From Our Special Collections: Thomas E. Dewey


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DEWEY, Thomas E.

The 1948 Presidential election pitted Republican candidate Thomas E. Dewey against the incumbent Democratic President, Harry S. Truman. Dewey was expected to win in a landslide, but when the votes were counted Truman had prevailed.

In this exchange of telegrams Dewey congratulates Truman on his victory and Truman responds.

The telegrams are from the Thomas E. Dewey Papers housed in the Department of Rare Books & Special Collections.   “Thomas E. Dewey and His Times,” an exhibition curated by the well-known author and presidential historian Richard Norton Smith will be on display in the Department October 16, 2008 – January 20, 2009. The exhibition was originally installed in 1982 to celebrate the publication of Smith’s biography of Dewey.   From the Thomas E. Dewey Papers

telegram from Dewey to Trumantelegram from Truman to Dewey


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