Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
3801 “An Early Rochester Physician.”
3820 Report of the Addresses and Sermon at the Dedication of the Clifton Springs Water-Cure, Held July 25, 1856.
3833 The Gift That Grew: The History of the Genesee Hospital, 1889-1965.
3824 “Community Hospital Opened.”
3812 "Castile Sanitarium Observes Centennial."
3813 "Dr. Mary T. Greene Sanitarium: 100 Year Celebration."
3877 “A Specimen of the Absurd Opposition to Doctor Goler.”
3878 “Why the Babies are at Rest: A Plea for Milk Dealers and Health Bureau to Bury the Hatchet instead of the Babies.”
3893 "The News Article That Aroused the Indignation of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Reporting Some of the Local Factory Conditions as Discovered by the State Factory Commission."
3892 "Extracts from the Minutes of the State Factory Investigation Commission."
3896 "Safety Council Completing 40 Years of Service."
3928 "Blue Cross Celebrates 20th Anniversary."
3867 “Our Reproachful Milk Situation.”
3932 "Reflections of a Generation of Service: Blue Shield of the Rochester Area."
3933 "Rochester One of Foremost Cities in Meeting Hospital and Surgical Care Needs."
6651 Park Avenue Park Ridge.
6653 Strong Memorial, The University of Rochester Medical Center.
6654 Announcement of Brigham Hall, a Hospital for the Insane.
3860 “From Doctor Goler's Annual Report.”
3777 Eastman Dental Center, a Half Century of Progress, 1917-1967.
6650 Highland, "Rebel on the Hill".
6657 The Jackson Health Resort, an Institution Distinctive in Methods and Character.
6658 Rx: Tranquility for Health at Clifton Springs.
6659 The Sanatorium, Our Home on the Hillside.
5657 Ontario County Tuberculosis and Health Association, Inc. Ontario County Heart Chapter. Fifty-One Years of Service, 1908-1959.
3885 Health Care of Aged Study: A Study of the Physical and Mental Health Care Needs of Older People in Monroe County, New York.
3845 St. Mary's Hospital. Diamond Jubilee Souvenir History, 1857-1932.
6647 Baker-Cederberg Notebook.
6649 The Gift that Grew: The History of the Genesee Hospital, 1887-1987.
5641 A Collection of the Published Analyses of Avon Mineral Springs, with Remarks on the Use of the Waters, Public Houses, Bathing Establishments, Natural Curiosities, &c.
5642 Dedication of the New Building of the Sanitarium at Clifton Springs, N.Y., 1896.
5643 Report of the Addresses and Sermon at the Dedication of Clifton Springs Water-Cure Held July 25, 1856.
5647 A History of the United States Army Base Hospital No. 19, American Expeditionary Forces, Vichy, France, A.P.O. 781.
5651 30th Anniversary, 1933-1963, Veterans Administration Hospital, Canandaigua, New York.
5652 Semi-Centennial of the Clifton Springs Sanitarium, Clifton Springs, N.Y., 1900.
5653 The Diamond Jubilee, 1850-1925: the Clifton Springs Sanitarium and Clinic ...
5654 Clifton Springs Sanitarium and Clinic, 100th Anniversary, 1850-1950 ...
3848 “'To Work and to Serve': Wyoming County Hospital Women's Auxiliary.”
5649 Plans and Elevations and a Historical Sketch of the Willard Asylum for the Insane at Willard on Seneca Lake, N.Y.
3806 ADAMS, SAMUEL H. Life of Henry Foster, M.D.: Founder, Clifton Springs Sanitarium.
3789 ADAMS, SAMUEL HOPKINS. "Our Forefathers Tackle an Edipemic--The Cholera of 1832."
3790 ALLEN, PHYLLIS. "The Fever: Genesee Country Disease."
3897 ALLISON, HENRY E., comp. An Historical Sketch of the Seneca County Medical Society with Some Account of Its Living and Its Pioneer Members.
3926 AMERICAN RED CROSS. Sixtieth Anniversary, Clara Barton Chapter No. 1 American Red Cross, Dansville, New York. ... Celebration--September 25, 1941 ...
3927 AMERICAN RED CROSS. 75 Years of Service: A History of the Rochester-Monroe County Chapter, American National Red Cross, 1881-1956.
6669 AMERICAN RED CROSS. CLARA BARTON CHAPTER NO. 1 Centennial Celebration, American Red Cross, Clara Barton Chapter No. 1.
3770 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Aesculapius Meets Everard Peck; 150 Years of Medical Books and Learning in Rochester.
6662 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Women in Medicine.
6660 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Samuel Beach Bradley, M.D. 1796-1880. A Rural Practitioner.
6642 ATWATER, EDWARD C. History of Medicine - Lyons Hospital.
6643 ATWATER, EDWARD C. History of Medicine - Seneca Falls Hospital.
5639 ATWATER, EDWARD C. “The Physicians of Rochester, N.Y., 1860-1910: A Study in Professional History, II.” "
6661 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Some Pioneer Practitioners of Rochester, 1811-1830.
6634 ATWATER, EDWARD C. The Profession Organizes: Monroe County Medical Society, 1821.
3780 ATWATER, EDWARD C. “Hulbert Harrington Warner and the Perfect Pitch: Sold Hope; Made Millions.”
3778 ATWATER, EDWARD C. The Medical Profession in a New Society, Rochester, New York (1811-60).
3779 ATWATER, EDWARD C. “The Heyday of Homeopathy in Rochester (1880-1920),”
3781 ATWATER, EDWARD C. “Medical Politics in Rochester, 1865-1925: Hospitals, Clubs and Specialists.”
6644 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Of Grandes Dames, Surgeons, and Hospitals: Batavia, New York, 1900-1940.
6645 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Rochester's Early Hospitals.
6646 ATWATER, EDWARD C. Women, Surgeons, and a Worthy Enterprise: The General Hospital Comes to Upstate New York, pages 40-66 of The American General Hospital: Communities and Social Contexts, edited by Diana Elizabeth Long and Janet Golden.
3898 ATWATER, EDWARD C. A Rural Practitioner: Dr. Samuel Beach Bradley (1796-1880),
3807 ATWATER, EDWARD C., and LAWRENCE A. KOHN. Rochester and the Water-Cure, 1844-1854.
6635 BARNELL, JOHN. The Rochester Pathological Society: Quo Vadis.
3899 BELLOWS, TESTER W., comp. Medical Organization and Medical Biography of Seneca County, New York.
3850 BINGEMAN, MELISSA E. “Live a Little Longer,” the Rochester Plan ...
3802 BLACKWELL, ELIZABETH. Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women: Autobiographical Sketches.
3851 BOCK, FRANKLIN W. “A School for Human Husbandry.”
6636 BODEWES, DONNA CROSSED, and J. WILLIAM SHIELDS Pathological Society - Decline & Revival.
6637 BRANCH, GEORGE L. Pediatric Society Marks 60th Anniversary.
3852 BROOKS, PAUL B. “The New York State Department of Health: An Historical Review.”
3929 BROWN, HERBERT R. "Rochester Regional Blood Program, American National Red Cross."
3822 BUERKI, ROBIN C. Survey of Rochester General Hospital.
3776 BURKHART, HARVEY J. Centennial History of Dentistry in Rochester.
3808 BURR, NANCY J. "The Water-Cure."
3823 CANNON PARTNERSHIP, architects. Master Plan for Redevelopment of Monroe Community Hospital, Rochester, New York.
3809 CARPENTER, CATHY A. "Our Castle on the Hill."
3810 CARSON, GERALD. "Bloomers and Bread Crumbs."
5644 CHAPIN, JOHN B. Brigham Hall, Canandaigua, N.Y., a Hospital for Mental and Nervous Diseases. Anniversary Address. C
3900 CHASE, HERMAN L. "Some Early Physicians of Palmyra."
6670 CHIAVAROLI, LINDA. Operating Within Budget.
3853 COATES, HILDA A. “The Fatal Weed.”
5645 COLGAN, MARGARET. “The Genesee.”
3930 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY. School of Public Health & Administrative Medicine. Prepayment for Medical and Dental Care in New York State: A Report on the Seven Blue Shield Plans ... Serving New York Residents.
3931 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., comp. Clara Barton and Dansville, together with Supplementary Materials. Compiled with the Approval of Clara Barton Chapter No. 1 The American National Red Cross ...
3825 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., comp. Fred R. Driesbach, M.D., Dansville Hospital Pioneer.
3811 CONKLIN, WILLIAM D., comp. The Jackson Health Resort: Pioneer in Its Field, as Seen by Those Who Knew It Well ...
3771 COOKSLEY, FLORENCE A. A History of Medicine in the State of New York and the County of Monroe.
3772 CORNER, BETSY C. A Century of Medicine in Rochester: Early Physicians and Medical Institutions.
3799 CORNER, BETSY C. “Rochester's Early Medical School.”
3800 CORNER, BETSY C. “Early Medical Education in Western New York, Geneva, and Rochester Areas, 1827 to 1872.”
3826 COTTLE, MAURICE H. “Reconstructive: John Orlando Roe, Pioneer in Modern Rhinoplasty.”
3856 CRANE, CAROLINE BARTLETT. “The Crane Arraignment of Our Housing Code.
3854 CRANE, CAROLINE BARTLETT. “Preliminary Survey of the Sanitary Survey of Rochester.”
3855 CRANE, CAROLINE BARTLETT. A Sanitary Survey of Rochester, N.Y.
3857 CRANE, CAROLINE BARTLETT. “Rochester's Dangerous Meat Supply.”
6664 CUSHING, HARVEY. The Pioneer Medical Schools of Central New York, an Address at the Centenary Celebration of The College of Medicine of Syracuse University.
3934 CUTLER, JAMES G. Address of Hon. James G. Cutler, Mayor, before the Rochester Ministerial Association, January 30, 1905.
3803 DE LANCEY, MARGARET MUNRO. "Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell's Graduation—An Eye-Witness Account by Margaret Munro DeLancey," ed. Wendell Tripp.
3858 DODGE, CHARLES W. “Making Diphtheria Antitoxin Serum: An Episode in the Medical History of Rochester.”
3791 DRAKE, DANIEL. A Systematic Treatise, Historical, Etiological and Practical, on the Principal Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America ...
6655 DWYER, ELLEN. Homes for the Mad, Life Inside Two Nineteenth-Century Asylums.
5646 EDMUND, Sister Mary. “St. Mary's.” "
3908 ELLENBOGEN, BERT L., and others. "Changes in the Availability and Use of Health Resources in Two Western New York Counties; Identical Households, 1950 and 1958."
3827 EVANS, SUE-JANE K. A Hospital Grows: Rochester General Hospital.
3792 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Genesee Fever.
3828 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Useless Hospitals.
3814 FRANCIS, JOHN W. Observations on the Mineral Waters of Avon, Livingston County, New-York.
3859 FRANKEL, LEE K., and LOUIS I. DUBLIN. “Community Sickness Survey, Rochester, New York, September, 1915.” U.S.Public Health Service, Public Health Reports, Feb. 25, 1916, pp. 423-38.
3909 FRENCH, ROBERT M. "A Doctor of the Old School, Wallace J. French, M.D."
6648 GENESEE HOSPITAL. The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Genesee Hospital.
3910 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Regional Environmental Health Planning Committee. Private Sewage Disposal of the Genesee Region.
3911 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Health Data Resource Book, 1971.
3912 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Radiological Health Task Force. Radiological Health in the Genesee Region.
3935 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Drug Use and Abuse Program in Monroe County: An Inventory.
3830 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Survey of the Need for Inpatient Beds in Monroe County, 1974-1975.
3831 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Hospital Obstetrical Care Plan ...
3829 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Survey of Need for Inpatient Beds and Related Home Health Care Services, Monroe County, 1969-70.
3913 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Task Force on Food and Milk Safety. Food and Milk Safety in the Genesee Region.
3914 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Environmental Health Manpower Committee. Environmental Health Manpower in the Genesee Region.
3915 GENESEE REGION HEALTH PLANNING COUNCIL. Regional Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Alcoholism Plan.
3832 GENESEE VALLEY LEAGUE FOR NURSING. History of the Genesee Valley League for Nursing, 1915-1967.
3863 GOLER, GEORGE W. “Dr. Edward Mott Moore: The Beloved Physician.”
6665 GOLER, GEORGE WASHINGTON. Health in Rochester, 1834-1911, an Unpublished Essay by George W. Goler, Heath Officer of the City of Rochester, New York from 1896 to 1932.
3861 GOLER, GEORGE W. The Sanitation of Rochester.
3862 GOLER, GEORGE W. The Origin, Development and Results of Municipal Milk Work in Rochester, N.Y. Reprinted from Maryland Medical Journal, June 1906. 8 pp.
3815 GORDON, ELIZABETH PUTNAM. The Story of the Life and Work of Cordelia A. Greene, M.D.
3901 GRANEY, CHARLES M. "Medical History of Genesee Country: Early Settlement to War of 1812."
3816 GREENE, EDWARD. "Recollections of Early Days at the Water Cure with Dr. Cordelia Greene."
3884 HARDER, GAYLE LOCKHART. An Ecological Study of Mental Disorders in Rochester, New York.
3936 HART, WILLIAM T., and others. “Community Facilities for Alcoholics in Rochester, N.Y.”
3891 HARVEY, JULIEN H. The Rochester Public Safety Campaign, Promoted and Managed by the National Safety Council, Its Rochester Local Council, and the Rochester Chamber of Commerce. A Report of Organized Public Safety Activities in the City of Rochester, N.Y., March 1 to September 1, 1918.
3917 HAY, DONALD G., and OLAF F. LARSON. "Use of Health Resources by Rural People in Two Western New York Counties, 1950."
3916 HAY, DONALD G., and OLAF F. LARSON. "Medical and Health Care Resources Available in Livingston County, New York, 1950."
3864 HAYES, CATHERINE D. “Edward Mott Moore: Nineteenth Century Medical Student.”
3937 HEALTH ASSOCIATION OF ROCHESTER & MONROE COUNTY. Restart: A Treatment Program for Monroe County Residents Caught in the Spiral of Drug Abuse.
6666 HEALTH ASSOCIATION OF ROCHESTER AND MONROE COUNTY. The Blackwell Medical Society and the Professionalization of Women Physicians.
3918 HEALTH COUNCIL OF MONROE COUNTY. Work Plan on Organization and Health Facilities Planning for the Health Council of Monroe County and the Genesee Region Health Planning Council ...
3793 HENDERSON, DONALD A. "Epidemic Cholera, Rochester, 1833."
3938 HESS, JOSEPH F. The Autobiography of Joseph F. Hess, the Converted Prize-Fighter. A Book of Thrilling Experiences and Timely Warnings to Young Men ...
3782a HOLBROOK, STEWART H. “Phrenology in New York State.”
3834 HOLTON, GLADYS REID. “The History of Nursing in Rochester.”
3794 HOLTON, GLADYS REID. "The Western Barge.'"
6656 HOOLIHAN, CHRISTOPHER, introduction. The Rochester Lake View Water-Cure Institution, a Facsimile of the 1851 Prospectus, with an Introduction....
3835 HOSPITAL FACILITIES COMMITTEE. Study of Bed Requirements in the General Hospitals of Monroe County.
3773 ISCHE, JOHN P., comp. Annotated Bibliography for the History of Medicine in New York State.
5655 JEWETT, JOHN H. One Hundred Years: Address of the President ... Annual Meeting of Canandaigua Medical Society, January 14, 1932.
3817 JOHNSON, JOSEPHINE M. "The Water Cure at 'The San.'"
3804 JOHNSTON, MALCOLM S. Elizabeth Blackwell and Her Alma Mater: The Story in the Documents.
3782 JOYNT, ROBERT J. The Golden Age of Quackery.
6640 KAIDY, MITCH. He Wrote the Prescription for Success.
3939 KINGSTON, PATTI J., and JEFFREY O. SMITH. A Study of Drug Abuse in Rochester and Monroe County.
3865 KOHN, LAWRENCE A. “Goiter, Iodine and George W. Goler: The Rochester Experiment.”
3919 KOOS, EARL L. The Health of Regionville: That the People Thought and Did about It.
3818 KURTZ, DONALD. "The Warsaw Sanitarium."
3783 LATHROP, CLARISSA CALDWELL. A Secret Institution.
3902 LAUDERDALE, WALTER E. "History of the Medical Society of Livingston County, New York."
3774 LEONARDO, RICHARD A. History of Surgery in Rochester, New York.
3903 LESTER, ELIAS. "The Medical Profession."
3819 LOSSING,BENSON J. "Sulphur Springs of New York."
3836 LOVEJOY, DAVID B., JR. “The Hospital and Society: the Growth of Hospitals in Rochester, New York, in the Nineteenth Century.”
3795 LUDLOW, EDWARD G. Observations on the Lake Fevers and Other Diseases of the Genesee Country, in the State of New-York.
3838 MacLEAN, BASIL C. Hospital Facilities, Rochester, N.Y.
3837 McCOMBS, CARL E.. Business Management of the Community Chest-Participating Hospitals of Rochester, New York.
5648 MCGINTY, KATHRYN S. “A History of Rochester: General Hospital before 1900.”
3866 McKELVEY, BLAKE. The History of Public Health in Rochester, New York.”
3904 MEACHEM, JOHN G. "Story of a Doctor: The Autobiography of Dr. John G. Meachem, Sr."
3920 MEDICAL SOCIETY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 20,000 Years of Service; A Commemorative Booklet in Honor of Physicians Who Have Served Their Communities Fifty Years or More.
3940 MONROE COUNTY. Mental Health Department. Directory of Agencies in Monroe County Providing Services on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol and Drugs.
3886 MONROE COUNTY. Committee on Chronic Illness. Monroe County Chronic Illness Study.
3887 MONROE COUNTY. Committee on Chronic Illness. Guidelines to Action: Planning for the Chronically Ill in Monroe County.
5656 MORRISON, WAYNE E. Pictorial Album of the Willard Asylum, 1869-1886..
3839 N.Y. State Board of Charities. Report of the State Board of Charities on the Selection of a Site for and the Organization of an Epileptic Colony.
3888 NEIGHBORHOOD HEALTH CENTERS OF MONROE COUNTY, Inc. Proposal for a Community Health Network, Rochester, New York.
3905 O'BRIEN, H. R. "History of Public Health in Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, and Allegany Counties."
6663 OVERTON, WAHNETTA H. The Alpha Omega Class of 1936 WCCH.
6639 PEARTREE, ROBERT. Fifty Years of Hospital-Physician Cooperation.
3941 PITTMAN, DAVID J., and C. WAYNE GORDON. Revolving Door: A Study of the Chronic Police Case Inebriate. Glencoe, III.: The Free Press;
3868 RAFTER, GEORGE W. “Report on an Endemic of Typhoid Fever at the Village of Springwater, N.Y., in Oct. and Nov. 1889,”
3942 RICHARDS, THOMAS B. Drinking Patterns among Fifty Police Case Alcoholics.
3796 RICHMOND, PHYLLIS A. "Asiatic Cholera in Rochester."
3784 RICHMOND, PHYLLIS ALLEN. “Was William E. Clarke of Rochester the First American to Use Ether for Surgical Anesthesia?”
3921 RILEY, GREGORY J., and others. "A Study of Fanily Medicine in Upstate New York."
6641 RIPSTEIN, ANITA. The Doctor and His Medicine.
3894 ROCHESTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The Smoke Shroud: How to Banish It.
3890 ROCHESTER COMMUNITY CHEST. A Study of Public Health in Rochester and Monroe County, New York ...
3840 ROCHESTER COMMUNITY CHEST. A Survey of the Facilities for the Care of the Sick of Rochester, New York.
3889 ROCHESTER COMMUNITY CHEST. A Survey of the Health Agencies of Rochester, New York.
6667 ROCHESTER DENTAL DISPENSARY. The Tonsil-Adenoid Clinic of the Rochester Dental Dispensary, Seven Weeks: July 26th to September 10th, 1920; an Account of 1470 Operations Performed.
3841 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. A Study to Assist Park Avenue Hospital Plan Its Future Role in Rochester and Monroe County.
3842 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. A Limited Study of the Present and Future Need for Hospital and Other Related Care Services in Wayne County, New York to Assist E.J. Barber and Lyons Community Hospitals, Lyons, New York, Plan for the Future.
3843 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. A Study of Patient Usage Patterns and Projections of General Care Bed Needs 1970-1980 in the Rochester Regional Hospital Council Area.
3922 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. Profile: Nursing Home Facilities within the Rochester Regional Hospital Council Area.
3923 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. A Study of the Present and Future Need for Long-Term Care Facilities and Related Services in Ontario County.
3924 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. Attitudes of Physicians towards Small Community Practice.
3925 ROCHESTER REGIONAL HOSPITAL COUNCIL. Social, Economic and Demographic Factors Affecting the Physician Population in Small Communities.
3895 ROCHESTER SAFETY COUNCIL. Casualty Complications: A Statistical Study of Traffic Accidents in Rochester, New York, for the Twelve-Year Period Ending in 1936….
3797 ROCHESTER. Board of Health. Report of the Board of Health, on Cholera, as It Appeared in Rochester, New York, in 1852; Published by Order of the Board.
3869 ROCHESTER. Committee on Public Safety. Rochester Milk Survey.
3870 ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. Vital Statistics of Rochester, N.Y., for March, 1883 ...
3871 ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. Per Cent of Deaths at Ten Age Periods to Total Deaths, 1884 to 1917 Inclusive.
3872 ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. Mortality Chart of Infancy and Old Age.
3873 ROCHESTER. Health Bureau. Fifty Years of Health in Rochester, New York, 1900-1950.
3798 RODGERS, MILES M. Causes of Contagious and Epidemic Diseases, with Hints for Their Prevention, and Reform in Medical Police.
6652 ROMANO, JOHN. Origins of Wing R.
6622 ROSE, RICHARD. The Profession Organizes, 1821.
6668 ROSENBERG-NAPARSTECK, RUTH. Life and Death in Nineteenth-Century Rochester.
3844 ROSENFELD, LEONARD S., and HENRY B. MAKOVER. The Rochester Regional Hospital Council.
3805 ROSS, ISHBEL. Child of Destiny: The Life Story of the First Woman Doctor.
3906 ROWE, MARTHA BELKNAP. "Always Eat the Best Apple."
3943 RUMBALL, EDWIN A. “Drunks, but Citizens: An Appeal for the Conservation of Rochester Men.”
3874 SLAVIN, HOWARD B. “Hope Hospital, The Rochester Municipal Hospital,” 1869-1903.”
3875 SLAVIN, HOWARD B. “Rochester--The Emergence of Its Great Health Officer, Dr. Goler,”
3876 SLAVIN, HOWARD B. “Rochester Smallpox, 1902-03--The End of It.”
3846 SMITH, VIRGINIA JEFFREY. A Century of Service: Rochester General Hospital, 1847-1947.
5650 SPENCER, HARRIET HOLLISTER. Being a Short and Incomplete History of the Labours of the “Lady Supervisors” in the Founding and Upbuilding of the Rochester Homeopathic, Later the Genesee Hospital. Compiled from Old Records, Early Newspaper Files, the Hospital Leaflet, and the Long Memories of Some of the Ladies Themselves.
3847 SPRATLING, WILLIAM P. “Address ...”
5640 STONE, LOIS GREENE. “Medical Practice in Early Pittsford.”
3785 TOZIER, ETHEL A.M. “John G. Meacham, M.D., Local Pioneer in Use of Chloroform.”
3821 TREUSDELL, CAROL S. "Greenwood Springs."
3849 UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER. Medical Center. Fifty Years of Medicine at Rochester.
3775 WALSH, J.J. History of Medicine in New York: Three Centuries of Medical Progress.
3907 WAYNE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. An Historical Sketch of the Wayne County Medical Society with Brief Notices of the Living and Pioneer Members.
3786 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “Great Pioneer Inventions--The Mignon Cold Lamp: The Product of Rochester Genius.”
3879 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “The Certified Milk Movement.”
3881 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “A Study in Rochester's Infant Mortality.”
3882 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “The Problem of Milk Production for Rochester: Why Your Milk is Going to Cost More.”
3883 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “How Rochester is Wasting Nearly Half a Million Dollars by Inefficient Refrigeration.”
3880 WILLIAMS, JOHN R. “The Economic Problems of Milk Distribution in Their Relation to Public Health.” Proceedings, Fifteenth Annual International Congress of Hygiene and Demography, Vol. 5, pp. 128-40.
3787 WOFSON, IRVING. “The Influence of the Erie Canal on Medical Education and Practice in Upstate New York.”
3788 WOLFE, ANDREW D. “The Incredible Trial of Dr. Joseph Biegler.”
3945 ZAX, MELVIN, and others. “A Survey of the Prevalence of Alcoholism in Monroe County, N.Y., 1961.”
3944 ZAX, MELVIN, and others. “Public Intoxication in Rochester: A Survey of Individuals Charged during 1961.”

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