M | M - Mac | M - MacC | M Miscellaneous (After January 1, 1960) | M Miscellaneous (Prior to December 31, 1959) | M-Miscellaneous | M-N | M-R | M-R Correspondence | M-Unknown | Ma - Mal | Ma-Mag - Miscellaneous | Ma-Mi-Miscellaneous | Maa | Maa - Macc | Maa - Mag | Maa Maz | Maa-Mao | Maas, John A. | Mabuce, Rev. John A. | Mac | MacAfee, Ralph | MacAffer, Kenneth | MacAffer, Kenneth S. | MacAllister, Townsend | MacArthur, Douglas | MacArthur, Gen. Douglas | MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, A-F | MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, G-L | MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, M-R | MacArthur, Gen. Douglas, S-Z | MacBride, Archibald | MacChesney, Hon. Nathan W. | MacChesney, Hon. Nathan William | Macchiaverna, Louis | MacClean | MacClean, James N. | MacConel, Clarence | Macd | Macd - Mace | MacD - MacH | MacDonald, Francis A. | MacDonald, Herman A. | MacDonald, M. F. C. | MacDonald; McDonald | MacDonnell, Mark L. | MacDowell, Harold,W. | MacDowell, Watson | Macduff, James R. | Mace | MacEwan, Mrs. Theresa C. | Macf - Mack | MacFadden Foundation, Inc., Bernarr | Macfadden, Bernard | MacFadden, Bernarr | MacFadyan, Donald M. | MacFall, Capt. Roscoe C. | Macfarlane, Janet | MacGrath, Walter | Machold, Earl J. | Machold, H. Edmund | Machold, Hon. H. Edmond | MacI - MacL | Mack | Mack, Elizabeth F. | Mack, Jack E. | Mack, Jack, Jr. | Mack, Walter | Mack, Walter S. | Mack, Walter S., Jr. | Mack, William | Mackay; Mackey | MacKenzie, Hon. William H. | MacKenzie, James | Mackey | Mackie, Robert M. | Mackin, Tom and Rea O'Donnell: Everytime I fall in love, January 6, 1954. | Mackler, Harry | Macklin, George W. | MacL | Macl - Mad | Maclay, Mark W. | MacM - MacZ | MacMullen, D. H. | Macraken, Peter | Macri, Benedicto | Macy | Macy, Hon. W. Kingsland | Macy, W. Kingsland | Macy, W. Kingsland. July l, 1939 | Mad | Mad - Maq | Madame Chiang Kai-Shek | Maddy, Joseph E. | Mader, Carl | Madison | Madison Square Garden Corporation | Madison Square Garden Speech | Madison Square Rally, Allocation of Platform and Reserve Seats | Madison Square Rally, General Correspondence and General Matters | Mae - Mai | Mag | Magazine articles on Luciano, 1967-1975 | Magazine Digest | Magazine Subscriptions | Magazines | Maggos, Gus | Magistrates Proposals, New York City | Magnat, Charles Ward | Magnus, Percy C. | Magnuson, George G. | Magnuson, Hon. E. Herman | Magruder, George M. | Maguire, Hon. Jeremiah D. | Mah | Mah - Mark | Mah-Maz - Miscellaneous | Mahoney | Mahoney, Frank | Mahoney, Hon. Walter J. | Mahoney, James J. | Mahoney, Jeremiah T. October 18, 1937 | Mahoney, John | Mahoney, Walter J. | Mahopac, New York, October 21, 1952 | Mai | Mail, Report of, 1945 | Mail, Report of, 1946 | Mailing Lists | Mailings in Bulk | Mailler, Hon. Lee B. | Mailloux, Mr. and Mrs. D. | Mailloux, Mrs. D. | Main Investment Company | Main, Robert G. | Maine | Maine Medico Legal Society | Maine, State of | Maines, George H. | Maione, Ben | Maj - Mal | Major, Harry R. | Mak | Maki, George | Maki, Urho | Mal | Malby, Seth G. | Malcolm, Helmer | Malcolm, Kenneth W. | Malcolm, Pvt. Kenneth W. | Maley, Charles. September 25, 1942 | Malkin, Herbert | Malkin, Richard | Mallalieu, W. E. | Mallards | Mallon, Paul | Mallon, Thomas | Mallory, F. Stark | Malloy, Lorette B. | Malm | Malo | Malone | Malone, George W. | Malone, New York, August 22, 1945 | Malone, Rafaela | Malone, W. D. | Maloney | Malott, Dr. Dean W. | Malouf, A. M. | Maltbie, Hon. Milo R. | Maltbie, Hon. Mils R. | Mam | Mam - Mao | Mam - Marr | Man | Man of the Week | Manak, Frank C. | Manassas Battlefield | Mance, Dr. Gorman B. | Manchester, New Hampshire, November 19, 1947 | Mandel, Irving | Mandigo, Pauline E. | Mane | Mang | Manges, Hope | Mangham, Henry H. | Manhattan | Manhattan Beach Veteran's Housing | Manhattan College | Manhattan College Alumni Society | Manhattan State Hospital | Manhattan State Hospital, Notices of Appointment | Manhattan State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Cohen, Martin | Manhattan State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Gleaves, Charles | Manhattan State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Weston, Emphraim, Jeff | Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart | Manischewitz, Max | Mann | Mann, Harry | Manners, Max | Manners, Max M. | Manning | Manning, Bishop William T. | Manning, Charles W. | Manning, Gordan | Manning, Hon. Thomas J. | Manning, J. A. | Manning, Leonard C. | Manning, Thomas J. | Mano | Manpower Stabilization | Mansbach, Arthur E. | Mansfield, Margaret | Mansfield, Sally S. | Mansion Brochures | Manual of Treaty Law | Mao | Map | Map - Marh | Map-Mb | Maps | Maps, Congressional | Mar | Mara | Maran, Alexander P. | Marazzi, S. Joseph | Marble Collegiate Church | Marcantonio, Vito | March 17, 1971 (Michigan and Midwest) | March 17, 1971 (New York State) | March 17, 1971 (Northeast) | March 17, 1971 (South) | March 17, 1971 (West) | March 18, 1971 (Michigan and Midwest) | March 18, 1971 (New York State) | March 18, 1971 (Northeast) | March 18, 1971 (South) | March 18, 1971 (West) | March 19, 1971 (Michigan and Midwest) | March 19, 1971 (New York State) | March 19, 1971 (Northeast) | March 19, 1971 (South) | March 19, 1971 (West) | March 20, 1971 (Michigan and Midwest) | March 20, 1971 (New York State) | March 20, 1971 (Northeast) | March 20, 1971 (South) | March 20, 1971 (West) | March 21, 1971 (New York State and Northeast) | March 21, 1971 (Rest of United States) | March 22, 1971 (New York State and Northeast) | March 22, 1971 (Rest of United States) | March 25, 1971 (New York State and Northeast) | March 25, 1971 (Rest of the United States) | March 28-31, 1971 | March of Dimes | March on Washington Movement | Marchiselli, Frank A. | Marck | Marconnier, Mrs. Emily | Marcus | Marcus, Col. David | Marcus, David | Marcus, J. Anthony | Marcus, Morris L. | Marcus, Paul | Marcus, Samuel | Marcy State Hospital | Marcy State Hospital, Notices of Appointment | Marcy State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Deangelis, Charles L. | Margarine Laws | Margiotta, Patrick | Margolin, Jacob Joseph | Margolis, Nathan | Marh - Mask | Mari | Mari - Marq | Mariaville | Marietta Corporation | Marine Corps Day | Marine Corps League | Marine News | Marino, A. J. | Marion County Republican | Maris, Mrs. Rosalie | Maritime Academy | Maritime Academy, Notices of Appointment | Maritime Academy, Notices of Appointment: Blanchard, Phineas B. | Maritime Academy, Notices of Appointment: Callaghan, Cornelius | Maritime Academy, Notices of Appointment: Leahy, Lamar R. | Maritime Academy, Notices of Appointment: Lovelace, Robert E. | Maritime Academy, Notices of Appointment: Matthews, William E. | Maritime Academy, Notices of Appointment: Murray, James H. | Maritime Academy, Notices of Appointment: Smith, Lewis L. | Maritime Academy, Notices of Appointment: Vander Clute, Carl F. | Maritime Association of the Port of New York | Maritime College | Maritime Commission | Maritime Day | Mark | Mark Twain Society | Markley | Markley, Mrs. Anna S. | Markovich, Philip | Markowitz, Hyman | Marks | Marks, Earle D. | Marl | Marland Gale | Marm | Marquis, Alex | Marr - Mars | Mars | Mars - Marz | Marsch, Robert McC. | Marschalk, Harry C. | Marsh, Carl F. | Marsh, Hon. Lloyd B. | Marshall | Marshall Plan | Marshall, Henry W. | Marshall, James | Marshall, John, Bicentennial Commission | Marshall, Raymond W. | Marsloe, Anthony J. | Mart | Mart - Mary | Martens, Hon. Glenn W. | Martin | Martin, A-I | Martin, A-K | Martin, Darrell V. | Martin, Dr. Hein | Martin, Edward | Martin, Edward, Governor of Pennsylvania | Martin, Gov. and Mrs. Edward (Charity) | Martin, H. | Martin, Hon. Edward | Martin, Hon. Joseph W. | Martin, Hon. Marion E. | Martin, Hon. Thomas C. P. | Martin, Hon. Thomas E. | Martin, J-Z | Martin, Jean A. | Martin, Joseph | Martin, Joseph E: Nominating Dewey for president at Republican National Convention, Philadelphia, June 24, 1948. | Martin, L-Z | Martin, Leland H. | Martin, Lewis Boyde | Martin, Louise Streeter | Martin, M. | Martin, Marion E. | Martin, Paul | Martin, Thomas C. P. | Martin, Thomas C. P., Esquire | Martina | Martinez, Domingo R. | Martinez, Tomas Tulier | Martinez-Lacayo, Hon. Juan Jose | Martinison, Kristian | Martinson, Kfistian | Martinson, Kristian | Martinson, Rudolph | Martyn, Andrew W. | Maru | Marv | Marvin, Dwight | Marvin, Hon. Rolland B. | Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight (Marion) | Marvin, Rolland | Marvin, Rolland B. | Marx, Emily | Maryland | Maryland, Governor of | Maryland, State of | Mas | Mas - Mat | Mas - Maz | Masaryk Day | Masl - Mbz | Maslow, Will | Maslowski, John M. | Mason | Mason, Harold W. | Mason, Mrs. Albert | Masonic Groups | Masonic Orders | Mass | Mass Memorial | Massachusetts | Massachusetts Republican State Committee: Dewey campaign song, 1944 campaign. | Massachusetts, August 1 - August 31, 1948 | Massachusetts, from October 1, 1948; | Massachusetts, September 1 - September 30, 1948 | Massachusetts, State of | Massachusetts, through July 31, 1948 | Massena Chamber of Commerce | Massena, New York, August 10, 1954 | Massena, New York, September 26, 1950 | Massey-Harris Company | Massing of the Colors | Masson, Harry | Massoth, Charles | Master Bird Proofing Company, Inc. | Masterson, Hon. John F. X. | Mastin, Robert | Mat | Mata | Matellanes, Merceddes (empty) | Material About Oregon | Material, Alaska | Material, Australia | Material, Formosa | Material, Hawaii | Material, Hong Kong | Material, Indo-China | Material, Indonesia | Material, Korea | Material, Malaya | Material, Memorabilia | Material, Miscellaneous | Material, New Zealand | Material, Philippines | Material, Tokyo | Mathes, A. F. | Mathes, August | Mathews, Jerry A. | Mathews, Joseph H. | Mathews; Matthews | Matos, Jose | Matson, Carl | Matsumoto, John Y. | Matsumoto, Midori I. | Matt | Matteawan State Hospital | Mattern, H. C. | Matthews; Mathews | Mattingly, Barak T. | Mattingly, Barak T., 1937-44 | Mattingly, Barak T., 1944-57 | Mattingly, Hon. Barak | Mattingly, Hon. Barak T. | Mau | Mau - Maz | Mauhs, Hon. Sharon J. | Maul, Philip | Maurin, Hon. Frank D. | Maw, Hon. Herbert B. | Max | Maxwell, E. Makenzie | Maxwell, Lucia Ramsey | Maxwell, Mary Ellis | Maxwell, Perriton | May | May - October, 1951 | May 1971-February 1972 | May, Hon. Foster | Mayans, Frank | Mayer | Mayer, Alfred W. | Mayer, Alfred William | Mayer, Ferdinand Lathrop | Mayer, Kenneth L. | Mayer, Louis | Mayer, Raymond | Mayer, Raymond C. | Mayers, Lawrence S. | Mayes; Mays | Mayf | Mayhall, L. D. | Maynard, L. A. | Maynard, Rev. and Mrs. Erville | Maynard, Rev. Erville B. | Maynard, Rev. Erville Byron | Mayo, Julius | Mayor's Committee on Labor Relations in the Transit System | Mayor, Amsterdam | Mayor, Endicott Village | Mayor, Ithaca | Mayor, Monroe Village | Mayor, Rockville Centre | Mayor, Whitesboro Village | Mayoralty, Succession to, General City Law | Mayors Conference, Housing | Mays, Employees' Association | Mazza, Fred J. | Mazza, John J. | Mazzari, Rugo | Mazzolla, Dr. Vincent P. | Mc | Mc and Mac Miscellaneous | Mc-Miscellaneous | McA | McA - McB | McA - McCoq | McA - McF | McA-McC | McArthur, William C. | McBain, Hughston M. | McBride | McBride, John | McBride, Mary Margaret: Mary Margaret McBride and Marjorie Hogan tell how Mrs. Dewey redecorated the executive mansion at Albany, September 30, 1946. | McC | McCa | McCaa - McCaz | McCabe | McCabe Hon. Thomas M. | McCabe, Charles B. | McCaffery, Robert L. | McCaffrey, Rev. Joseph A. | McCahill, C. F. | McCall, Lois L. | McCann, Gene | McCar | McCarthy | McCarthy, Joseph H. | McCarthy, Sen. Joseph | McCarthy, Sen. Joseph R. | McCarthy, Thomas F. | McCarti | McCartly, Senator Eugene | McCartney, T. F. | McCe | McCe - McCoq | McCl | McClane, Rev. Walter D. | McClane, Walter D. | McClary, George | McClean, Marrs | McCleave, Mrs. James | McCloy, Hon. John J. | McCloy, John J. | McClure Newspaper Syndicate | McCo | McCollum, L. F. | McConaughy, James L. | McConnell | McConnell, Burt M. | McConnell, Charles | McConnell, James A. | McConnell, Joseph H. | McCook, Hon. Philip J. | McCook, John G. | McCook, Judge Philip J. | McCook, Philip J. | McCook, Philip J., Organized Crime. November 16, 1937 | McCor | McCor - McCu | McCor - McF | McCord, J. Harold | McCord, Mrs. Joseph Alexander | McCormack; McCormick | McCormick, Col. Robert | McCormick, Col. Robert R. | McCormick, Gordon | McCormick, Ken | McCormick; McCormack; MacCormick; MacCormack | McCosker-Hershfield Cardiac Foundation | McCoy | McCr | McCrystal, Thomas | McD | McD-McG | McDaniel, Mrs. Irene | McDermott, Col. Arthur | McDermott, John A. | McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur V. | McDon | McDonald, A. A. | McDonald, Frederick | McDonald, John J. | McDonald, Leo | McDonald, W. H. | McDonald; MacDonald | McDonn | McDonough, Jack | McDowell, Hobart K. | McDuff, James R. | McE | McE - McF | McElwee, Mrs. R. M. | McEntegart, Mrs. James | McG | McG - McH | McG - McKeh | McGa | McGannon, Robert E. | McGarry, Hon. John E. | McGarry, John E. | McGee, Cushman | McGee, Harold | McGillvra, Joseph H. | McGinley, Charles E. | McGinley, Edward J. | McGivern, Hon. Owen | McGo | McGoldrick, Hon. Joseph D., | McGoldrick, Lawrence S. | McGovern, Hon. J. Raymond | McGovern, J. Raymond | McGovern, John T. | McGowan, Harold Xavier | McGowen, Cay | McGr | McGrath, Ann | McGrath, Benedict F. | McGrath, Frederick T. | McGrath, Thomas V. | McGraw, Hon. Harold W. | McGraw, James H. | McGraw-Hill Publishing Company | McGregor, Charles | McGrew, Edward J., Jr. | McGrew, Louis | McGu | McGuire | McGuire, Grace E. | McGuire, Grace Evelyn | McGuire, James A. | McGurrin, Hon. James | McH | McHale, Helen C. | McHose, Harry W. | McHugh, Keith S. | McI | McI - McK | McIlvaine, Harry B. | McIlvaine, Tompkins | McIntosh, Alexander | McIntosh, Eugene | McIntosh, Mrs. Louise | McIntyre, Archbishop J. Francis | McK | McKa | McKaig, Ray | McKean., Mari6n | McKee, Frederick C. | McKee, Joseph A. | McKef | McKei - McW | McKeldin, Hon. Theodore R. | McKenna, John J. | McKenna, Philip M. | McKernan, Maureen | McKerrow, Gavin W. | McKi | Mckibben, Mrs. Eugene | McKneally, George F. | McL | McL - McM | McL - McZ | McM | McMahon | McManimen, Eugene Bernard | McManus and Riley | McManus, Mrs. C. P. | McMillan, George S. | McMillian, Ira E. | McMullen, C. L. | McMullen, Carl | McMullen, Hon. Frank J. | McMullen, L. Carlton | McN | McN - McP | McN-Md | McNab, Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. | McNab, Rebecca | McNaboe, Maj. John | McNally, Benjamin P. | McNary, Hon. Charles L. | McNaught, John R. | McNeal; McNeil | McNeill, Hon. Robert H. | McNeill, Robert H. | McNichol, Olphert | McNichol, Olphut | McNulty, Hon. Charles H. | McNulty, Peter H. | McP | McPherson, Harry E. | McQ - McW | McS | McSweeney, Henry | McWilliam, Carey | McX - Mib | Md - Mh | Me | Me - Mz | Me-Mh | Me-Miscellaneous | Me-Mz - Miscellaneous | Mea | Mea - Mei | Mea - Men | Mead, Ida | Mead, James | Meadows, John J. | Meadows, William T. | Meagher, Richard F. | Meb | Mecca Temple, A.O.N.N.M.S. | Med | Medalie | Medalie, Arthur H. | Medalie, George Z. | Medalie, Hon. and Mrs. George Z. | Medalie, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. | Medalie, Mrs. Carrie K. | Medenek, John | Medford, Oregon, May 7, 1948 | Mediation Board | Mediation Board, Notices of Appointment | Mediation Board, Notices of Appointment: Beldock, George J. | Mediation Board, Notices of Appointment: Boland, Rt. Rev. John P. | Mediation Board, Notices of Appointment: Carman, Harry J. | Mediation Board, Notices of Appointment: Herlands, William B. | Mediation Board, Notices of Appointment: Justin, Jules J. | Mediation Board, Notices of Appointment: Leslie, Mabel | Mediation Board, Notices of Appointment: Meyer, Arthur A. | Mediation Board, Notices of Appointment: Turkus, Burton B. | Mediation, State Board of | Medical and Veterinary Licenses | Medical Bills, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Dewey | Medical Care | Medical Care Commission | Medical Care Commission, Reports | Medical Care Commission: Brown, Harold F. R. | Medical Care Commission: Gregg, Dr. Allen | Medical Care Commission: Wright, Carl P. | Medical Care, Commission On | Medical Education | Medical Expense Fund of New York | Medical Licensing | Medical Society of the County of New York | Medical Society of the County of Queens | Medical Society of the County of Westchester | Medical Society of the State of New York | Medical, Blue Cross and Blue Shield | Medina Memorial Hospital | Medina, Hon. Harold R. | Medley, L. A. | Mee | Meeker, Lou | Meet The Press | Meet the Press broadcast, May 14, 1948. | Meet the Press, 1952 | Meet the Press, February 11, 1951 | Meet the Press, May 11, 1952 | Meet the Press, October 14, 1951 | Meet the Press, October 19, 1952 | Meeting of February 14, 15, 1948, New York City | Meetings | Meetings, New York City | Megliola, Leonard | Megna, Philip W. | Meh | Mei | Meier, G. A. | Mek | Mel | Mel - Mem | Melhado, Sally | Mellen, De Forest | Mellen; Mellon; Melon | Mellon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bancroft | Melton, Clyde R: The truth as I see it: a sermon, Stillwater, Tennessee. | Melton, James | Melton, James A. | Melucci, M. | Melvin, Crandall | Melvin, William | Mem | Members of Congress | Membership Cards | Membership Corporations | Memoranda | Memoranda, Luncheons | Memoranda, Office | Memoranda, Visitors | Memorandum | Memorandum regarding Law Cases, A-L | Memorandum regarding Law Cases, M-Z | Memorial | Memorial contributions | Memorial Day Parade | Memorial Hospital, Albany | Memos, In | Memos, Out | Men | Men - Mer | Men's | Men's League of the Marble Collegiate Church | Mencher, Joel | Mendelssohn Club | Mendelssohn Glee Club | Mendlowitz, Max | Meneely, Robert W. | Meng, Mrs. Otillia B. | Menjou, Adolphe | Menjou, Aldolphe | Mental Health Commission | Mental Health Commission, 1949 | Mental Health Commission, 1950 | Mental Health Commission, 1951 | Mental Health Commission, 1952 | Mental Health Week | Mental Hospitals of New York | Mental Hygiene | Mental Hygiene ($350 Million Construction Program), 1954 | Mental Hygiene (Community Mental Health Program), 1954 | Mental Hygiene - Transmittals | Mental Hygiene Commission, Notices of Appointment | Mental Hygiene Commissioner | Mental Hygiene Council | Mental Hygiene Council, Notices of Appointment | Mental Hygiene Council, Notices of Appointment: Bigelow, Dr. Newton | Mental Hygiene Council, Notices of Appointment: MacCurdy, Dr. Frederick | Mental Hygiene Council, Notices of Appointment: Van de Mark, John L. | Mental Hygiene Department, 1951-52 | Mental Hygiene Department, 1953-54 | Mental Hygiene Department, Transmittals, 1951 | Mental Hygiene Department, Transmittals, 1952 | Mental Hygiene Department, Transmittals, 1953 | Mental Hygiene Department, Transmittals, 1954 | Mental Hygiene Hospitals, Temporary Commission on | Mental Hygiene Hospitals, Temporary Committee | Mental Hygiene Investigation | Mental Hygiene, 1946-49 | Mental Hygiene, 1947-1948 | Mental Hygiene, 1950 | Mental Hygiene, 1951 | Mental Hygiene, 1952 | Mental Hygiene, 1953 | Mental Hygiene, 1954 | Mental Hygiene, 1954, Blaine Report | Mental Hygiene, 1954, Mentally Retarded Children | Mental Hygiene, Department of, 1943 | Mental Hygiene, Department of, 1944 | Mental Hygiene, Department of, 1945 | Mental Hygiene, Department of, 1946 | Mental Hygiene, Department of, Employees Four Weeks Vacation | Mental Hygiene, Positions | Mental Hygiene, Transmittals, 1947-48 | Mental Hygiene, Transmittals, 1949 | Mental Hygiene, Transmittals, 1950 | Mental Patients, Release of | Mentally Retarded Children | Menzies, Prime Minister R. G. | Menzies, Rt. Hon. R. G. | Menzies, The Rt. Hon. Sir Robert | Meo - Mez | Meola, Harry | Meola, Harry A. | Mepham, Arthur L., Esquire | Mer | Mera | Merchandising Facts, Inc. | Merchandising Facts, Inc., Memo File | Merchant Marine | Merchant Marine Bonus | Merchant Seamen's Bill of Rights | Mercurio, Frank B. | Mercy Ship Bill Committee | Meredith, Dr. and Mrs. Loren | Meredith, Elizabeth. | Merit Award Board | Merit Rating Bill Comments, A-L | Merit Rating Bill Comments, M-Z | Merr | Merril; Merrall; Merrell; Merrill | Merrill | Merrill, Charles J. | Merrill, Maude E. | Merritt, Carroll B. | Mersand, Joseph | Mert | Mertens, William, Jr. | Mertig, Kurt | Merz, Grace E. | Mes | Mes - Mew | Meserve, Albert, Company | Message, Constitutional Convention, New York State. October 31, 1957 | Message, Israel Day. May 1, 1957 | Message, New York Republican State Committee Yearbook. May 19, 1958 | Message, New York Young Republican Club Annual Ball. December 22, 1958 | Messages received upon death of Governor Dewey | Messing, David L. | Met | Methodist | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures | Metropolitan | Metropolitan Council B'nai B'rith | Metropolitan Fair Rent Committee | Metropolitan Life Insurance Company | Metropolitan Milk Marketing Area, New York City | Metropolitan Museum of Art | Metropolitan Opera | Metropolitan Opera Association | Metropolitan Rapid Transit Commission | Metropolitan Rapid Transit Commission, 1952 | Metropolitan Rapid Transit Commission, 1954 | Mets | Mev | Mexico | Mey | Mey - Mho | Meyer | Meyer, Dr. Hilary D. | Meyer, Harold E. | Meyer, Henrietta | Meyer, Hugo | Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene | Meyer, Mrs. Eugene, Freedom of the Press...May 3, 1939 | Meyerhoff, William A. | Meyers | Meyers, Eugene | Meyers, Frederick A. | Mi | Mi - Mil | Mi - Mz | Mi-Mn | Mia | Mia - Miller | Miami Civic Clubs | Miami, Florida, August 6, 1968 | Mic - Mild | Mic - Mill | Michael, John | Michaels, William W. | Michelmann, O. C. | Michelson, Dr. Arthur | Michelson, Rowland Alvin | Michigan | Michigan Ballots | Michigan Club of New York | Michigan Historical Collections | Michigan Law Review | Michigan Memorial, Phoenix Project | Michigan Press Association | Michigan Republican | Michigan State Capitol Building Committee | Michigan, Division of Buildings | Michigan, from September 1, 1948 | Michigan, State of | Michigan, through August 31, 1948 | Michigan, University of | Michigan, University of, Club, New York | Michigan, University of, Club, Philadelphia | MicIntyre, William H. | Microfilm records | Mid | Mid-Century Conference on Resources for the Future | Mid-County Improvement Association, Inc. | Middle Atlantic League | Middlebury College Conference | Middleton, Eugene B. | Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital | Middletown State Hospital | Middletown State Hospital, Notices of Appointment | Middletown State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Faulkner, Edmund C. | Middletown State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Fishman, David | Middletown State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Kahn, William | Middletown State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Morrison, John H. | Middletown State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Porter, Mrs. Harriet H. | Middletown State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Quackenbush, T.A. | Middletown State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Salmon, Fred D., Jr. | Middletown State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Traunz, Mrs. Arthur C. | Middletown State Hospital, Notices of Appointment: Tuckerman, Mrs. Susan | Middletown, City of | Mifkovic, Michael | Migel, M. C. | Migliorino, John | Migrant Camps | Migrant Labor | Migrant Workers | Migrant Workers, Children of | Miikfarm, Taxes, Assessments | Mikolajczyk, Stanislaw | Mil | Mil - Mooq | Mila | Mile - Miller | Miles City Star | Milewski, Anthony S. | Miley, Thomas Jefferson | Milio, Louis Romolo, Esquire | Military and Naval Affairs | Military and Naval Affairs, 1951 | Military and Naval Affairs, 1952 | Military and Naval Affairs, 1953 | Military and Naval Affairs, 1954 | Military and Naval Affairs, Adj. Gen., Transmittals | Military and Naval Affairs, Adjutant General, 1951 | Military and Naval Affairs, Adjutant General, 1952 | Military and Naval Affairs, Adjutant General, 1953 | Military and Naval Affairs, Air Squadron | Military and Naval Affairs, Aircraft Warning Service | Military and Naval Affairs, Civilian Defense | Military and Naval Affairs, Interstate Mutual Aid | Military and Naval Affairs, Joint Legislative Committee | Military and Naval Affairs, Medical Aspects of Atomic War | Military and Naval Affairs, National Guard | Military and Naval Affairs, National Guard, 1947 | Military and Naval Affairs, National Guard, 1948 | Military and Naval Affairs, National Guard, 1949-50 | Military and Naval Affairs, National Guard, Air Squadron | Military and Naval Affairs, National Guard, Discrimination | Military and Naval Affairs, National Guard, Federal and State Troops | Military and Naval Affairs, Naval Militia | Military and Naval Affairs, Operation Lookout | Military and Naval Affairs, Reorganization | Military and Naval Affairs, Reports | Military and Naval Affairs, Selective Service | Military and Naval Affairs, State Guard | Military and Naval Affairs, Universal Military Training | Military and Naval Affairs, War-Disaster Military Corps | Military Chaplains Association, U. S. A. | Military Groups | Military Law | Military Law, 1949 | Military Law, 1950 | Military Law, 1951 | Military Law, 1952 | Military Law, 1953, 256-b | Military Law, 1953, Article VII | Military Law, 1953, Article X | Military Law, 1953, Article XI | Military Law, 1953, Article XII | Military Law, Joint Legislative Committee | Military Law, l948 | Military Order of Purple Heart | Military Order of the Purple Heart | Military Order of the World Wars | Military Situation | Military Staff | Military Tolls | Milk | Milk Farm, Memoranda | Milk Farm, Papers | Milk Industry | Milk Marketing | Milk Marketing Orders | Milk Prices | Milk Publicity | Milk Strike | Milk v. Coffee | Milk v. Coffee, letters, 1954 | Milk, Price of | Mill | Millar, J. R. | Mille | Miller | Miller, A-F | Miller, A. | Miller, Art Doc | Miller, Arthur P. | Miller, Claude E. | Miller, Corp. John C. | Miller, Cozette Henry | Miller, D. | Miller, Dr. J. Hillis | Miller, E. R. | Miller, F. A. | Miller, G-L | Miller, George | Miller, George E. | Miller, H. | Miller, Hon. Nathan L. | Miller, Hon. Paul J. | Miller, Hon. Spencer, Jr. | Miller, Howard W. | Miller, J. Hillis | Miller, Jacob P. | Miller, John R. | Miller, Louis E. | Miller, Louise | Miller, M-Z | Miller, Miss Harriet E. | Miller, Mrs. Florence | Miller, O. D. | Miller, P. | Miller, William D. | Millh - Milz | Milli | Milli - Miz | Milloy, James S. | Millrose Athletic Association | Mills | Mills, Hon. Louis V. | Mills, Matthew | Mills, Mrs. Ogden L. | Milm | Milm - Mob | Milmoe, Hon. Wheeler | Milton, Charles | Milton, William | Milverton-Trans Lake Ship Collision | Milwaukee | Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 1, 1948 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 25, 1944 | Mim - Miz | Mim - Ml | Mims, Charles W. | Min | Mind In The Shadow | Mindszenty, Joseph Cardinal, A-F | Mindszenty, Joseph Cardinal, G-N | Mindszenty, Joseph Cardinal, O-Z | Mineola, Long Island, October 16, 1950 | Miner, Mrs. Alice T. | Miner, Ruth H. | Miner, Ruth M. | Minford, Reba E. | Mingus, G. W. | Minimum Wage | Minimum Wage Board, 1947 | Minimum Wage Board, 1953 | Minimum Wage Board, Amusement and Recreation Industry | Minimum Wage Board, Beauty Service | Mining Claims | Minkowski, Fanny | Minn | Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 24, 1944 | Minnesota | Minnesota, State of | Minnesota, University of | Mintici, Prof. I. | Mintz, Hon. Hyman E. | Mintzer, George J. | Minute Men of America | Minutes and Agenda | Minutes of Weekly Publicity Meetings | Mio | Mir | Miracle of America, The | Miravitlles, Jaume | Mirza, Gen. Iskander | Mis | Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous and unindexed | Miscellaneous Bills | Miscellaneous Cases, A-H | Miscellaneous Cases, I-Z | Miscellaneous clippings and statements | Miscellaneous Correspondence | Miscellaneous Large Photographs | Miscellaneous Lists | Miscellaneous Memoranda | Miscellaneous Papers | Miscellaneous Papers, Farm | Miscellaneous Papers, Pawling | Miscellaneous personal photos | Miscellaneous, 1945-46 | Miscellaneous, 1947-48 | Miscellaneous, 1949-50 | Miscellaneous, 1951 | Miscellaneous, 1952 | Miscellaneous, 1953 | Miscellaneous, 1954 | Miscellaneous, A-Z | Mishu, John W. | Missiles | Mississippi | Missoula, Montana, September 28, 1948; Evening | Missouri | Missouri Bar Association Annual Meeting, Kansas City, Missouri. September 21, 1961 | Missouri Constitutional Convention | Missouri River Basin | Missouri, from October 1, 1948 | Missouri, Governor of | Missouri, thru September 30, 1948 | Mit | Mitchell | Mitchell, Bessie | Mitchell, Don | Mitchell, Don R. | Mitchell, Hon. Harold E. | Mitchell, Hon. Isaac B. | Mitchell, Hon. MacNeil | Mitchell, Irvin | Mitchell, J. Murray | Mitchell, Leora | Mitchell, McNeill | Mitchell, Mrs. C. A. | Mitchell, Samuel G. | Mitchell, Samuel J. | Mitchell, William P. | Mitt | Mizenko, Mary | Mizrachi Organization | Mizrachi Organization of America | Mo | Mo - Moq | Mo-Mt | Mo-Mz-Miscellaneous | Moa | Moa - Mok | Moa - Monr | Moc - Moq | Mode, Hon. Douglas G. | Model Student Assembly | Moe | Moeller Instrument Company | Moffat, Hon. Abbot Low | Moffat, Hon. Abbott Low | Moffat, Hon. Albert Low | Moffat; Moffett; Moffitt; Moffatt | Moffett, John T. | Moggi, Mrs. Frida H. | Mogul, Emil | Moh | Mohawk Airlines, Inc. | Mohawk Valley Technical Institute of Utica | Mohlman, Mrs. Baily | Mohylyn, Petro | Mojonnier, H. G. | Mol, Mrs. Helen | Mole, The | Moley, Raymond | Molinari, Hon. S. Robert | Molineaux, I. L. | Molino, Sabina | Molitor, John | Moller, A. M. | Molloy, Bishop Thomas E. | Molnar, Dr. Bela M. | Moloney, Herbert W. | Mon | Mona | Monaghan, George P. | Monaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Walter | Monahan | Monday Musical Club Chorus | Mone | Monfried, Lazarus | Monitor Day | Monro, C. Bedell | Monroe County | Monroe County Crime Report | Monroe County District Attorney | Monroe County Republican Committee Luncheon, Rochester, New York. November 1, 1966 | Monroe County Sheriff | Monroe County Water Authority | Mons - Moo | Monsour, George | Mont | Montague, Gilbert H. | Montana | Montanano, Mrs. Pat | Montgomery | Montgomery County District Attorney | Montgomery Ward | Montgomery, Bob and Ruth | Montgomery, Hon. Joe | Montgomery, Ida | Montgomery, Joe | Montour Falls | Montrose Central School District | Monument of States | Moo | Mooers, Clifford | Moon, Rev. Elzia P. | Mooney, David C. | Mooney, Margaret V. | Mooney, Mrs. Claire L. | Mooney, Richard | Moor | Moor - Moq | Moore | Moore, A-I | Moore, A-K | Moore, Comptroller Frank | Moore, Dennis | Moore, E. L. | Moore, Edward F. | Moore, Frank C. October 14, 1942 | Moore, Frank C. October 23, 1942 | Moore, Frank J. | Moore, Frank W. | Moore, H. | Moore, Homer | Moore, Hon. A. Harry | Moore, Hon. Frank C. | Moore, Hon. James O. | Moore, J-Z | Moore, James E. | Moore, James O. | Moore, L-Z | Moore, Lt. Gov. Frank C. | Moore, Mrs. F. | Moore, Richard F. | Moore, Robert E. | Moore, Robert F. | Moore, Roy, Jr. | Moores, Ralph D., Esquire and Mrs. | Moose River | Moose River, Panther Mt. Dam, 1947 | Moose River, Panther Mt. Dam, 1948 | Moose River, Panther Mt. Dam, 1949 | Moot, Hon. Welles V. | Moot, Richard D. | Moot, Welles V. | Moot, Welles V., Esquire | Mop - Morp | Mor | Mor - More | Mor - Moz | Mora | Mora - Morz | Moracchini, Mrs. Ada | Moral and Spiritual Training in Schools, A-L | Moral and Spiritual Training in Schools, M-Z | Moral issue. St. Louis, Missouri, March 27, 1940 | Moral Re-Armament | Moran | Moran Institute | Moran, Frederick | Moran, Frederick A. | Moran, Frederick A., Memorial Institute | Moran, Harry P. | Moran, Mrs. E. R. | Morawetz, Mrs. Victor (Marjorie) | Morduchowitz, Rabbi Shimon | More power to Eisenhower, July, 1952, 1952 campaign song. | Moreland Commission Investigation | Morg | Morg - Moorin | Morgan | Morgan, Edward | Morgan, Hon. Justin C. | Morgan, Thomas A. | Morhous, Vernon L. | Morhouse, Hon. L. Judson | Morhouse, L. Judson | Mori | Moriches Inlet | Moritt, Hon. Fred G. | Morr | Morr - Morz | Morrill, Maud | Morrill, Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. | Morris | Morris - Morro | Morris Lane Associates | Morris, Dr. L. J. | Morris, Gouverneur | Morris, Hon. Newbold | Morris, Miss Katherine J. | Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Edward (Emily) | Morris, Nathan | Morris, Newbold | Morrison | Morrison, Irene | Morrison, Leroy W. | Morrisville Agricultural School | Morrisville Agricultural School, Notices of Appointment | Morrisville Agricultural School, Notices of Appointment: Alvord, F. Reed | Morrisville Agricultural School, Notices of Appointment: Pollard, Guy | Morrisville Agricultural School, Notices of Appointment: Townsend, Theodore H. | Mors | Mors - Moss | Morse, Grant D. | Morse, W. W. | Mortgage Committee for Protection of Real Estate Owners | Mortgage Conference of New York | Mortgage Moratorium | Mortimer, Mrs. John P. | Morton, Hon. Harry K. | Morton, Lloyd B. | Morton, Seth W. | Morton, Thruston B. | Mos | Mos - Moz | Mos - Mum | Moscowitz, Hon. Grover M. | Moseley, J. H. | Moseley, James H. | Moseley, Seth | Moser, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. | Moses, Hon. Robert | Moses, Mr. P. R. | Moses, Robert | Mosher | Mosher, Ralph H. | Mosier, O. C. | Moskovit, Harold R. | Moskovit, Hon. Harold R. | Moss, Hon. Ray B. | Moss, M. J. | Moss, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. | Mosser, Carol | Most - Moz | Most, Hon. Welles V. | Mot | Motette, Elsie Weisbecker | Mother Club of Public Schools | Mother's Day | Mothers Club | Motion Picture Censorship | Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc. | Motion Pictures Boost the Cause 1941 | Motley, Virgil G. | Motor Vehicle Inspection | Motor Vehicle Problems, Joint Legislative Committee | Motor Vehicles, Commissioner | Motor Vehicles, Commissioner: Dusenbarry, Charles E. | Motor Vehicles, Commissioner: Flattery, Alan J. | Motor Vehicles, Commissioner: Mercer, Harold | Motor Vehicles, Commissioner: Palmer, C. Ray | Motor Vehicles, Commissioner: Rapp, Herbert A. | Motor Vehicles, Commissioner: Webb, William S. | Motor Vehicles, Deputy Commissioner | Motor Vehicles, Positions | Mott, Mrs. Jacob | Mou | Moul | Moule, Maurice M. | Mount Carmel Mercy Hospital | Mount McGregor | Mount McGregor Sanatorium | Mount McGregor, NYS Veteran Camp | Mount Morris Trustees | Mount Sinai Hospital | Mount Sinai Hospital School of Nursing | Mount Sinai Lodge | Mount Upton | Mount Vernon Housing Authority | Mount Vernon Republican Organization | Mount Vernon, City of | Mountain View Coach Lines, Inc. | Mountrey, Dorothy | Movers Conference of America | Movie, "Attorney for the People" | Movielab Film Laboratories | Mow | Mowry, John L. | Moxley, M. | Moyer, Dorothy | Moynahan, John F. | Mr. and Mrs. Orla T. Hutt | Mr. Hutt, Condolence Cards | Mr. Hutt, Condolences, A-L | Mr. Hutt, Condolences, M-Z | Mr. Hutt, Sympathy Messages | Mr. Hutt, Thank You | Mrs. Beasley | Mrs. Frances H. Dewey | Mrs. Hutt, Condolence Cards | Mrs. Hutt, Condolences, A-L | Mrs. Hutt, Condolences, First Names | Mrs. Hutt, Condolences, M-Z | Mrs. Hutt, List of Condolences | Mrzena, Rev. Carl | Mu | Mu - Mul | Mu - Mz | Mu-Mz | Mua | Mua - Murp | Muf | Mul | Mull | Mull, Margaret | Mullan, Don G. | Mullen, Frank E. | Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. | Muller | Muller, Arnulf | Muller, Paula W. | Mullin | Multiple Dwelling Law | Multiple Dwelling Law, 1950 | Multiple Dwelling Law, 1953 | Multiple Dwelling Law, 1954 | Multiple Residence Law | Multiple Residence Law, 1950 | Multiple Residence Law, 1951 | Multiple Residence Law, 1952 | Multiple Residence Law, 1953 | Multiple Sclerosis | Mum | Mum - Murp | Mun | Mun - Mz | Mundt, Hon. Karl | Mundt, Karl | Mundt, Sen. Karl | Munich Reconstruction Department | Municipal Court, New York City | Municipal Court, Syracuse | Municipal Finance Commission | Municipal Revenues | Municipal Revenues and Reduction of Real Estate Taxes | Municipal Tort Liability | Munn, Glenn | Munn, Glenn S. | Munroe, Kenneth H. | Munson, Mrs. Samuel- (Nancy) | Munzer, Pearl | Mur | Murane, Edward E. | Murder, Inc. | Murdocco, Salvatore | Murp | Murphy | Murphy, Carl | Murphy, Carl J. | Murphy, Charles E. | Murphy, Deacon | Murphy, George L. | Murphy, John A. | Murphy, Judge Charles E. | Murphy, Rev. Patrick W. | Murphy, Richard | Murphy, Richard P. | Murphy, Thomas F. | Murphy, Vincent B. | Murphy, William C., Jr. | Murr | Murr - Mys | Murr - Mz | Murray | Murray, C. Edward, Jr. | Murray, F. W., Jr. | Murray, Francis W., Jr. | Murray, Gov. William H. | Murray, Hon. Thomas A. | Murray, Rev. D. Talmadge | Murray, Thomas A. | Murrow, Ed | Murrow, Edward R. | Murrow, Edward R. October 15, 1953 | Murrow, Edward R: News, October 15, 1953. | Mus | Musial, Joseph W. | Music Educators National Conference | Music Week | Music, Drama and the Fine Arts, Commission on | Musicians American Labor Party Club | Musico, Mrs. Theresa | Musico, Robert and Theresa | Mutual Broadcasting System | Mutual Insurance, Two Hundreth Anniversary Committee | Mutual Millers and Feed Dealers Association | Muzzicato, Charles. October 12, 1942 | Muzzicato, Charles. October 14, 1942 | Muzzicato, Charles. October 15, 1942 | Muzzicato, Charles. October 8, 1942 | Muzzicato, Charles. September 11, 1942 | Muzzicato, Charles. September 12, 1942 | Muzzicato, Charles. September, 1942 | My | Myers | Myers, A. I. | Myers, Dean W. I. | Myers, Irving W. | Myers, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. | Myers, Orville L. | Myers, William I. | Myers, William W. | Myg | Myler, Joseph | Mysyk, William |