Broadsides Collection: Results

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ID Title or First Line Date Page Image
A117To His Excellency Wm. H. Seward, Commander in Chief of the State of New YorkApril 18, 1840
A128Sir- We are happy to inform you that the Washington Temperance Benevolent Society..February 1, 1842
A131St. Patrick's Day. Irish Repeal.February 17, 1842
A132Celebration of the Thirteenth Anniversary of the New York State Temperance SocietyMarch, 1842
A137To Wm, H, Seward, Esq Dear Sir--The undersigned, a CommitteeJune 6, 1842
A143Sir, A Public Dinner will be given by Merchants..August 25, 1842
A152Dear Sir, The friends of Taylor and Fillmore intend celebrating..December 14, 1848
A154Sir: The Original Rough and Ready Club of this city, will celebrate the coming anniversary of the Birth of Washington..January 1849
A174Sir: On the 25th inst., the citizens of Burlington intend to celebrate, with appropriate festivities, the establishment of Railroad communication between the State of Vermont and the Atlantic Sea-Board.June 5, 1850
A175Sir, The Democratic Whig Citizens of Philadelphia, friends of the National and State Administrations..June 17, 1850
A225Sir: A number of the friends of Civil and Religious Liberty, in this city, have formed themselves into an Association to rescue from misreperesentation the tolerant and enlightened sentiments and principles of the Beloved Father of our common Country.February 12, 1856
A243Republican Festival. Dear Sir: You are especially invited to be present and participate in the Republican Festival and Supper, to be given at the house of Abraham F. Miller of this city, on Tuesday evening, Dec. 9th in honor of the Republican Victory..December 1, 1856
A276Sons of Michigan. Thirty-Seventh Anniversary of the Admission of the State of Michigan into the Union.January 12, 1864
A287Dear sir: The Government of the United States, a little more than a year ago, with a wisdom looking far beyond the burdens and anxieties of the hour, provided aid for the construction of a Railroad from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean.April 4, 1864
A486Dear Sir: I have the honor of extending to you, on behalf of the citizens of Washington, an ivitation to participate with us in the celebration of the approaching anniversary of our country's independence.July 2, 1863
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