D | D - Dani | D - Dar | D Miscellaneous (After December 31, 1960) | D Miscellaneous (Prior to January 1, 1961) | D'Alliegro, Charles A. | D'Ascenzo, Alexander R. | D-H | D-Miscellaneous | D-Unknown | D. H. I. A. | Da - Dal | Da - Dat | Da - De | Da Patduaa, Antona | Da-Dd | Da-Des - Miscellaneous | Daa | Dade County Celebration | Dagoret, Marie | Dailey, Dora S. | Daily Press Reports, February - June, 1940 | Daily Telegraph | Daily; Dailey | Daily; Daly; Daley; Dailey | Dairy Month | Dairyland Festival | Dairymen's League | Dairymen's League Cooperative | Dairymen's League Cooperative Association | Dairymen's League Cooperative Association, Inc. | Daitz, Elliot A. | Dal | Dale, Charles M. | Dale, Frank L. | Dale, Hon. Charles M. | Daley, Charles Grant | Daley; Daly | Dallas, C. Donald | Dalley, Mrs. William | Daly, John T. | Daly, Mark A. | Daly, Mrs. Elizabeth | Dam - Dan | Dammond, William Hunter | Damms, Mrs George | Damon, Norman | Dan | Danager, John | Danager, John A. | Dance, Hon. Jack | Daniel Construction Company | Daniel, Hon. Dewey | Danielian, N. R. | Daniels | Daniels, Dr. Benjamin | Daniels, Grant | Daniels, Grant F. | Danise, Flora | Danish, Andrew E. | Dank | Danl - Dav | Dannemora State Hospital | Dant, Charles | Danton, Charles | Danzig, Aaron L. | Dap - Dau | Dapping, William O. | Dapplemere Farm, Pawling, New York | Dar | Darby, Hon. Harry | Darby, William F. | Darlington, Rev. Henry | Darrin, David | Dart, Justin | Dart, Justin W. | Daru, Robert, Legal Aid for the Poor. May 18, 1938 | Daru, Robert. October 31, 1937 | Das | Das - Daz | Daschner, John | Dau | Dau - Daw | Daugherty, William E. | Daughters of Foreign Wars, Inc. | Daughters of the American Revolution | Dav | Dav - Davie | Davenport | Davenport, Hon. Frederick M. | Davenport, Russell | Davenport, Walter | Davi | David, Levi H. | Davidson | Davidson, Benjamin | Davidson, Capt. William A. | Davidson, Clarence A. | Davidson, Dr. Carter | Davidson, Maurice P. | Davidson, Mrs. William H, | Davidson, S. S. | Davidson, Willis Carol | Davie | Davie, Mr. and Mrs. Preston | Davie, Mrs. Preston | Davies, Austin M. | Davies, Hon. John R. | Davies, John R. | Davis | Davis Road | Davis, A-I | Davis, A.- Davis, L. | Davis, Allen H. | Davis, Carl | Davis, Carl A. | Davis, Carlton | Davis, Charlotte | Davis, Clarke E. | Davis, D. | Davis, Dean and Charlotte | Davis, Ella A. | Davis, Forrest | Davis, H. | Davis, J-Z | Davis, Jeff | Davis, Lemuel Morgan | Davis, Lillian M. | Davis, M.- Davis, Z. | Davis, Mrs. J. A. | Davis, Mrs. Rowland F. | Davis, P. | Davis, Paul Herbert | Davis, Philip Lind | Davis, Reginald Perrin | Davis, Richard Earle | Davis, Richard M. | Davis, Russ | Davis, Shelby C. | Davis, Shelby Cullom | Davis, Vachel | Davis, W. C. | Daviso - Daz | Davison | Davison, George W. | Davoli, Joseph | Daw | Dawson | Dawson, Archie O. | Dawson, D. Boone | Dax - Dem | Day | Day - Dei | Day of Prayer | Day, Anne Marjorie | Day, Dr. Edmund Ezra | Day, Edmund E. | Day, Joseph P. | Day, Peter F. | Day, Scotty Jean | Daylight Saving Time | Daylight Savings Time | De | De - Dee | De Bra, Mrs. H. R. | De Gasperi, Alcide | de Graam, Mrs. Marie | De Hoyos, Luis | De Levante, Edward | De Montalvo, Enrique | de Montalvo, Ing. Enrique | De Nolasco, Teddy | de Pass, Monte S. | De Pew, Hon. Pierre H. | de Rochemont, Richard | De Ruy, Chauncey M. | de Starya-Lipy, Briantchaninoff | De Vestern, George | De-Dh | Dea | Dea - Deb | Dean | Dean, Alton C. | Dean, Arthur H. | Dean, Daniel | Deane, Disque | DeAngelus, Frank | Deb | Deb - Don | Debate on "Isms" 1944 | Debaum, John E. | Deboer, J. Henry | Debra, Arthur H. | Dec | Dec - Dek | DeCaro, Annibale | Decisions | Deck | Decker | Decker, Irvine | Decker, Irvine J. | Declaration of Independence | Declaration of Interdependence | DeCubellis, Domenick | Ded | Dedication of the New York International Airport (Idlewild), July 31, 1948. | Deegan Expressway | Def | Def - Der | DeFalco, Gerald Joseph | Defenders of Furbearers | Defense Council | Defense Files | DeFrancisco, William G. | Deg | DeGanahl, Frank | Degenaar, John | Degnan, Mrs. M. E. | DeGroff, Ralph L. | DeHoyos, Luis | deJesus, Rosalie | DeKay, Sidney G. | Del | Del - Dem | Dela-Curva, Randolph Cook | Dela-Durva, Randolph Cook | Delafield, John Ross | Delaney | Delaney, Jack F. | DeLapp, Hon. Sim A. | Delapp, Hon. Sim. | DeLaval Sales and Service | Delaware | Delaware River Basin | Delaware Water Supply Project | Delaware, State of | DeLee, Eugene S. | Delegate File | Delegates, Lists | Delgates, List of | Delhi School of Agriculture | Delhi School of Agriculture, Notices of Appointment | Delhi School of Agriculture, Notices of Appointment: Humphries, William A. | DeLisser, Horace E. | Dell | Dellar, Clara | DeLorenzo., Anthony | Dem | Dem - Den | DeMaison, Dorrance A. | DeMarco, Joseph | DeMarco, Nick | Demarest, H. A. | Demato, James V. | Demermont, George L. | Demetriou, Mrs. Artemisia | Deming, Macey F. | Democratic Defender | Democratic Literature | Democratic Party | Democrats for Dewey | DeMolay, Order of | DeMott Street, Homes | Den | Den - Der | Den - Dev | Denaouley, George A. | Denman, Wylda M. | Denmark, Consul General of | Denninger, Arthur L. | Dennon, Patricia | Dent | Dental Laboratory Association | Dental Society of the State of New York | Denver, Colorado, September 21, 1948 | Dep | Dep - Dez | DePaola, Mrs. Carmelo | Department of New York | Department of New York, American Legion | Dependency Benefits, Office of | Depew Gambling | Deppe, Emma | Depreciation Analysis | Der | DeRonde, Mrs. Marie | DeRuyter Reservoir (Lake) | Des | Des - Dev | Des - Dez | Des Jordins, L. A. | Des Moines, Iowa, September 20, 1948 | Desmond, Hon. Thomas C. | Desmond, Thomas C. | Dessoure, William J. vs. People of New York State | Destiny | Desvernine, Raoul E. | Det | Detectives Endowment Association | Dethmers, John | Detroit | Detroit Real Estate Board | Detroit, Michigan, September 29, 1960 | Deuel, John V. | Deuhs, Gerhard B. | Deutsch, Maurice | Dev | Dever, Gov. Paul A. | DeVillers, Yves | Devlin, William J. | Devlin., William J. | Dew | Dew - Dez | Dew-Dzz - Miscellaneous | DeWaal, William | Dewart, Thomas W. | Dewavrin, Vernard | Dewey | Dewey address...Elmhurst, New York, October 25, 1950. | Dewey ancestors | Dewey and Bond: 1948 campaign. Includes excerpts from speeches of Dewey. | Dewey and Ike 1948 (complete film) | Dewey and Warren 1948 (complete film) | Dewey Associates | Dewey at Watertown Dairy Festival, June 12, 1950 | Dewey Campaign, 1944 | Dewey Childhood | Dewey Clubs | Dewey Committee on Employment | Dewey Correspondence | Dewey Expenses | Dewey Family, History of | Dewey for president committee, 1948 campaign, excerpts from speeches. | Dewey for president committee, 1948 campaign. | Dewey for president committee: 1948 campaign, excerpts from Dewey's speeches (women in government, communism). | Dewey for president committee: 1948 campaign, remote pickup, band 4; January 24, 1948. | Dewey for president committee; 1948 campaign, remote pickup, band 1; January 24, 1948. | Dewey for president committee; 1948 campaign, remote pickup, band 2; January 24, 1948. | Dewey for president committee; 1948 campaign, remote pickup, band 3; January 24, 1948. | Dewey for president, Oregon Agricultural Discussion, May 19, 1948. | Dewey Inaugural Address | Dewey invitations | Dewey Itineraries | Dewey memorandum from | Dewey memorandum to | Dewey method of handling correspondence | Dewey Press clippings | Dewey radio address...CBS, October 13, 1950. | Dewey radio address...MBC and WOR, October 20, 1950. | Dewey radio address...MBC, October 26, 1950. | Dewey radio address...WJZ, October 23, 1950. | Dewey speaking engagements | Dewey speech, April 20, 1954. | Dewey vs Stassen Debate: recorded from monograph records of May 17, 1948 by the Smithsonian Institute in May, 1975 | Dewey's and Breitel's Letters (copies) | Dewey's coffee-milk statement, May 12, 1954. | Dewey's Notes | Dewey's state-wide television speeches, 1952 campaign. | Dewey's visit with Truman, September 13, 1951. | Dewey, Annie T. | Dewey, Blair H. | Dewey, Charles S. | Dewey, Clubs | Dewey, Committee for Governor, 1946 | Dewey, E. Grace | Dewey, E. Grace (Aunt Grace) | Dewey, E. Grace, 1938-48 | Dewey, E. Grace, 1949-53 | Dewey, E. Grace, 1954 | Dewey, Gordon A. | Dewey, Gov. Thomas E. | Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Campaign Trips | Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Christmas Cards | Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Inaugural Address | Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Itinerary | Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Oregon Trip | Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Press Articles | Dewey, Gov. Thomas E., Western Trip | Dewey, Harriet F. | Dewey, Hon. A. Claire | Dewey, Hon. James F. | Dewey, James F. | Dewey, Katharine | Dewey, Katharine B. | Dewey, Katharine, 1935-52 | Dewey, Katharine, 1953-55 | Dewey, Mrs. George | Dewey, Mrs. George M. | Dewey, Mrs. George, Letters to Mrs. Dewey, 1948 Campaign | Dewey, Mrs. Thomas E. | Dewey, R. G. | Dewey, Rev. Edith E. | Dewey, Schedules | Dewey, Thomas E. | Dewey, Thomas E., Governor | Dewey, Tom Jr. and John | Dewey, W. C. | Dewey-Warren | Dewey-Warren sports parade, October 26, 1948. | Dewey: "Meet the Press" program; New York, October 15, 1950. | Dewey: Acceptance speech for Republican nomination for Governor at Saratoga Springs, New York; September 4, 1946. | Dewey: Acceptance Speech, September 4, 1946. | Dewey: Acceptance speech...Republican National Convention, Philadelphia, June 24, 1948. | Dewey: Accepting GOP presidential nomination, Chicago, June 28, 1944. | Dewey: Address . . .Oregon Junior Chamber of Commerce; Portland, Oregon; May 1, 1948. | Dewey: Address at 1968 Republican National Convention, Miami Beach, August, 1968. | Dewey: Address at New York State Agricultural Society meeting, Albany, January 19, 1949. | Dewey: Address at Rally at Convention Hall, Philadelphia, September 7, 1944. | Dewey: Address at Round table on tax and fiscal policy at 39th Governors' Conference; Salt Lake City, July 14, 1947. | Dewey: Address at Troy, October 22, 1952. | Dewey: Address on eve of Oregon primary election; Portland, Oregon, May 20, 1948. | Dewey: Address...Boston, February 12, 1948. | Dewey: Address...Milwaukee, April 1, 1948. | Dewey: American Legion national convention, August 28, 1947. | Dewey: Annual message to the Legislature, Albany, January 6, 1954. | Dewey: Annual message to the Legislature. Albany, January 5, 1949. | Dewey: Campaign speech; Milwaukee; April 1, 1948. | Dewey: Commencement address, University of Rochester, Rochester, June 9, 1957. | Dewey: Court of Appeals address, September 6, 1946. | Dewey: Dewey vs Stassen debate, May 17, 1948. | Dewey: Double-ten dinner China institute in America, Waldorf-Astoria, October 9, 1952. | Dewey: Excerpts from Dewey speeches for sound truck use in New York City for third term gubernatorial campaign, 1950. | Dewey: Extemporaneous, address...Young Republican National Federation, Albany, August 11, 1948. | Dewey: How to fight communism; KEX, Portland; May 3,1948. | Dewey: In support of Joe R. Hanley for Lt. Governor, October 20, 1943. | Dewey: Inaugural address, January 1, 1943. | Dewey: Inaugural address, January 1, 1947. | Dewey: Interview at Yokuska Naval Base, July 8,1951. | Dewey: Interview with R. R. N. announcer; Farm policy, September, 1952. | Dewey: Journey to the Far Pacific, 1952. | Dewey: Korean report, State Fair luncheon, Syracuse, September 6, 1951. | Dewey: Metropolitan Opera House program, March 5, 1946. | Dewey: Mohawk College dedication, October 16, 1946. | Dewey: New Year's message to the people of Japan, December 19, 1951. | Dewey: Opening campaign speech for reelection, October 3, 1946. | Dewey: Political talk, November 2, 1946. | Dewey: Radio interview . . .with Fulton Lewis, Jr. Albany, March 29, 1948. | Dewey: Radio interview . . .with Fulton Lewis, Jr.; Albany, March 29, 1948. | Dewey: Radio statement acknowledging reelection as governor, November 5, 1946. | Dewey: Report to people of New York on first three months of administration, April 1, 1943. | Dewey: Return of Dewey to Albany, June 30, 1948 following his nomination as Republican candidate for the presidency. | Dewey: Speaking at Los Angeles, September 22, 1944. | Dewey: Speaking at Louisville, September 8, 1944. | Dewey: Speaking at Portland, September 19, 1944. | Dewey: Speaking at San Francisco; Republican National Committee Program, September 21, 1944. | Dewey: Speaking at Seattle, September 18, 1944. | Dewey: Speech at Farm Bureau Federation's 30th annual convention, Syracuse, November 12, 1945. | Dewey: Speech at Medford, May 7, 1948. | Dewey: Speech at Pendleton, Oregon; May 12, 1948. | Dewey: Speech at Salem Kiwanis Club; Salem, Oregon; May 4,1948. | Dewey: Speech at Tokyo, July 6,1951. | Dewey: Speech of acceptance; Philadelphia June 24,1948. | Dewey: Speech, Albany, New York, October 3, 1944. | Dewey: Speech, Albany, October 3, 1944. | Dewey: Speech, April 24, 1946 | Dewey: Speech, Buffalo, October 31, 1944. | Dewey: Speech, Charleston, West Virginia, October 7, 1944. | Dewey: Speech, Chicago Stadium, June 28, 1944. | Dewey: Speech, Chicago, October 25, 1944. | Dewey: Speech, May 4, 1945. | Dewey: Speech, May 5,1948. | Dewey: Speech, Minneapolis, October 24, 1944. | Dewey: Speech, New York City, October 18, 1944. | Dewey: Speech, November 2, 1945 | Dewey: Speech, November 2, 1950. | Dewey: Speech, November 4, 1946. | Dewey: Speech, October 14, 1946. | Dewey: Speech, October 3, 1946. | Dewey: Speech, October 7, 1946. | Dewey: Speech, Oklahoma City, September 25, 1944. | Dewey: Speech, Pittsburgh, October 20, 1944. | Dewey: Speech, September 6, 1946. | Dewey: Speech, St. Louis, October 16, 1944. | Dewey: Speech; Albany, April 12, 1948. | Dewey: Speech; Holdredge; April 8,1948. | Dewey: Speech; Lincoln, Nebraska; April 8,1948. | Dewey: Speech; Omaha; April 9,1948. | Dewey: Talk from Albany, April 12, 1948. | Dewey: Talk on WABC, October 22, 1946. | Dewey: Talk, April 14, 1944. | Dewey: Television spot, December 3, 1968 and Hugo Black talk on December 3,1968. | Dewey: Thruway dedication, Liverpool, New York, July 11, 1946. | DeWitt, George W. | DeWolfe, Clarence E. | DeWolfe, Rt. Rev. James P. | Dex | Dexter Park | Dexter, Mrs. Elliott | Deyo, Warren V. | Df - Diu | Df - Dz | Di | Di - Dil | Di - Dm | Di Franco, Thomas | Di Salvo, Mr. and Mrs. John | Di-Dom | Dia | Dia - Did | Diamond Manufacturers and Importers Association of America | Diaries and Time Sheets | Diary | Diary, 1938 | Diary, 1939 | Diary, 1940 | Diary, 1941 | Diary, 1942 | Diasio, Dr. F. A. | Diaz, Ramon Leal | DiBiase, Pasquale | Dic | Dickerson, Helene E. | Dickinson | Dickinson, C. L. | Dickinson, Edith Brower | Dickinson, Rev. William V. | Dickson | Dickson, Col. Charles M. | Dickson, George M., Jr. | Dickson; Dixon | Dictaphone Corporation | Die | Die - Dik | Dietz | Dif | DiFiore, Joseph E. | Digest Group, Inc. | Diggs, Bertha J. | Diggs, Mrs. Bertha | DiGiorgio, Joseph | Dignan, Herman | Dignan, Herman H. | Dil | Dil - Dis | Dillon | Dillon, Clarence | Dillon, Douglas | Dillon, Philip R. | Dillworth, J. Richardson | Dim | Din | Din - Doc | Dineen, Hon. Robert E. | Dineen, Robert E. | Dineen, Robert E., Nov. 1-Nov. 18, 1949 | Dineen, Robert E., Nov. 20, 1949-1956 | Dingwall, J. L. | Dinner and engagement seatings | Dinners for George A. Brown | Dinners for Herbert Brownell | Dinners for Hugh Gaitskell | Dinners, Brotherhood | Dinners-Miscellaneous | Dioguardi, John | Directories | Directory of New York State Agencies | Directory of Office Personnel | Dirksen, Hon. and Mrs. Everett M. | Dirksen, Hon. Everett M. | Dis | Disability Benefit Law | Disability Insurance Law | Disabled America Veterans | Disabled American Veterans | Disabled American Veterans National Campaign | DiSano, Rev. Carmelo | Disano, Rev. Cav. Carmelo | Discrimination Bill | Discrimination Bill, Ceremony in Signing | Discrimination Bill, July-December | Discrimination Commission | Discrimination Commission, 1944 | Discrimination Commission, 1946-50 | Discrimination Commission, 1950 | Discrimination Commission, 1951 | Discrimination Commission, 1951-54 | Discrimination Commission, 1952 | Discrimination Commission, 1953 | Discrimination Commission, 1954 | Discrimination Commission, Advisory Agencies | Discrimination Commission, April-May, 1945 | Discrimination Commission, January-March, 1945 | Discrimination Commission, June-December, 1945 | Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945 | Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Adair, James F. | Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Albert, Henry | Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Allen, Samuel A. | Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Altman, Jack | Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Arbury, Ward B. | Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Barrett, Francis G. | Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Beekman, Dr. Walter N. | Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Brown, Samuel A. | Discrimination Commission, Positions, 1945: Burns, M. Grover | Discrimination Commission: Carter, Elmer A. | Discrimination Commission: Chapman, Dr. Emmanuel | Discrimination Commission: DeFrantz, Robert | Discrimination Commission: Edwards, Edward W. | Discrimination Commission: Ehrlich, Harold B. | Discrimination Commission: Garside, Charles | Discrimination Commission: Hamilton, William H. | Discrimination Commission: Hinton, Rev. George W. | Discrimination Commission: King, Martin E. | Discrimination Commission: Lamula, John J. | Discrimination Commission: LeFevre, Dewitt C. | Discrimination Commission: Lyons, Harry | Discrimination Commission: McClane, Rev. Walter D. | Discrimination Commission: Mott, Mrs. Besie Q. | Discrimination Commission: Reiss, Julian J. | Discrimination Commission: Roberts, Clarence L. | Discrimination Commission: Romig, Rev. Robert E. | Discrimination Commission: Sanders, Max E. | Discrimination Commission: Simon, Mrs. Leopold K. | Discrimination Commission: Thorn, Rev. Ralph S. | Discrimination Commission: Todd, Jane | Discrimination Commission: Turner, Henry C. | Discrimination Commission: Tuttle, Charles H. | Discrimination Commission: Valle, Carlos C. | Discrimination Commission: Wood, L. Hollingsworth | Discrimination Commission: Zack, Samuel R. | Discrimination in Employment | Discrimination in Employment, 1943 | Discrimination in Employment, 1944 | Discrimination in Employment, 1945 | Discrimination in Higher Education | Discrimination in Housing | Discrimination, Commission Against | Discrimination, State Commission, 1947 | Discrimination, State Commission, 1948 | Discrimination, State Commission, 1949 | Discrimination, State Commission, 1950 | Diserio, Hon. Matthew J. | Diserio, Judge Matthew J. | Dispersal Policies, Federal | Displaced Persons | Displaced Persons, 1948 | Displaced Persons, 1949, A-L | Displaced Persons, 1949, M-Z | Displaced Persons, New York State Committee on | Distribution Record and Receipts | Distribution Requests, Final Report | District Attorney Budget, 1930-37 | District Attorney Hines Case 1938 | District Attorney, Albany County | District Attorney, Broome County | District Attorney, Cattaraugus County | District Attorney, Clinton County | District Attorney, Dutchess County, 1943-50 | District Attorney, Dutchess County, 1943-50: Gellert, Ely | District Attorney, Dutchess County, 1943-50: Grady, W. Vincent | District Attorney, Dutchess County, 1951-54 | District Attorney, Essex County | District Attorney, Franklin County | District Attorney, Fulton County | District Attorney, Greene County | District Attorney, Hamilton County | District Attorney, Jefferson County | District Attorney, Kings County | District Attorney, Kings County: Beldock, George J. | District Attorney, Livingston County | District Attorney, Madison County | District Attorney, Monroe County | District Attorney, Nassau County | District Attorney, Niagara County | District Attorney, Oneida County | District Attorney, Onondaga County | District Attorney, Orleans County | District Attorney, Oswego County | District Attorney, Otsego County | District Attorney, Putnam County | District Attorney, Richmond County | District Attorney, Rockland County | District Attorney, Schenectady County | District Attorney, Steuben County | District Attorney, Steuben County: Gabrielli, Domenick L. | District Attorney, Tompkins County | District Attorney, Ulster County | District Attorney, Ulster County: Bruhn, Louis G. | District Attorney, Washington County | District Attorney, Westchester County | District Attorneys' Association | District of Columbia Corporation Law, An Act to Amend | District of Columbia Delegates | District of Columbia, A-K | District of Columbia, L-Z | Dit - Diz | Ditter, J. William. May 25, 1940 | Div - Dom | Divine, Rev. M. J. | Division of Standards and Purchase | Division of Veterans' Affairs | Divorce Laws | Divorce Legislation | Dix | Dixie Cup Company | Dixon, A. J. | Dixon, Carlos W. | Dixon, Jeanne | Dizmang, Esther E. | Dj - Doi | Do | Doa | Doane Agricultural Service | Dobbs, Hon. John Wesley | Dobe, Walter C. | Doctor-Pharmacist Relationships | Doctors | Doctors and Druggists | Documents | Documents relating to commutation of Luciano sentence | Dod - Don | Dodd, William V. | Dodds, Bligh A. | Dodds, Dr. Harold W. | Dodds, Hon. Bligh A. | Dodge | Dodge, Ann | Dodge, Hon. William A. | Dodge, William C., Radio Address for Harold W. Hastings. October 29, 1937 | Doe | Doell, Henry V. | Doering, Bert A. | Doh | Doj - Dot | Dol | Dolan, Peter A. | Dolge, Rudolf | Doll, Hon. William | Dominican Republic | Dominick, Gayer G. | Domore Seating Service | Don | Don - Dov | Don-Dt | Donahue; Donohue | Donal, McGonigal | Donaldson | Donaldson, Gerald | Donation Prize | Donation, April - August, 1949 | Donation, April - June, 1947 | Donation, April - June, 1948 | Donation, April - June, 1950 | Donation, April - June, 1951 | Donation, April - May, 1953 | Donation, Aug. - Oct., 1952 | Donation, Jan. - Apr., 1954 | Donation, Jan. - April, 1952 | Donation, Jan. - March, 191'51 | Donation, Jan. - March, 1953 | Donation, January - March, 1947 | Donation, January - March, 1948 | Donation, January - March, 1949 | Donation, January - March, 1950 | Donation, July - Sept., 1951 | Donation, July - September, 1947 | Donation, July - September, 1948 | Donation, July - September, 1950 | Donation, June - Sept, 1953 | Donation, May - Aug., 1954 | Donation, May - July, 1952 | Donation, Nov. - Dec., 1952 | Donation, November - December, 1948 | Donation, Oct. - Dec., 1951 | Donation, Oct. - Dec., 1953 | Donation, October - December, 1947 | Donation, October - December, 1950 | Donation, October, 1948 | Donation, Sept. - Dec., 1954 | Donation, September - December, 1949 | Donations, 1943 | Donations, 1944 | Donations, 1945 | Donations, 1945-49 | Donations, 1946 | Donations, 1950-51 | Donations, 1952 | Donations, 1953 | Donations, 1954 | Dondero, Hon. George A. | Donlan, Mary H. | Donlon, Hon. Mary | Donlon, Hon. Mary H. | Donlon, Mary | Donn | Donnellan, George | Donnelly | Donnelly, Betty Hawley | Donnelly, Francis X. | Donnelly, Mrs. Betty Hawley | Dono | Donohue, R. A. | Donohur, R. A. (out Jan, 1952) | Donovan | Donovan, Col. William I., A-B | Donovan, Col. William I., C-E | Donovan, Col. William I., F-K | Donovan, Col. William I., L-N | Donovan, Col. William I., O-Z | Donovan, Lawrence J. | Donovan, Lawrence. J. | Donovan, William J. | Doo | Doo - Dov | Doo - Doz | Dor | Dormitory Authority | Dorn, Clara | Dorn, Paul | Dorr | Dorsey, Leroy H. | Dorsey, Mrs. Catherine | Dosch, Emilia | Dot | Dotson, Hon. Dolton | Dou | Dou - Doz | Doubleday, Aug. 27, 1953-May, 1957 | Doubleday, Aug. 4, 1950-July 24, 1952 | Doubleday, July 25, 1952-Aug. 26, 1953 | Doubleday, Robert F. | Dougherty | Douglas, Hon. Lewis W. | Douglas, Hon. William O. | Douglas, L. W. | Douglas, Lewis W. | Douglas, Mr. L. W. | Douglas; Douglass | Douglass | Douglass Day | Dover, Borough of | Dover, Delaware, September 25, 1968 | Dow | Dow - Dru | Dow - Dt | Dowd, Bernard W. | Downes, Carroll | Downes, Theresa B. | Downey, Kavanaugh | Downs, Ross Sherman | Dows, Hon. David | Doy | Doyle | Doyle, Marion and John | Doyle, Thomas H. | Doyle, Thomas J. | Dozier, Hon. Curtis M. | Dozier, R. Clarence | Dr | Dra | Draft B. Later Versions | Draft B. Two Versions | Draft, read and revised by Gene Farmer | Drafts for TED after January 1, 1960 | Drafts for TED prior to 1960 | Drake | Drake University | Drake, James S. | Draper, Miles H. | Draper, William H. | Dre | Dresser, R. B. | Dressler, Hon. David | Dreyer, Dr. F. H. | Dreyfuss, R. M. | Dri | Drick, Anna | Drick, Mrs. Anna | Driscall; Driscoll | Driscoll, David | Driscoll, Gov. Alfred E. | Driscoll, Hon. Alfred E. | Drucker, Mrs. Mildred Fenton | Drug Addiction | Drum, Gen. Hugh A. | Drum, Gen. Hugh A., 1943-44 | Drum, Gen. Hugh A., 1945-47 | Drum, Gen. Hugh A., 1948 | Drum, Gen. Hugh A., Camp | Drum, Hugh A. | Drum, Lt. Gen. Hugh A. | Drum, Lt. Gen. Hugh H. | Drum, Mrs Hugh A. (Mary) | Drummond, Roscoe | Drv - Dz | Du | Du - Dum | Du - Dz | Du-Dz | Dua | Dua - Dud | Duane Jones Company | Dubin, Jack J. | Dubinsky, David | Dubuque, Joseph | Ducas, Robert | Ducker, Raymond | Duckworth, Hon. J. Lon | Dudin, Bladimir | Dudley, Richard C. | Due - Dunk | Duf | Duff, Hon. James H. | Duff, William M. | Duffie; Duffey; Duffy | Duffy | Duffy, B. C. | Duffy, Ben | Duffy, Ben C. | Dug | Dugan | Dugan, Thomas J. | Duggan, W. J. | Dulce, Jules | Dulles, David | Dulles, Allen | Dulles, Allen W. | Dulles, John Foster | Dulles, John Foster (1 Folder out 3/73 kk) | Dulles, John Foster (missing kk 2/73) | Dulles, John Foster (missing kk 3/73) | Dulles, John Foster (out 7/74; per jf) | Dulles, John Foster. February 10, 1947 | Dulles, John Poster (out kk 3/73) | Dulles, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Welsh | Dulles, Mr. and Mrs. John Foster (Janet) | Dumas., Edmund A. | Dumbarton Oaks Conference | Dumond, Millard | Dun | Dun - Dz | Dunbar, F. E. | Duncan | Duncan, A. E. | Duncan, C. William | Duncan, Dr. and Mrs. William P. | Duncan, Mrs. William Rucy | Duncan, Tom: The busy beavers (4H Club of Rhinebeck, New York) presented to Dewey at Dutchess County Fair, 1947. | Dunham | Dunham, Corydon B. | Dunham, Zula Mae Crain | Dunkirk Harbor | Dunkirk Public Schools | Dunkirk-Fredonia Area, Route 5 | Dunl - Dur | Dunlap | Dunn | Dunn, Barbara R. | Dunn, Fay | Dunn, Hon. Roy | Dunn, John "Cockeye" | Dunn, Rogers C. | Dunn, William | Dunn; Dunne | Dunne, Mrs. James (Ida Lee) | Dunnigan, John J. | Dunnington, Dr. John | Dunst | Dunwald, Mrs. Winifred W. | Duplicate Transcripts, Rolls 4-60 | duPont, Frank V. | duPont, Hon. Frank V. | Dupuis, Mrs. C. | Duque, Lt. Col Elpidio P. | Dur | Durcansky, Dr. Ferdinand | Durkin, Clara Jewell | Duryea, Cmdr. Perry B. | Duryea, Hon. Perry B. | Duryea, Perry B. | Duryee, Dr. A. Wilbur | Duryee, Mrs. A. Wilbur (Margaret) | Dus | Dus - Dz | Dusenberry, Charles E. | Dushkind, Mrs. Hannah G. | Dutch Elm Disease | Dutchess | Dutchess County | Dutchess County Agricultural Agent | Dutchess County District Attorney | Dutchess County Fair | Dutchess County Treasurer | Dutchess County, October 14, 1950, A-I | Dutchess County, October 14, 1950, J-Z | Dutchess, County of | Dutchess, County of, Treasurer | Dutton | Dw | Dwyer | Dy | Dyer, Sid | Dyhrenfurth, Hettie | Dykema, Peter W. | Dziobkiewicz, Mary |