Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2375 "Towns Make Own Newspapers under Gannett Group Plan."
2345 BENTON, PAUL. "Rochester Journalism."
2361 BLANCHARD, LAFAYETTE R. Our Dam Against the Red Tide.
2362 BLANCHARD, LAFAYETTE R. Socialism, Severity, "Security": A Look at British Life under Welfare Rule.
2346 BLY, MYRON T. Rochester Journalism Forty Years Ago ...
2347 BROOKS, GEORGE F. "The Rochester Herald."
2377 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "The Seneca Falls Press."
2364 CLUNE, HENRY. Seen & Heard: Selections from Seen & Heard.
2363 CLUNE, HENRY. Seen & Heard: Selections from Seen & Heard.
2365 CLUNE, HENRY. The Best of Henry Clune in the Democrat & Chronicle.
2348 COATES, HILDA A. "Some Aspects of Rochester Journalism in the 1890's."
2378 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., comp. F.A. Owen of Dansville: Educational Publisher--Instructor Magazine Founder--Industrialist--Dedicated Citizen; Con-tributions by Persons Who Knew Mr. Owen ...
2350 COULTER, E. MERTON. Daniel Lee, Agriculturist: His Life North and South.
2351 , COX, STEPHEN W. "Early Agricultural Papers."
2366 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. What One Newspaper Has Done to Show the Cost of Government. Reprints Of a Series from the Democrat Chronicle, Rochester, New York on the Cost of Government in Rochester and Monroe County, N.Y. ...
2368 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. City Planning: Rochester's Next Important Task. Re prints of a Series of Articles Published in the Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, N.Y.
2367 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. The Ideals of a Modern Newspaper: Reprints of Editorials on Newspaper Practices and Ideals …
2379 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "The Newspapers of Wyoming County."
2382 F.A. OWEN PUBLISHING CO. The Founding and Development of Normal In-structor, World's Events, Primary Plans.
2340 FOLLETT, FREDERICK. History of the Press of Western New-York from the Beginning to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century.
2369 GANNETT NEWSPAPERS. The Road to Integration: Selected Art and Articles from a Continuing Program Which Has Won a Pulitzer Citation for Public Service for the Gannett Newspapers.
2343 HAMILTON, MILTON W. “The Spread of the Newspaper Press in New York before 1830.”
2342 HAMILTON, MILTON W. The Country Printer, New York State, 1785-1830.
2380 HERRICK, JOHN P. Founding a Country Newspaper Fifty Years Ago.
2352 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS G. A Tribute to the Early Printers of the Niagara Region, Being an Expression of Respect for the First Printers of Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Rochester and Buffalo by the Niagara District Conference of the International Association of Printing House Craftsmen, Meeting in Buffalo, May 26 and 27, 1939.
2381 MILLS, M.H. "The Mt. Morris Press."
2353 MOREY, JOHN E., JR. "First Daily Newspaper of Rochester, Oldest between the Hudson and the Pacific."
2341 N.W. AYER COMPANY. Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals,
2354 NAYLOR, HARRIETT J. "Rochester's Agricultural Press: A Mirror of Genesee Country Life."
2344 NORTH, SIMON N.D. History and Present Condition of the Newspaper and Periodical Press of the U.S. with a Catalogue of the Publications of the Census Year.
2355 O'CONNOR, JOSEPH. The Rochesterian: Selected Writings of Joseph O'Connor,
2356 O'REILLY, HENRY, ed. "American Journalism as an Index to National Pro-gress: Account of the Origin and Establishment of the Rochester Daily Advertiser."
2383 PERKINS, EDWARD M. "Interesting History of the LeRoy Gazette-News."
2370 POWERS, FRED H. Rochester and the Passing Scene, from the Files of News paper Photographer Fred H. Powers.
2357 ROCHESTER PRESS CLUB. Souvenir Program, Second Annual Musical Festival, Rochester Press Club, Wednesday and Thursday, June 22 and 23, 1898, Fitzhugh Hall.
2358 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. "The Story of 'The Common Good.'"
2386 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
2385 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
2384 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
2359 SLEIGHT, MARY B. "Henry C. Sleight, Founder of the Rochester Daily Ad-vertiser."
2387 SPAULDING, THOMAS M. "The First Printing in Hawaii."
2388 STERN, MADELEINE B. "James D. Bemis: Country Printe."
2389 STERN, MADELEINE B. "Some 19th Century Upstate Publishers."
2371 THETA SIGMA PHI. The Rochester Professional Chapter of Theta Sigma Phi Honors Four Rochester Newspaper Women ...
2374 TIMES-UNION/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. Your Newspapers and How to Use Them.
2373 TIMES-UNION/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. Your Editorial Page: 1. What It Is. 2. What It Stands For. 3. How It's Produced.
2372 TIMES-UNION/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. How Your Newspapers are Made.
2360 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Leonard W. Jerome."
2376 WILLIAMSON, SAMUEL T. Frank Gannett: A Biography.

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