Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
2241 Interurban Lines of Central and Western New York.
1991 HEPBURN, A. BARTON. Artificial Waterways and Commercial Development (with a History of the Erie Canal).
2028 "New York's Canal Memorial of 1816. Memorial of the Citizens of New York in Favour of a Canal Navigation between the Great Western Lakes and the Tide- Waters of the Hudson."
2018 Facts and Observations in Relation to the Origin and Completion of the Erie Canal.
2308 "The Mail Comes to Warsaw."
2410 "Rochester in Forefront of Development of Television."
2182 Erie Railroad Magazine, 47, no. 3 (May 1951), 82 pp.
2035 A View of the Grand Canal, from Lake Erie to the Hudson River; Containing a Particular Description of Its Construction, and Historical Summary of the Different Towns, Villages, &c., on the Route of the Canal ....
2045 Internal Improvement. Proceedings of Meetings of the Citizens of Rochester, Buffalo, Lockport and Palmyra, Expressive of the Views of the People of Western New-York, with Reference to the Improvement of the Erie Canal.
6394 Locomotives of Four New York State Roads.
2216 The Genesee and Wyoming Railroad Company.
2233 “A Horse Car.”
2259 "Opening the Navigation of Canaseraga River,"
2250 “Rochester Subway.”
2106 "At Home on the Canal."
2285 "Rochester's Flying Tradition--Added to by a Modern Airport."
2289 Souvenir Program. Opening of the Donald Woodward Airport, LeRoy, New York ...
2137 Official Guide of the Railways and Steam Navigation Lines of the United States, Porto Rico, Canada, Mexico and Cuba ... 1873+
2030 A Serious Appeal to the Wisdom and Patriotism of the Legislature of the State of New-York; on the Subject of a Canal Communication between the Great Western Lakes and the Waters of the Hudson. By a Friend to His Country.
2031 A Southern Route Proposed for the Canal in 1818.
6422 Route 20, Ribbon of Memories.
6423 Thruway Dedication Ceremonies, Fishers, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1946.
2108 Canal Directory: Rates of Toll and Distances on the Erie and Champlain Canals, as Established by the Canal Board, March 12, 1836, together with a List of Canal Officers, etc.
2186 The Local Press on the Erie Railway Management.
2170 "The Rochester and State Line Road."
2398 "Early Phones in Perry."
2232 “History of New York State Railways.”
6409 150 Years of Transit Progress in Rochester.
6412 The Mary Bell.
5538 The Buffalo,
2375 "Towns Make Own Newspapers under Gannett Group Plan."
2179 ADAMS, CHARLES F., JR., and HENRY ADAMS. Chapters of Erie.
2085 ADAMS, SAMUEL HOPKINS. The Erie Canal.
6378 AEBERLI, WILLIAM. The History of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway.
6358 AEBERLI, WILLIAM. 150 Years of the Erie-Barge Canal; an Essay.
1984 ALBION, DAVID. The Rise of New York Port (1815-1860),
2213 ALLEN, CHARLES F.H. "The Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern, and All Associated and Predecessor Roads."
2205 ALLEN, CHARLES F.H. "Narrow Gauge Locomotives in Western New York and Pennsylvania."
2167 ALLEN, OLIVER. "Reminiscences of the Old Rochester & State Line R.R."
6403 AMBERGER, RON, and DICK BARRETT and GREG MARLING. Canal Boats, Interurbans & Trolleys: The Story of the Rochester Subway.
6380 AMES, GREGORY P. School for Steam.
5516 ANDERSON, MILDRED LEE HILLS. The Genesee Valley Canal, 1836-1878. 2d ed.
2218 ANDREWS, MELVIN D. The Street Car Passes.
2086 ANDRIST, RALPH K. The Erie Canal.'
2087 ANDRIST, RALPH K. "The Erie Canal Passed this Way."
2219 ANGLE, JAMES M. Early Street Cars in Rochester.
2193 ARCHER, ROBERT F. The History of the Lehigh Valley Railroad: The Route of the Black Diamond."
2014 ARMROYD, GEORGE. A Connected View of the Whole Internal Navigation of the United States, Natural and Artificial, Present and Prospective ...
2220 ARNOLD, BION J. Report on Car Operation and Routing, New York State Railways, Rochester Lines, to the Rochester Chamber of Commerce …
5515 BAER, CHRISTOPHER T. Canals and Railroads of the Mid- Atlantic States, 1800-1860.
2305 BAILEY, JOHN H. "The Rochester Post Office."
2107 BARCK, DOROTHY C., and ARTHUR B. CARLSON. "125th Anniversary of the Com-pletion of the Erie Canal, with a Checklist of Views and Maps on Display."
2194 BARKER, FRANK M. Grandfather's Memories.
2146 BARNES, JOSEPH W. "The N.Y. Central Elevates Its Tracks under Municipal Pressure."
2221 BARROWS, C. STORRS. An Improved Transport System for Rochester Subway.
5551 BARTON-ASCHMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. Circulation Plan for the Central Business District of Rochester, New York.
2337 BEACH, B.F. "Early Transportation."
2222 BEAN, H.E. Report of Physical Property and Franchises of the New York State Railways, Rochester Lines, with Respect to Dates of Mortgage and Merger Periods.
2147 BEEBE, LUCIUS. 20th Century: "The Greatest Train in the World."
2263 BENHAM, ALBERT H. Great Sodus Bay and Its Steamboats from 1874 to 1910.
2127 BENSON, LEE. Merchants, Farmers, & Railroads: Railroad Regulation and New York Politics, 1850-1887.
2345 BENTON, PAUL. "Rochester Journalism."
2217 BIG STRINGS HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Centennial Celebration of the Scottsville & LeRoy Railroad and in Honor of the Pioneers of the Wheatland-Caledonia Area…
6420 BISHOP, LEWIS H. Proposals for Improving Transportation: Railways, Plank Roads, Horse Cars, Trolleys; Stage Coach Days in Warsaw; Local Places of Public Accommodation, Taverns, Inns, Hotels, Motor Lodges.
2291 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "Stagecoach Cays at Warsaw."
2396 BISHOP, LEWIS H. "History of Telephone Operation in Warsaw."
2361 BLANCHARD, LAFAYETTE R. Our Dam Against the Red Tide.
2362 BLANCHARD, LAFAYETTE R. Socialism, Severity, "Security": A Look at British Life under Welfare Rule.
2346 BLY, MYRON T. Rochester Journalism Forty Years Ago ...
6404 BORDEN, DOUGLAS G. "Fares and Tokens Used in Rochester, New York, 1833-1983."
5531 BORNTRAGER, KARL A. Keeping the Railroads Running: Fifty Years on the New York Central.
2306 BOWEN, ELI. The United States Post-Office Guide.
2397 BOYLAN, JOHN P. A History of Telephony in Rochester, N.Y.
6430 BOYTON, NAT Media Rare: Adventures of a Grassroots Newsman.
6418 BRESLAU, ALAN JEFFRY. The Time of My Death.
2347 BROOKS, GEORGE F. "The Rochester Herald."
2401 BROWN, WILLIAM F., JR. Three Times is True: Sixty-Nine Editorials and Humorous Features Written and Broadcast from 1968-1972 on WBTA Radio in Batavia, New York.
2253 BRYAN, HIRAM. King's or Hanford's Landing.
2200 BURGESS, GEORGE H., and MITES C. KENNEDY. Centennial History of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1846-1946.
2195 BURNS, THOMAS W. "Reminiscences, Heroic and Historic, of EarlyDays of the Lehigh Valley System in Southern and Central New York."
6390 BYRNE, MICHAEL M. The Railroad at Kodak Park.
1985 CALHOUN, DANIEL H. The American Civil Engineer: Origins and Conflict.
5517 CANAL MUSEUM. A Canalboat Primer on the Canals of New York State.
5518 CANAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK STATE. Field Trip, Cayuga & Seneca Canal, July 29-30, 1961.
6411 CARDER, BARBARA. A Piece of Maritime History Is for Sale.
2088 CARMER, CARL. "'O the Ee-rye-ee-was risen""
6359 CARP, ROGER EVAN. The Erie Canal and the Liberal Challenge to Classical Republicanism, 1785-1850.
6360 CARP, ROGER E. The Limits of Reform: Labor and Discipline on the Erie Canal.
5550 CARPENTER, CATHY ANN. “Dansville's Flying Allens.” "
2325 CARRUTH, CHARLES. "Indian Trails to Thruway: A Brief History of Road Building in Monroe County and New York State."
2128 CARSON, ROBERT B. Main Line to Oblivion: The Disintegration of New York Railroads in the Twentieth Century.
2058 CASE, WHEELER C. "The Genesee Valley Canal."
2175 CASEY, ROBERT J., and W.A.S. DOUGLAS. The Lackawanna Story: The First Hundred Years of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad.
2089 CHALMERS, HARVEY, II, and JOHN H. FLANDREAU. The Birth of the Erie Canal.
2090 CHALMERS, HARVEY, II, and JOHN H. FLANDREAU. How the Irish Built the Erie.
2039 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Report on the Canals of New-York, by the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New-York on Railway and Canal Legislation.
2377 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "The Seneca Falls Press."
1986 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Water Transportation and Packet Lines."
1987 CHAMBERLAIN, HARRISON. "Seneca Lock Navigation Company."
2040 CHAPMAN, GEORGE W., comp. Manual of Canal Laws Relating to the New York State Canals; with References to the Decision of the Courts, the Canal Board and the Canal Appraisers, and a Chronological List of All the Statutes of This State,of a Public Nature, Relating to the Canals, from 1791 to August 1873. Together with the Canal Regulations, Rules, Forms, Rates of Toll, Names of Places, Table of Distances, etc., etc., Now in Force, as Established by the Canal Board.
2041 CHILD & BACKUS (firm.) The Edward Backus Method for Propelling Canal Boars by Steam.
2015 CLINTON, DE WITT (Pseud. “Atticus”). Remarks on the Proposed Canal, from Lake Erie to the Hudson River.
2016 CLINTON, DE WITT. (Pseud. “Tacitus”). The Canal Policy of the State of New York: Delineated in a Letter to Robert Troup, Esquire.
2364 CLUNE, HENRY. Seen & Heard: Selections from Seen & Heard.
2363 CLUNE, HENRY. Seen & Heard: Selections from Seen & Heard.
2365 CLUNE, HENRY. The Best of Henry Clune in the Democrat & Chronicle.
2202 CLYDE & SODUS BAY RAILROAD COMPANY. Clyde and Sodus Bay Railroad. Engineer's Report, and Statement of the Directors. ...
2348 COATES, HILDA A. "Some Aspects of Rochester Journalism in the 1890's."
6405 COLLINS, JOHN F. Rochester's Little-Known Subway.
2180 COLLINS, JOHN F., JR., and ROBERT C. GERLING. "The Rochester Branch of the Erie."
2378 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., comp. F.A. Owen of Dansville: Educational Publisher--Instructor Magazine Founder--Industrialist--Dedicated Citizen; Con-tributions by Persons Who Knew Mr. Owen ...
2071 COOLEY, LYMAN E. Location of Barge Canal and Harbor at Rochester, N.Y.
2350 COULTER, E. MERTON. Daniel Lee, Agriculturist: His Life North and South.
2351 , COX, STEPHEN W. "Early Agricultural Papers."
2181 CROUCH, GEORGE. Erie under Gould and Fisk: A Comparison of the Past and Present Management Respectfully Dedicated to the Stockholders and Bondholders Generally.
2402 CROWLEY, RICHARD F. Radio Station WHAM, Rochester, New York: Its Origin, Development and Programming Practices, 1922-1941.
2314 CURTISS, W.M. "Development of Highway Administration and Finance in New York.
2292 DE WITT, BENJAMIN. "A Sketch of the Turnpike Roads in the State of New-York."
2366 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. What One Newspaper Has Done to Show the Cost of Government. Reprints Of a Series from the Democrat Chronicle, Rochester, New York on the Cost of Government in Rochester and Monroe County, N.Y. ...
2368 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. City Planning: Rochester's Next Important Task. Re prints of a Series of Articles Published in the Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, N.Y.
2367 DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. The Ideals of a Modern Newspaper: Reprints of Editorials on Newspaper Practices and Ideals …
2254 DENNIS, E. WILLARD. They Said It Couldn't Be Done, But, Port Future Looks Bright.
6432 DIBELLA, GINA M. Rochester Radio Remembered: A Series of Profiles on Early Rochester Radio Personalities.
2148 DIETTERLE, OTTO C. "Road Talk."
6372 DONALDSON, C. F., Jr. Rochester Vignette.
2208 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "The Indomitable Arcade & Attica."
2379 DOUGLASS, HARRY S. "The Newspapers of Wyoming County."
2091 DRAGO, HARRY S. Canal Days in America: The History and Romance of Old Towpaths and Waterways.
6385 DROEGE, JOHN A. Passenger Terminals and Trains.
6373 DRURY, GEORGE H. The Historical Guide to North American Railroads.
2293 DURRENBERGER, JOSEPH A. Turnpikes: A Study of the Toll Road Movement in the Middle Atlantic States and Maryland.
2326 ECI Systems. Comprehensive Development Program for Public Transportation, Phase II. Final Report.
1988 ELLIS, DAVID M. "Rise of the Empire State, 1790-1820."
2129 ELLIS, DAVID M. "Rivalry Between the New York Central and the Erie Canal."
2130 ELLIS, DAVID M. "New York and the Western Trade, 1850-1910."
2204 ELMIRA & LAKE ONTARIO RAILROAD COMPANY. The Elmira & Lake Ontario Railroad Company formed by Merger and Consolidation of the Chemung Railroad Company, the Elmira, Jefferson & Canandaigua Railroad Company and the Sodus Bay & Southern Railroad Company, Dec. 31, 1886.
2042 ELY, ALFRED. Enlargement of Canal Locks of New York for National Defense. Speech of Hon. Alfred Ely, of New York, Delivered in the House of Representatives, Monday, June 30, 1862.
2109 ENNIS, DAVID. "Navigating on the Erie Canal."
2382 F.A. OWEN PUBLISHING CO. The Founding and Development of Normal In-structor, World's Events, Primary Plans.
2223 FAIRCHILD, HERMAN L. Public Service as Private Profit: A Study of Rochester's Street Railway in Comparison with the Municipally Owned Lines of Great Britain.
2072 FAIRLIE, JOHN A. "The New York Canals."
2403 FAY, WILLIAM. "The Significance of Rochester Radio City."
2404 FAY, WILLIAM. "Here's the Story of Local Video."
2405 FAY, WILLIAM. Local Television Celebrates Third Birthday. Same, June 1952, pp. 5-6.
1989 FILANTE, RONALD W. "A Note on the Economic Viability of the Erie Canal, 1825-1860."
2073 FINCH, ROY G. "The New York State Barge Canal and Its Operation."
2131 FISHER, CHARLES E. "Through Car Service from New England."
2168 FISHER, CHARLES E. "Locomotives of the Buffalo, Rochester, & Pittsburgh Ry."
2340 FOLLETT, FREDERICK. History of the Press of Western New-York from the Beginning to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century.
6421 FOLTS, JAMES D. John Magee and the Southern Tier Stage Lines.
6424 FOOTE, GLENN. Rural Mail Route Delivery.
2110 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Duttenhofer's , Drawing of the First Aqueduct at Roch-ester.
2111 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Little Boys and Packet Boats."
2112 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Canal Basins in Rochester.
2307 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Post Offices and Postmasters of Rochester.
2255 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Shipping on the Upper Genesee River.
2149 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Beginnings of the Auburn and Rochester Railroad.
2150 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Early Mail Cars."
2151 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. "Auburn and Rochester Railroad."
6361 FRANKEL, JEREMY G., and PETER WILES, Jr. Erie Canal Guide. Western Section - Tonawanda to Syracuse.
5552 FREEMAN, LARRY. The Bath-Catskill Turnpike: A Centennial Offering.
2294 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "The Olean. Trail."
6391 GALUSHA, DIANE. Little Trains that Do.
2369 GANNETT NEWSPAPERS. The Road to Integration: Selected Art and Articles from a Continuing Program Which Has Won a Pulitzer Citation for Public Service for the Gannett Newspapers.
5519 GARRITY, RICHARD G. Canal Boatman: My Life on Upstate Waterways.
6362 GARRITY, RICHARD G. Recollections of the Erie Canal.
2020 GEDDES, GEORGE. "The Erie Canal. Origin and History of the Measures that Led to Its Construction."
2406 GELLES, RICHARD J. "The Social Construction of Television News."
2206 GENESEE VALLEY CANAL RAILROAD COMPANY. Reasons Why Action Should Be . Taken by the Legislature to Secure to the People of the State a Railroad in Place of the Abandoned Genesee Valley Canal.
2196 GERARD, FELIX R. The Lehigh Valley Railroad, 1846-1946, a Centenary Address,
5520 GODFREY, FRANK H. The Godfrey Letters: Capt. Frank H. Godfrey Tells About His Days on the Canals.
2017 GOLDEN, CADWALLADER. Memoir, Prepared at the Request of a Committee of the Common Council of the City of New York, and Presented to the Mayor of the City, at the Celebration of the Completion of the New York Canals.
2059 GOLDTHWAIT, LILLIAN. comp. A Bibliographic History of the Genesee Valley Canal, 1825-1850.
1990 GOODRICH, CARTER, ed. Government Promotion of Canals and Railroads, 1800-1890.
2229 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Keuka Lake Memories: The Champagne Country.
2183 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Stories and History of the Erie Railroad--Rochester Division.
2224 GORDON, WILLIAM R. The Story of the Rochester and Sodus Bay Railway, "The Royal Blue Line," 1901-1929.
2228 GORDON, WILLIAM R. The Story of the Buffalo, Lockport, and Rochester Railway 1908-1919. The Rochester, Lockport and Buffalo Railroad. Corp., ... 1919-1931 ...
2230 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Ninety-four Years of Rochester Railways …
2225 GORDON, WILLIAM R. The Story of the Canandaigua Street Railway Company, the Canandaigua. Electric Light and Railway Company, Ontario Light and Traction Company, and the Rochester and Eastern Rapid Railway.
2226 GORDON, WILLIAM R. Manitou Beach Trolley Days, 1891-1925.
2227 GORDON, WILLIAM R. and JAMES R. MacFARLANE. The Rochester, Syracuse and Eastern "Travelectric," 1906-1931… Rochester: Pulibshed by the author, 1961. 176 pp.
6406 GORDON, WILLIAM REED. Horse Car and Trolley Days in Rochester, 1862-1956.
2176 GRAHAM, F. STEWART. "The Locomotives of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad and Its Subsidiary Lines."
2256 GRANT, ROBERT. York Landing.
5521 GRASSO, THOMAS X. The Canals and Brief History of Rochester: and Eastern Monroe County.
6363 GRASSO, THOMAS X., and RUTH ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK. Remembering an Old Canal Town.
2021 HAINES, CHARLES G. Considerations on the Great Western Canal, from the Hudson to Lake Erie; With a View of Its Expence, Advantages, and Progress.
2343 HAMILTON, MILTON W. “The Spread of the Newspaper Press in New York before 1830.”
2342 HAMILTON, MILTON W. The Country Printer, New York State, 1785-1830.
2113 HANYAN, CRAIG R. "China and the Erie Canal."
2312 HARLOW, ALVIN F. Old Waybills: The Romance of the Express Companies.
2092 HARLOW, ALVIN F. Old Towpaths: The Story of the American Canal Era.
2390 HARLOW, ALVIN F. Old Wires' and New Waves: The History of the Telegraph, Telephone, and Wireless.
2152 HARLOW, ALVIN F. The Road of the Century: The Story of the New York Central,
5532 HARRINGTON, CHARLES. “Railroading Days.”
2043 HAVEMEYER, WILLIAM F. Message of the Mayor of the City of New York to the Common Council in Reference to the Pending Amendment to the State Con-stitution Relative to Funding the Canal and General Fund Debts.
2044 HAWLEY, JESSE. An Essay on the Enlargement of the Erie Canal ...
2022 HAWLEY, MERWIN A. "Origin of the Erie Canal. Embracing a Synopsis of the Essays of the Hon. Jesse Hawley, Published in 1807."
2023 HAWLEY, MERWIN A. "The Erie Canal. Its Origin Its Resources and Its Necessity."
2024 HAWLEY, MERWIN A. "The Erie Canal. Its Origin Considered in Reference to Gouverneur Morris, Joshua Forman, James Geddes and Jesse Hawley."
6419 HELMUTH, JOHN A. The Economic Impact of the Rochester-Monroe County Airport on the Local Economy.
2295 HENION, ANNA. "The Old Stage Coach."
2380 HERRICK, JOHN P. Founding a Country Newspaper Fifty Years Ago.
2074 HILL, HENRY W. "An Historical Review of Waterways and Canal Construction in New York State.
2264 HILTON, GEORGE W. The Great Lakes Car Ferries.
2231 HILTON, GEORGE W. and JOHN F. DUE. The Electric Interurban Railways in
6407 HINKLEY, MARILYN J. A Streetcar Named Dinky: Canandaigua Street Railways, 1886-1930.
2297 HOLMES, OLIVER W. "Sunday Travel and Sunday Mails: A Question which Troubled Our Forefathers."
2296 HOLMES, OLIVER W. "The Stage-Coach Business in the Hudson Valley."
2060 HOLTON, GLADYS REID. The Genesee Valley Canal.
2257 HOOKER, ELON HUNTINGTON. Memories of Carthage: Traffic on Early Waterways. Historical Souvenir of the Valley of the Genesee. Address … Pre-sented at the Dinner of the Society of the Genesee, … New York City, January 23rd, 1933.
2025 HOSACK, DAVID. Memoir of DeWitt Clinton: with an Appendix, Containing Numerous Documents, Illustrative of the Principal Events of His Life.
2093 HOTCHKISS, WILLIAM O. Early Days of the Erie Canal--Adventures in Statesmanship and Canal Transport.
2298 HOWARD, WILLIAM B. "A Report from the Engineer Appointed to Examine a Route for a National Road from the City of Washington to the Northwestern Frontier of the State of New York."
5557 HOWE, F.L., ed. This Great Contrivance: The First Hundred Years of the Telephone in Rochester. Rochester:
6364 HULLFISH, WILLIAM, compiler and ed. The Canaller's Songbook: Words, Music and Chords to Over Thirty Canal Songs.
2313 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Wells Fargo: Advancing the American Frontier.
2154 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. "When the Railroad 'First Came to Western New York."
2155 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. "Early Railroads of New York."
2153 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. The Story of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburgh Railroad.
2156 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Men and Iron: The History of the New York Central.
2184 HUNGERFORD, EDWARD. Men of Erie: A Story of Human Effort.
2265 INSHAW, CHARLES C. Steamboating on the Finger Lakes.
2115 IVORY, PAUL.W. "Packet Boat Runners on the Erie Canal."
2116 JENSEN, ALBERT C. "Building the Erie Canal."
5553 KAISER, LOUIS W. A Checklist of the Post Offices of New York State to 1850, with the Names of the First Postmasters.
6425 KAY, JOHN L. and CHESTER M. SMITH, Jr. New York Postal History: The Post Offices and First Postmasters from 1775 to 1980.
6426 KILBURN, JANICE. Cowlesville Post Office Celebrates 150th Anniversary.
2266 KILDAY, RICHARD J. It Was a Dark and Stormy Night: The Story of the Loss of the Three-Masted Lakes Schooner, St. Peter, in 1898 and Her Rediscovery Seventy-Three Years Later; An Exhibition at the Rochester Museum and Science Center … 1975.
2095 KIMBALL, FRANCIS P. New York--The Canal State: The Story of America's Great Water Route from the Lakes to the Sea, Builder of East and West; with a Discussion of the St. Lawrence Treaty.
2234 KING, SHELDEN S. The New York State Railways.
2235 KING, SHELDEN S. The New York State Railways Pictorial.
2236 KING, SHELDEN S. Trolly Pictures of the Finger Lakes Region.
2237 KING, SHELDEN S. The New York State Railways.
2238 KING, SHELDEN S. Trolleys to Cayuga Lake Park.
2177 KING, SHELDEN S. The Route of Phoebe Snow: A Story of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad.
5545 KING, SHELDEN S. “The New York State Railways.
5546 KING, SHELDEN S. Trolleys to Cayuga Lake Park.
2185 KINGSBURY, H.D. "The Conesus Lake Railroad."
2169 KINGSTON, H.H., JR. "When Locomotives Were Christened."
2315 KLING. H.R. Roads in Wyoming County.
2239 KLOS, LLOYD E. The Route of the Orange Limiteds.
2157 KNOLL, CHARLES M. The Water-Level Route.
6386 KNOLL, CHARLES M. A J1b Hudson 5212 Still Active in Revenue Service.
6427 KOBERG, EMMA G. Wayne County Postal History.
5554 KOBERG, EMMA G. Collected Postal History Notes of Ontario County, New York State.
2209 KRAMPF, MELVIN C. "Upstate Short Haul."
6365 KRANZ, TOM. Cruising Guide to the Erie Canal.
5533 KRAUSE, JOHN and ED CRIST. Lackawanna Heritage, 1947-1952.
5522 LANGBEIN, W.B. “Hydrology and Environmental Aspects of Erie Canal (1817-99).”
2117 LEE, FLORENCE. A Guide to Canal Sites within Monroe County,
2197 LEE, HARDY C. A History of the Railroads in Tompkins County,
6392 LEWIS, EDWARD A. American Shortline Railway Guide.
6393 LEWIS, EDWARD A. Wellsville, Addison and Galeton Railroad.
2210 LEWIS, EDWARD A., and HARRY S. DOUGLASS. Arcade & Attica R.R.
2240 LIPMAN, ANDREW D. The Rochester Subway: Experiment in Municipal Rapid Transit.
2096 LOGAN, NANCY A. "Look for a Post!"
2075 LONG, C. EDWARD. "Proposed Allegheny-Genesee Waterways Links Vital Inland Water Systems."
2187 LORD, ELEAZAR. A Historical Review of the New York and Erie Railroad,
5534 LOWELL, PAT. “The Bridge at Letchworth State Park.” "
2158 LYONS CONVENTION. Direct Rail-Road from Rochester to Syracuse. Proceedings of the Lyons Convention. n.p., 1847. 12 pp.
6366 LYONS, CHUCK. They Called It the Great Erie Canal.
2118 MADDEN, EMILY A. "Where Was DeWitt Clinton July 4, 1817?"
5523 MADDEN, EMILY A. Indexes to the
1995 MADDEN, EMILY, and ROBERT S. ROSE. Listing and Index of Maps, Plans, Profiles, Pictures, and. Photographs of Canals of New York State in Annual Re-ports of State Engineer and Surveyor through 1905, Canal Commissioners, Superintendent of Public Works on Canals through 1905.
2062 MADDEN, EMILY. List of Maps, Plans of Structures, and Profiles on the Genesee Valley Canal which Have Been Microfilmed.
5524 MADDOX, VIVIENNE D. “Effect of the Erie Canal on Building and Planning in Syracuse, Palmyra, Rochester, and Lockport, New York.”
6408 MAGUIRE, STEPHEN D. Electric Lines: Empire State Trackage.
2242 MALEY, CHARLES. Rochester and Eastern Rapid Railway: The Orange Blossom Line.
5535 MANCUSO, JAMES H. The Anatomy of Erie Lackawanna.
2063 MARSH, HORACE P. Rochester and Its Early Canal Days: Reminiscences of the Author, While Engaged on the New York State Waterways, the Erie, Genesee Valley, Black River, and Other Lateral Canals.
1996 MATHEWS, LOIS KIMBALL. "The Erie Canal and the Settlement of the West."
2211 MATTESON, HENRY C. "Early Days on the B.A. & A. Railroad."
2316 MCDADE, MATT C. "New York State's New Main Street."
1992 McILWRAITH, THOMAS. "Freight Capacity and Utilization of the Erie and Great Lakes Canals before 1850."
1993 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Rochester and the Erie Canal.
1994 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Erie Canal: Mother of Cities.
2132 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Railroads in Rochester's History.
2407 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Radio and Television in the Life of Rochester.
2391 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Western Union Centennial.
2258 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The Port of Rochester: A History of Its Lake Trade.
2352 McMURTRIE, DOUGLAS G. A Tribute to the Early Printers of the Niagara Region, Being an Expression of Respect for the First Printers of Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Rochester and Buffalo by the Niagara District Conference of the International Association of Printing House Craftsmen, Meeting in Buffalo, May 26 and 27, 1939.
2198 MCNATT, EMMETT B. Employee Representation in the Lehigh Valley Rail-road Shops; A Case Study in Company Unionism.
2061 MCVEAN, ALBERT F. "Canal Boats and Boat Captains."
5547 MERRICK, LEE H. “Whistles of History--Stories of Lake Keuka's Steamboats.” "
2267 MERRICK, LEE HART. Whistles of History--Stories of Lake Keuka's Steam-boats.
2097 MERRILL, ARCH. "Rochester 'The Young Lion,' Child of the Erie Canal."
2159 MERZ, FRED. "Going--Going--Gone."
2338 MEYER, BALTHASAR II., ed. History of Transportation in the United States before 1660.
1997 MILLER, NATHAN A. The Enterprise of a Free People--Aspects of Economic Development in New York State during the Canal Period, 1792-1838.
2381 MILLS, M.H. "The Mt. Morris Press."
2188 MINOR, GEORGE H. The Erie System: A Statement of Various Facts Relating to the Organization and Corporate History of the Various Companies.
2408 MONROE COUNTY. Committee to Study Cable Television in Monroe County. Cable Television in Monroe County; Final Report ...
2282 MONROE COUNTY. Regional Planning Board. A Summary of the Survey and Plans for Port Development in Rochester and Monroe County, Made for the Joint Harbor Survey Committee by MacElwee and Crandall, Inc., Consulting Engineers.
6396 MONTE VERDE, DAVID J. Rochester & Southern: A Line Come Full Circle.
6395 MONTE VERDE, DAVID. The New and Expanding Genesee & Wyoming.
2327 MOONEY, THOMAS T. Highways and Bridges in Monroe County, a Framework for Responsibilities.
2119 MORAN, EUGENE F. "The Erie Canal as I have Known It."
2353 MOREY, JOHN E., JR. "First Daily Newspaper of Rochester, Oldest between the Hudson and the Pacific."
6397 MORGAN, DAVID P. The Mohawk That Refused to Abdicate and Other Tales.
6398 MORGAN, DAVID P. A Story of Small, Elderly Engines.
2339 MOSS, GEORGE. "Transportation in the Early Days of Western. New York."
2189 MOTT, EDWARD H. Between the Ocean end the Lakes: The Story of Erie.
2409 MURPHY, RAYMOND J. A Preliminary Investigation of the Effects of Television on the Family.
2341 N.W. AYER COMPANY. Directory of Newspapers and Periodicals,
2065 N.Y ASSEMBLY. Report of the Select Committee of the Assembly of 1846, upon the Investigation of Frauds in the Expenditure of the Public Monies upon the Canals of the State of New York.
2318 N.Y Department of Public Works. Report on State Arterial Highways in the Batavia Urban Area.
2319 N.Y Department of Public Works. Report on State Arterial Highways in the Canandaigua Urban Area.
2320 N.Y Department of Public Works. Report on State Arterial Highways in the Geneva Urban Area.
2134 N.Y. ASSEMBLY. Report of the Special Committee on Railroads. Appointed under a Resolution of the Assembly, February 28, 1879, to Investigate Alleged Abuses in the Management of Railroads Chartered by the State of New York.
2046 N.Y. CANAL APPRAISERS. Awards and Testimony in the Claims of the Rochester Mill Owners, for the Diversion of the Waters of the Genesee River, for the Supply of the Erie and Genesee Valley Canals, Heard by the Canal Appraisers, under Chapter 462, Laws of 1855.
2027 N.Y. CANAL COMMISSIONER. Laws of the State of New York, in Relation to the Erie and Champlain Canals, Together with the Annual Reports of the Canal Commissioners and other Document ....
2026 N.Y. CANAL COMMISSIONER. The Official Reports of the Cann: Commissioners of the State of New York, and the Acts of the Legislature Respecting Navigable Communications between the Great Western and Northern-Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean: with Perspicuous, Maps and Profiles ...
2317 N.Y. Commissioner of Highways. Annual. Report ... 1916.
2121 N.Y. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE A Certified Copy of the Register of Canal Boats Kept in the Comptroller's Office, Showing Their Names and Owners, as They Stook upon the Register on the 1st January, 1839.
2328 N.Y. Department of Public Works. Report on State Arterial Highways in the Rochester Urban Area.
2329 N.Y. Department of Transportation. Summary of Travel. Inventory Data. (Rochester Metropolitan Transportation Study)
2330 N.Y. Department of Transportation. Analysis of the Characteristics and Use of the Inventoried Transit System. (Rochester Metropolitan Transportation Study)
2331 N.Y. Department of Transportation. The 1990 Plan for Transportation Facilities.
2122 N.Y. ERIE CANAL CENTENNIAL COMMISSION. The Erie Canal Centennial Celebration, 1925; the Final Report of the Erie Canal Centennial Commission Sub-mitted to the Governor and the Legislature ...
2067 N.Y. LAWS, STATUTES. Acts Relating to the Sodus Canal.
2076 N.Y. LEGISLATURE. Report of the Joint Legislative Committee on the Barge Canal.
1998 N.Y. Legislature. Joint Legislative Committee on Preservation and Re-storation of Historic Sites, 1957-58. Report ...
2135 N.Y. Public Service Commission. ... In the Matter of the Application of the Buffalo, Rochester and Eastern Railroad Company for a Certification of Public Convenience and a Necessity under Section 9 of the Railroad Law, and for Permission to Begin Construction ... Opinion of the Commission with Press Comments Thereon.
2243 N.Y. Public Service Commission. ... Report of Traffic Conditions in Rochester, 1912-13.
5525 N.Y. SENATE. Subcommittee on Inland Ports and Waterways. Task Force on Critical Problems. Which Way for our Waterways? A Report on the New York State Barge Canal and the Upstate Ports.
2123 N.Y. STATE COUNCIL ON THE ARTS. Erie Canal: History of the Canal that Made New York the Empire State from 1817 to the Present. An Exhibit Porto- folio by the New York State Council on the Arts for the New York Museums Collaborative.
1999 N.Y. STATE COUNCIL ON THE ARTS. The Canal Courier.
2077 N.Y. State Engineer and Surveyor. Report on the Barge Canal from the Hudson River to the Great Lakes.
2120 NARAMORE, SALLY. "South of Court Street, the Weighlock."
2133 NATIONAL RAILWAY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Rochester Chapter. When Rochester Rode by Rail.
2354 NAYLOR, HARRIETT J. "Rochester's Agricultural Press: A Mirror of Genesee Country Life."
2064 NAYLOR, HARRIETT. "The Great Canal Celebration of September 1, 1840."
2160 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. Agreement between the Albany & Schenectady, the Schenectady & Troy, the Utica & Schenectady, the Mohawk Valley, the Syracuse & Utica, the Syracuse & Utica Direct, the Rochester & Syracuse, the Rochester, Lockport & Niagara Falls, and the Buffalo & Lockport; whereby the Said Companies are Consolidated into One Corporation, under the Name of "The New York Central Railroad Company," in Pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of New York, Passed Apr. 2, 1853.
2161 NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. The One Hundredth Anniversary, 1826 April 17, 1926, of the New York Central Railroad.
2047 NEW YORK STEAM CABLE TOWING COMPANY. The New York Steam Cable Towing Company. Capital Stock, $500,000. ...
5555 NEWTON, FRANCES P. American Bibliography: A Preliminary Checklist, 1801 to 1819 ... Printers, Publishers and Booksellers Index, Geographical Index.
2136 NIELSEN, WALDO J. Right-of-Way: A Guide to Abandoned Railroads in the United State, Bend, Ore.: Old Bottle Magazine, 1972. See also Abandoned Railroad Rights of Way in New York State--A Listing.
2000 NIEMI, ALBERT W., JR. "A Further Look at Interregional Canals and Economic Specialization: 1820-1840."
2344 NORTH, SIMON N.D. History and Present Condition of the Newspaper and Periodical Press of the U.S. with a Catalogue of the Publications of the Census Year.
2001 NORTON, JOHN R. "New York State Government and the Economy: 1819-1846."
2355 O'CONNOR, JOSEPH. The Rochesterian: Selected Writings of Joseph O'Connor,
2099 O'DONNELL, THOMAS F. "Notes for a Bibliography of the Canals of New York."
2124 O'DONNELL, THOMAS F. "'I'm Afloat!' on the Raging Erie."
6367 O'MALLEY, CHARLES T. Low Bridges and High Water on the New York State Barge Canal.
5548 ORCUTT, JEAN. “Steamboat Navigation on Crooked Lake.”
2048 O'REILLY, HENRY, and HUGH ALLEN, comp. Proceedings of the New-York State Conventions for Rescuing the Canals from the Ruin with Which They Are Threatened
2356 O'REILLY, HENRY, ed. "American Journalism as an Index to National Pro-gress: Account of the Origin and Establishment of the Rochester Daily Advertiser."
2215 PALMER, RICHARD F. Scottsville & LeRoy Railroad.
2301 PALMER, RICHARD F. The "Old Line Mail": Stagecoach Days in Upstate New York.
2299 PALMER, RICHARD F. "The "Pioneer Line" The Stagecoach War of 1828."
2300 PALMER, RICHARD F. "The Era of the Drover."
5536 PALMER, RICHARD F. “Abandoned Railroads in New York State.”
6414 PALMER, RICHARD F. The Longest Pull.
6415 PALMER, RICHARD F. Port of Refuge: Oak Orchard, New York.
2199 PALMER, RICHARD F. "Middlesex Valley Railroad."
6374 PALMER, RICHARD, and HARVEY ROEHL. Railroads in Early Postcards: Volume One Upstate New York.
5526 PALMER, RICHARD. “The Canal and the Stagecoach.” "
6413 PALMER, RICHARD. Commercial Sailing on the Finger Lakes.
2392 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Western Union Office."
2098 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "Influence of the Erie Canal in the Development of New York State."
2066 PARKER, ARTHUR C. "The Old Genesee Valley Canal."
2393 PARKER, JANE MARSH. "How Men of Rochester Saved the Telegraph."
2383 PERKINS, EDWARD M. "Interesting History of the LeRoy Gazette-News."
2332 PERRY, BERNARD F. "Development of a Modern Highway System in Rochester and Monroe County."
2302 PETERS, MAROON. "History of the Laying Out of the Lake Road from LeRoy to the Lake."
2309 PETRI, PITT. The Postal History of Western New York, Its Post Offices, Its Postmasters.
6428 PHILLIPS, DAVID G., editor in chief. American Stampless Cover Catalog. 4th ed.
2139 PIERCE, HARRY H. Railroads of New York: A Study of Government Aid 1826-1875.
2214 PIETRAK, PAUL. The Pittsburgh Shawmut & Northern Railroad Company
5537 PIETRAK, PAUL. The B. & S.: Buffalo & Susquehanna Railway.
6399 PIETRAK, PAUL. The History of the Buffalo & Susquehanna.
2212 PIETRAK, PAUL. The History of the Buffalo & Susquehanna Railroad.
6375 POLMENTEER, VAUGHN. As Rochester Got into Training.
2140 POOR, HENRY V. History of the Railroads and Canals of the United States of America, Exhibiting Their Progress, Cost Revenues, Expenditures & Present 166 Condition.
2029 PORTER, PETER B. Mr. P.B. Porter's Speech or. internal Improvements. De-livered in the House of Representatives, on the Eighth of February, 1810.
2370 POWERS, FRED H. Rochester and the Passing Scene, from the Files of News paper Photographer Fred H. Powers.
2288 R. DIXON SPEAS ASSOCIATES. Western New York State Air Carrier Airport System Plan Study. Summary Report and Technical Report, 2 vols.
2049 RAFETER, GEORGE W. Report on the Water Supply of the Western Division of the Erie Canal.
2002 RANSOM, ROGER L. "Interregional Canals and Economic Specialization in the Antebellum United States."
2100 RAPP, MARVIN A. Canal Water and Whiskey: Tall Tales from the Erie Canal Country.
2260 RAPP, MARVIN A. New York's Trade on the Great Lakes, 1800-1840.
2268 RATIGAN, WILLIAM. Great Lakes Shipwrecks and Survivals.
5539 RAUBER, WILFRED, D. & M. and D.L. & W. Putting Dansville on the Railroad Map. Dansville: Published by the author, 1980.
2284 REDDEN WALTER P. Action Program for Port Development: A Review of Progress and a Look to the Future.
2283 REDDEN WALTER P. Rochester-Monroe County Port Survey.
6400 REDDY, WILLIAM L. Tonawanda Valley and Cuba Railroad `Inspection.'
2394 REID, JAMES D. The Telegraph in America; Its Founders, Promoters and Noted Men.
2244 REIFSCHNEIDER, FELIX E. Toonervilles of the Empire State.
2245 REIFSCHNEIDER, FELIX E. Interurbans of the Empire State.
2246 REIFSCHNEIDER, FELIX E. Trolley Lines of the Empire State (City and Suburban).
6368 RINKER, HARRY L. The Old Raging Erie.... There Have Been Several Changes: A Postcard History of the Erie Canal and Other New York State Canals (1895 to 1915).
2101 ROBISON, BRUCE. "De Witt Clinton and the Erie Canal."
2247 ROCHESTER BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH. Memorandum in Regard to the Street Railway Situation, Submitted to the Board of Trustees, May 20, 1920.
2078 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Genesee River: The Largest and Most Important Stream from the South.
2079 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Twenty Good Reasons Why You Should Vote No
2141 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Before the Interstate Commerce Commission, Docket No. 15879. Eastern Class Rate Investigation. Brief for the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Fayette B. Dow, Attorney ....
2142 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Before the Interstate Commerce Commission, Docket No. 15879. Eastern Class Rate Investigation. Exceptions on Behalf of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce ... Fayette B. Dow, Attorney ...
2357 ROCHESTER PRESS CLUB. Souvenir Program, Second Annual Musical Festival, Rochester Press Club, Wednesday and Thursday, June 22 and 23, 1898, Fitzhugh Hall.
2249 ROCHESTER RAILWAY COMPANY. Charters, Franchises, Mortgages, Leases, and Agreements.
2399 ROCHESTER TELEPHONE CORP. Mr. Eastman's Letter of October 2, 1922, and the Reply of Messrs. Fuller, Goodwin and McCanne.
2411 ROCHESTER, Citizens Cable Television Advisory Committee. ... Cable Television Report.
2248 ROCHESTER, Common Council. Report of the Joint Committee of the Common Council in the Matter of the Investigation of Operation and Management of the Street Surface Railways in the City of Rochester, N.Y.
2207 ROCHESTER, NUNDA, & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. The Rochester, Nunda, and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company. Prospectus, Reports, and other Documents.
2333 ROCHESTER. City Planning Commission. A Report of Rochester's Major Street System. Rochester: 1947. 64 pp. See also "A Major Street Plan for the City of Rochester."
2261 ROGERS, HOSEA. Early Shipping on the Lower Genesee River: Reminiscences of Captain Hosea Rogers, ed. George H. Harris.
6416 ROGERS, HOSEA. Early Shipping on the Lower Genesee River.
2171 ROTHFUS, ROBERT R. "More about Locomotives of the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh Railway."
2172 ROTHFUS, ROBERT R. "Coal Trains North: The Rochester and Pittsburgh Rail road Company."
2050 RUGGLES, SAMUEL B. Report upon the Finances and Internal Improvements of the State of New-York, 1838.
2052 RUGGLES, THOMAS C. Vindication in 1849 of the Canal Policy of 1838.
2051 RUGGLES, THOMAS C. Report of Mr. Thomas Colden Ruggles, Civil Engineer, Appointed by the Chamber of Commerce to Ascertain the Speed of Steam Canal Boats Navigating the Erie Canal, and Its Depth of Water. October 7, 1875.
2358 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. "The Story of 'The Common Good.'"
6376 RUNG, A. M. Rochester's Railroads.
6377 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. Silver Springs Depot.
6401 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. The Genesee & Wyoming RR.
6384 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. Rochester Junction Station and Storage Building.
6381 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. Erie's Avon Station.
6382 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. Erie Lackawanna Freight House at LeRoy, N. Y.
6387 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. Otis Station.
6389 RUSSELL, HAROLD W. PRR's Welding Shop at Sodus Point, N. Y.
2114 RUSTED, SHIRLEY COX. Sail the Shining Waters: Canal Lore from Monroe County, N.Y.
2303 SALISBURY, F.C. "The Old Buffalo Road."
2386 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
2385 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
2384 SANDERS, WALTER B. The Country Editor …
5540 SAUNDERS, RICHARD. The Railroad Mergers and the Coming of Conrail.
5541 SCANLON, ANN MARIE. “The Beginnings of the New York Central Railroad: A Study of Men, Money and Materials.”
2080 SCHOFF, WILFRED. "The New York State Barge Canal."
2125 SCRANTOM, EDWIN. "Life on the Canal."
6369 SCULLEY, FRANCIS X. Passage from Erie.
2286 SEELYE, STEVENSON, VALUE & KNECHT. Consulting Engineers. Master Plan Report for the Rochester-Monroe County Airport.
2081 SEVERANCE, FRANK G. ed. "Papers Relating to Canal Enlargement in New York State."
2287 SHAFTER, HOWARD m. “Aviation in Rochester.”
2003 SHAW, RONALD. "Rochester's Erie Canal: The Pride of a Generation."
2004 SHAW, RONALD. A History of the Erie Canal, 1807-1850, with. Particular Ref erence to Western New York.
2005 SHAW, RONALD. Erie Water West: A History of the Erie Canal 3792-1854.
6433 SIBLEY, HARPER. The Biography of Hiram Sibley.
2359 SLEIGHT, MARY B. "Henry C. Sleight, Founder of the Rochester Daily Ad-vertiser."
2252 SMITH, H. BRADFORD, and BLAKE MCKELVEY. Rochester's Turbulent Transit History.
2251 SMITH, H. BRADFORD. The Rochester Street Railway, 1859-1906.
6431 SMITH, HENRY BRADFORD. History of Printing in Rochester, 1816-1834.
5542 SMITH, JAMIE. “The G & W: 'A Great Little Railroad.'“ "
2162 SMITH, MARY E. "The Ho-jack Railroad, Tracking Hamlin: A Tale of "The White Elephant Line."
2006 SMITH, WALTER B. "Wage Rates on the Erie Canal, 1828-1882."
2203 SODUS BAY IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. The Sodus Bay Improvement Company. A Circular Issued for the Purpose of Informing the Public in Relation to the Character of Great Sodus Bay, (Lake Ontario.) as a Harbor, and of Its Inevitably Rapid Development into Great Commercial Importance.
2068 SODUS CANAL COMPANY. Sodus Canal,
2069 SODUS CANAL COMPANY. Great Sodus Bay, and the Sodus Canal.
2201 SODUS POINT & SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY. Sodus Point and Southern Railroad. Chief Engineer's Report, and Statement of the Directors; with a Map of Sodus Bay.
2387 SPAULDING, THOMAS M. "The First Printing in Hawaii."
5527 SPRINGER, ETHEL M., and THOMAS F. HAHN. Canal Boat Children on the Chesapeake and Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York Canals.
2163 STAUFER, ALVIN F. Steam Power of the New York Central System. Vol. 1 Modern Power, 1915-1955. Vol. 2, Early Power 1831-1916.
5528 STELTER, JOHN H. “The Eric Canal and Freemasonry.”
2388 STERN, MADELEINE B. "James D. Bemis: Country Printe."
2389 STERN, MADELEINE B. "Some 19th Century Upstate Publishers."
5556 STERN, MADELEINE B. Imprints on History: Book Publishers and American Frontiers.
2164 STEVENS, FRANK W. The Beginnings of the New York Central Railroad: A History.
2190 STURGIS, HENRY S. A New Chapter of Erie: The Story of Erie's Reorganization, 1938-1941.
2082 SUMNER, JOHN D. New York State Barge Canal Traffic.
6434 SWARTZ, JOEL, ed. Kay Lowry.
2070 SWIFT, JOSEPH G. Reports and Estimates, for Uniting Lake Ontario with the Erie Canal, at Sodus Bay. Oct. 1831.
5543 TABER, THOMAS T. The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad in the Nineteenth Century.
5544 TABER, THOMAS T., and THOMAS T. TABER III. The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad in the Twentieth Century.
2165 TAYLOR, JEREMY. "Last Gasp of Sensation on the New York Central."
2290 TEETOR-DOBBINS, engineers. Summary Report, Monroe County Aviation Facilities, 1967-1990.
2400 TELEPHONE PIONEERS OF AMERICA. History, Telephone Pioneers of America. Genesee Chapter, Rochester, New York, 1911-1961 ...
2304 TELLER,, FRED. "Early Roads and Ferries, the Genesee Highway and Seneca Turnpike Roads."
2321 TENNANT, J.I. "The Relationship between Roads and Agriculture in New York."
2371 THETA SIGMA PHI. The Rochester Professional Chapter of Theta Sigma Phi Honors Four Rochester Newspaper Women ...
2322 THOMAS, LOWELL J. The New York Thruway Story.
2007 THOMPSON, D.G. BRINTON. "Samuel B. Ruggles and His Correction with the Erie Canal."
2395 THOMPSON, ROBERT L. Wiring a Continent: The History of the Telegraphic Industry in the United States, 1832-1866.
2144 THOMSON, THOMAS R., comp. Check List of Publications on American Railroads before 1841: A Union List of Printed Books and Pamphlets ...
2374 TIMES-UNION/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. Your Newspapers and How to Use Them.
2373 TIMES-UNION/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. Your Editorial Page: 1. What It Is. 2. What It Stands For. 3. How It's Produced.
2372 TIMES-UNION/DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE. How Your Newspapers are Made.
6417 TINNEY, JAMES, and MARY BURDETTE-WATKINS. Seaway Trail Lighthouses: An Illustrated Guide to the Historic Lighthouses Along New York State's Great Lakes, Niagara and St. Lawrence Rivers.
2166 TONAWANDA RAIL-ROAD COMPANY. Report upon the Tonawanda Rail-Road Company, Exhibiting Its Present Situation and Future Prospects. By a Committee.
2173 TOZIER, ETHEL A.M. "The Hawley Pea-Pickers Excursions."
2054 TRACY, HENRY. "Report of the Canal Commissioners as to the Supply of Water between Tonawanda and Montezuma."
2053 TRACY, HENRY. "Report on the Cost and Policy of Constructing Reservoirs of Conesus, Hemlock, Honeoye and Canadice Lakes."
2055 TREMAIN, HENRY E. The Canal Railway. Argument of Gen. Henry Edwin Tremain of New York City, before the Senate Canal Committee.
2033 TROUP, ROBERT. A Letter to the Honorable Brockholst Livingston, Esqu., One of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, on the Lake Canal Policy of the State of New-York.
2032 TROUP, ROBERT. A Vindication of the Claim of Elkanah Watson, Esq. to the Merit of Projecting the Lake Canal Policy, as Created by the Canal Act of March 1792. And also, a Vindication of the Claim of the Late General Schuyler to the Merit of Drawing that Act, and Procuring Its Passage through the Legislature.
2360 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "Leonard W. Jerome."
2056 TRUESDALE, DOROTHY S. "The Canal Steamer 'Edward Backus.'"
6388 TURREL, JOHN DANIEL. Jared Daniel Turrel, the Man and His Train.
2262 TYLER, POLLY. Hosea Rogers, Builder of Boats,
2310 U.S. CONGRESS. American State Papers... Class VII: Post Office De-partment.
2270 U.S. DEPT. OF WAR. A Report of a Survey of Genesee River, the South Shore of Lake Ontario, between the Genesee and Oswego Rivers, and Big Sandy Creek, in the State of New York.
2271 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Annual Report upon the Improvement of Harbors on Lake Ontario East of Oak Orchard, N.Y., and of Certain Rivers and Harbors in Northern New York.
2273 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Charlotte Harbor, N.Y.
2274 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Oak Orchard Harbor,
2275 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Pultneyville Harbor, N.Y.
2276 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Great Sodus Bay Harbor,
2277 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Rochester (Charlotte) Harbor,
2278 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Rochester (Charlotte) Harbor,
2279 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. "Irondequoit Bay."
2280 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Great Lakes Harbors Study--Interim Report on Rochester Harbor, New York.
2281 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Great Lakes Harbors Study--Interim Report on Great Sodus Bay, New York.
2272 U.S. ENGINEER DEPT. Charlotte Harbor, N.Y.
2334 U.S. Federal Highway Administration, and N.Y. Department of Transportation. The Rochester Outer Loop (1-590) from Scottsville Road (Route 383) to Winton Road, Monroe County ...
2335 U.S. Federal Highway Administration, and N.Y. Department of Transportation. Final Environmental Impact Statement: Rochester Outer Loop (I7571: Scottsville Road to Winton Road.
2323 U.S. Federal Highway Administration; and N.Y. Department of Transportation. Final Environmental Statement, Administrative Action for the Genesee Expressway, I-390, Dansville to I-90 at Exit 46 (West Henrietta), Livingston and Monroe Counties.
2174 U.S. INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. ... Valuation Docket No. 710. In the Matter of the Tentative Valuation of the Properties of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Railway Company ... as of June 30, 1917. Protestant's Brief in Support of Protest to Tentative Evaluation. Abstract of Evidence. Vol. 1, Part 2, Land.
2311 U.S. Laws, Statutes. Public Statutes at Large ..., 1789-1845, ed. Richard Peters. 5 vols.
6429 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. Proud to Serve, a History of the United States Postal Service in Rochester, New York, 1812-1984.
2126 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Memorial Art Gallery. "The Erie Canal: Thruway of Yesterday." An Exhibition Featuring the 130th Anniversary of the Opening of Rochester's First Aqueduct over the Genesee River. October, November, December, 1953.
2034 VANDERKEMP. FRANCIS ADRIAN. "Extracts from the Vander Kemp Papers. From the Hudson to Lake Ontario in 1792."
5549 VIERHILE, ROBERT J., and WILLIAM J. VIERHILE. The Canandaigua Lake Steamboat Era, 1827 to 1935.
2019 W----. Great Western Canal.
2324 WADSWORTH, JAMES W., JR. The Good Road Problem in Livingston County.
2102 WAGGONER, MADELINE SADLER. The Long Haul West: The Great Canal Era, 1817-1850.
2008 WALKER, BARBARA K., and WARREN S. WALKER, eds. The Erie Canal: Gateway to Empire. Selected Source Materials for College Research Papers.
2036 WATSON, ELKANAH. History of the Rise, Progress, and Existing Condition of the Western Canals in the State of New York, from September, 1788, to the Com-pletion of the Middle Section of the Grand Canal, in 1819, together with the Rise, Progress, and Existing State of Modern Agricultural Societies, on the Berkshire System ...
5529 WCNY Television, Syracuse. The Ditch that Helped Build America.
6379 WERNER, LUTHER. The Old B. R. and P.
6402 WESSELMANN, CARL. "A Line Worth Its Salt!"
2037 WESTERN INLAND LOCK NAVIGATION COMPANY. "The Inland Lock Naviagation Company. First Report of the Directors and Engineer."
2038 WESTERN INLAND LOCK NAVIGATION COMPANY. "Second Report of the Western Inland Lock Naviagation Company, 1798."
2191 WESTING, FREDERICK. Erie Power: Steam and Diesel Locomotives of the Erie Railroad from 1840 to 1970.
2083 WHITBECK, FLORENCE. "New York Barge Canal--Expectations and Realizations."
2178 WHITE, WILLIAM. The Lackawanna, "The Route of Phoebe Snow." 1851-1951, A Centenary Address.
2084 WHITFORD, NOBLE E. History of the Barge Canal of New York State.
2010 WHITFORD, NOBLE E. "Effects of the Erie Canal on New York History."
2009 WHITFORD, NOBLE E. History of the Canal System of the State of New York together with Brief Histories of the Canals of the United States and Canada.
2145 WHITTEMORE, HENRY. Fulfillment of Three Remarkable Prophecies in the History of the Great Empire State Relating to the Development of Steamboat Navigation and Railroad Transportation, 1808-1908.
2376 WILLIAMSON, SAMUEL T. Frank Gannett: A Biography.
2011 WILLOUGHBY, WILLIAM B. "The Impact of the Erie Canal."
2012 WILLOUGHBY, WILLIAM B. "The Inception of the Erie and the Champlain Canal Projects."
6383 WILSON, JOHN G. The Erie Railroad and the Dale Valley.
6435 WING, LEWIS E. The First Telephone Party Line on Wing Street, Bliss, N. Y.
2192 WOODRUFF, ROBERT E. Erie Railroad--Its Beginnings: 1851.
6410 WORBOYS, PAUL S. A Railroad for Lima, an Account of New York State's Unique Shortline - A Steam Railroad Turned Interurban Trolley.
5530 WYLD, LIONEL D. The Erie Canal: A Bibliography.
2013 WYLD, LIONEL D., ed. 40'x28'x4': The Erie Canal--150 Years.
2104 WYLD, LIONEL D. Low Bridge: Folklore and the Erie Canal.
2105 WYLD, LIONEL D. "Boaters and Broomsticks."
2103 WYLD, LIONEL D. "Notes for a Yorker Dictionary of Canales."
6370 WYLD, LIONEL D. Boaters and Broomsticks: Tales & Historical Lore of the Erie Canal.
6371 WYLD, LIONEL D. The Erie Canal; A Bibliography. Revised edition.
2269 YOUNG, ANNA G. Great Lakes' Saga: The Influence of One Family on the Development of Canadian Shipping on the Great Lakes, 1816-1931.
2336 ZODIKOFF, BENJAMIN. 1963 Arterial Network: Rochester Metropolitan Transportation Study.
2057 ZORNOW, WILLIAM F. "Lincoln and the Great Lakes Seaway."

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