F | F - Miscellaneous | F Miscellaneous (After December 31, 1960) | F Miscellaneous (Prior to January 1, 1961) | F-Miscellaneous | Fa - Faq | Fa - Fed | Fa - Fl | Fa-Fh | Faa | Fab - Fam | Fabian Theaters | Fabian Theatres | Fabian, Hon. Harold P. | Fabricant, Herbert J. | Face the Nation August 19, 1956 | Face the Nation, August 19, 1956. | Factory | Facts on File | Faehnle, Mrs. Marie K. | Fai | Fair Educational Practices Acts | Fair Employment Practice Commission | Fair Employment Practice Committee | Fair Employment Practices Commission | Fair Practice Act for Cigarette Sales | Fair Procedure Code, 1954 | Fairbanks Award, American College Public Relations Assoc. | Fairchild, Wade | Fairies, McIntyre | Fairies, McIntyre, Esquire | Fairmont Creamery Company | Faisal, Daoud Ahmed | Faivre, Anne W. | Fake, Kenneth H. | Fal | Falk | Fam | Fan - Far | Fanning, William L. | Far | Far - Fd | Far Journey | Fara | Fargnoli, Salvatore | Fariello, Andrew | Farley | Farley, Hon. Frank S. | Farley, James A. October 24, 1942 | Farm and Home Bureau and 4 H Federations | Farm Dinner | Farm Editors Luncheon, July 24, 1948 | Farm Editors Luncheon, July 24, 1948, Acceptances | Farm Editors Luncheon, July 24, 1948, Regrets | Farm Editors Luncheon, September 18, 1948 | Farm House | Farm House, Building New | Farm Labor Leaders Luncheon, October 10, 1949 | Farm Labor Speech | Farm Leaders' Luncheon | Farm Manpower Service | Farm Organizations, State Conference Board | Farm Safety Week | Farm Work Permits | Farm/Labor Report | Farmer, Fyke | Farmer, James W. | Farmers Museum, Cooperstown | Farmers-for-Dewey, Radio Script. May 11, 1948 | Farmingdale School of Agriculture (see also Long Island Agricultural and Technical Institute) | Farn | Farnsworth, Daniel W. | Farnum, Ruth | Farr | Farrar, Elnora | Farrell | Farrell, Martha | Farrell, Thomas | Farrington, Joseph R. | Farrington, William H. | Fas | Fas - Faz | Fashion Fair | Fashion Institute of Technology | Fashion Trades | Fassett, Maxwell James | Fasso, Thomas N. | Fathers Day | Faulkner, Mr. L. E. | Faulkner, Rev. Alex H. | Faussett, Thomas J. | Faust, Ernest H. | Fawcett, Charles | Fay Reports to GMS on Visitors | Fay, Bridget A. | Fay, Charles Edey | Fay, Joseph | Fay-Bove Case | Fe | Fe - Feq | Fea | Fea - Feq | Fearon, George | Fearon, George R. | Fearon, Hon. George R. | Federal | Federal Aid to Education | Federal Bar Association of New York, New Jersey & Connecticut | Federal Communication Commission | Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America | Federal Department of Health, Education and Security | Federal Excise Tax | Federal Fair Employment Practices Act | Federal Grants-in-Aid | Federal Hall Memorial Associates, Inc. | Federal Income Tax Returns | Federal Jobs, A-K | Federal Jobs, J. Paulina Patterson | Federal Jobs, John W. Anderson, A-G | Federal Jobs, John W. Anderson, H-O | Federal Jobs, John W. Anderson, P-Z | Federal Jobs, L-Z | Federal Jobs, Recommended by others | Federal Judges | Federal Landlord Committee, Inc. | Federal Legislation | Federal Power Commission | Federal Reserve Bank of New York | Federal-State Relations in Education | Federally Aided Welfare Programs | Federally Aided Welfare Programs, Commission to Study | Federated Russian Orthodox Clubs | Federated; Federation | Federation | Federation of Bar Associations of Western New York | Federation of Chiropractors of New York, Inc. | Federation of Jewish Philanthropies | Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York | Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, Inc. | Federation of the Handicapped | Federation of Women's Republican Clubs of New York State | Fee | Fee - Fez | Fee - Fia | Fee, Cecil | Fehlhaber, Orville W. | Feinberg Law, A-F | Feinberg Law, G-L | Feinberg Law, M-S | Feinberg Law, Miscellaneous | Feinberg Law, T-Z | Feinberg Petitions | Feinberg, Benjamin F. | Feinberg, Hon. Benjamin F. | Feinmel, Mrs. Lily | Feinmen, Philip | Feinsinger, Richard S. | Feinstein, Morris | Feinstein, Simon S. | Fel | Feld, George | Feld, Joseph | Feldman | Felker, Maj. Luther | Feller, H. H. | Feller, Harold | Feller., H. H. | Fellers, Gen. Bonner | Fellowship, International | Felton, Happy | Fem | Fen | Fendrych, Charles, Jr. | Fenerty, Clare Gerald | Fenkell, N. C. | Fennell, Edward J. | Fennell, Kate | Fenner, Mrs. D. C. | Fenson, Annie Laurie | Fenton, Edward | Fenton, J. G. | Fer | Fer - Fil | Fer - Fin | Fergenson, A. L. | Ferguson | Ferguson Case | Ferguson Case, 1946 | Ferguson Case, Correspondence | Ferguson Case, Grand Jury Minutes | Ferguson Case, Hearings | Ferguson Case, Special | Ferguson, Hon. Homer | Ferguson, Mrs. R. S. (Beatrice) | Fernald, Roy L. | Ferr | Ferrara, Mrs. Frances | Ferreira, E. D. | Ferrel, John | Ferres, John or Miriam | Ferres, Mariam E. | Ferres, Mrs. John Giles | Ferres, Mrs. John Giles, II | Ferris | Ferris, George A. | Ferris, Harold | Ferry, Charles W. | Ferry, Marcelle | Feser, W. O. | Feustel, Matt J. | Fi | Fi-Fn | Fia | Fiasconaro, Rose | Fib - Fiz | Fichter, Mrs. Max | Fie | Fiechter, Frederick C. | Field | Field, Harry | Field, Sampson R. | Fielding, T. H. | Fields, Elizabeth | Fiesta de San Jacinto Association | Fifteenth Assembly District Republican Club | Fifteenth Regiment | Fifth Amendment | Fifth Avenue Coach Company | Fifth Congressional District | Fifth Draft | Fifth War Loan Drive | Fight Inflation Week | Filipino Federation of America, Inc. | Films | Fim - Finj | Fin | Fina | Final Draft | Final Draft, "Journey to the Far Pacific" | Final Draft, 1-546 | Final Report--Conclusions and Recommendations--May 22, 1946 | Finance | Finance Committee Releases | Financial Analysis | Financial Statements, 1966. Financial Statements, 1972. | Financing | Finch Junior College | Finch, Hon. Edward R. | Finch, Mrs. Edward R. (Mary L.) | Fincher, Dr. M. G. | Fincher, M. G. | Finder, Leonard V. | Findley Lake | Findley, W. W. | Fine Arts Commission | Fine, Hon. John S. | Finger Lakes State Parks Commission, Notices of Appointment | Finger Lakes State Parks Commission, Notices of Appointment: Curtis, William H. | Finger Lakes State Parks Commission, Notices of Appointment: Donovan, Eugene C. | Finger Lakes State Parks Commission, Notices of Appointment: Forbes, Albert F. | Finger Lakes State Parks Commission, Notices of Appointment: Roenke, R. Richard | Finger Lakes State Parks Commission, Notices of Appointment: Smith, Louis P. | Finger Lakes State Parks Commission, Notices of Appointment: Underhill, W. A. | Finger Lakes State Parks Commission, Notices of Appointment: Walter, George A. | Finger Lakes, State Parks Commission | Fingerprinting | Fink - Fisg | Finke, F. W., Jr., 1950 | Finke, F. W., Jr., 1954 | Finke, Mr. F. W. | Finke, Paul J. | Finkel, Benjamin | Finkelstein, Irving | Finkelstein, Jerry | Finkelstein, Nathan | Finklestein | Finklestein, Irving | Finklestein, Jerry | Finl | Finland | Finn | Finnegan, Joseph F. | Finneran, James P. | Fino, Hon. Paul A. | Fio - Fiz | Fir | Fire Insurance Rates | Fire Laws, Commission on | Fire Laws, Commission on: Mangan, Charles C. | Fire Laws, Temporary Commission on | Fire Prevention Week | Fire Training Program | Firecracker Problem | Firemen's Association of the State of New York | Firemen, Volunteer, 1952-53 | Firemen, Volunteer, Temporary Commission, 1954 | Firestone, Harvey S. | Firestone, Harvey S., Jr. | Firm messages | First | First Assembly District, Queens County | First Assembly District, Republican Club, Kings County, Inc | First Cazenovia Baptist Church | First Draft | First Lutheran Church | First National Bank vs Bankers Trust Co. | First Panel Sheriff's Jury | First Panel Sheriffs Jury | First speech in presidential nomination campaign, December 6, 1939 | First White House Restoration Committee | Fis | Fiscal Affairs Commission | Fiscal Affairs Commission, 1953 | Fiscal Affairs Commission, 1954 | Fiscal Year | Fiscal, General | Fisch, Frederick L. | Fischer | Fischer, Konrad | Fischer, Louis | Fischer: Fisher | Fischlein, Mrs. Anna Elinor | Fish | Fish - Fisz | Fish Creek Pond Campsite | Fish, Hamilton | Fisher | Fisher's Island | Fisher, Harold J., Award | Fisher, Thorton | Fisher; Fischer | Fishers Island | Fishk | Fishman, Albert J. | Fit | Fita - Fitz | Fitch, John R. | Fitch, Roscoe Conkling | Fitzgerald | Fitzgerald, J. Rowland | Fitzgerald, Joseph L. | Fitzgerald, Mayor Edward A. | Fitzgerald, Sampson | Fitzpatrick | Fitzpatrick, Hon. William F. | Fitzpatrick, James A. | Fitzpatrick, Jay | Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Elizabeth | Fitzpatrick, Paul E. | Fitzpatrick, William F. | Five Day Week | Fja - Forj | Fl | Fla | Fla - Fle | Fla - Flh | Flag Day | Flag Day Ceremonies. Union College, Schenectady, New York, June 14, 1942 | Flag Week | Flamm, Augustus C. | Flanigan | Flanigan, Horace C. | Flanigan, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. | Flanigan, Peter | Flannery, Thomas | Flannery, Thomas F. | Flapan, Mr. I. M. | Flatbush | Flatbush Boys' Club | Flatbush Chamber of Commerce | Flatbush Magazine | Flatbush Republican Organization | Flatbush Water Case | Flatlands Post #391 | Flatto, Arthur C. | Flatto, I. T. | Flax and Fibre Institute of America | Fle | Fleck, John J. | Fleek, John J. | Fleming | Fleming, Albin | Fletcher | Fletcher, Angus | Fletcher, Enoch G. | Fletcher, Henry P. | Fletcher, Hon. Enoch | Fletcher, Hon. Enoch G. | Fletcher, Willard R. | Flewell, Edith L. | Fli | Fli - Fly | Fli - For | Flint City Club | Flint, Michigan, October 16, 1,956 | Flo | Flood | Flood Conditions | Flood Control Commission | Flood Control Commission, 1947-49 | Flood Control Commission, Annual Report, 1943 | Flood Control Commission, Annual Report, 1944 | Flood Control Commission, Annual Report, 1945 | Flood Control Commission, Annual Report, 1946 | Flood Control Commission, Report, 1946-47 | Flood Control Commission, Report, 1947-48 | Flood Control Commission, Report, 1948-49 | Flood Control Commission, Report, 1949-50 | Flood, J. R. | Flood, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. | Flook, S. L. | Floral Park Grade Crossing | Flores, George | Florida | Florida Barge Canal | Florida for Eisenhower | Florida, A-F | Florida, G-L | Florida, M-R | Florida, S-Z | Florida, State of | Flow | Flowers, Mr. M. L. | Flying | Flynn | Flynn, Edward J. Case | Flynn, Edward J. February 2, 1942 | Flynn, F. M. | Flynn, Trooper Robert | Flynn, Warren C. | Fm - For | Fm - Fz | Fo | Fo-Ft | Foa | Foa - Foq | Fogle, R. E. | Fol | Folder does not exist | Folder: | Foley | Foley, James A. | Folger, J. E. | Folger, Lawrence S. | Folka, John | Follansbee, Verne S. | Folmer Graflex Corporation | Folmer, Hon. Louis H. | Folmer, Louis | Folmer, Louis H. | Folsom, Gov. James Edwin | Folsom, Marion B. | Food Commission | Food Commission, Releases and Reports | Food Matters | Food Situation | Food World | Foot; Foote | Foote Company | Foote, Mark | For | For United Jewish Appeal. New York, April 19, 1942 | Fora | Fora - Forz | Forbes Magazine Dinner | Forbes, Malcolm | Ford | Ford Bond 1944 campaign broadcast; Governor Dewey's friends and neighbors; September 15, 1944. | Ford Foundation | Ford, Henry, II | Ford, Hon. Sam C. | Ford, Mary A. | Fordham University | Fordyce, Alexander R., Jr., Esquire | Fore | Forecasts | Foreign | Foreign Estates - Consular Office | Foreign Language Groups | Foreign Matters and Groups | Foreign newspapers. March 17-22, 1971 | Foreign Policy | Foreign Policy Association | Foreign Press Association | Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, A-C | Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, Anonymous | Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, D-G | Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, H-L | Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, M-N | Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, O-S | Foreign Relations Committee Inquiry, T-Z | Foreign Relations Critics | Foreign Trade Week | Foreign, from September 1, 1948 | Foreign, September, 1948 | Foreign, thru August 31, 1948 | Forest Hills Jewish Community Center | Forest Preserve | Forests, Closing of | Forg | Forgotten Generation, Inc. | Fork - Fort | Form Letters | Formosa: blueprint for a free China, 1953. | Formoso, Alexander | Forrestal, Hon. James | Forrestal, James | Forstenzer, Harold | Forsythe, Clell | Forsythe, Clellan S. | Forsythe, Hon. Clellan | Forsythe, Hon. Clellan S. | Fort | Fort Clinton | Fort Cralo Memorial Commission | Fort Cralo Memorial Commission, Notices of Appointment | Fort Cralo Memorial Commission, Notices of Appointment: Nash, Mrs. Charles W. | Fort McClellan, Anniston, Alabama, May 14, 1941 | Fort Niagara Housing Project | Fort Ontario Refugees | Fort Orange Club | Fort Ticonderoga | Forte, Mary Patterson | Fortune | Fortune, Edward S. | Forty-Eighth Highlanders Canada Pipe Band and Cadet Corps | Forty-fifth Senatorial District | Forty-Fourth Senatorial District | Foru - Frd | Forums | Fos | Fos - Fot | Fos - Foz | Fos - Fq | Fosner, Sgt. Harvey S. | Foster | Foster Parents Plan for War | Foster, Edward S. | Foster, Holmes | Foster, Hon. Earl C. | Foster, Stephen E. | Foster, William P. | Fou | Fou - Foy | Fougner, Robert S. | Foulkas, Jocelyn | Foundation of Applied Research | Foundations of America | Four Corner Club | Four Court House Square | Four Events | Four H Clubs | Four H Life | Four-H Club Foundation | Fourth Congressional District | Fourth Draft | Fourth War Loan Drive | Foutch, Smith | Fowler | Fowler, Edwin | Fox | Fox, Dr. Dixon Ryan | Fox, George Emerson | Fox, Harry | Fox, Maxwell | Fox, W. Turney | Foxwood School | Fr | Fra | Fra - Fre | Fra - Freh | Fraa | France Forever | France, Edward W. | France, Frances | France-Consul General | Frances Dewey's Family | Francis | Francis, Christopher | Francis, James D. | Francis, William H. | Francis; Frances | Frank | Frank, C. H. | Frank, Curtiss E. | Frank, H. Seaton | Frank, Hon. Curtiss E. | Frank, John Carey | Frank; Franke | Franke | Frankenthaler, Hon. George | Frankfurter, Hon. Felix | Frankhouser, Curtis | Franklin | Franklin, Benjamin | Franklin, Benjamin, Day | Franklin, H. H. | Frankman, Dr. William | Frankman, William | Franl | Fras | Fraser, Mrs. Elizabeth Talbott | Fraser; Frazer; Frazier | Fratangelo, Michael D. | Fraternal Order of Eagles | Fraternal Week | Fraternity Houses, Philadelphia, 1948 | Frawley, Daniel L. | Fre | Fre - Frh | Fre - Fz | Frea | Frease and Bishop | Fredonia State Teachers College | Fredonia Teachers College | Fredonia, New York, June 8, 1951 | Fredrica Furs | Fredrickson, Sarah | Free | Free China Day | Free Poland Day | Free World Association | Free, Albert F. | Freedman | Freedman, Harry L. | Freedman, Major Harry L. | Freedom and Union | Freedom House | Freedom Plains, New York, October 17, 1949 | Freedom Train | Freedom Train Commission | Freedom Under God | Freeman | Freeman, Jerry A. | Freeman, Miller | Freeport Boatmen's Association | Freer, Henry | Freestone, Fred J. | Frei - Ft | Freight Rate Cases | Fren | French | French, H. B. | French, Lewis G. | French, Mansfield J. | Frenkil, Victor | Frese, Alfred P. | Freund, Meyer | Freyschmidt, Mrs. Jean | Fri | Fri - Fry | Fri - Fz | Frieber, Jospeh | Fried | Friedman | Friedman, Abraham | Friedman, Elisha M. | Friedman, Hon. Louis L. | Friedman, Isidor G. | Friedman, Morris | Friedrich, A. and Sons Company | Friedsam Formula | Friel | Friend | Friendly Finance Service | Friendly Sons of St. Patrick | Friendly, Edwin S. | Friendly, Judge Henry | Friends of Montana. Helena, Montana, January 8, 1941 | Friendship Dinner | Friendship Train | Fries | Frigenti, Ruth | Friou, George Dyson | Fro | Frobig, Mrs. Sally | Froeschmann, Dr. Georg | Froessel, Charles W. | Frohman, Belle | Frohner, John A. | Frothingham, Francis E. | Fruehauf, Harvey C. | Frumerie, C. | Fry; Frye | Fu | Fu - Fy | Fu - Fz | Fu-Fz | Fuel and Feed Emergency | Fuel Oil Situation | Fuel Shortage | Fugazy, Humbert J. | Ful | Fulbright Scholarships, 1950-52 | Fuld, Hon. Stanley H. | Fuld, Stanley | Fuld, Stanley, H., Esquire | Fullbright Scholarships | Fuller | Fuller, E. S., Esquire | Fuller, Hadwen C. | Fuller, Hon. Alvan T. | Fuller, Hon. Hadwen C. | Fulton | Fulton County Board of Supervisors | Fulton Lewis Broadcast | Fum | Fum. | Fun | Fund Drive Luncheon for Beekman Downtown Hospital, February 10, 1965 | Fund Raisers | Funeral arrangements, lists, etc. | Funeral Directors, 1950 | Funeral Directors, 1951 | Funkhouser, R. J. | Funston, G. Keith | Furney, Oakley | Furriers Joint Council of New York | Furst, George | Fushey, Mrs. W. S. | Fusscas, James P. | Future | Future Farmers of America | Fyler, Wadsworth G. |