A99 | Dear Sir, It is doubtless known to you we have in our city an ably conducted paper called "The Times and Commercial Intelligencer." | July 17, 1838 | |
A110 | Sir: Being aware that your station in Society enables you to exercise considerable influence.. | September 1, 1839 | |
A181 | Dear Sir, Permit us to call your attention to an Affidavit in the hands of the Hon. Thomas Corwin.. | August 6, 1850 | |
A201 | Honored and Dear Sir: We beg leave to call your attention to an important oversight in the Postage Bill now before the Senate.. | February 26,1851 | |
A253 | Dear Sir: In selecting your newspapers for the present session of Congress, we beg to call your attention to The Evening Post, It may be ordered by members, for any length of time, at the rate of the yearly subscription, which is as follows: | December 5, 1857 | |
A263 | Dear Sir: Herewith I send you the first number of my paper, issued on American soil. | October 1, 1862 | |
A305 | Office of the Railroad Record, Hon. Wm H. Seward | January 26,1864 | |
A377 | Office of Elkhorn Independent. To Buisness Men: Allow us to introduce to you Robert C. Munro | 1863 | |
A378 | Henry S. Clubb & Co., proprietors of the Weekly Clarion, Grand Haven, Mich., | 1863 | |
A379 | Office of the Waukegan Weekly Gazette. Gentlemen: Allow me to introduce to you, Mr. Rob't. C. Munro | 1863 | |
A382 | Daily Evening Bulletin | 186? | |
A406 | Advertising.--Yates County Whig. The Yates County Whig is a large and well printed weekly sheet, published every Thursday Morning, | 1856 | |
A408 | "The Herald of Freedom!" (A Paper for all who are interested in Kansas Affairs.) | 1856 | |
A412 | The Undersigned, for many years past the admirers and supporters of the National Intelligencer, for its nationality--its conservative character-- its devotion to the Union--its ability and its decorum--as well as combining a first-class newspaper with a h | December 5, 1860 | |
A417 | Philadelphia Evening Journal | August 26, 1865 | |
A510 | The metropolitan Fair Newspaper. | March 1864 | |
A530 | The following appeared in "The Daily News" of London, January 23, 1865. | 1866? | |
A549 | Hampton Normal & Agricultural Institute, at Hampton, VA. | January 25, 1872 | |
A557 | Opinions of the Press. | December, 1850? | |
A565 | Prospectus of the Constitution, A new daily paper to be published in Washington City, D.C. | November 12, 1850 | |
A571 | For twelve years we have been struggling in Clarion County, against an immense majority, combined with its influence both politically and personally, and without outside co-operating influences, this majority is gradually diminishing. | June 24, 1864 | |
A672 | Rochester Evening Express, A cheap daily newspaper, published every afternoon, and giving all the Telegraphic News | | |
A696 | The Producers' Price-Current. | May 20, 1871 | |
A697 | New York Weekly Financial Report. | December 15, 1871 | |
A777 | Our Country, published by the American Society to Promote Justice, 206 Broadway, cor, Fulton St., New York. | 1885? | |
B23 | A New Daily German Whig Paper.. | December 6, 1850 | |
D5 | | 1842 | |