From Our Special Collections: Susan B. Anthony


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Report of the International Council of Women, 1888

One hundred and twenty-one years ago this month the International Council of Women met for eight days in Washington, DC.  This March we commemorate “Women’s History Month” by featuring  the published report of the Council that brought together 80 speakers and 49 delegates representing 53 women’s organizations from Canada, Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland, France, India, Ireland, Norway, Scotland, and the United States. The National American Woman Association, the Women’s Educational and Industrial Union, and the Women’s Christian Temperance Union participated as well as many other professional organizations, trade unions, benevolent societies, and arts groups. Susan B. Anthony was one of the principal organizers of the Council and the library’s copy of the Report of the International Council of Women is inscribed by her.  The frontispiece shows an engraving of Lucretia Mott. For more information about Susan B. Anthony and the women’s rights movement, see the online exhibition Susan B. Anthony:  Celebrating “A Heroic Life”



Additional resources:

International Council of Women proceedings titlepage