From Our Special Collections: Susan B. Anthony & Emma B. Sweet

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Letter to Emma B. Sweet, September 14, 1903.
Susan B. Anthony and Emma B. Sweet, 1896
Susan B. Anthony and Emma B. Sweet, 1896.

We all too often think of Susan B. Anthony as a fairly no- nonsense woman. And while it's true that she fought passionately for women's rights including the right to vote, the right to equal pay, and access to higher education, Anthony also shared with those close to her a wonderful sense of humor. The letter below reads: 

Sept. 14, 1903
Dear Mrs. Sweet
Send this circular to
your mother- it will make her laugh- 
Is not the relationship close? The 4th 
generation from Cousin Susan Howe Biddlecom, Otis- 
- She may send it back after she has laughed

over it- I hope your mother is well 
this summer- we are really having the hot 
weather we should have had in July & 
August -- but it won't last long-
-Affectionately yours
Susan B. Anthony

As this letter conveys, Anthony shared a circular with her friend and fellow Rochester, New York native, Emma B. Sweet with the hope that Sweet would pass the publication onto her mother. 

Unfortunately, we do not know if Sweet shared this circular or what if any reaction her mother had to its contents. 

What is certain however, is that along with caring about the status of women in general in the United States and around the world, Susan B. Anthony worked hard to maintain and sustain her personal relationships as well. Susan B. Anthony letter to Emma B. Sweet


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