Volume VI · Spring 1951 · Number 3
Diaries of 1796-1797
Thursday 13 [Oct. 1796] this morning went out toward the River -- I wish to have the Children kept dress'd decently and neat and to be taught honesty and good Manners. with courage [not] to be afraid of any man, for them allways to remember the Creator, and that they are Accountable for their doings, and that they must dye -- if their should be any estate that you can make use of more than your good suport let the Children have it in good Education, not in a tyranical way, but in an open free generos manner.
Friday 14 at 4 o'clock afternoon sat out for Bufelow Creek -- travil'd 16 miles in the woods tward Niagary Stop'd about 9 o'clock at a little Camp in the woods --
Saterday 15 all day in the wood Saw nobody but Indians who are friendly -- at 4 o'clock left Niagary path & took the left hand at the Indian fields for Bufelow -- Stop'd in the wood about Sun set & struck up a fire at an Indian Camp & now begins to rain -- woolves & owls howling -- travil'd about 40 miles this day -- rain'd all most all night but moderate
Sunday 16 this morning pleasant set out at 6 o'clock -- Began to Rain about 10 o'clock and continued very wet all day -- travil'd from 12 o'clock on an Indian [plain?] . . . allmost entirely clear from trees and full of grass -- about half past 3 o'clock came to the edge of the plain and found a good Brook of water for Mills call'd Misceto Creak -- abot 4 o'clock got to Bufelow Creek -- at Skinners Inn --
Monday 17 Oct last night had about 4 Miles of all mud and mire knee high and all wood, rain'd some part of the time like a thunder shower went from Skinners on Lake Erie on a fishing rout with Indians & negrows as well as white men -- two miles northeast from Skinners at the mouth of Lake Ery -- return'd at night with a good mess of fish supt on them -- heard hear that Porter & Pease will not be hear / nothing short of 10 days. here wait --
Tuesday 18 -- in Bufelow found but only 5 houses but fine land about this place -- this day went down Lake Erie to the mouth of it and then down the River St. Lawrence [Niagara?] as far as Chipeway where there is an English fort with a guard of about 50 men -- 20 miles from Bufelow toward Niagary & 2 1/2 miles from the noted falls of Niagary Lodged at a Mr. Garners -- supt on Buck wheat Bread & milk --
Wednesday 19 went about 2 miles to sea the great falls -- on the uper part is a sawmill on the same plan that Olcotts mills are on, with two Saws & the Logs taken from the water above the Mills with a grist mill at the tail of the saw mill -- about 8 miles above Niagary on the British side -- another set of Mills on the same side both Saw mills & grist mills double both of them 1/2 mile apart above the Great Bar which is 14 Miles from Niagary -- from the Bar there is a Continual Cloud of the Spray of the waters that falls and Breaks Said to be about 140 feet perpendicular fall Rapids above & below -- Fort Slusher [Schlosser] is oposit Chipeway in the American possession -- without any troops -- where I went this day and found a good orchard of apples. They were sold at one dollar a Bushel -- came back to Mr. Fannings house on the Brittish side the river hear is about 2 miles wide --
Thursday 20 this morning looks likely to rain or snow -- found this place full of what we used to Call Tories, and brother Absconders from debt the Devil &c -- the people appear to be in a gentleman like stile, but full of poverty in general Intend to go back to Bufelow & wait till Porter & Pease comes in -- Spent this day in idleness at Mr. Fannings, wrote a Letter to send home by Mr. Pease while I was waiting for the Boat to go to Bufelow --
Friday 21 Rainy this morning and last night -- went over to Fort Slusher [Schlosser] to Mr. Steadmans this afternoon --
Saterday 22 this day at work for Mr. Steadman picking Corne and Apples which apples he sells at one dollar a bushel & Cyder at 10 dollars pr Barrel -- here is an Excellent seat for a forge or Saw mill own'd by Steadman on the Falls --
Sunday 23 this day went down the River about 2 miles from Mr. Steadmans on the American side to the great falls where I Saw the mill Seat that is mentioned on 23d page [see entry for Saturday 22] which is very Convenient for forge or any kind of mills in a number of formes water from the River in plenty after noon went over to Chipeway side. Viewed two Indian graves where they had a great Battle in former times 25 feet acros round in form about 8 ft high large trees have grown over since the Burying the graves on the north side of Chipeway at the mouth this night lodged at Chipeway in Mr. Gardners house --
Saterday 29 Oct. 1796 wrote a letter to Miss [Mrs.] Granger at Chipeway in the Brittish dominions dated the 20 of Oct 1796 which I intend to send by Mr. Pease
Sunday 30 last night lodged at Mr. Saxtons a good house of Entertainment. 10 miles from Canadargua -- got to Mr. Plats in Canadargua about 10 o'clock -- when I heard that Porter & Pease had got in last night Expect to see them this day -- Have seen Mr. Pease -- about 12 o'clock found Majr. Kent at Mr. Platts -- who Brot me a Letter from Miss Granger -- Have finished a deed to Col. Granger of the Island dam which I intend to send on by Mr. Pease -- I wrote a letter to Miss Granger in Albany about the 2d of Oct. and inclosed a note sign'd by Ruel Russel, which I find is not come to hand -- I wrote by Mr. Peter Bewels wagenors who belonged in Coventry, they promised to leave the Letter in the post office in Hartford --
Wednesday 2d Novr about to set out for our place the Genesea River in good spirits this morning Better than yesterday I can not wait for Fidling & Danceing -- Pease is to set out this morning --
Tuesday 14th March 1797 wind northerly an dowdy in the morning, rainy afternoon. John Parks came in yesterday & brot us a fine goose, wilde one -- last Sunday he found Molley, Charles wife in the mud near Braddocks bay who is suppos'd to have perished in november last in a snow storme -- Dan went to the Mill after Boards in the storm -- This night eat the goos at Mr. Kings
Wednesday 15 wind northeast clear day raised the rafters of the 3d house -- Parks began the road down the hill
Saterday 18 Clear morning wind northerly -- went after gease to Braddocks bay with Parks & Doct. Narrimore got none. Sunday stormy -- day of snow wind northeast
Monday 20 pleasant weather returning home in the afternoon -- found my Father & Mr. King at our house came on Sunday
Tuesday 18 April 1797 wind westerly & snow this day Since the 20th of March I have omitted my dayly journal In the course of the month past we have dug the road down to the River -- we have had several snow storms during the month past -- last Sunday Parks kill'd the first Rattle Snake that has ben seen about us -- last on Wednesday Mr. Kings had an ox mired and died --
Saterday 22 April 1797 Pleasant day wind northeast -- burnt Brush --
Wednesday 26 April 1797 Pleasant morning light winds northerly -- went up to Mr. Dugins to finish the Election.
Thursday 27 a pleasant day and warm -- wind southerly -- went from Duganses to Capt. Gansons & return'd, as far as Mr. Olmsteads
Thursday 4 Light wind southerly, hazy morning -- pleasant day Kill'd 25 snakes. Williams & Eddy Return'd from Canadargua Dan Row and Chester Allin came here from Gerundegut [Irondequoit] --
Tuesday 16 Hazy morning winds light -- Set out with Parks to go throw the woods to Niagary to Look a roade throw -- defered setting out this day --
Wednesday 17 Pleasant morning, but cold & frosty, This day about 9 o'clock set out for Niagary throw the woods with John Parks & Dan Rowe as far as Bradocks bay Town at Mr. Tracys -- Hazy at night --
Thursday 18 May 1797 Rainy last night & this morning yesterday travil'd over Levil Beach land & good of the kind -- Stop'd to Breakfast at Mr. Tracyes -- set out about 1/2 past 9 o'clock -- cross'd Sallmon creek at 11 o'clock -- which is considerable of a creek, banks about 15 feet high gravelly Bottom -- ranged the woods till 1/2 past 2 o'clock did not find the Ridge -- now determine to strike to the west at a venture -- Eat dinner &c -- continued westward over good land and roade to a Creek where we encamped Supos'd to be about 10 miles from the Preemtion line --
Friday 19 May 1797 Pleasant Hazy morning set out from our camp after Breakfast -- westerly course bearing southerly -- 8 o'clock morning bearing southwest cross'd a Creek bearing to the north -- Supos'd to travil'd about 4 miles this morning went on about 1/2 mile found a yong cubb on a large Hemlock tree which we cutt and went on about 10 o'clock Travil'd westward throw Swamps & some good Land -- untill about 2 o'clock when we determined to shift our course to the north supposing we are south of the Ridge -- Travil'd -- this afternoon throw several all most impassible swamps -- about 5 miles -- encamp'd -- about 6 o'clock -- Rainy night --
Saterday 20 Rainy morning flying clouds, about 9 o'clock -- the Land we travil'd over yesterday after noon & where we camp'd was good -- but heavy timber -- This day rain'd all the fore noon we stay'd in our camp till 2 o'clock went on northward -- 3 o'clock cross'd a creek which we suppose was Sandy creek -- continued our northerly course -- the creek runs to the northeast -- 1/2 past 4 o'clock came to a cranberry marsh which we cross'd and came on a Ridge of Land which has apperance of Indians & we suppose it to be the Ridge we are after -- turn'd our course westward -- supose we have travil'd this day about 5 miles before we turn west -- travil'd abt. one mile & encamp'd by a small Brook
Sunday 21 Pleasant clear morning -- Set out as soon as it was light Travil'd one hour cross'd a creek running north ward -- also another about 1/4 of an hour after -- the same course -- at 6 o'clock 3/4 of an hour travil cross'd another -- 10 m[in.] past 7 do. cross'd another bearing north -- 8 o'clock cross'd what we suppose was oak Orchard creek -- bearing northerly 11 o'clock we pass'd another creek which we suppose to be the main Branch of oak orchard creek -- on an oak plain for some way -- Very Showery all the afternoon -- left the Ridge by following an indian path -- throw Beach Land cover'd with water camp'd in the woods, out of provision
Monday 22 Clear pleasant morning eat the last of our provision -- kept our course west ward bearing southward -- travil'd short distance & cross'd 2 Large creeks about 9 o'clock came into the Roade that leads from Cannawagus to Niagery about 3 o'clock we came to the River Niagery & cross'd to Majr. Ingersons on the west side the River -- came back slept at Mr. Willmores --
Tuesday 23 Hazy morning light winds -- 9 partings of a garlick is good for the Fever & ague after wearing them 9 days throw them back into water & cook them is found by a lady in Niagary. -- 8 o'clock set out for the Landing at Newark Got to the Landing about 10 o'clock -- found it a very pretty place -- Return'd from the Landing to Mr. Willmores --
Wednesday 24 Very pleasant morning -- light winds went to the Indian Village to get Patterson to go after our provisions -- found about 35 Indians collected on Business of their Lands.
Friday 26 Clear pleasant morning -- propose setting out from Patterson for Genesea River with 2 Indian guides & one Squaw -- Set out about 8 o'clock -- from the Tuskerore Village -- which Path in general is about East one mile -- about 1/2 mile bears one pt. to the north -- then after passing down the Ridge, it bears about East -- good ridge of open ground for Road -- cross'd a small creek about 1 1/2 mile from the castle -- which is dry in Summer -- about 2 miles farther cross'd another little larger. about one mile cross'd another all good gravely Bottom -- from this about 3/4 mile bears to north east -- from that a little South one point of east -- all open land -- measured from a Beach tree on the Road to Tonnawando mark'd with hatchet E G 29 tally Indian path -- came to creek 1 Tally wide sandy bottom Swamp water -- course from Road here East 2 points north 1 mile & one Tally cross'd another creek 3 Rods wide swampe water & good Bottom -- bearing 1 pt. South of East -- at the 4 mile tree bearing 2 pts. South of East -- 5 mile tree maple bearing about East -- part of the last mile bore to the northeast & very crooked -- encamp'd --
[1 June 1797] came home on a handsom Ridge suitable for a Roade -- got home on Monday 29th May after Spending 14 days 3 of us -- 42 days in whole -- my Expence for pilott -- 8 dollars for Expence at Niagary for pilote &c -- 2 dolars -- other Expence -- £3.12.0
Monday 12 Pleasant day wind northerly This day, my Father, Mr. King, Williams & Eddy Set out for Suffield in the bark canoe -- my Father & Mr. King came on the 19th of March, allmost 3 months here -- Williams & Eddy came on the 21st of April; here 7 and 1/2 weaks -- Rec'd of Williams 4 dollars & some works 1 bushel oates 4/ -- 2 1/2 yds. cloth at 8/ -- per yd. --
Friday 23d Showery morning pleasant afternoon -- Work'd for Mr. King Miss Granger went boat riding with John Parks to the Lake Return'd at night much delighted with his company --
Saterday 1st July 1797 Flying Clouds northerly winds Rain'd at 10 o'clock -- afternoon clear D. Morgan came in from York -- Dan Row Return'd from Shaffers with about 20 bushels grain for our selves & Kings --
Sunday 2d Light winds northerly Showery afternoon -- Toms. King kill'd a large Buck 50 lb the quarter --
Tuesday 4 Flying clouds, wind northwest -- being what is call'd Independant Day -- a number of us went to Johnson's for a set -- also on the Lake in the Evening Return'd to Johnsons where we spent the night
Saterday 14 [i.e. 15] Showery morning, variable winds, pleasant afternoon -- caried the First Scanactady boat past the Falls that ever was carried -- came from the mill after dark without Shoes -- which will not be done again I'll promise you
Monday 17 Very pleasant Day lite winds northerly -- Dan set -- out for Nortons Mills with our team after wheat -- caried the Remainder of Miners goods to the Landing &c --
Tuesday 18 do. pleasant winds do. Dined on the first Green Beans that ever was eat or rais'd in this town before -- Mr. Kings work on their house rais'd their Ridge
Sunday 23 Very clear & pleasant day & warm wind northerly & light -- Majr. Kent pick'd the first cucumbers that has ben eat hear among us
Tuesday 1 August Showery day -- Dan Rowe was yesterday taken with a Fevor that is common to the Country
Thursday 3 August 1797 Showery day Dr. Narrimore visited Dan -- also Mr. Peabody came on & paid for a Lot of Land & proposed to set his Mill up --
Friday 11 Hazy morning fly clouds this day cotch'd fast to the Ague