Craig Linder: Crisis in Confidence--Footnotes and Bibliography



First Place Winner

Crisis of Confidence: Unrest Among the University of Rochester’s Faculty, 1966-1969

Craig Linder
Prepared under the supervision of Professor of History Lynn Gordon



  1. Nathan Rosenberg and Richard R. Nelson "Universities and Industrial Research," in Major Problems in the History of American Technology (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998). Page 449.
  2. Martin Trow, "American Higher Education: Past, Present, Future," in ASHE Reader on The History of Higher Education (Needham Heights, Mass.: Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing, 1989). Page 617.
  3. Alexander W. Astin. et al., "Overview of the Unrest Era," in ASHE Reader on The History of Higher Education (Needham Heights, Mass.: Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing, 1989). Pages 530 to 531.
  4. Rebecca S. Lowen, Creating the Cold War University (Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1997). Pages 217-218.
  5. Lowen. Pages 89-90.
  6. Martin Brewer Anderson, the University’s first president, was not inaugurated until 1854.  In the interim, a prominent local man served as the acting chancellor — a term that would not be used again until W. Allen Wallis adopted it in 1970.
  7. Robert Sheehan, "The Rich, Risky Life of a University Trustee," Fortune, January 1967, Page 124.
  8. Eric Pace, "W. Allen Wallis, 85, Economist And President of U. of Rochester," The New York Times, October 14, 1998, Page 21A.
  9. In this context, I use the word "professor" to signify anyone who held a teaching position at the University of Rochester, regardless of their academic rank.  As a result, people with the titles of "instructor" are included in these counts.
  10. Official Bulletin University of Rochester Graduate Studies 1967-68, (Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester, 1966), Pages 41 to 47, 113 to 114, 127 to 128, 147 to 148 and 174 to 179.
  11. Official Bulletin University of Rochester Graduate Studies 1970-71, (Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester, 1969), Pages 46 to 56, 146 to 147, 168 to 169, 188 to 190 and 230 to 239.
  12. Martha Goetsch, "8 Faculty Members to Leave UR; ‘Variable Factors’ Precipitate Action," Campus Times, April 9, 1968, Page 1
  13. "Strike," Interpres, (Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester, 1969), p 301.
  14. Alan Parachini, "UR Pickets Fail to Halt Recruiter," (Rochester, N.Y.) Democrat and Chronicle, November 9, 1967, Page 6B
  15. "Strike," page 302.
  16. Official Bulletin University of Rochester Graduate Studies 1970-71, (Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester, 1969), Pages 58, 94 and 137.
  17. Minutes of the Faculty Senate of the University of Rochester, November 13, 1967, Page 3.
  18. Raimi letter to Hazlett, December 5, 1967, Page 1.
  19. Recommendations of the Committee on Graduate Studies, December 5, 1967.
  20. "Recent Discipline of 23 Graduate Students and Related Events at the University of Rochester, October 30 to December 16, 1967," News From the University of Rochester, December 16, 1967, Page 3.
  21. "Hazlett Reiterages Viewpoint Of 'Disruptive Demonstration'," Campus Times, December 15, 1967, Page 3.
  22. Letter from Michael Cherniavsky to W. Allen Wallis, December 13, 1967.
  23. Letter from John Dollard to McCrea Hazlett, December 14, 1967.
  24. Letter from Willson H. Coates to W. Allen Wallis, December 14, 1967.
  25. Report by Ralph A. Raimi, chairman of the Committee on Graduate Studies of the College of Arts and Science, at the meeting of the faculty of the college, December 16, 1967. Page 1.
  26. "UR Negotiates CNA Contract; Parker Expresses Interests," Campus Times, April 30, 1968, Page 1.
  27. "UR Undertakes CNA Administration To Begin Basic Research Programs" Campus Times, September 15, 1967, Page 1
  28. Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate minutes, September 26, 1967
  29. Campus Times, September 15, 1967, Page 1.
  30. The center’s presidency was not a full-time job as Meckling remained in his position as dean of the College of Business Administration.
  31. "UR Undertakes," Campus Times, September 15, 1967.
  32. Minutes of the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate, September 26, 1967
  33. Minutes of the Faculty Senate, October 2, 1967
  34. "FCC Probes CNA Contract; Offers Information to AAUP," Campus Times, April 26, 1968, Page 1.
  35. February 27, 1968 letter from Istock to Wallis.
  36. January 15, 1968 letter from Istock to Wallis with Wallis’s attached notes regarding telephone conversation.
  37. January 8, 1968 letter from Parker to Wallis with Wallis’s attached notes regarding telephone conversation on January 22 and January 24, 1968.
  38. "FCC Probes" Campus Times, April 26, 1968.
  39. "FCC Probes" Campus Times, April 26, 1968.
  40. "CNA Budget Delegates 72% Of Funds to Naval Research," Campus Times, May 7, 1968, Page 3.
  41. Peter S. Koenig, "CNA Affiliation Questioned Hafner, Alling See Danger to UR’s Independence," Campus Times, November 15, 1968, Page 3.
  42. "SDS Sends Letter to Wallis Requesting CNA Explanation," Campus Times, October 25, 1968, Page 3.
  43. Hafner had left the University to become dean of science at Hampshire College in Amherst, Mass.
  44. "Alling Investigates CNA Contract," Campus Times, November 8, 1968, Page 4.
  45. Majority report of the Senate ad hoc Subcommittee on Contract and Grants, Page 1.
  46. Minutes of the Faculty Senate of the University of Rochester, May 19, 1969.
  47. Minutes of the Faculty Senate of the University of Rochester, November 4, 1968.
  48. Majority report of the Senate ad hoc Subcommittee on Contract and Grants, Page 12.
  49. Majority report of the Senate ad hoc Subcommittee on Contract and Grants, Page 9 to 12.
  50. Majority report of the Senate ad hoc Subcommittee on Contract and Grants, Page 13.
  51. Majority report of the Senate ad hoc Subcommittee on Contract and Grants, Page 15.
  52. Minority report of the Senate ad hoc Subcommittee on Contract and Grants, Page 1.
  53. Minority report of the Senate ad hoc Subcommittee on Contract and Grants, Pages 2 to 6.
  54. Majority report of the Senate ad hoc Subcommittee on Contract and Grants, Pages 18 to 29.
  55. Minutes of the Faculty Senate of the University of Rochester, April 21, 1969.
  56. "CNA Contract Raises Storm on UR Campus," Campus Times, April 22, 1969, Page 1.
  57. W. Allen Wallis. April 21, 1969. Statement regarding Raisz report.
  58. Petition to the University of Rochester Senate, April 26, 1969.
  59. Petition to W. Allen Wallis, April 25, 1969.
  60. Letter from Dean Harper to Robert Marshak, April 16, 1969.
  61. Peter Davis "Wallis Speaks to Overflow Crowd; Advises He Will Disregard Strike," Campus Times, April 29, 1969, Page 1.
  62. Letter from Kenneth E. Clark to W. Allen Wallis, April 28, 1969.
  63. "Wallis Objects to Draft; Favors Complete Abolition," Campus Times, November 12, 1968, Page 1.
  64. Letter to faculty members from W. Allen Wallis, August 29, 1969.
  65. "Reunite and Reconsider," editorial, Campus Times, September 19, 1969, Page 8.
  66. Letter to Ernest L. Wilkinson from W. Allen Wallis, November 2, 1970.
  67. Letter from Raisz committee to W. Allen Wallis, September 15, 1969.
  68. "Dean Clark Rejects Genovese; Committee to Study Issue," Campus Times, September 24, 1968, Page 1.
  69. Raimi interview with the author, April 21, 2000.
  70. "Dean Clark," Campus Times, September 24, 1968, Page 1.
  71. "Secrecy Breeds Hostility," editorial, Campus Times, December 6, 1968, Page 6.
  72. Letter from Genovese to Clark, January 1, 1969.
  73. "Genovese: Not Ordinary Appointment," Campus Times, May 25, 1969, Page 1.
  74. Letter from Zagorin to Clark, May 21, 1969.
  75. Letter from Gutman to Clark, May 21, 1969.
  76. Letter from Wallis to Zagorin, May 21, 1969.
  77. Statement of W. Allen Wallis, President of the University of Rochester, 26 May 1969.  Page 1
  78. Statement of the University of Rochester Board of Trustees, May 22, 1969.
  79. Minutes of the faculty meeting of the College of Arts and Science of the University of Rochester, May 26, 1969
  80. Letter from Brugler to the Committee of Named Professors, May 27, 1969, Page 1.
  81. Confidential memorandum, To: Trustees and Trustees’ Council, From: Allen Wallis, Subject: Eugene D. Genovese, June 6, 1969, Pages 1 and 2.
  82. Confidential memorandum, Page 2.
  83. Minutes of the Faculty Meeting of the College of Arts and Science of the University of Rochester, June 10, 1969
  84. "A Confidential Report to the Faculty from the Committee of Named Professors at the Special Faculty Meeting of June 10, 1969," Page 1.
  85. "Confidential Report," Page 10.
  86. "Confidential Report," Page 12.
  87. "Confidential Report," Page 13.
  88. Mercer Brugler, "Questions and Issues for Discussion with Committee of Named Professors," August 20, 1969, Page 4 and 5.
  89. Brugler, Page 3.
  90. Letter from Dean of the College of Business Administration William H. Meckling, Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science Robert G. Lowey and Acting Dean of the College of Education Cecil E. Combs to Brugler, September 12, 1969.
  91. "Confidential Report of the Committee of Named Professors," Fall 1969.
  92. "Confidential Report of the Committee of Named Professors — Remarks and Conclusions," Fall 1969, Page 2.
  93. "Remarks and Conclusions," Fall 1969, Page 3.
  94. "To Members of the Faculties of the University of Rochester," September 26, 1969.
  95. Personal notes of Wallis’s attached to letter. Undated.
  96. Charles Campbell, "Augmented Senate Discusses Governance," Campus Times, November 21, 1969, Page 1.
  97. "A Confidential Report to the Faculty from the Committee of Named Professors at the Special Faculty Meeting of June 10, 1969," Page 14.
  98. Mercer Brugler, "Questions and Issues for Discussion with Committee of Named Professors," August 20, 1969, Page 3.
  99. Marshak, Robert, "The Faculty Senate and Decision-Making at the U of R," May 19, 1968, Page 12.


Primary sources

Newspaper, magazine, and yearbook articles

Robert Sheehan, “The Rich, Risky Life of a University Trustee,” Fortune, January 1967, Page 124.

“UR Undertakes CNA Administration To Begin Basic Research Programs,” Campus-Times, September 15, 1967, Page 1

Alan Parachini, “UR Pickets Fail to Halt Recruiter,” (Rochester, N.Y.) Democrat and Chronicle, November 9, 1967, Page 6B

“Hazlett Reiterages Viewpoint Of ‘Disruptive Demonstration,’ ” Campus-Times, December 15, 1967, Page 3.

 “Recent Discipline of 23 Graduate Students and Related Events at the University of Rochester October 30 to December 16, 1967,” News From the University of Rochester, December 16, 1967, Page 3.  Wallis Archives, Box 96.

Martha Goetsch, “8 Faculty Members to Leave UR; ‘Variable Factors’ Precipitate Action,” Campus-Times, April 9, 1968, Page 1

“FCC Probes CNA Contract; Offers Information to AAUP,” Campus-Times, April 26, 1968, Page 1

“UR Negotiates CNA Contract; Parker Expresses Interests,” Campus-Times, April 30, 1968, Page 1.

“CNA Budget Delegates 72% Of Funds to Naval Research,” Campus-Times, May 7, 1968, Page 3

“Dean Clark Rejects Genovese; Committee to Study Issue,” Campus-Times, September 24, 1968, Page 1.

 “SDS Sends Letter to Wallis Requesting CNA Explanation,” Campus-Times, October 25, 1968, Page 3.

“Alling Investigates CNA Contract,” Campus-Times, November 8, 1968, Page 4.

“Wallis Objects to Draft; Favors Complete Abolition,” Campus-Times, November 12, 1968, Page 1.

Peter S. Koenig, “CNA Affiliation Questioned Hafner, Alling See Danger to UR’s Independence,” Campus-Times, November 15, 1968, Page 3.

“Secrecy Breeds Hostility,” editorial, Campus-Times, December 6, 1968, Page 6.

“CNA Contract Raises Storm on UR Campus,” Campus-Times, April 22, 1969, Page 1.

Peter Davis “Wallis Speaks to Overflow Crowd; Advises He Will Disregard Strike,” Campus-Times, April 29, 1969, Page 1.

“Strike,” Interpres, (Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester, May 1969), p 301.

“Genovese: Not Ordinary Appointment,” Campus-Times, May 25, 1969, Page 1.

“Reunite and Reconsider,” editorial, Campus-Times, September 19, 1969, Page 8.

Charles Campbell, “Augmented Senate Discusses Governance,” Campus-Times, November 21, 1969, Page 1.

Eric Pace, “W. Allen Wallis, 85, Economist And President of U. of Rochester,” The New York Times, October 14, 1998, Page 21A.




Letter from Raimi to Hazlett, December 5, 1967, Page 1. Wallis Archives, Box 96.

Letter from Michael Cherniavsky to W. Allen Wallis, December 13, 1967. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Letter from Willson H. Coates to W. Allen Wallis, December 14, 1967. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Letter from John Dollard to McCrea Hazlett, December 14, 1967. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Letter from Parker to Wallis, January 8, 1968, with Wallis’s attached notes regarding telephone conversation on January 22 and January 24, 1968. Wallis Archives, Box 76.

Letter from Istock to Wallis with Wallis’s attached notes regarding telephone conversation, January 15, 1968. Wallis Archives, Box 76.

Letter from Istock to Wallis, February 27, 1968. Wallis Archives, Box 76

Letter from Dean Harper to Robert Marshak, April 16, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Letter from Kenneth E. Clark to W. Allen Wallis, April 28, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Letter from Gutman to Clark, May 21, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

Letter from Wallis to Zagorin, May 21, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

Letter from Zagorin to Clark, May 21, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

Letter from Brugler to the Committee of Named Professors, May 27, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

Letter to faculty members from W. Allen Wallis, August 29, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Letter from Dean of the College of Business Administration William H. Meckling, Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science Robert G. Lowey and Acting Dean of the College of Education Cecil E. Combs to Brugler, September 12, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

Letter from Raisz committee to W. Allen Wallis, September 15, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Letter to Ernest L. Wilkinson from W. Allen Wallis, November 2, 1970. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Letter from Genovese to Clark, January 1, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

Letter from Wallis to faculty, September 26, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.



Faculty Senate minutes


Minutes of the Faculty Senate of the University of Rochester, October 2, 1967

Minutes of the Faculty Senate of the University of Rochester, November 13, 1967.

Minutes of the Faculty Senate of the University of Rochester, November 4, 1968.

Minutes of the Faculty Senate of the University of Rochester, April 21, 1969.

Minutes of the Faculty Senate of the University of Rochester, May 19, 1969.

Minutes of the Steering Committee of the Faculty Senate, September 26, 1967



College of Arts and Science Faculty Meeting minutes


Minutes of the Faculty Meeting of the College of Arts and Science of the University of Rochester, May 26, 1969.

Minutes of the Faculty Meeting of the College of Arts and Science of the University of Rochester, June 10, 1969.



University Publications


Official Bulletin University of Rochester Graduate Studies 1967-68, (Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester, 1966), Pages 41 to 47, 113 to 114, 127 to 128, 147 to 148 and 174 to 179.

Official Bulletin University of Rochester Graduate Studies 1970-71, (Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester, 1969), Pages 46 to 56, 146 to 147, 168 to 169, 188 to 190 and 230 to 239.





Recommendations of the Committee on Graduate Studies, December 5, 1967. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Report by Ralph A. Raimi, chairman of the Committee on Graduate Studies of the College of Arts and Science, at the meeting of the faculty of the college, December 16, 1967. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Majority report of the Senate ad hoc Subcommittee on Contract and Grants, March 3, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 76.

Minority report of the Senate ad hoc Subcommittee on Contract and Grants, March 3, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 76.

“A Confidential Report to the Faculty from the Committee of Named Professors at the Special Faculty Meeting of June 10, 1969.” Wallis Archives, Box 63.

“Confidential Report of the Committee of Named Professors,” Fall 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

“Confidential Report of the Committee of Named Professors – Remarks and Conclusions,” Fall 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.



Statements and petitions


Petition to W. Allen Wallis, April 25, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Petition to the University of Rochester Senate, April 26, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Statement of the University of Rochester Board of Trustees, May 22, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

Statement of W. Allen Wallis, President of the University of Rochester, 26 May 1969.  Wallis Archives, Box 63.



Notes and memoranda


Marshak, Robert, “The Faculty Senate and Decision-Making at the U of R,” May 19, 1968. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

W. Allen Wallis. April 21, 1969. Statement regarding Raisz report. Wallis Archives, Box 71.

Confidential memorandum, To: Trustees and Trustees’ Council, From: Allen Wallis, Subject: Eugene D. Genovese, June 6, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

Mercer Brugler, “Questions and Issues for Discussion with Committee of Named Professors,” August 20, 1969. Wallis Archives, Box 63.

Personal notes of Wallis’s attached to letter. Undated.





Interview with Ralph A. Raimi, April 21, 2000.


Secondary sources

Alexander W. Astin, Helen S. Astin, Alan E. Bayer and Ann S. Bisconti, “Overview of the Unrest Era,” in ASHE Reader on The History of Higher Education, (Needham Heights, Mass.: Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing, 1989). Pages 529-544.

Todd Gitlin, The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage (New York: Bantam Books, 1987).

Rebecca S. Lowen, Creating the Cold War University: The Transformation of Stanford (Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1997).

Arthur J. May, A History of the University of Rochester 1850-1962 (Rochester, N.Y.: University of Rochester, 1977).

Merritt Roe Smith and Gregory Clancey, Major Problems in the History of American Technology (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1997).

Martin Trow, “American Higher Education: Past, Present, Future,” in ASHE Reader on The History of Higher Education (Needham Heights, Mass.: Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing, 1989). Pages 616-626.