University of Rochester Library Bulletin: The Published Writings of Alan Valentine

Volume XXXIV · 1981
The Published Writings of Alan Valentine

The papers of Alan Valentine are housed in the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Rush Rhees Library, the University of Rochester. A number of the titles in this bibliography may be found in his papers or in the cataloged collections of the Library. Mimeographed material, such as press releases of speeches, or material published in student or local newspapers is not included in this bibliography, which follows a similar bibliography compiled by Margaret Butterfield Andrews for Valentine's predecessor, Rush Rhees, and published in John Rothwell Slater, Rhees of Rochester (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1946), pp. 295-299.



The Age of Conformity. Chicago, Henry Regnery Co., 1954. 179p.

The American Academy in Rome, 1894-1969. Coauthored with Lucia Valentine. Charlottesville, University Press of Virginia [1973]. 237p.

Biography. New York, Oxford University Press [1927]. 67p.

The British Establishment, 1760-1784; an Eighteenth-Century Biographical Dictionary. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1970]. 2v. 960p.

Dusty Answers; a Selection from Addresses. [Rochester, The Printing House of Leo Hart], 1941. l63p.

The Education of an American. London, Calder [1957]. 283p. Published in the United States under the title Trial Balance, the Education of an American.

The English Novel. New York, Oxford University Press [1927]. 59p.

Fathers to Sons; Advice Without Consent. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1963]. 237p.

Lord George Germain. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1962. 534p.

Lord North. Norman, University of Oklahoma Press [1967]. 2v.

Lord Stirling. New York, Oxford University Press, 1969. 299p.

1913: America Between Two Worlds. New York, Macmillan, 1962. 240p.

Oxford of Today; a Manual for Prospective Rhodes Scholars. 2d ed. New York, Oxford University Press, 1927. 305p. Edited also by Laurence A. Crosby and Frank Aydelotte.

Trial Balance; the Education of an American. [New York], Pantheon [1956]. 283p. Published in England under the title The Education of an American.

Vigilante Justice. New York, Reynal, 1956. l93p. Condensed in American Heritage, vol. 7, no. 2 (February 1956) pp. 72-95.



"Address to the Alumni, Students, and Faculties." In Proceedings and Addresses at the Inauguration of Alan Valentine as President of the University of Rochester November 14 and 15, 1935. Rochester, The University of Rochester, 1936, pp. 3-10. Also published as "The Aims of Education. Address of Alan Valentine . . . before his Inauguration as President of the University of Rochester, November XIV. MCMXXXV." [Mount Vernon, N.Y., Walpole Printing Office, 1936] 18p.

"Advantages and Disadvantages of Government Subsidies to Ex-Service Men." Association of American Universities, The Forty-Fourth Annual Conference (1943), pp. 49-55.

"The Aims of Education" See under "Address to the Alumni . . ."

"Allendale Commencement Address." Rochester, 1943. 15p. ("Delivered at the Graduation Exercises of Allendale School, June 4, 1943.")

"Amazon in the Modem World." Vital Speeches, 1 (August 12, 1935), pp. 736-739.

The American Oxonian; the Official Magazine of the Alumni Association of American Rhodes Scholars. Alan Valentine served as editor of this magazine from April 1930 to July 1935.

"Baccalaureate Address." Rochester, 1940. 15p. ("The University of Rochester NinetiethAnnual Commencement, June 16, 1940.") Abridged as "Youth Can Make Opinions Count in Decisions on War and Peace." The Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review, vol.18, no. 5 (June-July 1940), pp. 13-15.

"Benelux: Pilot Plant of Economic Union." Yale Review, vol. 44, no. 1 (Autumn 1954), pp. 23-32.

(Book review of) Challenge to the New Deal, edited by Alfred M. Bingham and Selden Rodman. In The Yale Review, vol. 24, no. 2 (December 1934), pp. 410-411.

(Book review of) Scholars, Workers, and Gentlemen by Malcolm S. MacLean. In Harvard Educational Review, vol. 8, no. 4 (October 1938), pp. 528-529.

(Book review of) This is Wendell Wilkie by Wendell Wilkie. In New York Herald Tribune Books, vol. 17, no. 1 (September 1, 1940), pp. 1-2.

"Citation by President Alan Valentine in Conferring the Degree Doctor of Laws UponWinston Churchill." InAddresses by Winston Churchill and Others at the Ninety-First Annual Commencement of the University of Rochester. Rochester, N.Y., June 16, 1941. p. 5. Also published in The University of Rochester Library Bulletin, vol. 20, no. 3 (Spring 1965), p. 41.

"The Coming Wage-Price Controls, an Interview with Alan Valentine." U. S. News & World Report, vol. 20, no. 2 (January 12, 1951), pp. 24-28.

"The Commencement Address." The Beloit College Bulletin, vol. 40, no. 6 (June 1942), pp. 7-9.

"Commencement Address to the Graduating Class of Colgate University. . . on June 23, 1944." Rochester, The University of Rochester, 1944. lip. (Address was titled, "A Citizen's Public Duty.") Also published as a 4-page pamphlet. Also published in One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Address, Colgate University1819-1944, pp. 20-31.

"Common Ground in Education." North Central Association Quarterly, vol. 14, no. 3 (January 1940), pp. 253-260. ("An addresss delivered before the Association, April 1, 1939.") Also published in National Association of Principals of Schools for GirlsProceedings 1939, pp. 159-169. Also published as a reprint from the Quarterly.

"Confused Aims Hamper Colleges, New Goals Needed, Says Valentine." Rochester Alumni Review, vol. 16, no. 4 (April-May 1938), pp. 15-16. (Quotes from his speech before the Rotary Club of Syracuse.)

"Controls, by Whom and for What?" Vital Speeches, vol. 17, no. 12 (April 1, 1951), pp. 354-356.

"The Cultural Tradition, Induction Address." Wells College Bulletin, vol. 33, no. 4 (January 1947), pp. 7-14. ("Proceedings at the Inauguration of Richard Leighton Greene as President of Wells College, November 1, 1946.")

"Dedication . . . and Appreciation." The Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review, vol. 20,  no. 5 (June-July 1942), p. 2. (Remarks on the retirement of Professor John R. Slater.)

"Democracy." Future, vol. 7, no. 7 (March 1945), pp. 10, 19, 22, 25.

 "Democracy's Offering in a World of Conflicting Values. " National Conference of Social Work Proceedings 1952, pp. 95-103.

"The Educator and the Salesman on Common Ground." The Advertiser's Digest, vol. 8, no. 5 (May 1943), pp. 14-16.

"European Recovery--a Two-Way Road; an Address . . . Delivered at the City Club of  Rochester on December 3, 1949." Rochester, N.Y., 1950. 11p.

"A Further View, an Address . . . Delivered October Sixteenth, Nineteen Forty-Three at Exercises for the Inauguration of John Richie Schultz as the Fourteenth President of Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania. [Meadville, Penn., Allegheny College, 1943]. 7p.

"Government Aid For Medical Schools."  See under "The Privately Endowed Medical Schools."

"The Great Cause." Geneva Alumnus, vol. 24, no. 4 (July 1948), pp. 2-3, 9. (An address at the dedication of the Science Hall addition, Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, May 14, 1948.)

"Has Youth a Future?" Oberlin Alumni Magazine, vol. 33, no. 7 (May 1937), pp. 5-6, 14.

"Higher Education in a Democracy." The American Oxonian, vol. 33, no. 1 (January 1946), pp. 30-35.

"Higher Education in a Hurry." Southern University Conference Proceedings 1941, pp.80-90.  ("Address delivered at Seventh Annual Meeting of the Southern University Conference, Birmingham, Alabama, October 13, 1941.") Also published as an 11p.reprint. Also published in the Association of American Colleges Bulletin, vol. 27, no. 4 (December 1941), pp. 568-578.

"In Praise of Learning. An Address by Alan Valentine . . . Given at the Chancellor's Dinner to the Faculty, Thursday, April 26, 1945, at Hotel Syracuse, as a Part of the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Celebration." Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse University [1945]. 11p.

"Inaugural Address." In Proceedings and Addresses at the Inauguration of Alan Valentine as President of the University of Rochester November14 and 15, 1935. Rochester, The University of Rochester, 1936, pp. 23-29. Also published as "The University and the Community." Rochester Alumni Review, vol. 14, no. 2 (December-January 1935-36), pp. 33-35. Also published as "Inaugural Address of the President of The University of Rochester." School and Society, vol. 42, no. 1095 (December 21, 1935), pp. 841-845.

"The Individual in a Corporate World." Best's Insurance News. Life Edition, vol. 44, no. 2 (June 1, 1943), pp. 11-12, 54-59. Also published in The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, vol. 157, no. 4170 (April 22, 1943), pp. 1473, 1481-1482, 1484.

"Intellectuals on Trial." Vital Speeches, vol. 6, no. 3 (November 15, 1939), pp. 78-80. (Delivered before the Fourth Annual University of Rochester Convocation, October 25, 1939.)

"Intercollegiate Athletics and the Education of Citizens." National Collegiate Athletic Association Yearbook and Forty-Second Annual Convention, January 9-10, 1948 Proceedings, pp. 138-148.

"Introducing M. Herbert Eisenhart -- An Appreciation by Alan Valentine." Museum Service, vol. 17, nos. 5-6 (May-June 1944), pp. 39-40.

"It is Now Later Than We Think." Rochester Commerce, vol. 30, no. 28 (January 25, 1943), pp. 13-14.

"Long Range Educational Program for National Defense." Bulletin of the New York State Association for Applied Psychology, vol. 4, no. 3 (March 1941), pp. 1, 4. (Summary of address delivered at the annual meeting . . . at Rochester, February 1, 1941.)

"Loyalties. An Address to the Graduates of Purdue University." Lafayette, Ind., Purdue University [1939]. [22p].

"Marshall Plan Aid Vital to European Recovery, Valentine Says." Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review, vol. 10, no. 2 (December 1948-January 1949), pp. 6-7 ("President Valentine's second report to the Review from the Netherlands, where he is Chief of the Economic Cooperation Administration (Marshall Plan) Mission.")

"A Modest Proposal for the Care and Use of Subversives."  American Scholar, vol. 23, no. 2 (Spring 1954), pp. 137-145. Also published as a pamphlet by the Overbrook Press [c1954] 22p.

"Music and Reconstruction in American Education."  Music Teachers National Association Proceedings 1946, pp. 17-25.

"Perspectives in Education."  In Education and the Faith of America; Addresses Given During the Centennial Celebration of the Packer Collegiate Institute. Brooklyn, 1945, pp. 67-77. Also published as a 12-page reprint.

"The Place of Music in Higher Education." Music Educators Journal, vol. 32, no. 4 (March 1946), pp. 34-35, 37. Also published in Alumni Bulletin of the Eastman School of Music, vol. 17, nos. 3-4 (June 1946), pp. 1-3, 15.

"Policies of Admission." School and Society, vol. 46, no. 1200 (December 25, 1937), pp. 809-813. ("Paper read at the annual meeting of the Association of Colleges and Universities of the State of New York, October 26, 1937.")

"The Politician as Housekeeper for the Nation." Saturday Review of Literature, vol. 30, no. 15 (April 12, 1947), pp. 20-21, 60.

"President Urges Schools to Show How Reason and Emotion Differ." Rochester Alumni Review, vol. 17, no. 4 (April-May 1939), pp. 17-18. (Quotes from his speech before college and secondary school leaders in Chicago.)

"President Valentine Hails UR Achievements in Annual Report." Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review, vol. 11, no.2 (December-January 1949-1950), pp. 1-2. (Quotes from his 1948-49 annual report.)

"President Valentine to Leave June 30; Plans 'Undetermined'." Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review, vol. 11, no.2 (December-January 1949-1950), pp. 7-8. (Quotes from his letter of resignation to the Board of Trustees.)

"President Valentine Writes of ECA Problems, Return to UR." Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review, vol. 27, no. 1 (October-November 1948), pp. 3-4. (A letter to students, faculty and alumni from President Valentine, who was serving as Chief of the Economic Cooperation Administration Mission to the Netherlands.)

"The Price of Security, the Man Who Stood on His Own Feet." Vital Speeches, vol. 4, no. 12 (April 1, 1938), pp. 379-382. ("An address at the annual Winter convocation, University of Rochester, February 10, 1938.") Also published as a reprint "by instruction of trustees of the University." 1938. 4p.

"Private Enterprise in Higher Education." Cleveland, National Machine Tool Builders' Association [1947]. l8p. ("An address. . . before the Forty-Fifth Spring Meeting of the National Machine Tool Builders' Association at Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, N.J., April 15, 1947.")

"The Privately Endowed Medical Schools; Their Present and Future Financing." American Medical Association Journal, vol. 137, no. 1 (May 1, 1948), pp. 1-4. (An address given at the 44th Annual Congress on Medical Education and Licensure, Chicago, February 9, 1948.) Excerpted as "Valentine Addresses AMA Group." Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review, vol. 26, no. 4 (March-April 1948), p. 12. Excerpted as "Government Aid for Medical Schools." Medical Economics, vol. 25, no. 7 (April 1948), pp. 81, 85, 87, 134.

"Problems of an Admissions Office." Conference on Educational Measurement and Guidance, 1934. Report of the Third Educational Conference, pp. 38-47. Also published in The Educational Record, vol. 16, no. 1 (January 1935), pp. 61-69.

"The Report of the President." In the Annual Reports of the President and Treasurer. 1936-1937, pp. 3-13; 1937-1938, pp. 3-18; 1938-1939, pp. 3-20; 1939-1940, pp. 3-13; 1940-1941, pp. 3-16; 1941-1942, pp. 3-5; 1942-1943, pp. 3-7; 1943-1944, pp. 3-10; 1944-1945, pp. 3-10; 1945-1946, pp. 3-13; 1946-1947, pp. 3-16; 1947-1948, none; 1948-1949, pp. 3-12.

 "Rochester's University (1850-1950): a 100th Anniversary Address." New York Newcomen Society in North America, 1950. 24 p. ("Delivered during the '1950 Rochester Dinner' of the Newcomen Society of England held in . . . Sheraton Hotel, at Rochester, N. Y. . . . on April 13, 1950.")

"The Scholar as Citizen." Hobart College Bulletin, vol. 34, no. 4 (July 1936), pp. 3-12. (Phi Beta Kappa address at Hobart College, May 25, 1936.) Also published in Vital Speeches, vol. 2, no. 19 (June 15, 1936), pp. 583-586.

"Sister Universities Hear Valentine."  Rochester Alumni Review, vol.14, no. 4 (April-May 1936), pp. 89-90. (Quotes from recent speeches in Buffalo, Syracuse, Geneva and Rochester.)

"Summer Vacation is War Victim; Three-Year Degree Plan Adopted."  The Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review, vol. 20, no. 2 (December 1941-January 1942), pp. 5-6. (Quotes from his announcement to students in January 1942.)

"Teacher Training Versus Teacher Education." The Educational Record, vol. 19, no. 3 (July 1938), pp. 332-345. (An address before the American Council on Education, Washington, May 7, 1938.)Also published in Vital Speeches, vol. 4, no.21 (August 15, 1938), pp. 652-656. Also published in the Association of American Colleges Bulletin vol. 24, no. 3 (November 1938), pp. 327-338. Excerpts published in The Educational Digest, vol. 4, no. 3 (November 1938), pp. 18-20. Excerpts published in Modern Language Journal, vol. 23, no. 3 (December 1938), pp. 222-223. Also published as a reprint from The Educational Record, July 1938.

"Three Lectures on Democracy." Mexico [National University of Mexico Press] 1945. 40p.

" 'The Trouble with Education is ---?' " [Rochester] Monroe High School Print Shop [1936]. 7p. Excerpts published in the Rochester Alumni Review, vol. 15, no. 1 (October-November 1936), pp. 16-17.

"The Tyranny of Mass Un-Thinking-Thoughts on Liberty." Vital Speeches, vol. 3, no. 19 (July 15, 1937), pp. 592-595. ("An address delivered at Alfred University, June 14, 1937.")

"The University and the Community." See under "Inaugural Address."

"The University Library." The University of Rochester Library Bulletin, vol. 1, no. 1 (November 1945), pp. 1-4.

"The University: 1935-1955." The Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review, vol. 23, no. 5 (September-October 1945), pp. 3-5.

"Valentine Addresses AMA Group." See under "The Privately Endowed Medical Schools."

"Valentine in Ad Club Talk Lists New Foes of Liberty." Rochester Alumni Review, vol. 15, no.2 (December-January 1936-37), pp. 16-17. (Quotes from his speech of January 7, 1937, to the Rochester Ad Club.)

"Variant Concepts of Point Four." American Academy of Political and Social Science Annals, vol. 270 (July 1950), pp. 59-67.

"Vigilante Justice." American Heritage, vol. 7, no. 2 (February 1956), pp. 72-95. (A condensation of his book,Vigilante Justice.)

"War and the Family." University of Chicago Round Table #215. April 26, 1942. 24p. ("A radio discussion by Leland De Vinney, William Ogburn and Alan Valentine.")

"Women, Education, and War." The Rochester Alumni-Alumnae Review, vol. 23, no. 3 (February-March 1945), pp. 10-11.

"Year Reviewed by Valentine, Study of Activities Promised." Rochester Alumni Review, vol. 15, no. 5 (June-July 1937), pp. 6-7. (Quotes from his speech at the Alumni Dinner, June 21, 1937.)

"Youth -- A Scientific Asset." The Educational Focus, vol. 18, no. 1 (Winter 1946/47), pp. 6-11.

"Youth Can Make Opinions Count. . ." See under "Baccalaureate Address."


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