A |
A - Ak |
A - M |
A - Z, after January, 1942 |
A film without sound or captions; appears to be Dewey in Utah 1940. At the end it states: Produced by Thomas E. Dewey Citizens Committee |
A Miscellaneous (After December 31, 1960) |
A Miscellaneous (Prior to 1961) |
A New Home 1940 |
A Salute to the Victors 1946 |
A- Miscellaneous |
A-B |
A-D |
A-D Correspondence |
A-Miscellaneous |
A-Unknown |
A. M. E. Zion Church |
Aa |
Aa - Abrams |
Aa - Ad |
Aa - Ak |
Aa - Az |
Aa-Ak |
Abandoned Property |
Abandoned property - Law |
Abbey, Victor L. |
Abbot, C. J. |
Abbott |
Abbott, Christopher J. |
ABC (tape recording). February 26, 1953 |
ABC-TV and NBC radio. New York, October 8, 1952 |
Abe |
Abelman, Max |
Aberle, Fred |
Abey, J. A. |
Abood, T. N. |
Abr |
Abraham Lincoln Republican Club |
Abrams |
Abrams, Albert E. |
Abrams, Harry |
Abrams, Paul |
Abramson - Adair |
Absentee Ballot |
Absentee Voting |
Ac |
Academic Dress |
Academy of Political and Social Science |
Ackerman |
Ackerman, Dr. Carl W. |
Ackerman, J. Walter |
Ackermann, Mrs. Grace |
Ackerson, Esta Grace |
Ackroyd, J. A. |
Acme Newspapers, Inc. |
Ad |
Adame - Adamson |
Adamo, Alfred P. |
Adamo, Anthony N. |
Adams |
Adams, Dorothy |
Adams, Francis A. |
Adams, Frank |
Adams, Gridley |
Adams, Hon. Sherman |
Adams, J. |
Adams, James Truslow |
Adams, Julius J. |
Adams, Mrs. Van Renselaer |
Adams, Provost Arthur Stanton |
Adams, Robert |
Adams, Roger |
Adams, Ruby Lee |
Adams, W. Lloyd |
Adc |
Add - Albert |
Addie, James E. |
Address . . . Kingston, New York, October 10, 1940 |
Address . . . Peoria, Illinois, October 28, 1940 |
Address . . .Birmingham, Alabama, May 29, 1940 |
Address . . .Burlington, Vermont, June 17, 1940 |
Address . . .Denver, Colorado, April 23, 1940 |
Address . . .Newman Award. . .Champaign, Illinois, May 2, 1939 |
Address . . .Oklahomas City, Oklahoma, April 17, 1940 |
Address . . .Pennsylvania Society, December 16, 1939 |
Address ... Albany, New York, October 25, 1938 |
Address ... American Newspaper Publishers' Association, April 28, 1938 |
Address ... Association of International Chiefs of Police, October 6, 1937 |
Address ... Binghamton, New York, October 28, 1938 |
Address ... Elmira, New York, October 27, 1938 |
Address ... Gridiron dinner, December 17, 1938 |
Address ... last radio talk of his campaign, November 7, 1938 |
Address ... Legal Aid dinner, May 11, 1938 |
Address ... Mineola, Long Island, New York, October 26, 1938 |
Address ... New York State Association of District Attorneys, June 11, 1938 |
Address ... Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League, November 11, 1938 |
Address ... Progressive Party rally, September 23, 1937 |
Address ... Queens, New York, November 4, 1938 |
Address ... Republican rally, Syracuse, New York, October 31, 1938 |
Address ... Republican Women's luncheon, September 13, 1937 |
Address ... Rochester, New York, October 19, 1938 |
Address ... The Bronx, November 2, 1938 |
Address ... Utica, New York, October 20, 1938 |
Address ... White Plains, New York, October 29, 1938 |
Address ... Young Men's Board of Trade, September 30, 1937; Noon |
Address, November 3, 1938 |
Address, September 12, 1935 |
Address. Albany, New York, October 21, 1942 |
Address. Binghamton, New York, October 27, 1942 |
Address. Brooklyn, New York, October 22, 1942 |
Address. Buffalo, New York, October 28, 1942; 9:15 p.m. |
Address. New York, October 29, 1942 |
Address. Troy, New York, October 21, 1942 |
Address. Utica, New York, October 20, 1942 |
Address. White Plains, New York, October 30, 1942 |
Address... at closing rally of his campaign, November 5, 1938 |
Address...Pasadena Civic Auditorium, October 23, 1956. |
Ade |
Adelman, S. Martin |
Adelphi College |
Adelstein, Stanford M. |
Adelsten, S. |
Ades, Harold |
Adirondack |
Adirondack League Club |
Adirondack State Park Commission |
Adjutant General |
Adjutant General Annual Report, 1944 |
Adjutant General Annual Report, 1945 |
Adjutant General Annual Report, 1946 |
Adjutant General Conspicuous Service Cross |
Adjutant General National Guard |
Adjutant General New York Guard 1943-1946 |
Adjutant General New York Guard Snow Removal Emergency |
Adjutant General New York Guard Strength Report |
Adjutant General, 1943-1944 |
Adjutant General, 1943-49 |
Adjutant General, 1943-49: Drum, Hugh A. |
Adjutant General, 1943-49: Hausauer, Karl F. |
Adjutant General, 1943-49: Kelly, William H. |
Adjutant General, 1945 |
Adjutant General, 1946 |
Adjutant General, 1950-54 |
Adler |
Adler, Col. Julius Ochs |
Administrative Counsel |
Administrative Procedure Meeting |
Administrative Process |
Admittance to Practice |
Adonis, Joe |
Adoption |
Adult Education |
Advertisements |
Advertising Council, Inc. |
Advertising, Mens Post #209 |
Advertising, Women of New York, Inc. |
Advisory Board on Public Works |
Advisory Committee (to Dr. Harvey) |
Advisory Committee of Governors of States |
Ae |
Ae - Ak |
Aerial Performers |
Aetna Insurance Group |
Affidavit to Bar Association |
Affiliated Property Owners |
Affiliated Young Democrats, Inc. |
Afghanistan |
African Academy of Arts and Research |
African Methodist Episcopal Church |
Afro-American Newspapers |
Ag |
Aged, Problems of |
Agenskee, Frances |
Agents for freedom. Advertising Federation of America. New York, June 23, 1942 |
Aginske, Frances |
Aginskee, Frances |
Agricultural Advisory Board |
Agricultural and Industrial School, 1943-49 |
Agricultural and Industrial School, 1943-49: Gatchell, Mrs. Evalyn |
Agricultural and Industrial School, 1943-49: Guarnieri, Louis |
Agricultural and Industrial School, 1943-49: Smith, Mrs. Erva W. |
Agricultural and Industrial School, 1943-49: Wareham, Harry P., Jr. |
Agricultural and Industrial School, 1950-54 |
Agricultural Commission |
Agricultural Commission: Newmark, Charles W. |
Agricultural Stabilization Program |
Agriculture |
Agriculture and Markets |
Agriculture and Markets, -1943 |
Agriculture and Markets, -1945 |
Agriculture and Markets, -1946 |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Babcock, Howard |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Birdsall, Webster J. |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Bond, Charles W. |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Cuthbert, Lawrence |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Davis, Dr. R. E. |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Decker, Frank N. |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Dickinson, C. L. |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Du Mond, C. Chester |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Graves, Mrs. Rhoda Fox |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Hopson, George H. |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Jones, Bruce P. |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Outwater, Carson H. |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Protest of Appointment of Babcock and Rathbun |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Rathbun, Henry H. |
Agriculture and Markets, Commissioner of: Searles, Vera McCrea |
Agriculture and Markets, Department of |
Agriculture and Markets, Deputy Commission of |
Agriculture and Markets, Division of State Affairs, 1943 |
Agriculture and Markets, Positions |
Agriculture and Markets, Positions: Johnson, Albert A. |
Agriculture and Markets, Positions: Leonard, John J. |
Agriculture and Markets, State Fair Commission |
Agriculture and Markets, State Fair Division |
Agriculture Commission |
Agriculture, Department of |
Agriculture, New York State Temporary Commission on |
Agriculture, Report of the New York State Temporary Commission on, Part I |
Agriculture, Report of the New York State Temporary Commission on, Part II |
Agriculture, Temporary Commission on, 1947-48 |
Agriculture, Temporary Commission on, 1948 |
Agudath Israel Youth Council |
Aguilar, P. J. Humberto |
Agway |
Ah |
Ahearn, Michael |
Ahepa |
Ahepa, Order of |
Ahle, Henry |
Ahlstrom, Agnes L. |
Ai |
Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, Inc. |
Aid to Korea Week |
Aid to the Veterans 1946 |
Aiken, Hon. George D. |
Ailshie, Mrs. Margaret |
Ailshie, William K. |
Ailskie, Mrs. Margaret |
Air Pollution Control |
Air War College |
Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association |
Aircraft Traffic |
Airline memo of agreement, 1949 |
Airlines Committee for United States Air Policy |
Airport Problems |
Airports of Tomorrow |
Aitchison, R. J. |
Akin Hall Association |
Al |
Al Hatem Saleem |
Al-Am |
Ala |
Alabama |
Alabama, Governor of |
Alabama, State of |
Alaska |
Alaska, Governor of |
Alaska, Territory of |
Albanese, Frank |
Albano, Vincent F., Jr. |
Albany |
Albany Academy |
Albany Auto Club |
Albany Baseball Club |
Albany Chamber of Commerce |
Albany Community Chest |
Albany Community Chest Drive |
Albany County Chapter of American Red Cross |
Albany County Council, Girl Scouts, Inc. |
Albany County District Attorney |
Albany County Investigation, - Election Frauds |
Albany County Investigation, - Imrie |
Albany County Investigation, - Judge Schenck |
Albany County Investigation, - Legislative |
Albany County Investigation, John J. Murphy, William J. Kilmartin et. al. |
Albany County Investigation, Ray M. Page |
Albany County Restaurant Liquor Dealers Association, Inc. |
Albany Firemen |
Albany Gambling |
Albany Hospital |
Albany Housing Authority |
Albany Institute of History and Art |
Albany Inter Racial Council, Inc. |
Albany Investigation |
Albany Investigation, "Sonny Jones" Case |
Albany Jewish Welfare Fund |
Albany Light Opera Company |
Albany Plan of Union |
Albany Port District Commission |
Albany Port District Commission: Crary, John C. |
Albany Port District Commission: Hoogkamp, Herman F. |
Albany Retail Food Merchants Association |
Albany Society of New York |
Albany Symphony Orchestra |
Albany Tax Assessment Investigation |
Albany Taxi Cabs |
Albany Women's Club |
Albany, City of |
Albany, City of, Mayor |
Albany, County of, District Attorney |
Albany, County of, Gambling |
Albany, New York, (radio), February 27, 1949 |
Albany, New York, (radio), March 29, 1950 |
Albany, New York, (radio), May 2, 1949 |
Albany, New York, April 1, 1943 |
Albany, New York, April 12, 1948 |
Albany, New York, April 27, 1945 |
Albany, New York, April 9, 1954 |
Albany, New York, August 31, 1950 |
Albany, New York, December 8, 1944 |
Albany, New York, February 14, 1946 |
Albany, New York, February 15, 1954 |
Albany, New York, February 25, 1943 |
Albany, New York, February 25, 1948 |
Albany, New York, February 28, 1946 |
Albany, New York, February 4, 1945 |
Albany, New York, February 4, 1954 |
Albany, New York, January 1, 1943 |
Albany, New York, January 1, 1947 |
Albany, New York, January 1, 1951 |
Albany, New York, January 12, 1954 |
Albany, New York, January 16, 1950 |
Albany, New York, January 17, 1949 |
Albany, New York, January 18, 1944 |
Albany, New York, January 20, 1943 |
Albany, New York, January 20, 1950 |
Albany, New York, January 25, 1954 |
Albany, New York, January 26, 1949 |
Albany, New York, January 29, 1949 |
Albany, New York, January 3, 1945 |
Albany, New York, January 4, 1939 |
Albany, New York, January 4, 1945 |
Albany, New York, January 5, 1944 |
Albany, New York, January 5, 1949 |
Albany, New York, January 6, 1943 |
Albany, New York, January 7, 1948 |
Albany, New York, January 8, 1947 |
Albany, New York, January 9, 1945 |
Albany, New York, July 1, 1944 |
Albany, New York, July 13, 1944 |
Albany, New York, July 30, 1945 |
Albany, New York, June 10, 1946 |
Albany, New York, June 2, 1948 |
Albany, New York, March 12, 1945 |
Albany, New York, March 28, 1952 |
Albany, New York, March 3, 1954 |
Albany, New York, March 7, 1946 |
Albany, New York, May 11, 1954 |
Albany, New York, May 12, 1954 |
Albany, New York, May 15, 1943 |
Albany, New York, May 16, 1946 |
Albany, New York, May 17, 1950 |
Albany, New York, May 26, 1944 |
Albany, New York, May 26, 1946 |
Albany, New York, May 4, 1945 |
Albany, New York, November 11, 1947 |
Albany, New York, November 19, 1945 |
Albany, New York, November 4, 1946 |
Albany, New York, November 6, 1944 |
Albany, New York, November 9, 1945 |
Albany, New York, October 14, 1946 |
Albany, New York, October 15, 1943 |
Albany, New York, October 17, 1946 |
Albany, New York, October 18, 1943 |
Albany, New York, October 18, 1948 |
Albany, New York, October 19, 1944 |
Albany, New York, October 22, 1945 |
Albany, New York, October 23, 1945 |
Albany, New York, October 3, 1944 |
Albany, New York, October 3, 1946 |
Albany, New York, October 7, 1946 |
Albany, New York, September 15, 1949 |
Albany, New York, September 17, 1954 |
Albany, New York, September 30, 1946 |
Albe |
Albee, Ronald M. |
Albert Frank-Guenther Law |
Albertz, Hubert |
Albion State Training School |
Albion State Training School: Cooper, Dr. Dorothy O. |
Albion State Training School: Miles, Nile M. |
Albion State Training School: Pollard, Mrs. Stephen K. |
Albion State Training School: Renouf, Mrs. Edward H. |
Albion, Village of, Dump Nuisance |
Albr - Alden |
Albrecht, William H. |
Albright |
Albright, Horace M. |
Albright, Horace Marden |
Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 22, 1948 |
Alc |
Alchus, Mrs. Anna |
Alcoholism |
Alcoholism, 1952 |
Alcoholism, Care and Treatment, New York City |
Alcott, G. F. |
Alden, Jean Andersen |
Alden, Mrs. Jean A. |
Alder - Alex |
Alderman, Third Ward, City of Hudson |
Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop |
Aldrich, Mrs. Winthrop W. |
Aldrich, Winthrop |
Ale |
Aleman, Miguel |
Alexander |
Alexander, Albert S. |
Alexander, Dr. Ruth |
Alexander, Frederick A. |
Alexander, Hon. G. Harold |
Alexander, Zenobia A. |
Alexandria, Louisiana, May 13, 1941 |
Alexandria, Va. Fire Engine |
Alf |
Alfange, Dean |
Alfange, Hon. Dean |
Alfieri, Paul A. |
Alfo - All |
Alfred Agricultural and Technical Institute |
Alfred University |
Alfred, New York, November 16, 1945 |
Algase, Gertrude |
Alger, Martin J. |
Alhatem, Saleem |
Ali Asaf |
Aliotta, Paolino |
Alk |
All |
All American Division |
All American Puzzle Contest |
All Souls Universalist Church |
All-States, WAC Recruiting Campaign |
Allegany County Investigation |
Allegany County Soil Conservation District |
Allegany State Park Commission |
Allegany State Park Commission, Hopkins, Ward G. |
Allegany State Park Commission: Congdon, Charles E. |
Allegany State Park Commission: Edson, Walter H. |
Allegany State Park Commission: Fruden, William |
Allegany State Park Commission: Hamlin, Chauncey J. |
Allegany State Park Commission: Kaiser, Fred G. |
Allegany State Park Commission: Ward, John C. |
Allegany State Park Commission: Weber, Matthew |
Allegheny County Election Poll |
Allegheny Forest Experiment Station |
Allegheny Ludlum Steel |
Allen |
Allen , Leroy E. |
Allen H. |
Allen Lawrence W., Esquire |
Allen, C. Walter |
Allen, Charles |
Allen, Cleveland G. |
Allen, Dorothy |
Allen, Edward W. |
Allen, H. |
Allen, Hon. Henry J. |
Allen, Hon. J. H. |
Allen, J. H. |
Allen, Lester E. |
Allen, Mrs. Rose Marie |
Allen, Niel R. |
Allen, S. Eugene. May l0, 1948 |
Allen, Sam T. |
Allen, Sheila |
Allentown, Pennsylvania, October 25, 1956 |
Allf |
Alli |
Allied |
Allied Liquor Industries, Inc. |
Allied Printing Trades Council |
Allison, Guy |
Allison, William |
Alm |
Alm - Amer |
Almirall, Leon V. |
Alp |
Alsup, Evalena |
Altamont, New York, September 18, 1950 |
Altman |
Altman, B. and Company |
Altman, Miss Silvia |
Altman, Parish School |
Altomare, Mrs. Mary |
Altshul, Frank |
Altshuler, Miss Lydia |
Aluisio, Mrs. Carzelle |
Alves, Joseph |
Alvey-Ferguson Company |
Am |
Amadei, James |
Amalgamated Sugar Company |
Amawlak-Shenorock Water Board |
Ambassador Hotels, Inc. |
Amberg, Richard H. |
Ambro, Jerome |
Ame |
Amendments to the State Constitution |
American |
American Academy of Political and Social Science |
American Action, Inc. |
American Affairs |
American Agriculturist |
American Airlines |
American Airlines, Inc. |
American Art Week |
American Association for Jewish Education |
American Association for the United Nations, Inc. |
American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers, Inc. |
American Association of Social Workers |
American Association of State Highway Officials |
American Association of Univeristy Women |
American Association of University Women |
American Association on Mental Deficiency |
American Automobile Association |
American Bakeries |
American Bar Association |
American Bar Association Address, June, 1957 |
American Bar Association, Atlanta, Georgia. February 22, 1958 |
American Bar Foundation |
American Bible Society |
American Bowling Congress |
American Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association, Inc. |
American Broadcasting Company |
American Bureau for Medical Aid to China |
American Business Congress |
American Camp Week |
American Cancer Society |
American Chemical Society |
American Citizenship Foundation |
American City |
American Civil Liberties Union |
American College of Surgeons |
American College of Trial Lawyers |
American Communications Association |
American Confederation for Enlisted Men, Inc. |
American Council for Judaism |
American Council for Judaism, Inc. |
American Democratic National Committee |
American Design Awards |
American Design Awards Committee |
American Druggist |
American Economic Foundation |
American Education Week |
American Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs |
American Enterprise Association |
American Expansion Bolt Manufacturing Company |
American Express |
American Express Company |
American Federation for Polish Jews |
American Federation of Labor |
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees |
American Federation of Teachers |
American Federation of the Physically Handicapped, Inc. |
American Federationist |
American Financial and Development Corporation for Israel |
American Foreign Policy |
American Friends of Czechoslovakia |
American Friends of Greece |
American Fund for Israel Institutions |
American Fund for Palestinian Institutions |
American Gold Star Mothers |
American Heart Association |
American Heart Week |
American Heritage Foundation |
American Home, The |
American Hotel Association |
American Humane Association |
American Hungarian Federation |
American in a troubled world. New York, January 20, 1940 |
American Indian Day |
American Institute for France, Inc. |
American Institute of Architects |
American Institute of Cooperation |
American Institute of Pacific Relations, Inc. |
American Institute of Steel Construction |
American Institute of Wholesale Plumbing and Heating Supply Association |
American Irish Historical Society |
American Iron and Steel Institute |
American Jewish Committee |
American Jewish Conference |
American Jewish Congress |
American Jewish Life |
American Jewish Tercentenary Committee |
American Jewish Tercentenary Joint Legislative Committee |
American Judicature Society |
American Korean Foundation |
American Korean Foundation, Reports to Robert K. Christenberry |
American Labor Party |
American Lawn Tennis, Inc. |
American League Baseball Club |
American League for a Free Palestine |
American Legion |
American Legion - General |
American Legion 1952 National Convention |
American Legion Auxiliary |
American Legion Children's Camp |
American Legion Circus Committee |
American Legion Convention |
American Legion, Annual Convention |
American Legion, Auxiliary |
American Legion, Department of New York |
American Legion, National Headquarters |
American Legion, Photographs |
American Legion, Speech |
American Library Association |
American Locomotive Company |
American Magazine |
American Marketing Association |
American Medical Relief for Italy |
American Merchant Marine Conference |
American Merchant Marine Institute |
American Mercury, The |
American Mining Congress |
American Mission of Lepers |
American Mother's Committee |
American Museum of Natural History |
American National Theatre and Academy |
American Naturopathic Association, Inc. |
American Newspaper Publications Association |
American Newspaper Publishers Association |
American Orthodox Church |
American Osteopathic Association |
American Overseas Aid and United Nations Appeal for Children |
American Palestine Committee |
American Peace Society |
American Platform Guild |
American Prison Association |
American Prison Congress |
American Public Power Association |
American Public Welfare Association |
American Red Cross |
American Red Cross, Cruise Letter |
American Red Mogen David for Palestine |
American Relief for Italy |
American Relief for Poland |
American Rheumatism Association |
American Schoolmen's Association |
American Shore and Beach Preservation Association |
American Signal Corporation |
American Silent Guest Committee |
American Silent Guest Committee, Inc. |
American Slav Day |
American Smelting and Refining Company |
American Society for Cultural Relations with Italy, Inc. |
American Society for Friendship with Switzerland |
American Society in London |
American Theatre Wing |
American Tobacco Company |
American Veterans |
American Veterans Committee |
American Veterans Committee, - Petitions Concerning Rent Control |
American Veterans of World War II |
American Viewpoint, Inc. |
American War Dads |
American War Mothers |
American Women Against Communism |
American Women in Radio and Television |
American Women's Voluntary Services |
American Women's Volunteer Services |
American Youth for Democracy |
American Youth Forum |
American Zionist Council |
American Zionist Emergency Council |
American, A-D |
American, A-F |
American, A-L |
American, E-L |
American, E-M |
American, G-L |
American, M-Q |
American, M-S |
American, M-Z |
American, N-Z |
American, R-Z |
American, T-Z |
American-LaFrance Foamite Corporation |
Americans for Democratic Action |
Amerikai Magyar Nepszava |
Amerson, Mrs. Anna |
Ames |
Ames - Anden |
Ames, Edward R. |
Ames, George F. |
Ami |
Amjad, Ali |
Amlie, Oliver |
Ammerman, Mrs. Benjamin |
Amrepol Club |
Amrepol Club Inc. |
Amrose, Matt |
Amsterdam |
Amsterdam Gambling |
Amsterdam News |
Amstrong, George S. |
Amvets |
AMVETS, World War II |
An |
An - Ande |
An - Ar |
An error in numbering was made --- Box 256 does not exist. |
An-Ar |
Ana |
Analyses |
Anchor Club |
Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite |
Ancient Order of Hibernians |
Anders |
Anderson |
Anderson - Anderx |
Anderson, Alfred |
Anderson, D. |
Anderson, Dr. Benjamin M. |
Anderson, Floyd E. |
Anderson, H. |
Anderson, Hon. Floyd E. |
Anderson, Hon. Warren M. |
Anderson, Hugold B. |
Anderson, James C. |
Anderson, John W. |
Anderson, Leo V. |
Anderson, M. Margaret |
Anderson, Mrs. Robert |
Anderson, R. |
Anderson, Sigurd J. |
Anderson, Vivienne |
Anderson, Walter H. |
Anderson, Walter T. |
Anderson, William F. |
Anderson; Andersen |
Andes |
Andes - Ant |
Andr |
Andr - As |
Andreani, Dr. Attillio |
Andreas, Dwayne O. |
Andresen, August H. |
Andrews |
Andrews, Charles T. |
Andrews, Claude B. |
Andrews, Don |
Andrews, Dr. Paul Shipman |
Andrews, Helen |
Andrews, Hon. W. G. |
Andrews, Hon. Walter G. |
Andrews, Hon. William T. |
Andrews, Max |
Andrews, Paul S. |
Andrews, Peter B. B. |
Andrews, W. G. |
Andrews, William T. |
Ane |
Ang |
Angell, Hon. Montgomery B. |
Anglo-American Petroleum Treaty |
Ann |
Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 26, 1956 |
Annenberg, Walter |
Annenberg, Walter H. |
Annie T. Dewey and Family |
Annie T. Dewey, S/H Statements, 1938-43 |
Annie T. Dewey, S/H Statements, 1950-53 |
Annie T. Dewey, S/H Statements., 1944-49 |
Anniston, Alabama, May 14, 1941 |
Annual Message |
Annual Message to the Legislature. Albany, New York, January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, 1947 |
Annual Message, 1948 |
Annual Message, 1949 |
Annual Message, 1951 |
Annual Message, 1952 |
Annual Message, Agriculture. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Albany, New York, January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Alcoholism, January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Billboard Regulation. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Building Codes. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Business, Labor and Agriculture. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Children's Services. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Civil Defense. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Civil Service Reorganization. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Conclusion. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Congratulations |
Annual Message, Conservation. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Court of Appeals. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Court System. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Crime Commission. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Crime. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Drafts and notes. January 3, 1951 |
Annual Message, Election Law Reforms. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Final draft and copy for printer. January 4, 1950 |
Annual Message, General. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Governor |
Annual Message, Health. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Highway Safety. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Highway Safety. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Highways and the Motorist. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Housing. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Housing. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Inaugural Message, Governors of other States |
Annual Message, Indian Affairs. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Introduction and Integrity in Government. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Introduction. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Introduction. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Investigations. January 6. 1954 |
Annual Message, Labor. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Long Island Railroad. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Material for Message (not used). January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Material for Message (not used). January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Material not used. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Members of Armed Forces. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Members of the Armed Services. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Mental Health Commission. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Mental Health. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Mental Health. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Message Outline, Check Lists, etc. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Message Outline, Check Lists, etc. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Miscellaneous drafts and notes. January 4, 1950 |
Annual Message, Narcotics. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, New York City Finances. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, New York City. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Niagara and St. Lawrence. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Oleomargarine. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Originals, Not Used |
Annual Message, Other Matters. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Permanent Personal Registration. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Progress Against Discrimination. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Public Health. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Public Health. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Public Housing. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Public Works. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Re-written Material |
Annual Message, Rent Control. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Rent Control. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Rent Controls. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Retired Public Employees. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, Sabbath Laws. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, State Aid to Education. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, State Defense. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, State Finances. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, State Finances. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, State Finances. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, State Office Building Development. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, State University of New York. January 9, 1952 |
Annual Message, State University. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, State University. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message, Water Power. January 6, 1954 |
Annual Message, Youth Commission. January 7, 1953 |
Annual Message. Albany, New York, January 3, 1951 |
Annual Message. Albany, New York, January 4, 1950 |
Anonymous |
Anonymous, August - October 1948 |
Anonymous, August 22-September 3, 1948 |
Anonymous, August 8-21, 1948 |
Anonymous, July 11-24, 1948 |
Anonymous, July 25-August 7, 1948 |
Anonymous, June 13-26, 1948 |
Anonymous, June 27-July 10, 1948 |
Anonymous, No Date |
Anonymous, October 17-November 1, 1948 |
Anonymous, October 3-16, 1948 |
Anonymous, Secretary to a New York Dentist |
Anonymous, September 20-October 2, 1948 |
Anonymous, September 4-19, 1948 |
Anonymous, thru May, 1948 |
Anslinger, Henry J. |
Anson, W. J. |
Answer, The |
Ant |
Anthony, Richard H. |
Anthony, Susan B., Day |
Anthony, Susan B., Memorial, Inc. |
Anti-Discrimination |
Anti-Poll Tax Bill |
Anti-Semitic Activities |
Anti-Smuggling Law |
Anti-Strike Bill |
Anti-Strike Bill, Comments on, A-L |
Anti-Strike Bill, Comments on, M-Z |
Antich, Jaime Obrador |
Antlerless Deer |
Antonelli, Romano, M. D. |
Antony, Bellemay |
Anuskewicz, Benjamin T. |
Anyaumat, Jose Lopez |
Ap |
Ap - Ar |
Apartment, Correspondence |
Apartment, Material |
Apartments, New York City |
App - Arn |
Appeal for civilian defense volunteers. WEAF, May 27, 1942 |
Appellate Division, First Department |
Appellate Division, First Department: Bastow, Earle C. |
Appellate Division, First Department: Bergan, Francis (see also Third Department) |
Appellate Division, First Department: Breitel, Charles D. |
Appellate Division, First Department: Callahan, Joseph M. |
Appellate Division, First Department: Cohn, Albert |
Appellate Division, First Department: Dore, Edward S. |
Appellate Division, First Department: Foster, Sidney F. |
Appellate Division, First Department: Glennon, Edward J. |
Appellate Division, First Department: Heffernan, Christopher J. (See also Third Department) |
Appellate Division, First Department: McCurn, Francis D. (see also Fourth Department) |
Appellate Division, First Department: Peck, David W. |
Appellate Division, First Department: Shientag, Barnard |
Appellate Division, First Department: Van Voorhis, John |
Appellate Division, First Department: Wasservogel, Isidor |
Appellate Division, Fourth Department |
Appellate Division, Fourth Department: Cross, James T. |
Appellate Division, Fourth Department: Dowling, William F. |
Appellate Division, Fourth Department: Kimball, Henry J. |
Appellate Division, Fourth Department: Love, William F. |
Appellate Division, Fourth Department: McCurn, Francis D. (see also First Department) |
Appellate Division, Fourth Department: Piper, R. Foster |
Appellate Division, Fourth Department: Van Duser, H. Douglass |
Appellate Division, Fourth Department: Vaughan, Raymond C. |
Appellate Division, Fourth Department: Wheeler, John C. |
Appellate Division, Second Department |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Adel, Frank F. |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Beldock, George J. |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Carswell, William B. |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Close, Frederick |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Eldrich, Ray E. |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Lewis, Harry E. |
Appellate Division, Second Department: MacCrate, John |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Murphy, Charles S. |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Nolan, Gerald |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Olliffe, Lewis W. |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Sneed, Charles |
Appellate Division, Second Department: Wenzel, Henry G., Jr. |
Appellate Division, Third Department |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Bergan, Francis (see also First Department) |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Bliss, F. Walter |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Brewster, O. Bryon |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Coon, William H. |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Deyo, Martin |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Foster, Sidney |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Halpern, Philip |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Heffernan, Christopher J. (see also First Department) |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Imrie, Daniel F. |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Personius, Ely W. |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Santry, William F. |
Appellate Division, Third Department: Schenck, Gilbert B. |
Appendices to Herlands Report |
Appleton, Cecile |
Appleton, Wisconsin, April 2, 1948 |
Applicants |
Applicants, Letter regarding |
Applicants, Stenographic |
Applications |
Applications for Manager |
Appointments -- See Interim Appointments |
Apprenticeship Council |
Apprenticeship Council, 1947-50 |
Apprenticeship Council, 1951-53 |
Apprenticeship Council: Barney, William J. |
Apprenticeship Council: Chatman, Abraham |
Apprenticeship Council: Crocoll, Thomas W. |
Apprenticeship Council: Denny, Joseph |
Apprenticeship Council: Edwards, Edward W. |
Apprenticeship Council: O'Brien, Regis |
Apprenticeship Council: Taylor, James D. |
Apprenticeship Council: Wright, Ralph |
Apprenticeship Week |
Approximately forty reports of information for Dewey and his speeches on a wide variety of subjects. No summary listing is available. |
Apr-71 |
April - August, 1952 |
April - August, 1953 |
Ar |
Ara |
Aragones, Jaime J. Guardiola |
Araujo, Dr. Antonio M. |
Arbitration in Action |
Arbitration in International Controversy |
Arbitration Tribunal |
Arbor Day |
Archbishop Tourian Matter |
Archer, Jennie |
Archibald, Fred I. |
Archibald; Archibold |
Archibold, Eileen E. |
Archibold, Mrs. Robert F., Jr. |
Archinal, Hon. George |
Architects Conference |
Ard |
Argentina |
Argentine Republic |
Argento, Dr. William |
Argosy Magazine |
Arizona |
Arizona Harness Racing Association |
Arkansas |
Arkell, W. C. |
Arkwright, George A. |
Arkwright, Hon. George A. |
Arm |
Armbrecht, William H. |
Armed Forces Day |
Armed Forces Week |
Armenian |
Armfield |
Armfield, Mrs. Lulu |
Armistice |
Armistice Day |
Armitage, Glen N. |
Armories, Use of |
Armories-Use of |
Armstrong |
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish |
Armstrong, James J. |
Armstrong, Major Edwin H. |
Armstrong, Mont and Hazel |
Armstrong, O. K. |
Armstrong, Tom: Governor Dewey's birthday, March 24, 1947. |
Armstrong, Wade H. |
Army Air Force Storage Depot |
Army Air Forces |
Army and Air National Guard |
Army and Air National Guard and Naval Militia Association |
Army and Navy Legion of Valor |
Army and Navy Union |
Army and Navy Union, U.S.A. |
Army and Navy Union, USA |
Army Day |
Army Day Celebration |
Army Day Luncheon |
Army Nurse Week |
Army Times |
Army-Notre Dame Game |
Arn |
Arnall, Gov. Ellis |
Arndt, Raymond |
Arno, Albert |
Arnold |
Arnold, E. |
Arnold, Louis W., Jr. |
Arnold, Mrs. Dorothy |
Arnold, O. J. |
Arnold, William R. |
Arnone, Paul |
Arnow, Matson C. |
Aro |
Aro - Ast |
Aronson, Hon. J. Hugo |
Aronstamm, Mrs. George C. (Stella) |
Arr |
Art |
Art Commission |
Arterial Highways |
Arthur |
Articles |
As |
As - Az |
Asa |
Ash |
Ash, Russell Lee |
Ashbery, Hon. Ray S. |
Ashley, Moses Saint Mathew |
Ashmead, Warren B. |
Asi |
Asia Calling |
Asmus, Julia |
Asmus, Mrs. Julia |
Asphalt Institute |
Assembly |
Assessment and Review, Board of |
Associated |
Associated Colleges of New York |
Associated Colleges of Upper New York |
Associated Colleges of Upper, N. Y., Reports, Handbooks |
Associated General Contractors of America |
Associated Hospital Service |
Associated Hospital Service of New York |
Associated Industries |
Associated Industries of New York State |
Associated Industries of New York State, Inc. |
Associated Male Choruses of America |
Associated Motion Picture Advertisers |
Associated Professional Services |
Associated Teachers Interests Committees |
Associated Universities, Inc. |
Association |
Association for Improvement of Conditions in Mental Hospitals |
Association for the Help of Retarded Children |
Association for the Help of Retarded Children, Inc. |
Association for the Improvement of Conditions in Mental Hospitals, Inc. |
Association for the Improvement of Mental Hospitals |
Association of Canadian Clubs |
Association of Civil Service |
Association of Highway Officials of the North Atlantic States |
Association of New York State Canners |
Association of New York State Canners, Inc. |
Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs |
Association of New York State Young Republican Clubs, Inc. |
Association of State Civil Service Employees |
Association of State Planning and Developing Agencies |
Association of the Bar |
Association of the Bar - New York |
Association of the Bar of the City of New York |
Association of the Bar, City of New York |
Association of the Bar, New York City |
Association of the Junior Leagues of America |
Association of Towns |
Association of Towns of the State of New York |
Association of Women Broadcasters |
Associations |
Astor, Vincent |
Astrab, Michael E. |
At |
At - Az |
Ata |
Atc - Aun |
Athenagoras, Rt. Rev. |
Atherton, J. William |
Atherton, Warren H. |
Athletic Commission |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46 |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Brown, William |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Cassidy, Patrick M. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Christenberry, Robert K. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Donovan, Arthur B. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Dougles, Robert L. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Eagan, Lt. Col. Edward P. F. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Eilpern, George |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Felix, Barney J. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Fleischer, Nat |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Forbes, Frank |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Fugazy, Humbert J. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Hollis, Harri B. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Hower, Robeft |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Johnson, Hunter H. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Komar, Frank |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Lauster, Harold B. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: O'Rouke, Tex |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Perry, Albert D. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Phelan, John J. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Powell, Dr. C. B. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Rickover, Meyer |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Swears, Leon F. |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Vaccarella, Joseph |
Athletic Commission, 1942-46: Van Surdam, Henderson E. |
Athletic Commission, 1947-50 |
Athletic Commission, 1948 |
Athletic Commission, 1949 |
Athletic Commission, 1951-54 |
Athletic Commission, Deputy |
Athletic Commission, Deputy: Condon, William |
Athletic Commission, Deputy: Marazzi, James V. |
Athletic Commission, Deputy: Schlacht, Leonard J. |
Athletic Commission, Deputy: Susskind, Arthur, Jr. |
Athletic Commission, Medical Advisory Board |
Athletic Commission, Medical Advisory Board: Ferlaino, Dr. Frank R. |
Athletic Commission, Medical Advisory Board: Muzzicato, Dr. Charles |
Athletic Commission, Medical Advisory Board: Stevens, Dr. Marvin A. |
Athletic Commission, Positions |
Athletic Commission: Wallace, Lew |
Athletic Commission: White, Peter J. |
Athletic Commission: Wills, Harry |
Atkinson, George H. |
Atl |
Atlanta Constitution |
Atlanta, Georgia, February 22, 1958 |
Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company |
Atlantic City |
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission |
Atlantic Union Committee |
Atomic Energy Commission |
Atomic Foundation Trust |
Atsales, Peter G. |
Atsales, Peter George |
Atterbury, Grosvenor |
Attorney for the People |
Attorney General |
Attorney General, Deeds of Dession |
Attorney General, Office |
Attorney General, Office of |
Attorney General, Office of: Lowenthal, Philip |
Attorney General, Office of: Thaler, Louis K. |
Attorney General, U. S. Interstate Commerce Commission |
Atwater, H. C. |
Au |
Auburn Community College |
Auburn Prison |
Auburn, New York, July 3, 1946 |
Auburn., Voting Machines |
Auchincloss, Hon. James C. |
Auchincloss, James C. |
Auchincloss, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald (Ruth) |
Auchincloss, Reginald |
Auchincloss, Reginald L. |
Audit and Control |
Audit and Control, Department of |
Audit and Control, Employees' Retirement System |
Audit and Control, Positions |
Audit and Control, Retirement |
Audit and Control, Retirement Bureau |
Audit and Control, Transmittals |
Aur |
Aurelio Case |
Auriol, His Excellency Vincent |
Aus - Ay |
Ausable Club |
Austin |
Austin, Edmund O. |
Austin, Grace J. |
Austin, Hon. Warren R. |
Austin, Noel D. |
Austin, Samuel Y. |
Austin, Warren |
Australia |
Australia; Australian |
Austrian Consulate General |
Aut |
Author Meets The Critics |
Authorities Miscellaneous |
Auto License Tabs |
Automobile Club of New York |
Automobile Club of New York, Inc. |
Automobile Clubs |
Automobile Manufacturers Association |
Automobile Registration Stubs |
Automobiles |
Automobiles, Cadillac |
Automobiles, Pawling |
Av |
Avenue of Tomorrow |
Avery |
Avon Old Farms |
Avondale Marine Ways, Inc. |
Axelson |
Axford, Gracia Hamilton |
Ayer, N. W. and Son |
Ayer, N. W. and Son, Inc. |
Aylesworth, Merlin H. |
Ayres, Warren Joyce |
Az Ember |