Thomas E. Dewey Papers: Browse

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P - Pe
P Miscellaneous (After January 1, 1960)
P Miscellaneous 1955-1958
P. M.
Pa - Pal
Pa - Pan
Pa - Pard
Pa - Qz
Pa-Pl - Miscellaneous
Pabon, Ernesto
Pach, Alfred
Paddle Tennis
Padgett, Louis
Paenucco, Louis A.
Page, L. C.
Page, Richard
Page, Walter
Page; Paige
Paget, Lowell C.
Pahl, Betty H.
Paidoussis, Dr. Eleftheria
Painter, Laura B.
Painting and Decorating Contractors of America
Palestine Day
Palestine Situation
Palestine Situation, 1947
Palestine Situation, 1948
Palisades Interstate Park Commission
Palisades Interstate Park Commission, Notices of Appointment
Palisades Interstate Park Commission, Notices of Appointment: Albright, Horace M.
Palmer, Eugene E.
Palmer, F. Irwin
Palmer, Frederick
Palmer, J. Campbell, III
Palmer, S. Wesley
Pam - Park
Pan American Lodge #1124
Pan American Society of New York
Pan American Week
Pan American World Airways System
Pan-American World Airways, Inc.
Panagopoulos, James
Pandolfi, Ernest
Panek, Stanley
Panettieri, Bartolomeo
Panico, Antonio
Panther Mountain Dam
Panuch, J. Anthony
Pao - Pat
Papa, Hon. Joseph G.
Papa, Joseph
Papa, Joseph G.
Papazoglidis, G. K.
Papworth, Lyle B.
Pare - Pats
Parent-Teacher Association
Parent-Teacher Membership Week
Parent-Teachers Membership Week
Parent-Teachers Week
Parents Associations Public Schools
Parents' Associations of Public Schools
Parents' Magazine
Pari-Mutuel Revenue Law
Parillo, Adam
Paris, David
Parish, Bert A.
Parker, Alfred
Parker, B. J.
Parker, Comm. Edward J.
Parker, H. F.
Parker, J. W.
Parker, Rev. Fletcher Douglas
Parker, Walter
Parking Lots
Parl - Pata
Parlo, J. J.
Parole Board
Parole Board, 1943-46
Parole Board, 1947-51
Parole Board, 1952-54
Parole Commission
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Additon, Henrietta
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Allen, James Egert
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Amerli , Howard W.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Battle, Samuel J.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Burrell, R. A.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Cooper, Robert L.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Costma, Louis F.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Donovan, Edward J.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Grant, Donald H.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Heim, Edward F.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Heimlich, Philip
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Heller, Peter F.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Jones, J. Nelson
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Lewis, Dr. Burdett G.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Martin, Dr. James V.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: McClain, Julius S.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Moran, Frederick
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: O'Connor, Edward M.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Pagnucco, Louis A.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Pinto, Nicholas H.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Pope, Henry W.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Ray, Herbert H.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Reynolds, Grant
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Shaw, Edith Whitney
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Taylor, Reginald B.
Parole Commission, Notices of Appointment: Yeargin, James J.
Parole Commission, Positions
Parole List
Parole, 1950
Parole, 1952
Parole, 1953
Parole, 1954
Parole, Division of, 1944 and 1943
Parole, Division of, 1946 and 1945
Parr, Frances E.
Parsons, Geoffrey
Part 1; Forward, Introduction and Chapters 1-5.
Part 2; Chapters 6-9
Part 3; Chapters 10-13
Part 4; Chapters 14-18
Part 5; Chapters 19-25, Afterword.
Pasadena Junior Chamber of Commerce
Paso, Marion
Passaic River Flood Control
Passmore, Mrs. Charles L.
Passport Material
Patb - Paul
Paterson; Patterson
Pathé Previews the Candidates 1947
Paton, B. H.
Paton, C. R.
Paton, William A.
Patri, Angelo. October 12, 1937
Patriotic Organizations
Patrolmen's Benevolent Association
Patt - Peb
Patten, John W.
Patten; Patton
Pattern for American dictatorship. New York, April 25, 1942
Pattersen, Hon. Richard C., Jr.
Patterson, Capt. Joseph M.
Patterson, Captain Joseph
Patterson, Dr. Ernest Minor
Patterson, Hon. Robert P.
Patterson, Marie V.
Patterson, Richard C., Jr.
Patterson, Robert Porter, Memorial
Patterson, Russell
Patterson; Paterson
Patton, Jack
Pau - Paz
Paul Lockwood
Paul, Donald
Paul, Norman
Paulien, Mrs. Anna
Paum - Paz
Pavich, V. S.
Pawling Correspondence
Pawling Farm
Pawling Farm Social Security
Pawling Farm Tax Material
Pawling Rotary Club
Paxton, Norris
Pay Checks, State Employees
Payne, Hon. Frederick G.
Paynter, Henry
Pd - Pecz
Pe - Pen
Peabody, Mrs. Caroline V.
Peabody, Mrs. Paul
Peace Can Be Won
Peale, Dr. Norman Vincent
Peare, J. H.
Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor Investigation
Pearl Marrow Cancer Memorial, Inc.
Pearl River, Bookmaking
Pearl, Mrs. Norton H.
Pearl, Mrs. Norton, May 18, 1948
Pearson, C. H.
Pearson, Cecil E.
Pearson, Drew
Pearson, Joseph
Pearson, Mowbray F.
Pease, Viola
Pec - Pero
Pecce, Edward D.
Peck, A-Z
Peck, David
Peck, David W. December 10, 1953
Peck, Hon. David W.
Peck, Judge David W.
Peck, Llewellyn B.
Peck, Louis
Peck, William
Peckham, H. G.
Peckham, H. G. May, 1948
Peconic Bays
Peconic River and Bay
Ped - Perr
Pedestrian Accident Prevention
Pedestrian Motorists' Safety League
Pedlow, Frank A. October 2, 1942
Pedlow, Frank A. October 9, 1942
Pedlow, Frank A. September 16, 1942
Peek, George N.
Pegler, Westbrook
Pelham Men's Club Dinner
Peltyn, Seymour L.
Pembleton, John C.
Pen Stable
Pen; Stable
Pendergast, Mrs. Frederic
Pendleton, Philip C.
Pendleton, Ralph Howard
Penfield, Georgia M.
Penn, M. D.
Pennell, Frank
Pennell, Frank W.
Penney, J. C.
Penningto, George
Pennington, Woodrow
Pennock, Mrs. Winthrop
Pennsylvania Federation of Women's Clubs
Pennsylvania Society
Pennsylvania Society of Speech
Pennsylvania Society of the Sons of the Revolution
Pennsylvania Turnpike
Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission
Pennsylvania, from October 16, 1948
Pennsylvania, October 1 - October 15, 1948
Pennsylvania, September 1 - September 30, 1948
Pennsylvania, State of
Pennsylvania, State of, 1943
Pennsylvania, thru August 31, 1948, A-F
Pennsylvania, thru August 31, 1948, G-M
Pennsylvania, thru August 31, 1948, N-Z
Pennsylvania, University of
Pension Commission
Pensions, Commission on
Peo - Pez
Peo, Howard J.
People's Research Corporation Poll:
Pepper, Morton
Perceval, Mrs. Esther H.
Perez, Juan Orta
Periodic Inspection, 1954
Perkins, Alfred P.
Perkins, Lamar
Perlman, Mollie
Perlmutter, Samuel
Permanent Personal Registration, 1951
Permanent Personal Registration, 1952
Permanent Personal Registration, 1953
Permanent Personal Registration, 1953, A-F
Permanent Personal Registration, 1953, G-L
Permanent Personal Registration, 1953, M-R
Permanent Personal Registration, 1953, S-Z
Permanent Registration
Permissive Taxes
Perp - Pez
Perry, Charles W.
Perry, Frank
Perry, John H.
Perry, John S.
Perry, John, 1939-June 2, 1944
Perry, John, June 5, 1944-1950
Perry, Norris I.
Perryman, Rev. P. D.
Pers - Pgz
Pershing , Maj. Eli R.
Personal Correspondence, August, 1929 to December, 1929
Personal Correspondence, January, 1925 to December, 1927
Personal Correspondence, January, 1928 to December, 1928
Personal Correspondence, January, 1929 to July, 1929
Personal Correspondence, January, 1930 to May, 1930
Personal Correspondence, January, 1931 to April, 1931
Personal Correspondence, June, 1930 to December, 1930
Personal Information Reports, 1953
Personal Information Reports, 1954
Personal Letters, 1932-37
Personal Property Law
Personius, Hon. James E.
Personnel Council
Personnel Relations Board
Persons, Richard S.
Peru, Consul General
Peterkin, Walter G.
Peterson, Dutton S.
Peterson, Edgar H.
Peterson, Elmer T.
Peterson, Gov. Val
Peterson, Hon. Herman
Peterson, Hon. Val
Peterson, Mr. V. W.
Peterson, Mrs. L. A.
Peterson, Ole
Petkova, M.
Petley, Herbert E.
Petrified Creatures
Petrill, Jack
Petroleum Industry War Council
Petrone, Dr. John C.
Petruska, John
Petry, Carl
Pettengill, Hon. Samuel B.
Pettey, R. Moulton
Pettis, Louis
Pettit, Karl D.
Peurifoy, John E.
Pew, Hon. Joseph N., Jr.
Peyser, Ethan Allen
Pf - Pz
Pfa - Pib
Pfaff, Lt. Comdr. Emil O.
Pfeiffenberger, Dr. Otto
Pfeiffer, Hon. William L
Pfeiffer, William L.
Ph - Pi
Pha - Phiz
Phalen, Claire S.
Pheiffer, Hon. William T.
Pheiffer, William
Pheiffer, William T.
Phelps-Stokes Fund
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfornia Fraternity
Philadelphia Bulletin Forum
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philadelphia Registration Commissions
Philadelphia Speech
Philadelphia, City of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 29, 1964
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 24, 1948
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 7, 1944
Philbrook, Dr. Ralph A.
Philharmonic Symphony Society
Philipp, Cyrus L.
Philippine Republic
Philips, Joseph
Phillies, George H.
Phillipine Association
Phillips Petroleum Company
Phillips, Capt. W. B.
Phillips, Dr. Harlan B.
Phillips, H. H. S.
Phillips, Hans
Phillips, J. W.
Phillips, Jesse S.
Phillips, Mrs. Gus
Phillips, Phillip W.
Phillips, Randolph
Phillips, T. W.
Phillips, T. W. Jr.
Phoenix Housing Authority
Phoenix, Arizona, September 23, 1948
Photostats of Documents and Correspondence, 1950-1951
Physically Handicapped Week
Pi - Pitz
Pic - Pkz
Pick a winner, September 16, 1952.
Pick the Winner
Pickard, Chester F.
Pickens, William
Pickens, William, Jr.
Pictures, Young Republicans of Westchester County
Pierce, Charles M.
Pierce, George H.
Pierce, Rev. Carl H.
Pierce, Wallace
Pierceall, Mrs. James
Pierpont, Arthur E.
Piggott, Capt. Joseph
Pike, Morris
Pilgrim State Hospital
Pilgrim State Hospital, Notices of Appointment
Pilgrim State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Lindner, Mrs. Edith Wilson
Pilgrim State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Sylvester, Mrs. Ruth L.
Pilgrims of the United States
Pillai, V. Chockolingam
Pinchon, Henri Jules
Pinder, Oakley
Pine Camp
Pine Camp, New York, August 18, 1950
Pinkley, Virgil
Pinkley, Virgil: News broadcast by publisher of Los Angeles News including recorded telephone interviews with Dewey and Colonel Wilkinson on civil defense organization in New York, April 2, 1953.
Piper, A. M.
Pirro, John
Pisani, Josephine M.
Piscane, Mrs. A.
Pitcher, Conrad N.
Pittenger, Hon. William A.
Pittfield, Mr. R. E.
Pittfield, Robert E.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 18, 1963
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 11, 1948
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 20, 1944
Pittsburgh, Replies, Israeli Television Show, October 4, 1948
Pitzele, Merlyn
Pitzele, Merlyn S.
Pitzeli, Merlyn S.
Pl - Pok
Pla - Ply
Pla - Pol
Placement and Unemployment Insurance
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1947
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1947, Strikers' Benefits
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1947, Tax Credit
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1947, Transmittals
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1948
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1948, Reports
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1948, Thomas L. Evans
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1951
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1951, Advisory Council
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1951, Transmittals
Placement and Unemployment Insurance, 1952-53
Plager, Ralph B.
Plan, Col. Berry
Plan, Copy #1, Gen. Drum
Plan, File Copy
Plan, Hugh A. Drum
Plan, Prof. Harvey
Planning Commission
Planteen, Ralph
Planteen, Ralph R.
Plata Publishing Co.
Platt, Charles C.
Platt, Hon. Livingston
Platt, Livingston
Plattsburg, New York, September 23, 1946
Plattsburg, New York, September 25, 1950
Plattsburgh Air Base
Plattsburgh State Teachers College
Platz, Henry
Please, Michael J.
Pley, Mathew
Ploesser, Hon. Walter C.
Ploscowe, Morris
Plumley, Hon. Charles A.
Plummer, W. H.
Po - Pok
Po-Pz - Miscellaneous
Pocatello, Idaho, September 30, 1948
Podiatrists, Committee of
Poetry Day
Poetry Society
Pogorsky, Mr. and Mrs. Edward F.
Poindexter, Emett W.
Pointer, Mrs. Katherine M.
Pol - Porz
Polakoff, Moses
Poland Day
Poland, Consulate General of the Republic
Police Athletic League
Police Conference
Police Conference of the State of New York
Police Conference, NYS
Police Square Club
Police Training Schools
Policy Holders Protective Association
Polish American Congress
Polish National Alliance of Brooklyn
Polish Revies
Polish-American group. Buffalo, New York, October 28, 1942; 8:00 p.m.
Polizio, Emetio
Pollaci, Edward H.
Pollaci, Edward H., Jr.
Pollack, Herman C.
Pollack, Sigmund
Pollard, J. M.
Polley, Isaac
Pollock, Franklin B.
Polls, N
Polls, O
Polls, P-Z
Polls, A-M
Polls, Public Opinion News Service, 1952-54
Polls, Public Opinion News Service, 1943-44
Polls, Public Opinion News Service, 1945
Polls, Public Opinion News Service, 1946
Pollution Abatement
Pollution Abatement Legislation
Pollution Abatement Reports
Polowsky, Joseph
Polowsky, Joseph P.
Pom - Pop
Pom - Por
Pomerantz, Sidney I.
Pomeroy, Hon. Daniel E.
Pomeroy, Hon. Robert Watson
Pomeroy, Mrs. Clara O.
Ponath, A. W.
Pond, Charles E.
Ponti, Joseph
Pontius, Miller H.
Poor, Henry V.
Pope, Allan M.
Pope, Bayard
Pope, Boynton H.
Pope, Col. Allan M.
Pope, Fortune R.
Pope, Generoso
Pope, Hon. Bayard F.
Popper, Emma
Por - Pot
Poretz, Abraham M.
Port Authority
Port Chester Y. M. C. A.
Port Chester, Gambling
Port Henry
Port of New York Authority
Port of New York Authority, 1943
Port of New York Authority, 1945
Port of New York Authority, 1946
Port of New York Authority, 1947-48
Port of New York Authority, 1948
Port of New York Authority, 1949
Port of New York Authority, 1950
Port of New York Authority, 1951
Port of New York Authority, 1952
Port of New York Authority, 1953
Port of New York Authority, 1954
Port of New York Authority, Daily Mirror Editorial
Port of New York Authority, Drive-In-Theatre
Port of New York Authority, Minutes of Meetings, 1951-54
Port of New York Authority, Minutes, April - June, 1948
Port of New York Authority, Minutes, January - April, 1947
Port of New York Authority, Minutes, January - April, 1949
Port of New York Authority, Minutes, January - February, 1948
Port of New York Authority, Minutes, July - October, 1948
Port of New York Authority, Minutes, May - December 1949
Port of New York Authority, Minutes, May - July, 1947
Port of New York Authority, Minutes, November - December,1947
Port of New York Authority, Minutes, November - December,1948
Port of New York Authority, Minutes, September - October,1947
Port of New York Authority, Notices of Appointment
Port of New York Authority, Notices of Appointment: Cullman, Howard S.
Port of New York Authority, Notices of Appointment: Gilbert, Henry A.
Port of New York Authority, Notices of Appointment: Mayers, Lawrence S.
Port of New York Authority, Notices of Appointment: Moran, Eugene
Port of New York Authority, Notices of Appointment: O'Connell, Harold J.
Port of New York Authority, Notices of Appointment: Sells, Charles H.
Port of New York Authority, Notices of Appointment: Wilby, Gen. Francis B.
Port of New York Authority, Reports, 1947-48
Port of New York Authority, Reports, 1949
Porter, H. J.
Porter, James Hale
Portland, Maine, October 3, 1958
Portland, Oregon, (Junior Chamber of Commerce), May 1, 1948
Portland, Oregon, (Medical Society), May 1, 1948
Portland, Oregon, May 17, 1948
Portland, Oregon, May 18, 1948
Portland, Oregon, May 19, 1948; 6:30 p.m.
Portland, Oregon, May 19, 1948; 9:30 p.m.
Portland, Oregon, May 20, 1948
Portland, Oregon, May 3, 1948
Portland, Oregon, October 21, 1960
Portland, Oregon, September 19, 1944
Portland, Oregon, September 27, 1948
Portland, Oregon,­ May 20, 1948
Portland, Oregon. October 21, 1960
Portnoy, Meyer M.
Portrait - Dewey ancestor
Portrait - Roger Straus
Portraits - Mrs. Dewey
Portraits - TED
Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey
Portraits: Dewey Family
Portraits: Frances Dewey
Portraits: TED
Pos - Poz
Pos - Pra
Post War Public Works Planning Commission
Post War Public Works Planning Commission, Reports
Post War Public Works Planning, 1943
Post War Public Works Planning, 1945
Post War Public Works Planning, 1946
Post War Public Works Planning, Miscellaneous
Post War Reconstruction Fund
Post-War Planning Commission
Post-War Planning Commission: Moses, Robert
Post-War Public Works Planning, Temporary Commission on
Postal Rates
Postlethwaite, Mrs. May F. H.
Potsdam State Teachers College
Potts, Clair M.
Potts, Hon. David M.
Pou - Poz
Poughkeepsie - Gambling
Poughkeepsie New Yorker
Poughkeepsie, New York, June 13, 1955
Poughkeepsie, New York, June 9, 1946
Poulio, George
Pour La Victoire
Poveromo, Frank
Poveromo. Frank
POW's and MIA's
Powell, Dr. C. B.
Powell, Hickman
Powell, William Joseph
Powelson, W. V. N.
Power Authority of the State of New York
Power Authority, 1949
Power Authority, 1950
Power Authority, 1951
Power Authority, 1952
Power Authority, 1953
Power Authority, 1954
Power Authority, Notices of Appointment
Power Authority, Reports
Power Authority: Bascom, Wyman W.
Power Authority: Crosby Edward B.
Power Authority: Hinds, Arthur K.
Power Authority: Joseph, Samuel J.
Power Authority: Moses, Robert
Power Authority: Newton, R. A.
Power Authority: Reeder, Charles J.
Power Authority: Woodbury, E. Walter
Power, Donald H.
Powered Flight, Committee on
Powers, Edmund C.
Powers, Edward J.
Powers, Lt. Col. William T.
Powers, Walter A.
Pr - Pri
Pra - Pris
Practical Nurse Week
Practical Nurses of New York, Inc.
Pratt, Benson
Pratt, George W.
Pratt, Mrs. John T.
Pray, Charles F.
Prb - Prn
Pre-Convention Oregon Debate 1948
Prehn, Arthur W. April 3, 1944
Preller, Fred W.
Preller, Hon. Fred W.
Preller., Hon. Fred W.
Prentis, H. W., Jr.
Prentis., Edmund A.
Prescott, Arizona, September 23, 1948
Prescott, Frank W.
Prescott, Ray B.
President Spans Nation 1948
President's Conference on Fire Prevention
President's Conference on Industrial Safety
President's Highway Safety Conference
President's Water Resources Policy Commission
President, Third Term
Presidentia1 Nomination, I-J-K
Presidential Campaign, 1944
Presidential Campaign, 1948 Selection of Vice Presidential Candidate
Presidential Campaign, 1952 Selection of Vice Presidential Candidate
Presidential Electors
Presidential Nomination, A-Ba
Presidential Nomination, Be-Bn
Presidential Nomination, Bo-Bz
Presidential Nomination, Ca-Co
Presidential Nomination, Cr-Dz
Presidential Nomination, E
Presidential Nomination, F
Presidential Nomination, G
Presidential Nomination, H
Presidential Nomination, L
Presidential Nomination, M-Md
Presidential Nomination, Me-Mz
Presidential Nomination, N-O
Presidential Nomination, P
Presidential Nomination, Q-R
Presidential Nomination, Sa-Sh
Presidential Nomination, Si-Sz
Presidential Nomination, T
Presidential Nomination, U-V
Presidential Nomination, Wa-Wh
Presidential Nomination, Wi-Wz
Presidential Nomination, X-Y-Z
Presidential Nominee 1944
Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders, See Executive Orders and Presidential Proclamations
Presidential Timber 1940
Presidential timber, May 19, 1948.
Press Conference
Press Photographers Association of New York, Inc.
Press Photographers' Association of New York
Press Releases
Press Releases, April, 1940
Press Releases, January - February, 1940
Press Releases, July - November, 1940
Press Releases, June, 1940
Press Releases, March, 1940
Press Releases, May, 1940
Press Releases, October - December, 1939
Press Statements
Press, Members of
Pressure File
Preston, Truman H.
Preus, Mr. J. A. O.
Price Administration, Office of
Price Controls
Price of safety. Charleston, West Virginia, June 7, 1940
Price, Frank M.
Price, Leslie A.
Price, Roland T.
Pridday, J. E.
Pries, Leland H.
Prina, Frank R.
Prince, Frederick H.
Princeton University
Princeton University Lectures
Princeton, Lectures
Princeton, New Jersey, April 12, 1950
Princeton, New Jersey, April 13, 1950
Princeton, New Jersey, February 8, 1950
Princeton, New Jersey, February 9, 1950
Principal Hearing Stenographers
Prindle, Mrs. Mary
Prisk, Laura B.
Prisk, Mrs. Laura B.
Prison Association of New York
Prison Association of New York, Correspondence
Prison Association of New York., Reports
Prison Officers Conference of New York
Prison World
Prisoner of War Week
Prit - Pyr
Pritchard, Dr. Phil B.
Pritcher, J. L., M.D.
Pritchett, John A.
Private Hospitals
Privately Owned Motor Bus Industry
Prkovich, Mike
Pro - Pz
Probation Commission
Probation Commission - Notice of Appointments
Probation Commission: Blum Edward C.
Probation Commission: Kohlmetz, William C.
Probation Commission: Probst, Leonard
Probation Commission: Rowlands, Richard
Probation Commission: Stuart, Claude Olson
Probation in New York City
Problems of the Aging
Probst, Leonard
Proclamation - Given
Proctor and Gamble Company
Proctor, Dr. Olin S.
Progressive Baptist State Convention of New York
Progressive Citizens of America
Propeller Club of the United States
Properties Owners Association
Propose increase in pay and allowance of service personnel
Proposed Legislation
Proprietary Hospital
Proskauer, Hon. Joseph M.
Proskauer, Joseph M.
Proskauer, Joseph. Albany, New York, May 16, 1946
Proskuriakow, Peter
Proskuriakow, Peter (out LR 1/30/51)
Prospect Mountain
Prosperity Company, Inc.
Pross, Mrs. H.
Protected Home Circle
Protestant Dutch Reformed Church of Flatlands
Proto, Joseph A.
Pruden, George E.
Prudential Insurance Company
Pruitt, Wallace P.
Prychodko, Nicholas
Pryor, Samuel
Pryor, Samuel F., Jr.
Psychological Questionnaire
Public Administration Inter-Trainee Program
Public Affairs Committee
Public Authorities Law
Public Buildings - Leases
Public Education Association
Public Health and Education Medical Society of New York
Public Health Council
Public Health Council, Notices of Appointment
Public Health Council: Saville, Dean Thorndyke
Public Health Program
Public Health Research Institute
Public Information Council
Public Information Council, 1947
Public Information Council, 1949
Public Officers Law
Public Officers Oaths, 1951
Public Officers Oaths, 1952
Public Opinion
Public opinion and law enforcement, January 25, 1936
Public Papers
Public Papers, 1947
Public Papers, 1948
Public Papers, 1949
Public Papers, 1950
Public Papers, 1951
Public Papers, 1952
Public Papers, Governor Dewey
Public Service Commission
Public Service Commission Federal Power Commission
Public Service Commission, 1943
Public Service Commission, 1943-44
Public Service Commission, 1945-48
Public Service Commission, 1946
Public Service Commission, 1947
Public Service Commission, 1948-49
Public Service Commission, Federal Communication Commission
Public Service Commission, Federal Communications Commission
Public Service Commission, Federal Power Commission
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission '47
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission '48
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission '49
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission '50
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1951
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1952
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission, 1953
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce, 1943
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce, 1945
Public Service Commission, Interstate Commerce, 1946
Public Service Commission, Notices of Appointment
Public Service Commission, Notices of Appointment: Arkwright, George A.
Public Service Commission, Notices of Appointment: Donaldson, Howard B.
Public Service Commission, Notices of Appointment: Eddy, Spencer B.
Public Service Commission, Notices of Appointment: Kimmich, Charles
Public Service Commission, Notices of Appointment: Krulewitch, Melvin L.
Public Service Commission, Positions
Public Service Commission, Removal of members
Public Service Commission, Report of Gas Supply
Public Service Commission, Transmittals
Public Welfare Commission
Public Works - Equipment
Public Works Department
Public Works Department, 1947-48
Public Works Department, 1949
Public Works Department, 1950
Public Works Department, Buildings
Public Works Department, Land
Public Works Department, Transmittals
Public Works Positions
Public Works Superintendent
Public Works Superintendent: Breed, H. Eltinge
Public Works Superintendent: Lawton, Elmer C.
Public Works Superintendent: MacDonald, Charles
Public Works Superintendent: Ostrander, Vibert L.
Public Works Superintendent: Sells, Charles H.
Public Works Superintendent: Smith, Ernest L.
Public Works Superintendent: Tyler, Gen. Max C.
Public Works Superintendent: Waters, Charles R.
Public Works Superintendent: Williams, F. Ray
Public Works, 1946
Public Works, 1947
Public Works, 1950
Public Works, 1951
Public Works, 1953
Public Works, 1954
Public Works, Department of - Testing Laboratory
Public Works, Department of Architecture
Public Works, Department of Architecture: Haugaard, William E.
Public Works, Department of Public Buildings
Public Works, Department of Public Buildings: MacCormack, John A.
Public Works, Department of Public Buildings: McBride, John
Public Works, Department of, 1943
Public Works, Department of, 1945
Public Works, Department of, 1946
Public Works, Division of Highways
Public Works, Public Buildings
Public Works, Reports, 1947
Public Works, Reports, 1948
Public Works, Transmittals
Pucelli, Rudolph
Puck, The Comic Weekly
Puerto Rican Problems
Puerto Rico
Pulaski Day
Pulaski Day Parade
Pulaski Memorial Day
Pulaski Republican Day
Pulliam, Abbett
Pulliam, Eugene C.
Pulling, Albert Van S.
Purdue, DeWitt
Purdue, Dewitt T.
Purdy, Frederick
Purmont, Anne D.
Purmort, Anne A.
Purnell, Hon. G. A.
Purse, Hon. and Mrs. James A., Jr.
Puterbaugh, J. G.
Putnam, Earl
Putnam, Fred B.
Putnam, Mrs. Ethel F.
Pyhtila, Mrs. Paul G.
Pyle, Ernie Memorial
Pyle, Hon. Howard
Pyn, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wnee H.
Pyne, John J.
Pyzel, Daniel, IV

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