Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1047 The Holland Land Company.
1054 “The Holland Land Office: The Genesee Story Yesterday and Today.”
966 The Balloting Book, and Other Documents Relating to Military Bounty Lands, in the State of New York.
1062 "Sesqui-Centennial of Ellicott Survey."
987 The earlier ed. of 1798 is reviewed in Monthly Magazine and American Review, 1 (1799), 119-24. Williamson probably wrote also “An Account of Captain Williamson's Establishment on Lake Ontario in North America.”
1031 AMERMAN, RICHARD H. The Holland Land Company in Western New York.
1032 BARTLETT, G. HUNTER. Andrew and Joseph Ellicott: The Plans of Washington City and the Village of Buffalo and Some of the Persons Concerned.
967 BATES, ALBERT C. “The Connecticut Gore Land Company,” pp. 139-62 in American Historical Association, Annual Report, 1898.
968 BOYD, JULIAN P. “Attempts to Form New States in New York and Pennsylvania, 1786-1796.”
991 BRIDEL, LOUIS. Le Pour et le Contre ou avis a ceaux qui se proposent de passer dans les tats-Unis d'Amerique. Suivi d'une description du Kentucky et du Genesy, deux des nouveaux etablissemens les plus considerables de cette partie du nouveau monde. Paris: Levrault, Schoelli & Comp., 1803. Trans. by H.F. DePuy. “'Le Pour et le Contre': One of the Rarest of Books Relating to Western New York.”
6183 BROOKS, CHARLES EDWARD. Economic Change and Agrarian Conflict in the Holland Land Purchase of Western New York, 1800-1845.
1033 BUTTERWORTH, ELSIE WALKER. John Lincklaen of the Holland Land Company.
969 CHAPPELL, JOSEPHINE GREIG. “Early History of the Genesee Country-- Events and Men.”
1034 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. Joseph Ellicott Enters Politics.
1035 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “Joseph Ellicott's Big Family.”
1036 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “Politics, Roads, and Taxes in the Holland Purchase.”
1041 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. Joseph Ellicott and the Holland Land Company: The Opening of Western New York.
1038 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “Joseph Ellicott and the Bank of Niagara.”
1039 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “Joseph Ellicott, the Embargo, and the War of 1812.”
1040 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “The Van Eeghen Collection.”
1037 CHAZANOF, WILLIAM. “Joseph Ellicott and the Grand Canal.”
5452 CHERNOW, BARBARA A. “Robert Morris and Alexander Hamilton: Two Financiers in New York,” pp. 77-98 in Business Enterprise in Early New York, ed. Joseph R. Frese and Jacob Judd. "
5453 CHERNOW, BARBARA A. “Robert Morris: Genesee Land Speculator,” New York History, 58 (1977), 194-220.
1042 COLT, JUDAH. Judah Colt's Narrative. Experiences as Pioneer Surveyor in Western New York, and as Agent for the Pennsylvania Population Company, 1789-1808.
992 CONOVER, GEORGE S. The Genesee Tract. Cessions between New York and Massachusetts. The Phelps and Gorham Purchase. Robert Morris. Captain Charles Williamson and the Pulteney Estate.
985 COOPER, THOMAS. Some Information Respecting America.
1007 COWAN, HELEN I. Charles Williamson: Genesee Promoter--Friend of Anglo- American Rapprochement.
1008 COWAN, HELEN I. “Charles Williamson and the Southern Entrance to the Genesee Country.”
1009 COWAN, HELEN I. “Williamsburg: Lost Village on the Genesee.”
1010 COWAN, HELEN I., and A.J.H. RICHARDSON, eds. William Berczy's Williamsburg Documents.
1011 COX, ISAAC J. Hispanic-American Phases of the 'Burr Conspiracy.'
5454 DIPPEL, HORST. “German Emigration to the Genesee Country in 1792: An Episode in German-American Migration,” pp. 161-69 in Germany and America: Essays on Problems of International Relations and Immigration, ed. Hans L. Trefousse.
970 DU PONT, BESSIE GARDNER. Lives of Victor and Josephine Du Pont.
1044 ELLICOTT, JOSEPH. “Extracts from Jos. Ellicott's Letter Books and Early Correspondence.”
1043 ELLICOTT, JOSEPH. The Holland Land Company and Canal Construction in Western New York. Correspondence Now First Published. Publications of the Buffalo Historical Society, 14 (1910), 3-185.
1045 ELLICOTT, JOSEPH. Reports of Joseph Ellicott as Chief of Survey (1797-1800) and as Agent (1800-1821) of the Holland Land Company's Purchase in Western New York, ed. Robert W. Bingham.
1046 EVANS, ELLICOTT. Reminiscences of Joseph Ellicott.
971 EVANS, PAUL D. “The Frontier Pushed Westward,” pp. 141-75 in History of New York State, ed. Alexander C. Flick, Vol. 5.
1012 EVANS, PAUL D. The Pulteney Purchase.
993 FOREMAN, EDWARD R. Crown Grants and Early Land Claims Affecting the Rochester Region. Centennial History of Rochester, Vol. l, pp. 111-27.
1048 FRENCH, ROBERT M. Merchandizing New Lands.
5455 GOEBEL, JULIUS, JR., and JOSEPH H. SMITH, eds. The Law Practice of Alexander Hamilton: Documents and Commentary. 5 vols.
1013 HAIGHT, SAMUEL S. A Reply to Col. Troup's Defense, of the Agency of the Pulteney Estate, against the Charge of Exerting Its Influence in the State Elections …
1014 HAMILTON, M. H. A Leaf from the Past. Some Memories of "Grieg Hall," Canandaigua.
972 HIGGINS, RUTH L. Expansion in New York, with Especial Reference to the Eighteenth Century.
6184 HILBERT, ALFRED G. The Pre-Emption Line: Its Historical Background of Conflicting Charters.
1049 HOLLAND LAND CO. Refutation of the claim of John Livingston, Esquire, to Lands in the Western District of the State of New-York, under Certain Indian Leases; together with the Opinions of Counsel Thereon.
1050 HOLLAND LAND CO. .. Memorial of Paul Busti. To the Honorable the Legislature of the State of New-York, in Senate and Assembly Convened.
1051 HOLLAND LAND CO. Proceedings of the Meeting Held at Lockport, Jan. 2-3, 1827 ... and of the Convention of Delegates from the Several Counties Held at Buffalo on the Holland Purchase ...
1052 HOLLAND LAND CO. An Address to the Landholders and Inhabitants of the Holland Purchase. on the Subject of the Holland Land Company's Title, and Remonstrating against the Proceedings of a County Convention, Held at Buffalo, 11th Feb., 1830.
1053 HOLLAND LAND CO. A Deduction of the Titles to the Several Tracts of Lands in the State of New York, Composing the Tract of Country Called the Holland Purchase.
994 HUMPHREY, GEORGE H. “Nathaniel Gorham.”
1055 KENNEDY, JOHN. Robert Morris and the Holland Purchase.
995 KING, MOSES B. “The Twenty-Thousand-Acre Tract.”
5456 KLINE, MARY JO. “The 'New'
973 LESTER, CAROLINE F. “The Finger Lakes Region at the Turn of the 18th Century.”
1056 LEWIS, SIMEON D. "Land Policies in Wyoming County."
974 LIVERMORE, SHAW. Early American Land Companies: Their Influence on Corporate Development.
996 LIVERMORE, SHAW. “Advent of Corporations in New York.”
1058 LIVINGSTON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. A History of the Treaty of Big Tree, and an Account of the Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Making of the Treaty, Held at Geneseo, N.Y., September the Fifteenth, Eighteenth Hundred Ninety-Seven.
6185 LIVSEY, KAREN E. Western New York Land Transactions, 1804-1824; Extracted from the Archives of the Holland Land Company.
997 McKELVEY, BLAKE. Historic Aspects of the Phelps and Gorham Treaty of July 4-8, 1788. Rochester History, l, no. 1 (Jan. 1939), 1-24.
1016 McNALL, NEIL A. John Grieg: Land Agent and Speculator.
1057 MILLIKEN, CHARLES F. "Thomas Morris."
975 MINARD, JOHN S. “Intimate Friend of Old Celebrities in America and Europe: Life Story of John Church ...”
982 MORRIS, ROBERT. An Account of the Soil, Growing Timber, and Other Productions, of the Lands in the Countries Situated in the Back Parts of the States of New York and Pensylvania, in North America. And Particularly the Lands in the County of Ontario, Known by the Name of the Genesee Tract. ... London: 1791. Repr. with omissions in Gilbert Imlay, A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America ..., 3d ed. London: J. Debrett, 1797. From here it was again repr. in Documentary History of the State of New-York, ed. E.B. O'Callaghan, Vol. 2, pp. 111-1125.
976 MORRIS, THOMAS. “Mementoes of Western Settlement. Narrative of Events in the History and Settlement of Western New York, in the Personal Recollections of Thomas Morris, Esqu. Communicated by Henry O'Rielly.”
1059 N.Y. ASSEMBLY. Report of the Minority of the Select Committee on the Petition of Inhabitants Residing on the Holland Purchase.
1017 N.Y. LEGISLATURE. Acts of the Legislature of the State of New-York, Respecting the Titles of the Pulteney & Hornby Estates, and Reports of Attorneys- General Hall and Barker on the Same.
998 OSGOOD, HOWARD L. “The Title of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase.”
999 PALTSITS, VICTOR H. Judge Augustus Porter, Pioneer of Niagara Falls, with an Account of His Business Day Book of 1818 to 1822.
999 PALTSITS, VICTOR H. “Judge Augustus Porter, Pioneer of Niagara Falls, with an Account of His Business Day Book of 1818 to 1822.”
1018 PARKER, ARTHUR C. Charles Williamson, Builder of the Genesee Country.
1060 PEDERSEN, GILBERT. J. "Early Title to Indian Reservations in Western New York."
5459 PIETERSE, WILHELMINA C. Inventory of the Archives of the Holland Land Company, Including the Related Amsterdam Companies and Negotiations Dealing with the Purchase of Land and State Funds in the United States of America, 1789-1869, trans. Sytha Hart.
1000 PORTER, AUGUSTUS. Narrative of Early Years in the Life of Judge Augustus Porter, Written by Him in 1848 for the Young Men's Association of Buffalo.
1000 PORTER, AUGUSTUS. “Narrative of Early Years in the Life of Judge Augustus Porter, Written by Him in 1848 for the Young Men's Association of Buffalo.”
1019 PULTENEY, ESTATE, complainant. In the Court of Chancery, between Sir John L. Johnstone, Complainant, and Sir James Pulteney, Sir Thomas Jones, Christopher Codrington, Robert Troup, Mary Foster, and Andrew Craigie, Defendants. Case both on the Part of the Complainant and of the Defendants.
1020 PULTENEY, ESTATE, complainant. (Pulteney and Hornby Estates, 1850.)
1021 PULTENEY, ESTATE, complainant. Pulteney and Horby Titles. Supreme Court. Masterton Ure and Others, vs. Almerin Graves. Opinion of the Supreme Court in Favor of the Title, Delivered by Justice Welles, at the Monroe General Term, September, 1850. Also copies of Various Public Documents Respecting the Title.
1022 PULTENEY, ESTATE, complainant. respondent. In the Supreme Court. ... Henry C. Howard, George C.K. Johnston, Henry Chaplin and James R. Farquharson, Respondents, against Geo. K. Moot, Appellant ... Dated March 20th, 1875 ....
1015 ROACH, GEORGE, ed. Johnstone-Troup Correspondence.
1001 ROBINSON, CHARLES M. Life of Augustus Porter: A Pioneer in Western New York,
977 ROSENBERRY, LOIS KIMBALL MATHEWS. The Expansion of New England: The Spread of New England Settlement and Institutions to the Mississippi River, 1620-1865.
6186 SAFRAN, FRANCISKA. The Preservation of the Holland Land Company Records.
978 SAKOLSKI, AARON M. The Great American Land Bubble: The Amazing Story of Land-Grabbing, Speculations, and Booms from Colonial Days to the Present Time.
979 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. The Claim of the Ogden Land Company.
1061 SAMSON, WILLIAM H. "The Treaty of Big Tree."
980 SHERWOOD, J.B. “The Military Tract.”
5458 SILES, WILLIAM H. "Pioneering in the Genesee Country: Strategy and the Concept of a Central Place," pp. 35-68 in New Opportunities in a New Nation, ed., Jonas and Wells.
1002 SILSBY, ROBERT W. Credit and Creditors in the Phelps-Gorham Purchase.
1063 SILSBY, ROBERT W. "The Holland Land Company in Western New York."
981 SIZER, THEODORE. “John Trumbull, 'Patriot-Painter,' in Northern New York.”
1023 SNYDER, ALONZO, defendant. In the Supreme Court. The People of the State of New York, vs. Alonzo Snyder: Notice of Appeal from Judgment.
1024 SOMMERFELDT, JOHN HENRY. The Diary of a German on his Way to Upper Canada. ed. G. Elmore Reaman.
1003 SUTHERLAND, ARTHUR E. Out of the Past: How the Ghost of the Ancient Hartford Treaty Reappeared in Rochester. Centennial History of Rochester, Vol. l, pp 235-44.
1025 TRIPP, WENDELL. Robert Troup: A Quest for Security in a Turbulent New Nation, 1775-1832.
1026 TROUP, ROBERT. In Assembly … Feb. l, 1814: The Committee to Whom were Referred the Several Petitions of the Settler of the Pulteney Estate.
1027 TROUP, ROBERT. A Defense of the Agency of the Pulteney Estate, against the Charge of Exerting Its Influence in the State Elections.
1028 TROUP, ROBERT. Instructions from Robert Troup, as Chief Agent of the Pulteney Estate, to William M'Cay, in Respect to the Management of the Estate ...
984 VAIL, ROBERT W.G. “The Lure of the Land Promoter: A Bibliographical Study of Certain New York Real Estate Rarities.”
990 VAIL, R.W.G. “A Western New York Land Prospectus,” pp. 112-26 in Bookmen's Holiday ...
987 VAIL, R.W.G. The voice of the Old Frontier.
1029 VAN DEUSEN, JOHN G. Robert Troup: Agent of the Pulteney Estate.
983 VAN PRADELLES, BENEDICT? Reflecting offertes aux capitalistes de l'Europe, sur les benefices immences, que presente l'achat de terres incultes, situees dans les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique.
1004 WANDELL, SAMUEL H. Oliver Phelps.
1005 WHITE, W. PIERREPONT. Indian Possessions and Settled Areas in New York State from 1771 to 1820.
1006 WHITE, W. PIERREPONT. “Maps Showing Iroquois Hereditary Lands.”
1064 WILKINSON, NORMAN B. "Robert Morris and the Treaty of Big Tree."
1065 WILLIAMS, CLARA L. T. Joseph Ellicott and Stories of the Holland Purchase.
989 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES, Pseudonym “Robert Munro.” A View of the Present Situation of the Western Parts of the State of New-York, Called the Genesee Country ... Frederick-Town (Md.): Printed at the “Herald” Press for the author, 1804. 23 pp. 300 copies of this first ed. repr. 1892 for George P. Humphrey, Rochester. Repr. again 1939 by Monroe County Division of Regional Planning, Rochester. 17 pp., mimeograph. 4th ed. has only minor changes in text, but is called A Description of the Genesee Country, in the State of New-York ...
988 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. Observations on the Proposed State Road, from Hudson's River, near the City of Hudson, to Lake Erie, by the Oleout, Catherine's, Bath, and Gray's Settlement, on the Western Bounds of Steuben County.
986 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. Description of the Genesee Country, Its Rapidly Progressive Population and Improvements: In a Series of Letters from a Gentleman to His Friend.
5457 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES. “Description of the Genesee Country--Its Rapidly Progressive Population and Improvements,” pp. 1-12 in Appendix to Vol. 4 of John Pyne, New and Complete System of Universal Geography ...
1030 WILLIS, CLARENCE. Pulteney Land Title, Together with the Illustrations of Characters Prominent in the Colonization and Settlement of Western New York.
6187 WYCKOFF, WILLIAM. The Developer's Frontier: The Making of the Western New York Landscape.
6188 WYCKOFF, WILLIAM. Land Subdivision on the Holland Purchase in Western New York State, 1797-1820.
5460 WYCKOFF, WILLIAM K. “Joseph Ellicott and the Western New York Frontier: Environmental Assessments, Geographical Strategies and Authored Landscapes, 1797-1811.”
1066 YOUNG ELEANOR. Forgotten Patriot: Robert Morris.

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