Simon School of Business: Masters' Theses, 1956-1968


The Masters' theses listed here were written by University of Rochester students in the School of Business Administration (now the Simon School) between 1956 and 1968. The theses are not cataloged in the Voyager system and are held off-site. For more information, please contact Melissa S. Mead


Ackerman, Robert Adolph
School of Business Administration
Stock Market Listing and Market Performance1962
Ackley, Edward
School of Business Administration
Simple ratio approach for appraising managerial efficiency in periods of stable prices and periods....1964
Archibald, James
School of Business Administration
Capital Expenditure Allocation process1966
Arfman, Richard
School of Business Administration
Hamilton Engineering1961
Ashodian, Robert
School of Business Administration
Proposed inventory control system for alpha company1964
Atkinson, George
School of Business Administration
Labor Turnover1963
Bay, Donald
School of Business Administration
Impact of Lease Financing on Credit Analysisn.d.
Beardsley, David
School of Business Administration
Production control system for a small plastic molding company1962
Beetz, Henry J.
School of Business Administration
Current Department of Defense Procurement Practices and the Concomitant marketing1959
Bolt, Stanley
School of Business Administration
Study of nine industrial mergers1965
Brown, Glenn
School of Business Administration
Study of Vertical Cooperative Advertising with Special Emphasis on the photographic industry1962
Brueningsen, Arthur
School of Business Administration
Procedure for Construction and application of Labor Budgets1959
Burns, John
School of Business Administration
In-Line-Real-Time Data Processing in Bank1962
Burton, Jack B.
School of Business Administration
Determination of indirect labor productive time through work sampling methods1963
Cherkasky, Milton
School of Business Administration
Optimum Lot Sizes in Job Shops1960
Conn, Robert
School of Business Administration
Proposed Curriculum for Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Senior Year1962
Cook, W.W.
School of Business Administration
A New Time adjusted technique to Evaluate Capital Expenditure Proposals1960
Douglass, Gerald
School of Business Administration
Critical Examination of the Forced Choice, Critical Incident Ranking and Problem1962
Fertig, Robert
School of Business Administration
Examination of the Relative Importance to Customers, of Several Characteristics1963
Findley, Robert
School of Business Administration
Application of Industrial Engineering to Research Activities1962
Flaherty, John
School of Business Administration
Application of Work Measurement systems to inspection personnel1960
Fredlund, Keith
School of Business Administration
Decline and Recovery1964
Granger, Edward
School of Business Administration
Effects of the St. Lawrence Seaway on the Port of Rochester1960
Heiligman, David
School of Business Administration
Stock Dividends Effect on Market Pricen.d.
Heim, Donald
School of Business Administration
Stock Market, Short Interest1960
Honorio, Paulo
School of Business Administration
Influences of Economic Nationalism on Philippine Business and Trade1962
Hooper, Carolyn
School of Business Administration
Effect of Bank Size on Sources and uses of fundsn.d.
Horvath, Theodore
School of Business Administration
The Use of Quality Cost Data in Consumer Products Industries1963
Hyatt, Phillip
School of Business Administration
Expensing versus Capitalization of Research and Development Costsn.d.
Jaquith, Howard
School of Business Administration
Selected Dow-Jones Industrial Stocks1968
Jenkins, L.W.
School of Business Administration
Supervisory Ratings and Attitudes1964
Judd, Vaughan
School of Business Administration
Motivation Research: Its Use in the Advertising and Marketing of Industrial....1963
Kane, Robert
School of Business Administration
Research Managementn.d.
Kaplan, Harold
School of Business Administration
Appraisal of Leased Trucking as Against Common Carriage1966
Keene, George
School of Business Administration
Allocation of Research and Development Funds1959
Klepeis, William
School of Business Administration
Selection and Procurement of Industrial Research Personnel1964
Kreiss, Donald
School of Business Administration
Pricing of Interdivisional Transfers1962
Lanes, Martin
School of Business Administration
Computer Economics1962
Lanz, John
School of Business Administration
Workmen's Compensation in New York State with Major Emphasis on Accounting Aspects1959
Leader, Alan
School of Business Administration
Studying of the Purchasing agent members of the purchasing agents Association of Rochester1960
Levy, Theodore
School of Business Administration
Effect of a Significant Increase in the Cash Dividend Rate on the Market Pride of a Share Stock1964
Lewis, Donald William
School of Business Administration
Method for Determining Optimum Production Schedules of Box Cover Paper Produced by the Acme Manufacturing Co.1959
Lodato, Thomas
School of Business Administration
Consideration of non technical factors in the Design Running Analysis and Results on Quality My Control Experimental on Production Operations1961
Masucci, Ronald F.
School of Business Administration
An Appraisal of Earning Projection Techniques as applied to Selective Industrial Corporations1962
McIsaac, George
School of Business Administration
Meeting Resistance to Change within Industry1961
Perry, Robert
School of Business Administration
Marketing of Christmas Trees1965
Peyy, Robert
School of Business Administration
Marketing Resistance to change within Industry1961
Pompa, Richard
School of Business Administration
Valuation of Public Utility Stocks1964
Roach, Francis
School of Business Administration
Operational View of the Distribution Centers1960
Scheible, James
School of Business Administration
Industrial Communication Patterns--their relationship to employee peace of mind1959
Scherberger, Richard
School of Business Administration
Industrial Hygiene- a management guide to its principles and practice1957
Sertl, Clifford
School of Business Administration
Determination of an Optimum scheduling rule for manufacturing parts in job shop operations through computer simulation1960
Simmons, Harvey
School of Business Administration
Use of Industrial programming in a medium sized military electronics corporations to meet the schedule report requirements of the defense department1962
Smith, Gene
School of Business Administration
Evaluation and Control of Company sponsored research and development programs1962
Smith, Kenneth
School of Business Administration
Analysis of consumer store patterns and food purchases by income group1964
Sparling, Robert
School of Business Administration
Choosing the Right Channels of distribution for an industrial product - illustrated by a case study on optical gaging products1956
Spiegel, Gerard
School of Business Administration
Trading Stamps and their affect on Consumers and retailers in the food industry1960
Steve, William
School of Business Administration
1958 sales Potential for the pfaudler conical dryer-blender1958
Suter, Frank
School of Business Administration
Timing of income realization in the sale of services1966
Ten Eyck, Benjamin
School of Business Administration
Appendix of an analysis of average time spent waiting and riding on two elevators1961
Tsengas, Steven
School of Business Administration
Behavioral Implications in the design of the work situation1965
Watt, James
School of Business Administration
Psychological desire or motivation to save as it influences an individual's knowledge of services available at financial institutions in Erie County1963
Wells, Schuyler
School of Business Administration
Justification for the adoption of operations research by medium-sized corporation1963
Witzel, Robert
School of Business Administration
Program for the evaluation and control of capital expenditures for the food manufacturing company1963
Yu, P.L., Zeleny, M.
School of Business Administration
Set of all nondominated solutions in the linear cases and a multicriteria simplex methodn.d.
Zablotski, Joseph
School of Business Administration
Results of a survey of the marketing planning practices of a selected number of companies in Rochester area1959
Zavada, Roland
School of Business Administration
Analysis and forecast of motion picture theater attendance1960
Zinni, Joseph
School of Business Administration
Cost Criterion for a preventive maintenance program at Stromberg-Carlson1960