles L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 40
Nelson, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 41
NemGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 42
Nesbit, GladysGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 43
NetherlandsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 197: 44
NeuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 1
NewGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 2
New England-New York Inter-Agency Committee, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 3
New England-New York Inter-Agency Committee, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 4
New England ThruwayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 5
New Harlem Tenants LeagueGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 6
New Jersey, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 7
New Paltz Teachers CollegeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 8
New RochelleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 9
New York, A-LGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 10
New York Board of RabbisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 11
New York CityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 12
New York City Anti-Crime Committee, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 13
New York City Automobile Use TaxGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 14
New York City Board of EducationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 15
New York City Board of ElectionsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 16
New York City Board of TransportationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 17
New York City Bus StrikeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 18
New York City Civil DefenseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 19
New York City CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 20
New York City Court of Special SessionsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 21
New York City Domestic Relations CourtGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 198: 22
New York City Finances, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 1
New York City Finances, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 2
New York City Fiscal AffairsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 3
New York City GovernmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 4
New York City Housing AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 5
New York City Magistrates' CourtGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 6
New York City Manager PlanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 7
New York City MayorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 8
New York City Parking Authority StatuteGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 9
New York City Police AnonymousGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 10
New York City Police CommissionerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 11
New York City Police DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 12
New York City Public WorksGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 13
New York City Real Estate TaxesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 14
New York City RecordsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 15
New York City Sales TaxGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 16
New York City Selective ServiceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 17
New York City WaterfrontGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 18
New York City Welfare DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 19
New York Convention and Visitors Bureau, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 20
New York CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 21
New York County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 22
New York County Lawyers AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 23
New York Good Roads AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 24
New York Holstein-Friesian AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 25
New York Institute for the Education of the BlindGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 26
New York International AirportGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 199: 27
New York Legislative ServiceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 1
New York, M-ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 2
New York State, A-LGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 3
New York State Association of MagistratesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 4
New York State Automobile AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 5
New York State Bar Association DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 6
New York State CIO CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 7
New York State Conference Board of Farm OrganizationsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 8
New York State Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 9
New York State Council of ChurchesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 10
New York State Farm Bureau FederationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 11
New York State Federation of Community Safety OrganizationsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 12
New York State Federation of LaborGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 13
New York State GrangeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 14
New York State, M-ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 15
New York State Optometric AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 16
New York State Press MonthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 17
New York State Public Recreation SocietyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 18
New York State School Boards Association, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 19
New York State Sheriffs AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 20
New York State Society of Professional EngineersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 21
New York State Teachers AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 22
New York Teachers GuildGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 23
New York Telephone CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 24
New York UniversityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 25
Newark State SchoolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 26
Newburgh-Beacon BridgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 27
Newburg Housing AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 28
Newcomb, Charlotte A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 29
NewhGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 30
Newman, ArthurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 31
NewmarkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 32
Newspaper Boy DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 33
Newspaper WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 34
NiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 35
Niagara County District - AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 36
Niagara Falls, City ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 37
Niagara Power Development, A-EGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 38
Niagara Power Development, F-JGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 39
Niagara Power Development, K-OGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 200: 40
Niagara Power Development, P-TGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 1
Niagara Power Development, U-ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 2
Niagara Power Development, John E. Burton reply to Sen. MorseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 3
Niagara Power Development, Gov. Dewey Testimony, Washington, D. C., July 23,1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 4
Niagara River and Lake Erie DrainageGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 5
Niagara River PollutionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 6
Niagara River PowerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 7
NicaraguaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 8
Nichter, Mrs. BarbaraGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 9
Nicolai, PasqualeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 10
Nicolini, Hon. Jorge I.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 11
NieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 12
Niec, MichaelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 13
NilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 14
Nistal, GeraldGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 15
NoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 16
Noise Abatement WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 17
NolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 18
Non-Commercial TelevisionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 19
NorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 20
Nordhausen, LeGrandeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 21
NorthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 22
North Branch of the Susquehanna River and TributariesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 23
North Brother IslandGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 24
North Rockland Chamber of CommerceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 25
North Shore Commuters AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 26
North-South ThruwayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 27
North Tonawanda Housing AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 28
NorthaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 29
Northampton County Citizens Committee for the Hoover ReportGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 30
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 31
NortonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 32
NosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 33
Notes, Mrs. Gertrude HerzigGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 34
NuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 35
Nussbaum, JackGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 36
NyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 37
Nyack-Tarrytown BridgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 38
OGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 39
Oak Orchard HarborGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 40
ObGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 41
ObrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 42
O'Brien, Eleanor M. V.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 43
OcGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 44
O'ConnorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 201: 45
OdGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 1
OeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 2
Off-Track BettingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 3
OhGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 4
Ohio, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 5
OlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 6
Old Country Trotting Association, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 7
Oil Progress WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 8
OliGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 9
OlsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 10
OmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 11
Omega Precision Medical Instrument Company, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 12
OnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 13
One Great Hour of SharingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 14
One Hundred Nineteen (119) Fifth AvenueGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 15
Oneida, City ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 16
Onondaga County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 17
Onondaga County Park and Regional Planning BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 18
Onondaga County Water AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 19
Onondaga LakeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 20
Ontario and Western RailroadGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 21
OpGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 22
Opalek, AlexanderGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 23
OrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 24
Orchard ParkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 25
Oregon, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 26
OrlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 27
ORT DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 28
OsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 29
OstGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 30
Ostertag, Hon. Harold C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 31
OswegoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 32
Oswego, City ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 33
OtGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 34
Otterbourg, Edwin M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 35
OvGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 36
Overseas TagsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 37
OwenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 38
PGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 39
Pabon, ErnestoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 40
PackGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 41
PagGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 202: 42
PalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 1
PalmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 2
PanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 3
Pandolfi, ErnestGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 4
Panek, StanleyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 5
Panico, AntonioGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 6
Panther Mountain DamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 7
ParGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 8
Parent-Teacher AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 9
Parent-Teachers Membership WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 10
ParkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 11
ParkerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 12
ParkesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 13
ParlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 14
Parole CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 15
Parr, Frances E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 16
ParsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 17
PasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 18
PatGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 19
Paton, B. H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 20
PattGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 21
Patten, John W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 22
PauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 23
Paul, DonaldGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 24
Paul, NormanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 25
Paulien, Mrs. AnnaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 26
PavGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 27
PeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 28
Pearl River, BookmakingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 29
PecGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 30
Peconic BaysGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 31
PeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 32
PelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 33
Pen; StableGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 34
Pennsylvania, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 35
Pennsylvania TurnpikeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 203: 36
Pensions, Commission onGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 1
PeoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 2
PerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 3
PerkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 4
Perlmutter, SamuelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 5
Permanent Personal Registration, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 6
Permanent Personal Registration, 1953, A-FGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 7
Permanent Personal Registration, 1953, G-LGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 8
Permanent Personal Registration, 1953, M-RGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 9
Permanent Personal Registration, 1953, S-ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 10
Permanent Personal Registration, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 11
Permanent Personal Registration, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 12
PerrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 13
PersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 14
Personius, Hon. James E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 15
PetGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 16
PetersonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 17
Peterson, Dutton S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 18
PetiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 19
Petrone, Dr. John C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 20
Petruska, JohnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 21
PettGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 22
Pettey, R. MoultonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 23
PfGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 24
PhGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 25
Phalen, Claire S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 26
PhiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 27
Philadelphia, City ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 28
PhillipsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 29
Phillips, J. W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 30
Phillips, Phillip W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 31
PiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 32
PieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 33
PigGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 34
Pike, MorrisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 35
Pilgrim State HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 204: 36
PinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 1
PipGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 2
Pisani, Josephine M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 3
PlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 4
Platt, Charles C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 5
Platt, Hon. LivingstonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 6
Plattsburgh Air BaseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 7
Platz, HenryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 8
PleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 9
PoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 10
Poetry DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 11
Pointer, Mrs. Katherine M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 12
PolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 13
PolioGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 14
Pollaci, Edward H., Jr.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 15
PomGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 16
Pomeroy, Mrs. Clara O.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 17
Pomeroy, Hon. Robert WatsonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 18
PooGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 19
PorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 20
Port Chester, GamblingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 21
PosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 22
PotGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 23
Poughkeepsie New YorkerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 24
Poulio, GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 25
PowGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 26
Poveromo, FrankGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 27
Powered Flight, Committee onGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 28
PrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 29
Preller, Hon. Fred W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 30
PresGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 31
Prescott, Ray B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 32
PriGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 33
Pries, Leland H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 205: 34
PrimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 1
Prison Association of New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 2
Private HospitalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 3
Privately Owned Motor Bus IndustryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 4
ProGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 5
Problems of the AgingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 6
Proprietary HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 7
ProsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 8
Prospect MountainGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 9
Prosperity Company, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 10
Pross, Mrs. H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 11
PruGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 12
Prudential Insurance CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 13
PuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 14
Public Administration Inter-Trainee ProgramGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 15
Public Service CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 16
Public Service Commission, Federal Communication CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 17
Public Service Commission, Federal Power CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 18
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 19
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 20
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 21
Public Service Commission, Removal of membersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 22
Public Works DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 23
Public Works Department, BuildingsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 24
Public Works Department, LandGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 206: 25
Public Works Department, TransmittalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 1
PulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 2
PurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 3
PutGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 4
QGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 5
QueGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 6
Queens and Brooklyn CollegesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 7
Queens Committee for Aviation Reforms, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 8
Queens County Catholic War VeteransGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 9
Queens County Committee, American LegionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 10
Queens County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 11
Queens County Grand Jurors' Association, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 12
Queensboro Federation of Mothers Clubs, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 13
Queensborough Chamber of CommerceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 14
Queensbridge Tenants LeagueGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 15
Quenville, Mrs. AntoinetteGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 16
QuinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 17
Quinn, R. F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 18
RGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 19
Racing CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 20
RadGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 21
Radlhammer, George H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 22
Radio BroadcastingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 23
RaeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 24
RaiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 25
RamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 26
RanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 27
Ranchor, Mrs. RuthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 28
Randall, Capt. BillGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 29
RapGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 30
RapeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 31
RauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 32
Rawls, Dr. William B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 33
ReGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 34
ReapportionmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 35
RebGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 36
RecountGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 37
Red Cross DriveGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 207: 38
Reddick, Mrs. Maxwell (Dorothy)General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 1
ReeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 2
Reed, AllanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 3
Reed, John WillardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 4
ReesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 5
Refugee Relief ActGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 6
RegGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 7
Regents, Board ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 8
Register and VoteGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 9
Regner, Mrs. FrancesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 10
ReiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 11
Reid, WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 12
ReilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 13
Reilly, James P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 14
ReimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 15
RelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 16
Religious Education WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 17
RemGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 18
Rensselaer CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 19
Rensselaer County ClerkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 20
Rent Administrator, Transmittals, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 21
Rent Administrator, Transmittals, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 22
Rent Commission, TemporaryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 23
Rent ControlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 24
RepGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 25
Research Council for Economic SecurityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 26
Retirement AllowancesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 27
ReuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 28
Reuter, Arthur L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 29
ReyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 30
RhGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 31
Rhode IslandGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 208: 32
RiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 1
RichGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 2
RichardsonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 3
Richardson, Minnie M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 4
RicheGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 5
Richman, Mrs. PaulineGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 6
Richmond County Investigation, GeneralGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 7
Richmond County Investigation, SpecialGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 8
Richmond County Investigation, William B. HerlandsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 9
RidGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 10
RieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 11
Riegelman, HaroldGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 12
RilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 13
Ring, Harold B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 14
RioGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 15
RitGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 16
Ritter, Otis C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 17
RoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 18
RobeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 19
RobertsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 20
Roberts, Robert C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 21
RobertsonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 22
RobiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 23
RobinsonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 24
Robinson, D. C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 25
Robinson, Sugar RayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 26
Robinton, Hermann F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 27
RocGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 28
Rochambeau ParkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 29
Rochester Easterly Connection with ThruwayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 30
Rochester GamblingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 31
Rochester Inner LoopGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 32
Rochester, University of, School of Medicine ReportGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 33
Rockland CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 34
Rockland State HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 35
RodGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 209: 36
Rodriguez, Raphael MounierGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 1
RoeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 2
RogGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 3
Rogers, Frederick RandGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 4
Rogers, Mrs. T. Martha B.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 5
RoggGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 6
Rohrs, AnnaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 7
RolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 8
Roll, Rev. P. E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 9
RomGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 10
Romano, GennaroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 11
RooGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 12
Roosevelt HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 13
Roosevelt Memorial AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 14
Roosevelt, Theodore, DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 15
RosGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 16
Rosario, Juan R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 17
Rosato, VictorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 18
RosenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 19
Rosenberg, HarryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 20
Rosenberg, Julius and EthelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 21
RosencGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 22
RossGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 23
RossaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 24
Rossum, JaneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 25
RotGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 26
Rotterdam, Town ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 27
RouGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 28
Route 9General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 29
Route 17General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 30
Route 23AGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 31
Route 63General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 32
Rovensky, JosephGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 33
Rowlan, EdithGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 34
RoyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 35
RuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 36
RucGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 37
RueGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 210: 38
RulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 1
RusGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 2
Russell, Hervey L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 3
RussiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 4
RyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 5
RybGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 6
SGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 7
Sabbath Law, Joint Legislative Committee onGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 8
SadGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 9
Safe Driving DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 10
Safety DivisionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 11
SaiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 12
Sailors' Snug HarborGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 13
SaintGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 14
Saint Lawrence County, GamblingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 15
Saint Lawrence County, InvestigationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 16
Saint Lawrence River Power CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 17
Saint Lawrence Seaway, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 18
Saint Lawrence Seaway, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 19
Saint Lawrence Seaway BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 20
SalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 21
Salvation Army Campaign Fund DriveGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 22
SamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 23
Sampson Air Force BaseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 24
Sampson, Mrs. RupertGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 25
SanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 26
Sanborn, Frederic R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 27
Sanchez, James A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 28
SandGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 29
Sandborn, Mrs. ImogeneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 30
Sanders, Mark HannaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 31
SanfGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 32
SaniGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 33
SarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 34
Saratoga County Board of SupervisorsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 211: 35
Saratoga County, GamblingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 1
Saratoga County InvestigationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 2
Saratoga County Soil Conservation DistrictGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 3
Saratoga Gambling, Periodic ChecksGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 4
SauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 5
Sauer, Benjamin A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 6
SaugertiesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 7
SavGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 8
SawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 9
ScGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 10
SchGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 11
Schaegelen, ArlineGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 12
SchagGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 13
ScheGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 14
SchenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 15
ShcenectadyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 16
Schenectady County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 17
Schenectady, GamblingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 18
Schepis, JamesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 19
SchiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 20
Schindler, A. GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 21
SchlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 22
SchmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 23
SchmieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 24
SchnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 25
SchoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 26
ScholGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 27
School Buildings CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 28
School Safety Patrol WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 29
SchrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 30
Schrade, Lena C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 31
SchroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 32
Schroon Lake Chamber of CommerceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 33
SchuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 34
Schubert, AlbertGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 212: 35
SchultGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 1
SchumGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 2
Schuster, ArnoldGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 3
SchwGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 4
SchwartzGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 5
SchweGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 6
SciGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 7
ScotGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 8
ScrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 9
SeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 10
SeabeesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 11
Seaports and AirportsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 12
SebGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 13
Second Assembly District, OnondagaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 14
SeeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 15
Seegitz, Charles H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 16
Seix, J. OctavioGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 17
SelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 18
Sells Route, ThruwayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 19
SemGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 20
Seneca CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 21
Seneca Lake State ParkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 22
Seneca Ordnance DepotGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 23
Senior Citizens MonthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 24
SerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 25
SevGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 26
Seventh ClubGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 27
Severin, James ClarkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 28
Sewanhaka High SchoolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 29
Sex CrimesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 30
Sex Offender LegislationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 31
ShGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 32
ShanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 33
Shane, Dr. M. C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 34
SharGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 35
ShawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 36
SheaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 37
Shea, JohnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 38
Shea, Thomas and ElizabethGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 39
ShelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 40
Shell Oil CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 41
Shelter SurveyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 42
ShepardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 213: 43
SherGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 1
ShermanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 2
Sherman, Mrs. Squire K.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 3
ShiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 4
ShoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 5
ShuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 6
Shut-In-Foundation DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 7
SiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 8
SiecGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 9
Siegel, Assistant District Attorney of Kings CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 10
Sight Saving MonthGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 11
SilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 12
Sill, Hon. Allan P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 13
SilverGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 14
SimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 15
SimonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 16
SimpGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 17
SinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 18
SirGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 19
SkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 20
SlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 21
SleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 22
Slotkin, HowardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 23
SmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 24
SmithGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 25
Smith, C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 26
Smith, D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 27
Smith, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 28
Smith, J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 29
Smith, L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 30
Smith, P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 31
Smith, T.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 32
Smith, Vera CanodeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 33
SmoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 34
Smog in Staten IslandGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 35
SnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 214: 36
SnyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 1
SoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 2
Social Security Benefits for EmployeesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 3
Social Welfare Department, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 4
Social Welfare Department, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 5
Social Welfare Department, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 6
Social Welfare Department, Transmittals, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 7
Social Welfare Department, Transmittals, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 8
Social Welfare Department, Transmittals, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 9
Social Welfare Department, Transmittals, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 10
Society of Foreign Consuls in New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 11
Society of the New York HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 12
SolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 13
Solvay WasteGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 14
SomGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 15
SorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 16
Sorber, Robert C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 17
Sortino, Mrs. MarieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 18
SouGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 19
SoutGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 20
South Dakota, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 21
Southfield, ThruwayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 22
SpGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 23
SpainGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 24
Spano, AntonioGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 25
SpeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 26
Special Session, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 27
Special Session, June 10, 1954General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 28
Special Session, November 17, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 29
Special Session, June 25, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 30
Special Session, 1953, Qualifications for Appointment as PolicemenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 31
Special Session, 1953, Unfair Waterfront Practices BillGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 32
Special Session, 1953, Uniform Jury BillGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 215: 33
Special Session, 1951General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 1
SpenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 2
SpiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 3
Spitzer, LouisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 4
SpoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 5
Sprain Brook Parkway AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 6
SpriGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 7
SqGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 8
Squires, Paul C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 9
Sragow, Stanley J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 10
StGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 11
Stachowiak, Mrs. SophiaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 12
StagGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 13
StanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 14
Standards and Purchase, Division ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 15
StanlGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 16
StannGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 17
StarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 18
StatGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 19
State Aid for EducationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 20
State Board of InquiryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 21
State DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 22
State Department, Division for Servicemen's VotingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 23
State Department HeadsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 24
State Employees, IncreasesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 25
State and Local Officials' National Highway Safety CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 26
State Office BuildingsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 27
State PoliceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 28
State Restaurant Liquor Dealers Association, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 29
State UniversityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 30
State University Medical CenterGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 31
StatementsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 32
Staten IslandGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 33
SteGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 34
SteenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 35
SteiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 36
Steiger, HarwoodGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 216: 37
StelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 1
StepGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 2
SterGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 3
Steuben DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 4
StevGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 5
StewGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 6
Stewart Air Force BaseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 7
StiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 8
Stichman, Hon. Herman T.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 9
Stirling, Sarah V. DangerfieldGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 10
Stiro, DominickGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 11
Stizza, Dr. SalvatoreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 12
StoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 13
Stockton, Edgar A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 14
StoeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 15
StonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 16
StorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 17
Storch, Theodore RooseveltGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 18
Stork ClubGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 19
Storms, SanfordGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 20
StrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 21
Strauss, Dr. IsraelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 22
StreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 23
Strickler, EdwardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 24
StroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 25
Strom, EleanorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 26
Stryker, Lloyd PaulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 27
StuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 28
StulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 29
SuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 30
Submerged LandsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 31
Subversive ActivitiesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 32
Suffolk County A. B. C. BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 33
Suffolk County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 34
Suffolk Water AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 35
SulGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 36
SullivanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 37
Sullivan CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 38
Sullivan, George P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 39
SultGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 40
SunGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 41
Sunday School Week ProclamationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 42
SurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 43
Surrogates' Association of the State of New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 217: 44
SutGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 1
SwGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 2
SwansonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 3
SweGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 4
Sweeney, Julian F.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 5
SweiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 6
Swim for Health WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 7
Switchblade KnivesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 8
SyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 9
Symbol, ArchieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 10
Syracuse Citizens Foundation DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 11
Syracuse Harness Race TrackGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 12
Syracuse Harness Race Track, Newton D. BartleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 13
Syracuse Housing AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 14
Syracuse Race TrackGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 15
Syracuse State SchoolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 16
Syracuse UniversityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 17
Syska, WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 18
TGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 19
Taconic State Park CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 20
Taconic State ParkwayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 21
TagGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 22
TamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 23
TarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 24
Taxation and Finance DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 218: 25
Taxation and Finance Department, Motor Vehicle BureauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 1
Taxation and Finance Department, TransmittalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 2
Taxation and Finance Department, Transmittals, Motor Vehicle BureauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 3
Taxation and Finance Department, Truck Mileage Tax BureauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 4
Taxation and Finance Department, U. S. Federal ReturnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 5
Tax Revision CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 6
TayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 7
TaylorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 8
Taylor, Mrs. MildredGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 9
Taylor, William W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 10
TeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 11
Teachers SalariesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 12
Teachers' Salaries ReportGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 13
Teigen, T. AustinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 14
Television for Educational Purposes, 1953General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 15
Television for Educational Purposes, 1953, Letter to GovernorsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 16
Television for Educational Purposes, 1952General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 17
TemGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 18
TerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 19
Terry, EvaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 20
TersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 21
Texas, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 22
ThGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 23
Thanksgiving DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 24
ThoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 25
Tholmer, John A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 26
ThomasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 27
Thomas, DaphneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 28
Thomas, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 29
ThompGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 30
ThompsonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 219: 31
Thompson, GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 1
Thompson, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 2
Thompson, William G.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 3
Thompson, J. C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 4
ThorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 5
ThrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 6
Thruway AmendmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 7
Thruway Authority, BillboardsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 8
Thruway Billboards, Federated Garden Clubs Of New York State, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 9
Thruway, Niagara-Erie SectionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 10
Thruway, TransmittalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 11
Thruway, YonkersGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 12
TiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 13
TidelandsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 14
TilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 15
Till, Mrs. A. I.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 16
TimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 17
ToGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 18
ToeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 19
TomGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 20
Tomasini, EmanueleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 21
TompkinsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 22
Tompkins CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 23
Tonn, Arthur E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 24
Toomey, Mrs. HaroldGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 25
TopGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 26
Torres, Lucas E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 27
TowGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 28
TrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 29
Traffic CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 30
Traffic Safety CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 31
TranGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 32
Transit Fair IncreaseGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 33
Transport Workers Union of Greater New YorkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 34
Transportation Development CorporationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 35
Transportation of ExplosivesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 220: 36
TreGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 1
TriGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 2
Trilane PublicationsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 3
Tripp, ClarenceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 4
TroGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 5
TruGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 6
Truax, CarolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 7
Truck Registrations FeesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 8
TuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 9
TurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 10
Turetzky, MorrisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 11
TurnerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 12
Turner, Mrs. ElizabethGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 13
Turner, Harold RaymondGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 14
TurnfGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 15
TwGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 16
TyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 17
Tyrrell, Edward R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 18
UGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 19
Uhl, Mrs. MiriamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 20
UnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 21
Unemployment Insurance Appeal BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 22
Unemployment Insurance, Joint Legislative Committee onGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 23
Unger, Dr. A. J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 24
Unger, Arthur W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 25
UniGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 26
Union ClubGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 27
Union Free School District No. 17General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 28
Union Label WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 29
Union League ClubGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 30
Union of Orthodox Rabbis, U. S. and CanadaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 31
Union of State EmployeesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 32
Union Welfare FundsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 33
UnitGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 34
United Cerebral Palsy AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 35
United Labor Action CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 36
United NationsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 37
United Nations DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 38
United Parents Association of New York CityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 39
United Public Workers of AmericaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 40
United StatesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 221: 41
United States Administrator of Veterans AffairsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 1
United States Atomic Energy CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 2
United States Census BureauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 3
United States Civil Aeronautics AdministrationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 4
United States Coast and Geodetic SurveyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 5
United States ConstitutionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 6
United States Customs ServiceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 7
United States DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 8
United States Defense Mobilization DirectorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 9
United States Defense Production AdministrationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 10
United States Defense Transport AdministrationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 11
United States Department of AgricultureGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 12
United States Department of Air ForceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 13
United States Department of ArmyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 14
United States Department of CommerceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 15
United States Department of StateGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 16
United States Economic ReportGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 17
United States Federal Bureau of InvestigationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 18
United States Federal Civil Defense AdministrationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 19
United States Federal Housing ExpediterGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 20
United States Federal Power CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 21
United States Federal Security AdministratorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 22
United States Federal Security AgencyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 23
United States Federal Social Security County ResolutionsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 24
United States Housing and Home Finance AgencyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 25
United States Intergovernmental RelationsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 26
United States International-Joint CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 27
United States Interstate Commerce CommissionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 28
United States Labor DepartmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 29
United States LegislationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 30
United States Marine HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 31
United States Merchant Marine AcademyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 32
United States Military AcademyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 33
United States National Guard BureauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 34
United States National Security Resources BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 35
United States Public Health ServiceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 222: 36
United States Savings BondsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 1
United States Senate Crime Investigating Committee, A-HGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 2
United States Senate Crime Investigating Committee, M-ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 3
UnivGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 4
Universal Military TrainingGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 5
UpGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 6
USJ License PlatesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 7
USS WaspGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 8
Utility Workers Union of AmericaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 9
Uttal, DavidGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 10
VGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 11
Vaitulis, NellieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 12
VanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 13
VandGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 14
Van Dorn, WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 15
VandeuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 16
VaneGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 17
Van Lare, Sen Frank E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 18
VannGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 19
Van Over, Mary J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 20
Van Raalte, DavidGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 21
VansGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 22
Van Zuch, Harry A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 23
VarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 24
Vassar Brothers HospitalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 25
VaticanGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 26
VeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 27
Vegetable WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 28
Vehicle and Traffic LawGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 29
VerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 30
Vera, Percy W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 31
Vernon Downs Race TrackGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 32
Vernon, Paul E.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 33
Veterans Affairs DivisionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 34
Veterans Bonus BureauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 35
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U. S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 36
Veterans' Readjustment Assistance ActGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 223: 37
Veterans Vocational SchoolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 1
ViGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 2
Vicksburg and Warren County Historical SocietyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 3
Victor, RichardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 4
VidGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 5
VimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 6
VoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 7
Vogel, HannahGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 8
VolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 9
Volunteer Firemen's DayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 10
VooGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 11
Voting AgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 12
Voting Hours, Primary ElectionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 13
VrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 14
WGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 15
WagGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 16
Wagner, Robert F., Jr.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 17
Wagering and Gambling StampsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 18
WahGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 19
WalGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 20
Waldman, LouisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 21
WalkerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 22
Walker, ArthurGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 23
Walker, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 24
WallGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 25
WallachGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 26
Walpin, MichaelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 27
WalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 28
Walsh, EdwardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 29
WaltGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 30
Walters, Mrs. EmileGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 31
WaltonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 32
Walton, Izaak, League of America, IncGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 33
Wank, HarryGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 34
WarGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 35
War CouncilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 224: 36
WareGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 1
WarnGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 2
Warner, John L.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 3
WarrenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 4
Warren Brothers Roads CompanyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 5
Warren CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 6
Warwick State SchoolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 7
WasGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 8
Washington, Booker T., Birthplace MemorialGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 9
Washington, George, BridgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 10
Washington, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 11
Wassaic SchoolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 12
WatGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 13
Water Control and ConservationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 14
Water Pollution Control BoardGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 15
Waterfront Commission ReleasesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 16
Waterfront Commission TransmittalsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 17
Waterfront Commission, Waterfront ElectionsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 18
Waterfront StrikeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 19
WatertownGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 20
WatsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 21
Watson, John C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 22
Watts, Mrs. Meline M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 23
WauGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 24
Waxman, Miss J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 25
WeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 26
WebGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 27
WeberGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 28
WecGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 29
WeiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 30
WeinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 31
Weinberger, Mrs. MargaretGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 32
WeisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 33
Weiss, WilliamGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 34
WelGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 35
WellGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 36
Wells, Mrs. Blake O.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 37
Wells, GraceGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 38
WelsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 225: 39
WenGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 1
WerGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 2
WesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 3
West, George H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 4
West, John R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 5
West Point WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 6
West Virginia, State ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 7
WestaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 8
Westchester County District AttorneyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 9
Westchester ExpresswayGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 10
Westchester Gas RateGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 11
WesteGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 12
Western New York Taxpayers' Association, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 13
WestfGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 14
Westfield State FarmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 15
Westray, GeorgeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 16
Westwood, Harry M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 17
WetGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 18
WhGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 19
WheeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 20
Wherry, William M.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 21
WhiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 22
WhiteGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 23
White Cane LegislationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 24
White, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 25
White House Conference on Highway Safety, 1953-54General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 26
White House Conference on Highway Safety, 1951-52General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 27
White, P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 28
White Plain Institute of Arts and SciencesGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 29
White Plains Parking AuthorityGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 30
WhitedGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 31
WhitmGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 32
Wholesale Beer Distributors AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 33
WiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 34
Wichman, George H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 35
Wicks, Hon. Arthur H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 226: 36
Wicks, Sen. Arthur H., A-KGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 1
Wicks, Sen. Arthur H., L-ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 2
WieGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 3
WilGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 4
Wilcox, Hon. Orin S.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 5
WildGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 6
Wildermuth, E. F. W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 7
WilkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 8
WillGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 9
WilliamsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 10
Williams, Clifton and AlmaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 11
Williams, D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 12
Williams, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 13
Williams, P.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 14
Williams, Thomas C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 15
WilliamsonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 16
Williamson, Hon. Pliny W.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 17
WillisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 18
WilsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 19
WilsonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 20
Wilson, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 21
WinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 22
WinkGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 23
WintGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 24
WisGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 25
WisconsinGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 26
Wise, Henry A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 27
WitGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 28
WoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 29
WolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 30
WolfGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 31
WolgGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 32
Wolven, OrvilleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 33
Woman's Relief Corps HomeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 34
Women in GovernmentGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 35
Women's International ExpositionGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 36
WooGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 37
Wood, Elizabeth R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 38
Wood, Rev. Mary RevaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 227: 39
WoodaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 1
WoodsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 2
Woodward, DonaldGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 3
WoolGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 4
WorGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 5
Workmen's Compensation InvestigationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 6
Workmen's Compensation Investigation, AppointmentsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 7
World Medical AssociationGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 8
WrGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 9
WrightGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 10
Wright, H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 11
WSAYGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 12
WuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 13
Wurtsboro BarracksGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 14
X-YGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 15
Yacko, MariaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 16
Yanosik, Mrs. G. C. (Elizabeth)General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 17
Yates CountyGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 18
Yauger, Jay H.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 19
YeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 20
YoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 21
Yonkers, City ofGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 22
Yorio, Josephine A.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 23
YouGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 24
YoungGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 25
Young American Medals CommitteeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 26
Young, Mrs. FrankGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 27
Young Men's Christian AssociationsGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 28
YoungbGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 29
Younglove, Hon. Joseph R.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 30
Youth Hostel WeekGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 31
Youth Problems, Inc.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 32
ZGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 33
Zarebski, Edward D.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 34
Zavatt, Joseph C.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 35
ZeGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 36
Zeller, Prof. BelleGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 37
Zenner, PhilipGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 38
ZiGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 39
Ziccardi, James J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 40
Ziegenhardt, Paul J.General Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 41
ZimGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 42
Zimmerman, AnnaGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 43
ZoGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 44
Zoll, Allen AndersonGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor
6: 228: 45
ZuGeneral Correspondence
Third Term Governor

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