Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
166 BEACH, CANDACE. "Diary of Candace Beach."
5891 LE ROY SESQUICENTENNIAL HISTORICAL COMMITTEE. The Heritage of Le Roy; A Pictorial History of the Village of Le Roy, New York.
167 LEROY HISTORICAL SOCIETY. The Heritage of LeRoy.
168 McVEAN, ALBERT F. "LeRoy in 1823."
169 McVEAN, ALBERT F. "LeRoy's Bicentennial: or A Mere Glance at Local Changes during the Past 200 Years."
170 SCHMIDT, CARL F. The LeRoy Settlement.
171 TOMLINSON, GEORGE. From Youth to Seventy and What I Saw by the Way.

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