Thomas E. Dewey Papers: Browse

Browse the Dewey Papers Letter Index

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 A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
D - Dani
D - Dar
D Miscellaneous (After December 31, 1960)
D Miscellaneous (Prior to January 1, 1961)
D'Alliegro, Charles A.
D'Ascenzo, Alexander R.
D. H. I. A.
Da - Dal
Da - Dat
Da - De
Da Patduaa, Antona
Da-Des - Miscellaneous
Dade County Celebration
Dagoret, Marie
Dailey, Dora S.
Daily Press Reports, February - June, 1940
Daily Telegraph
Daily; Dailey
Daily; Daly; Daley; Dailey
Dairy Month
Dairyland Festival
Dairymen's League
Dairymen's League Cooperative
Dairymen's League Cooperative Association
Dairymen's League Cooperative Association, Inc.
Daitz, Elliot A.
Dale, Charles M.
Dale, Frank L.
Dale, Hon. Charles M.
Daley, Charles Grant
Daley; Daly
Dallas, C. Donald
Dalley, Mrs. William
Daly, John T.
Daly, Mark A.
Daly, Mrs. Elizabeth
Dam - Dan
Dammond, William Hunter
Damms, Mrs George
Damon, Norman
Danager, John
Danager, John A.
Dance, Hon. Jack
Daniel Construction Company
Daniel, Hon. Dewey
Danielian, N. R.
Daniels, Dr. Benjamin
Daniels, Grant
Daniels, Grant F.
Danise, Flora
Danish, Andrew E.
Danl - Dav
Dannemora State Hospital
Dant, Charles
Danton, Charles
Danzig, Aaron L.
Dap - Dau
Dapping, William O.
Dapplemere Farm, Pawling, New York
Darby, Hon. Harry
Darby, William F.
Darlington, Rev. Henry
Darrin, David
Dart, Justin
Dart, Justin W.
Daru, Robert, Legal Aid for the Poor. May 18, 1938
Daru, Robert. October 31, 1937
Das - Daz
Daschner, John
Dau - Daw
Daugherty, William E.
Daughters of Foreign Wars, Inc.
Daughters of the American Revolution
Dav - Davie
Davenport, Hon. Frederick M.
Davenport, Russell
Davenport, Walter
David, Levi H.
Davidson, Benjamin
Davidson, Capt. William A.
Davidson, Clarence A.
Davidson, Dr. Carter
Davidson, Maurice P.
Davidson, Mrs. William H,
Davidson, S. S.
Davidson, Willis Carol
Davie, Mr. and Mrs. Preston
Davie, Mrs. Preston
Davies, Austin M.
Davies, Hon. John R.
Davies, John R.
Davis Road
Davis, A-I
Davis, A.- Davis, L.
Davis, Allen H.
Davis, Carl
Davis, Carl A.
Davis, Carlton
Davis, Charlotte
Davis, Clarke E.
Davis, D.
Davis, Dean and Charlotte
Davis, Ella A.
Davis, Forrest
Davis, H.
Davis, J-Z
Davis, Jeff
Davis, Lemuel Morgan
Davis, Lillian M.
Davis, M.- Davis, Z.
Davis, Mrs. J. A.
Davis, Mrs. Rowland F.
Davis, P.
Davis, Paul Herbert
Davis, Philip Lind
Davis, Reginald Perrin
Davis, Richard Earle
Davis, Richard M.
Davis, Russ
Davis, Shelby C.
Davis, Shelby Cullom
Davis, Vachel
Davis, W. C.
Daviso - Daz
Davison, George W.
Davoli, Joseph
Dawson, Archie O.
Dawson, D. Boone
Dax - Dem
Day - Dei
Day of Prayer
Day, Anne Marjorie
Day, Dr. Edmund Ezra
Day, Edmund E.
Day, Joseph P.
Day, Peter F.
Day, Scotty Jean
Daylight Saving Time
Daylight Savings Time
De - Dee
De Bra, Mrs. H. R.
De Gasperi, Alcide
de Graam, Mrs. Marie
De Hoyos, Luis
De Levante, Edward
De Montalvo, Enrique
de Montalvo, Ing. Enrique
De Nolasco, Teddy
de Pass, Monte S.
De Pew, Hon. Pierre H.
de Rochemont, Richard
De Ruy, Chauncey M.
de Starya-Lipy, Briantchaninoff
De Vestern, George
Dea - Deb
Dean, Alton C.
Dean, Arthur H.
Dean, Daniel
Deane, Disque
DeAngelus, Frank
Deb - Don
Debate on "Isms" 1944
Debaum, John E.
Deboer, J. Henry
Debra, Arthur H.
Dec - Dek
DeCaro, Annibale
Decker, Irvine
Decker, Irvine J.
Declaration of Independence
Declaration of Interdependence
DeCubellis, Domenick
Dedication of the New York International Airport (Idlewild), July 31, 1948.
Deegan Expressway
Def - Der
DeFalco, Gerald Joseph
Defenders of Furbearers
Defense Council
Defense Files
DeFrancisco, William G.
DeGanahl, Frank
Degenaar, John
Degnan, Mrs. M. E.
DeGroff, Ralph L.
DeHoyos, Luis
deJesus, Rosalie
DeKay, Sidney G.
Del - Dem
Dela-Curva, Randolph Cook
Dela-Durva, Randolph Cook
Delafield, John Ross
Delaney, Jack F.
DeLapp, Hon. Sim A.
Delapp, Hon. Sim.
DeLaval Sales and Service
Delaware River Basin
Delaware Water Supply Project
Delaware, State of
DeLee, Eugene S.
Delegate File
Delegates, Lists
Delgates, List of
Delhi School of Agriculture
Delhi School of Agriculture, Notices of Appointment
Delhi School of Agriculture, Notices of Appointment: Humphries, William A.
DeLisser, Horace E.
Dellar, Clara
DeLorenzo., Anthony
Dem - Den
DeMaison, Dorrance A.
DeMarco, Joseph
DeMarco, Nick
Demarest, H. A.
Demato, James V.
Demermont, George L.
Demetriou, Mrs. Artemisia
Deming, Macey F.
Democratic Defender
Democratic Literature
Democratic Party
Democrats for Dewey
DeMolay, Order of
DeMott Street, Homes
Den - Der
Den - Dev
Denaouley, George A.
Denman, Wylda M.
Denmark, Consul General of
Denninger, Arthur L.
Dennon, Patricia
Dental Laboratory Association
Dental Society of the State of New York
Denver, Colorado, September 21, 1948
Dep - Dez
DePaola, Mrs. Carmelo
Department of New York
Department of New York, American Legion
Dependency Benefits, Office of
Depew Gambling
Deppe, Emma
Depreciation Analysis
DeRonde, Mrs. Marie
DeRuyter Reservoir (Lake)
Des - Dev
Des - Dez
Des Jordins, L. A.
Des Moines, Iowa, September 20, 1948
Desmond, Hon. Thomas C.
Desmond, Thomas C.
Dessoure, William J. vs. People of New York State
Desvernine, Raoul E.
Detectives Endowment Association
Dethmers, John
Detroit Real Estate Board
Detroit, Michigan, September 29, 1960
Deuel, John V.
Deuhs, Gerhard B.
Deutsch, Maurice
Dever, Gov. Paul A.
DeVillers, Yves
Devlin, William J.
Devlin., William J.
Dew - Dez
Dew-Dzz - Miscellaneous
DeWaal, William
Dewart, Thomas W.
Dewavrin, Vernard
Dewey address...Elmhurst, New York, October 25, 1950.
Dewey ancestors
Dewey and Bond: 1948 campaign. Includes excerpts from speeches of Dewey.
Dewey and Ike 1948 (complete film)
Dewey and Warren 1948 (complete film)
Dewey Associates
Dewey at Watertown Dairy Festival, June 12, 1950
Dewey Campaign, 1944
Dewey Childhood
Dewey Clubs
Dewey Committee on Employment
Dewey Correspondence
Dewey Expenses
Dewey Family, History of
Dewey for president committee, 1948 campaign, excerpts from speeches.
Dewey for president committee, 1948 campaign.
Dewey for president committee: 1948 campaign, excerpts from Dewey's speeches (women in government, communism).
Dewey for president committee: 1948 campaign, remote pickup, band 4; January 24, 1948.
Dewey for president committee; 1948 campaign, remote pickup, band 1; January 24, 1948.
Dewey for president committee; 1948 campaign, remote pickup, band 2; January 24, 1948.
Dewey for president committee; 1948 campaign, remote pickup, band 3; January 24, 1948.
Dewey for president, Oregon Agricultural Discussion, May 19, 1948.
Dewey Inaugural Address
Dewey invitations
Dewey Itineraries
Dewey memorandum from
Dewey memorandum to
Dewey method of handling correspondence
Dewey Press clippings
Dewey radio address...CBS, October 13, 1950.
Dewey radio address...MBC and WOR, October 20, 1950.
Dewey radio address...MBC, October 26, 1950.
Dewey radio address...WJZ, October 23, 1950.
Dewey speaking engagements
Dewey speech, April 20, 1954.
Dewey vs Stassen Debate: recorded from monograph records of May 17, 1948 by the Smithsonian Institute in May, 1975­
Dewey's and Breitel's Letters (copies)
Dewey's coffee-milk statement, May 12, 1954.
Dewey's Notes
Dewey's state-wide television speeches, 1952 campaign.
Dewey's visit with Truman, September 13, 1951.
Dewey, Annie T.
Dewey, Blair H.
Dewey, Charles S.
Dewey, Clubs
Dewey, Committee for Governor, 1946
Dewey, E. Grace
Dewey, E. Grace (Aunt Grace)
Dewey, E. Grace, 1938-48
Dewey, E. Grace, 1949-53
Dewey, E. Grace, 1954
Dewey, Gordon A.
Dewey, Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Campaign Trips
Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Christmas Cards
Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Inaugural Address
Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Itinerary
Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Oregon Trip
Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Press Articles
Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Western Trip
Dewey, Harriet F.
Dewey, Hon. A. Claire
Dewey, Hon. James F.
Dewey, James F.
Dewey, Katharine
Dewey, Katharine B.
Dewey, Katharine, 1935-52
Dewey, Katharine, 1953-55
Dewey, Mrs. George
Dewey, Mrs. George M.
Dewey, Mrs. George, Letters to Mrs. Dewey, 1948 Campaign
Dewey, Mrs. Thomas E.
Dewey, R. G.
Dewey, Rev. Edith E.
Dewey, Schedules
Dewey, Thomas E.
Dewey, Thomas E., Governor
Dewey, Tom Jr. and John
Dewey, W. C.
Dewey-Warren sports parade, October 26, 1948.
Dewey: "Meet the Press" program; New York, October 15, 1950.
Dewey: Acceptance speech for Republican nomination for Governor at Saratoga Springs, New York; September 4, 1946.
Dewey: Acceptance Speech, September 4, 1946.
Dewey: Acceptance speech...Republican National Convention, Philadelphia, June 24, 1948.
Dewey: Accepting GOP presidential nomination, Chicago, June 28, 1944.
Dewey: Address . . .Oregon Junior Chamber of Commerce; Portland, Oregon; May 1, 1948.
Dewey: Address at 1968 Republican National Convention, Miami Beach, August, 1968.
Dewey: Address at New York State Agricultural Society meeting, Albany, January 19, 1949.
Dewey: Address at Rally at Convention Hall, Philadelphia, September 7, 1944.
Dewey: Address at Round table on tax and fiscal policy at 39th Governors' Conference; Salt Lake City, July 14, 1947.
Dewey: Address at Troy, October 22, 1952.
Dewey: Address on eve of Oregon primary election; Portland, Oregon, May 20, 1948.
Dewey: Address...Boston, February 12, 1948.
Dewey: Address...Milwaukee, April 1, 1948.
Dewey: American Legion national convention, August 28, 1947­.
Dewey: Annual message to the Legislature, Albany, January 6, 1954.
Dewey: Annual message to the Legislature. Albany, January 5, 1949.
Dewey: Campaign speech; Milwaukee; April 1, 1948.
Dewey: Commencement address, University of Rochester, Rochester, June 9, 1957.
Dewey: Court of Appeals address, September 6, 1946.
Dewey: Dewey vs Stassen debate, May 17, 1948.
Dewey: Double-ten dinner China institute in America, Waldorf-Astoria, October 9, 1952.
Dewey: Excerpts from Dewey speeches for sound truck use in New York City for third term gubernatorial campaign, 1950.
Dewey: Extemporaneous, address...Young Republican National Federation, Albany, August 11, 1948.
Dewey: How to fight communism; KEX, Portland; May 3,1948.
Dewey: In support of Joe R. Hanley for Lt. Governor, October 20, 1943.
Dewey: Inaugural address, January 1, 1943.
Dewey: Inaugural address, January 1, 1947.
Dewey: Interview at Yokuska Naval Base, July 8,1951.
Dewey: Interview with R. R. N. announcer; Farm policy, September, 1952.
Dewey: Journey to the Far Pacific, 1952.
Dewey: Korean report, State Fair luncheon, Syracuse, September 6, 1951.
Dewey: Metropolitan Opera House program, March 5, 1946.
Dewey: Mohawk College dedication, October 16, 1946.
Dewey: New Year's message to the people of Japan, December 19, 1951.
Dewey: Opening campaign speech for reelection, October 3, 1946.
Dewey: Political talk, November 2, 1946.
Dewey: Radio interview . . .with Fulton Lewis, Jr. Albany, March 29, 1948.
Dewey: Radio interview . . .with Fulton Lewis, Jr.; Albany, March 29, 1948.
Dewey: Radio statement acknowledging reelection as governor, November 5, 1946.
Dewey: Report to people of New York on first three months of administration, April 1, 1943.
Dewey: Return of Dewey to Albany, June 30, 1948 following his nomination as Republican candidate for the presidency.
Dewey: Speaking at Los Angeles, September 22, 1944.
Dewey: Speaking at Louisville, September 8, 1944.
Dewey: Speaking at Portland, September 19, 1944.
Dewey: Speaking at San Francisco; Republican National Committee Program, September 21, 1944.
Dewey: Speaking at Seattle, September 18, 1944.
Dewey: Speech at Farm Bureau Federation's 30th annual convention, Syracuse, November 12, 1945.
Dewey: Speech at Medford, May 7, 1948.
Dewey: Speech at Pendleton, Oregon; May 12, 1948.
Dewey: Speech at Salem Kiwanis Club; Salem, Oregon; May 4,1948.
Dewey: Speech at Tokyo, July 6,1951.
Dewey: Speech of acceptance; Philadelphia June 24,1948.
Dewey: Speech, Albany, New York, October 3, 1944.
Dewey: Speech, Albany, October 3, 1944.
Dewey: Speech, April 24, 1946
Dewey: Speech, Buffalo, October 31, 1944.
Dewey: Speech, Charleston, West Virginia, October 7, 1944.
Dewey: Speech, Chicago Stadium, June 28, 1944.
Dewey: Speech, Chicago, October 25, 1944.
Dewey: Speech, May 4, 1945.
Dewey: Speech, May 5,1948.
Dewey: Speech, Minneapolis, October 24, 1944.
Dewey: Speech, New York City, October 18, 1944.
Dewey: Speech, November 2, 1945­
Dewey: Speech, November 2, 1950.
Dewey: Speech, November 4, 1946.
Dewey: Speech, October 14, 1946.
Dewey: Speech, October 3, 1946.
Dewey: Speech, October 7, 1946.
Dewey: Speech, Oklahoma City, September 25, 1944.
Dewey: Speech, Pittsburgh, October 20, 1944.
Dewey: Speech, September 6, 1946.
Dewey: Speech, St. Louis, October 16, 1944.
Dewey: Speech; Albany, April 12, 1948.
Dewey: Speech; Holdredge; April 8,1948.
Dewey: Speech; Lincoln, Nebraska; April 8,1948.
Dewey: Speech; Omaha; April 9,1948.
Dewey: Talk from Albany, April 12, 1948.
Dewey: Talk on WABC, October 22, 1946.
Dewey: Talk, April 14, 1944.
Dewey: Television spot, December 3, 1968 and Hugo Black talk on December 3,1968.
Dewey: Thruway dedication, Liverpool, New York, July 11, 1946.
DeWitt, George W.
DeWolfe, Clarence E.
DeWolfe, Rt. Rev. James P.
Dexter Park
Dexter, Mrs. Elliott
Deyo, Warren V.
Df - Diu
Df - Dz
Di - Dil
Di - Dm
Di Franco, Thomas
Di Salvo, Mr. and Mrs. John
Dia - Did
Diamond Manufacturers and Importers Association of America
Diaries and Time Sheets
Diary, 1938
Diary, 1939
Diary, 1940
Diary, 1941
Diary, 1942
Diasio, Dr. F. A.
Diaz, Ramon Leal
DiBiase, Pasquale
Dickerson, Helene E.
Dickinson, C. L.
Dickinson, Edith Brower
Dickinson, Rev. William V.
Dickson, Col. Charles M.
Dickson, George M., Jr.
Dickson; Dixon
Dictaphone Corporation
Die - Dik
DiFiore, Joseph E.
Digest Group, Inc.
Diggs, Bertha J.
Diggs, Mrs. Bertha
DiGiorgio, Joseph
Dignan, Herman
Dignan, Herman H.
Dil - Dis
Dillon, Clarence
Dillon, Douglas
Dillon, Philip R.
Dillworth, J. Richardson
Din - Doc
Dineen, Hon. Robert E.
Dineen, Robert E.
Dineen, Robert E., Nov. 1-Nov. 18, 1949
Dineen, Robert E., Nov. 20, 1949-1956
Dingwall, J. L.
Dinner and engagement seatings
Dinners for George A. Brown
Dinners for Herbert Brownell
Dinners for Hugh Gaitskell
Dinners, Brotherhood
Dioguardi, John
Directory of New York State Agencies
Directory of Office Personnel
Dirksen, Hon. and Mrs. Everett M.
Dirksen, Hon. Everett M.
Disability Benefit Law
Disability Insurance Law
Disabled America Veterans
Disabled American Veterans
Disabled American Veterans National Campaign
DiSano, Rev. Carmelo
Disano, Rev. Cav. Carmelo
Discrimination Bill
Discrimination Bill, Ceremony in Signing
Discrimination Bill, July-December
Discrimination Commission
Discrimination Commission, 1944
Discrimination Commission, 1946-50
Discrimination Commission, 1950
Discrimination Commission, 1951
Discrimination Commission, 1951-54
Discrimination Commission, 1952
Discrimination Commission, 1953
Discrimination Commission, 1954
Discrimination Commission, Advisory Agencies
Discrimination Commission, April-May, 1945
Discrimination Commission, January-March, 1945
Discrimination Commission, June-December, 1945
Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945
Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Adair, James F.
Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Albert, Henry
Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Allen, Samuel A.
Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Altman, Jack
Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Arbury, Ward B.
Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Barrett, Francis G.
Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Beekman, Dr. Walter N.
Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Brown, Samuel A.
Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Burns, M. Grover
Discrimination Commission: Carter, Elmer A.
Discrimination Commission: Chapman, Dr. Emmanuel
Discrimination Commission: DeFrantz, Robert
Discrimination Commission: Edwards, Edward W.
Discrimination Commission: Ehrlich, Harold B.
Discrimination Commission: Garside, Charles
Discrimination Commission: Hamilton, William H.
Discrimination Commission: Hinton, Rev. George W.
Discrimination Commission: King, Martin E.
Discrimination Commission: Lamula, John J.
Discrimination Commission: LeFevre, Dewitt C.
Discrimination Commission: Lyons, Harry
Discrimination Commission: McClane, Rev. Walter D.
Discrimination Commission: Mott, Mrs. Besie Q.
Discrimination Commission: Reiss, Julian J.
Discrimination Commission: Roberts, Clarence L.
Discrimination Commission: Romig, Rev. Robert E.
Discrimination Commission: Sanders, Max E.
Discrimination Commission: Simon, Mrs. Leopold K.
Discrimination Commission: Thorn, Rev. Ralph S.
Discrimination Commission: Todd, Jane
Discrimination Commission: Turner, Henry C.
Discrimination Commission: Tuttle, Charles H.
Discrimination Commission: Valle, Carlos C.
Discrimination Commission: Wood, L. Hollingsworth
Discrimination Commission: Zack, Samuel R.
Discrimination in Employment
Discrimination in Employment, 1943
Discrimination in Employment, 1944
Discrimination in Employment, 1945
Discrimination in Higher Education
Discrimination in Housing
Discrimination, Commission Against
Discrimination, State Commission, 1947
Discrimination, State Commission, 1948
Discrimination, State Commission, 1949
Discrimination, State Commission, 1950
Diserio, Hon. Matthew J.
Diserio, Judge Matthew J.
Dispersal Policies, Federal
Displaced Persons
Displaced Persons, 1948
Displaced Persons, 1949, A-L
Displaced Persons, 1949, M-Z
Displaced Persons, New York State Committee on
Distribution Record and Receipts
Distribution Requests, Final Report
District Attorney Budget, 1930-37
District Attorney Hines Case 1938
District Attorney, Albany County
District Attorney, Broome County
District Attorney, Cattaraugus County
District Attorney, Clinton County
District Attorney, Dutchess County, 1943-50
District Attorney, Dutchess County, 1943-50: Gellert, Ely
District Attorney, Dutchess County, 1943-50: Grady, W. Vincent
District Attorney, Dutchess County, 1951-54
District Attorney, Essex County
District Attorney, Franklin County
District Attorney, Fulton County
District Attorney, Greene County
District Attorney, Hamilton County
District Attorney, Jefferson County
District Attorney, Kings County
District Attorney, Kings County: Beldock, George J.
District Attorney, Livingston County
District Attorney, Madison County
District Attorney, Monroe County
District Attorney, Nassau County
District Attorney, Niagara County
District Attorney, Oneida County
District Attorney, Onondaga County
District Attorney, Orleans County
District Attorney, Oswego County
District Attorney, Otsego County
District Attorney, Putnam County
District Attorney, Richmond County
District Attorney, Rockland County
District Attorney, Schenectady County
District Attorney, Steuben County
District Attorney, Steuben County: Gabrielli, Domenick L.
District Attorney, Tompkins County
District Attorney, Ulster County
District Attorney, Ulster County: Bruhn, Louis G.
District Attorney, Washington County
District Attorney, Westchester County
District Attorneys' Association
District of Columbia Corporation Law, An Act to Amend
District of Columbia Delegates
District of Columbia, A-K
District of Columbia, L-Z
Dit - Diz
Ditter, J. William. May 25, 1940
Div - Dom
Divine, Rev. M. J.
Division of Standards and Purchase
Division of Veterans' Affairs
Divorce Laws
Divorce Legislation
Dixie Cup Company
Dixon, A. J.
Dixon, Carlos W.
Dixon, Jeanne
Dizmang, Esther E.
Dj - Doi
Doane Agricultural Service
Dobbs, Hon. John Wesley
Dobe, Walter C.
Doctor-Pharmacist Relationships
Doctors and Druggists
Documents relating to commutation of Luciano sentence
Dod - Don
Dodd, William V.
Dodds, Bligh A.
Dodds, Dr. Harold W.
Dodds, Hon. Bligh A.
Dodge, Ann
Dodge, Hon. William A.
Dodge, William C., Radio Address for Harold W. Hastings. October 29, 1937
Doell, Henry V.
Doering, Bert A.
Doj - Dot
Dolan, Peter A.
Dolge, Rudolf
Doll, Hon. William
Dominican Republic
Dominick, Gayer G.
Domore Seating Service
Don - Dov
Donahue; Donohue
Donal, McGonigal
Donaldson, Gerald
Donation Prize
Donation, April - August, 1949
Donation, April - June, 1947
Donation, April - June, 1948
Donation, April - June, 1950
Donation, April - June, 1951
Donation, April - May, 1953
Donation, Aug. - Oct., 1952
Donation, Jan. - Apr., 1954
Donation, Jan. - April, 1952
Donation, Jan. - March, 191'51
Donation, Jan. - March, 1953
Donation, January - March, 1947
Donation, January - March, 1948
Donation, January - March, 1949
Donation, January - March, 1950
Donation, July - Sept., 1951
Donation, July - September, 1947
Donation, July - September, 1948
Donation, July - September, 1950
Donation, June - Sept, 1953
Donation, May - Aug., 1954
Donation, May - July, 1952
Donation, Nov. - Dec., 1952
Donation, November - December, 1948
Donation, Oct. - Dec., 1951
Donation, Oct. - Dec., 1953
Donation, October - December, 1947
Donation, October - December, 1950
Donation, October, 1948
Donation, Sept. - Dec., 1954
Donation, September - December, 1949
Donations, 1943
Donations, 1944
Donations, 1945
Donations, 1945-49
Donations, 1946
Donations, 1950-51
Donations, 1952
Donations, 1953
Donations, 1954
Dondero, Hon. George A.
Donlan, Mary H.
Donlon, Hon. Mary
Donlon, Hon. Mary H.
Donlon, Mary
Donnellan, George
Donnelly, Betty Hawley
Donnelly, Francis X.
Donnelly, Mrs. Betty Hawley
Donohue, R. A.
Donohur, R. A. (out Jan, 1952)
Donovan, Col. William I., A-B
Donovan, Col. William I., C-E
Donovan, Col. William I., F-K
Donovan, Col. William I., L-N
Donovan, Col. William I., O-Z
Donovan, Lawrence J.
Donovan, Lawrence. J.
Donovan, William J.
Doo - Dov
Doo - Doz
Dormitory Authority
Dorn, Clara
Dorn, Paul
Dorsey, Leroy H.
Dorsey, Mrs. Catherine
Dosch, Emilia
Dotson, Hon. Dolton
Dou - Doz
Doubleday, Aug. 27, 1953-May, 1957
Doubleday, Aug. 4, 1950-July 24, 1952
Doubleday, July 25, 1952-Aug. 26, 1953
Doubleday, Robert F.
Douglas, Hon. Lewis W.
Douglas, Hon. William O.
Douglas, L. W.
Douglas, Lewis W.
Douglas, Mr. L. W.
Douglas; Douglass
Douglass Day
Dover, Borough of
Dover, Delaware, September 25, 1968
Dow - Dru
Dow - Dt
Dowd, Bernard W.
Downes, Carroll
Downes, Theresa B.
Downey, Kavanaugh
Downs, Ross Sherman
Dows, Hon. David
Doyle, Marion and John
Doyle, Thomas H.
Doyle, Thomas J.
Dozier, Hon. Curtis M.
Dozier, R. Clarence
Draft B. Later Versions
Draft B. Two Versions
Draft, read and revised by Gene Farmer
Drafts for TED after January 1, 1960
Drafts for TED prior to 1960
Drake University
Drake, James S.
Draper, Miles H.
Draper, William H.
Dresser, R. B.
Dressler, Hon. David
Dreyer, Dr. F. H.
Dreyfuss, R. M.
Drick, Anna
Drick, Mrs. Anna
Driscall; Driscoll
Driscoll, David
Driscoll, Gov. Alfred E.
Driscoll, Hon. Alfred E.
Drucker, Mrs. Mildred Fenton
Drug Addiction
Drum, Gen. Hugh A.
Drum, Gen. Hugh A., 1943-44
Drum, Gen. Hugh A., 1945-47
Drum, Gen. Hugh A., 1948
Drum, Gen. Hugh A., Camp
Drum, Hugh A.
Drum, Lt. Gen. Hugh A.
Drum, Lt. Gen. Hugh H.
Drum, Mrs Hugh A. (Mary)
Drummond, Roscoe
Drv - Dz
Du - Dum
Du - Dz
Dua - Dud
Duane Jones Company
Dubin, Jack J.
Dubinsky, David
Dubuque, Joseph
Ducas, Robert
Ducker, Raymond
Duckworth, Hon. J. Lon
Dudin, Bladimir
Dudley, Richard C.
Due - Dunk
Duff, Hon. James H.
Duff, William M.
Duffie; Duffey; Duffy
Duffy, B. C.
Duffy, Ben
Duffy, Ben C.
Dugan, Thomas J.
Duggan, W. J.
Dulce, Jules
Dulles, David
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, Allen W.
Dulles, John Foster
Dulles, John Foster (1 Folder out 3/73 kk)
Dulles, John Foster (missing kk 2/73)
Dulles, John Foster (missing kk 3/73)
Dulles, John Foster (out 7/74; per jf)
Dulles, John Foster. February 10, 1947
Dulles, John Poster (out kk 3/73)
Dulles, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Welsh
Dulles, Mr. and Mrs. John Foster (Janet)
Dumas., Edmund A.
Dumbarton Oaks Conference
Dumond, Millard
Dun - Dz
Dunbar, F. E.
Duncan, A. E.
Duncan, C. William
Duncan, Dr. and Mrs. William P.
Duncan, Mrs. William Rucy
Duncan, Tom: The busy beavers (4H Club of Rhinebeck, New York) presented to Dewey at Dutchess County Fair, 1947.
Dunham, Corydon B.
Dunham, Zula Mae Crain
Dunkirk Harbor
Dunkirk Public Schools
Dunkirk-Fredonia Area, Route 5
Dunl - Dur
Dunn, Barbara R.
Dunn, Fay
Dunn, Hon. Roy
Dunn, John "Cockeye"
Dunn, Rogers C.
Dunn, William
Dunn; Dunne
Dunne, Mrs. James (Ida Lee)
Dunnigan, John J.
Dunnington, Dr. John
Dunwald, Mrs. Winifred W.
Duplicate Transcripts, Rolls 4-60
duPont, Frank V.
duPont, Hon. Frank V.
Dupuis, Mrs. C.
Duque, Lt. Col Elpidio P.
Durcansky, Dr. Ferdinand
Durkin, Clara Jewell
Duryea, Cmdr. Perry B.
Duryea, Hon. Perry B.
Duryea, Perry B.
Duryee, Dr. A. Wilbur
Duryee, Mrs. A. Wilbur (Margaret)
Dus - Dz
Dusenberry, Charles E.
Dushkind, Mrs. Hannah G.
Dutch Elm Disease
Dutchess County
Dutchess County Agricultural Agent
Dutchess County District Attorney
Dutchess County Fair
Dutchess County Treasurer
Dutchess County, October 14, 1950, A-I
Dutchess County, October 14, 1950, J-Z
Dutchess, County of
Dutchess, County of, Treasurer
Dyer, Sid
Dyhrenfurth, Hettie
Dykema, Peter W.
Dziobkiewicz, Mary

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