Mt. Hope & Riverside Cemetery Records: Search

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Although the Department of Rare Books & Special Collections maintains the databases for Mt. Hope and Riverside Cemetery Records, we do not have the information to answer questions about the location of burial sites, the names of other family members buried in a plot, etc. Please direct these inquiries to the Friends of Mt Hope. From their website at clicking on "Contact Us" opens up a page where you can ask your question.

About the database:

This database is an online version of a 4-cd set of microfilmed images produced with a New York State grant. Some 360,000 burials in Mount Hope Cemetery over a period of 164 years are included here, as well as the records of Riverside Cemetery.

The database only includes records up until early 2002. All records since that time have been computerized and are available by contacting the cemetery directly.

How to use the database and interpret the ledger image:

To find the entry for Herbert Doughty, type Do in the search box; if you knew he was buried in Mt Hope and died in 1894, you could select the date range "Mt. Hope: Jan 1, 1893 - Dec 31, 1906" from the menu box. If you did not know the cemetery or year, leave this choice at "Any." Click "search."

On the result page, click the "Image" link to see the ledger page. Doughty's first name begins with H, so he is found on the left hand page in the middle, at the "E-F-G-H-I" notation.

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