Key to bracketed numbers:
[1]=Copy of published article in Box 38
[2]=Copy of published article in Box 39 or 40
[3]=Copy of published article in Oversize Box 11
[4]=Manuscript of article in Box 34
Note: Others may be in scrapbooks
- Lament of Ye Ancient Mandoline. Rondeau. Life 15:237. April 24, 1890.
- Colonial Work at Sackett's Harbor. American Architect 34:9-10. October 3, 1891.
- Six Hours in Salem. American Architect 39:41-43. January 21, 1893.
- Colonial Work in the Genesee Valley. American Architect 43:141-142; 45:26-27; 46:11-12. March 24, July 21, October 13, 1894. [2]
- Des Affiches; Modern Art in Paris. The Post Express. December 14, 1895. [1]
- The American Poster. The Illustrated Buffalo Express. May 14, 1895. [1]
- Nightmares in Black and White. Commercial Travelers Home Magazine 1895?
- A Sonnet of Despair. Philistine 1:169. November, 1895.
- "The Suicide" (illustration). The Chap-Book 5:97. December 1, 1895. [2]
- Des Affiches; Modern Art in Paris. Reprinted from Rochester Post Express. Art Student. January, 1896. (4 copies) [2]
- By Their Works. Lotus. December, 1896.
- Every-day Italy. American Architect 51:71-74, 107-109, 127-130; 52:3-4. February 15, March 7 & 21, April 4, 1896. [1]
- Hereafter Followeth the Nature and Tenor of This Said Book and the First Part Is the Importance of Design with a Note on the Absence of Humor in American Posters. Poster Lore. April, 1896.
- The Monk. Fly Leaf 2:1. January, 1896. [2]
- Posters without Lettering. Poster Lore. 1896?
- Quatrains. Fly Leaf. February, 1896.
- Quatrains. Chap Book 5:401. September 15, 1896.
- The School of Necessity. Fly Leaf. January, 1896.
- Two Songs. New Bohemian. January, 1896.
- What Our Designers Are Doing; Four Book Plates and a Newspaper "Imprint" by Claude Fayette Bragdon. Art Student. May, 1896.
- A Bungalow. House Beautiful 2:158-160. November, 1897. [1]
- Essences. Lotus 3:284. October, 1897. [2]
- Harvey Ellis. Brochure Series 3:139-143. September, 1897. [1]
- How Keegan Chased Himself. Home Magazine 8:143-144. February, 1897. [2]
- Judson's Short Story. Campus 23:3-7, 10. December 9, 1897.
- Nocturne. Penny Magazine. May, 1897, p. 45.
- A Table d'Hoter in Paris. Bachelor of Arts. March, 1897, p. 207-211.
- Colonial Work at Sackett's Harbor. In: The Georgian Period, ed. by W.R. Ware, 1898-1902. Pt. 5, p. 7-9.
- Colonial Work in the Genesee Valley. In: The Georgian Period; ed. by W.R. Ware, 1898-1902. Pt. 5, p. 1-7.
- The Golden Person in the Heart. Gouverneur, N.Y., Brothers of the Book, 1898. 42p.
- Six Hours in Salem. In: The Georgian Period; ed. by W.R. Ware, 1898-1902. Pt. 4, p. 33-36.
- Her Dream of Me. Connecticut Magazine, February, 1899.
- My Mistress. Academy 56:24. January 7, 1899. (From His Golden Person in the Heart.)
- The "Village Bank" Series: I. Brickbuilder 9:204-206. October, 1900. [1]
- Mysticism and Architecture. Interstate Architect a Builder. July 13 & 20, 1901. [1]
- Some Pan-American Impressions. American Architect 72:43-44. May 11, 1901. [2]
- The Beautiful Necessity: Being Essays upon Esthetics. House and Garden 2:10-14, 57-61, 91-95, 141-144, 192-196, 262-265. January-June, 1902. [2]
- Casement Windows. House Beautiful. October, 1902.
- The Making of a Country Home: VII Some Hints on the Exterior Treatment. Country Life in America 2:172-175. September, 19020 [1]
- L'Art Nouveau and American Architecture. Brickbuilder 12:204-206. October, 1903. (Also appeared in: Architectural Review. October 1903, Articraft 1:29-42. December, 1903; Builder. December, 1903; Inland Architect and News Record.) [1]
- The Modern Note. Reader 3:35-38. December, 1903. [2]
- A Simple Dwelling. Craftsman 4:478-485. September, 1903.
- The Sleeping Beauty. Craftsman 4:338-347. August, 1903. [1]
- A $3000 Cottage. House Beautiful. November, 1903.
- Among Old Books. Book-lover 5:585-589. May, 1904. [2]
- An Architect's House. Good Housekeeping 38:484-488. May, 1904. [2]
- The Architecture of the Home; Some Fundamental Principles. House Beautiful 16:10, 48. June, 1904. [2]
- The Figure in Mr. James's Carpet. Critic 44:146-150. February, 1904. [1,2]
- L'Homme Qui Rit. Book-lover. June, 1904, p. 668-670.
- "Made in France" Architecture. Architectural Record 16:561-568. December, 1904. [1]
- Maeterlinck. Critic 45:156-159. August, 1904.
- New Mysticism. Reader Magazine 4:189-191. July, 1904.
- Old Houses of 'Sconset. House Beautiful. July, 1904.
- An American Architect: Being in Appreciation of Louis H. Sullivan. House and Garden 7:47-55. January, 1905. [1]
- A Master of Shades. Critic 46:20-22. January, 19050 [1]
- Rochester Country Club. International Studio 25:Supp. 23-28. April, 1905. [1]
- The Village Courthouse. I. Brickbuilder 14:276-278. December, 1905.
- The Wonder of Rimini. Architectural Record 18:355-366. November, 1905.
- A "Darmstadt" House in America; with the Graceful Curves and Picturesque Angles Characteristic of Western Germany. Indoors and Out. June, 1907.
- Design for a Home of the English Cottage Type. Country Life 11:Supp. 79. March, 1907.
- House of Robert C. Watson, Esq., Alexander Street, Rochester, N.Y., Mr. Claude F. Bragdon, Architect, Rochester, N.Y. 2 plates. House of Charles H. Wanzer, Esq., East Avenue, Rochester, N.Y. 2 plates. St. Paul's Rectory, Barrington Street, Rochester, N.Y., Messrs. Bragdon and Hillman, Architects. 1 plate. House of C.F. Schminke, Esq., Barrington Street, Rochester, N.Y. 1 plate. American Architect 91:n.p. (Following p. 81) February 16, 1907. [1]
- Modern German Domestic Architecture. Architectural Review 14:___. September, 1907.
- Our Town is Growing... Colliers. May 4, 1907.
- The Designs of Mr. Claude Bragdon. The Book-plate Booklet 1:4, p. 53-55, August, 1907. [1]
- The Gothic Spirit. Christian Art 2:165-172. January, 1908.
- Harvey Ellis: a Portrait Sketch. Architectural Review 15:173-182. December, 1908. [3]
- Our Third Prize House; a Description of a Country Home Costing $3000. Delinator. July, 1908.
- Architecture in the United States. Architectural Record 25:426-433; 26:38-45, 84-96. June-August, 1909. [1]
- The Art of Architecture from the Standpoint of Theosophy. Theosophic Messenger. May, 1909, p. 322-328.
- Artistic Brickwork; Its Achievement and Possibilities. Written for Fiske Co., 1909. 16p.
- A Brief Life of Annie Besant, President of the Theosophical Society. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1909. 20p.
- Ideals for the Architecture of the Fourteenth Ward. Pinnacle. Rochester, N.Y. October 2, 1909.
- Reincarnation. American Theosophist. October, 1909, p. 158-160.
- Self-education: an Address Delivered by Claude Bragdon, before the Boston Architectural Club, April 8, 1909. American Architect 96:5-8. July 7, 1909. [1]
- Theosophy and the Theosophical Society. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1909.
- The Theosophy of Architecture. Theosophic Messenger. June-November, 1909, p. 383-389, 433-445, 502-508, 18-24, 66-72.
- The Third Prize House. In: The Delineator's $3000 House, 1909, p. 22-27.
- The Beautiful Necessity; Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1910. 93p.
- The Chosen. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1910. 3p. (Theosophical Tracts, no. 3.)
- Episodes from an Unwritten History. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1910. 30p.
- Episodes from an Unwritten History. Second edition (enlarged). Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1910. 96p.
- Higher Self-consciousness. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1910? 3p. (Theosophical Tracts, no. 2.)
- Space and Hyperspace. In: The Fourth Dimension Simply Explained. Ed. by H.P. Manning. New York, Munn & Company, 1910.
- The Idea of Pre-existence. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1910? 3p. (Theosophical Tracts, no. 1.)
- In Vishnu-land What Avatar? Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1910? 3p. (Theosophical Tracts, no. 7.)
- Self Education: an Address Given before the Boston Architectural Club, April the Third. 1909. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1910. 16p.
- Workingmen's Houses. Bulletin. Rochester, N.Y. January, 1910.
- The Evolution of Art in America. American Architect 100:21-22. July 19, 1911.
- The "Heathen" Invasion: an Open Letter to the Editor of the Hampton-Columbian Magazine. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1911. 15p.
- A Notable Acquisition to the T. S. Personnel. Monthly Letter Theosophical Society. July, 1911.
- The Small Old Path. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1911. 23p.
- Symbols: a Fragment of Thought. Orpheus. July, 1911, p. 307-311. [1]
- The Future of American Architecture: an Address Delivered at the Annual Convention of the Architectural League of America, Held in Cleveland, Ohio, in June, 1911. Orpheus. July, 1912, p. 96-98. [1]
- The Problem of Ornament. Architecture. April, 1912, p. 205-208.
- Quadrato e Cubo (una Parabola Umana) Genova, Tip.-Lit. Sordomuti, 1912. 36p.
- The Gift of Asia. Forum 49:349-355. March, 1913.
- The New York Central Railway Station at Rochester, New York. Brickbuilder 22:263-266. December, 1913.
- A Primer of Higher Space (the Fourth Dimension). Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1913. 79p.
- The Ritual of Play; the Symbolism of Children's Toys and Games. Theosophist. July, 1913, p. 499-507.
- The Rochester Passenger Station. American Architect 104:237-242. December 17, 1913. [1]
- The Sacramental Life. American Theosophist 14:804-807. July, 1913. [1]
- The "Dead Hand" in Architecture, or (a New Space-language for To-day). Brickbuilder 23:149-151. July, 1914.
- The Gift of Asia. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1914. 15p.
- Learning to Think in Terms of Spaces. Forum 52:196-202. August, 1914. [1]
- The Message of the Buddha. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1914. 15p.
- National Conference on City Planning. Rochester, N.Y. Chamber of Commerce. Official Bulletin. August, 1914, p. 171.
- The Religion of Buddha. Herald of the Star. June 11, 1914, p. 371-374. [1]
- The Small Old Path; 2nd ed. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1914. 24p.
- Projective Ornament. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1915. 79p.
- Art and Geometry. Architectural Review. Pt. I 4:29-32. March, 1916; Pt. II 4:58-61. April, 1916. [3]
- Four-dimensional Vistas. New York, Knopf, 1916. 134p.
- "Song and Light"; a Description of an Outdoor Festival Given at Highland Park, Rochester, N.Y., September 30, 1915... Architectural Review 4:169-171. September, 1916. [3]
- An Art of Light. American Architect 111:363-368. June 13, 1917. [2,4]
- Artificial Lighting for Out-of-doors. Theatre Arts Magazine 1:189-192. August, 1917.
- Claude Bragdon's Plea for a New Beauty in American Architecture. Current Opinion 62:347-348. May, 1917.
- (Book Review) The Dwelling Houses of Charleston, South Carolina. by Alice R. Hugher Smith and D.E. Hugher Smith. Dial 63:590. December 6, 1917. unsigned
- Gothic Architecture. (Review of The Substance of Gothic, by Ralph Adams Cram) Dial 63:517-518. November 22, 1917. [1]
- H.P.B. and Theosophy; an Address Delivered before the Toronto Theosophical Society, December 3rd, 1916. Messenger. April & May, 1917, p. 321-325, 355 359. [1]
- Language and Form. In: Six Lectures on Architecture, by Ralph Adams Cram et al. 1917, p. 145-172.
- Mathematics as a Source of Decorative Design. American Architect 112:465-470. December 26, 1917. [2]
- Mr. Powys. A Letter to the Editor. Dial 62:130. February 22, 1917.
- Organic Architecture. In: Six Lectures on Architecture, by Ralph Adams Cram et al. 1917, p. 123-144.
- Our Architecture--an Optimistic View. Review of The Enjoyment of Architecture, by Talbot Faulkner Hamlin. Dial 62:17-19. January 11, 1917.
- Pattern from Magic Squares. Architectural Forum 26:71-76. March, 1917. [3]
- The Renaissance in Spain. (Review of Spanish Architecture of the Sixteenth Century, by Arthur Bryne and Mildred Stapley.) Dial 63:17-18. June 28, 1917. [1]
- The Rochester Chamber of Commerce. Architectural Forum 27:157-164; plates 109-112. December, 1917. [2]
- Song and Light. House Beautiful 42:31-33, 54-58. June, 1917.
- The Use of Ceramic Products in the Embellishment of Buildings. Architectural Forum 26:___. January, 1917.
- An Architectural Monograph on a White Pine House for the Vacation Season; Competitive Drawings With Report of the Jury of Architects...The White Pine Series of Architectural Monographs 4:3-7. August, 1918. [2]
- Architecture and Democracy. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1918. 213p.
- Architecture and Democracy; before, during and after the War. Architectural Record 44:75-84, 125-131, 252-258. July-September, 1918. [1]
- (Book Review) Beyond Architecture, by A. Kingsley Porter. Dial 65:74. July 18, 1918. unsigned
- Camp Sherman. Messenger. May, 1918. [1]
- (Book Review) A History of Architecture, by Fiske Kimball and G.H. Edgell. Dial 64:454. May 9, 1918.
- Hunter Street Bridge, Peterborough, Ontario. Canadian Engineer 35:461-464. November 28, 1918. [1]
- The Meaning of Architecture. (Review of The Meaning of Architecture, by Irving K. Pond.) Dial 65:105-106. August 15, 1918. [1]
- The Occultation of Art. Messenger. August, 1918, p. 65-67. [1]
- People's Theatre. Dial 65:489-491. November 30, 1918. [1]
- The Wax Portraits of Ethel Frances Mundy. American Magazine of Art. October, 1918.
- Educated Heart. Dial 66:14-15. January 11, 1919.
- Failure of the Parade Pageantry. (Letter to the editor) The Tribune. March 28, 1919. [1]
- The Meaning of Architecture. Review of The Meaning of Architecture, by Irving K. Pond. Architectural Record 45:182-183. February, 1919.
- The Scenery for Walter Hampden's "Hamlet". Theatre Arts Magazine 3:192-195. July, 1919. [1]
- Some Chinese Letters of Willard Straight. Scribner's Magazine 66:665-674. June, 1919. [1]
- A Voice out of Russia. Messenger 7:198-201. December, 1919. [1,2]
- Letter to the Editor. Freeman. September 8, 1920.
- New Concepts of Time and Space. Dial 68:187-191. February, 1920.
- Ouspensky's Impeachment of Positivistic Philosophy. Messenger 7:226-228. January, 1920. [1,2]
- Ouspensky on Love. Messenger 7:289-292. March, 1920. [1,2]
- Tertium Organum (the Third Organ of Thought) a Key to the Enigmas of the World, P.D. Ouspensky; tr. from the Russian by Nicholas Bessaraboff and Claude Bragdon; with an introduction by Claude Bragdon. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1920. xiii, 344p.
- Street Lighting. Christian Science Monitor. July 9, 1920. [4]
- Theosophy at the Cross-roads. Theosophist. June, 1920, p. 235-241.
- Art and Mathematics. Messenger. October, 1921. [1]
- Dance Drawings in White Chalk, by Van Dearing Perrine. Vanity Fair. February 19, 1921. unsigned
- Lighting St. Mark's. Edison Monthly. November, 1921. unsigned
- Oracle; arranged, ed. and introduction by Claude Bragdon. Rochester, N.Y., Manas Press, 1921. 64p.
- The Beautiful Necessity; Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture; 2nd ed. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1922. 111p.
- Recollections of the Old Corinthian. (Letter to the editor) Democrat and Chronicle. 1922. [1]
- Series of Ten Articles on Eyes, Color, and Lenses. Wellsworth Merchandiser. 1922-1923. Have "Optical Deceptions," "A New Art of Light," "Human Eye," "Eye of the Artist." [1,4]
- Towards a New Theatre. Architectural Record 52:170-182. September, 1922. [1]
- Abstract Thoughts on Concrete Bridges. Architectural Record 53:2-10. January, 1923. [1]
- Four-dimensional Vistas; 2nd ed. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1923. 155p.
- Marriage of East and West. Orient. February, 1923, p. 9-10. [1,4]
- A Primer of Higher Space (the Fourth Dimension) to Which Is Added Man the Square, a Higher Space Parable; 2nd ed. rev. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1923. 81p.
- The Spirit of the Nile. Orient. 1923? p. 13-16. [4]
- Walter Hampden's Production of Cyrano de Bergerac. Architectural Record 54:553-564. December, 1923. [1]
- Art and Arithmetic. Theatre Arts Monthly 8:505-514. August, 1924. [1]
- The Artist as Priest. New Orient. 2:25-26. May-June 1924. [2]
- Decorative and theatrical lighting. Illuminating Engineering Society. Transactions. October, 1924. [1]
- Dissertation on Dynamic Symmetry. Architectural Record 56:305-315. October, 1924. [1]
- Louis H. Sullivan. American Institute of Architects. Journal. May, 1924. Volume XII:p. 241.
- New York Theatre Guild's New Theatre. Architectural Record 56:508-516. December, 1924. [1]
- A Project for a Theatrical Presentation of the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri by Norman Bel Geddes. Architectural Record 56:95-96. July, 1924.
- Theatrical Lighting. Lighting Fixtures and Lighting. October, 1924. p. 49-50. (incomplete) [1]
- Theatre Transformed. Architectural Record 55:388-397. April, 1924. [1]
- Van Deering Perrine. Arts and Decoration 21:14-15. May, 1924.
- Claude Bragdon Discusses Color in Costume. The Shelton Spotlight. October 17, 1925. [1]
- The Divine Androgyne, From Old Lamps for New. The Messenger. December, 1925, p. 139-141. [1]
- Forget the Lights and See the Play. Light. January, 1925. [1]
- Old Lamps for the New; the Ancient Wisdom in the Modern World. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1925. 205p.
- Producing Shakespeare; as Illustrated by Walter Hampden's Production of Othello. Architectural Record 57:266-275. March, 1925. [1]
- Producing Shakespeare. The Architect 57:293-296. April 17, 1925
- Shelton Hotel, New York. Architectural Record 58:1-18. July, 1925. [1]
- Architecture and Democracy, 2nd ed. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1926. 183p.
- "The Hamlet Problem" from the Standpoint of the Artist in the Theatre. Architectural Record 59:1-6. January, 1926. [1]
- Isometric Perspective. Architectural Record 60:301-306. October, 1926. [1]
- Ornament from Magic Squares. Architectural Record 60:506-516. December, 1926. [1]
- Alphabet of Form. Architectural Record 61:97-104. February, 1927. [1]
- The Archetype. Messenger 14. March, 1927. [1]
- Art and Arithmetic. In: Theatre; Essays on the Arts of the Theatre, ed. by Mrs. E.J.R. Isaacs, 1927, p. 165-171.
- The Beautiful Necessity; Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture; 3rd ed. 1927.
- The Fourth Dimension. New Orient 3:53-56. January, 1927. [2]
- More Ornament from Magic Squares. Architectural Record 62:473-480. December, 1927. [1,2,4]
- Nicholas Roerich. Architectural Record 62:313-317. October, 1927. [1]
- Projective Ornament. New York, NY., Knopf, 1927. 79p.
- The Release of the Creative Faculty. Sixth Annual Session of the Ohio State Educational Conference. Proceedings. April 7, 8, 9, 1927. p. 72-75.
- Youth's Need of Beauty. Sixth Annual Session of the Ohio State Educational Conference. Proceedings. April 7, 8, 9, 1927. p. 29-35.
- The Black Lacquer Chest. Star. April, 1928, p. 23-25. [1]
- The Delphic Movement. Reprinted from New York Herald Tribune books. July 22, 1928. [1]
- The Delphic Sisterhood. Star. October, 1928, p. 41-42. [1]
- The Genius of Asia. Orient. January-February, 1928, p. 132-133.
- The Magic Lines of Three. Star. June, 1928.
- A Modern Prophet from Lebanon. New York Herald Tribune, December 23, 1928. p. 16-18. [1]
- The New Image. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1928. 190p. [1]
- The New Image. Star. February, 1928, p. 16-17.
- Ornament from the Platonic Solids. Architectural Record 63:504-512. June, 1928. [1]
- Spiritual Adventure. Outlook 149:304,320. June 20, 1928. [1]
- Towards a New Architecture. Outlook 148:242-246. February 15, 1928. [1]
- Toward a New Theatre. (Review of Stage Decoration by Sheldon Cheney.) New York Herald Tribune Books. May 6, 1928.
- What is the Next Step Toward a Civic Center? Democrat and Chronicle. January 1, 1928. [1]
- Youth and Love. Outlook 149:496, 518. July 25, 1928. [1]
- Artist-in-the-theatre. American Magazine of Art 20:547-553. October, 1929. [1]
- Clowns and Clowning. Outlook 151:490-491. March 27, 1929. [1]
- Des Elements Essentiels Dan L'art Du Theatre. Cahiers De L'Etoile. April, 1929, p. 242-250. [1]
- Footnote on AK. Dial 86:575-578. July, 1929. [1]
- Merely Players. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1929. 215p.
- Modern Medusa. Outlook 151:289, 308. February 20, 1929. [1]
- New Windows for Old. Outlook 151:87-88, 120. January 16, 1929. [1]
- One Night Stand; Memories of the Opera House of the Gas Chandelier Era. Published in New York Sunday Herald (?), April 7, 1929. [1]
- The Purple Cow Period; the "Dinkey Magazines" That Caught the Spirit of the 'Nineties. Bookman 69:475-478. July, 1929. [1]
- Stage Door. Commonweal 9:678-680. April 17, 1929. [1]
- Technique of Theatrical Production. Architectural Record 66:109-122. August, 1929. [1]
- The Song of Sano Tarot, by Nancy Fullwood Mrs. Anna (Mebane) Fullwood. Intro. by Claude Bragdon. New York, N.Y., Macoy Publishing Co., 1929.
- Color and Costume. Foreward 17:3-4. February, 1930. [1]
- Chess. Commonweal 12:668-669. October 29, 1930. [1]
- Cosmic Sex and Cosmic Beauty. Theosophist. January, 1930, p. 415-421. [1]
- From a Hotel Window. Commonweal 12:99-100. May 29, 1930.
- Idols. Outlook 155:249, 280. June 18, 1930. [1]
- Jack Black's Tales of Jail Birds. The World. December 21, 1930. [1,4]
- Krishnamurti; a Young Man who Does Not Care Whether or Not He Is the Messiah. Psychology 15:20-22. July, 1930. [1]
- Last Looks and First. Equity. September, 1930, p. 30.
- Mind Idolatry. New World Monthly. February, 1930, p. 113-115. [1]
- New York Dry. The World. August 15, 1930, p. 11. [1]
- Old, Far-off Things. The World. August 22, 1930. [1]
- The Rare Qualities of Louis Clavert. Equity 15:25, 32. June, 1930. [1]
- Some Unfinished Tales of the Vagabounds' Club. The World. December 14, 1930. [1]
- They Were Happy Accidents. Theatre Magazine. November, 1930. [1]
- Victoriana. Outlook 156:300-301. October 22, 1930. [1]
- Art and Industry, by Claude Bragdon and Cleome Carroll. Outlook 158:176-178. June 10, 1931. [1]
- The Eternal Poles. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1931. 104p.
- A Friend of Washington. The Sunday World Magazine. February 22, 1931, p. 3. [1]
- Frozen Fountain. Pencil Points 12:721-724. October, 1931. [1,2]
- Gibran Lives. Syrian World. April, 1931.
- Letters from Louis Sullivan. Architecture 64:7-10. July, 1931. [1]
- Life's Hall of Mirrors. Thinker 3:5-7. February, 1931. Mss. version is entitled "East is West and West is East." [1,4]
- A Plea for Masks. Theatre Guild Magazine. January, 1931, p. 46-48. [1]
- Regulating Lines. Architecture 64:329-334. December, 1931. [1]
- Skyscrapers. American Mercury 22:288-295. March, 1931. [1]
- Wake Up and Dream! Outlook 158:109-111, 117. May 27, 1931. [1]
- Apropos of Nothing. Outlook and Independent 160:92-93, 124-126, 157. January 20, January 27, February 3, 1932. [1,4]
- Between Curtains: The Part an Audience Plays. Theatre Arts Monthly 16:938-939. November, 1932.
- Chinese Wisdom. (Review of The Secret of the Golden Flower.) New York Times Book Review. January 10, 1932. [4]
- The Circus and We. Modern Thinker. July-August, 1932, p. 347-349.
- The Frozen Fountain; Being Essays on Architecture and the Art of Design in Space. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1932. 125p.
- Mrs. Fiske: Off the Stage and On. Theatre Guild Magazine 9:32-35. April, 1932. [1]
- New Horizons. Spinoza in America. Spring, 1932, p. 12-15.
- The Problem of Ornament. Architecture 65:205-208, 317-321. April-June, 1932. [1]
- Reminiscences of the Rochester That Was. Democrat and Chronicle. October 30, 1932. [1]
- "There Goes Shakespeare." Equity. June, 1932.
- "Think in New Categories." New Historian. August, 1932, p. 2-3.
- The Art of the Machine. (Review of The New Vision, by L. Moholy-Nagy; tr. by Daphne Hoffman.) Saturday Review of Literature 9:426. February 11, 1933.
- Bergman's Studio; Where Scenic Dreams Come True. Stage 10:36. January, 1933.
- Introducing Yoga. Modern Thinker. August, 1933.
- An Introduction to Yoga. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1933. 96p.
- Forward to Some Experiments in Four-dimensional Vision, by Geoffrey Hodson and Alexander Home, 1933. xxv, 117p.
- Delphic Woman; Psychism Today. Forum 92:114-117. August, 1934. [1]
- Kindergarten Chats on Architecture, Education and Democracy, by Louis H. Sullivan; ed. and intro. by Claude F. Bragdon. Lawrence(?), Kansas Scarab Fraternity Press, 1934. xi, 256p.
- Mickey Mouse and What He Means. Scribner's Magazine 96:40-43. July, 1934. Mss. version entitled "The Animated Picture." [1,4]
- The Theatre. Biosophical Review. Spring, 1934, p. 10
- Yoga. Forum 92:247-250. October, 1934. [1,4]
- The Frozen Fountain. Kenliku Sekai. January, 1935. [1]
- How and Why I Became a Theosophist. Theosophist. November, 1935, p. 120-122.
- Introduction to Open the Door, by Edith Ellis. 1935. xxi, 194p.
- The Prostitution of the Mind. Biosophical Review. Winter, 1935, p. 14-21. [4]
- Whitman of American Architecture. (Review of Louis Sullivan: Prophet of Modern Architecture, by Hugh Morrison.) New York Herald Tribune Books 12:4. December 22, 1935. [1]
- Yoga. Beacon. August, 1935, p. 142-144. [1]
- Delphic Woman; Twelve Essays Reprinted from The New Image and Old Lamps for the New. New York, N.Y., London, Knopf, 1936. 162p.
- The Franklin 16x16 Magic Square. Scripta Mathematica 4:158-159. April, 1936. Reprinted from The Frozen Fountain.
- My Experiments with Color-Music. Theosophist. May, 1936, p. 105-112. Manuscript version entitled "Color Music." [4]
- Salvaged from Time; Autobiography of Claude Bradgon. American Architect and Architecture 149:79-82, November; 81-84, December, 1936. 150:79-82, January; 81-84, February; 85-88, March, 1937. [1]
- "Star of Perfection." Journal of Calendar Reform 6:175-177. December, 1936. [1,4]
- This Brave New World. Biosophical Review 5:23-29. Spring-Summer, 1936. [1]
- His Essential Deathlessness. World Observer. September, 1937.
- In the Shade of the Golden Bough. (Review of A Graft from the Golden Bough, by Catharine Cook Smith.) New York Times Book Review. October 24, 1937, p. 3.
- Man Finds Himself in Hamlet. World Observer. July, 1937. [1]
- Women's Ritual. (Review of The Graft from the Golden Bough, by Catharine Cook Smith. New York Herald Tribune Books 14:22. November 21, 1937. Mistakenly signed David Tilden.
- (Article for) Henry Clune's "Seen and Heard" Column, Democrat and Chronicle, 1938. [1,4]
- Artist of the Past. Henry Clune's "Seen and Heard" Column, Democrat and Chronicle, 1938. [1,4]
- Artists and Trouper. Henry Clune's "Seen and Heard" Column, Democrat and Chronicle, 1938. [1,4]
- More Lives Than One. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1938. 368p.
- A New Ornamental Mode. Architect's World 1:115-159. April, 1938. [1,2]
- The Secret Springs; an Autobiography. London, A. Dakers Ltd., 1938. 368p.
- And What of Art? In: Where Theosophy and Science Meet. Madras, India, Adyar Library Association, 1939, p. 185-195. [1]
- The Beautiful Necessity; Seven Essays on Theosophy and Architecture, 4th ed. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1939. 111p.
- A Primer of Higher Space (the Fourth Dimension) to Which is Added, Man the Square, a Higher Space Parable. London: A. Dakers, Ltd., 1939. 81p.
- Sibylline Women in the Modern World. Flamma. Spring, 1939. [1]
- Wisdom in the Orient. (Review of A Strange Language, by Pundit Acharya.) New York Herald Tribune Books 16:21. November 5, 1939. [1]
- Francis H. Bacon, 1857-1940; an Appreciation. Architectural Forum 72:189 190. March, 1940. [4]
- Karma Defined. American Theosophist. August 19, 1940.
- Orchestra Settings. Pencil Points 21:377-378. June, 1940. [4]
- Yoga for the West. Theosophist. July, 1940, p. 298-300.
- Art and the Machine Age. Tomorrow 1:9-14. November, 1941.
- Oracle, by Claude and Eugenie Bragdon. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1941. 72p.
- The Arch Lectures; Eighteen Discourses Delivered in New York, during the Winter of 1940. New York, N.Y., Creative Age Press, Inc., 1942. 239p.
- Emerson: Voice of the American Spirit. Tomorrow 1:20-22. February, 1942. [1]
- The Readiness Is All. Argosy 314:3. September, 1942. [1,4]
- Androgyne. American Theosophist. October, 1943. [1]
- The Buried Wisdom of the Ages; a Study of Hand Analysis. Southern Israelite. October, 1943. Manuscript version entitled "Madame Margaret Mamlok, Hand Analyst." [4]
- Yoga for You. New York, N.Y., Knopf, 1943. 160p.
- Preface to Cobblestone Architecture, by Carl F. Schmidt, 1944, p. 5-6.
- The Problems of a Propagandist. American Theosophist 32:49-51. March, 1944. [1,4]
- (Forward to) Wax Miniatures Antique and Modern with Recent Portraits by Ethel Mundy. A loan exhibition. Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts. Syracuse, N.Y., May 4-31, 1944.
- Animation Comes of Age. Telescreen 4:2-4, 33. September, 1945. [1,2,4]
- Evil and Eve. American Theosophist 33:74-75. April, 1945. [4]
- I Refuse to be Bored. Your Life. December, 1945, p. 24. Manuscript version entitled "On Being Bored." [4]
- Music: Cosmic and Microcosmic. American Theosophist 33:105-106. May, 1945. [1,4]
- Out of the East. Biosophical Review 8:3-4. Winter, 1945. Manuscript version: "In Vishnu-Land What Avatar." [1,4]
- The Seeing I. American Theosophist. July, 1945, p. 150-151. [1,4]
- When to Stop Struggling. Your Life. August, 1945, p. 28.
- Advice to Mothers. Your Life. April, 1946. Manuscript version: "Don't be a Silver-Apron-String-Mother."
- Founder's Night. Players Bulletin. The Players, N.Y. February, 1946.
- Kindness in Action. Your Life. July, 1946, p. 86.
- Nervous Exhaustion. American Theosophist. July, 1946, p. 160. [4]
- Queer Stage Superstitions. Your Life. June, 1946, p. 34-36. Manuscript version: "On Certain Theatrical Superstitions." [4]
- The Soul of Things. American Theosophist 34: 68-69. March, 1946. [4]
- Sensitive Horizons, by Alice Sprague. Ed. and intro. by Claude Bragdon. Rochester, N.Y., The Manas Press, 1946. 95p.