From Our Special Collections: Nathaniel Rochester


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ROCHESTER, Nathaniel.
Letter to Messrs. Leavitt, Weed, Backus & Norton, October 16, 1825.The founder of Rochester, Nathaniel Rochester regrets his inability to attend the ceremonies opening the Erie Canal and offers a toast for the occasion.  

In addition to my advanced age and
consequent bodily infirmities, I was yesterday attacked
with a violent cold which incapacitates me for the very
honorable post assigned to me by your polite note, in
the celebration tomorrow on the completion of the Erie Canal.Permit me Gentlemen to tender to you and through
you to the Citizens of Rochester my grateful acknowledge-
ments for this mark of your favor, and as I cannot
give my personal attention to this very laudable and
proper celebration permit me to offer a toast for the occasion. Yours very respectfully 
N Rochester "The Erie & Champlain Canals, the greatest
public work in America, if not in the world.
A principal link in the chain that binds the Union
of these states, and a proud monument of the merit
of those who projected it and those who carried the measure into effect." 

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